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Author's Notes

"Part three of the continuing adventures of Stuart and April."

We drove the short distance to April’s hotel and while she was inside, I looked up the directions to the community market. After about ten minutes she came back out dressed in a nice pair of jeans and a snug top that showed off her body very nicely. “If I didn’t know better,” I said, “I’d say you are on the prowl.”

“What?” she exclaimed, “I like to dress comfortably and this is comfortable. You, sir, have a dirty mind.”

“Not as dirty as yours but yeah, maybe.” We both laughed hilariously as I drove away. Soon we were near the market and as I was looking for a place to park, April noticed a café nearby. The car was parked and we made our way there, noticing a very attractive-looking lady standing just outside, she appeared to be upset.

“Are you okay, sweetie,” April asked.

“I’m fine,” she sniffled, “I think I just got stood up. My boyfriend was supposed to meet me here a half-hour ago, he just texted and said he can’t make it. I think he found a skank last night and he’s with her.”

“Oh, I’m sorry honey,” April answered, “Why don’t you join us for brunch? I’m April, this is Stuart,” she said pointing at me.

“Are you sure you don’t mind?” she asked. We both shook our heads, almost in unison. “Thank you, you’re so kind. I’m Maeve.”

“Maeve, a lovely Irish name,” I said, trying to make her feel comfortable. “Can’t say as I’m surprised, what with your lovely red hair.” Maeve had flaming red hair, something I have always found attractive.

“Indeed, and your cut frames your face beautifully, you have such lovely skin,” April chimed in. It seems we both understood that this lady needed a confidence boost. “This fella, whoever he is, is an idiot to leave such a beautiful lady to her own devices.”

Maeve blushed and said, “You’re just saying that but thank you. I don’t often get compliments on my looks.”

“No, we’re not just saying that Maeve, you really are a lovely looking woman,” I said. “Now how about we just have something to eat and we’ll get to know each other better.” She sighed and nodded her head.

“It’s just the weight,” she mumbled, “I try so hard to keep it off but it just keeps coming back. It’s only 10 or 15 pounds but I just can’t shake it.”

“Well, I think you are gorgeous,” said April, taking Maeve’s hand in hers. “Just gorgeous. Lovely hair, beautiful skin, pretty features, and such a killer smile. Why would you want to change anything?”  Maeve smiled and her whole face lit up.

“You really think so?” she asked. April and I both nodded our heads. “Well, thanks. My friends say the same things but it’s a little hard to believe it sometimes.”

We went over the menus; I was actually craving a big breakfast but seeing Maeve in the state she was in I decided instead to go with something a little more sensible. April did the same and we both ordered coffee while Maeve ordered breakfast tea and a fruit salad. Maeve excused herself to go to the washroom and April said, “I’ll go with.” I never figured out why women always went to the washroom in groups, someone once told me it’s where they hold their private club meetings. Ten minutes or so later they returned, Maeve’s makeup had been fixed and she looked like a whole new person.

We finished our breakfast, chatting throughout just getting to know each other a bit. As the server cleared our plates, she asked, “Three bills?”

Maeve objected instantly, “One please, and I’m treating. You guys have been so nice to me, I insist.” I held up my hands in concession, April did likewise. “That’s settled then,“ Maeve grinned. She paid for our meals and we walked outside.

“Why don’t you hang out with us for a bit," asked April. “We’re just going down to the market to see what’s there.”

“Sure, I haven’t been to the market yet this season, there’s usually some interesting things to discover. Let’s go!” she replied, slipping her arm into mine. April did the same on the other side and we quickly fell into a walking rhythm as we sauntered down the hill to the marina.

We made our way through the market, each of us making a few small purchases, I picked up a set of handmade earrings for my sister and a necklace for my niece. That was their X-mas gifts done. There was a booth there where a local winemaker was providing samples of cider and wine to the guests, that spot proved very popular with the girls, enough so they began to get tipsy.

I excused myself to use the facilities and when I returned, the girls were nowhere to be found. I wandered around looking for them when my phone buzzed, it was April. “We’re in the pub up the hill, come join us.” I made my way there to find them sitting in a quiet booth, each with a glass of white wine.

