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Author's Notes

"If you are coming into this series partway through I invite you to start from the beginning. This story was omitted earlier, it is being published now to fill in the storyline."

The next two weeks passed with Stuart and Maeve’s relationship continuing to deepen, they were both convinced that they were in love with the other but were afraid to take that plunge first. Then one morning, Maeve received a text from April.

“You guys up for a reunion? I can take all next week off if you want, I can join you!” it read. She got so excited at the idea of seeing the woman she loved almost as much as she did Stuart. She showed Stuart the message.

“What do you think?” she asked, “I really miss her.”

“I miss her too,” I countered, his cock stiffening at the memories of their time together in the spring. “Can you take the time off?” Maeve said she might have to do some work while April was visiting but she could be free most afternoons. “All right, April and I will just have to find some way to occupy ourselves while she works.” I winked at her.

“Occupy yourselves, is that your new euphemism for fucking?” Maeve laughed. “Oh, I’m getting wet just thinking about it.” We had just finished our morning exercise and were enjoying the afterglow of more great sex. We just couldn’t get enough of each other. “We should tell Ted, April and he would have such fun!”

“Nah, let’s surprise him,” I said. She laughed again, I loved her laugh, it filled the room. We had planned to take a drive to go apple picking that day so we got up and started getting ready. Maeve continued to be amazed at the vistas and beauty of my adopted home and I made sure she saw the best of them. “You think it’s beautiful here, you wait till I take you to Scotland!” I said as we drove.

“Really? You’d take me there?” she asked.

“I’d take you anywhere,” I replied. I knew there was a look-off area fairly close by, I headed for it and parked the car. There were a few other cars in the lot so sex was contra-indicated but what I really wanted was to do was to talk. We got out of the car and sat on a nearby bench.

“Maeve, it’s soon going to be time for you to go home and there’s something I want to get in the open before you go. With April coming to visit we might not get much time to ourselves so I think now is the time.”

Maeve looked at me earnestly, “I agree.” She took my hand.

“Remember when I left last time and we said we thought we loved each other?” She nodded, “I don’t think I love you anymore.” Her face dropped, “I know it. I’m certain of it. I love you; body, heart and soul and I want to spend my life with you.” She brightened and almost jumped into my lap.

“Me too!” she gushed, our kiss was long and tender, “Me too! Does that mean…?”

“Well, that’s what we need to talk about. Before we take the next step, I need to know if your love for April going to get in the way. I see how you look at her, how excited you get when calls or tests and I think, I sometimes wish I had someone to love me like that.”

“You do have someone to love you like that Stuart, even more so. Please don’t make me choose between you but if I have to, I will. April will understand, I’m sure.” She hugged me.

“Okay then, when she gets here and we get the reunion sex out of the way,” Maeve smiled, she knew as well as I did that the minute we got to my place we would be naked in my bed, “we’ll talk to her about it. We both love her, in our own way, she should be part of this I think.”

“You see,” she said quietly, “this is why I love you, you always think of others too.” She kissed me again. “I think you’re exactly right. We’ll pick her up, go to your house and get things taken care of, and then we’ll talk. The hard part is going to be keeping it to myself until she gets here.”

“I know, but not a word,” I said. We cuddled for a while and I pointed out some of the landmarks we could see from the look-off, locating them on the old map I had brought along.

Maeve looked at me, “Is there a B&B close by, someplace with a whirlpool tub perhaps? We’ve never had jacuzzi sex and I really want to make love to you right now!”

“I know just the place,” I said and we got back in the car, arriving at a century-old inn about twenty minutes later. I went inside to inquire about a room, we were in luck, it being mid-week, a suite with a jacuzzi was available. Coming back out, I saw her sit up quickly and adjust herself as I approached the car. Chuckling to myself, I opened the door, “Just can’t help yourself, can you?” I said, grinning. She shook her head. “Come on, our room awaits.” I took her hand and helped her out, escorting her through the lobby and up the stairs.

“This place is beautiful,” she said. It had been restored to its Victorian-era glory but updated to include most modern conveniences. We got to our room and I unlocked the door using an old-fashioned brass key. On entering, the first thing I noticed is that there was no TV, “No problem,” I thought, “we aren’t here to watch TV. The next thing I saw was an old four-poster bed, not very different from the one in Maeve’s house. Again the memories flooded back and I became hard.

