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Author's Notes

"If you are just coming in to this story partway through, I invite you to start at the beginning. <p> [ADVERT] </p>If you like what you've read, or not, please leave a comment. Enjoy!"

Our lusty trio was oddly quiet during the drive back to John and Laura’s home, arriving there just before supper. Pat was to stay the night and fly back to Rochester in the morning. Having had a rather busy day fucking and sucking each other and their new friends, they decided to order dinner in. John’s sister Allison brought the baby over and ate with them, after which they sat in the living room and talked. Allison sat beside Pat on the couch and seemed rather taken with her, hardly taking her eyes off the red-head.

“I should be getting back,” Allison said just before nine. 

“Thanks, Allie,” said John hugging her. She went to hug Laura next.

“I know what’s going on,” she whispered as they hugged. “You surprise me, Laura. I never would have believed you would cheat on my brother!” Laura was shocked, not just that she knew but also that she would say such a thing. She just shrugged her shoulders.

“If you know what’s going on,” she said, “then you know that John and I are better than ever!” Allie just smiled and kissed her sister-in-law on the cheek.

“I enjoyed meeting you, Patricia!” Allie hugged her tightly. “I’ll call you tomorrow?” she whispered. Pat squeezed again and winked. “Safe trip home!”

After Allie left, Laura took the little man in for his bath and put him to bed. When she came back to the living room, her husband and girlfriend were sitting on the couch, their lips had just parted and their faces were flushed. “Enjoying kissing my husband?” she asked Pat.

“You know I am!” she replied, holding his hand. “Are we sleeping together tonight or are you leaving me to my own devices?”

“Our bed is only a queen,” said Laura, “but I think we’ll all fit.” She leaned in to kiss the adulterous couple.

“Or, you two could have our bed, and I’ll take the spare room,” suggested John. “I hate to admit it but you two have worn me out! I don’t think I have anything left in me!”

“You sure?” asked Pat. “You could just watch.” He shook his head.

“No, girls,” he said. “Perhaps I’ll come in and wake you up unless the little man beats me to it.”

“Alright then,” Laura said. She got up to refresh their drinks, squeezing herself between her husband and her girlfriend when she returned. They chatted about the weekend just past and the fun they’d had with the couple from across the hall before they left the resort. Laura’s hand went to her husband’s lap and he did respond but his heart wasn’t in it. He excused himself to the washroom and returned to the women, kissing them goodnight before leaving for the spare bed. He hoped he’d be asleep before the fireworks started in his bedroom.

Laura and Pat made out while they gave him time to get to sleep. Soon they heard John’s soft snores coming from the spare bedroom so they made their way to bed. “We should try to keep the noise down,” whispered Pat as they undressed. “We don’t want to wake the baby.”

“Or the neighbors!” said Laura as she molded herself into her over’s arms. “This is nice, just the two of us,” Pat murmured in agreement. “I mean, I love the three-way sex we have with John but sometimes I wish it was just the two of us. It’s different when it’s just us.”

“I agree. I love being alone with you,” Pat purred. Their lips met and their fingers found the damp and warm places between the other’s thighs. In minutes, the soft sighs and whispered pleadings could be heard on the other side of the door as they made love. They took their time, bringing each other to individual orgasms before culminating in that shared bliss that comes with simultaneous ecstasy. As their heart rates slowed and breathing became less labored, they cuddled and professed their love to each other.

The next morning, John woke up first, he got the little man up, fed, and dressed. He had hoped one more morning of shared intimacy would be in the cards but alas, parenthood got in the way as it often does. The women got up shortly after and, after a shared shower and some breakfast, they all piled into the car to take Pat to the airport. The women sat in the back seat with the little man between them so all they could share was a few smiles and winks as they drove. With an uncharacteristic display of decency, they said their goodbyes.

Pat was no sooner seated at her gate than her phone buzzed. The message from Allison read, “So, did you fuck my brother this morning?” She smiled and replied that she had not but her sister-in-law was particularly tasty last night. Allie’s reply was a series of lol emojis. Then her phone buzzed again.

“Knowing what I know and what I suspect I’m just going to come out and say this. Are you seeing anyone other than them?” read the message. Pat pondered her reply before responding.