As I got near them, April slid out and motioned for me to get between them. I slid into the booth and April slid back in beside me, pushing me over until I was pressed right up against Maeve. She made no move to get away so I accepted my position gladly. I ordered a pint and Maeve said to me, “April was just telling me how she seduced you. How she hit her golf ball into the woods so she could kiss you. I think it’s priceless!”

“It sort of took me by surprise at first but now that I know her a little better, I’m less so,” I said.  I’ve found that when you’re hanging out with our April here, you have to just put your trust in her and see where things go.”

“I get that impression. She also says you’re a pretty good fuck,” Maeve said matter-of-factly.

I almost spat out the mouthful of beer I had. “That’s what she told me this morning,“ I replied. “She must have found something she likes, we did it three times yesterday. In fact, I must have done something right because she asked me for a day off of sex today.” I looked right at April and winked.

“Yes,” she said to Maeve while looking straight at me, “he is very, very good.” She licked her lips. “I think I may have to rethink that whole take-a-day-off thing.”

Maeve just laughed. “Well, I wish I had someone like that to take care of what I’m missing. God, it has been a while since I had a good roll in the hay.

“Well then,” April said, “I hope you don’t think me too forward but I think we may just have the solution to your little problem. That is of course provided Stuart here is up to the task.”

Maeve just looked at her with raised eyebrows. “Seriously?” she whispered, astonished. “Did you just invite me to sleep with you two?”

“Well, there might be some sleeping involved but that wouldn't come until after you do,” April suggested. “Come on Maeve, live a little. I’d be willing to bet you’ve never seriously considered having a threesome. Why not give it a go?”

“I’ve never really been attracted to women,” she said quietly, “but Stuart here is awful cute, and if he’s as good as you say he is…” her voice trailed off. I just sat there, stunned at how quickly things had turned.

“I’ve never disappointed two women at once,” I said, “but I’m game if you girls are!”

“Right then,” said April, “let’s do this before Maeve loses her nerve." We downed our drinks and made our way to my car. As we crossed the street, Maeve slipped her left hand into my right and her right hand into April’s left.

“I hope I don’t chicken out on you guys. It’s been a long time since I’ve been this excited!” a small quiver in her voice.

April and Maeve got into the back seat of the car. “Let’s go to my hotel,” April suggested, “there are a couple of things there we might need.”

All I could think about was seeing both April and Maeve naked and intertwined so I put up no objection. I could hear the rustle of clothes and the tell-tale sound of kissing so I glanced in the rear-view mirror to see April’s lips just leaving Maeve’s.

“Ever kissed a woman before Maeve?” she asked. Maeve just shook her head. “Well, welcome to a brave new world!” she said invitingly. April just looked at me and said, “Eyes on the road mister, you be part of this soon enough,” and she turned her face back to Maeve’s.

It was all I could do not to set some sort of land speed record on the way to April’s hotel, especially given the sounds and scents of obvious arousal that were coming from the back seat. We got there quickly and I got out to open the back door for Maeve only to see April’s hand under her dress and her tongue in Maeve’s mouth. Realizing we had stopped; April removed her hand from Maeve’s crotch her finger shiny. It took Maeve a second to gather herself before she took my offered hand and climbed from the back seat.

“M’Lady,” I said as I helped her up. She stood on tip-toe and kissed me full on the lips.

“Thank you, kind sir!” she giggled. Looking at April she said, “he certainly is a good kisser!”

“He is,” she replied, “wait until he kisses your other bits!”

“Can’t wait!” she exclaimed as we made our way toward the hotel front entrance.

April handed me her room key and said, “You guys go on up, I’m going to order some snacks for the room.” She disappeared around the corner to the restaurant.

Maeve and I held hands as we got into the elevator, as soon as the doors closed, she turned to me and kissed me again.

“Maeve,” I said, “I know this is new for you, it is for me too. If at any point you get uncomfortable or want to stop, say the word.”

“What word?” she whispered breathlessly as she nuzzled my neck.