We scoped out the room and Maeve started filling the tub, “You might want to call down and get some more towels,” she said, I got on the phone and did as she suggested. We sat on the bed and started making out until we heard the knock on the door from the housekeeping staff with our extra towels. I got up to answer the door to see what I thought to be a young woman in her twenties holding a bundle of towels. I thanked her and reached out to take them, as I did her gaze went down so she wouldn’t drop them. A look of surprise came over her face and she blushed as she saw the tent in the front of my pants. Maeve saw it as well and she giggled, after I closed and locked the door, she stood up and started disrobing. “She wasn’t expecting that!” she exclaimed.

“I should have invited her in,” I replied, “she’s really cute.” Maeve shook her head.

“I don’t think so, I want you all to myself today,” she started pulling my shirt over my head.

“Just today?” I asked, teasing her. She shook her head.

“No, not just today.” We undressed each other and stepped gingerly into the hot water, Maeve settling in front of me. Our fingers intertwined as we got used to the hot water, soon she brought one hand to her breasts and the other to her red-haired pussy. “If we’re going to make a go of this,” she said, “we’ll need one of these in our home.” Our home. It was clear she had already made up her mind about where she wanted our relationship to go. I couldn’t say I disagreed.

Our lovemaking was slow and deliberate, each of us pleasuring the other with our mouths before she turned on all fours and I took her from behind. We had tried pretty much everything two people could do to each other, so much so that good old-fashioned sex became the exception, not the rule. Sometimes all you need is a good fuck. After we both came, we snuggled back into our original positions and I added some more hot water so we could enjoy a good soak. “This is nice, I said,” as I held her to me.

“Mmmmmm, it is,” she answered, “I could get used to this.” I looked down over her body, taking in the beauty of her breasts with their small, hard nipples, the swell of her tummy, her creamy thighs as they came up out of the water.

“You are so beautiful,” I whispered, she snuggled in tighter. “However did I manage to capture you?”

“That’s April’s doing,” she purred, “before I met her, I wouldn’t have dreamed of sharing a lover. She has taught me so much, I could never thank her enough, she changed my life.”

“She changed both our lives and you’re right, how do we thank her?” I said. It didn’t matter really, no matter what we did it would never be enough. We stayed in the water until it cooled somewhat, we got out and dried each other off. “You hungry?” I asked. She said she was but we didn’t have proper clothes to eat in the restaurant at the inn, they required a collared shirt, so we got dressed and walked the quarter-mile or so into town. We found a small pub and enjoyed a meal of seafood, local veggies and some local craft beer.

A band was setting up as we finished our meal so we stayed for another couple of hours to enjoy the music. Maeve’s Irish heritage took over as she sang and clapped along with the music. Her outgoing nature made her popular with those around us and she had no trouble striking up conversations with others. I really enjoyed watching her have fun, so much of our lives so far had revolved around sex, it was nice to see her in that light.

Walking back, we talked some more about what our future might hold, which one of us might pull up stakes and move to where the other lived or if we might go someplace different entirely.

“There’s time to sort that out,” I said. We walked quietly the rest of the way, went up to our room and made love again before falling asleep in that four-poster bed, and again in the morning before breakfast.

The subject of our future together kept arising during the rest of the time before April’s arrival but each time we reminded ourselves that we didn’t want to make any decisions without talking to her first. Finally, the day arrived, we had followed April’s aircraft on its inbound flight and watched from a viewing area just outside the airport fence as it touched down. Maeve was nervously shifting from one foot to the other while we waited for April to come through the doors from the customs inspection area. “Do you need to pee?” I whispered, teasing her.

“No, I’m just excited!” she said, “I can’t wait to see her!”

“Can’t wait to suck her pussy, more like!” I teased her some more.

“That too!” Maeve squeezed my hand, “And to watch you two fuck!” Thankfully, the doors slid open and April appeared, she was as beautiful as I remembered, blonde, trim and flashing her winning smile. Maeve bolted from my side and ran to her, wrapping her in a bear hug before kissing her deeply. April tried to maintain some sense of decorum but there was no stopping Maeve, her lust had completely removed all semblance of common sense or decency. I knew I needed to stop her before she started pulling April’s clothes off right there on the airport concourse.

