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Author's Notes

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The few weeks following Laura’s admission of infidelity were made up of many conversations and descriptions of Laura’s week with Pat as she and her husband had sex. One thing was certain, their sex life had taken a definite upturn after her liaison with Pat. Laura and Pat would converse regularly, sometimes masturbating together as they recalled their wonderful week together. Finally, about two months after their tryst, Pat suggested that she meet John. They planned a weekend in NYC for the three of them, reserving 2 rooms just in case things didn’t work out.

A month later, their son was taken to spend a few days with his grandmother and they boarded the short flight to JFK. They had arranged to stay at the same downtown hotel where Laura had stayed during the conference and to meet Pat in the hotel bar.

“I’m so nervous,” said Laura. “What if you two don’t get along?”

“Then we have a weekend in New York and we go home,” her husband replied. “Listen, I’m nervous too. What if you see her and decide that you want her more than you want me?”

“Don’t worry, sweetheart, not gonna happen.” Just then Pat bounced into the room. John watched his wife’s face as she saw her lover, her expression changed to one of pure happiness as she jumped out of her seat to greet her lover. Showing a great deal of restraint, she limited herself to a kiss on the cheek and a hug.

“John, this is my friend, Pat.” They shook hands warmly. “I took the liberty of ordering you a glass of wine,” she said to Pat as they all sat back down. After a few moments of getting to know you chit chat, John acknowledged the elephant in the room.

“So, Pat, I suppose I owe you a debt of gratitude,” he began quietly. Both Pat and Laura took on a curious look. “If you and Laura hadn’t met, my sex life would still be the same old, same old, vanilla thing. Now, it’s so much more than that.” He stared directly at his wife’s girlfriend.

“Well,” Pat began, “You are direct.” She took a sip of her wine. “You’re welcome?” They all laughed. “But seeing as we’re being direct, the pleasure was all mine!” She slipped her hand onto Laura’s.

“Mine too,” purred Laura, leaning in for a quick, soft kiss.

“Slow down, you two,” John said, “there’s time for that later.”

“I’m not sure I can wait,” said Laura. “I have missed you!” Another quick kiss. The waiter wandered by at that moment asking if they wanted more drinks. They all shook their heads and John said, “We’re leaving for dinner shortly.” The ladies excused themselves to the restroom as John told the waiter to charge the drinks to his room.

“Thank you, sir,” said the waiter, “You look like you have your hands full, I hope everything works out for you tonight.” He winked at John.  John smiled nervously and crossed his fingers.

He waited patiently for the girls to return from the restroom. Finally, after what was way more time than was needed for your average comfort break, they returned, their faces flushed and hair a little out of place. Laura came over to her husband and kissed him.

“Thank you!” she whispered. He looked closely at her face and noticed a smudge of lipstick different from what she was wearing.

“You missed a spot!” he whispered back, wiping it off with his thumb. He winked at Pat and asked, “Where to for dinner?” She looked at Laura and raised her eyebrows, Laura nodded. “We know just the place,” she said.

On the short walk to the restaurant, John was between the two ladies with their arms linked through his. A few people stared as they walked but not so many as Laura thought might do. She shrugged her shoulders, “It is New York, after all,” she thought. Dinner was excellent but John could tell that both women were eager for it to be over. As they waited for the bill, John leaned forward and beckoned the girls to do the same.

“Look, it’s obvious that you two can’t wait to get your hands on each other,” he said quietly. They had been trading glances and exchanging little touches through dinner. A few times, one hand or another would disappear under the table followed a few seconds later by a sigh or an eye roll as they teased each other. “But before anything happens, we all need to talk.” He reached out and took Laura’s hand and then reached for Pat’s.

After a short hesitation, she reached out to both Laura and John and squeezed their hands. “Yes, we should talk.” The bill arrived and was paid and they left the restaurant. The evening was pleasant, neither warm nor cool as they walked, Laura holding he husband’s hand on one side and Pat’s on the other. There was little chatter along the way, all of them were curious and more than a little nervous about what the next hour or so would hold and how it might change their lives.

Arriving at the hotel, they made their way up to John and Laura’s room. The king-sized bed beckoned them as John opened the wine he had bought earlier. Their glasses filled, they all sat down. John in a chair and the girls on the edge of the bed, holding hands. They just stared for a moment, unsure of what to say. Finally, Pat spoke.

