Alice disappeared, or rather her reflection did, the moment the door flew open.
“I had to make sure you’re not getting into trouble,” the knight announced, eyeing her suspiciously.
Just then Alice recalled the words of the Cheshire Cat. ‘Something about tea and cakes,’ she thought, wondering if it was helpful advice or simply madness as so much seemed to be since she’d left the comfort of the stream bank to pursue the tiny sailing ship. Just then she realized that the other Alice had left her in a rather awkward and disheveled state.
While ‘I cannot, in good conscious, pretend to be very ladylike anymore,’ was what she might have said, her actual words were much different.
“I am not entirely sure what I am getting into,” she murmured, blushing as he surveyed her condition, his nostrils flaring as the scent of her, or perhaps the other Alice’s, cunny juices reached him. As for her own gaze, it settled upon the unmistakable signs of arousal in his codpiece.
(It should be pointed out that Alice’s knowledge of the male anatomy was mostly theoretical. In truth, while she was aware of the difference between the male and female of the species, it had mostly been gained from anatomy books and lately, in lurid romance novels. In other words, while she was aware of penises and how they worked, she had never actually seen, let alone touched, one. In other words, she was a virgin.)
“I am afraid I have yet to find something suitable to wear,” she told him apologetically. “If you would be kind enough to give me a few moments more, I promise I’ll-“
Alice stopped suddenly, her small hands flying to cover her mouth, her eyes widening as the triangular crimson cloth that covered his manhood gave way. Apparently the strain was much too much for it. She stared at it in fascination and horror. Fascination because it was the first time she’d actually seen a gentleman’s genitalia. Horror because, despite the many times she’d read about pirates ravishing innocent young ladies, none of them had prepared her for its size.
As for the knight, his eyes rolled wildly as he fought the urge to defile and possible deflower the wanton young woman. Breathing hard, he gnashed his teeth together several times while repeating his oath (for all knights take an oath to be morally upstanding which most certainly includes not ravishing half naked blonde girls no matter how they smelled) frantically under his breath.
As for Alice, she was just naïve enough to not recognize the danger she was in. Had she, she might have covered herself up or possibly hid beneath the bed. Instead, she chose that exact moment to swoon, forcing the knight to act in a chivalrous manner and catch her before she struck the floor. Lifting her, he placed Alice carefully on the bed, her blonde hair spread beneath her and her legs similarly spread which proved to be his undoing.
“She’ll never know,” he murmured, standing over her, all too aware of the curves of her breasts beneath her shift, and the scent of her sex. He closed his eyes and pictured what must lie beneath her sodden silk panties – a triangle of gold and below that, the promised land. Paradise if you will. With that, his resolve evaporated and he climbed on top of her, intending to prick her with his spear of flesh.
Alice, however, did know. She just chose to pretend otherwise. ‘If I pretend to be asleep, I can feign ignorance,’ she told herself. ‘No one will be the wiser and yet, I will have be able to live out my fantasy of being ravished. Dash and bother, for I was hoping that it would be by pirates, but beggars can’t be choosers, I suppose.’ She opened her eyes, just enough to peek through her lashes up at the horse headed man as he fumbled with her drawers, and winced as he ripped them in two, exposing her most private parts to his lust filled gaze.
Alice felt a thrill of lust shiver through her. She had dreamed of being looked at like that. Oh, sure, the young men she know had often looked at her admiringly, but always politely. If they had wanted to tear her clothes from her and have their way with her, they hid it well. The knight, however, made no secret of his intent. Once he’d discarded her ruined panties, he did the same with her slip, leaving her completely naked and exposed. She did her best not to moan with impatience as he paused above her, devouring her with his eyes, his lips curled back in a hungry grin. Hoping he wouldn’t notice, she turned her gaze downward, swallowing nervously at the sight of his penis.
‘His cock,’ she told herself. ‘Alice in the mirror wouldn’t have called it a penis. She’d have called it a cock. And he means to put it into my pussy, not my cunny.’ She rather liked pretending to be Mirror Alice, she decided. It was much more fun than being well-mannered and proper, neither of which she would be after letting the red knight ravish her.