Going over to them, I interjected myself between them, “Down girl,” I said quietly, “the whole world doesn’t have to know how horny you are!” Maeve released her best girlfriend, “Hi April,” I said quietly, giving her a nice kiss of my own, “Welcome. I’ve missed you. Maybe not as much as Miss Horny McHorny-pants here but I’ve missed you.” Maeve looked chastened as April laughed.

“Hi Stuart, I’ve missed you too.” She kissed me again and bent to pick up her things that had been scattered across the floor when Maeve attacked her. As we started walking to the car, Maeve tried to hold April’s hand but was rebuffed. “Maeve, you behaved inappropriately,” she stated quietly but firmly. “I will hold Stuart’s hand, you will bring my suitcase and follow behind.” I hadn’t any idea that they had some sort of D/s relationship but, on reflection, it didn’t surprise me. When we first got together, April controlled most of the things we did. Maeve’s eyes cast downward and she complied obediently. April and I held hands as we walked, Maeve, trailing a few steps behind. I needed to find out more about this dynamic. We talked quietly as we walked, not letting Maeve overhear our conversation.

“Do you guys have some sort of Domme/sub relationship going?” I asked. April just smiled her sweetest smile and said nothing. We walked the rest of the way to the car where April ordered Maeve to put her things in the back and get in the back seat. I know Maeve had been hoping to ravish April as we drove to my place but April had other ideas.

“Our relationship is more than you know, Stuart,” she said, “every so often we play this game where I am the dominant, she is subjugated to me. We only play for a few hours at a time, usually, we stop after we make love to each other. The game has rules and they are inviolable, please don’t interfere. Just play along and you will like where this goes, I promise.” She kissed me again, in full view of my girlfriend. “I didn’t want to bring my play toys on the plane, do you have some soft rope at home we could use?” I told her I did, my cock getting hard. We got in the car and as I drove off, her hand moved to my lap.

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“When we get to your house Stuart, Maeve will be restrained and forced to watch as we fuck. I know how horny she is, she had been going on about it all week. But for her indiscretion in the airport, she and I would be fucking in the back seat right now.” I heard Maeve moan in the back seat, she was really turned on. “Now, because she has misbehaved, she must wait.”

“Are you okay with this Maeve?” I asked. She was mute behind me.

April spoke, “Under the rules of our game, she is not permitted to speak without my say so,” said April firmly. I liked this previously unseen side of these two women. “You may speak.”

“I am completely okay with this, Sir,” she said. Playing along, I asked her if she was aroused, “I am very aroused was her reply.” I asked if her pussy was leaking onto the seat beneath her, “My pussy is leaking a lot. It is well you have leather seats, Sir, else the fabric would be soaked by now,” she replied.

“Enough Maeve,” said April. I checked the rear-view mirror to see her squirming in the seat. “Maeve is only permitted to touch herself with my permission. Seeing as how you are joining our game, you may give her permission if you wish.”

“Would you give her permission?” I asked April.

“I would not,” she said.

“Neither will I. Maeve has been a bad girl and will suffer for her lack of composure.”

“You learn quickly Stuart,” she said. “How long before we arrive at your home?”

“About twenty minutes,” I said. April folded her hands in her lap and looked out at the passing scenery, pure serenity on her face; she was enjoying this. Every time I checked the rear-view, I saw Maeve’s wide-open eyes locked onto mine, her nostrils flaring in her heat. Knowing she could not reply, I teased her, “You never told me about this part of your relationship, Maeve. I’m looking forward to seeing it happen in front of me.”

“Don’t tease her too much,” April said, “the rules can be turned around and I assure you, Maeve knows how to play the dominant role very well indeed.” The look in Maeve’s eyes betrayed what she was thinking, she would have her revenge on me for this. I knew I would love every long second of it!

We arrived at my place, alighting from the car, April told Maeve to retrieve her things, take them inside and to prepare herself. Maeve complied immediately. Taking my hand, April asked me to show her the rope she asked about earlier. I took her to my garden shed and showed her, “This will do nicely,” she said, “It’s okay to cut this up as we need it?” I nodded. Swiftly she dropped to her knees on the rough floorboards in front of me and took out my cock, taking it into her mouth and rolling my balls in her hand. She sucked me for about half a minute, then stood up and kissed me deeply. “I have really missed you, Stuart. We are going to have such fun!” She took me by the hand and we went into the house. On reaching the bedroom, we found Maeve sitting on a chair she had brought up from the kitchen, she had changed into a lingerie set I had not seen previously, all black and lots of straps. A ball-gag sat on her lap.

