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Pat awoke the next morning in John’s arms. She stirred and opened one bleary eye, taking a moment to recall where she was and who she was with.

“Good morning sleepyhead!” she heard. Moaning, she peeked over his chest and saw her girlfriend sitting in the chair with a coffee, scrolling through her phone. “Are you comfortable, snuggled up to my husband?”

“Mmm I am, your husband is very cuddly.” She stretched and blew her lover a kiss. “How are you feeling?”

“Pretty tender, not gonna lie,” she chuckled. “But looking through these photos, I shouldn’t be surprised!”

“Let me see!” Pat said, patting the bed beside her. Laura got up and showed her the images. “Damn, that is one beautiful big cock,” she purred. “He stretched you so wide open!” she thumbed through, “Oh fuck, that’s hot. Look at you, gaped wide open with his cum trickling down over your cute little ass! I should have cleaned you up!” Her hand slid between Laura’s thighs.

“Easy, I’m really tender!” said Laura. “I think the inner whore might have to go back into the closet for a few days!” They both laughed and collapsed back onto the bed, waking John from his slumber.

They both woke him with kisses and after they had all taken care of their morning routine, they had a sweet oral chain, each of them suckling on the other in a mass of writhing, sweating flesh. Their orgasms were loud and wet, ending with John’s cum on both the women's faces and them licking each other clean.

They all showered and got ready to leave, getting checked out just before 10:00 AM. Clearing customs was interesting with Laura having to go through the embarrassment of a female Border Protection Agent going through her things and making a show of inspecting her new sex toys as though they contained some sort of contraband.

“You can buy these here in the US,” she said, waving the double dildo around between them.

“I could have,” replied Laura, “but we didn’t have any with us and we needed them this weekend.”

“We?” asked the agent.

“Myself, my husband,” she said, pointing, “and my girlfriend.” She looked straight into the agent’s eyes as she spoke, daring her to question her further. The agent put everything back inside the suitcase and flipped it closed.

“Looks like everything is in order,” she said matter-of-factly. “See the cashier, pay your duty, have a great day.”

“The great day was yesterday,” Laura said, holding up seven fingers, “a really great day!” She picked up her suitcase, paid her duty and left.

The ride back to Rochester was spent reliving the events of the weekend. “I can’t believe that another person was inside me all along!” Laura exclaimed. “I mean, I have fantasies, same as any other woman but, holy fuck!”

John took her hand, “Well, I for one am very happy to know that she exists.” They kissed as his wife’s hand went to his crotch.

“Excuse us, Pat,” said Laura, “while I give my husband a blowjob!”

“Be my guest!” she laughed. “Please, no cum on the upholstery!” Laura unzipped her husband and pulled him out of his slacks. He was good and hard as she took him into her mouth. Several times along the way they passed a transport truck whose driver blew its air horn as they passed, having seen a blonde head in John’s lap. She sat back up just a few minutes before they arrived at the airport, licking her lips clean.

Goodbyes at the entrance to the security lines were hard. Kisses were shared, along with some tears, as they made promises that they would get together soon. The flight was uneventful, Laura still being too tender to try to become a member of the Mile-High Club. They cuddled all the way to the landing rollout, sharing the experiences of the weekend in whispers. “I’m telling you, if we ever get you a big cock in the future, we have to save it for the end of the weekend!” John said. “That monster really fucked you up good!”

“You liked watching me get hammered by that thing?” she asked, holding his hand.

He squeezed it hard, “I didn’t think I would, but yes, I liked it, very much.” It was their turn to deplane, “Really, I did. Maybe next time, you’ll share his taste with me,” he said as they stood. She kissed him deeply before they made their way into the aisle.

The evening was spent reuniting with their son and telling John’s sister, who looked after him, a very different version of events to what actually occurred Laura was still a bit tender for what John had in mind, they just cuddled and started planning their next naughty weekend away.

Laura and Pat would call or text every few days and about once a week, John would take their son out for a walk or a drive so she and Pat could have a dirty video chat. Her new toys were confirmed to work as advertised and her ass quickly adapted to the largest of the steel butt plugs. She especially liked the thrusting rabbit vibrator; it hit her in just the right spots. She also spent more time watching porn, especially that including MMF threesomes and BBCs pounding into small white women.