‘Oh, I do hope it doesn’t hurt too much.’ Her sister, Rebecca, had told her, more than once, that it was something to be endured rather than enjoyed, but Alice had chosen not to believe her. Of course, that was before she’d actually seen a man’s cock! It was much bigger than the handle of her hairbrush which fit so snuggly inside of her. Holding her breath, she braced herself for what was to come. In the stories she’d read, the ladies always enjoyed being rogered (another word she decided the other Alice would have used) despite their protestations.
‘In for a penny, in for a pound,’ she told herself and squeezed her lids shut, so that she wouldn’t have to watch as he took himself in hand and positioned himself between her legs and thrust.
The books had lied. It didn’t feel good. It felt the exact opposite of good. In fact, it hurt more than she’d imagined! Still, she managed to keep her eyes closed and did her best not to cry out. Perhaps it would get better. She recalled her reflections fingers. They hadn’t hurt. Quite the contrary. They had felt wonderful.
The knight seemed unconcerned. She felt his weight upon her, trapping her against the bed as he forced himself deeper into her most intimate of places. ‘My pussy,’ she corrected herself, and then added with a small amount of surprise and even a little wonder. ‘Oh! He’s fucking me! I am being fucked! Finally!’ and then, with less enthusiasm. ‘It’s rather disappointing. In fact, I am not enjoying it at all!’
And then, a very curious thing happened. The longer the knight lay atop her, grunting and thrusting, the less uncomfortable it was. This gave Alice an idea. ‘I am sure he’ll not notice if I reach down and play with my button,’ she decided, and did just that. Much to her delight, she started to enjoy herself. ‘Perhaps if I play with my nipples too… Oh! Much better!’
Now that she’d taken matters into her own hands she began to actually enjoy her inaugural ravishment, despite it not being carried about by pirates.
It soon became impossible to pretend she was unconscious, not that the knight seemed to notice her soft moans as she pleasured herself whilst he was pounding away at her pussy with exuberance if not expertise. Eventually he let out a horse-like neigh and Alice felt him stiffen on top of her, as well as inside of her as he, presumably, flooded her pussy with his seed. At least that’s how the stories always described it. Unfortunately for Alice, once again, she remained unsatisfied. First the Captain had left her on the brink, and then her reflection, and now the knight! It was decidedly unfair, not to mention frustrating! She did her best to finish what the horse-headed knight had started. He, however, had collapsed on top of her making it impossible for her to continue touching herself. Worse, still, he began to snore loudly.

“Dash and bother!” she cursed and then, deciding language much stronger was needed, added a curse she’d heard from a sailor once, one that she’d never dared utter out loud.
“Bloody Hell!”
Alice was both delighted by her daring to utter such foul words and ashamed that she had done so. Blushing furiously, she was thankful that the knight had indeed passed out atop of her and presumably not heard her curse.
‘I shall not make a habit of cursing,’ she decided. ‘I do not have the proper disposition, I am afraid. Now if only I can make my escape before he wakes.’
Eventually, she was able to wiggle her way out from under the snoring knight. Once again, she regarded herself in the mirror, half hoping that her reflection would join her once more, but sadly, all she saw was herself, completely naked except for the steel cuffs and collar that she still wore.
“There’s nothing to be done about it, I suppose,” she said out loud. “I doubt very much that I won’t be noticed if I leave, and yet, I most certainly will if I stay, once the knight wakes up.”
Moving across the small cabin, she reached for the brass doorknob when inspiration struck her. “It’s the perfect height” she thought, running her tongue along her upper lip thoughtfully. “It would be so naughty, but I am afraid that if I’m don’t… come soon, I shall be driven mad!”
Behind her the knight’s snores were getting louder. It was unlikely that he would soon wake and so it was settled. She stepped closer and pressed her palms to the door so that her wet cunny was pressing into the knob and started to rub.
“Oh!” she murmured, for it felt amazing to have the cool metal pressing into her tender lips and her swollen button. “Oh. Oh Oh.”
“I beg your pardon,” came a muffled voice.
