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Alice's Very Naughty Adventures Chapter XIII: The Sisters

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Author's Notes

"In which Alice meets an unusual trio."

Had Alice been her normal size, she might have run laughing down the garden path, stopping to push her nose into this bloom or that and inhale the wonderful bouquet of scents that they had to offer. Still, she could admire them from afar. Or rather, from below.

“So many colors, some I have never seen or even imagined!” she exclaimed, turning in place until she’d made a full circle. “I wonder whose garden it is. Mostly likely a wealthy lord or even a Duke or an Earl. Dash and bother, I wish I was my normal size once more so I could enjoy it better.”

With a sigh, she began to walk along the garden path which was quite a chore for someone so small, since it was paved quite unevenly with mismatched bricks.

“Perhaps not a Duke, nor an Earl,” she concluded, for it seemed that the garden had been ignored judging by the weeds growing up between some of the bricks. “A shame, for it must have been quite lovely and tame and now it has gone quite wild.”

Soon, she came to a fork, or rather, the path forked, one path leading to the her right, the other to her left.

 “This way or that?” she wondered, worrying at her lip in indecision, startled as a voice from above answered her.

“Depends upon where you wish to go.”

“Who is that?! Show yourself!” she cried out whilst doing her best to hide behind a nearby dandelion stem.

A very large and familiar grin appeared suddenly.

“Oh!” She gasped, recognizing the smile of the cheshire cat. “You shouldn’t go around scaring people like that!”

“I’ll do as I please, if it pleases you. Not that it matters if it does or doesn’t.” the cat answered, his disembodied tail fading into view as well.  “And it would have been rude not to answer your question.”

“Well, I suppose it would have been,” she reluctantly agreed, not wanting to be disagreeable as she realized that she was now mouse-sized while the cat was still cat-sized and that his teeth were very sharp and pointed.

“Now that we have that sorted, might I suggest you go that way?” as he spoke, he pointed with his tail down the path to her right. “Seeing as how that way,” his tail motioned to her left, "leads to certain death.”

“Oh my!” she gasped, her hand covering her mouth, her eyes wide as her gaze followed the cat’s tail. “I suppose I should thank you for warning me, Cheshire.”

“Not at all,” replied the cat. “Those of us who are mad should always look out for each other.”

“But I am not mad.”

“Of course you are. Take pride in it. After all, all the best people are.”

Before she could speak again, he’d vanished, once more, into thin air.

“Well, that was certainly helpful,” she murmured, turning toward the direction the cat had suggested. “I am of half a mind to believe that this is a dream, but whether it is or not, I most definitely do not wish to die.”

She began walking down the right path, which was apparently also the correct path, unable to help but continue to admire the flowers towering overhead, none of which she could put a name to. “I suppose, had I paid more attention in class, I might know some of their names-“

“Or, you could ask.”

“Oh my!” Who is that?” she exclaimed. Startled, she looked around in confusion, but was unable to see anyone or anything hiding amongst the flora.

“Silly girl. I am right here in plain sight. As for who I am, I am Dahlia. Who are you?”

“Alice,” Alice answered slowly, looking upwards, for that is where the voice seemed to be coming from.

“Well, Alice, it is nice to meet you.”

It was then that she realized that it was one of the flowers speaking, one of the ones she had been admiring earlier, with wide lavender petals that were almost translucent.

“You’re beautiful.”

“Why thank you. I wish I could say the same about you. You’re rather plain looking. Not at all colorful like me.”

“Oh,” she murmured, thinking the flower might be quite pretty, but it was also quite rude.

“Nor as well spoken, apparently. I don’t suppose you’re very clever, either.”

“I am quite clever,” Alice retorted, glowering at the flower. “Clever enough to best father at chess.”

“Not clever enough to introduce yourself without being asked.”

“I wasn’t aware that you could talk.”

“Of course I can talk, my dear child. She wasn’t aware I could talk, sisters.”

A chorus of giggles broke out as stems bent and twisted so that a trio of lavender flowers could get a closer look. Now that they were eye level, Alice could make out exotic faces in the center of the blooms.

“I beg your forgiveness,” she murmured shyly and curtsied.  “But where I come from, the flowers don’t talk.”

