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Author's Notes

"If you're coming into this series partway through, I invite you to start from the beginning."

I had set my alarm to wake me at about six, picking up my phone, I saw a text from April. “Your hotel is on the way to Maeve’s place, you want me to pick you up?” I replied that I would and she sent back a few minutes later that she’d be there about a quarter to seven.

After a quick shower and dressing in loose-fitting jeans and a t-shirt, I and I was ready just as April arrived. I grabbed a jacket and went out to her car, I was shocked to see that she had colored her hair a strawberry blonde. Getting in, I commented on it, she said, “You said you prefer redheads, this is as close as I dared to go.” She drove off. We made small talk on the way, talking mostly about arrangements to get to the airport to catch our flight the next afternoon.

April got an overnight bag from the trunk, my mind went to a very naughty place as I imagined what was in it,  and we walked up to Maeve’s door hand in hand and rang the doorbell. Maeve appeared in a moment, I half expected her to be wearing her new lingerie but she was wearing loose sweats and a loose-fitting t-shirt as well. I could tell by the way her breasts were swinging as she moved that she hadn’t bothered with a bra. She welcomed us both with a hug and invited us in. “Love your hair! Food will be here in a few minutes, you want something to drink?” April opted for white wine, I asked for a beer. Maeve went off to fetch them and April and I made our way to the sofa and sat down. When Maeve returned, she handed us our drinks, picked up hers, and raised her glass in a toast.

“To being more than friends!” she offered as a toast. We replied in kind and we all had a sip. The doorbell rang and Maeve grabbed her purse to pay for the food. We moved to a small table in the kitchen and filled our plates. Once supper was done, we cleared the dishes and put away the leftovers. Back in the living room, we sat down and just looked at each other.

Finally, Maeve spoke up. “So, April finished editing our videos last night, here is your copy.” She handed over a USB drive. “Here’s the deal. These pictures and videos never, ever see the internet, agreed?” I agreed and she let go of the thumb drive. She stood up and went down the hallway to a room near the end, returning with two small boxes wrapped in a plum-colored ribbon. Giving one to our lover she said, “April, this is for you. My way of saying thanks for introducing me to this wonderful lover and sharing him with me.” April reached out and took the box, pulling the loose end of the bow and opening the box.

“Oh, these are exquisite!” she exclaimed. “You guys went to see Lauren, didn’t you?” Maeve just nodded and opened her identical box to show that she had gotten the matching outfit. “Oh, look, we’ll match!” Maeve took her hand and led her up the stairs.

“Make yourself at home, Stuart, we’ll be back in a flash,” Maeve said as they climbed the staircase. I got up and started looking around at the artwork on Maeve’s wall, wandering down the hallway to a room at the end. What I had thought would be a bedroom turned out to be a studio and office with a computer, monitors and some musical instruments, two guitars, a bass guitar, an electric piano, and a flute. I went in and picked up one of the guitars, it wasn’t a cheap one. Checking the tuning I started playing some chords and riffs that I used as warm-up exercises. I’m a big fan of James Taylor and started picking the intro to “You’ve Got a Friend”.

A dozen or so bars in I heard April’s voice, “You play nicely, I love that song.” I looked up to see her and Maeve in the doorway, holding hands and dressed in their matching outfits, their negligees tied at the waist with the sashes that had been used as ribbons. I fumbled the next chord badly as I lost concentration, captured by their combined beauty.

“You were right, Maeve, those outfits don’t need panties,” I said putting the guitar back on its stand and going to them. “These outfits are perfect, just like the two of you.” Deep kisses followed, first with Maeve, then with April.

“You don’t need to flatter us,” said Maeve, “you’re already getting so laid tonight! Play some more.” I restarted the song, singing as I played. The girls slid into the room and started swaying in time, Maeve’s fingers interlaced behind April’s neck, April’s hands on Maeve’s ample hips. April was just an inch or so taller than Maeve but the tips of their breasts were at almost the same height, their nipples hardening, brushing against the other’s as they swayed. They just stared into each other’s faces as they danced and as the song finished, they kissed and Maeve said, “I love you, April.”

“I love you too,” April replied, pulling Maeve into a full embrace. There was no doubt in my mind that they absolutely meant it. Not wanting to break this very personal moment, I began playing again, an instrumental tune I had picked up years before, I didn’t even know the name of it. The girls just looked at me and smiled. “Looks like I’m not the only one full of surprises. I know that Maeve plays but you kept that talent hidden. And you sing beautifully, that baritone just makes me moist.”