“First off I guess, thank you John for agreeing to meet me. Laura has told me you know all about us and that you have forgiven her for her indiscretion.” She took another deep breath, “So where do we go from here?”

“I guess that’s up to you ladies,” he said. “Laura has already said that she wants to have her cake and eat it too.” Laura nodded and squeezed Pat’s hand. “What do you want Pat?”

“I want,” she hesitated, “to be a part of her life too, and I guess that means that I would be a part of both your lives. What I don’t want is to come between you. I’m hoping there’s room for all of us.”

Laura patted the bed, “This seems roomy enough for everyone!”

“It’s not just sex, you horny thing!” Pat looked at her. “If this goes where we’re all thinking it might go, the sex will be the easy part." She kissed Laura gently. “I know you two have talked about the three of us and,” she looked at John, “you have to know that Laura and I have talked about that too. Just so you know, I’m up for that, I’m looking forward to it.” She shifted as Laura’s hand moved to her breast. “Slow down!” she said, moving Laura’s hand away. “I know you’ve never had a threesome, neither have I. So I guess we’ll have to figure that out together. It’s the after that will have to get sorted out.” She kissed Laura again, more deeply this time before getting up and moving to John.

Sitting on his lap, she looked directly at Laura, “Does this make you jealous?” she asked before kissing her lover’s husband deeply. Laura could see her tongue probing into his mouth and his probing into hers. “Or this?” her hand reached down and grasped his hardening cock. “You say you’ll share him but you won’t know until it happens if you’re really okay with it. Can you deal with that?”

Laura was transfixed, her emotions piling up as she watched what was previously hers alone groping the man she loved. His hand was under her breast, holding it as his thumb and forefinger teased the nipple that was clearly visible under the fabric of her top. “There’s only one way to find out!” she said, coming over and sitting on the arm of the chair and kissing them both, her husband first, then her lover.

“Ok then,” Pat said. “If you’ll excuse me, I need to go back to my room for a few minutes. Laura, why don’t you slip into something suitable for the evening?” She kissed them both, “We’re going to have so much fun!”

Over the fifteen minutes, Pat was gone, Laura asked her husband to go to the small store across the street and get some snacks and a box of condoms. “I thought you’d think of them!” she said. While he was gone, she freshened up and put on the new lingerie she had bought for the occasion. After checking and touching up her make-up, she admired herself in the mirror. The red wine-colored bra, panties, and garter stood out against her pale skin, the sheer black stockings encasing her legs. Over top was a filmy robe in the same deep red. Silently thanking the salesgirl at the cosmetics shop, she had applied the eyeshadow the way she had been instructed to give her eyes a dark smoky look. Finally, instead of lipstick, she wore a lip stain in the same color as her lingerie. The lip stain was less likely to smudge or come off, she had said.

Before John returned, she heard a soft tap on the door. She put the robe that came with the room over herself as she went to answer it, there was Pat, dressed in a long black coat that came down below her knees. “You look good enough to eat,” she breathed as she entered the room, carrying a small bag and a large bottle of chilled sparkling wine. She kissed her lover deeply, “I am really looking forward to this!”

“Leave your robe on,” she suggested, “sit up here with me and we’ll surprise John.” They opened the wine and poured themselves a glass before getting up n the bed beside each other, leaving space between them for John. He returned a few minutes later, opening the door a crack and calling out, “Are you decent?”

“Not for long,” called Laura in reply. He came into the room and stopped when he saw them both on the bed. Putting the carrier bag on the desk, he just stood there and stared.

“Oh my God, you both look beautiful!” he said, the amazement obvious on his face.

“You expected ugly?” his wife asked.

“Well, no but,” he sputtered. “I’m going to shut up now.” The ladies laughed loudly.

“Why don’t you go get freshened up,” Laura suggested, “then we’ll see what happens.” Obediently, he did as he was told, on entering the bathroom he saw a black satin thong that looked two sizes too small. He stripped off, washed up, checked that his pubic area was properly manscaped, and put on the thong.

“I look ridiculous!” he called out as he opened the door and went back into the room.

“You look delicious!” purred Pat as she stood up and took Laura’s fingers to help her stand up too. “Close your eyes please, and keep them closed,” she said. He complied and he felt someone move past him, then some odd noises, finally he heard a rustle of clothes. “Okay, open them.”

