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Alice's Very Naughty Adventures Chapter V: Captain Honeyglass

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Author's Notes

"In which Alice is interrogated quite masterfully."

Alice didn’t have long to ponder her fate. Before she’d even finished her sigh, she heard a rattle of keys and the thump of boots.

“Well, at least I shall have company,” she told herself out loud. “Perhaps it’s the captain and he wishes to explain that this has all been a misunderstanding and that I am free to go after, of course, he gifts me with a lovely new frock and undergarments and invites me to supper. I suppose, this being a ship, that it he’ll serve salmon braised in a garlic and pepper sauce. I do hope so. It has been ages since I’ve-“

Had she a hand to do so, she would have clapped it over her mouth in consternation. As it was, she promptly silenced herself, for it was not the captain who stood before her small cell holding a ring of keys. It was, instead, the white bishop. He stood just outside, displaying his sharp teeth in a cruel smile as he surveyed his prisoner. For her part, Alice shuffled back as far as she could and willed herself not to tremble.

“Alice, I believe,” the bishop addressed her.

“Your lordship,” Alice returned, her manners returning to her out of habit. Had she been able to, she might have curtsied. As it was, she lowered her chin until it pressed against the metal collar she still wore.

“You may be relieved to hear that I have spoken to our captain in your defense. She is most certainly not a pirate, I told her. It is my belief that she is a hostage, perhaps the daughter of a merchant from a faraway land and that it would behoove us to treat her with the respect due her station.”

“My father is, in fact a merchant!” Alice nodded, feeling somewhat hopeful that perhaps she might still be dining on salmon before the day was done.

“Ah. Well, that is certainly a boon for you. Had you been in league with those ruffians, you would most certainly have met the same fate, my dear.”

“And what would that be?” She wondered out loud, remembering the white rabbit and the badger and the terrier and all of the others, especially recalling how Captain Foxtrot had called her Petal and put her over his lap and spanked her bare bottom and almost made her…

“You’re blushing. It’s very becoming. Like a rose upon your lily white cheeks. One would think you were naught but the wayward daughter of a man of modest wealth,” the bishop said with a salacious wink. “I, however, know better. You are a young lady with unnatural yearning. A Floozy. A tart. A – dare I say it out loud; a whore.”

Thankfully, he whispered his last proclamation for, had he truly spoken the word out loud, Alice thought she might have, once again, swooned. As it was, she felt rather faint.

“As for your question, we treated them as we do all such fiends we come across. We parted them with their heads.”

“Oh!” Once again, had she been able to cover her mouth with her hands, she would have, horrified at the thought, even though they had captured her and, perhaps, intended to… well, she supposed they would have done the same as the chessmen had and used her for their own pleasures!

‘I might have been better off not being rescued at all!’ she supposed, although she kept the thought to herself. Instead, she sighed and sank to her knees weakly, feeling suddenly faint.

“I don’t suppose you’re here to release me?” she inquired, gazing up at the bishop hopefully.

“I am here,” he announced, once again, smiling cruelly down upon the naked young woman, “to escort you to the Captain. First, however, I shall make sure you look presentable.”

With that, he unlocked the cell door and held it wide, his gaze wandering over her as he licked his thin lips like a cat eyeing a saucer of milk. Once again, Alice was reminded of the cheshire who had faded away, leaving her to the chess men.

“Tea and cakes. Tea and cakes,” she mumbled, repeating his final words to her, sure that they were important somehow. “Oh, dash and bother. Nothing here makes any sense at all.”

“Tut tut,” replied the bishop as he stepped inside and unfastened the chain from the wall the led to her collar. Using it as a leash, he gave it the gentlest of tugs. “The world is under no obligation to make sense to you. It is you who must make sense of the world. Now come along. The captain doesn’t like to be kept waiting.”

“In that, they are all alike,” Alice muttered under her breath as the bishop led her through the hull upon her make-shift leash to what was, presumably, his private quarters. Though it was small – she supposed that most berths upon a sailing ship were – it was large enough to hold them both, as well as a small bed and a pair of trunks.

