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Author's Notes

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The next morning, Maeve and I awoke to the sounds of Ted and April downstairs. The smell of coffee and cooking bacon was delicious, so we took a quick shower and joined them in the kitchen. Good morning kisses were shared all around as Ted served up the plates of bacon, eggs, toast and coffee.

After breakfast, the girls cleared away the dishes and got the dishwasher running. April came to me and gave me one of her, ‘I’m gonna fuck you into next week’ kisses. “I have an idea how we might get both of you guys inside me at the same time." She took Ted’s hand in her left and mine in her right and led us upstairs.

We were all naked and on the king-sized bed in a flash, Maeve on her back with a vibrator in her pussy while April pushed Ted back onto the bed and climbed on top of him. She guided him into her already sopping pussy and got him all slicked up before raising her hips enough so his head was just at her opening. “Now Stuart,” she moaned, “put your beautiful cock in my ass!” Another offer I couldn’t refuse.

With plenty of lube on both of us, I slipped my cock into her, pushing forward slowly until I was fully inside her. After a few pumps, she told me to stop. “All the way in, please,” she whispered, her hips were quivering, she was more than a little nervous. I obliged by pushing my cock in until my balls touched her outer lips. “Now Ted, slowly,” she purred. He raised his hips as she lowered hers and he slipped into her. A slight grimace crossed her lovely face but it passed quickly.

“Let me do the work boys,” she mumbled, “God Damn I’m full!” She started rocking her hips slowly to make the two of us slide into her

“That’s a whole lotta cock for a little girl,” Maeve said, her eyes locked on our cocks moving slowly out and in and out of April’s holes. “That’s so fucking hot!” April quickened her movements a little, Ted, unable to restrain himself, tried to help. “Mmmmmm, that’s it, Ted, fuck me!”

I joined in and soon Ted and I found a rhythm, just as we had with Maeve. April’s ass was tighter than Maeve’s, even more so because her pussy was stretched wide with Ted’s two-inch girth. Soon her moans grew into cries as the three of us grew more aroused and excited. I couldn’t hold out, I drove forward and shot myself into April, “Don’t stop Stuart!” she cried. Maeve was moaning loudly as well as she fucked herself with the vibrator and fingered her clit. I tried to keep going but April’s hips were dancing now as Ted’s fucking turned into hammering as he repeatedly drove himself into her. One last push and he blasted off, April coming right after him, their moans and screams triggering Maeve’s release. Once more, we were a heaving, sweaty mess as male and female ejaculate was everywhere, its odour permeating the room.

April flopped onto her back and held Maeve’s hand, “I knew I could do it!” she said softly. She and Maeve started kissing and whispering to each other.

“I knew you could, too,” Maeve purred as she placed soft kisses on her lover’s lips. The look on both their faces had faded from animal lust to pure sweetness as they reaffirmed their love for each other. They got up and went to shower together, coming out a few minutes later, holding hands.

“Thank you, boys, that was amazing!” April smiled as she kissed first me, then Ted. “That’s another one to scratch off the bucket list!” She went to the closet to get her clothes for the day, “But I’m not sure I’ll be doing that anytime soon, I’m fucking sore!” She laughed and we all laughed with her, “It’s a  good kind of sore but I’ll be walking funny for today at least!”

“I hear you, sister!” Maeve chimed in, “I remember what it was like!” We all got dressed and sent Ted away to his early tee-time, both ladies teasing him with long, luscious kisses and a quick feel of his cock.

It was a lovely fall day, it being April and Maeve’s last Saturday here, we decided to go downtown and check out the waterfront, the new boardwalk had just been finished and the pubs, restaurants and shops would be doing brisk business. Just before noon, we headed out, finding a parking spot about a half-hour later. Maeve and April wanted to pick up a few souvenirs, maybe a sweatshirt or something to commemorate their visit. Passing by a small shop with hand-made jewellery in the display window, they went inside.

