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Author's Notes

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The remainder of the week at the conference was spent dreaming about making love to Pat all day and making those dreams come true by night. By the time she has packed her suitcases to return home, Laura had vowed to continue her relationship with Pat. While she waited at the airport for her flight to board, she researched online about people who love more than one person at the same time. She was sure she loved her husband and she thought she loved Patricia but she felt different about her than she did him. Could both feelings be love? Too soon her flight was called.

She thought about her infidelity all the way home, the guilt crept into her soul and seemed like it would crush her. She pushed it aside as soon as she saw her husband and child in the arrivals area. She swept her son from her husband’s arms and reunited with him as only a mom can. She then greeted her husband with a warm soft kiss, “I have really missed you!” she lied. In truth, other than the promised obligatory phone calls home, she had barely thought about her husband at all.

They collected her luggage and he looked after them as she carried her son on her hip, talking and cooing to him, making him smile and giggle. She was in heaven but she knew that as soon as she and John were alone, she would have to unburden her soul of its guilt at her indiscretion. She would tell him everything, including that she thought she loved Pat and that she hoped he could find a way to share her with him.

“Are you okay, honey?” Joh asked as they began unpacking her suitcase, “You look distracted.”

She shook her head, “Just trying to shift from hotel mode to home mode. I’ll be okay in a while.” As she loaded the washer with her things, she took the lacy black panties that she had worn and sniffed them, she could still smell the scent that Pat had drawn from her. Setting them aside, she went to gather the rest of the things that needed to be hand-washed.

John came into the washroom and slipped his arms around her waist from behind, kissing her cheek. “The baby’s asleep,” he whispered, his hands moving up to cup her breasts.

She turned and kissed him, “Later, I promise.” She still didn’t know how she was going to tell him what she had done and worse, how much she’d enjoyed it.

Dinner was prepared and eaten, the dishes cleared away and she had about an hour of mommy time with her son before putting him to bed. Returning to the living room, she sat in John’s lap and kissed him, her tongue teasing across his lips. “I’m going to take a bath, come up in an hour.” She kissed him again and got up, her fingertips trailing across his crotch, he was obviously horny and aroused, he felt quite firm under her delicate touch. As the tub filled, she picked out her nicest lingerie, it wasn’t overtly sexy, just a filmy black negligee and a matching robe. She trimmed her pubic hair, something she hadn’t done since she’d gotten pregnant, shaving smooth the area around her opening. She became aroused and she thought of Pat, her pubic area devoid of hair, smooth and soft to the touch. Three minutes later she was orgasmic, her clit unable to withstand the attention from her fingers.

She sat back in the warm water and relaxed for a few minutes. “That’s how I’ll do it,” she thought to herself, “I’ll make love to him, give him everything he asks for, and when he’s satisfied, I’ll tell him.” She got out of the tub, dried off, and put on a trace of the perfume he had bought her the first Christmas they had spent together. That was her way of telling him she wanted to make love to him, she’d take a long bath and dab on a little of that perfume. She got dressed in her lingerie and brushed out her hair before putting on just a trace of make-up, a little eyeliner, soft eye shadow, and soft pink lipstick. “I’ve still got it,” she said to the mirror before going to open their bedroom door and going down the hall to check on her sleeping child.

John heard her close the door to the baby’s room but not the door to their bedroom so he figured that was his signal. She smiled and winked at him as he went in for his shower, beginning the routine that had been so familiar before she’d gotten pregnant. She would prepare herself first and then she would sit in the wingback chair in the corner of the room and read a few pages from a trashy novel while he showered and got ready for her. As soon as she heard the shower start, she picked up her phone.

“Miss you,” she texted Pat. Miss your lips and fingers and tongue on me, miss your kisses and hugs.” The reply was immediate, a photo of Pat alone in bed, the bedclothes pulled down, her ample chest bare for the world to see and her hand between her slightly open legs.

“You make me so hot!” was the reply. She turned the phone around and took a photo of herself, smiling broadly.

“John is going to make love to me. I wish it were you instead. XXX”

“Make sweet love to him. Call me 2moro,” came the reply, “tell me everything!” She and Pat had given each other the most delicious orgasms as each described other lovers from their past. She heard the bathroom door open and John emerged, freshly shaven and smiling at her.

“Who’s on the phone?” he asked.

“I was just texting a woman I met on my trip,” she answered. “We kind of hit it off and hung out a lot through the week. I was just letting her know I got home safe.”