“Thank you, Maeve,” said April, “you have prepared yourself well. Stuart, do you think she deserves a reward for preparing herself properly?”

“I think she does,” I said, “perhaps a kiss from the woman she loves?” April nodded.

“Just one,” she said and she leaned forward to kiss Maeve’s waiting lips. She tried but she was unable to stifle the moan from deep inside her that rose from her lover’s intimate touch. April took the ropes and told me which lengths to cut as she used them to restrain Maeve to the chair. Moving away, April smiled sweetly, Maeve returned her smile, equally as sweet.

“You guys are really into this,” I said, amazed at how committed they both were to the game. April just looked at me and smiled, Maeve’s face adopted a passive mien, reverting to her sub role.

“We will teach you if you wish,” said April, “but I warn you, if you decide to play, you must commit to it fully and completely. You cannot do this in half measures.” I nodded in agreement. “So, shall we play?” She moved in front of me and began undressing me, “I’ve missed you Stuart, your touch, your kiss, your cock, I’ve missed it all.” She kissed me gently but deeply, her tongue playing into my mouth, teasing mine. I picked her up and moved her onto the bed.

“I’ve missed you too,” I breathed, inhaling her scent as I finished pulling off her clothes, a combination of sweet perfume and womanly musk. “We both have. You have been the subject of many of our fantasies, we both call your name at those passionate moments, happy we are with each other but wanting you with us.”

“You don’t know the number of times I have played with myself since you left,” she moaned as I trailed kisses from her face to her blonde pussy hair. “Our pictures and videos have been put to very good use.”

I ate her out as she described the things she did while we were apart. Every so often, Maeve would whimper, her lust betraying her as she fought to maintain her role. April pushed my head away and pulled me on top of her, urging me to turn around so she could suck my cock as I licked her. Any other time we had done sixty-nine, she had been on top, this time I was on top, feeding my cock into April’s mouth as I used my lips, tongue and fingers to pleasure her. I felt her mouth open wide so I lowered my hips, my cock going all the way into her throat. Her hands on my hips urged me to fuck her mouth.  A few moments of this and she pushed me off her, “We should let our bad girl watch us fuck,” she panted as she squirmed out from beneath me and got on all fours, presenting herself to me. I moved into position and placed my cock at her opening.

“Is that what you want, Maeve, to watch us fuck?” I asked. I would pay for this later but for now, I was enjoying myself. She shook her head. “What do you want, tell me,” I commanded.

“I want to fuck you both,” she groaned as she squirmed in her chair. You didn’t have to look closely to see she had been leaking on it.

“Later, I promise,” I said as I entered April from behind, she felt exactly as I remembered she did. Our moans and cries grew as I fucked her, Maeve watched with wide-open eyes, she wanted badly to touch herself as she watched, she tried to sit still but every few seconds, her arms twitched as if to strain against her bonds.

“Maeve is going to eat our come from my pussy when we finish,” April said, “but she must beg for it.” That apparently was all the permission she needed to speak.

“Fuck her Stuart, my love, fill her up so I can clean her, please, my darling, please!” she pleaded. She kept urging me on, promising to be allowed to service April after I had completed my task. Holy fuck, this was hot! A few more strokes and I came, blasting myself into April’s cunt. I fought the urge to hold myself into her as my balls emptied into her, continuing to thrust as best I could, wanting her to come as hard as I had. Her fingers found her clit and she finished herself off, screaming as she came. Maeve was breathing heavily by now, almost at the peak of orgasm herself.

A few moments later, April collapsed forward; at her urging, I moved off of her and she rolled onto her back. “Stuart, darling, would you be so kind as to release our lover from her bonds?” I went behind Maeve and untied the ropes; she could have gotten free if she had wanted to, so loose were the knots. She stood slowly, a trail of wetness clinging to her as she stood. She turned and kissed me, “And that is how the game is played,” she said before quickly moving to the bed and diving between April’s legs. April’s arousal had not faded much and in less than a minute, her screams filled the house again as she came on Maeve’s face. Maeve did not stop, bringing the screams from deep in April’s soul as she brought her to that blissful peak four more times before relenting. They untangled themselves and arranged their bodies so there was an open space between them. They beckoned me to join them so I climbed up between them, kissing them both.

