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Alice's Very Naughty Adventures Chapter VI: A Very Strange Dream

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"In Which Alice is fucked by Captain Honeyglass and afterwards has a very strange dream..."

“You’re such a doll. I think I’ll keep you.”

Alice shivered at Captain Honeyglass’s words, squirming uncomfortably in her grip, her toes wiggling in thin air as she was lifted up until their faces were level.

“Keep me?” Alice squealed softly as sharp fingernails dug into her flesh.

“On a shelf. I’d take you off every morning and dress you up in pretty things. Wouldn’t you like that?”

“I don’t believe that I would, your ladyship. I imagine it would be awfully boring to sit on a shelf all day, even if I could fit on one!”

The captain laughed at that. “All it would take was a sip of dwindle tea.”

Alice sighed and shook her head. “All I really want to do is go home, your ladyship.”

“You should dream bigger, Alice. Small dreams are for small people.”

“Well, then I should really hate being shelf-sized,” Alice retorted. Had she been able to cross her arms stubbornly, she would have. As it was, she managed to give the captain a respectable glare.

Captain Honeyglass gave her a cross look before chuckling softly. “Perhaps I can change your mind.”
“I like my mind just the way it is, thank you very much!”

The captain simply shook her head and lowered her onto her lap so that her magnificent prick slipped beneath Alice’s apron and pressed against her damp panties, the mushroom-shaped tip coming to rest against the bottom of one breast. Then, leaning forward, she gave Alice kiss so passionate that it left Alice breathless as well as speechless.

“Wasn’t that a nice kiss?”

Alice paused. Kissing another woman was quite unnatural and improper and she certainly shouldn’t have enjoyed it.  And yet, hadn’t she decided that she was a woman full of unnatural desires? And hadn’t she already been quite improper at least once, if not more?

‘Dash and bother,’ she told herself whilst squirming against the prick pressing against her. ‘It was a nice kiss. Not that I am going to admit it. It would just encourage her!’ And then, ‘Oh, dear, my cunny is betraying me once more and soaking my knickers. She will know for sure whether I tell her yes or no.’

Alice sighed and chewed on her lip thoughtfully while her interrogator gazed at her expectantly.

“It was quite pleasant, I suppose,” she finally admitted.

“Quite pleasant!” barked the captain, her expression stormy. “I suppose I shall have to treat you roughly to win you over!”

She gave her no time to reply either yay or nay, kissing her hard, forcing her tongue past the young woman’s lips and slipping her hand beneath her apron skirt and pulling the gusset of her white lace drawers to one side so that her warm, hard cock was pressing directly against her hot pussy.

‘I am undone,’ Alice thought, moaning softly. Her arms now free, she began to explore the other woman’s breasts, paying special attention to her rather impressive nipples whilst the captain was fiddling suspiciously between her legs. Suddenly, Alice felt herself being lifted by the waist.

“What-“ Alice asked breathlessly, silenced as she was released, the end result being she was suddenly impaled upon a ramrod stiff prick.

“Ah!” she exclaimed, eyes wide, mouth wide with surprise as the mushroom-shaped head plowed her depths, only halting when her thighs met the captain’s. Hands tightened upon her narrow waist as she was once more lifted and then released.”

“Was that quite pleasant as well?” Honeyglass growled, mauling her tits and twisting her nipples until she writhed on her lap.

“Not in the least!” she complained, quivering, her pussy stretched wide, her heart beating against her ribs as if it might burst free at any moment.

“And this?” Again, she rose and fell like a rag doll, crying out as she was bent backward, her mouth assaulted with forceful kisses, muting any protest she might have made, had she been in mind to protest her treatment. Shame burned through her as she reached out, grasping the captain’s shoulders, using them to steady herself as she rose and fell of her own accord, her moans increasing in volume until she found herself trapped, mid plunge, her waist once again held tightly, gazing into cruel eyes and an even crueler smile.

“Will you submit?”

“Never,” Alice mumbled weakly, her eyes beginning to roll back in their sockets.

“We shall see about that!”

She felt herself lifted once more.

“Steady yourself,” the captain growled, releasing her waist once more and disappearing beneath Alice as the young woman held onto her shoulders desperately.

“What are you- Oh! Oh dear me!”

The captain had shifted her aim, pressing the head of her swollen cock between the cheeks of her derriere. “Take a deep breath and hold it!”

Alice did just that, her fingers digging into flesh as she prepared herself for what was to come, screwing her eyes shut as she was suddenly pushed down upon the juice slick cock, down, down, down until it was sunk to the hilt deep inside of her.