“Let’s wait until April joins us and we’ll come up with a safe word,” I answered. “She’s done this sort of thing before; she’ll know what to do.” Maeve just nodded her head and cuddled into me. We made our way down the hall hand in hand and went inside April’s room. Maeve excused herself to the washroom, I just stood there dumbly not knowing what to do next. Thankfully April knocked on the door.

“Where’s Maeve?” she asked as she entered the room.

“In the washroom,” I answered, taking her into my arms. “I hope she doesn’t chicken out.”

“Well, if she does, she does. We have to respect that,” April answered. Just then Maeve appeared from the washroom. Between myself and April, we had messed up her makeup so she had touched it up. I reached out and pulled her close.

“You really have no idea how beautiful you are, do you?” I asked. She shook her head.

“Well let us show you,” whispered April, coming up beside us and kissing us both.

“Before we begin,” April said, “some ground rules. First, anything goes until any of us says it doesn’t. You cannot figure out what someone likes or doesn’t like unless your push at the boundaries. Second, a safe word.” Maeve and I looked at each other and winked at the same time. “Ah, you beat me to that one,” April said. “Good. What’s it going to be?” Maeve and I just stood there stupidly so April spoke again, “Jesus Christ do I have to do all the thinking here?”

“Well,” said Maeve, “you're the one with all the experience in threesomes!”

April just shrugged her shoulders as if to say, “I guess.”

“How about vacuum?” April suggested. “I can’t imagine any of us saying that.” Maeve and I nodded. “Good then,” she said, “any questions?” Maeve put up her hand.

“Who goes first?” she asked sheepishly. April laughed.

“It’s not who goes first, Sweetie,” she said quietly. “It’s who comes first!” and she leaned in to kiss Maeve. I stood back and watched as the girls started feeling each other, groping breasts, kissing fingers, smiling, and whispering things only they could hear.

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Presently, April took Maeve’s hand and guided it to the button on her jeans. “Undress me,” she whispered, “and I’ll undress you.”

Maeve’s fingers fumbled with the button but she eventually got it undone. Then Maeve pulled April’s jeans down so she could step out of them. Next, Maeve’s dress came up over her head, exposing her underthings. She had obviously been expecting something to happen with her boyfriend because she was dressed in frilly underthings, not slutty, but tasteful, a lacy slip, matching bra, panties, garter, and stockings.

I groaned at the sight of these two women undressing each other, loudly enough for them to notice. The girls both looked at me and April gave me a come here waggle with her finger. I moved over to them and started running my hands over their bodies, gazing at them both and reveling in their individual beauty.

“Stuart,” Maeve said softly, “why are you still fully dressed?”

I just shrugged and said, “Because no one has seen fit to take my clothes off I suppose.”

“Well then,” she replied, “let’s remedy that, shall we?” She started unbuttoning my shirt while April‘s hands moved to unfasten my belt. Piece by piece my clothes came off and were discarded about the room until I was standing in only my boxers, my cock creating a rather prominent tent in the front.

Maeve got down on her knees and asked April, “Okay if I unwrap this?” as she tugged my boxers down.

“As long as you share,” she replied as she sank down beside Maeve. The waistband caught briefly on my erection which sprang upwards when it was released.

“Oh, my!” exclaimed Maeve, “That’s a nice one!” She leaned in and kissed the head. April followed suit and soon they were alternately slipping my dick into their mouths and kissing each other. One would start sucking me while the other ran her tongue up and down the shaft. I placed one hand on each of their heads and ran my fingers into their hair. April’s blonde hair was fine but Maeve’s was much fuller and thicker. I looked down at them as they played with me for a bit longer.

“You have about a month to stop that!” I breathed. The girls stopped and looked at each other, giggling before they looked up at me.

“He has no clue,” said April. Maeve shook her head.

“Nope, not a clue.” Both women started laughing hysterically, standing up and leaving me standing there with a hard-on and a puzzled look on my face.

“We set this up,” said Maeve. “Our company is the one April is visiting here, in fact, she’s been visiting us for a few years now and every time she comes out here, we spend most of our time together, as friends and as lovers. When she told me about meeting you on the plane and how she couldn’t stop thinking about you, I suggested that if you two got together I might join in.” I was flabbergasted, not sure what to make of this.