Laura’s inner slut stayed mostly out of sight for a few weeks but one night, after John had fucked her ass while she fucked her pussy with the long, double-ended dildo, they began talking about things they haven’t yet tried.

“What do you think of a threesome with another guy?” Laura asked. “I’m getting pretty comfortable with anal now and I’m wondering how it would feel to have two real cocks at once.”

“Maybe,” he said, knowing where she was leading the conversation. “But this thing you have about me sucking another guy’s cock, I don’t know about that.”

“It’s not that bad,” she said, “I’ve actually come to like it! It turns me on!”

“Now listen,” he said, “we’ve always said that we would both have to agree to do anything. The whole thing with Jean was a spontaneous thing and to be honest, I felt pretty emasculated when he was fucking you and you were enjoying it so much.”

“I know, baby,” she purred. “I know. That was an unintended consequence. I never meant for you to feel that way. I guess I was just being selfish.”

“You were being selfish. In fact, this whole expanding our sex life has been all about you. I’m not complaining. I’ve gotten some incredible sex out of it all and I really like Patricia. Not as much as you do but I like her a lot.”

“And she really likes you,” she replied, “And I gotta say, your technique has gotten a lot better for it all.” She kissed him. “But I have to say, my inner slut is dying to come out and play. I need another weekend of no-holds-barred fucking to satisfy her. Don’t you want to keep your dirty whore happy?” He loved it when she talked this way and she knew it, using the advantage to get her way. It was dishonest but as everyone knows, lust will make a person do crazy things.

“I do want to keep her happy but I don’t think I can do that,” he said, getting angry. “Look, I love you and I’ll do almost anything to keep you happy, you know that. That’s why I didn’t kick up a big fuss when you fucked around with Pat and when you asked me if you could fuck Jean. But there’s a line for everything and what you want me to do crosses that line. I don’t want to do that, ever.”

“Okay,” she said, a bit dejected. “Sorry, I won’t mention it again.” She cuddled and kissed him some more, trying to soothe him. “What about you, is there anything else you’d like to try?”

He thought for a minute, “What about a foursome?”

“You have anyone in particular in mind?” she asked. There was this couple they knew that were rumored to be swingers. The guy was pretty handsome but the wife was a total bitch.

“No, but maybe we could approach it like we did with Jean; an opportunity knocks kind of thing.” He rubbed her pussy as he talked and felt her hips move into him when he mentioned it. She was keen on the idea.

“Maybe,” she conceded. Thinking to herself, “And maybe if I can get him desperate enough, I’ll get him to do what I want after all!”

They talked some more and John conceded that if another opportunity came for her to fuck a BBC, he would not object. “This would be so much easier if I could just have a boyfriend,” she said.

“You have a girlfriend, isn’t that enough?” he asked.

“It is. I was just saying it would be easier if I had a boyfriend as well,” she wrapped her hand around his shaft. “Or two.” His cock twitched in her hand.

So how would that work?” he asked. “My lovely cum-slut wife would go out at night, get fucked by some guys I don’t know, and then come home with her cunt full of their cum for me to clean up?”

“Yes, basically,” she said. “Wouldn’t necessarily have to be at night either. Wouldn’t you love to come home and eat another man’s cum out of my pussy as an appetizer for supper? Come on, you know that turns you on. I can feel it!”

“I guess it’s hard to deny,” he said, pushing two fingers inside her. “What’s in it for me?”

“Well,” she said, kissing her way down to his chest, biting his nipples. His moan told her he would agree. “You would have a happy and satisfied slut to service your every need!”

“I have that now!” he groaned as she slid her mouth over his cock. She put everything into this blowjob, sucking him deep into her throat, using her tongue and her teeth on the head. When she knew he was close, she came off him and reached for his hands, placing them in her hair.

“Fuck my mouth!” she urged him. “Drive your cock into your dirty whore’s mouth! Shoot your seed down my throat.” She felt her hair pull as he filled his fists with it and she knew that at this point, she could ask him to let himself be gang-fucked by a series of big black cocks and he would go along with it.

She only gagged once as she lost track of her breathing. In moments, he slammed his balls against her chin and shot his load down her throat. She expected him to release his grip and let her come up to breathe but he held her there, driving himself into her a few more times before relenting. She had guessed that her fantasies would come at a price and she was okay with that. His certainly had.

