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Pat awoke first and slipped off to the washroom. As she emerged, she noticed a note that had been slipped under the door. She picked it up and read it, “We have a proposition. Meet us for breakfast at 9:00 if you’re as curious as we think you are!” It was signed with the same flourished ‘T’ as the previous day’s note had been with a less flourished ‘I’ next to it, with the number 214 underneath. Two very distinct lipstick prints covered the writing, one in dark red and one in a softer shade. She returned to the bed and climbed in next to her sleeping lovers.

Her snuggling in woke Laura who then woke John when she turned over to kiss her girlfriend. “Good morning!” she said softly, a broad smile on her face.

“It might be,” answered Pat, handing her the note. She read it and looked at Pat, her mouth formed into a round ‘O’.

“Do you think they want to get together with us?” she asked.

“Who get together with whom?” asked John groggily. “What are you two cooking up now?”

“Good morning my darling husband,” Laura purred, craning her neck for a kiss. She got a mumbled reply. Pat’s fingers found his lips and he kissed them.

Good morning, handsome husband of my beautiful girlfriend!” Pat teased.

“Morning,” he mumbled, he was not a morning person. Well, in one way he was. “What’s up?”

Laura passed him the note. As he read it, his eyebrows raised, “Interesting,” was all he said.

“What do you think?” asked Laura. In her mind, they were all in bed together, a tangle of arms and legs, as they sought to satisfy each other.

“I think we should get ready and go for breakfast,” he answered, getting out of bed and going to the washroom, his morning wood sticking out in front of him.

“I see my breakfast right there!” leered Laura. Pat rolled her eyes and pushed her down for a proper kiss.

John heard the noises they were making, “You two don’t have time for that!” he called from the bathroom. He started the shower and got in, just as he was finishing rinsing off, the glass door slid open and Pat joined him. “We don’t have time either,” he said as she offered her lips for a kiss.

“I just wanted my good morning kiss, who knows how long it will be before I get the next one from you!” He toyed with her breasts for a moment, washed her pussy and her back, and then got out. As he dried off, his wife came in and ran her fingertip along his cock, teasing him before she joined Pat in the shower.

“Make it quick!” he said, “We’ve only got twenty minutes!” He knew there was no stopping them now. He finished drying off and shaved, by the time he was done, Laura was coming with Pat not far behind. Their moans and sighs joined the cloud of steam that filled the room as he left to get dressed.

Shortly after 9:30 they emerged from their room and made their way to the restaurant for breakfast. There was a large booth where the ladies from across the hall were seated, the younger one wiggled her fingers at them playfully and motioned for them to join them.

“Good morning!” the younger said, “I’m Christine, call me Tina, this is Irene.”

John made the introductions from their side, as Laura reached out to shake their hands she added, “Bravo!” The ladies smiled.

“So, what’s your deal?” asked Irene. Her voice had a slight drawl to it, something southern but John couldn’t place it. He explained the arrangement the three of them had and that this was their second naughty weekend together.

“We’re still sorting things out,” he said. “What about you two?”

“We are co-workers, I am Tina’s superior,” Irene said. “And we have been lovers for just over a year. Every few months we go away together for a weekend of shopping and sex.”

“You are blunt,” said Pat.

“Why confuse things by beating around the bush. Wastes so much time.” Irene sipped her coffee.

“So this proposition?” asked Laura.

“Let’s have breakfast,” said Tina, then we can go back to our room and talk.

“We’re leaving today,” said John, “We’ll need to check out by 11:00.”

“Do you have to get on the road right away?” she asked. John shook his head. "Well, then, get ready, check out then join us after that!”

They ordered and ate breakfast, chatting about where they are from and how they made their living without revealing too much detail. After they finished, Irene insisted on paying for everyone, the trio excused themselves to return to their room and pack. Laura cleaned the toys and put them in the toy box. “Should we bring this?” asked Laura, holding it up.

“Perhaps not,” suggested Pat. “Someone can run out to the car and get it if we need it.”

