“Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye! The court will now come to order!”
Alice blinked as the sound of a heavy wooden gavel echoed sounded, startling her awake to find herself in a very large, very crowded, and rather austere chamber.
‘It looks very much like a courtroom’ she decided, and indeed, it was.
“All rise for the Honorable Judge Jasper Jangleton!” exclaimed a man-sized lizard dressed in a formal-looking suit.
Alice made an attempt to do just that, only to find herself secured to a heavy iron chair, which earned her a glare of reproach from the lizard, as well as several others, as a very stout man in black robes and a powdered wig entered the room and took his seat upon a raised dais overlooking the room.
‘I wonder who is on trial,’ she mused, gazing about the crowded room. It looked like half of wonderland filed the opulent courtroom. In fact, many of the faces looked familiar. Very familiar, in fact. Faces that she recalled from her adventures. Dum and Dee. Yum and Yee. Captain Honeyglass. The Chessmen. The Hatter. The Hare, they were all here, as well as others.
“You may be seated,” the lizard announced, and Alice breathed a sigh of relief at being able to at least follow that command.
The Judge, the Honorable Jasper Jangleton, cleared his throat and then promptly fell asleep, his snores loud enough to echo through the chamber.
A tall thin man dressed in red velvet stood suddenly and shouted. “I demand a mistrial!” which woke the judge from his slumber.
“On what grounds?” he muttered, casting a baleful eye.
“Coffee grounds!” the tall man, who was presumably a barrister for the defense, returned defiantly, prompting the crowd to erupt in chaos until they were silenced by several strikes of the gavel.
“I will have order!” the judge shouted and promptly fell asleep once more, is wig askance as he drooled on himself.
“If it pleases your honor,” the barrister for the prosecution, a dark-skinned man with long flowing braids, dressed all in white, spoke as he too stood. “I would like to begin with my closing arguments.”
“You have to wait until the end,” Alice said, speaking up, a little surprised as a hush descended.
“I beg your pardon?” The Barrister for the prosecution asked, turning to her.
“I said you can’t do that,” Alice repeated. “Not until you have called forth the witnesses and questioned them and presented evidence.”
“I see,” he said with a frown, turning towards the judge once more. “In that case, I would like to adjourn to another venue, if it pleases your honor.”
“It would not,” mumbled the judge, opening one eye with a soft sigh, and then the other. “I suppose we should just get this over with. Who are we putting on trial today?”
“The Knave of Hearts, your honor. He stole the Queen’s tart.”
That seemed to get the judge's attention, for he suddenly sat up straight and blinked several times as he straightened his wig.
“You don’t say.”
“I do, in fact, say, your honor.”
“Well, well, well. Where is he?” he wondered, looking around the chamber for the accused who was not, at the moment, present at his own trial.
“Perhaps he overslept?” Alice said, trying to be helpful.
Suddenly, all eyes were upon her and a hush fell over the crowd.
“Who is that?” someone whispered.
“I think I recognize her.”
“I believe that’s the tart.”
“She has rather nice legs.”
“Silence!” Shouted the judge and a hush fell, this one uninterrupted by whispering.
“Now then. Who are you?”
“Alice, your honor.”
“Alice. Such a lovely name.”
“thank you, your honor. I think so as well.”
“And you are the tart in question, I presume?”
Alice opened her mouth to speak, and then paused, thinking back on all her adventures. Her first inclination had been to deny his presumption. She looked around the room. All eyes were upon her. Many of them had enjoyed her in various manners. She’d been spanked, eaten, and fucked. She’d sucked cock and licked pussy. A great many things had been done to her that no young lady with proper morals would have allowed and she had enjoyed them all. Her orgasms had been countless (she paused, taking a moment to attempt just that and quickly gave up once she reached the count of ten). Perhaps she was, indeed, a tart.
“Yes, your honor. I suppose I am,” she answered softly,
The entire chamber was filled with whispers at her admission, some of which reached her ears, which turned pink with embarrassment.
“I knew it.”
“She looks like a tart.”