She made no mention of her fantasy for the next couple of weeks. Over that time, they talked some more about their next naughty weekend and when they could get together with Pat again. The two were not necessarily inclusive.

They had arranged for Pat to come to visit them the following weekend. John asked his sister over for coffee to ask her to watch their son for the weekend but she could only do it for one night.

“You guys having another dirty weekend away?” she asked.

“Not really,” he lied, “we just need some time to ourselves. We’re working some things out.”

“Oh, trouble?” she asked, concerned

“Not really,” he replied. “We’re just not on the same page with some things. You know how it is.”

“Ah, I see,” she said, shifting in her chair and sipping her coffee. “You don’t have to say anything but I’ve noticed Laura is different these past couple of months. Do you think she might be having an affair?”

“What? No!” he protested. “What makes you say that?”

“I don’t know. She’s different lately, like she has a new love in her life.” She stared at her brother, seeing the cloud cross his face.

He took a deep breath, “She did, but it’s over.” He was a terrible liar and he knew it. “Or that’s what she says. That’s one of the things we’re working on.”

“Oh my God, seriously?” she clasped her hands over her mouth. “She was always so over the moon about you. I never took her for a slut!”

“Me neither, but it happened. It was one time and we’re trying to move on.” If his sister only knew.

“Well, good luck with it,” she hugged her brother. “I’ll call Bob; see if we can cancel our plans for that Friday. Give you guys the weekend to yourselves.”

“Thanks, sis. You’re the best!” He hugged her again.

“And don’t you forget it!” She finished her coffee as they made the arrangements and she left.

The lovemaking between John and his wife over the ten days approaching Pat’s visit was especially hot. As they made out, they recalled their past encounters with her and fantasized about what they would do when she came to visit.

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“I want us to go to the naughty store while she’s here!” said Laura excitedly. “And we’ll need to go shopping. There’s a new boutique in Cambridge I’d like to visit.”

“Nothing too close to home,” he cautioned. “I don’t want any of our neighbors seeing you come out of a dildo shop!”

“Of course, honey!” She sank to her knees in front of him. “Can Naughty Laura come out to play tonight?”

“If she can promise to be quiet,” he said, “we don’t want to wake the boy.”

“Or the neighbors!” She could control her screams on most nights but Naughty Laura had much less capacity to do so. She went to the armoire in the corner of the bedroom and retrieved the locked case that held their toys. Retrieving her favorite black thrusting rabbit and a bottle of lube, she came back to the bed. “Naughty Laura, the dirty slut wants both her holes filled up! You think you can do that?”

“I think I can manage,” he leered. “Is she picky, which goes where?”

“If you could put your rock-hard self in her ass and that beautiful black machine in her pussy, that would be very nice indeed.” She got onto all fours and stuck her behind in the air, pulling the silver plug from her ass and tossing it onto the floor.

John shimmied underneath her and eat her pussy while he teased her opening with the toy. He was merciless, slipping it just inside her, then withdrawing it to tease her clit and moving the head up to her tight little rosebud ass. She was panting and squirming all the while, “You going to put something inside me?” she moaned, a little too loudly.

“All in good time, my darling whore, all in good time!” he went back to suckling on her clit and teasing her hole some more.

“You’re going to fucking pay for this!” she rasped after about ten more minutes. “Come on, you fucker, put it in me!”

“Shhhh,” he said softly. “Naughty Laura needs to learn to control herself!” A couple of more minutes of this and he relented, sliding the black toy inside her and nestling the rabbit bit against her clit. He didn’t turn it on yet, just kept it inside her, moving it a little just to tease her.

“Mmm,” she sighed when she felt the cool of the lube on her back door. She rocked her hips forward a bit to get ready. As soon as she felt his cock head touch her back there, she was going to plunge herself onto it in one swift movement. He teased her with her fingers, slipping just the tip inside her. Her hand came to grasp the toy but he took it away, pulling it out of her quickly. It made a sucking noise as it left her lips.

“Patience, my lovely little slut!” He teased her again, rubbing the end of the toy around her opening.

“Pleeeeeeasse!” she moaned softly. “I’ll be a good girl!”

“Now that would defeat the purpose of letting Laura the Slut out to play, wouldn’t it? I don’t want her to be a good girl. I want her to be nasty! I want her to tell me about how she wants five cocks at once, how she wants them all to fuck her hot, wet cunt and then cum on her face when they’re done!”