“I haven’t played much lately, but people have told me I was pretty good back in the day.” I put the guitar back on its stand and squeezed past them. “It was a great way to meet girls, back in the day.” Getting the ring box out of my jacket pocket, I handed it to April. “Maeve already has hers”, she wiggled her fingers, “this is for you. Thank you for introducing me to a world I could only fantasize about. And for asking Maeve to join us. You two are the most beautiful women I know.” April took the ring out of the box and admired it before putting it on.

Looking at Maeve, she said, “I was curious why you wanted to know my ring size. Thank you, Stuart, it is beautiful. I love that Maeve and I have matching rings, whenever I look at it, I’ll think of you both.” She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. Maeve moved over to us and we began sharing kisses, each more passionate than the last.

“I think (kiss) that Stuart here is overdressed (kisses for us both). We made the effort to look sexy for him, (kiss, kiss) he should do the same,” said Maeve.

“I didn’t bring any sexy lingerie to wear,” I replied.

“Fear not, good sir,” said Maeve, “I have it covered. She left the room and came back a few minutes later with another small box, handing it to me. Opening it I saw a pair of black silk boxers, the cock rings that Maeve had bought that day on top. April clapped her hands at the sight of them, “If you need help getting one of these on,” she said picking up the middle-sized one, “I’m sure we could find someone to help you with it.”

I took the box and went to the small washroom across the hall to get changed. There was a tap on the door and April’s voice said, “Upstairs, first door on the right when you’re done.” I changed quickly, slipping the largest of the cock rings over my growing erection before putting on the boxers. I had never worn silk underwear before, I had to admit they felt pretty good. I was beginning to understand why the girls liked sexy lingerie so much. After folding my clothes, I took a swig of the mouthwash that was beside the sink and made my way upstairs. Entering the door April had mentioned, I saw the four-poster bed from the photo Maeve has sent me earlier in the week. I hadn’t noticed from the photo but it was a king-sized bed, plenty of room for us and our erotic activities.

The covers were pulled back, Maeve and April were both on the bed next to each other. Maeve was playing with April’s hair while April’s fingers were teasing Maeve’s nipples. April let out a wolf-whistle as I entered and Maeve whispered, “Ay, Papi!” I wiggled the two remaining cock rings at them and they both smiled, knowing where the third one was. Moving apart, they both patted the mattress between them and I moved onto the end of the bed and started caressing their legs, switching back and forth between them. The feel of their stockings was amazing, I understood why Maeve had paid what she did, as with most things, the good stuff is usually expensive.

“Remember the other day when you fucked Maeve from behind as she licked my pussy?” April asked. I just mumbled I did. “Would you do that to me?” I looked at her, she was biting her lower lip with her even white teeth, her lipstick a pale pink.

“You wish, my dear, is my command,” I replied. Maeve just laughed as she rolled onto her back and opened her negligee. As April moved between her legs, she filled her hands with April’s hair and pulled her face toward her moist, wonderfully scented womanhood.

Maeve pointed to the tube of lubricant on the nightstand and whispered, “April, where would you like Stuart to put his hard cock? You want it in your sweet pussy or your hot tight ass?”

“Pussy please,” mumbled April, trying not to lose contact with Maeve’s cunt, “then in my ass as I get close.” She began lashing Maeve’s clit vigorously. I stripped off my boxers and moved up behind her, placing my cock at her entrance, she certainly needed no lubrication as her pussy was leaking already. I pushed forward and buried myself into her, moving in long slow strokes as I tried to prolong the pleasure. It wasn’t long before I realized the cock ring I had put on was a little too big but I wasn’t about to stop to change it.

“Fuck her harder, Stuart, she loves getting her pussy pounded.” I increased the pace and strength of my thrusts, trying to find a balance between fucking her hard enough but not so hard as to interrupt the pleasure she was giving Maeve. I picked up the lube and applied some to her ass hole, slipping one finger inside her. I could feel the undulations in my cock as I slid it in and out of her pussy. In a few moments, Maeve looked at me and said, “She’s getting close Stuart, she’s ready for you to fuck her in the ass.” April just nodded and mumbled something I couldn’t understand.