“Perhaps you just don’t listen,” one of the flowers replied. To Alice, they all looked and sounded alike, so she was uncertain if it was Dahlia or one of her sisters who addressed her.

“Perhaps,” she admitted.

“Well, at least she has manners,” one of the other flowers praised, reaching out with a bright green frond to brush, the tip of which brushed her arm gently.

“And she isn’t as ugly as the other rodents."

“I’m not a rodent,” Alice said indignantly, stamping her foot. I’m a-“

“Shush, dear,” warned one of the flowers, it’s voice low as it curled its leafy frond about her waist and pulled her close.

“Who, how-“

Before Alice could finish her thought another frond was pressed against her face, covering her mouth and muffling her words. For a moment she considered struggling, but the flower’s whispered words changed her mind.

“Quietly. The grounds are not as safe as they used to be. Now, be still and stay silent until she passes…”

Alice very much wanted to ask who ‘she’ was, but her unspoken question was soon answered as a very loud buzzing sound filled the air, announcing a very strange sight. Alice would have gasped out loud had the flower not been covering her mouth with one of it’s leafy fronds, for a creature out of nightmares was suddenly hovering over the bricks, it’s translucent wings buzzing vibrating noisily as they kept it aloft.

‘A giant wasp,’ she thought. Only she was only half right. While it was striped black and yellow and had the wings of a wasp, and the antennae, it only had one pair of legs and one pair of arms, which were both very feminine. As was its face, although its eyes were very waspish, as was its smile.

Her smile,’ Alice amended, noticing small perky breasts above a wasp-like waist and what looked like the vertical slit of a cunny between her thighs.

‘Oh, and a stinger!’ For, indeed, there was a stinger at the base of her spine, one that dripped with a viscous green substance that could only be venom. She looked both magnificent and terrifying all at once.

Alice and the trio of flowers watched in silence, breathes held, as the waspwoman seemed to scan the path and the flowerbeds to either side for what felt like an eternity until, finally, she speed off, her feet skimming the flora, growing smaller and smaller until she disappeared around a bend. Only then did they let their collective breath out with a sigh of relief.

“It was a paradise here before she came,” one of the sisters griped.

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“We were well tended and well cared for,” groused another.

“And, best of all, we were admired,” complained the third, who Alice decided had to be Dahlia, for she seemed the most vain of the trio.

“But now, as you can see,” one of them made a sweeping motion with the leaves on her slender stem, “everything is in disrepair.”

“How terrible for you,” Alice remarked with sincerity.

“Tragic,” they all agreed in unison.

“I don’t suppose there is anyway to get rid of her.”

“No. Well, Perhaps,” One of them murmured softly.

“There might be,” Whispered another.

“Only it would require… assistance,” purred one of the sisters as her frond stroked along Alice’s arm in a most pleasant manner.  “For which we could be quite grateful."

“Appreciative,” one of the other sisters added, her soft frond caressing Alice’s calf.

“Indebted, even,” hummed Dahlia as she brushed against the tops of Alice’s breast delicately, the tip of her leafy frond tracing the top of her corset, making the young woman shiver.

“Oh, but it would be most dangerous.”

“Quite risky.”

“Extremely treacherous.”

“I see,” Alice managed, not quite seeing at all for, while she was normally quite bright, it was hard to think straight when she was being fondled in such a manner.

“I don’t suppose you would consider helping us?” they asked in unison as they continued to tease Alice.

“I-“ she managed, the rest of her thoughts slipping away as they began to touch her in earnest.

She felt another leaf upon her other calf, soft and almost silky as it wrapped around her ankle while the other slide further over her stocking until it found the bare flesh of her inner thigh. Another leaf navigated along her arm, and another down her back, teasing her spine through the corset she wore. The one upon her chest dipped a tip beneath her  brassiere seeking out her hardening nipples while yet another began to pluck at the laces of her corset quite nimbly.

‘It seems that I am being constantly undressed and taken advantage of. Not that I mind so very much.’

After that thought, she found it hard to think at all as the flowers continued to touch and tease her until she was unable to think at all, barely noticing as her stocking were pulled down her legs, her corset was unlaced and tossed aside, and her brassier was torn away. Soon, her suspenders and panties joined them and she was laid upon upon the soft earth, leaves curled around her ankles so as to part her thighs as the tips of their fronds flickered against her swollen nipples and her throbbing button whilst another teased her nether lips apart and slipped into her dripping wet pussy.