“You’ll be comfortable here for the time being,” he told her, fastening her chain to one of the heavy trunks. “I shall return with something more…” Once again his hungry gaze passed over her, causing her to shiver uncomfortably. “Becoming, my dear Alice. Please don’t get into any trouble while I am away. I should hate to have to punish you.”

She spent her time pacing, as much as the small room, and her leash, would allow.

“If I was wiser, or perhaps smarter, I might conceive a plan of escape,” she explained to one of the trunks as she sat down upon the other. “Although, it occurs to me that we are on a ship. It also occurs to me that I am naked and chained to the wall and, very probably, locked in a very small room, so perhaps it is not just a matter of not being wise enough, or smart enough, but simply a matter of circumstance.”

She took a moment to dwell upon this very possibility, and then another. And another, until, eventually, enough moments had passed that the bishop had returned with an outfit as promised, which he laid out upon the unoccupied trunk before seating himself upon the bed.

“Come. Sit with me a while,” he told her, patting the mattress with the flat of his hand.

“I think I would prefer to sit here,” Alice replied, meekly as she examined the items he meant for her to wear. A maid’s outfit, although somewhat incomplete.

“If you promise to behave, I shall remove your shackles.”

“Will you promise to behave as well?” she replied, stubbornly remaining seated, much to his amusement.

“I promise to behave in a way befitting of my station. No better nor worse.”

‘I suppose that will have to do,’ she told herself as she attempted to stand, her chains hampering her. She was very aware of his gaze as she shuffled over to join him, her eyes widening as he slipped his hand beneath her bottom at the last possible moment and began to fondle her.

“Your promise!” she protested.

“I am a man of the cloth,” he retorted. “And as such, the sins of the flesh are my realm.”

“I must pro-“ she attempted, her words suddenly forgotten as his fingers found her cunny and her sensitive button of pleasure. “Pro-oh!”

“You looked so delightful earlier. Each climax was a work of art. A thing of beauty. A masterpiece, even.”

Alice was having trouble making sense of his words for he had slipped one very stout and very long finger within her as he spoke while he tickled her nub with another. Soon, she could feel herself leaking like a sieve, coating his digits and the mattress below.

“I would very much enjoy watching you again, my dear girl,” he coaxed, his face dangerously close to hers. If fact, his nose was brushing her bright golden locks with unwelcome familiarity.

“Please, sir, I do wish you would st-“ she tried, her words silenced as she felt another finger within her, pushing at the walls of her cunny, filling her nicely.

“Would you like me to stop, then?” he whispered softly into her ear, his breath tickling.

“No! I mean yes! I mean… Oh, dash and bother, I do not even know my own mind anymore!”

The bishop remained silent, his lips brushing her cheek and the corner of her mouth as he continued to plumb her depths. As for Alice, she began panting softly as his fingers explored her more fully. Eventually, she surrendered to her the needs of her flesh and began to rock her hips, slowly at first, and then with vigor as ecstasy began to build deep within her.

“Such a beautiful sight,” he growled, pressing his lips against hers. His indelicate kiss enflamed her passion to greater heights and she returned it, lust burning through her as he plunged yet another finger within in tandem with his tongue invading her mouth.

Her screams of pleasure were muted as rapture burst deep within her. The chains securing her ankles and wrists rattled and shook as she writhed upon the bishops hand whilst waves of delight course through her like a tempest, cresting again and again until she finally collapsed senseless and entirely spent.

“Beautiful,” the bishop chuckled, removing his dripping fingers from her quivering quim. “The captain will be very pleased with my gift. Now, to wrap her…"

When Alice awoke, she was surprised to find herself not only free of her collar and shackles, but dressed as well.

‘At least partially dressed,’ she amended to herself, gazing down at her attire. She looked the part of servant or, more specifically, a maid. A pristine white apron covered her front, barely concealing her small breasts and the white lace knickers that hid her most intimate parts. That wasn’t all. She now wore a pair of white lace gloves and matching stockings. Her patent leather shoes were black, as was the ribbon that adorned the collar around her throat. ‘A feather duster would complete the look,’ she mused, suddenly aware of the bishop’s penetrating gaze upon her.

“How do I look?” she asked shyly, her cheeks burning.

“You’ll do,” he answered with a mocking grin that showed off his sharp teeth.