“Oh?” John was intrigued. “Odd you didn’t mention her through the week.”

“Never thought to, she’s just a friend. We have a lot in common,” she felt wicked at the lie of omission, indeed they had more than a lot in common. As he usually did, John turned down the bed and put on some soft music before turning on the battery-powered false candles that resided on top of her armoire. He shut off all the other lights and came to her.

“You are so beautiful,” he said softly reaching out his hand to her. She smiled and took it, standing up in front of him and kissing him as though she were trying to seduce him. He held her tightly as they kissed and cuddled, she could feel his firmness pressing against her tummy as he pulled her in close.

“I missed you,” she whispered, “I missed this.” Her hand moved between them and she caressed his cock, no longer firm, it was now as hard as it would ever get. “Don’t move,” she said as she turned and took a pillow and placed it on the floor at his feet. Holding and kissing him again, she said, “It’s been too long since we did this.” She kissed her way down his body, slipping the towel from around his waist and letting it fall.

Opening her mouth wide, she engulfed him into its warm wetness. He groaned as her tongue flicked along it, up the underside, and around the rim of his glans. She took a deep breath and slowly lowered her mouth down, hesitating as he touched the back of her mouth before relaxing and swallowing him in, her nose touching against his soft pubic hair. His hands found the back of her head but she protested, pulling off him and placing them on his hips. Looking up at him she shook her head slightly, “Watch me,” she said before opening wide and going back down again, her eyes never leaving his. She felt his body stiffen as he was about to come but she didn’t want that yet so she took her mouth off him and stood up. “Not yet,” she whispered.

She guided him over to the bed and took off her robe, her breasts had gotten larger during pregnancy and feeding but now that the baby was weaned, they had returned to normal size. Her nipples, however, were as hard as they had ever been in the chill of the air conditioning. Guiding him onto his back, she climbed up over him, “Taste me,” she urged as her thighs moved either side of his head. Lowering herself onto his waiting lips, she moaned slightly as his lips made contact with her clit, not just because of the pleasure that he was giving her but also because of the memory of Pat’s lips that had been there only sixteen hours before. It was Pat’s face that was in her mind as her husband licked, suckled, and fingered her pussy. There was no doubt he was talented but he had nothing on her. He had to search for her special little spot, that magical bit of softness just inside her that brought such crashing orgasms. Pat knew exactly where it was and how to touch it.

She was about ready to come but she didn’t want to, not yet. She moved back down his body, positioning her hips so that the tip of his cock nestled against the wet folds of her opening. John tried to lift his hips to enter her but she moved with him, denying him that little rush that he always got when his head first pierced her wetness. She kissed and teased him, moving her hips but not letting him inside her. He groaned his complaint but she just smiled at him, “I’m not ready yet,” she teased.

“You’ve never been more ready,” he countered, his fingers moving between them and applying a little teasing of their own. As they found her little love button, she moaned, “Yesssss, that’s what I’m talking about!” Pushing down with her hips, she conceded to his yearning and allowed him to fill her.

She sat up, taking his hands and placing them on her breasts as she began rocking her hips. She let out a small sound, “Shhhh,” each time she rocked backward to make him fill her void. Her clit was being rubbed nicely along his middle finger as she moved, she stared into his eyes, “Watch my face, watch me as I come!” He had often said that she was at her most beautiful at the peak of her orgasm. Slowly she rode him, building to that inevitable rush, her voice becoming louder and higher pitched as she fucked him.

Feeling the need to go harder, she pinned his shoulders down with her weight and increased her tempo. “Oh, FUCK, BABY, that feels amazing!” he said hoarsely as she continued, their hips making a soft slap each time they came together. She smiled down at him, knowing that once he fills her with his seed, she will be rocking his world in a very different way. Harder and harder she pounded her hips into him, bringing both of them where they so desperately want to be. His hips drove upward, lifting her from the bed, groaning loudly as he emptied his load into her.

She wasn’t quite there but she didn’t panic, she knew he would stay hard long enough for her to finish the job. His hips relaxed as his orgasm passed and she renewed her humping on him. “Just a bit more!” she breathed as she felt herself reaching the mountain top. One last stroke and she was there, she bit her lower lip to keep from screaming as she came, but her thoughts were of the delicious high that Pat had given her, she orgasmed onto him.