“Oh, five at once, that sounds like heaven!” she purred. “Five big, long, thick cocks to fuck my pussy, to stretch me wide open, to spray their hot seed onto my face and into my mouth! Then I want to suck your cock and have you add your cum to theirs! I want you to take pictures of my face all covered in their spunk!” Her body shook with her first orgasm of the evening.

“There you go!” he said, relinquishing control of the toy to her and concentrating on pushing his cock into her ass. They had done anal sex many times since their return from their last away trip and once his head was inside her, she received him easily, feeling his balls against her fingers as he drove himself home in one smooth slow stroke.

“Good God, that feels so good!” she whispered hoarsely. “You have no idea how good!”

“Then describe it to me,” John said, picking up his cell phone and starting to record. “Tell me how it feels to have a vibrator in your cunt and my cock in your ass!” He felt her hips twitch as her first orgasm of the evening approached. She buried her face in the pillow to stifle the scream as she came, her hips twitching and then pushing back against him to make sure every last fraction of his six and a half inches was inside her.

He slowed his thrusting so she could talk, “Oh, God! I can feel every contour, every vein of your cock as it slides into me, I can feel the ridge of your head moving inside me!” She paused for a breath, “I can feel every little detail of this marvelous toy in my pussy, the thrusting rubs my g-spot just right! It’s like they made this thing to fit me perfectly! And my clit!” Another pause as another orgasm ripped through her, the pillow absorbing the scream. “And that little thingy teasing my clit, OH, FUCK!” she screamed into the pillow again.

“A real cock wouldn’t have that to tickle your clit,” he said, feeding her fantasy. He knew as well as she did that if the opportunity arose and she wanted to, he would let her have as many cocks as she wanted. “How are you going to get that feeling with two real cocks?”

“That’s what fingers are for!” she cried, burying her face in the pillow once again and screaming out orgasm number four, “FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!”

“My fingers?” he asked after a short pause for her to regain coherency.

“Your fingers, my fingers, Pat’s fingers, the fucking Pope’s fingers, who cares what fingers! OH! MY! GOD!!!!!” the pillow worked for a fifth time.

He knew that it was time to start fucking her ass properly. He waited until her orgasm passed before increasing the depth and power of his thrusts. Her face remained buried in the pillow as she screamed each time his hips slapped against her ass cheeks. She was pushing back into him as hard as he was pushing into her. She turned her head and rasped, “Hit me!” He paused and she said again, “Hit me! Slap my ass!” She had seen it in a porn video and wanted to know if she’d like it.

John raised his hand and slapped her ass, not too hard but enough to leave a reddened area on her cheek. “Harder!” she demanded, and he complied, slapping her cheek again. “HARDER! She screamed into the pillow. He raised his hand above his head and his palm came down on her with a resounding WHACK! “FUUUUUUCK” she screamed into the pillow again. Orgasm number six for the session had announced itself, taking control of her voice. “Other one! She demanded and he switched hands, bringing it down on the other cheek. SLAP “FUUUCK!“ the pillow did its job again as she screamed into it. Once more he slapped her ass, this time unbidden. Her cheeks were bright red now, he was not holding back.

“Oh, fuck baby, you have no idea!” she moaned as quietly as she could. “One more, please!” She buried her face in the pillow again and he whacked her once more. Her hips drove back into him and he felt number seven ripple through her body. He could feel the thrusting of the toy against the underside of his cock. He thought, ‘If that feels as good on her pussy as it does on me, she is loving every bit of it!’ He pumped into her a few more times; he was very close. One more should do it.

He felt her tense as his hand left her hip. He held it high for a moment, as soon as he saw her head begin to turn, he whacked her again. “FUUUCK!” another scream came out of her. This time she forgot to use the pillow and the sound filled the house.

“Don’t stop!” she growled, “I’m so fucking close! Fuck my ass! Fuck your whore’s ass!” She really got off on this whole slut thing.

He stroked into her hard, his hips bouncing into her reddened ass each time he drove into her. The whole bed shifted as he pounded into her, making a creaking sound and bumping against the wall. He drove himself forward one last time and he came forcefully. He could feel every throb of his shaft as it pulsed, every squirt of his spunk as it filled her hot, tight ass. He could also feel it as it seeped out of her ass, its warmth surrounding the base of his cock as it seeped out.