“I bet she’s not wearing panties.”
Biting her lip softly, Alice glanced down. She was wearing the very same blue dress she had worn on that day on the riverbank when all this madness had begun. A very modest dress. She wiggled her toes and fingers thoughtfully, unable to do more due to the heavy leather straps securing her ankles, wrists, and waist. She was 95 percent sure that she was, in fact, wearing panties which were becoming increasingly damp as she contemplated her helpless state. Anyone within the chamber could take advantage of her and she wouldn’t be able to do a thing about it!
“Odor in the court!” The judge declared, nostrils flaring as he sniffed the air whilst staring directly at Alice’s hidden pussy and banging his gavel loudly, startling Alice.
“Guilty as charged. I hear by sentence the tart to be spanked until repentant,” he decreed. A moment later his chin hit his chest and he began to snore once more.
“But I’m not the one on trial,” Alice protested. “Besides. There were no witnesses called nor any evidence presented nor did the jury reach a verdict.”
The Honorable Jasper Jangleton blinked and did his best to look stern as an uproar filled the room.
“I will have order!”
He began banging his gavel until at last the audience quieted.
“Have the tart brought to my chambers.”
With that he abruptly stood and strode out of the room, humming softly to himself, his wig slightly askew.
“This is quite unfair,” Alice complained to no one in particular.
“Quite,” the lizard agreed as he undid the straps binding Alice, freeing her. “I suggest you lodge a formal complaint. Or perhaps an informal complaint. Now come along. His honor doesn’t like dilly-dallying.”
Taking her firmly by the arm, he led her from the courtroom and down a great hallway that echoed with their footsteps until they came to a large door with a brass nameplate declaring it ‘The Chambers of the Honorable Jasper Jangleton’. The lizard knocked once before entering, immediately announcing himself as well as Alice.
Alice glanced around the room. Its walls were lined with empty bookshelves. In fact, the entire room was empty save for a single piece of furniture placed in the exact center of the spacious chambers. A single desk. Seated behind the desk was a young woman wearing horn-rimmed glasses, her ginger hair up in a dignified bun, a friendly smile on her face It should be noted that the glasses were not all that she wore. Simply that they were the first thing Alice noticed. The second was her very red lips and the smattering of freckles across her face. The third was a black knit sweater that was put to task containing a pair of very large breasts. Fourth was the nameplate sat upon her desk. Fiona Springer. Assistant to the Honorable Jasper Jangleton
“May I help you?” she asked, scarlet lips curving into a pleasant smile, her eyes settling on Alice.
“We have an appointment. For a spanking.”
“Ah hah. Name?”
“Alice,” Alice said demurely, curtseying.
She began to turn the pages of a large leatherbound ledger set before her. “Here it is. Offender: Alice Pleasance. Crime: Unrepentant Tartery. Punishment: Spanking. A dozen blows to be administered across each buttock with a riding crop. A dozen more across each breast. And finally, six upon the vagina. All in order. All very proper. Please, come with me and we’ll see to administering your punishment.”
Fiona Springer stood. Alice was surprised that she was wearing trousers, also black, as well as how tall it was. She thought she looked very stylish and wondered if she might adopt, one day, adopt the look.
Fiona wasted no time in ushering her through another door, this one leading into smaller, and somewhat darker, chamber with a variety of paddles, crops, whips, and hair brushes hanging upon one wall. Alice swallowed, remember some of her earlier escapades involving spankings. She was now 100 percent sure that she was wearing panties and that they were quite damp. One might even describe them as soaked. Upon another wall was a winch.
Fiona shared a reassuring smile. “Wait right here. The Master of Spanking will join you presently. She exited the room, leaving Alice alone with the paddled and the crops and the whips and the hair brushes. Time marched on slowly as she waited, aware that her pussy juices were soaking through her panties and slowly dribbling down the insides of her thighs. She considered, briefly, pulling up the hem of her dress and slipping her hands into her drawers, but quickly discarded the notion.