They got checked out and the bags in the SUV just before 11:00. Returning to the hallway, Pat rapped lightly on the door. A moment later it opened, and Tina waved them in. It was more than a room, it was a suite with a separate bedroom. She offered them seats before sitting on a loveseat beside Irene.

“So,” began Irene, “our proposition.” She took a sip of juice. “When we heard you three across the hall we began to wonder what exactly you were doing to draw such wonderful and erotic sounds from each other.”

“We wondered the same thing last night,” Laura said with a chuckle.

“Indeed.” Irene continued. “I thought things were as you explained them, a married couple with a beautiful companion having a lusty weekend away from home. Tina disagreed, she thought that you were a lesbian couple having a man join them for something different.” She took another sip. “There was only one way to find out so we invited you to breakfast.”

“Oh, okay,” said Laura. “I thought you might be inviting us here for some sort of orgy or something.”

“You hoped,” said Irene, smiling widely. “you’re not far off actually. Let me explain.” She took Tina’s hand in hers. “We made a bet, I won. Now I get to make a proposal. You see, I am strictly into girls, my darling Christine is bisexual but has not been with a man in a long time. We live in a small town you see, and most of the decent men in our area are already married. So when we take our short vacations together, we agree to have a threesome with a man if we can arrange it. But, after seeing and especially hearing you three lovely people, I thought we might change it up a little.”

“Do tell,” said Pat, shifting uncomfortably. Such direct talk was refreshing, and it was getting her aroused.

“Here’s what I have in mind if you are interested. The three of us,” pointing to herself, Laura and Pat, “get to know each other very well while you, good sir, fuck my lover’s brains out.”

“Like all in the same room?” asked Laura.

“If you wish,” Irene answered, “or Tina and John can stay here and we’ll close the doors. Five on a king-sized bed is a bit tight, but I think we can all manage.”

“Can we talk about this privately?” asked Pat. She was all in but she didn’t have to deal with her husband fucking a willowy brunette about half her age, she didn’t know if Laura would agree to that without discussing it first.

“Of course,” said Irene. “Take all the time you need. She stood up and took Tina’s hand, kissing her before leading her into the bedroom and drawing the pocket doors closed. Curtains closed behind them and the three of them were alone.

“So?” asked John.

“Well, you’re not gonna say no to that!” said Laura, “She fucking gorgeous. If you don’t fuck her, I will!”

“She is gorgeous,” said Pat, and I’d like to have my way with her as well. But that’s not what’s on the table here. Are you okay with your husband fucking a beautiful young woman with you in the same room?”

“I’ve already watched him fuck a more beautiful younger woman while she ate my pussy!” said Laura loudly. “Of course, I’m okay with it!”

“What about you John? Are you okay…? Never mind, I can see you’re all in!” The front of his slacks was tented out with his erection.

“All right then. So how do we do this?” asked Pat.

“I have an idea,” grinned Laura. She knelt down in front of her husband and took his cock out, a clear bead of pre-cum glistened at its tip. “Would you invite them back in, please?” Pat tapped on the door and asked their hosts to join them. They stopped when they saw Laura on her knees with John’s cock in her hand, smiling at them. She took it between her lips briefly, then smiled again, beckoning Tina over to join her. Tina knelt beside her and John’s cock disappeared inside his wife’s mouth once more, this time until his balls rested on her chin. Drawing back, she kissed the end of it and then turned to face Tina, giving her a long deep, probing kiss.

“He’s all yours!” she said, guiding his cock to her lips. She took it into her mouth as Laura stood up and kissed her husband. “Have fun!” she said and she turned to join Pat and Irene who were already unbuttoning each other’s clothes on the bed. Climbing up beside them, her fingers joined Pat’s in unbuttoning Irene’s top.

John’s gaze had followed his wife’s ass as she joined the other two women on the bed, but now he looked down to see Tina’s soft pink lipstick around his cock, her fingers cupping his balls. She looked up at him and opened her mouth, taking him as far in as she could. Trying to emulate Laura’s technique, she tried to deep throat him but she gagged and took her mouth on him. “Sorry,” she said softly, “I’ve never tried that before.”