I pulled my cock out of her pussy, it made a soft pop as her lips released from around my glans. Placing the tip against her little brown hole, I pulled back on her hips and I slid right in. She pushed back so that I went all the way into her tight bum. I held myself there for a moment and then started stroking slowly. Maeve let go of April’s hair and retrieved the rabbit toy that she had bought. Handing it to me she said, “You know where this goes.” Taking it from her, I pushed the little button on the bottom of it before reaching around her hips and slipping it all the way into her wet pussy. It took me a moment to get adjusted to I could fuck her ass with my cock and hold the toy against her clit but when I did, April began screaming. I mean SCREAMING, as loudly as I’d heard in any porn movie I’d ever watched. Her screams timed with my thrusts and after a moment or two, she reached between her legs with one hand and took the toy, thrusting it in and out of herself. As I drew my cock out, she drove the toy in, as I pushed in, she drew the toy out.

Maeve grabbed April by the hair again and ground her pussy into April’s face, her hips gyrating. A half dozen strokes later I came, wave after wave of pleasure as I emptied myself into April’s ass. Maeve came next, squeezing her thighs against April’s head and holding her against her pussy as she orgasmed. Finally, April pushed the toy into her cunt and held it there, emitting a long, loud moan. I could feel her pussy spasm as I held my cock into her ass.

We stayed motionless for a few moments until I started withdrawing my cock from inside April. “No, no,” she whined, “It feels so good in there, don’t take it out, not yet.”  She pushed the buttons on the toy to make it stop vibrating and just slid it out and in very slowly to finish off her pleasure. Maeve released April’s hair and just placed her hands in the side of April’s head. April must have finally been satisfied because she pulled the rabbit from inside her, moving it to her lips to savor her wetness, then handing it to Maeve who did the same.

Maeve licked it like an ice cream cone and said, “Mmmmmmmm, deeee-licious!” She placed the toy back on the nightstand.

April gave her pussy one more lick and said, “I agree completely!” and moved forward, my cock slipping from her backside. I got up off the bed and went to the washroom to wash off my cock because I wanted the girls to fellate me back to life. I removed the cock ring and washed it as well. Going back to the bed, I saw the girls were snuggled together, exchanging soft little kisses and mumbling in their post-coital bliss.

“Room for me in there?” I asked. Both girls reached around and patted the bed behind them, neither of them wanting to separate from the other as they both savored the experience they’d just had. I choose to slide in behind April, mostly because she was closer. Pulling up the covers and snuggling in, I reached over April to pull them both in close. “I could get used to that,” I said softly.

“I was just saying that,” Maeve whispered, April nodding her agreement.  We stayed cuddled like that for a while, just listening to our breathing. April spoke first, “I’m thirsty,” she said, rolling over me to get out of the bed, “How about I go down and grab some coolers?”

“Good idea,” said Maeve, looking at me greedily, “and when you get back, we can fit Stuart with a proper-sized cock ring and get on with round two!”

I pulled Maeve closer to me and said, “I’m not sure I have much more left in me. You girls are exhausting!”

“I want to make sure that when you get on the plane tomorrow, you have nothing left!” she grinned. April came back with three rum coolers and a plate of cut fruit.

“Eat up,” she commanded in her best coach’s voice, “it’s only the end of the first half, there’s a lot more game to play yet!” Maeve and I sat up as April climbed into the bed, handing us our drinks and setting the plate of fruit on the bed. “A pretty complete first half,” she said, continuing in character, “only one small mistake when Stuart’s cock ring slipped off. We’re going to fix that for the second half.”

I decided to play along, “What’s the plan for the second half, coach?” I asked. Maeve fell back on the bed laughing.

“You have any ideas?” she said, playing as well.

“Well,” I said, “I like Maeve’s idea of you girls fitting me for a proper-sized cock ring, then perhaps you could bring little Stuart back to life with your mouths.” My cock twitched at the thought of two women playing with my cock between their lips.

April got up and retrieved one of her cameras from her overnight bag, handing it to me. “You might want to have a record of this, for when you’re alone and horny,” she said, smiling her incredible smile. I took it from her, turned it on, checked that it was set to video, and pointed it first at April, then Maeve.