She let go, in all senses of the word, crying out wordlessly as she was flooded in rapture that eclipsed the pain, so much so that she was convinced she would quickly drown beneath its waves.

“You wanted to be fucked like a whore, Alice. You can be more whore. I’ll even pay you if you’d like.”

Alice moaned, the captain's words a senseless jumble as he raised her, quite slowly, until only the head of her prick was embedded in her bottom. ‘Rather like riding a carousel horse,’ she thought, giggling girlishly at the image and then letting out a scream of surprise when she was let go again. It was all she could do to cling to her ladyship as a new round of pain tainted pleasure went off like fireworks within her. She could feel her juices flowing like a leaking faucet until her thighs were dripping wet and the room smelled like cunny. Like sex. Like cunt. Her cunt. She was breathing so hard she wondered if, perhaps, she might swoon.

“I am not a whore,” she whispered unsurely.

“But you like being treated like one.”

Captain Honeyglass didn’t give her a chance to answer as she released her once more upon her prick, grunting like a rutting pig and then, again. Over and over until Alice was could do no more than whimper and moan and scream out as more and more orgasms came crashing down upon her. Soon, she was too lost to complain when the captain gave a boisterous cry and filled her bottom with what must have been a teapot’s worth of hot cum.

Afterwards, she remained motionless, too worn out to move, the slowly softening prick acting as a plug, head resting on her ladyship’s shoulder as her soft panting began to slow. She felt gentle hands stroking her shoulder and then her hair. It felt comforting, and she managed to smile just in time to be gently kissed.

“That wasn’t so bad, was it, love?”

“Not so bad,” she agreed. “Perhaps I don’t mind being treated like- like a- a whore,” she admitted, ashamed, and yet feeling a strange sense of liberation at the same time.

“You make a very pretty whore. I would-“

“Alice would have to wait, apparently, to find out just what the captain would, for at precisely that moment there was an urgent knock upon the door.

“For bollock’s sake! I was not to be disturbed!”

“Pardon me, your ladyship, but we’re nearing the border.”

“Bloody Hell. I’ll join you presently,” she called out, swearing under her breath as she rose, cradling Alice in her arms.

“Rest. I must attend to this.” She spoke gently, and just as gently carried her into an adjoining room, laying her upon a sumptuous bed, her head upon a plush pillow. “I’ll return as soon as I can.”

Alice, however, heard her not, for she was already fast asleep and dreaming. And so it was that, whilst the Winged Pig passed from one land into another, Alice went on a very different journey…

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Alice found herself standing upon a plain surface, surrounded by fog that swirled ghostlike around her. Lighting filtered through the mist, enough so that she could make out shapes, but not much more. Except for a long cloak that fastened above her breasts and spilled down her back, fanning out upon whatever surface she was standing upon, she was nude.  ‘It’s made entirely of feathers,’ she observed, fingers trailing over the garment curiously. ‘I wonder where it came from?’

It was eerily silent within what she assumed was a grand hall or, perhaps, a church. The ground beneath her bare feet was quite cold, causing her to shiver. It felt metallic. Bronze, perhaps, or iron, she guessed. As her eyes adjusted to the twilight around her, she was able to make several observations, one being that she seemed to be standing near the center of a giant sundial, although it seemed rather pointless, seeing as the sun wasn’t at all visible.

“How odd,” she mused whilst attempting to brush the fog away without success. “Although I suppose that is the nature of dreams, of which I seem to be having.”

Another observation was that moisture clung to her skin like diamond dewdrops. “If the sun was out, I might sparkle. Oh, wouldn’t that be a sight to behold. Although there doesn’t seem to be anyone close by to behold it. Unless…”

The third observation she had made was that there were twelve shapes in all and that they were laid out in a circle positioned where the numbers would be if this truly was a sundial.

“They’re not moving, so they are must be statues. I should take a closer look, but where should I start?”

Unable to make a decision, she decided to leave it to chance and choose one at random. Closing her eyes tightly she turned in place several times until she was disoriented. Upon stopping she opened her eyes once more and moved carefully towards the shape in front of her until she was standing within a clearing free of the thick miasma…

“How curious,” she mused out loud, studying the stature. “It looks rather goat-like. I believe I have read of something like this although I cannot, for the life of me, remember where.”

It did, indeed, look quite goat-like. Although it stood upon to legs, its haunches were covered with thick hair, its knees bent backwards, and it had hooves rather than legs. Above the waist, it was quite man-like. Its chest was narrow and its arms wiry. While its face was quite handsome, a stylish vandyke beard and a pair of ridged horns rising from its forehead added to its goat-like appearance. Eventually, though, Alice’s eyes were drawn to its groin where a rather sizable and fully erect phallus was displayed.

