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Author's Notes

"Stuart and April leave Maeve on her own but get up to their usual mischief on the way."

The next morning, I awoke to the smell of stale sex and fresh coffee. A tray with two cups, bagels, and some fruit was on the nightstand. I could hear water running and assumed Maeve was having a shower. I rolled out of bed and went to the washroom door, pushing it open. Maeve had a large walk-in shower, roomy enough for at least three people. As I was doing my morning business, the shower door opened and Maeve peeked around it. “Morning!” she sang, looking me up and down. “You look pretty good for an old guy!”

“I’ll give you old guy!” I said, as I reached over to the sink and turned on the hot water full blast, causing the shower to go ice cold.

“Ahhhhh!” she screamed as she tried to pull herself away from the now cold stream of water. I relented and turned off the water, “Thank you!” she breathed.

“I have to get a move on,” I called, “I have to get back to my hotel and finish packing. My flight leaves at two and it’s about a 45-minute drive to the airport.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Maeve said, her hand reaching out and grasping mine, pulling me towards the shower. “April took your room key and went to your hotel after she left here last night. Your bags are all packed and downstairs, she dropped them off this morning.”

Well, you two have thought of everything!” I laughed, stepping into the shower and wrapping Maeve in a bear-hug, lifting her off the floor. She kicked her heels up behind her as I spun her around and we started kissing.

“I could really get used to this,” she breathed, taking the soap and lathering her hands before starting to wash me. By the time she was finished lathering my body, I was rock hard. “You really do have amazing powers of recovery,” she said, turning me so I would be rinsed clean before she dropped to her knees and took me into her mouth. “I really like sucking your cock!”

“So it’s vulgar talk day today, is it?” I groaned. I had never had sex with anyone while talking in that way. “Fair enough, I really like having you suck my cock!” Maeve took me deeper and moaned as I said it. Every so often she would take her mouth off me and stroke me with her hand, saying such things as, “You gonna come all over my face?” “You gonna fill my mouth with your hot come?” “Come on Stuart, fuck my mouth!”. Before long I was ready to burst. Placing my hands at the side of her face, I held her head, thrusting into it. Giving her no warning, I pushed my hips forward, my cock slipping into her throat. Spasm after spasm took over as I spurted my load into her mouth, Maeve pulled her mouth back and let my seed into her mouth. After I finished, she pulled her mouth off me and opened it wide, pushing her tongue out, letting me see the fruit of our labor. Closing her mouth, she swallowed, then she opened her mouth and showed me that she had taken it all down her throat, except for one drop that was on the corner of her mouth. “You missed a drop,” I said, pointing to it. She collected it with her fingertip and then, standing up, rolled it from her fingertip onto her tongue, showing it to me. I expected her to swallow it as well but she surprised me by moving forward and kissing me, transferring my come from her tongue to mine. It didn’t taste like much, a bit salty perhaps, but it had a slippery consistency as I swallowed it down.

“Never had a guy swallow his own spunk before,” she giggled. Reaching around behind her, she pulled a toy and a tube of lubricant off of the shelf. This one had two silicone cocks that came out almost parallel, one larger than the other, separated at the base by an inch or so with a suction cup on the base. Handing it to me, she turned around, stuck her ass out, and said, “You know what to do with this?”

“I think so,” I replied. “You always shower with a sex toy?” I asked, taking the lubricant and slicking up both fake cocks.

“It’s always in here, April really likes it when I fuck her with it,” she answered, her breathing getting quicker. “I mean really likes it! She squirts every time! What are you waiting for? Put it in me!” I knelt down behind her and placed the ends of the toy, one at each opening. She pushed her hips back and impaled herself in one quick stroke. She held her hips firmly back against my hand as she reached between her legs and started playing with herself.

“You want me to fuck you with this?” I growled, pushing it into her and drawing it out. She just bowed her head forward and nodded. “Fuck you hard, like that?” I asked, stroking it into her repeatedly, driving it home until the space between the fake cocks slammed against her perineum.