“Does it really matter? It’s not like it’s your business.” The reply from Allison was almost immediate.

“I’d like to make it my business,” she messaged.

“Oh?” responded Pat. “How so?”

Allie’s reply shocked her,” I want to fuck you.” It read.

“Really? Well, what a coincidence!” Pat answered. “I want to fuck you too.”


Allison’s heart raced as she read Patricia’s reply. “Fuck!” she muttered under her breath. Her fingers flew, “How can we make this happen?” she typed. She squirmed in her wet panties as she awaited the reply, she didn’t have to squirm for long, “Ever been to Rochester?” it read. She answered that she hadn’t. “There’s a 5:30 flight on Friday, why not come spend the weekend?”

“Can’t, not this weekend. Let me work on it, I’ll sort something out.”

“Looking forward to it!” replied Pat. Allison checked that she had time before the kids got home before dashing to the bedroom and fucking herself silly with her vibrator. She hadn’t come like that in a long time, she thought to herself as she got up to clean herself up and start getting supper ready.

That night, after her kids were in bed, she talked to her husband. “Remember my friend Katie?” she asked. Her husband mumbled that he did. “Well, she messaged me today and wants me to go spend a weekend with her. She’s living in Rochester and just got divorced and she’s a bit lonely.” He mumbled again, not really diverting his attention from the ball game he was watching. “So how about the weekend after next? I could fly up on Friday and be home Sunday afternoon.”

“Sure, whatever,” he replied, disinterested.

“Ok, thanks!” she said, kissing his cheek before going to her bedroom for some privacy so she could message Pat. “Weekend after next! I can’t wait!” A moment later, her fingers flew again, “I can’t believe I’m going to finally be with a woman! Never have been, always wanted to! I am so wet rn!”

She went back into the living room and sat on her husband’s lap. “What would it take for you to turn off that game and take me to bed?” she asked, licking his ear lobe. He looked at her and raised an eyebrow. She nodded and kissed him. “I need some!” She got off his lap and sashayed down the hall, peeling off her t-shirt and bra as she went. He about jumped out of his chair and followed her.

As he climbed on top of her, all she could think about was how Patricia would taste. She made the requisite noises at the required times; he grunted and pushed into her, emptying himself into her before rolling off and falling asleep in a couple of minutes. Once he was asleep, she slipped out of bed and to the washroom, masturbating again before climbing back into bed.

That night, she dreamed of Pat, their lips crushing together as their fingers diddled each other’s clits to orgasm. It was a beautiful dream.


That same night, John and Laura relived their experience from the weekend, teasing each other about what might have happened had they gotten together with Tina and Irene earlier in the weekend.

Pat too, had erotic dreams that night but hers included all the people she had met over the weekend, culminating with John fucking his sister as the rest of the gang sat around and cheered them on.


The next two weeks were excruciatingly long for Allison as she thought about Pat and their impending lusty weekend. She kissed her husband and kids goodbye on Friday and boarded the plane for Rochester and her adventure. Pat was at the arrivals area to greet her with a soft ‘Hi’ and a warm wet kiss. As usual, when two adults share such an intimate moment in public, there were those that stared and mumbled under their breath but neither Pat nor Allison cared, they only had eyes for each other.

“I thought we might stop for dinner on the way home,” Pat suggested. “It might be the only time we go out of the house all weekend!”

“Okay,” said Allison, “but let’s make it quick!” She ran her finger under her skirt and along her pantyless slit, wetting it before bringing it to Pat’s lips. “I’m ready now!”

“I was right!” After licking her new lover’s fingers clean, Pat said, “You do taste better than your brother!”

“Oh! Ewww!” Allison cried. “That’s a gross thing to even think about!”

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“What? That the same tongue that can make your brother squirm is going to make you do the same?” Pat was being merciless in her teasing.

“Stop! Please, just don’t!” Allison shuddered at the mere thought. “I can’t even!”

“Okay, sorry!” said Pat. “I won’t mention him again this weekend. Unless it turns out that he’s better at getting me off than you are!”