She could feel it as well, his pulsing cock, his warm cum filling her backside and seeping out of her. She also felt the shivering and thrusting of the vibrator, teasing her clit and rubbing against her g-spot. All these combined sensations triggered the ninth orgasm of the evening. Once again, the acoustic deadening properties of the pillow were tested as control of her voice was passed over to orgasming Naughty Laura.

“Can you keep going?” she croaked, “Just one more. I just need one more!” He felt the toy moving inside her so he started thrusting again, hoping his erection would hold out long enough to bring her to one more orgasm. It didn’t take long. He felt her draw in a deep breath to scream so he slapped her once more and pumped in a few more quick thrusts. One last time, the pillow served its purpose as she screamed out her lust, breaking down into a sobbing mess as she came down from that most delicious high.

Sensing she’d had enough, he pulled out of her and collapsed beside her, taking her into his arms and holding her as she cried, her body racked as she sobbed. She turned to him, her face wet with tears and sweat. What little makeup she had been wearing was mostly on the pillow, the remainder was smeared on her face. He kissed her tears, holding her tightly until she calmed.

“That must be a record,” he whispered, “ten body shaking, screaming orgasms, one after the other!”

“I don’t know,” she answered, “I’ve never counted.” She kissed him, “Thank you, my love.” Naughty Laura was back in her hiding place and his soft, sweet wife was back.

“You don’t have to thank me,” he said softly. “You’re my wife. I love you, both of you!” she smiled and kissed him again.

“You mean wives, don’t you?” she smiled at him. “The regular one you married and the nasty slut you found years later.” They cuddled for a bit, “Tell me, if you had known that there was this whole other slut inside me, would you have still married me?”

“I don’t know,” he answered. She sat up and looked at him, “How could I know? I would hope so but we are both very different people now than we were when we married. You’re not the only one who’s discovered this hidden part inside.”

“Oh?” she laid back down beside him.

“No, you’re not.” He took a deep breath, “If you had asked me before we got married if I would be okay with you cheating on me, I would have said no. The same thing about fucking other people, the answer would have been no, a hard no. But now, it’s different. We have something different now and I will make many compromises to keep you happy.” He saw her face change, “I know what you’re thinking. I won’t do that. Don’t ask me to, not ever.”

“Okay,” she relented. “I guess I’ll just have to be content watching you eat Pat’s delicious pussy!”

“And watching her suck my cock!” he added.

“And watching you fuck her pussy and her ass!” They laughed together and calmed, drifting into a deep sleep.

The next day was Saturday. When Laura awoke, the bed was empty. She took a quick wash to remove some of the dried cum from her crotch and pulled on some PJs and followed the sounds of John and her son into the kitchen. “Mom-Mom” she heard and she squealed with delight. “Did you hear that? His first words!”

“Not exactly,” John said. He held out a piece of apple to him. Reaching for it, she heard, “Dad-Dad-Dad!”

“He’s been saying that for about a week now,” said John, “but I’m not convinced that he’s talking about me. He usually says that right before something goes into his mouth.”

“Well then, I’m staking a claim, 'Mom' was his first word!” She kissed her little man’s forehead. John got up and hugged her.

“So long as he doesn’t call you ‘cum-loving slut’ under his breath,” he eased, whispering in her ear.

She blushed a little. “No dear, only you get to call me that!” She felt the wetness in her pussy again. Last night had been amazing, she was still a bit wrung out from having so many orgasms. She decided that when the little man went down for his nap, she would take advantage and have a nap as well.

While she napped, she dreamed a naughty dream. It seemed that lately, her inner slut controlled her subconscious and all her dreams were naughty ones. She dreamed of lying on a huge bed, large black cocks all around her with her and her husband taking turns servicing them with their mouths, sharing each one’s cum on their tongues. She awoke with a start, body bathed in sweat and her pussy drenched from her arousal. She checked on her still sleeping son and, confident he would sleep for a while longer, she picked her double-ended dildo from the case and took it into the shower. Fifteen minutes later, her lust had been sated, if only temporarily. “Not telling John about that one!” she vowed as she toweled herself dry.

Written by CaressofSteel
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