Browsing the shelves, racks and display cases, April’s eye settled on a man’s ring, somewhat similar to the ones I had bought the girls that Friday when Maeve and I went shopping. “IF I buy this, will you wear it?” she asked me. I told her I would and a few minutes later we left the shop, my new purchase on the ring finger of my right hand. We hit up a few more shops and then decided to get some lunch. AS we were leaving the last shop, April was chatting over her shoulder and didn’t see an attractive young woman in front of her, they collided, April almost falling over and the young woman being knocked backwards.

“Oh, my gosh, I’m sorry!” said April. “I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going, are you ok?”

The young woman laughed and said she was fine and not to worry, “Accidents happen, I should know, I see them every day.” She accepted April’s apology and wished us a good day, pausing as she turned. “Do I know you from somewhere?” she asked Maeve.

“I don’t think so,” replied Maeve, “I’m not from here, I’m just visiting my boyfriend.”

“No,” she said, “I’ve seen you before.” She thought for a moment and then the light came on, she remembered exactly where she had seen Maeve before. “I remember, it was early in the morning, my partner and I had gotten a call about a woman screaming…” she trailed off, letting Maeve complete the puzzle in her mind.

Maeve gasped, “You’re the police officer!” Her hands went over her mouth and she blushed. Oh, God, I’m so embarrassed!”

“You weren’t embarrassed that morning!” she said, laughing. “Nine inches in the front, seven in the back was how you put it as I recall!” Maeve’s face reddened further making her red hair stand out even more.

“This is the cop you told me about?” laughed April. “You told me she was cute! I’m April,” she stuck out her hand.

“Lisa,” the woman replied, shaking her hand. “Are you another of his girlfriends?” she asked gesturing to me.

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you,” April replied. “Nice to meet you. This is Stuart,” we shook hands, “and this embarrassed lady is my girlfriend, Maeve.”

“Hang on,” she said, trying to work it out in her mind. “So, you’re his girlfriend,” she pointed at Maeve, “you’re his girlfriend too,” pointing at April, “and you two are girlfriends,” she put girlfriends in air quotes.

“Pretty much,” said Maeve after regaining her composure. “Why don’t you join us for lunch, we’ll tell you all about it.” Maeve was thinking with her hormones again. I couldn’t blame her, Lisa was very cute. Lisa thought for a moment.

“I think I want to hear this story!” she said excitedly, “Lead on, Stuart. ”We made our way to my favourite Irish pub and found a cozy little corner called a ’Snug’ on the highest of the pub’s three levels. A handsome young man brought us drinks and took our meal order.

“So,” said Lisa, “how does all this work?” waving her hand across in front of us. April told the story from the beginning, about her and I holding hands on the airplane, golfing, getting together, setting me up with Maeve and that we had been having sex with each other in all the various combinations ever since. Lisa’s eyes were as big as saucers.

“So, no jealousy, no resentment, no petty bullshit?” We all shook our heads, I took the girls’ hands and held them both above the table. “Wow,” she mumbled, “that’s unbelievable.”

“There’s more,” I said. “We sometimes have sex with other people as well. The nine inches, that’s our friend Ted.” April held her hands apart to show Lisa what nine inches looked like, then she circled her thumb and forefinger to show her his girth. Lisa almost spat out her drink.

“Seriously? All four of you?” Maeve and April just smiled.

“About five hours ago,” said April. “I can hardly walk.” We laughed, Lisa just stared.

‘Not done,” said Maeve, “there’s more.”

“Shut up!” gasped Lisa.

“We are all going to live together and start our own business.” She explained how our careers sort of meshed together and what our plans were going forward. “We can’t all get married but for practical purposes, we will be just that.”

“Is that even legal?” Lisa asked. “I mean, you read about such things but, can you do that?”

“It’s not illegal, so far as we know. I’m consulting my lawyer next week to be sure,” I replied.

“Holy fuck!” she breathed, “That is some story.” Just then our food arrived, we three tucked in but Lisa’s sat getting cold as she peppered us with more questions. The waiter returned and asked if there was something wrong with Lisa’s meal. “Oh, no, sorry, I just got distracted.” She ate a few bites and then excused herself to the washroom.