His cock immediately pushed put against the material of the thong as he beheld the scene before him. He first stared at his wife, clad in her new outfit, the robe hanging halfway down her back. “My God, Laura, you’re gorgeous!” Then his gaze moved to Pat’s shorter, fuller frame. Her body was encased in an emerald-green bustier, her large breasts spilling over the top. A matching thing and black stockings completed the ensemble. Her lipstick matched the red soles of her heels.

“And you,” he breathed, “you are equally as gorgeous!” He motioned for them to turn around so he could see the entirety of their bodies. “I get it, Laura, I totally get it. I wouldn’t have been able to resist either.” The women came over to him and he took them both in his arms. They shared kisses, their hands moving over their bodies, feeling the fabric of the lingerie and cupping John’s manhood, now at full attention.

“Would you like to watch me make your wife come?” Pat asked with a little smile.

“I would like you to watch Pat make me come,” leered Laura, running her hand over Pat’s satin-clad pussy.

“I would like to watch that, yes,” John answered, his voice quavering. Pat kissed him and guided him onto the chair. “No touching yourself,” she said, pointing to his erection, straining to get out, “we will take care of that later.” Turning to Laura, “Come here, my lover!” They embraced each other fiercely, their kisses passionate and arousing. They moved to the bed, lying across the king-sized mattress to give John a good view, Pat on top. He struggled to keep from rubbing himself as he watched his wife’s lover remove her panties and place her mouth where he longed for his to be. He got up and moved behind Pat, admiring her full round ass sticking up in the air, the plumpness of her pussy filling the fabric completely.

Pat noticed him behind her and spread Laura’s knees wider so he could see her lips latched onto his wife’s clit. Two of Pat’s fingers were invisible as they were buried inside his wife’s opening, he watched closely, trying to figure out the movements of her fingers that were making Laura’s face contort in pure pleasure.

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Pat was obviously very skilled because, in far less time than John had ever taken, Laura’s hips pushed upward, announcing her first orgasm of the evening with loud moans, cries, and pleadings for Pat to never stop. He watched his wife’s quim leak that clear, slick fluid around Pat’s fingers, making her lips shiny and running down between the cheeks of her ass. Dropping back to the bed, he saw his wife’s hips twitch as her orgasm continued, her cries in time with each twitch. Pat was latched hard onto her clit, suckling furiously as her fingers pistoned out and in of her. A final long, “Yesssss,” and Laura’s orgasm began to fade, Pat’s fingers came out of her and moved up so she could taste herself. Pat kissed her lover’s pussy lips and licked up her issue, ending with one last long suck on her clit, Laura’s hips twitched one last time as Pat’s lips left her wetness with a loud smack.

Pat planted a quick kiss on her trimmed bush before turning to John and asking, “Want a taste? She is delicious!”

“I do want a taste!” he answered, but instead of diving between his wife’s legs, he kissed Pat full on the lips, his tongue tasting his wife’s come from her lover’s tongue. “She’s right, sweetie, you are delicious!”

“Oh fuck, that is so hot,” Laura breathed, finally able to speak. “I could watch you two just kissing all night!”

“You’ll watch us do more than that, dear,” said Pat. She got up and helped Laura sit up. “Much more!” She retrieved her wine glass and downed what was left. “Your husband must love you very much to be so willing to share you with me,” she said. “Do love him as much as he loves you?” She knew the answer, of course, they had discussed the order of things for their first night together many times as they masturbated over the phone.

“I love him more!” Laura declared. “Let’s make one of his fantasies come true!” She pulled her husband to his feet and removed the thong using only her teeth. Then she knelt slightly to one side of him and, looking at Pat, patted the carpeted floor next to her. Taking his cock in her hand, she licked up the length of it before offering it to her lover. Pat did the same and then turned to kiss Laura. As they kissed, her hand moved him between their lips, together they slid him between the red-painted lips, making his shaft shine. He groaned as he looked down on the scene that was straight out of a porn movie.