April slapped her on the shoulder. “You have a big mouth, Maeve! You weren’t supposed to tell him that.” They both laughed again.

“So, there was no boyfriend who stood you up, that was all a ruse to get me in bed?” I asked.

“To get us into bed,” purred Maeve. “Normally I’m quite happy to stick with April here but when she told me she planned on seducing you, I figured I could be jealous or I could get in on the fun. This isn’t the first time April and I have shared a man.” April nodded.

“Wow,” I replied, “two beautiful women conspiring to get me into bed. If you’d told me that was going to happen, ever, I’d have said you were crazy!” I pulled the women back in close and squeezed them tightly.

“He gives the most delicious hugs, doesn’t he?” said April. Maeve just nodded and stood on tiptoe to kiss me, softly at first but more hungrily as it went on. She broke our kiss and she turned my chin towards April so we could do the same. She kissed me like it was a contest between them to see who could deliver the hottest kiss. I broke it off this time and, using my index fingers on their chins, turned the girl's faces to each other so they could start kissing as well.

“Fuck that is so hot!” I growled, “I could watch you two kiss all day!”

“Only kiss?” asked April. “You want to watch us do other things too?” She slipped her arms from around me and enveloped Maeve in a tight hug as they resumed kissing. April pulled Maeve’s slip up over her head. I hadn’t really noticed earlier but I could see her breasts straining at her bra, spilling out just a little at the top. How could I not notice that?

“I’ve never watched before, not for real anyway,” I replied.

Maeve just winked at me as she guided me to an armchair before taking April over to the king-sized bed. They flopped down, April on her back and Maeve beside her, one leg sliding up so her knee was rubbing April’s crotch. April reached around Maeve and very deftly unclipped her bra, releasing her full round breasts. I moved the chair closer to get a better view. Maeve’s breasts were truly magnificent, not a hint of sag and tipped by small pink nipples, hard from her arousal. Maeve reached up and flicked open the front clasp on April’s bra and her smaller, but equally amazing tits popped into view. Maeve slid herself down April’s body, kissing and nibbling the way down, pausing at her breasts to flick, pinch as tease her nipples, then lower past her belly button with a little gold jewel that wasn’t there before.

After what seemed an eternity, Maeve’s mouth was positioned between April’s thighs. April lifted her bottom so Maeve could slide her panties down her legs. “I like it when you’re all clean,” Maeve whispered before latching herself onto April’s pussy, making loud suckling noises as she pleasured her friend.

“Pay attention,” April said to me, “Maeve is going to show you how to properly eat pussy.” I got off the chair and knelt beside the bed so as not to miss anything.

Almost immediately April began thrashing and moaning, her hands moving to Maeve’s head and grasping handfuls of her thick red hair. Maeve slid her hands under April’s bum and pulled her hips upward to maintain the clasp her mouth had on April’s clit. Maeve had raised her hips up so she was kneeling so I reached out and ran my hand along Maeve’s hip, sliding it around behind her to feel her wetness. Maeve pushed back onto my fingers as I slipped one, then two, then three fingers inside her. Soon I found I was unable to concentrate on watching Maeve eat April’s pussy and fingering Maeve so I leaned forward and whispered in Maeve’s ear.

“I think I’d like to join in here,” I said, “if it’s all right with you.” Maeve just grunted and nodded so I moved behind her and rubbed my cock up and down her pussy to lubricate it. Placing my hands on Maeve’s hips I pushed my cock inside her, she was tight, not as tight as April’s ass but tighter than I expected. She let out a low moan as I penetrated her fully, holding myself there for a moment to enjoy the feeling of yet another pussy enveloping my cock.

“Fuck her good Stuart,” April gasped and I started thrusting. Before long I was pounding into Maeve as hard as I could, so much so that her mouth kept losing contact with April’s pussy.

“Easy there, big fella,” Maeve said sternly, “let me do my thing here while you do my thing there!” April started giggling at that but Maeve shut her up quickly by resuming sucking on her clit.