“Me too,” said April and she left Maeve and me to finish our lunch.

“She’s going to ask her out,” said Maeve between bites.

“Yeah?” I responded.

“Oh, yeah!” she replied, “couldn’t you tell how turned-on Lisa is? She is fucking hot right now.” Maeve took her last bite and wiped her mouth with her napkin. “Truth be known, so am I. What do you think, want to try to pleasure three women at once?”

“You know me,” I answered, “I’ll try anything once! But I think Lisa wants you girls to do the pleasuring.” Just then April and Lisa returned, Lisa was wiping April’s lipstick from her lower lip. Maeve poked me in the leg as if to say, “Told ya!”

“Lisa’s going to hang out with us for the day,” April said. “She’s been kind enough to invite us to her condo for supper.” I raised my eyebrows but Maeve shifted in her seat, she was getting aroused.

“You have your handcuffs at home?” she asked. Lisa blushed. “Come on Lisa, we’re all adults, don’t pretend this isn’t going to happen.” Lisa’s face grew redder.

“I’ve never done anything like that,” she said quietly. “I’ve read about it, watched some videos but I never even considered it before.”

“Not to worry, Sweetie, we’ll take care of you,” April promised, taking Lisa’s hand. She pulled it away.

“I’m not ready for that,” she said. “I work downtown, a lot of people know me here. A cop’s personal life has to stay personal.” April relented, apologizing.

“Sorry Lisa, we won’t ask you to do anything you’re not comfortable with,” she said.

“I’m not exactly comfortable with any of this,” she said lowly, “but I’m curious enough to get by most of that.”

“Okay, we won’t talk about that until later,” she said. We left the pub and went back down to the waterfront. The air between us was charged to the max, each of us knowing what was coming when we got to Lisa’s but being unable to talk about it. Finally, Lisa could take no more.

“If we’re going to do this, let’s go,” she stated, mustering up the courage to talk about the elephant in the room. She pulled April along with her, “I’ll text you my address, you guys can meet us there.” Maeve and I headed to my car, her phone pinged as we walked, it was April sending us Lisa’s address. We got in my car and headed out.

Lisa and April arrived before we did, we walked up to the door and knocked. Lisa swung the door open and invited us inside, greeting us both with a kiss on the cheek. I hoped I’d be kissing other parts of her very soon. Lisa fetched beers and wine and we all sat in her living room, she and April on the couch, Maeve in my lap in the chair opposite.

“So, how do we do this?” Lisa asked.

“Well,” began April, “first let’s set some ground rules. As I said before, we only want to do what you want to do. It is crucial that you are as comfortable as can be with whatever happens.” Lisa nodded. “We need a safe word, something that wouldn’t get yelled or screamed during sex.”

“Orange,” she said, shifting nervously, “I can’t fucking believe this!”

“Orange,” April repeated. “Now, do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?” Lisa shrugged.

“I have a sort of boyfriend,” she said. “We go out on dates but we don’t have sex. He’s gay but he doesn’t present like he is. He’s a fellow cop, it’s tough being a gay cop. He’s not ready to come out yet so we let ourselves be seen as a couple to keep the dogs off.”

“You’re not a virgin.” Lisa shook her head. “Girlfriend?” asked April. Lisa shook her head.

“Have you ever been with a woman?” came the next question.

“Once in college,” she said, “we were really drunk and her boyfriend was being an asshole. We didn’t plan it, she needed some TLC and the next thing we knew we were doing it.” She blushed a little, “We were so embarrassed the next day, we never spoke of it again. But that night made me wonder if I’m gay or bisexual. I’m twenty-seven and I don’t know which team I’m on.”

“Twenty-seven,” I whispered to Maeve, lowly enough that Lisa couldn’t hear, “I’m old enough to be her father!”

“And she’s old enough to be your lover. Shush!” Maeve shut me up.