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“Before we begin, could I get a shot of you two ladies on the bed in your new outfits?” The girls got off the bed and straightened out the covers from our earlier activities, then climbed back onto it beside each other. Once they were situated, I reached forward and re-arranged their negligees so that their legs were covered but their pussies were hidden behind folds of silky fabric. Stepping back, I began shooting video of them, starting from the head of the bed on Maeve’s side and walking around the end to the other side until I was beside April. “Now kiss,” I commanded, they complied and I retraced my path around the bed until I was back where I started. “Alright Ladies, I think we’re all warmed up for the second half!”

Not stopping the recording, I stepped back away from the bed a few feet and waved my hand across in front of me, inviting the girls to their places in front of me. “Grab a pillow apiece to kneel on and let’s see if one of those cock rings fits.”

April picked up the two that had not yet been used, handing one to Maeve. They both tossed a pillow on the floor in front of me, using their feet to position them, and knelt down. April reached out first, grasping the head of my circumcised member very lightly with her fingers, inspecting it. She reached forward and kissed it and then backed off, allowing Maeve access to do the same. “I think the middle-sized one will do the job,” she said, popping it in her mouth to lubricate it before sliding it down over my now nearly erect dick. Sliding it all the way to the bottom, Maeve placed her mouth over me and began suckling as a child with a bottle. Almost immediately, my erection was complete. Pushing Maeve’s mouth back off me, April inspected the cock ring, tugging it slightly to ensure it wouldn’t slide off. “What do you think, Maeve, will this one do?”

“Why, yes, April, I think this one will do nicely,” Maeve replied. She placed her fingers on the side of April’s face and guided her mouth towards me. April opened wide and she took me inside until it filled her. She moved her lips up and down over it, applying even suction as she went. Maeve’s hands went to April’s breasts and started fondling them, causing April to draw in a deep breath through her nose and exhale slowly. I kept one eye on the viewfinder to keep April’s lips at the center of the frame.

Maeve whispered, “Come on lover, don’t be greedy, share with me.” She moved her head in as April released me, they placed their lips on either side of my shaft, sucking and licking along the length of it until Maeve slipped the head into her mouth. “Let me show you how he likes it,” she breathed before opening wide and moving her mouth over me, not touching it until the head hit the back of her mouth. She swallowed as the head slid forward and it slipped right into her throat. Clamping her lips down, she drew herself up along the length of me until only the head was inside her mouth, opening her mouth and repeating the maneuver. After the fourth time, she let my head pop from her mouth and looked at April. “See, like that,” she said quietly before kissing April full on the mouth.

April broke their kiss and then turned her face toward my cock, opening wide and repeating Maeve’s motion, allowing the head to slide fully into her throat. She held it there for a moment, using her tongue on the bottom of the shaft in a milking motion. Maeve looked up at me and asked, “So, has she got the hang of it?” I just groaned and nodded.

April took her mouth off me, looked up, and asked, “Ever had a hummer?”

I shook my head, “What’s a hummer?” I asked as Maeve took me back into her mouth and began bobbing up and down, using her hand as well.

“A hummer,” she said, “is when the person sucking your cock, hums while it’s in her mouth.” Her vulgarity turned me on. Almost instantly, Maeve began humming, the sensation was very unlike anything I had ever imagined, it felt like my cock was vibrating at low speed. I tried to figure out what tune she was humming but I realized, I didn’t care, I just wanted her to keep going. April got down beside her and replaced Maeve’s hand with her own. Half a minute later, Maeve’s mouth came off me and April’s replaced it. She hummed a different tune but it felt every bit as good.

Maeve stood up and went to her closet, returning in a moment and tapping April on the shoulder. “I bought Stuart a little gift for when we’re not around,” showing her the toy she had bought for me.

April released my cock from between her lips and laughed, “Oh. My. God! A personal pussy! Let me see!” She took it from Maeve and inspected it. “That’s gonna be tight,” she said. Maeve reached to the nightstand and picked up some lube.

“Let’s see,’ Maeve said, applying some lube to my cock and to the pussy-like opening of the toy. She positioned it over the head of my cock and pushed it onto me. April was right, it was tight, no way it would have gone over my cock without lube. Slowly, April worked it onto me, rotating it as she slid it on me until I bottomed out. “Awww, it’s not quite long enough,” Maeve said, “there’s still a couple of inches left.”

“It’s plenty long,” I gasped, as April began sliding it along my cock. Slowly at first and then her hand picked up speed. Maeve took my hand and placed it on top of April’s.