Shortly after, they arrived at a small, family-run restaurant and giggled like schoolgirls as they waited for their meals. They ate quickly and skipped what looked like delicious lemon meringue pie for dessert, so eager they were to get to Pat’s house and enjoy a dessert of a very different kind of pie.

As the front door clicked quietly shut behind them, Pat took both of Allison’s hands in hers. They both smiled at each other before embracing in a firm hug, their lips brushing the other’s cheek as they found each other. Tongues swirled and danced together as Allison let out a small moan.

“I’ve been so looking forward to this!” Allison breathed. Her hand moved up to cup Pat’s breast.

“Me too!” answered Pat. Allison’s lips found the side of her neck and she craned her head back to enjoy the feeling. “No marks, please,” she whispered, “I have a reputation to keep.” Allison moved back and frowned.

“I have a husband to keep in the dark!” Allison replied. “I’ll be careful.” Pat took her hand and led her to the bedroom, pulling Allison down onto the bed. Soon, clothes were flying to all corners of the room as they got down to the business of making each other very, very happy. “Do you have some toys we can use?” Allison asked. “I brought one of mine if you don’t!”

“Later,” responded Pat. “There’s time for that!” She moved between Pat’s thighs and commenced to eat her out good and proper. Soon, Allison’s moans and sighs filled the room, turns out she wasn’t a screamer like her sister-in-law, more of a moaner and a talker.

“Yes!” she urged, “Like that! Mmmm, my kitty loves your tongue! Oh God, it’s been so long since she had a good tongue-lashing! Yes, more like that!” Pat added two fingers then a third, curling them up and making that come hither motion to stimulate her lover’s special spot. “There! You found it! Oh, FUCK YES!” She clamped her thighs on her lover’s head as she came, a huge wave crashing over her as her pussy oozed the milky fluid over Pat’s fingers and tongue. For her part, Pat never slowed, determined to turn Allison’s first orgasm into several, continuing until her lover could take no more.

“STOP! PLEASE, I CAN’T…” she was unable to finish the words as orgasm number four overcame her. She held Pat’s head into her and pushed her hips up as she peaked. Releasing the russet hair from her fingers, she lay back and tried to recover her breathing. Pat kissed her way up the pale skin, blemished only by a few barely detectable stretch marks. She paid special attention to them, whispering between kisses. “Don’t,” pleaded Allison, “They’re so ugly.”

“They’re beautiful,” answered Pat, “They’re part of you.” She continued her way up, planting soft caresses with her lips along the bottom edge of her ribcage, stopping to take each turgid nipple into her mouth, nipping them before moving on. UP to her shoulders, she kissed her way along her collarbone and up her neck, her lips finally re-finding her soft pink lips.

“You definitely taste every bit as good as Laura,” she whispered, being careful not to mention the other name as she promised she wouldn’t. “Different but just as tasty.” She kissed her lover softly.

“How so?” Allison asked. She had occasionally thought that she might like to taste Laura herself but felt that was a line she dared not cross.

“You’re less tangy, a little saltier,” Pat answered. “Also, she’s a screamer, which is great but it makes it tough to be clandestine. You’re a talker, she’s not.” They snuggled together before Allison excused herself to the washroom.

“I’ll be right back,” she promised. A few moments later she returned, pulling the covers up over their nude forms and taking Pat into her arms. “Being bisexual really is the best of both worlds but if I’m honest, I prefer women.”

“How many women have you been with?” asked Pat.

“Counting you, four. A girl in high school, you know, the whole experimentation thing. That’s the weekend she found out she was gay and the weekend I found out I’m not. I like dick too!” She squeezed her lover. “One girl in university, a bunch of us were drunk and someone dared me to kiss the hottest person in the room. He expected me to kiss a guy, you should have seen the look on his face! Priceless!”

“Then there was the couple that my husband and I had a foursome with. That was the weekend she found out she was straight.” She paused for a moment, “That was also the weekend I found out my husband is a hypocrite.” Pat raised her eyebrows, inviting her to continue. “Seems he’s fine with fucking other women but he doesn’t want me fucking other men. He’s tried to talk me into a threesome with a co-worker of his but I put my foot down on that.”

“Do you think he’s fucking her?” Pat asked, taking Allison’s hand.