Her eyes remained screwed shut as she came, her teeth nearly drawing blood from her lip as she fought not to announce her orgasm to the world. She continued through the first wave and the second, holding her breath as she fucked her husband’s still hard cock. He may not be as large as she wished but he had staying power and that was better than being big. One last crushing wave of pleasure and she slowed, moving so slowly that her lips were barely moving along his shaft. She opened her eyes to see his smile. “I love you so much, Laura,” he whispered.

“I love you too, John,” she answered and she wasn’t lying, she did love him. Her face darkened as she realized she’d have to soon tell him she loved someone else as well. She held him tightly for a few moments before lifting herself off him and going down to clean his cock with her mouth. This was something else she had never done but she wanted him in the very best of moods before she told him her secret.

She cleaned him off, licking her lips as she came back up to kiss him, “You like that?” she asked, smiling.

“I liked all of that,” he answered, “Where did that come from, you’ve never done that before.”

“I don’t know,” she said, “it just came in my head that you might like it.” She kissed him again before getting up to go into the washroom to freshen up.

Returning with her make-up touched up and her pussy washed, she climbed back into bed with him. “You really did miss me,” he said.

“I did, very much,” she replied, “but I have a confession to make.” His face took on a concerned look. She took a deep breath knowing that the next words to come from her mouth would change their relationship forever. “I met someone in New York.” She stared at him trying to gauge his reaction.

“Met who?” he asked, a concerned tone in his voice, “What’s his name?”

“Not him, her,” she said, her eyes lowered. "Pat, short for Patricia. She’s who I was texting earlier.” She paused to steel herself. “I discovered that I am bisexual this past week.” She began trembling, sure he would explode.

“So all this, the lingerie, the great sex, the going down on me after was just to soften me up so you could spring on me that you fucked around?” she could see his anger rising.

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“I guess,” she admitted. “I couldn’t not tell you, John. We have always been honest with each other, I had to tell you. I can’t lie to you or to myself. I love you but I think I love her as well.”

“I’m having a hard time believing that,” he said more loudly. “Tell me everything.”

“I can’t,” she said, “I can’t do that.”

“So, you can have sex with a woman, you can suck my cock before and after you fuck me, you can fuck me senseless but you can’t tell me what happened in New York? That’s bullshit, Laura!”

“I knew you wouldn’t understand!” she began to cry. “You don’t know how hard it was to tell you this!”

“I imagine it was a fuck of a lot harder than your decision to fuck around on me!” he was shouting now, the sound of their child’s crying came through the monitor. Laura got up, put on her regular robe, and went to calm him. By the time she got back to the bedroom, John was gone. She went to the spare room in the basement, John was there, sitting on the edge of the bed.

Hesitantly, she sat beside him. She reached for his hand but he pulled it away. “Tell me.” His voice was demanding.

She knew she was past the point of no return so she took a deep breath and began talking. “It’s not something I planned,” she began, “it just,” John interrupted her.

“It just happened? That’s pretty fucking lame, Laura!” His anger had not subsided.

“Well, it’s true!” she shot back. “It just happened. We were at the conference, we were hungry so we went to dinner. When we got back to the hotel, we went to her room for a glass of wine and we just talked. She was so easy to talk to, it’s like she understood me.” She took a deep breath. “All right, you want me to tell you, you have to promise to hear me out.” He nodded in agreement.

“The first night I was in New York, I turned on a movie on the TV, you that kind I like, the sappy love story ones you hate. While I was watching it, I became aroused but not from watching the man, from watching the woman. That night I masturbated thinking about the couple in the movie. I came so hard, like I used to do before I got pregnant.”

“So, when Pat and I talked, I told her about us, how our love life wasn’t what it used to be and how sad that made me. I told her about the movie and how turned on I was. Then she asked me if I’d ever been with a woman. I told her about my thing in college, and she suggested that we watch a video, you know, a dirty one.” John shifted, she could see he was getting aroused, he had always tried to convince Laura to watch porn with him be she had steadfastly refused.

“So, we watched the movie, and we both masturbated as we watched it. Then we watched another one with two women and I got so turned on that the next thing I knew we were kissing.”

Go on,” John demanded.

“Do I have to?” she asked, her voice pleading.

“Do you want me to understand why you fucked around on me? Do you want me to accept it and forgive you?”

“I want that more than anything!” Laura said hopefully.