Alice shivered at the sight, reminding herself that she remained his captive to do with as he pleased.

“What will you do with me?”

“Present you to the captain, I suppose. She’ll wish to question you. If you’re lucky, she’ll take a liking to you and decide to keep you.”

“And if I’m unlucky?” she wondered, her voice trembling with trepidation.

“Off with your head!” he answered, his eyes burning with lust as he pulled her closer and squeezed her bottom possessively. “Which would be a shame. Let us both hope that you find a way to please her, or I might be joining you on the executioner’s block, my delightful little whore.”

Alice’s face turned bright red as his mouth found hers and then to scarlet as his hand wandered beneath her apron to claim her breast, squeezing it possessively and toying with her nipple until it stood at attention for him. He treated the other the same so that by the time he led her from his cabin and onto the ships deck, the apron top she wore had two very obvious dents in strategic places, much to her chagrin.

‘At least he removed the leash,’ Alice told herself as she glanced around her. Unsurprisingly it appeared that, while the pawns scurried about the deck doing whatever it was that sailors did, the other pieces seemed to show little interest in doing anything resembling physical labor. Mostly, they just stood about looking self-important or taunting the lesser pieces or, once they noticed her following along behind the bishop, leered at her. Color infused her cheeks as she was scrutinized, for of course, she recognized many of them as those who had lined up behind her earlier and defiled her at the Looking Glass’ helm.

‘Given half a chance, I am sure they would take another turn at me,’ she frowned, unsure whether that would be unwelcome or not. By the time she was standing outside the door of what she presumed was the captain’s quarters, her thighs were damp with moisture and her breasts were heaving noticeably with both anxiety and excitement at the very idea of once again being the helpless object of their desires. She was so caught up in the idea that she’d stopped paying attention to the bishop.

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“Alice!” he snapped, swatting her on the bottom with some force. “Have you heard a single word?”

She realized that he had, indeed, been addressing her. About what, she couldn’t say.

“No, sir,” she murmured, apologizing whilst rubbing her bottom where he’s smacked her, her thoughts drifting back to the spanking Captain Foxtrot had given her and unable to decide if she’d welcome a repeat performance from the bishop or not.

‘I really should not,’ she thought, biting her lip as she mulled over the idea. ‘And yet, now that the possibility has taken root, I can’t possibly deny it excites me.’

“Listen up.”

He swatted her again, this time on the back of her thigh, leaving her wide eyed and breathless.

“You are to address the captain as Her Ladyship. Hold your curtsy until addressed. And, whatever you do, don’t stare.”

“Stare at what?” Alice wondered out loud.

“Her. Best if you simply keep your eyes on the floor while in her presence and not say a word unless addressed. She’ll wish to question you. Keep to the truth and you’ll likely have nothing to worry about. Understood?”

Alice nodded mutely, understandably nervous as she was ushered through the door and into the presence of the Captain.

“Captain Honeyglass. I have delivered the prisoner as requested!” the bishop announced loudly. He then stepped to one side allowing Alice to curtsy deeply whilst focusing on the brightly colored rug beneath her feet, holding her pose as best she could, yet unable to restrain her curiosity.

‘A brief glance won’t harm anyone,’ she thought to herself, doing just that.

The captain was seated at a vanity, her back turned, her backside uncovered (as was her front, Alice surmised. In fact, from what she could tell, the captain wasn’t wearing a single stich of clothing revealing a rather pleasing hourglass shape. Scarlet hair spilled over her shoulders and down her back in gentle waves. She was humming to herself whilst applying make-up, ignoring both Alice and the bishop for quiet some time. Alice, wisely she thought, held her pose and remained silent until, at last, the captain spoke.

“Bring her forward, Bishop, so that I might appraise her.”

The white bishop propelled Alice gently forward, his hand on her bottom, until she stood slightly to one side of the Captain, doing her best to remain bent at the waist which was quite difficult but not impossible.

“Captain Honeyglass, may I present Alice. Alice, Her ladyship, Captain Honeyglass of the Winged Pig.”

“Your ladyship,” Alice murmured nervously, attempting to make her curtsy even deeper and keep her gaze upon the floor of the cabin.