“Don’t get hung up on that,” April said, “you’ll figure that out in good time. I was well into my forties before I realized I liked both guys and girls.”

“I was thirty-five,” said Maeve. “Take your time, you’ll figure it out. In the meantime, try enjoying sex for the physical act it is, free from attachment or jealousy or the other, how did you put it, ‘petty bullshit’.”

Lisa sat pensively for a minute. “So, what’s your expectation tonight?” she asked.

Maeve spoke first, “For me, I have none. I just want to make his experience as enjoyable as I can, as we can, for you. I was really apprehensive my first time too. You just have to relax and let go of your hang-ups.” She pointed at me.

“My expectation,” I said, “is for you to have as many mind-blowing, toe-curling, make the bedsheets wet orgasms as your body can handle. It doesn’t matter who helps you get there.”

Lisa shifted uncomfortably and smiled, “That sounds amazing,” she whispered. I pointed at April.

“I’m with Maeve,” she said, “I have no expectations. I do hope though, that after tonight, you will know exactly what your orientation is, straight, gay, bi, whatever. I just want to you have fun!” She leaned over to Lisa and kissed her, cradling her breast in her hand. Lisa responded to her touch but her hands remained in her lap. “You ever watch two people have sex?” she asked her new friend. Lisa shook her head. “These two,” she pointed at us, “put on a great show.” She got up and settled into a corner of the couch, pulling Lisa over to sit in front of her. April’s fingers interlaced with Lisa’s, moving their left hands to Lisa’s breasts, their right to her loins.

Maeve started kissing me deeply and soon our clothes were on the floor. She looked at Lisa, “Is there a bed we can do this on?” Lisa got up and, holding April’s hand, led us into her bedroom. The bed was only a double but that was okay, it’s not like we were planning to spend the night. Maeve dropped to her knees and took me in her mouth as April and Lisa climbed onto the bed. April was sitting up with Lisa leaning against her, April’s finger deftly unbuttoned her lover’s pants and slipped her hand underneath the waistband. Lisa moaned a little as they watched Maeve take my cock into her throat.

“Oh my God, that’s a real thing?” Lisa exclaimed quietly, as Maeve’s nose touched my mons, “I thought it was a myth.” She started massaging her own breast, “That is so fucking hot!” Maeve continued fellating me until I tugged on her hair, urging her to stand up. We kissed some then I turned her around and guided her to the edge of the bed, her legs dangling over the side. I got onto my knees, shifting the backs of her knees onto my shoulders which opened her up for my mouth, lips and tongue. Soon, Maeve’s moans were as loud as Lisa’s as I did my best to please her.

“Stuart, look!” she said softly, I raised my head to see Lisa’s clothes on the floor and two of April’s fingers in her trimmed pussy. Her head was leaning back and she was kissing April, her hands cupping her own breasts and pinching her nipples. I smiled at Maeve and went back to work. My lover’s hips started to twitch as I found her pleasure spot with my fingers just inside her while I suckled on her clit. She soon pushed me away, “Let’s watch for a bit,” she said. We moved so that we were kneeling on the carpeted floor, resting our elbows on the foot of the bed. It wasn’t long at all before the other two got up and removed the rest of their clothes. They shifted themselves around into a sexy sixty-nine with Lisa on top, and April’s cries soon added to the sound mix.

Maeve moved around so her face was beside Lisa’s, she started whispering to her. A moment later, Maeve’s mouth replaced Lisa’s on April’s pussy lips. Sensing an opportunity, I moved to get behind Maeve but Lisa stopped me, licking her lips and beckoning me with her finger to come to her. I got up beside her and as soon as she could reach it, she grabbed my cock and pulled it toward her, plunging her mouth down onto it. I thought, “She’s bi!” She didn’t have the same skill set that Maeve had but she made up for it with her tongue, flicking it along my shaft and around my head each time she came up for air, then plunging herself back down.