I slapped her ass cheek with my free hand, Maeve cried out, “Oh, that’s it!” I lost my grip on the toy a couple of times as her ass shook when I slapped it. Switching from cheek to cheek, I slapped one cheek then the other, not hard enough for it to hurt but it must have stung her. Bracing against the shower wall with her free hand, her right was a blur as she stimulated her clit. I turned and crouched down so she was almost over my knee, grasping her hip with one arm as I pounded the double-dicked toy into her cunt and ass, her whole body quivering each time I drove it home. I could feel her large round breasts bouncing against my leg. A dozen or so more strokes and she pushed my hand away from the toy. Using it herself, she pulled it from inside her as she came, hard, letting out wails of pleasure as her pussy squirted, loudly enough to be heard over the water from the showerhead. A brief respite to allow her squirt to subside and she plunged the toy back into herself, both ends of the toy going exactly where they were intended to. A few more quick pounding strokes and she let out another wail as she squirted again. Twice more she plunged the toy into her depths front and rear for a few quick thrusts before pulling it out and letting the squirting juices spout from her pussy. Finally, she let the toy drop onto the shower floor and she collapsed against me. I reached down to hold her, pulling her up beside me, “Holy fuck Maeve, that was intense!” I breathed as she buried her face into my shoulder. Had I not been holding her up I am certain she would have just collapsed into a puddle on the floor. Her breathing slowed and she eventually recovered enough for her legs to bear her own weight.

She finally turned and kissed me. “And THAT,” she panted, “Is how we do shower sex!” I just held her as we both started laughing, eventually hysterically collapsing to the floor in each other’s arms. We shook as we laughed, her full and heavy breasts heaving, her rounded tummy quivering, her thighs, hips, and ass jiggling as she laughed uncontrollably.

As we slowly recovered, we stood up, holding each other tightly in post climactic bliss, each of us completely and unashamedly sated. Our kisses became soft again, it seemed to me that they had been full of promise before, now they seemed to try to convey our gratitude toward the other for a week of incredible intimacy, discovery, and uninhibited, raw sex. “And that,” I whispered, “is how you end a business trip!”

Maeve looked up at me and smiled her million-dollar smile, “I hope there are many more business trips!” We washed each other again, preferring to wash our own naughty bits. I turned off the shower and we got out, slowly and carefully drying each other off. Maeve grabbed two robes off a hook beside the shower, handing one to me before wrapping the other around herself. “I’ll go get our clothes and help you get dressed.” She left the room, returning a moment later with underwear, socks, slacks, and a button-down shirt.

“I can dress myself, you know,” I said, reaching to take the clothes from her. She pulled them away.

“Let me dress you,” she said, walking into the bedroom and placing the clothes on the bed. “Have you ever had a woman dress you?” she asked. I shook my head. “If you think being undressed by a woman is erotic, wait till you see this!” She pushed the robe off my shoulders and it fell to the floor. Taking my underwear, she held them in front of my feet so I could step into them. She then drew it slowly up my legs, kissing her way up each one as she did. Getting close to my crotch she placed soft little nibbles with her lips along the insides of my thighs until she reached my manhood. “This is to hold you over until we meet again,” she whispered as she drew me into her mouth for a long slow suck, letting me slowly draw from her lips until it popped free. Pulling my underwear the rest of the way up, she reached for my pants and repeated the process, this time pacing a soft kiss on the end of my cock through my underwear before pulling my pants all the way up.

She then pushed me back onto the bed, putting my socks on one, then the other, caressing my feet and calves with her hands. Finally, she stood up and pulled me up in front of her. She slipped the left sleeve of my shirt over my arm, then the right, adjusting it so the collar was positioned just so. Then, starting at my belt buckle, I felt her lips placing soft little kisses on my stomach, slowly working their way up. She nibbled at each of my nipples, suckling on them causing me to draw in a sharp breath. She looked at me and smiled as she started buttoning my shirt, going completely by feel as her eyes never left mine. Lastly, she tucked in my shirt, kneeling in front of me to gather it at the sides before doing up my pants and belt. When she was done, she placed a quick kiss on my penis and she stood up and kissed my mouth. “Told you,” she whispered, I just stood there, dumbfounded at how erotic the experience was.