Two heads, one dirty blonde, one red-haired, moved as the women’s lips and tongues massaged his shaft. He closed his eyes to enjoy the sensation when suddenly he felt a warmth envelop his cock. He resisted the urge to look down, trying instead to figure out if the technique being used was familiar to him. It was not, he looked down and sure enough, only about an inch of him protruded from Pat’s lips as she sucked him. “Come on, sugar, suck my man dry!” urged Laura, looking up at her husband she smiled. “Share,” she said and Pat’s mouth came off him only to be replaced by a more familiar set of lips over his glans. He watched as she took him in deeply and then withdrew so that only the very tip was touching her dark red lips. “Watch, can you do this?” She opened her mouth wide and engulfed him, no part of her touching his cock until it nudged the entry to her throat. She paused, took a deep breath, and swallowed all of his six inches into her until the tip of her nose touched his trimmed pubic hair. Locking her lips around him she moved her tongue along and around his shaft until she had to come up to breathe. Ever slow slowly she withdrew, sucking hard, her cheeks hollowing as she came up and off him.

She kissed her lover, “Your turn,” she said, pointing his cock toward her face. Pat tried to emulate Laura’s feat but each time his cock touched the entrance to her throat, she gagged a little and pulled back. “Sorry,” she said, “maybe another time.”

“Another time,” said Laura, “I like the sound of that. The lovers kissed and then Laura offered her husband back to her lover. “You asked him to watch as you made me come, can I watch as you make him come?”

“Of course, my love, anything for you!” Pat said before kissing her again. Laura slipped Pat’s panties off and guided John to the bed, pushing him onto his back. Pat got up beside him, kneeling so her body was at right angles to his. Laura laid on her back, her head between Pat’s thighs, urging them open so she could shimmy between them and suck her girlfriend’s pussy while she in turn sucked her husband’s cock. “Good thing we got the King Room!” she chuckled before pulling down on Pat’s thighs. Pat started bobbing up and down on John’s shaft, making her hips rock just enough to stimulate her clit on Laura’s lips and tongue. Fingers probed inside her as Laura searched and quickly found her g-spot.

John’s groans and moans grew louder as he urged Pat to take him deeper into her mouth. She did her best but was unable to take him into her throat. “Almost there!” he groaned, giving her fair warning to take her mouth off him as he came. Frantically, Laura wriggled out from beneath Pat’s hips and moved her face up beside her husband’s cock.

“Let’s share,” she said, wrapping her hand around him. Pat’s hand covered hers as together they stroked him to orgasm. A half dozen strokes and his hips lifted as he moaned loudly, “Oh, FUCK! Omigod FUCK! FUCK!” and his semen shot out of him, splashing on Pat’s face. They continued jerking him as he spurted several more times, spraying his seed over both of them, in their hair, and onto his stomach. Together they lapped it up, stopping occasionally to pop his cock back into their mouth or share a wet, cum filled kiss. Once they finished cleaning up the mess, they moved up to share with John, he eagerly tasted himself off their tongues, something he had begun to enjoy more and more each time she blew him since her affair with Pat.

They all went to the washroom to freshen up and once they returned to the bed, they lay together with John between the two women. “When did you buy these?” he asked his wife, stroking the strap of her garter. “You look so hot in them!”

“A couple of weeks ago,” she answered, “I’m glad you like it.” They kissed softly.

“You look pretty hot too,” he said to Pat, “that green really suits you. Set off your eyes. And your hair, I love red hair!”

“Thank you,” she answered, kissing him as well. “I think women look better in lingerie than they do naked, don’t you?”

“Hard to disagree,” he said, “especially the way you two look. The word that describes how incredible you look doesn’t exist.” He kissed them both.

“Gorgeous works,” said Pat. John waggled his hand.

“Beautiful?” offered Laura. He shrugged.

From Pat, “Sexy?” Thumbs up from John.

“Hot? Exotic? Erotic?” Laura suggested.

“All that and more,” said John. “I am truly a very lucky man.”

“About to get luckier,” suggested Pat, her hand moving to John’s rejuvenated erection. “Excuse me, Madam,” she said in a very bad English accent, “Would you mind terribly if I fucked your husband?” She collapsed laughing.

“Not at all,” Laura replied in kind, her accent only marginally better. “Please, be my guest! May I watch?”

“You may!” laughed Pat. She began kissing John as Laura slipped her robe over her shoulders, refilled her wine glass, and took a seat in the chair in the corner. “I believe I will pleasure myself while I watch.” She watched closely as her husband did the things to her lover that he had done to her so many times before. He seemed transfixed on her breasts which were fuller and rounder than her own, the nipples a little larger and puffier than hers. Pat seemed to enjoy the attention they were getting, her head thrown back as he licked, suckled, and nipped each one, in turn, eliciting a little cry from her as his teeth nipped them.