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April came first, her legs clamping around Maeve’s head, locking her in place and almost smothering her as her hips bucked up with each orgasmic spasm. No sooner had her cries died off than Lisa’s rose, pulling her mouth off me,  “Oh! Oh! Ooooooooohhhhhhhh!” as hers peaked and fell away. April was having none of that, continuing to lick and suck until she had a second orgasm, then a third. By this time, April had released Maeve’s head and she stood up. Bending over the edge of the bed, she presented herself to me and I plunged in and started hammering her as hard as I could. When Lisa recovered enough to watch, she sat up and stared in amazement as the bed shook, shifting sideways each time I drove myself forward.

It wasn't long before I was done for, I pushed in and held myself as I came, my release triggering Maeve’s as we came together, as we so often did. I collapsed on top of her back, my cock pulling out of her. April moved over and pushed me out of the way. “Shift!” she commanded and I moved back. She pulled Lisa over so they could both see Maeve’s pussy, her lips red, her clit engorged and our combined issue leaking from her opening.

“That,” April said to Lisa, “is what a well fucked pussy looks like!” She reached in with her finger and collected a dollop of our issue and presented it to Lisa to lick off.

She made a face and then shrugged, “In for a penny!” she said and she licked it clean. Then April dove in and licked Maeve a bit and came back to kiss Lisa. She hesitated at first but then succumbed to her curiosity. April put her hand on the back of Lisa’s shoulders and urged her forward, Lisa gave in and started licking Maeve clean, not stopping until she had gotten as much out of her as she could. Lisa sat up on her haunches, and looked at April and me, “Maybe I am bisexual!” she laughed.

“Do you fucking think?” shouted Maeve. “Damn girl, you eat pussy like a pro! Come here!” she opened her arms and welcomed Lisa in for a long, wet kiss. I kissed April, and then we all climbed up onto that little bed for a group cuddle. After a bit, Lisa spoke first.

“That was incredible you guys!” she gushed, “You read me like a book! You knew more than I did what I wanted!” She kissed Maeve, then April and then moved to kiss me. She hesitated, “I haven’t kissed you yet, have I?” she said. I shook my head and she placed her lips against mine and flicked her tongue between them as they parted. “Mmmmm, you’re a good kisser,” she said softly, moving back in to continue.

“Better than April?” I asked, she shook her head.

“Girls are way better kissers than guys!” she said firmly. Looking at the two ladies, “Am I right?” they agreed immediately.

“I’ll take your word for it. But all women kiss differently,” I said, “at least in my experience. I’ve never kissed two women who kiss the same.”

“I love kissing,” said Lisa, “I love watching people when they kiss, it is so hot, so sensual. I like to think I can tell if two people love each other just by the way they kiss each other. I have actually orgasmed just from kissing.”

“You really think so?” asked Maeve. “I mean, I think people kiss differently when they’re showing love than they do when they’re having sex but you think you can tell just by watching?” Lisa nodded her head.

“I do,” she replied. “I can tell for example, that Stuart feels differently about you than he does about April. He loves you both but, he is totally in love with you.” We sat looking at her, stunned. “As I said, I love to watch people kiss.”

“I don’t know,” said April, “I’m not convinced.”

“I’ll show you,” Lisa said. “Stuart, kiss Maeve. A nice long one.” I did as she asked, gladly. I love kissing Maeve. “Now kiss me.” I kissed her as well and April gasped.

“You know what, you may be on to something here. But I already know that Stuart is madly in love with Maeve, I watched it happen.”

“Okay then” Lisa continued, “now Maeve, you kiss me.”

“My pleasure!” she growled. She was getting turned on again by all this kissing. Their kiss parted and April shook her head.

“Still not convinced,” she said, leaning in to get a kiss from Lisa. “But I will tell you one thing, all of you are great kissers!” She planted her lips onto Lisa’s and they kissed long, wet and deep. “Wow!” she said, that is hot!” We all had a laugh and then Maeve said she was thirsty. We all pulled on shirts to at least attempt to cover our nakedness as we went back out into the small kitchen for refreshments. Lisa’s living room had floor-to-ceiling windows, vertical blinds provided the cover to keep out the light of day when needed. April went over and opened them.