“You are excused, Bishop. Please make sure I am not disturbed while I interrogate our prisoner."

“Yes, Your ladyship!”

The Captain waited until he had turned on his heel and exited her quarters before continuing.

“You are the girl who claims to have been held captive by the pirates?” Captain Honeyglass inquired, her voice sultry and smooth as silk.

“I am, your ladyship.”

“Look at me, girl.”

Alice obediently lifted her gaze, unbending just a little so that she could get a good look at the captain of the Winged Pig. ‘Her face is quite handsome,’ was her first thought. And then, ‘She has much nicer breasts than mine. Certainly much larger.’ And then. ‘Oh my! I was told not to stare and now I see why, for instead of a cunny, she has a prick and it’s quite magnificent!’

Despite the bishop’s warning, she found it impossible not to stare. Never once had she imagined such a thing! Rather than being displeased by her reaction, however, Captain Honeyglass seemed amused.

“Is it not beautiful?” she purred, at which Alice merely nodded.

“I asked you a question, girl!” the captain snapped, standing suddenly, and towering over Alice.

“Oh! My apologies, your ladyship!” Alice did her best not to trip over her words. “It is. Beautiful, that is. As are you. I am quite humbled by your beauty, being quite plain myself.”

“You are quite plain,” Captain Honeyglass agreed. “Though your hair is somewhat pretty and I like the color of your eyes.”

Sitting back down, she resumed applying makeup, turning her lips a strident ruby color.

“It would please me if you knelt. Yes, like that. Hands upon your lap.” 

Alice, of course, did her best to follow the captain’s orders to perfection.

“Now, kiss my feet. Yes, like that. Delightful. Each toe, Alice. Now, lick them. Don’t I have the prettiest toes you’ve ever seen?”

“Yes, your ladyship. Your toes are without compare,” Alice agreed, blushing. To be fair, they were quite nice. Clean, the well-trimmed nails painted a lovely shade of green.

“You may take them into your plain little mouth and suck them if you wish.”

Whilst she didn’t really wish to, she thought it might be wise not to object. Glancing up at the captain, she noticed that her prick was stiffening and growing in size. ‘That seems to be the nature of pricks.’ She mused. ‘At least, the ones I’ve experience with, not that I have had any experience before today.’

“Now, I shall ask some question of you and I will expect truthful answers. Is that understood? Otherwise…” she drew a line across her throat with one finger. “Off with your head!”

“Yes, your ladyship,” Alice trembled, pausing in her ministrations, to nod, gazing earnestly upward. “I will do my best.”

“That is all anyone can do in your position. Where was your ship, The Looking Glass, heading?”

“Downstream, your ladyship. Towards what destination, I do not know. I had been held prisoner for a very short time.”

“You saw no maps?”

“No, your ladyship.”

“Overheard no talk?”

“No, your ladyship.”

“You are quite useless!”

“I am sorry, my ladyship, but that is the truth of it.”

“Perhaps I should have your head removed anyway.”

“I would rather you not!” Alice cried out in alarm.

“Let me consider my options. In the meantime, please continue.” She wiggled her toes at Alice, who resumed her duties, sucking each and every one of them as if her life depended on it, wondering if, perhaps, it did.

“The Captain. What was his name?”

“Foxtrot, your ladyship.”

“Was he cruel? Did he beat you?”

“He… spanked me,” Alice spoke in a whisper, her cheeks turning a rosy pink at the memory.

“I see. No, don’t stop. I didn’t tell you to stop. Big toe, please. And use your tongue, for heaven’s sake! Yes, much better. Pretend it is a prick. A very small prick. You have sucked a prick before, haven’t you?” she scoffed.

“Once, your ladyship,” Alice admitted softly, recalling how the Bishop had put his in her mouth whilst she was being defiled from behind.

“I see. Perhaps it is a matter of little skill rather than one of little enthusiasm.”

“Oh, yes, exactly that, your ladyship,” Alice agreed, not wanting to lose her head today (or any other day for that matter!).

“And where were they sailing from?”

“Again, I don’t know, your ladyship,” Alice mumbled, her mouth currently full of toe.