“If you like I could get someone to teach you,” he countered. She nodded and smiled before taking him back into her mouth. “Sweetheart,” he called, “would you mind coming over here and demonstrating to Tina how to swallow a man into her throat?”

“I’ll go!” called Pat. Caressing Laura’s bottom, she said, “I’ll be right back.” She joined Tina on her knees and took John into her mouth, swallowing him in right away. Coming back up, she released him and said, “The trick is to relax your throat. Take him in slowly and stop when you feel him touch the back of your mouth. Then, tilt your head back a little, relax and move in slowly as you swallow.” She swallowed him in again, demonstrating the technique. “You’ll have to try a few times but you’ll figure it out.”

Tina took him in again, following Pat’s directions, stopping when her gag reflex told her he was at the entrance to her throat. She tilted her head and swallowed as she moved forward, the reflex kicked in and she had to back off. “I got farther that time,” she said.

“Catch your breath and try again,” Pat urged. "Trust me, he doesn’t mind!” Tina opened wide again and down she went, a little further than before when the reflex made her come up one more time.

“Dammit, I almost had it!” She took another deep breath and tried again, more slowly this time. The reflex hit again but she fought through it, instead of pulling off him, she moved her head forward and felt him slip into her throat.

“There you go!” whispered Pat. “Now hold it there until you need to breathe, then swallow before you start coming back up.” She did as Pat said, coming back up and letting him come out of her mouth, a string of pre-cum and saliva tying her bottom lip to his head. “Oh, fuck, that is so hot!” said Pat. Tina turned to her and smiled.

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“Thanks, Patricia,” she said staring into Pat’s eyes.

“No problem,” Pat answered, staring back. “My God you are so gorgeous!” She leaned in and kissed the younger woman, tempted to stay and have a threesome with her and John but then she heard Laura shout.

“Knew it!” Pat moved back to the bed and saw the welts on Irene’s bottom.

“That looks like it hurt,” she breathed.

“It did,” Irene answered, “and I loved it!”

“Looks like I won the bet!” said Laura before returning to kiss Irene’s lovely ass cheeks. “Tell you after.”

“After what?” Irene asked.

“After my girlfriend and I make you moan the way we heard you do last night!” she said before rolling her over and diving between her legs.

John placed his hands on the sides of Tina’s head and urged her up to stand beside him. “I love what you’re doing and you do it so very well,” he said, “but I think it’s time I returned the favor.” He reached around and unzipped her dress, letting it fall to the floor. She was nude underneath and he stepped back to admire her, “Unbelievable!” he whispered. He then guided her to the loveseat and sat her down, pulling her bum to the edge and urging her legs open. She had wisps of hair covering her mons but her pussy lips were smooth with no bumps or a hint of stubble. “Unbelievable,” he whispered again before diving in.

She grabbed handfuls of his hair as her inner Domme took over. Realizing that they were not playing that game, she released it but kept her hands on his head to guide his lips and tongue where she wanted them to go. “Mmmmmmm, nice,” she breathed, “Laura is a very lucky woman!” He added a couple of fingers to the mix and she lifted her bum so he could slip them inside her. He tickled her clit with his tongue as he searched for her g-spot, he would know when he found it by her response. Sure enough, her hands pulled his hair and pulled his face into her and she moaned loudly. This was different from the wails they had heard the previous evening so he knew that Irene had been the one on the receiving end of the pleasure.

He continued for a few more moments before moving up her body with licks and kisses. “That was the best ever,” she purred between kisses. “Where did you learn to do that?”

“Mostly from videos and reading,” he answered, “but I also got some instruction from Pat. She is a very good teacher!”

“She is,” Tina smiled and pushed him off her, getting onto all fours and presenting her ass to him. She was facing the bed in the other room so she could see that Irene and Laura were wrapped in a hot sixty-nine with Pat placing tender kisses over the welts on her behind while fingering her ass. She smiled, Irene loved anal, the rougher the better. She on the other hand did not, preferring to give than to receive.