“Do you mind?” she asked. Lisa shook her head no. “You ever make love with the blinds open?” she asked. Again, Lisa shook her head. “Try it sometime. It’s erotic to think someone could be surreptitiously watching your most intimate moments.”

“I think you get off on being watched,” Lisa laughed. She wasn’t wrong.

“So, Lisa, what do you think?” asked Maeve, changing the subject, if only a little, “Is group sex going to be something you can do every so often?”

“With the right people, probably,” she answered, “the problem is, who do you trust?”

“That’s the million-dollar question,” Maeve said. “Sometimes you start to get to know people and you think there’s a connection and then they do or say something that just puts you off. The secret is to be comfortable with the person or people that you’re with. If you’re not comfortable, don’t do it.”

“And,” I added, “don’t let anyone ever talk you into doing something you don’t want to do. If there’s something you want to try, let them know but don’t expect everyone to have the same dreams, desires, fantasies and kinks that you do.”

“Good to know,” she said. “Now that you mention it, there is something I want to try,” she came over and sat in my lap. “We haven’t done anything yet. I watched how Maeve took you all the way into her mouth, you think I could try that?”

“Like he’s ever going to say no to that!” shouted Maeve. We all laughed again.

“Seriously. Can you do that too April?” she asked.

“I can, but I think Stuart would tell you that Maeve does it better than I do,” she replied.

“Ted might disagree,” Maeve countered.

“You mean you both can take nine inches in your mouth? How is that possible?”

“Well, sweetie, you don’t actually have all of him in your mouth,” April answered. She got up and took a banana from a bowl, peeling it. Holding it beside her face, she tilted her head back and explained how if she swallowed it whole, it would slide into her throat. Then she swallowed it whole.

“Holy fuck!” shouted Lisa. She reached and got another banana, peeling it and holding it out to Maeve. Her mouth opened wide and down it went. “Fuck me!”

“I’d love to!” said April, “But I think it’s Stuart’s turn.” She prodded Lisa’s shoulder to move her towards me, then taking both our hands, she led us back to the bed. “Here Lisa,” she said, “lie down beside me like this.” She laid down with her head hanging back over the edge of the bed. A shadow crossed Lisa’s face, “Or not. Only if you want to try to take him all.” Lisa laid down beside April.

“Stuart, if you would please,” April said. Maeve came over and laid across the bed as well. I took off my shirt and stood over April’s head, my cock just now starting to recover back to hardness. She opened wide and I shifted forward to slide myself into her mouth.

“Watch,” said Maeve, “you’ll see when he reaches the back of her throat and touches her gag reflex.  Slowly, Stuart.” I moved a little closer with my hips until I felt the pressure on the head of my cock. April’s chest heaved as she took in a deep breath. “Now,” continued Maeve, “if you do manage to get him all the way in, you won’t be able to breathe for a while so you need to take a deep breath before you try. Now watch how she swallows and his cock slips into her throat.” I felt April’s throat relax and I slipped right in. The pleasure was exquisite!

“Now see how her tongue moves while holding him in deep, I’ve never met a man who doesn’t like that. A little suction and then, if he ever wants you to do that again, he’ll pull back out and let you breathe.” Lisa stared, captivated.

“I don’t know,” she said, “what if I gag and puke all over him?”

“Then you apologize, clean up the mess and either try again or don’t. It’s up to you,” Maeve answered.

“How many men have you done that to,” Lisa asked as April swallowed my cock again. Maeve held up two fingers.

“Stuart and Ted,” she replied. I do it for Stuart because I love him and I know he likes it. I’ll do everything I can to please him, the same as he does for me.” She looked up at me and winked. “Ted was because he was a challenge. It’s not the length so much as the girth, a girl’s throat is only so big around and it doesn’t stretch out the way her pussy does.”

“I can’t believe it’s so easy for you to talk about sex like that!” Lisa whispered, her eyes not leaving the union of April’s lips and my shaft, now glistening as I drew it out once again.