“If I am caught in the act, the judge might increase my punishment. I will behave. Or at least try to. Oh, I hope that he hurries so we can get this over with and I can…”
Can what? What was she to do with herself after her spanking? Going home wasn’t an option. The knave had abandoned her. She didn’t dare return to the Queen’s stronghold. Was she consigned to wandering Wonderland, falling into all manner of debauchery and adventures? She wondered if the Cheshire Cat might have an answer for her.
“Cheshire?” she murmured, hoping he could somehow hear her. “Can you hear me?”
When no answer came she let out a massive sigh and continued to await her fate, hands clasped nervously behind her.
Finally, the door opened, momentarily brightening the room. Within the doorway stood the Master of Spanking, or so Alice presumed. He was pencil thin and dressed in a scarlet military uniform. Underneath his cap a shock of bright blue hair attempted to escape.
He said not a word, simply standing in the doorframe as he appraised Alice. Finally he stepped inside, leaving the door open behind him, his gaze turning to the instruments upon the wall.
“Orders says you’re to be cropped. Arse. Tits. Cunt.”
Not sure if she was supposed to respond, Alice simply stood there. In truth, the sheer size of him was intimidating. It was also causing her nipples to swell, denting the fabric of her dress like tiny mountain peaks.
He eyed her again, this time with a crooked grin, gesturing towards the open door. “Fiona wants to watch. I told her she could listen. She never listens to me.”
He gestured, or rather pointed, towards the floor.
“Lie down. On your back.”
Obediently, she lay down, bare feet pressed together, arms crossed and covering her breasts.
“Modest. Delightful.”
The Master of Spanking stepped closer to the wall with the winch and began turning the handle clockwise. The sound of chains, clinking softly, filled the silence.
“Be a good girl. Lift your feet.”
Alice’s heart began beating faster, her breathing keeping up as a pair of thick leather cuffs were buckled around her bare ankles. A moment later he turned the winch once more, this time counter clockwise so that she was slowly raised by her ankles until she was suspended upside down, blood rushing to her head, making her lightheaded. Glancing up she noticed that the hem of her dress had fallen, revealing a pair of white cotton panties soaked with her arousal.

“You’re very naughty.”
“I suppose I am.”
“Good. I like them naughty.”
Alice simply blushed and concentrated on keeping her arms crossed so that her dress didn’t fall any further, revealing her bare breasts.
“Snip snip.”
Her eyes grew wide as the hulking Master produced a pair of scissors from a pocket, using them to cut her panties free so that her juicy cunt was on display. A sudden shadow fell over her. Glancing towards the doorway she saw Fiona leaning against the door frame, her crimson lips forming a predatory smile. Meeting Alice’s gaze she formed them into a kiss.
“You have a very pretty pussy, Alice.”
“Thank you,” she managed breathlessly.
“I’ll make it prettier for you.”
Alice shivered, forgetting momentarily about the Honorable Judge Jasper Jangleton’s assistant as the Master of Spanking began surveying the array of instruments displayed on the wall.
“Hard leather. Soft leather. Rivets that bruise. Teeth that bite,” he sang softly to himself. “Make her squirm, make her beg, make her scream, make her fight.”
With her panties removed, there was nothing to keep her pussy juices from trickling down her tummy, some of them filling her puckered belly button.
“Something tells me this one likes to scream.” Fiona interjected with a smile, no longer quite so pleasant as when Alice had first met her.
Alice couldn’t help but let out a whimper as he finally selected a crop. Which one, hard, soft, bruising, biting, she could not tell in the dim light.
“Twelve for each cheek.”
The first blow stung, leaving her breathless. She felt the heat spreading in her right cheek, much of it flowing towards her cunt.
“Whimper for me.” Fiona’s voice. Dutifully, Alice let out a whimper, her eyes drawn to the tall woman. Noticing her Gaze, she removed the pins from her hair, freeing her soft curls to fall over her shoulders.
“One,” the Master announced, ignoring the red-head’s presence, apparently entranced by Alice’s quivering flesh.