So many things had happened since she’d taken refuge inside the captain’s quarters that she’d quite forgotten how she’d gained entry (not to mention that her need for an orgasm was so great that it seemed to be clouding her thinking) so it came as a bit of a surprise when the knob voiced its surprise at being employed in such a manner.
“I am terribly sorry, but I can’t seem to help myself,” Alice managed, panting as she continued to rub against the knob. It should be pointed out that in order to properly converse, even a door knob must have a mouth and a tongue, something Alice had failed to consider.
“And yet you are doing just that.”
She moaned in delight at the vibrations cause by the doorknobs voice and continued her assault, letting out a startled, and quite pleased, gasp as she pushed hard enough that it pushed past her petals until it was fully lodged inside of her.
“Oh, dear,” she moaned, torn between wishing to continue and the worry that to do so without permission would be quite rude. Eventually, manners won over need, and she stepped back until the knob, now glistening and dripping with her feminine arousal was freed.
“Well, I never!” the knob sputtered, unable to whip her cunny juices from its mouth.
“Never? Not even once?” Alice asked, her voice trembling with shame. “Neither have I, you know. Not until today. Never been spanked, never been with another girl, never even seen a penis let alone had one inside of me. And yet, with all of that, I have been left wanting. It’s been terribly cruel.”
She suddenly burst into tears as if to prove her point, crying copiously until the door knob took pity upon her.
“There, there,” it told her, its voice softening in an almost fatherly way. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”
“But it is I who should be apologizing,” she sniffled, wiping her eyes with her bare knuckles, the soft clink of her chains a reminder of her unsure status. While she had been rescued from the pirates it seemed to her that her captivity had been passed onto the chessmen.
“Tut, tut,” the doorknob tutted. “Consider it a lesson. Next time it would do you well to ask first.”
“A lesson I shall never forget,” Alice said with as much sincerity as she could muster.
“Now then, let’s try this again. Properly.”
“Excuse me?”
“Ask permission, my dear.”
“Oh!” she responded, somewhat confused and befuddled for a moment. Then, working up her courage, she formed her request in her head, arranging and rearranging it several times before voicing it as politely as she could.
“Please sir, may I trouble you to allow me to rub myself against you for a time?”
“Much better,” the knob replied, pride at his erstwhile student’s manner at his prompting.
“You may, but only if you promise to give me a proper polishing after so that I am as bright and shiny as before.”
“Oh, thank you ever so much!”
“My pleasure. And now, if you would like, we can work on your pleasure as well.”
Shyly, Alice resumed her position, quite gratified when the knob responded with its tongue, licking her slowly into a state of ecstasy until it was all she could do to stay upright as she rubbed and panted and moaned.
“I am in such a state,” she gasped.
“I was once in the employ of a great lady whose desires were nearly as insatiable as yours,” it informed her with pride. “I served her for many years without complaint upon her part.”
“Oh!” she gasped, unable to form a more coherent reply as she felt it suddenly filling her once more, its tongue sliding and stroking inside of her now until she felt that she might burst from the inside out with passion.
“Oh yes! Yes! Yes!” she cried out as she was consumed with an orgasm more powerful than she’d ever imagined, let alone experienced. Best of all, the doorknob continued to employ its tongue both within and without until she achieved a second orgasm and then a third. Had she the strength, she would have begged for a fourth.
‘That would be greedy,’ she told herself. ‘Besides, I can barely stand, so overwhelmed am I!’
And it was true. She felt her knees wobble and then give out. She found herself sprawled on the floor, her legs spread in an unlady-like manner and her breasts heaving as she fought for breath, her thighs wet. Beneath her a small pool was forming.
“Thank you very much,” she managed, remembering her manners before the doorknob had to remind her. “Your skills are without compare. I am in your debt.”
“Oh, posh,” the knob replied, beaming proudly at her praise. “A job worth doing is worth doing well. Something else to remember.”
Just then, there came a commotion upon the other side of the door and the knob grew serious in voice. “As such, I must go back to my duty. Forgive me.”
A moment later, Alice heard its stern voice upon the other side of the door.
“Oh, dear, what now?” Alice wondered aloud with a sigh.