Before long I felt like I was going to explode and, not wanting to assume Maeve would be okay with me coming inside her, I pulled out. I wanted this to last longer anyways. I moved up beside April and started kissing her. It was then she let go of her orgasm, clamping Maeve’s head between her legs as her hips bucked. She broke our kissing and let out a long, low moan, punctuated by little squeaks each time her hips bucked upward.

After a few moments, her orgasm subsided and Maeve moved up beside up us so that I was between them. Thank heaven for king-sized beds. April’s body was glistening with sweat and she shivered a little in the air-conditioned room. Kissing me first, then reaching over to kiss Maeve, she rolled out of bed and went to the washroom, leaving Maeve and I alone on the bed. We rolled so we were facing each other and Maeve whispered, “So, how was that?”

“Amazing,” I whispered back and we kissed some more. I started kissing my way down her body, replicating what I has seen her do to April but she stopped me. Pushing me onto my back, she flipped around, positioning her sweetness above my face. I reached up and ran my fingers through the soft hair neatly trimmed above her pussy lips. “Natural redhead,” I said, “Nice!” and I reached my face up to start kissing her lower lips. She wriggled her hips a little to adjust her position and as I start to work on her clit I felt her lips slide down over my cock. Just then April came out of the washroom.

“My turn to watch,” she said excitedly. As she sat down in the armchair beside the bed. “Holy fuck, you two are hot!” I paid no attention to her as I wanted to make Maeve make the same noises April had made only a few moments before. Latched onto her clit with my lips, I reached up one hand and slid two fingers inside her. Suckling for all I was worth, I finger fucked her fast as I could, wanting to make her come before I did. From the sounds she was making I knew I was doing something right.

A moment later I felt April climb onto the bed beside us. “Come on Maeve, take him all the way in, you can do it. Remember when I showed you how?” Maeve just grunted and changed her head position, allowing the end of my cock to clip into her throat. One little gag and she figured it out, her chin bumping up against my pubic bone. I found it very hard to concentrate with her deepthroating my dick, April must have sensed this because she moved up beside my head and whispered, “Come on Stuart, eat the delicious pussy! Isn’t it delicious? Come on, suck her clit!”

I felt April’s hand beside mine as two of her fingers slid into Maeve’s pussy alongside mine. I felt her fingers guide mine, curling them upward. I must have found that ever-elusive G-spot because Maeve’s hips bucked so hard, I lost contact with her clit. Latching back on I flicked her with my tongue as my fingers rubbed inside her.

April moved back down beside Maeve’s head and whispered loudly, “Come on Maeve, finish him so we can share his come!” Maeve’s head came all the way off me, she turned and kissed April, and then she plunged her mouth back onto me, taking me into her throat in one quick dive.

That was it for me, I grunted and she pulled her mouth off me as I spurted. I could feel both women’s lips on me, taking turns licking the semen from my cock. I concentrated back on Maeve, working hard o make her come. After a few moments, her hips bucked, her thighs squeezed together and her pussy started leaking a small rivulet of clear fluid. I took my mouth from her and started pumping my finger in and out, rubbing her clit with my thumb. Her orgasm seems to last longer than anyone I had had ever been with before, it must have been a full minute or more or her pussy spasming and her growling obscenities at me.

“Oh God, fuck me, fuck my pussy! That’s it, baby fuck it hard!” she shouted at me as she came, wave over wave. Finally, her excitement subsided and she rolled off me, collapsing beside me. She turned and moved up beside me, kissing her way up my side until her lips met mine. “Thank you,” she whispered, “that was amazing!”

“Thank you,” I echoed, “it was.” Just then, April crawled up on top of me and kissed me, then Maeve.

“And thank you, April, for sharing this handsome man with me. He is everything you said he is, and more!”

Maeve and I both got up and went to the washroom to clean up, a little rub here, a little pinch there, and when we returned, April had gotten under the covers and was lying on one side of the bed, patting the bed beside her.

“I think we need a nap,” she said, “we’ll need some energy for tonight.” Maeve and I climbed in beside her with me in the middle and after some soft kisses and roaming fingers, I drifted off for a nap.

Written by CaressofSteel
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