“More than having sex with a woman? More than feeling her breasts in your hands? More than licking her pussy? More than having her lick yours?” He was not fighting fair.

“More than all that,” she answered, as forthrightly as she could. “More than anything.” They sat silently for a few moments, him steaming mad, her trembling, afraid that she had fucked up her marriage beyond repair. Finally, she took a deep breath.

“We talked about that a long time ago if you recall, about bringing someone else into our bedroom.” She was grasping at very thin straws now. “Remember, we decided we wouldn’t seek out a person but that if the opportunity came up, we’d see where things led.” She placed her hand on his, “Well, the opportunity came up and I went where it led. I wish I had done it differently. If I had it back I would have waited or at least called you to talk about it. I’m sorry John, I was selfish.” Her admission of selfishness softened him, one thing she had never been was selfish.

“Are you sorry it happened or sorry you didn’t come to me first?” he asked. He squeezed her hand gently, her heart leaped with the hope that they might be going to get through this.

“Honestly?” He nodded. “I’m not sorry it happened. It was exciting and thrilling and erotic and so good! But I am sorry I didn’t come to you first.” She laid back down beside him. “I can describe it to you if you like.” She heard his breath catch, she knew she had him right where she wanted him.

She retrieved her phone from the nightstand and showed him a picture of the two of them at a restaurant. “This is Pat,” she said, watching her husband’s face for a reaction. “Isn’t she pretty?”

“Not as pretty as you,” he said, shifting his hand to her tummy.

“I think she’s beautiful,” Laura breathed, obviously infatuated. She showed him another picture, this one a selfie of just their faces, “She has the most gorgeous eyes.”

“They are beautiful,” he conceded, “and a lovely smile too.” He slid his hand up under her breast. “I see the attraction.” She ventured in for a kiss which he returned, much to her pleasure.

“She is such a good kisser,” she said quietly, taking the next step in her description of events. “She not better than you, just different.”

“I’ve heard it said that women are generally better kissers than men,” he suggested. “I’ve never kissed a man so I wouldn’t know. But you would.”

“Well, my experience is somewhat limited by the small sample size but I wouldn’t necessarily disagree with you,” she said as she reached up for another kiss. “I do love your kisses though, they make me feel all warm inside.” They kissed for a bit then he stopped her.

“Tell me more,” he said. “If you want me to understand, you have to tell me everything.” He took her hand from his chest and placed it on his revived cock. “And I want you to jerk me as you tell me, but don’t make me come.” She looked at him closely, she was willing to do whatever it took to win him over, she just hoped he didn’t want to punish her by demanding that she do things she didn’t want to do. She’d do them though, if that’s what it took.

She told them of their lovemaking, the kisses, touches, feelings, the rush of her orgasms, and the feeling that she had when she made her lover come hard. “She made me squirt, John! I’d never done that before, I didn’t even know that was a thing! I had to look it up on the internet afterward. Turns out it is a thing and I did it!” She stroked his cock slowly at first, her tempo increasing as her arousal increased from recalling the thrill of her coupling with Pat.

“Slow down, baby, go easy on me,” he said, placing his hand over hers to slow her exuberance. “Did you make her squirt too?”

“Uh-huh, all over my face! We soaked the sheets so much that we had to go back to my room to sleep!” She kissed him as she stroked him, “It was so incredible, I think I loved making her come almost as much as my own orgasm.” She stared into his eyes and she knew he would forgive her. “That’s not all,” she continued.

“She asked me to put my finger in her bum,” she breathed quietly. As though telling a deep dark secret. “She seemed to enjoy that very much.”

“Did she put her finger in your bum?” he asked, his breath was becoming raggedy. She shook her head.

“She didn’t, but if she’d asked me I would have let her.” Her own excitement was building along with her husband’s. “I’d do that to you if you asked me to.”

“Really?” he said. “We’ve never talked about that, ever.”

“Well, now I’m curious,” she said. “I’m curious about a lot of things.”

“Do tell,” he urged her to continue.

“I’m curious what it would feel like to have your finger in my bum. Maybe something bigger,” she suggested. His cock twitched in her hand as she said it. “You like that idea, honey? You like the thought of filling my ass with your cock?” John was surprised, he had tried to make her talk dirty in bed before but she’d never seemed comfortable with it. Now she was crossing the line from dirty to vulgar.

“I do like that idea,” he answered. “Easy, I don’t want to come yet.” She had never masturbated him before but she was quickly learning the trick. “You know what other idea I like?”