Maeve stood up and guided me back to a chair placed kitty-corner to the bed. “You’ve watched me masturbate for you, let me watch you do it,” she purred, getting up and moving back onto the bed, taking the camera from me. “This clip is for us, she said to April. April joined her and their hands almost instinctively went to each other’s slick cunts as they watched me slide the toy over myself. I don’t know it was the work of their mouths, the tightness of the toy, or the sight of them playing with each other but I only lasted a dozen or so strokes before I came. I pulled the toy from myself and blasted my semen all over the floor.

April jumped off the bed, cursing, “Jesus Christ! I wish you’d told me you were going to come, what a fucking waste!” she exclaimed, quickly lapping up what was left. Maeve stayed on the bed, giggling as she continued to record the scene. After cleaning me up, April went back to the bed and shared my semen with her red-haired lover. As I recovered, I sheepishly got up and went to the washroom to get a cloth and a towel to clean my spunk off the polished hardwood floor.

After cleaning up my mess, I went to the bed and maneuvered myself in between my two lovers. “I’m glad you two got so much enjoyment out of my misfortune,” I grumbled.

“Misfortune?” Maeve gasped. “Is that what you call an impossibly powerful orgasm? Don’t lie to me, I saw the look on your face, you won’t forget that for a long time. I know I won’t,” she said, sliding her hand onto my penis.

“Me neither! I’m glad we have a video of it so I can watch it any time I please,” she teased. She held me close and kissed my cheek. “It’s okay, sweetie, your secret is safe with us,” she purred, placing her hand on top of Maeve’s.

“You two are incorrigible and insatiable!” I groaned as their fingers manipulated my member back to life.

“You guys are leaving tomorrow, I just want to have as much of you as I can get before you go, you know, to hold me over until I see you again,” Maeve pouted. She got up off the bed and began removing her lingerie. “For now, I just want to snuggle with you, completely naked.” April quickly followed suit and they both climbed back into bed with me, pulling the covers up over us before snuggling themselves in tight.

“This is nice,” said April. “It’s not fair that Stuart is always in the middle though, we should take turns.” Her hands rubbed my chest, her fingers playing through my chest hair.

“This is nice,” replied Maeve as she turned my face to hers and kissed me, a soft, leading kiss that was like tasting previously untried fruit. I just squeezed them both, April’s trim, firm, tidy body on one side, Maeve’s fuller, softer, rounder on the other. “So,’ she said, looking past me at April and winking, “You’ve had your way with both of us, which do you prefer?” I knew I was being set up but decided to play along.

“Honestly?” I asked as I sat up. I looked at both women, they both nodded. “All right then. April, you are a beautiful, sexy, erotic, exotic, uninhibited, creative woman.” She blushed. “You are in magnificent shape, a pretty good golfer, and a lot of fun to be around. I am so lucky to have met you.” I kissed her full on the lips.

“Maeve, you are a beautiful, sexy, erotic, exotic, uninhibited, creative woman.” She beamed back at me. Your body isn’t the same as April’s, yours is softer, more rounded, your breasts are magnificent and to top it all off, your red hair is intoxicating.” April could see where this was going. “I can’t say that I prefer one of you over the other because, truthfully, I don’t, I would count myself lucky to have either of you in my life. To have both of you, to be able to do the things we do together makes Gestalt’s old saying come true - the whole is definitely much more than the sum of its parts.” I held both women tight.

“But,” I continued, “you asked, so I’ll be honest. I might not prefer one of you over the other but, I am more attracted to one of you than the other. If I didn’t know you and saw you both in a bar, there is one of you I would ask to dance first.” I looked first at Maeve, she hung her head, then at April, she smiled knowingly. “And that person,” I said turning back to Maeve and kissing her, “would be you.” She looked at me, shocked.

“Seriously, you find me,” she asked, waving her hand over April’s body, “more attractive than her? She’s blonde, she’s prettier than me, her body is perfect!”

“Only one of those things is true,” I said, matter-of-factly. “She is sort of blonde now, she does have what many would describe as a perfect body, but I don’t think she is prettier than you are.” I looked at April and said, “Sorry.” She smiled, kissed me softly, and said, “It’s OK!”

“The truth is Maeve, I am more attracted to women who are fuller figured, if I were to create a painting of my perfect woman, I could not find a more perfect model than you.”