“Now you do me,” she said, gathering her clothes from her dresser and nearby closet. First came her stockings, white and sheer as I rolled them up her legs, copying her kisses as I did. Then a thong, sliding it up and turning her so it nestled between her beautifully round buttocks, the string teasing her still gaping ass hole. Making sure it was adjusted at the front so that it was perfectly straight, I kissed her mons, “You learn quick,” she breathed. She handed me her garter, placing it around her waist, I turned her again so I could fasten the clasps in the rear, kissing all over her lovely round buttocks as she turned. Taking the clips, I fastened them to the tops of her stockings, placing a soft kiss on her thighs on either side of each clip. She sighed, I could smell her scent.

She handed me her bra next and I wrapped it around her, fastening the front clasp before kissing each full, heavy breast and drawing each nipple into my mouth briefly before positioning each one into its cup, just so. I took each of her hands and guided it through the side opening, drawing the straps over her shoulder. Making sure each breast was perfectly situated, I placed my hands underneath them, hefting them, feeling their weight before declaring, “Magnificent!” She blushed.

I took her dress from its hanger, slipping her hands into the sleeves before drawing it onto her from the front. Moving around behind her, I drew up the zipper as slowly as I could get away with. Last came the little button and hook at the top, which I fastened before stepping into her from behind and, tilting her head to the side, placing a long kiss on her neck. Maeve leaned back into me, “It’s a shame you have to leave, I’m about ready to fuck again!”

“Save it for Lauren,” I replied. Maeve wrapped her arms under her breasts.

“Good idea,” she said. She turned and we held each other for a few minutes, saying nothing. Her phone ringing broke our intimate embrace, it was April looking to video chat. Maeve answered it, turning in front of me, pressing her butt against my cock, she held it so we were both facing the phone screen.

“Morning beautiful, morning handsome!” she said cheerfully, “You two done ravishing each other yet?”

“Just about,” Maeve said, “We were just finishing dressing each other. Shame you weren’t there to help!”

“Next time,” she promised. “You guys want to grab some brunch before we head to the airport?”

“How about at the Waffle House by the Renaissance? I feel the need for some Waffle House pancakes!” Maeve replied. I just laughed. We finished the call and went downstairs, on a small table just inside the door was a vase with roses. Maeve picked up the card and opened it, a photograph fell out. “For my Love and for my Lover!” she read, “Thank you both for an unforgettable weekend. Love, April.” She turned the card towards me to show me the bright pink lip print April had left on the card. I picked up the photo, there the three of us were, the girls in a sixty-nine and me fucking April’s ass from behind. I turned it over to see another pink set of lip prints and a caption, “Unforgettable!” We both laughed.

“I still need to go back to my hotel to check out and get my car,” I said. Maeve shook her head, her russet hair flying back and forth.

“Nope, already looked after!” she said, picking up my car keys from behind the vase. I opened up the door and there was my car in Maeve’s driveway. I just shook my head.

“Looks like you two have thought of everything.” I picked up my suitcase and headed for the door. “Meet you there,” I said. Maeve shook her head.

“How about I ride with you?” she bubbled, “I’ll make my own way home.” I shrugged my shoulders to say ok.

The ride to the airport was spent mostly quiet, Maeve was holding my hand and looking at the ring I had bought her. “If I got you a similar ring, would you wear it?” she asked.

“Why not, but I’d want something a bit more masculine than that one,” I replied. Maeve just smiled, squeezed my hand, and settled into the seat. Twenty minutes later we arrived at the restaurant, April was standing by her car, talking on her phone.

I pulled in beside her and we got out, Maeve ran excitedly up to April and whispered in her ear. April’s face broke into a huge grin, she looked at me and winked. “What do you think of our version of shower sex?” she asked, still grinning. Remembering when she had asked me about wanting to watch two women have sex, I just gave her two thumbs-up and grinned right back.