“You’d like to see me with Pat, wouldn’t you?” she looked into his face and she knew she was right.

“I would,” he answered, grimacing as he fought to without his orgasm. “There’s another thing I’d like.” They were both fully over the edge from reality to fantasy. “I’d like you to suck my cock while she eats your pussy.” Might as well swing for the fences. “Maybe have both of you share my come in your mouths.”

“Pat would have to agree but I’d go for that,” she answered. “Anything that puts her tongue on my clit is fair game.”

“Grand Slam!” he thought. “Your little indiscretion might just be the best thing that ever happened to our love life.” She felt triumphant.

“Can I make you come now?” she begged, “I want you to come all over my face! Would you do that, John? Would you come all over my face?”

He quickly flipped her onto her back and knelt beside her head, his cock poised over her chin, “Do it!” he commanded. She reached her mouth up and took him in, lubricating him before jacking him to orgasm. He groaned as he came, his semen jetting from him and landing on her lips, chin, nose, cheeks, eyelids, forehead, and hair. She took him in her mouth and sucked softly as his orgasm faded, her tongue teasing his head. “You have no idea how hot that looks, my cock in your mouth and my come on your face.” He reached for her phone and pointed it at her face. “Smile!” he said.

She released his cock so it rested on her chin and smiled sweetly at the camera as he took several photos. When he set it down, she asked, “Would you help clean me?”

“I’ll feed it to you,” he said, “but I’m not putting any of that in my mouth.” Using his fingers, he scoped up as much of his jizz as he could, feeding them into her mouth for her to lick them clean. That’s the worst of it,” he said, she pulled his face down for a kiss, sliding her come-covered tongue into his mouth. He was surprised but he allowed it.

“There’s more than one way to skin that cat,” she said deviously. They lay together snuggling until Laura plucked up the courage to ask, “So, you’re okay with everything?”

“I don’t know, was your fling a one-off thing or do you want to see her again?” She looked at his face for a clue. Finding none, she hesitated before replying, wondering what it was he wanted to hear.

“That’s a tough one,” she began. “Here’s the thing, I love you, more than ever. I love that our love life might be going places it’s never been, it’s exciting to think about. I wonder where the limits are, how far we might go, and if that will be just us or if other people will be involved.” She still saw nothing in his face that would tell her what she wanted to know. She thought to herself, “Dare I ask?” Another deep breath and she said, “In for a penny…”

“I want to see her again,” she said plainly. “I want to keep seeing her, to know her better, to make love to her and have her make love to me. I think I love her. But,” she hesitated, “if it means losing you, I won’t. If I have to choose one or the other, I won’t see her again.”

“That’s what I thought you’d say,” he said into her hair as he held her tightly. “the thing for me is, if I make you choose and you choose me, I’ll have to live the rest of my life knowing that you can’t love me completely because you love someone else.” She started to interrupt but he stopped her, placing his finger on her lips. “Don’t bother denying it. I saw your face when you talked about her. You might not be sure but there’s no doubt in my mind that you love her. The question is when you’re done loving her, will there be enough left over for me?”

“The question isn’t that,” she answered. “The question is when I’m done loving you, will there be anything left over for her?” She held him close and kissed him. “Last week was not how things will be. I was lonely, I was a little drunk, I was horny and I was curious.”

“You were drunk the first night, but you weren’t drunk when you continued to see her the rest of the week. And if half of what you told me is true, you shouldn’t have been horny.”

“Fair,” she said. “That’s all true. I admit I wanted to see her again and I still do.” She thought for a moment. “Fine, I’ll call her tomorrow and tell her I can’t see her anymore.” She choked back a sob.

“Don’t be too hasty,” he said. “Let’s sleep on this, maybe talk in a few days. This is all new to me, you kind of dropped a bomb on me here. Let’s wait until the morning and we can talk again.”

“Okay,” she said, breathing a huge sigh of relief. “Thank you.”

“For what?“ he asked.

“For not throwing me out into the street.” She was drained by the emotion of the evening. “I love you, John.” She kissed him goodnight and snuggled into him.

“Goodnight,” he said. “My wife, the lesbian.” She looked at him and laughed when she saw he was teasing.

“Not lesbian,” she replied. “Bisexual. If we’re going to do this, let’s get the terminology right.”

Written by CaressofSteel
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