“Some people can’t. I think that the freer your mind is about sex, the easier it is to talk about.” She reached over Lisa and brushed April’s nipples, “I had a good teacher.” April pushed me off her, a tiny string of saliva clinging from the tip of my cock to her top lip. I leaned down and kissed her.

Moving over to Maeve, we repeated the demonstration, April providing the play-by-play. “You probably won’t be able to do it the first time you try but, once you do, if you do, you’ll find that you get comfortable enough to let him start moving a bit.” I started moving my hips forward and back slowly, my head slipping into and out of Maeve’s throat easily. “See how her throat bulges when he slides into it?”

“My God, doesn’t that hurt?” she asked. She was obviously very apprehensive about this.

“Not when you get used to it, Sweetie,” April answered. She got up and left the room for a moment, returning with the last peeled banana. “You want to give it a go?” Lisa shook her head.

“I don’t think so, not tonight,” she said. “I’m not saying never, just not now.”

“Perfect,” said April, “that’s what we mean about trust. You obviously trust us enough to believe that we won’t try to force you to do something you don’t want to do. This is good. Stuart is probably disappointed but he’ll get over it.”

Lisa rolled onto her belly and reached out for me. I pulled out of Maeve’s mouth over her objection and moved over to Lisa. “I might not be able to deep-throat him yet,” she grinned, “but I’ve been told I give a pretty good blowjob!” She reached for my hips and pulled me toward her, opening wide and taking as much of me in her mouth as she could manage. A couple of times, she went a little too deep, hitting her gag reflex but she carried on.

“I’ll tell you what girls,” I groaned, “she didn’t lie!” I leaned my head back and enjoyed the ride. April and Maeve got down either side of her, their lips close to Lisa’s ears.

“You gonna swallow his come?” Maeve asked eagerly, “Or are you going to let him spray your face?”

Lisa held her hand horizontally and waggled it but she didn’t slack off. Between her lips, tongue and hands, she had me near the brink.

“Here comes!” I groaned, giving her a couple of seconds warning. She pulled her mouth off me and held the end of my cock in front of her face, her mouth wide open. She jerked me and when my semen spurted out, it went all over, on her face, on Maeve’s and April’s faces, in their hair, on their shoulders and down their chests. To have three incredibly beautiful and wanton women on their knees in front of me worshipping my cock was very, very pleasing to my ego. My only disappointment is that we hadn’t kept a record of the event.

“Oh fuck!”, cried Lisa, “I never knew you could have an orgasm by giving a guy a blowjob!” April, ever the one to jump on an opportunity, clamoured between Lisa’s thighs and started licking her from underneath, prolonging her orgasm and making her scream with passion and delight. She came so hard, she collapsed onto the floor, screaming expletives as her whole body quaked with each wave that swept over her. The noises that came from her were unintelligible but there was no doubt she was enjoying every second of it. April did not let up, continuing to rub her clit to induce another series of screams, this time, Lisa squirted, soaking the carpet as well as April’s hand.

April and Lisa held each other on the floor as Lisa’s orgasm faded and she began to breathe more regularly. Maeve leaned down and started cleaning the semen from both their faces, April joined in but Lisa was still not able to think rationally as deep aftershocks wracked her body. My two girlfriends fed each other my come and, after retrieving as much as they could with their fingers, began using their tongues to finish the job. Lisa regained enough awareness to join in and all three of them licked each other’s faces clean. When they were done, they all looked at each other and shared some sweet kisses.

“Oh my fucking god, that was AMAZING!” shouted Lisa. “What happened? Did I pee on someone?”

“No, baby, you squirted,” said Maeve gently. “It happens sometimes when a woman has what I like to call a super-orgasm.”

“Jesus Christ, I’ve never felt anything like that before! When I come it’s usually one and done, I must have had ten or eleven orgasms, one after the other!” Her chest was still heaving from the exertion.