“I told you Maeve, I told you he was more into you than he is me. I can’t believe you didn’t see it. And, if I didn’t know you and saw both of you in a club, I’d ask you to dance first.” Maeve blushed again. “I know you don’t like being told how beautiful we think you are but you had best get used to it.” She pulled me close and whispered, “Thank you, Stuart, for being honest.” She disengaged herself from us and got out of bed and began to gather her things. “I think I’ll leave you two alone. I had him first, you can have him last, for this trip anyway. I have a feeling there will be others.” She disappeared into the washroom.

Maeve pulled me in tightly to her, the feel of her skin against mine caused my loins to stir one more time. “Where have you been all my life?” she said, wistfully.

Before long April came back out from the washroom, fully dressed her other belongings in her overnight bag. “As much as I’d like to stay and watch you two, I’m going to go back to my hotel.” She came over to my side of the bed, kneeled on the bed, and kissed me. She then went around to Maeve’s side and kissed her, as she would kiss a lover saying goodbye. “Remember, I love you.” She whispered. Getting up, she turned to leave, “Have fun you two, Maeve, call me in the morning.” And we were alone.

Maeve pulled me back into her embrace. “I still can’t believe you are more attracted to me than you are to her,” she sighed. “She is so perfect, it just doesn’t seem real.”

“It is real,” I replied, looking straight into her eyes. “I think you are perfect. When I first saw April, I thought, ‘Wow, she’s cute.’ When I first saw you, I thought, ‘WOW! She’s Gorgeous!’.” Maeve blushed and hid her pretty face in her hands. I pulled them away and lifted her chin to look at me. “It’s true, I thought it then and I think it now. You are absolutely gorgeous.” She leaned forward and kissed me.

“Excuse me a sec, I’m going to freshen up.” She got out of bed and went to the washroom, my eyes following her all the way. “Stop staring at me,” she scolded.

“No,” I replied, "I will not." When Maeve came back out, she propped herself up against the doorframe. She had made herself up again, she was wearing the plum-colored outfit she had bought when we went shopping together.

“From now on, I will only wear this,” she waved her hand down along her body, “when I’m with you.” She came over to the bed and almost launched herself onto me, taking me in her arms and kissing me, her tongue going straight into my mouth. “Fasten your seatbelt,” she growled, “It’s going to be a bumpy ride!”

Our lovemaking started frantically, pawing at each other, our lust untethered, but after a while, it settled into something slower. Before we had only fucked, pleasure was our only goal. Now it was softer, sweeter, we explored each other with our hands, finger, lips, tongues, seeking not to find our pleasure but ensuring instead that we sated each other’s desire. We tried different positions, her going down on me, me, me going down of her, we tried sixty-nine but finally, we settled with her on top, sliding herself down onto me as we stared at each other’s face. Unlike our previous encounters, our pace did not quicken, we moved slowly, finding that perfect syncopation as we pleasured each other. No words were spoken, we could tell that we were both nearing our peak just by our bodies and the expressions on our faces. I tried to hold off as long as I could, having had three orgasms already that day certainly helped. Finally, I could last no longer. I pushed my hips up into Maeve’s and climaxed for a fourth time.

My release must have triggered hers because she let out a string of, “Ohmygodyes, Ohmygodyes,” over and over as she came in waves. Pushing herself down and not moving, I could feel her contract around me, releasing a warm rush onto me as her pleasure peaked and then began to subside. She was breathing as though she had just run a mile, deep heaving breaths, I could feel her heart racing. She whispered, “Do. Not. Move.” as she began to slide herself slowly up my shaft again, pushing herself back down again just before the tip of my cock left her wetness. Excruciatingly slowly she repeated this until my cock began to deflate. Finally, she closed her eyes, taking a deep breath and releasing it with a long sigh.

“I could really get used to that,” she breathed, collapsing on top of me. I wrapped my arms around her, feeling her weight on me, her full breasts between us.

“Me too,” I replied, “there’s no reason why we can’t do that many more times in the future.” I kissed her softly and smiled.

“Remember how I said that this was just sex without emotion?” she asked, looking directly into my eyes. I nodded. “This wasn’t that,” she spoke quietly, “this was so much more than that. I've never felt this way before.” She rolled off me and held me tightly. “So much more…” Our breathing slowed as we held each other until we drifted off to sleep.

Written by CaressofSteel
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