“Perhaps I was hasty.”

“Hasty, your ladyship?”

“In having them all beheaded. All but the one who escaped, that is.”

“Oh,” Alice replied, neither agreeing or disagreeing.”

“I’d like you to play with yourself for me, girl.”

“Pardon, your ladyship?”

“Did I mumble?” she asked brusquely as she pulled her foot away and bent over, grasping Alice’s blonde locks in one fist and forcing her up until they were eye to eye.

“Play with yourself while I watch, Alice. Or suffer the consequences. Do I make myself clear?”

“Perfectly, your ladyship,” she answered, blushing, her scalp tingling uncomfortably as Captain Honeyglass continued to hold her upright, her knees still planted firmly upon the carpet and her thighs slightly spread. Her cheeks burned with humiliation as she reached beneath her apron and slowly pushed her hand into her white lace drawers which had, somehow, become quite damp since she’d put them on.

“Look at me,” the captain ordered, and she did, locking gazes.

‘She looks like she might eat me alive. She’s just as cruel as Captain Foxtrot, despite not being a pirate,’ Alice thought as she slid her finger slowly between her cunny lips, gathering up her scented juices, then smearing them over her quickly swelling pleasure nub, rubbing them in until she was panting softly.

“Such a pretty sight,” the captain breathed, her prick growing in both girth and length, straightening until it resembled the mast of a great ship. “Now, talk dirty.”

“I- I don’t know how to,” Alice admitted, biting her lip with embarrassment at the mere thought!

“You had better learn. And quickly!” The captain said, glaring down at her, her grip tightening until Alice was squirming, her finger slipping between inside of her, the pleasure countering the pain, doing her best to remember the randiest parts of her favorite pirate romance.

“I. Err. My bosoms are heaving with passion?” she tried.

“Tripe!” Roared the captain. “Try harder!”

Focusing on what she was doing, she thought about all the dirty thoughts she’d been having since being captured and of all the naughty things she’d been subjected to (and thoroughly enjoyed, even is she didn’t want to admit it, even to herself). Taking a deep breath, she began teasing her cunny in earnest, pushing a pair of fingers deep inside so that she could reach a spot that she had discovered a mere fortnight ago, a spot that drove her into a frenzy of pleasure that had been, up until then, unimaginable.

“I. You have… a.. umm.” In her search for inspiration, she recalled the white bishop. “Your pri- your cock. It’s magnificent. It’s huge and… and I want to suck on it.”

She let out a soft moan, taking note of the pleased look on the captain’s face. “I wonder what it would feel like in my cu- my pussy. Deep inside my pussy as you plowed- fucked me until I- I screamed. Or in my ass, your ladyship. Inside my ass, filling me with your hot- love juice. Or spanking me. Oh, I so did enjoy being spanked, your ladyship.”

By this time, Alice had worked herself into quite a state of arousal, so much so that she could hardly be bothered to censor her words or thoughts, especially not when her very life might well depend upon her candidness.

“I liked being… fucked. Fucked hard. Like a… a whore.”

She felt her climax getting closer. She couldn’t have stopped it if she’d wanted to and she most certainly did not want to.

“A dirty, nasty, cock loving who- or- oh! Oh my oh oh oh my!”

She was vaguely aware of Captain Honeyglass dragging her closer until she was between her thighs, her cock resting between her small breasts and feeling hot against her skin. Her climax was stupendous and robbed her of her senses. It was as if a very large bomb had been ignited deep within and was shaking the very foundations. It seemed to go on forever and ever and yet it was over much sooner than she would have hoped.

“Frabjous,” Her Ladyship praised. “Such a spectacular performance. I must applaud you, Alice.

“Yes, your ladyship,” Alice managed, ready to collapse against the captain as soon as her grip upon her blonde locks was loosened. “I am glad it pleased you. As for me, I feel quite spent.”

“Very much so. Now, none of that talk. Catch your breath, dear girl, for I find my appetite far from sated and my imagination is running riot with delightful possibilities for you.”

Alice wondered if she might survive the day, moaning softly as she felt herself being lifted from the floor, the captain’s iron strong fingers gripping her upper arms like clamps.

Written by sprite
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