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7 hours ago
Bisexual Female
United States




Was This a hookup?

I do not often frequent "lesbian bars" unless I am in the mood for a girl... which is often.Last Friday night, I dropped into one and immediately noticed a beautiful raven-haired, blue-eyed beauty (my weakness, truth be told) standing alone at the bar sipping something out of a large glass.I approached her and asked if she would like to dance. She agreed, and since it was a slow song, we were able to hold each other tight...


Sina travels time to find love and more.

The year is two thousand one hundred twenty-one on planet earth. Sina, the youngest of three children, has just turned twenty-one. The day of her birth held special significance as she would be counseled on her possible mission. Her father, Joseph, was one of the few elders left on the planet, and it was his task to explain it to Sina. Since a young child, Sina had been educated by computers almost robot-like. She knew no...

I saw you sitting there my mind raced. I had to know you. I had to have you. You were looking at me with your incredible eyes and a body to match. How could you be alone? I could not waste this chance to know a woman like you. I walked over to you never saying a word.  You stared deep into my eyes and knew exactly what I wanted. Waking the next morning having made love to you all night. We shared a morning kiss. I asked,...

Agent Jane Bondage 0069 Vrs. Evil Dr. Covid

Will Agent 0069 Jane Bondage be able to save the world?

We begin our story in search of Jane Bondage, the most prized agent in her Majesty's secret service. Queen Lezbeth sent out most of her entire force in the search for her.You see, Jane retired a few years ago to a location unknown to everyone to avoid her powerful enemies as well as AT&T telemarketers.The world was in desperate need of her now more than ever as the evil Dr. John Covid spread his bug throughout the world.T...

I look I see no reflection I see my emptiness My soul left the day you did Searching again for that reflection that looks back at me The mirror is shattered The water runs by no reflection Consumed in love no more Seeking what I had Will I ever see that reflection again? Why did you take my soul? Leaving me empty Faint shades of gray are all that is left Love fleeting like the river below me Love find my reflection Or wil...

Summer of Love

The story of a summer of love turned into a lifetime of love

I was just your average teenage girl growing up in the bay area of California in the nineteen sixties. It was a turbulent time in our country. There was war, protests, gay rights, and lots of drugs. My dad was in the military and spent a lot of time abroad. My mother was a lush and could barely speak two words without slurring them. When my dad was at home, they were always fighting, and I could not stand my home life, I...


A field of poppies became there field of love

We were neighbors in our school years went to the same college. One warm spring evening, you took my flower in a field of poppies. We made love till dawn, a night we would never forget. You promised to love me forever. Two years later, you took me back to the same field and handed me a typed-out note. It read simply, "Will you marry me?" I did not need to say a word. My face said yes. Holding out your hand with a diamond...

The Fantasy

Her fantasy

Sitting in my favorite bar, I gaze out the window and see this handsome man looking right at me. He walks in, seeing I am having a glass wine and asks, "May I buy you another and join you?" Having a fantasy of being picked by a stranger, I say, "Yes, please." Moving to a back booth, he moves fast, putting his hand on my thigh, then to my pussy. I reach down and feel his hard cock, freeing it from his pants. We masturbate ...

The Walk

They met on their morning walk and love followed

I met you just a month ago on my morning walk. Stunned by your beauty I asked you to join me. We spend every moment we can together now. I never knew love with a woman could feel this way. Our lovemaking is incomparable to anything I have ever known. Your lips locked on mine is what heaven must be. Your tongue on me sends shivers and tingles all over my body. Our favorite thing is to walk hand in hand together as nature i...

Those are not tears You broke my heart But those are not tears They are raindrops on my face You left me You told me you loved me Those are not tears Only dust in my eyes You would be with me forever I will not shed a tear It is just raining inside Our love was for our eternity Those are not tears Only dust in my eyes You walk away I will not cry Those are not tears Just rain on my face Our love meant nothing As I watch y...

You came to me on a clear cool Texas summer night Full moon lit the skies Your long blonde hair shining like golden wheat in moonlight Your beauty unmatched Sitting atop your black stallion   Stunning is what came to mind Devil or Angel, I wondered A voice through the moonlight spoke, "No, I am your temptress I am here to show the ways of the world My ways to be exact." You slowly moved towards me Sliding off your clothes...

Spin Cycle

Making one of the worst household jobs the best

Looking from underneath her covers early Saturday morning, Ashley began thinking about her day.She usually went out on Friday nights with her boyfriend, and sometimes he spent the night. This Saturday morning, he had to work, so he did not spend the night.Dragging herself out of bed, she headed straight to the laundry basket and started sorting her laundry. She hated this every Saturday morning routine.She made herself a...

Lost in Love

For all those helping the helpless

I have been lost in your arms Lost in your embrace Been lost in your love You're always by my side I am lost without you The world has gone crazy Your heart is mine Your mind belongs with those who need you You are Saint You are my lover You are my best friend Heal those who need you Come back to me I need your love The world needs your care Don’t leave me lost in love   Thank you for those who are helping right now and y...

Today is gone It's a useless key Love was there My heart was there Find the key That opens the door of tomorrow Opens my heart Opens my Love Embrace it Live it Enjoy it Own it When tomorrow is gone Look for the key That leads you into a new day of life That leads you to my heart Open my heart with the key Love will always be the key to my heart      

A Night at the Bunny Club

What rabbits do with their time off when not starring in cartoons or handing out Eater candy

Our bunny tale begins at the Bunny Club, an exclusive club for famous rabbits. We are not allowed to reveal their names due to their status and a phobia for lawyers. The club was started by Hugo Bunnifer, who made billions from his magazine, Playbunny. Hugo is the only one, and we mean the only one who can invite you to the club. The famous rabbits go there because of the club's secrecy and discretion. It is located near...