“He’s quite well endowed,” she whispered, averting her gaze quickly, her cheeks burning with embarrassment at the shamefully improper thoughts that had slipped into her head at the sight.

‘Whoever crafted it has no sense of decency,’ she mused. ‘I suppose it won’t hurt to take another quick peek.’ Which she did, although not nearly as quickly as she’d planned for she found herself mesmerized. ‘It’s even larger than Her Ladyship’s,’ she breathed, wondering what it would be like to be taken by such a creature. ‘It’s just a statue, Alice,’ she murmured, reprimanding herself for such an indecent thought. ‘Perhaps it would be best if I explored further…’

Reluctantly, she took her own advice (for once actually following it, something she found she had trouble doing all too often) and made her way through the fog (which had become so thick that she lost her way more than once and resorted to holding her hands out in front of her so that she could feel her way around) until she came upon another of the statues. Surprisingly, it stood within a pocket that seemed untouched by the ghostly mists.

‘A mermaid. She’s quite pretty.’

It was, indeed, a statue of a mermaid, its surface entirely covered with fish-like scales. Like the goat-man, its lower half was that of a fish, ending in fins, while its upper was that of a human woman with small breasts, slim shoulders, and waves of hair that descended nearly to its waist.

‘She has a cunny, too, I think, or at least a slit where a cunny should be. Curiouser and curiouser. If she was alive she’d be quite beautiful.’

Like the goat-man, she felt strangely drawn to the mermaid until she grudgingly turned away and moved on once more, once again losing her way within a few steps.

“Dash and bother,” she cursed, her mouth turned down in a sulk. “I wish I had a lantern to guide me lest I tumble off the edge into nothingness. At least, this being a dream, the worst that could possibly happen is I shall wake up. But I really would like to see the- Oh! Speaking of which, here’s one now!"

The statue she came upon was similar to that of the goat-man, only it was clean-shaven, broad-chested, and well-muscled. It, too, had horns, only they were smooth and instead of rising from its forehead, they pointed outward from its temples. As for its phallus…

“Oh,” Alice managed, staring, transfixed. While the goat-man’s prick had been quite large, the bull-man’s was enormous. How long she stood there staring, she couldn’t have said, but when she tried to turn away she found herself, instead, moving closer, her breath quickening with unsated desire.

“I-“ she mumbled, unable to finish the thought as she slowly became aware that her nipples had become painfully swollen and that her cunny juices were trickling down the insides of her thighs and that her cunny lips felt puffy and that her pleasure nub was throbbing in time to her heartbeat.

“I-“ she tried again, her voice trailing away as she paused before the bronze figure, reaching slowly out to stroke its smooth prick. Oddly, it felt warm to the touch.

“I-“ she tried a third time, abandoning whatever advice she meant to give as she determinedly climbed up upon the figure (with some difficulty) and wrapped her arms around its waist as far as she could manage.

“I-“ she managed one last time as she lowered herself, shaking as she felt the head of its prick pressing against her dripping wet pussy and then lower, gasping loudly as she was stretched unnaturally wide. In a panic, she tried to pull herself up again, but the surface proved too smooth and she felt herself slipping, the metal cock sinking slowly into her, impaling her painfully. She tried once more with Herculean effort, but her strength gave out and she felt herself falling upon the bull-man’s enormous inhuman cock…

…She was still falling when she awoke, crying out with surprise when the floor stopped her descent quite suddenly.

“My goodness!” she exclaimed, attempting to shake the shadows of her dream from her head quite vigorously, surprised to find her pussy unfilled (although it seemed her panties were entirely soaked). “I wonder what is happening!”

For, indeed, something was happening. While she slept, the Winged Pig had descended, slowly rotating until it was upside down and was no longer flying through the clouds but, instead, floating slowly downwards towards the sea. Alice, of course, was unaware of this. Had she been, she might have grabbed hold of the bed when she began to levitate towards the ceiling.

‘First I am falling and now I am floating. I am curious to discover what happens next. Why, I imagine I-‘

Before she could finish the notion she dropped once more, landing upon the bed, bouncing several times on the plump mattress before coming to a stop.  This time she had enough sense to grasp a hold of one of the bedposts so that when gravity went topsy-turvy again she was spared what might have been a nasty fall.

‘I do hope this gets sorted out soon,’ she said to herself, her legs dangling upwards, or perhaps downward, towards the ceiling. ‘I am not used to up being down and down being up. At least sideways has the good sense to remain unchanged, or so I hope.’




Written by sprite
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