She felt John behind her, the anticipation made her pussy run wet, she had not had a real cock in almost a year and she was ready for one now. Dildos and vibrators were great fun but nothing beats the real thing! He eased into her, slipping his head inside her and stopping, tormenting her without knowing it. It drove her crazy, usually, she was the one doing the tormenting but not this morning. She pushed back against him but his hands on her hips held firm. “Come on John,” she urged, “FUCK ME!” He proceeded to do just that, pounding into her as hard as he could. His pistoning cock and her fingers had her at her peak in almost no time, her thighs soon had rivulets of their cum running down the insides to the carpeted floor beneath them. Turns out she was not a screamer like Laura and Pat, she held the sounds largely inside her, releasing her orgasm through breathing and moaning softly.

He moved off her and they rolled onto the floor, holding each other and catching their breath. He started kissing her along her collarbones, moving down her body, pausing to take each nipple into his mouth in turn. She moaned again, “I love being suckled!” she breathed so he continued. He moved lower still, along her flat tummy to the top of her pubic hair. He could see that she did trim herself, shaping her nether hair into a triangle. He went lower. Parting her lips and licking the blob of his cum from her, stopping to suckle on her clit for a moment before continuing.

“Can I have some?” they heard, Laura was kneeling beside them, running her hand over Tina’s tummy up to her breasts. She bent over and took a nipple into her mouth as her husband continued to lick and suck her clean. Tina’s back arched as she came again, this orgasm softer and less violent, rising slowly to a rush through her core rather than the crashing torrent she had experienced earlier. “Why are we on the floor?” Laura asked, “There’s room on the bed.

Getting up, they saw that indeed there was, Irene and Pat weren’t taking up much room, they were superimposed in a sixty-nine. Laura took Tina’s hand and led her to the bed laying her down and then getting on top of her, pussy over mouth. She dove for Tina’s swollen pussy lips and finished the job of cleaning her husband’s cum from inside her, using her fingers to coax the last remnants for her. John watched them and stroked both their bodies, he was out of action having had too many orgasms and producing more cum in a weekend than any one man should be asked to produce.

His insatiable wife, on the other hand, was not yet fully satisfied, she knew she had at least one more screamer in her. She rocked her hips and rode Tina’s mouth, trying to concentrate on licking the youngster’s pussy and failing badly. This girl had a magical tongue! Soon, she was cursing between licks as Tina brought her higher. Curses turned to shouts and then to screams as she too had her last orgasm of the weekend. Poor Tina could hardly breathe, so tightly did Laura’s hips clamp onto her, holding her head in place. Tina pinched her to get her to move, drawing a large breath as the thighs that were suffocating her relaxed. Laura moved up and held her face inverted over that of the adorable young woman with the girl-next-door looks and they kissed. “We should do that again sometime,” she whispered.

“I’d like that,” replied Tina. She reached out to take John’s hand, “I’d like that very much!”

Meanwhile, for their part, Irene and Pat had been edging each other to near climax over and over before retreating into cuddling kisses for a few minutes before starting over. Each was trying to make the other cave first, they teased each other with fingers, tongues, and words as they tried to coax the other into making her partner come. The other three sat together and watched, hands entwined between them as they observed the two women drive each other crazy with desire. Finally, it was Pat who caved, unable to withstand being brought to the edge one more time without being able to fall over into that blinding white bliss she craved.

“No, please! She begged for Irene to continue. “Please let me come! I need it so bad!” After another minute of torturing her new lover and she relented, latching onto her clit and driving her fingers into her pussy so quickly that her hand was a blur. Pat screamed her loudest scream of the weekend, from deep in her core it came, filling the room, indeed the entire building. Irene continued tormenting her, bringing out one orgasm after another until Pat fell limp, exhausted.

“Oh. My. God.” breathed Laura. “I’ve never made her come that hard.”

“Well, you have room for improvement then,” smiled Irene.