The next blow was no less gentle, this time directed to her other cheek. Sucking in her breath she held back a soft yelp before letting out another whimper for Fiona’s benefit. She was rewarded with the unbuttoning of a single button on her black knit sweater.
She meant to protest that this was actually two, holding her tongue as she realized that her punishment was to be twelve upon each cheek. One for each then.
A pause, and then another blow. He placed it near, the first. This time she didn’t have to force a whimper, the stinging heat sinking sharply into her flesh and igniting her pussy. The trickle became a flow as Fiona undid yet another button. At this rate her rather impressive breasts would burst free of their own accord. Alice’s felt her nipples swelling until they began to ache and more blood rushing to her head making her dizzy. It was all she could do to concentrate on the Master’s voice.
‘”Aha!’ she said to herself. “I was right.”
She realized that it was becoming difficult to hold her arms over her breasts so she relaxed, letting them dangle over her head, her fingertips brushing the hardwood floor, her dress giving in to gravity, exposing her breasts and covering her eyes.
“Oh. This is no good,” she said, realizing that her view of Fiona was now blocked. Apparently, the judge’s assistant realized her predicament as well.
“Let me help you with that.”
Alice felt her dress being pulled down, over her head, so that she was completely exposed.
“Thank you,” she blushed, managing a smile as she met the woman’s gaze. She was rewarded by a soft kiss. Not on the lips. At least not the lips upon which one would expect a chaste kiss to be placed. It was hardly a chaste kiss, however.
“You taste scrumptious.”
Alice meant to thank her, politely, but at that very moment another blow struck. She jerked, dangling helplessly as Fiona’s tongue slid between her puffy cunt lips once more causing her whimpers to grow.
Pain blossomed in the flesh of her left cheek and she let out a gasp, her eyes filling with tears.
Four then. Only eight more. And then her tits. And finally, her cunt. She wasn’t sure she could endure this.
“Eyes on me, Alice.”
She did her best to focus, watching as yet another button was undone. One more and…
She’d forgotten to pay attention, letting out a soft scream of surprise as red hot pain blossomed on her sensitive flesh.
“Oh! Oh oh oh!” she managed, pulling up her arms in an attempt to put out the fires taking hold in her poor bottom.
A taunting laugh drew her attention as she was greeted with a view of two very magnificent breasts, tipped by pointed nipples almost as swollen with lust as hers felt.
“Oh. My. God,” was all she could manage. At this rate she would lose control and come before he was finished with just her ass.
She moaned as Fiona planted another kiss on her cunt. This time lingering long enough to take her swollen nub between her teeth and gently bite it.
“Please. Don’t stop,” she begged, her words turned to screams as another blow was struck setting her flesh on fire.
Strong fingers were threaded into her blond tresses and her head lifted. A kiss, tasting of her own pussy, was placed on her lips. A black knit sweater fell to the floor near her head.
Fiona swallowed her scream in her kiss, fingers tightening in her hair, tugging on her scalp as Alice struggled, her ass burning with unquenchable pain.
The kiss ended. A pair of black trousers joined the sweater. He head was lifted once more, her face pressed against a pair of black silk drawers. She didn’t need to be told what to do. Hungrily she began to lick.
“Dirty little Alice.”
Another blow. Her scream was smothered against Fiona’s wet panties.
The panties joined the growing pile of clothing. She shoved her tongue inside of Fiona’s cunt and lapped eagerly, doing her best to ignore the agony the Master was causing.
“Five. So pretty. I like to watch.”
The last blow left her sobbing, her head trapped between strong thighs, doing her best to keep her tongue deep inside as the judge’s assistant shook and shivered, her moans drowning out all other sounds as a monster orgasm shook her down to her very core. Alice’s face was drenched. She wondered if it was possible to drown in cunt juice. She supposed there were worse ways to meet her demise. Eaten by sharks, for example. Burned alive. Drinking poison.
Alice felt dizzy. She’d been hanging upside down and all the blood had filled her brain, making it impossible to think. It was all she could do to remember her name.