He moved down her body to pleasure her pussy with his mouth. “You’re gonna love this,” Laura breathed, “he’s very good.” Pat’s moans and sighs confirmed Laura’s statement as his tongue lapped at her clit and his fingers probed inside her. Her love sauce was soon trickling from her pussy, slowly edging its way between her cheeks and over her little rosebud anus.

“Get me my bag,” Pat whispered hoarsely. Laura retrieved it and handed it to her. Opening it, Pat retrieved a small bottle of lube and a vibrator. She pushed John away and sat up then got on all fours. Taking the lube, she applied a generous dollop to John’s cock, rubbing it in so he was completely lubricated. Taking the toy, she placed it at the entrance to her pussy and pushed it in as she stuck her ass way up in the air. “Put some on me back there, Laura.” As Laura slicked up her backside, she looked back over her shoulder at John, “Ever fuck a woman in the ass?” He shook his head. “Want to?” He nodded vigorously before looking at his wife.

Pat took Laura’s hand and placed it on the end of the vibrator, “You fuck me with this,” she said, “while he fucks me with that,” pointing at his slick cock. She turned her face away, “Easy now.” John moved behind her and placed the end of his cock against her ass. Feeling the contact at her back door, she pushed back slowly, savoring the feeling as his cock stretched her tiny hole. Her head fell forward and she moaned as he slowly entered her. Laura watched, transfixed as she watched the man she loved pushing the cock she loved into her lover’s ass. She reached and took his balls in her hand, kneading them softly as his hips pushed up against the soft, yielding flesh of her bum cheeks.

She felt Pat’s hips move forward a couple of inches then back onto John’s cock, Pat’s hand moved over top of hers to get her started with plunging the vibrator into her pussy. “Fuck me you guys,” breathed Pat, and the happily married couple obliged. Laura moved her head as close as she could to the action so she could watch as Pat’s back door hole distended ever so slightly as he drew back, almost as though it was grasping at him to hold him inside her.

“Fuck her, baby, pound her ass!” she urged her husband as she started driving the shivering vibrator in and out of the sopping pussy that John’s balls were slapping against. He didn’t say any words in reply, just grunts and groans as he pushed himself into that impossible tightness over and over. She moved up so her head was beside Pat’s. “You like that my lover, you like my husband’s hard cock in your ass?” Pat was beyond words by this point, between the vibrator in her cunt and John’s cock in her bum, she was nearing that rapturous moment when she fell over the edge into the bottomless pit that was pure pleasure. Pat turned her face to Laura and they kissed, their tongues probing, lips suckling making smacking noises as they broke and regained contact with their mouths.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Pat whispered as her orgasm approached. “Fuck I love this, I love you, ohh, fuck! FUCK!” Over the edge she went, her moans morphed to screams as she came, over and over she spasmed, her whole body wracked as she gave in to the pleasure that was exploding from her very core. Laura pounded her pussy as hard and fast as she could, her wrist started to ache but she did not, would not stop, wanting to give her lover all the pleasure she could.

“I’m coming!” filled the room as John’s orgasm announced itself with a loud groan. He drove into her and held himself there, Laura reached to feel his balls twitch repeatedly as he released himself into Pat. The sight of her husband’s cock wrapped in her lover’s pussy lips with their combined fluids leaking out was too much for her, her hand went to her pussy and rubbed, strummed, and teased her clit and after only a half-minute or so, she had her last orgasm of the evening, collapsing onto the bed beside her sweaty, satisfied companions.

They lay beside each other, hands seeking out lips and fingers, and nipples as they caught their collective breath. They snuggled together once more, Laura between her husband and her lover as the blush of ecstasy turned into the soft afterglow that one gets after great sex. John watched as his wife turned to Pat, “I love you,” she said softly.

“Please don’t say that to me,” Pat answered. “Not unless you are absolutely certain. Don’t confuse love with lust or passion. Love is more than just spending the night or several nights together. Don’t say it unless you mean it.”

Laura thought for a second then turned to her husband, “I love you, John, more than ever!” she kissed him softly as a bride kisses her groom at the altar. Then she turned back to Pat, “I love you, Patricia, I’m sure of it.” She laid back and wrapped one arm behind each of their necks, pulling them to her. “I could stay like this forever!” Soon, the soft sounds of deep breathing could be heard as they faded off to sleep.

Written by CaressofSteel
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