“Only way it could be better is if you two were doing it as I watched!” I answered, grasping my cock. It was getting hard again.

“We only have one of those toys,” Maeve mused, “we’d have to buy another one.” We all laughed before going inside. We got seated at a booth and ordered our meals. While we waited, Maeve went to the ladies’ room. While she was gone, April reached out and held my hand.

“She probably pretty sore this morning,” she said very quietly, “she told me you fucked her real good last night! And the shower sex this morning! Did she squirt?” I nodded, holding up four fingers. “I can’t wait to see the video!” April squealed.

When she returned, she quietly described the events of last evening to April, sparing no details. She must have been overheard by an older couple at a nearby table because every so often they would whisper something to each other and shake their heads. After we finished, we paid our bill, leaving just after the older couple did. The man helped his wife into their car and then came toward us. “Uh-oh,” I thought as the girls huddled behind me.

“Excuse me,” he said, “I don’t mean to pry. My wife thinks I’m over here telling you folks off for talking about your sex lives in public so I’m going to look angry, but I have to know, did you just spend the night with these two lovely ladies here?”

“No, Sir,” I replied, drawing Maeve up beside me and pulling her to my side. “I spent the night with this lovely lady right here.” I kissed her cheek. “I spent the evening with both of them, in fact, I’ve spent most of the past week within one or both of them and we satisfied our every carnal desire together!” I said proudly.

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“Man, I’d love to see that!” he grumbled, starting to turn away. Maeve placed her hand on his shoulder and stopped him.

Holding out a thumb drive, she said, “Sir, do you have a computer?” He nodded. “Well, you’re in luck! As long as you promise to never show the contents of this drive to anyone, it’s yours. Not anyone, promise me!” She looked at me, “I’ll get April to send me another copy.”

“Yes ma’am, I promise,” he said, his hands shaking. “Never.”

Maeve stepped over to him and kissed his cheek. “When you watch it, please don’t judge us by your moral standards. Think instead, ‘To each their own.’”

He stood tall and stabbed one finger toward us, “You people ought to be ashamed!” he shouted, winking at us. He put a scowl back on his face and turned and walked back to his car. Slamming the door, he started the car, backed out, and sped away.

We almost fell over laughing. “I hope the old guy doesn’t have a heart attack watching that!” giggled April.

“At least he’ll die happy!” I laughed. After a moment we all realized it was time to go.

Maeve looked at me, then at April, “I’m gonna miss you guys,” she said, a tear rolling down her cheek. “Thank you for this.” She hugged April, then me. “I’m really going to miss you, Stuart, call me as soon as you get home, I don’t care what time it is.” I held her tight, the emotion filling me as I nodded. Could it be I was falling for this woman after only a week? Just then a horn beeped, startling us. I looked around to see Lauren getting out of a white SUV.

Maeve kissed each of us once more and said, “No funny business on the airplane you two! They arrest people for that stuff these days!”

“I make no promises,” said April, coming to my side.

Lauren came up to us, kissing me n the cheek before taking April into a warm hug and kissing her, not on the cheek. “Safe trip home, you two. I promise, by the time your plane is in the air, I’ll have made her happy again!” She turned, kissed Maeve on the cheek before wrapping one arm around her, “Come on, baby girl, let’s get you home.” Maeve waved as they drove away.

I let out a huge breath. “I’m going to miss her too,” I said to myself. April came up and hugged me.

“We’d better go, that airplane isn’t going to wait.” I nodded and we got in our separate cars.

I didn’t see April while we were returning the rental cars, checking in, and getting through security. When I arrived at the gate, she was there waiting. As I sat down, April looked and me and said, “Uh-oh.” I just stared at her. “Are you that clueless? Do you not see that she is head over heels in love with you?” I was dumbfounded.

“But she said she loves you, she said this was, how did she put it, ‘fantasy without attachment.’ I’m just a diversion,” I pleaded.