“Does she make you come that hard?” Laura asked Tina.

“All the time, but I don’t scream like that!” She laughed as Pat began to come back to the real world.

“Fuck me!” were the only words she could muster as her body heaved.

“I thought I just did,” giggled Irene. “Now, who’s going to make me come? It won’t take long, I promise you.” Her fingers were in her pussy, keeping her motor running. Tina moved to her and kissed her.

“Why not let John do it?” Irene made a face. “I know, guys aren’t your thing but he’s good, very, very good. It’s not like he’ll be inside you, let him go down on you. You might like it!”

“Does my mistress wish me to do this?” Irene said. It was like a switch had been thrown and a completely different person was there with them. Gone was the haughty look replaced by one of obedience and a desire to serve.

“She does,” said Tina. She reached into the nightstand drawer and took out a crop. Running it along her thigh, she gave it a little tap.

“Yes, Mistress.” Irene laid back and opened her legs for John. He hesitated and Tina ran the crop along his arm. He moved between them and soon she was letting out the same wails as they had heard the previous evening. Her hips bucked and her arms flailed, her hands grasping fistfuls of bedsheet as her orgasm took over her soul. This continued for a few more moments until John came up for air.

Irene was breathless on her back, her chest wet with sweat and heaving as she regained her breath. She felt the tip of the crop on her hips and she rolled over, presenting her bottom with its dozen or so marks on it to Tina. A flick of the wrist and a fresh mark was added, “There’s a good slut!” purred Tina.

“Thank you, Mistress!” said Irene. Tina leaned down to kiss her, “I love you.”

“I love you too my darling,” Tina said. Irene turned over and the haughty look was back.

“Did you enjoy our little game?” she asked.

“Holy Fuck!” said Laura. “That’s amazing! How do you switch roles so quickly like that?”

“Practice,” said Tina. “In our everyday lives, Irene is my boss and our relationship is strictly professional. Every 6 weeks or so, we go away together and I spend the week as her Mistress and she as my Slave.” She hugged her lover. “A couple of times a year we find a man to satisfy that part of my libido although she’s never let one touch her before.”

“You mean you’re a virgin?” asked Pat, stunned at the idea.

“If by virgin you mean never been with a man. Then yes, I am a virgin. But I have been penetrated many, many times by many different things. And I have loved them all!” She looked at them plainly.

“Wow!” said Pat. “I don’t think I could live without sex with men.”

“And I sure I could not live with it,” answered Irene. “Are you judging me?”

“Trying not to,” said Pat. “This is all so out there for me, I guess I’m just shocked.

Tina got up off the bed and went o the closet, “You ain’t seen nothing yet!” She reached in and withdrew two outfits, the red leather one she had worn last night and a black outfit. “But you could, if you want to join our game!”

“No thanks, not me,” said John. “That’s not my scene!”

“Have you ever tried?” asked Tina. “Then how do you know?” He just shook his head. “What about you?” She pointed to Laura.

“I didn’t know, I’m not sure I could do anything without my husband,” she said. Pat nudged her and she shook her head.

“I might,” said Pat, surprising them all. None of them had thought she would be interested in such things. “What? I have my kinky side!” They all laughed.

“Look, we need to get going,” said John. He gathered his clothes and went to the washroom. The other two did the same in turn, shortly after, they were ready to leave.

Irene got up, still nude, and hugged them in turn. “This was fun!” she said. “Even you!” she kissed John on the cheek.

“It was fun!” said Laura. She took a card from her purse and laid it on the dresser. “Keep in touch.” She kissed Tina, “Maybe I can visit you sometime!” She was definitely interested in their previous idea and wanted to talk to her husband about it.

The hugs and kisses were completed, John and Tina being last to say goodbye. “You are a very good fuck!” said Tina.

“You’re pretty good yourself!” said John.

She stood on tiptoe to kiss him, “Until next time then!” Nothing more was said the trio left and before their car was out of sight of the resort, wails could be heard once more coming from room 214.

Written by CaressofSteel
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