“Please,” she managed, her words lost in a moan of unearthly pleasure.

The flowers responded with vigor, another leaf tip circling her puckered arse then pushing slowly into her until she began to writhe with pleasure. One of the sisters, which she couldn’t begin to guess, pulled her closer, into her petals, positioning the human girl so that her aromatic cunt was centered just so…

If Alice had actually paid better attention during the lecture on botany, she would have known that flowers have both male and female reproductive organs, the female being in the center and called the stigma, and the male being to either side and called stamen. While Dahlia and her sisters thought of themselves as female, they were, in fact, hermaphrodites. That is, both male and female. Not that Alice was aware of this fact. All she knew was it felt quite amazing to have the thick pollen coated head of a thick stamen push past her swollen and parted lips and enter her.

“Yes,” she panted, breathing heavily, eyes wide as she felt her inner walls being pushed apart as the flower claimed her hot wet cunt.

“Yes,” she moaned as it began to push in and out of her, each time pushing deeper.

“Oh, god, yes!” she cried out as a second stamen joined the first, it’s thrusts timed so that when the first was pushing into her, the second was pulling out, making it feel like she was being fucked at an impossible rate of speed as the other two flowers held her helplessly still whilst managing to continue to tease and torment her erogenous zones mercilessly until she was inflamed with passion.

“I-“ She managed, trying to warn them (after all, she wanted to be polite as was possible, regardless of the situation) that she was about to be overcome with a burst of pleasure that might, possibly, distress the delicate sensibilities of the flowers. Despite her best intentions, she was unable to finish the thought before a tidal wave of intensity rushed through her at breakneck speed.

“Oh!” she screamed, the single word seeming inadequate for what she was experiencing and yet unable to find any others in her newly found lexicon of erotic expressions. The flowers, however, understood perfectly.



“My turn!”

Alice felt herself being passed to another of the sisters, too weak to protest (not as if she would have if she was able),her climax still thrilling through every surface of her exposed flesh, as they continued to brush their silky fronds over her most sensitive places. Soon, she was once again positioned within one of the sisters petals, a prick like appendage pushing into both her pussy and her bottom so that she could feel them pressing against each other within her.

“Oh, dear, please be careful,” she exclaimed worriedly as both her holes were filled.

“I promise not to damage you,” the flower reassured her. “In a moment, all your worries will be banished.”

Too to it’s word, she soon lost herself in sensations of immense pleasure, groaning loudly, her hips rolling and rocking as she writhed upon the thick stamen inside her. Soon, she felt another crescendo building deep within her, one that threatened to be even more powerful than the last.

“I-“ she managed once again, making up for her lack of manners the last time, but unable to complete her warning before she was lost in a haze of sensation that robbed her of her senses. This time her climax was so powerful that she thought she might pass out, and indeed, she did for a brief moment before regaining her wits, shivering and moaning and shaking from head to toe as the flowers continued to drive her mad, touching her everywhere until she was reduced to a quivering wet mess.



“My turn!” cried Dahlia, for she had yet to experience Alice in this way.

“Oh, please,” Alice managed as she was pulled close, once again, and enfolded by translucent lavender petals.

“Don’t you fret, lovely Alice,” Dahlia said softly, taking pity upon the poor girl. “Unlike my sisters, I will be gentle.

“Oh, thank you,” Alice murmured, quite spent.

And, true to her word, Dahlia was most gentle, wrapping Alice in her petals protectively and turning her back to her sisters so that she was alone with the girl. Alice sighed and mentally prepared herself to be fucked senseless once more and then, something quite unexpected happened. Dahlia began to rock her gently and sing. It was the most beautiful and possibly the tenderest of lullabies and her voice felt like honey. Alice smiled softly, as she closed her eyes and let the song drift over her. Soon, she felt like she was made of butter, melting in the warmth of a cocoon of soft petals.

‘This is what it’s like to be loved,’ she thought, purring softly as she began to drift from the waking world to a landscape of dreams…


Written by sprite
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