“I think he has but I don’t think it’s an ongoing thing,” said Allison. “I was angry and hurt at first but considering I had an affair as well, I guess I can’t bitch too much.”

“Retaliation for his affair?” Pat wasn’t trying to pry, she just wanted to help Allison get any possible guilt out of the way.

“No, more of an opportunity,” replied Allison. “A girlfriend was getting married, we went out for her bachelorette party, I met a guy, we went to his room and fucked.” She took a deep breath, “He had a really nice one, shame he didn’t have a clue how to use it.” She sighed again, remembering wistfully how he had filled her up but he came too quickly, leaving her frustrated. “Enough about me, what about you?”

“Fair’s fair,” Pat said. “I’ve lost count of the number of women I’ve been with. Don’t get me wrong, I love cock but women are different, you know?” Allison nodded. “But Laura’s different, it’s like we can read each other perfectly.”

“Maybe I’ll get to find out someday,” said Allison quietly. “But for now,” she kissed her lover, placing her hands on the sides of her face and guiding her onto her back, “I owe you one!” Not bothering with the foreplay, she moved between Pat’s legs and dove in, attacking her clit with gusto. Before long, Pat was writhing on the bed under her lover’s ministrations.

‘Fuck, this girl’s good!’ she thought to herself. Her hands found Allison’s blonde hair and pulled her into her pussy. “Mmmm, like that!” she croaked hoarsely. She felt two fingers enter her but instead of curling up to find her g-spot, they pistoned in and out, fucking her quickly. ‘How did she know?’ she wondered, her excitement building. A third finger inside her brought her closer, her hips twisting upward trying to impale herself further. She tried to suppress the scream that was building in her chest, holding off as long as she could but Allison was too good.

“OH FUCK!” she screamed over and over as her orgasm approached. She came with a loud groan as her pussy spasmed and she squirted all over her lover.

“WHOA! WHAT THE…” Allison shouted before diving back in and attempting to take in as much of Pat’s issue as she could. She made loud lapping and suckling noises as she tried to sustain Pat’s high, as Pat had done for her. Her fingers made sloshing and sucking noises as she fucked the sopping pussy beneath her. Pat’s hips were bucking so hard that she was having trouble maintaining contact with her clit. Giving it up for a lost cause, she placed her free hand on Pat’s hip and tried to hold her down so she could use her thumb on Pat’s now swollen clit as she began a curling motion with her fingers. Pat came again, every bit as noisily as the first time but somewhat less wetly, her juices flowing rather than squirting.

“Allison slowed her efforts, not because she was done but to let Pat think she was. She looked up, “You liked that, huh?” she said. Pat nodded her response, “Good because you’re about to get some more!” She dove back down and latched onto that hard little nub, sliding her fingers under her lover’s ass and holding herself tightly onto her. Less than a minute later, Pat’s thick, creamy thighs clamped around her head and she was rewarded with another gush of slick fluid which she lapped up. She backed off a little so Pat would relax her thighs. Once freed, she kissed her way up Pat’s body, stopping along the way searching for those little places that made her squirm and filing them away for later.

“A screamer and a squirter!” Allison whispered. “I’ve always wanted to squirt.” Her fingers began tracing slow circles around Pat’s engorged clit.

“Easy, I’m really sensitive right after I come,” said Pat.

“Good. This won’t take long then,” Allison said smiling. Her fingers went to work, rubbing Pat quickly to another orgasm which was announced with another scream. As her orgasm faded, Pat pulled her on top of her and held her tightly.

“Damn, girl, you are good!” said Pat. They shared soft kisses as they held each other.

“Better than Laura?” she asked. Pat just smiled enigmatically.

“I’ll tell you on Sunday,” Pat promised. “We’ll have to change these sheets!” She rolled out of bed and went o the washroom to clean up a little. Allison followed her and together they gave each other a quick wash. Pat went to the closet and retrieved a fresh set of sheets. They changed the sheets naked, which took a bit longer than normal because they kept staring at each other. Finished, they climbed in together and pulled up the covers, whispering softly as they quieted themselves to a deep slumber.

Written by CaressofSteel
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