“I’m Alice,” she murmured, sucking gently on Fiona’s nub of pleasure as the woman shuddered to another orgasm. The sound of chains barely registered as she was slowly lowered to her back once more, groaning as her tortured flesh pressed against the floor.
“Yes, you are very Alice,” Fiona laughed, pressing her bright red lips to Alice’s so that they could taste each others tangy musk.
“Tits now.” The hulking man announced.
“I’m Alice,” she repeated, whispering the words to remind herself as her tormentors buckled her wrists into the same cuffs that had held her ankles, turning the winch until her toes barely brushed the floor.
She watched in frightened fascination as he went back to the wall of tools.
“Hard leather. Soft leather. Rivets that bruise. Teeth that bite. Make her squirm, make her beg, make her scream, make her fight,” he sang to himself as he finally picked out a new crop. “Teeth that bite. Really pretty tits”
“Yes, they are,” Fiona agreed, giving each nipple a soft kiss, causing Alice to whimper softly in pleasure and anticipation. A moment later she was writhing and whimpering in unimaginable pain, a spot of blood welling up on one tit.
By the time he reached four, Fiona was grinding against her still burning ass and biting her neck and shoulders as she played with her pussy until she erupted, drenching her fingers with her cum while small trails of blood trickled down her heaving tits.
By the time he reached nine, she was coming again, her skin drenched with cunt juice, blood, perspiration, and sweat, Fiona kneeling before her whilst driving her tongue into her soaking wet pussy.
When the final blow was struck the small room echoed with her screams of ecstasy and agony as another orgasm tore through her, leaving her senseless and sobbing, her legs supported by Fiona’s shoulders.
She might have passed out. Or perhaps she just needed a nap. Maybe she simply closed her eyes for the briefest of moments. When she opened them again, the hulking Master of Spanking reached out and brushed her damp hair from her face.
“Time for cunt.”
“No,” she whimpered. “Too much.”
“Time for cunt,” he repeated, patting her cheek. “Be a good girl.”
“I am Alice. I am a Good girl,” she whimpered softly, shivering, her tits and ass wracked with pain.
He went back to the wall. Again the song. Alice panicked, fighting to free herself from the cuffs that held her prisoner to no avail. She was at his mercy.
“Hard leather. Soft leather. Rivets that bruise. Teeth that bite. Make her squirm, make her beg, make her scream, make her fight.”
“Only six,” he said, sounding almost sad.
“Only six,” she repeated.
Fiona kept silent, kissing her softly on the lips, her own lips a smear of red. Lipstick and blood.
He turned the winch, lowering her to the floor, allowing her to stand, although her arms were still pulled towards the ceiling.
“Soft leather. No teeth.”
Alice smiled gratefully.
“Thank you.”
He was gentle this time, smacking her pussy softly, making her moan with more pleasure than pain.
This time Fiona merely watched, fingering herself as Alice’s punishment was continued, a look of lust on her face.
“Come for me, Alice. One more time.”
Alice nodded, moaning softly as the Master placed another gentle blow, this time on her pleasure nub.
She focused on Fiona’s face, lost in her eyes as the red-head pleasured her own pussy. She could feel her own orgasm building. She wasn’t sure she could last another four blows of the crop.
She clenched her fists and curled her toes, fighting the urge to give in as Fiona slowly ran her tongue over her lips, clearly enjoying the residue of Alice’s fluids.
“Fuck!” she cried, twisting as she pressed her thighs together, barely hanging on.
“Two more. Two more. Just two more,” she chanted to herself, her gaze drifting downwards. Fiona had her fingers inside her ginger-haired pussy, fucking herself slowly as she watched.
She felt herself going mad. She couldn’t last. She felt herself beginning to tip over the edge. She was going to lose it. She wanted to scream.
“Just one more. For me,” Fiona said.
“One more. For you,” she whimpered, somehow managing not to come, the pain of holding back almost worse than anything she’d ever imagined.
“One more, Alice.”
“One more,” the Master echoed.
“One more,” she whimpered, her heart beating so hard against her ribs she was sure it was about to burst.
“Come for me, Alice.”
“Come for her, Tart.”
Alice came.