“That’s where women have it so much better than men,” Maeve said, “we can come over and over, men shoot their shot and all they want to do is sleep. That’s why I love making love to women, they know that when you come the first time, you’re just getting started!”

“April taught me that,” I said, touching Lisa’s hair which was spattered with come. I always try to let the woman,” Maeve nudged me, “or should I say the women, come first.”

“Oh man,” mumbled Lisa, “I’m exhausted!”

“That’s when you know you’re doing it right. If you still have energy, you’re not finished. You will sleep very well tonight my dear.” April’s voice could take on a very matronly tone when she wanted to. Lisa got up, kissed each of us and went off to the bathroom to clean up. When she returned, April and Maeve did the same, I cleaned up after they were done.

When I came out from the washroom, everyone was dressed and were sitting in the living room. Lisa turned and reached for my hand, “Thank you too, Stuart, you are a sweet and understanding man, letting the women you love be with other people. I didn’t understand the whole polyamoury thing before, I think I’m starting to now. It is possible to love more than one person, you’ve shown me that.”

“I didn’t get it either until I met these two insatiable animals!” I said. “Did they tell you everything about our two weeks together? It was like tonight, only every other night for two weeks!”

“That’s pretty impressive for an old guy!” Lisa teased, I pushed her shoulder, “What? You were the one who said you are old enough to be my father!”

“You weren’t supposed to hear that,” I said, leaning down to kiss her.

We were all silent for a moment and then Lisa spoke again. So, now what? Where do we go from here?”

“We exchange contact information and we go home,” said, April. “You get to think about what happened tonight and decide if you want to continue having sex with multiple partners. I think it’s clear that you are bisexual,” Lisa nodded, “and speaking for me, I would love for us to get together again.” Maeve and I echoed that sentiment.

“But you girls are leaving in a few days, what do I do when you’re gone?” she asked.

“You find someone else to fuck,” Maeve said bluntly, “or… you could give Stuart a call.” Lisa stared.

“You would be okay with that, with me potentially sleeping with your boyfriend when you’re not there?” April took her hand.

“As long as you don’t go falling in love with him, yes,” Maeve said. “If you do develop feelings for him, you’ll have to stop seeing him. That’s part of our arrangement, we are emotionally faithful to each other, the rest is just sex.”

“And,” added April, “we have to know about it beforehand. We don’t expect you to ask for permission, that’s Stuart’s part of it. We all have the freedom to play with other people but it has to be completely transparent between us. If he does sleep with you, you will know it’s okay with both of us.”

“Oh, fuck,” Lisa said, “I’m going to need some time to wrap my head around that one.” She got up and got another beer, offering us one. Stuart shook his head.

“Not for me officer, I’m driving!” Lisa’s face relaxed at the levity.

“I just don’t know f I can be that laissez-faire about sex. This is all so new to me,” she said. “Wonderful, hot, and wow, satisfying, but it’s all-new. I’ll have to sleep on it.”

“Exactly right,” said April, “sleep on it, for a few nights or weeks if you have to. If and when you’re ready, you’ll know. If you decide not to go through with it, at least you’ve expanded your sexual horizons a bit.”

“Blown them wide open, more like!” she exclaimed. She yawned. “Sorry guys, you wore me out and I have to be at work for 6:00 AM.” She got up and held her arms out. “Group hug?” We all moved toward her and we embraced in a tangle of arms, lips and tongues. “I had a great time, you guys,” she said. We all agreed that a good time was had all around.

“If you have any questions, call either of us,” Maeve said. One more round of hugs and kisses and we left. Arriving at my house, we opened a bottle of wine and talked about the day that was.

“Poor Stuart, you didn’t get to fuck her,” Maeve teased.

“I will, you can bet on it. She’ll be back for more, likely before you guys leave.” The mood went sombre, my mention of the girls’ impending departure.

“We have two more nights!” Maeve chimed in, “A lot can happen in two nights.” We finished our drinks and headed up to bed. For the first time since Maeve and April had arrived, we didn’t have sex. Lisa must have taken the good out of us as well.

Written by CaressofSteel
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