“I see Stuart’s powers of recovery are as good as ever,” said April, taking my cock in her hand. She moved down my body and took me in her mouth, Maeve joining her to give me a double blowjob. They shared my cock, switching every half-minute or so until I was about to come, “Who wants it?” I groaned.

Maeve offered it to April, knowing that she wouldn’t swallow before sharing with her lover. April’s lips wrapped tightly around my head as I came, I have to admit, the amount of semen was less than normal but, given I had been averaging three orgasms a day for the past month, I was not ashamed of that. April, suckled on me, drawing every drop she could from me before taking her mouth off me and kissing Maeve. They swapped my come back and forth as they kissed before looking up at me and swallowing together.

We cuddled together on the bed, my hands softly stroking both their breasts, tracing around the outline of their nipples. “You liked our little game?” asked Maeve. I considered before replying.

“I did, it was erotic and sensual. You impressed me Maeve, I wouldn’t have thought you could commit to your role that deeply.”

“You want to see commitment, wait till I take on the dominant role! You ain’t seen nothing yet!” she replied, a hint of evil in her tone.

“Like I said Stuart,” interjected April, “you don’t have to play the game if you don’t want to. If you choose not to, nothing more will be said and it won’t affect anything, no judgement will be made. The game isn’t for everyone.” She reached over to the nightstand and picked up her drink, draining it before continuing.

“But, if you decide to play the game, you must commit to it completely. Consider before you decide, you must master the submissive role before you will be allowed to play the dominant.” She waited for a reply.

“So you must be subjugated to the power before you can wield it? That makes sense.” I offered. April and Maeve both shook their heads.

“You seem that’s what most people don’t understand, the dominant one doesn’t have all the power, the sub does. The dominant role is easy to play, it requires no self-restraint or humility. It requires only a bit of a devious streak and a willingness to see it through to the end.” She shifted and nodded at Maeve.

“The submissive role holds the power,” she said. “It is the harder role to play because it requires self-restraint, an immense amount of it. To do only as you are told as a result of whatever transgression the dominant suggests, real or imagined, takes incredible willpower and self-control. Without the sub, the dominant is powerless.”

“I’m not sure I understand,” I said, “but I’m a willing student, if you’ll teach me.”

“That attitude,” Maeve leaned in to kiss me, “is what you need to learn the game.”

“Maeve and I have been playing the game for about five years now,” April said, “only last year was she able to take on the dominant role.” Wow, five years,” I thought. Will we be together in five years, or even five months, April sensed my apprehension.

“It’s okay Stuart, you don’t have to decide right away. How about this? Maeve and I play the game a couple of times, and you watch. If you feel comfortable later down the road, we’ll play. If not, then we won’t. It will change nothing if you decide not to play.”

“But,” said Maeve, “if you do decide to play, it will change everything!”

“I have to say, I enjoyed watching and even participating. We’ll see what happens.” I held them both close, only now remembering the wonderful feeling of holding two beautiful women as I drifted off to sleep.

Because we had gone to bed early, I awoke early, Maeve and April had gotten up before me. Noticing that the sky was just beginning to lighten, I had an idea where they might be. Pulling on a robe, I padded down the stairs to look out the patio doors, sure enough, April was reclined in a deck chair, Maeve’s red curls were just visible above her hips. April’s head was thrown back, a look of pure pleasure spread across her face. I watched from inside at the lovely show, the sun rising slowly as April’s orgasm built. As did Maeve before her, April missed the sunrise, her eyes were closed as she approached and reached orgasm. Only after Maeve was finished did she notice the sun had risen. I made coffee for all of us and took it out to the girls who were snuggled up in one deck chair. Taking my seat in the other, I teased April, “That was a beautiful sunrise, wasn’t it?”

Maeve smiled knowingly without looking at me, April craned her head around and said, “I wouldn’t know.” At least she was honest. We finished our coffees and went inside for breakfast. After that, it was time for a nice long sexy shower with my two favourite girls before we began our day.

Written by CaressofSteel
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