“I believe she does love me, and I love her, but she is ‘in love,” April framed those two words in air quotes “with you.”

“Are you sure,” I asked. April just nodded.

“That’s what she told me this morning,” she answered frankly. “Hey, I’m cool with it. I can separate lust from love, I thought she could too. She had no trouble with it last time I was here.” She’s never had trouble. This time’s different.”

I just sat there, digesting what April had told me. I knew I felt something for Maeve, hell, I felt something for the both of them, but it was something I’d never felt before and I knew that I felt differently about Maeve than I did about April. I told April as much. “This wasn’t supposed to happen,” I said quietly.

“Well, it happened,” April stated bluntly. “Question is, what do you do about it?” I just shook my head.

Just then my phone dinged, it was a text from Maeve. “Miss you already.” It said, with heart and teddy bear emojis with it. I showed it to April.

She sighed, “Yup she’s got it bad. I’m telling you right now mister,” she said sternly, “I love that girl, you break her heart and I’ll find you! Don’t you dare hurt her! You need to decide if you’re all in, right now! If not, you have to nip this in the bud!”

I just stared at the message. “I don’t know,” I said, “but if I’ve learned anything this past week, it’s that sometimes you have to take a leap of faith. If she is or is not the one, let’s find out sooner rather than later.” I replied to Maeve’s message, “Miss you too. Can’t wait to see you again!”

“I’m warning you buster, don’t hurt her!” April said, hugging me tightly.

“This is all so weird,” I said, “I can’t get my head around it. You say you love Maeve, she says she loves you but you say she’s in love with me and you’re okay with it.” I just shook my head.

“Forget about how I feel,” she replied. “Would it freak you out if I said I love you too, but I’m not in, love with you?”

“Oh, for fuck’s sakes,” I blurted, exasperated. “We obviously have very different notions of love. It’s going to take me a while to figure this out. I got up and moved away from April.

A little while later I saw her on her phone, talking animatedly. I could see her mouth the words “I love you,” and deduced she’d been talking to Maeve. I went back over. “Was that Maeve? What did she say.? Is she okay?”

“Relax Stuart, she’s fine,” April answered. “She’s all over the place but she’s fine. She told me she’s never felt this way before and she doesn’t know how to deal with it. I just told her that you were processing everything and that she needs to give you some time to sort it all out.”

“Oh. Good.” I said, “Good. I have to talk to her,” I said, dialling her number.

April pulled my face towards hers, planting a kiss on my lips. “Do not fuck this up!”

After a couple of rings, Maeve answered. “Hi Stuart,” she said softly, “You ok? I didn’t freak you out, did I?”

“A little bit,” I answered, “but it’s ok. April tells me you’re feeling things you’ve never felt before. Well, so am I, and I think we just need some time to sort out how and what we’re feeling” I heard Maeve sniffle on the other end. “How about this, you go and have fun with Lauren, she promised us she’d have you feeling happy by the time we got on the plane. I’ll call you when I get home and we can talk then, ok?”

“Ok,” she answered. “You’re sure you’re ok with me and Lauren?”

“Perfectly ok,” I replied. “She is a beautiful, cultured woman. Enjoy yourselves. I’ll call you later.”

“Ok,” she sighed. “Stuart,” she added, “is it ok if I tell you I love you?”

“If that’s how you feel,” I replied, “I don’t want you to lie to me, or yourself.”

“Ok, how about this. I think I love you, Stuart.” She offered.

“I think I love you too, Maeve,” I answered. “Bye.”

“Oh wait, Lauren wants to say hi,” Maeve said. The phone rustled as she handed it over.

“Stuart? Hi,” Lauren said in her husky southern voice. “Don’t worry about Maeve, I’m going to take real good care of her. In fact, “I heard the sound of a kiss over the phone, “I’m going to do my best to make her forget all about you for a while.”

“Only for a while, I hope,” I responded. Lauren laughed.

“I said I was going to try; I doubt seriously that I’ll succeed! Safe trip, kiss April for me.” She hung up the phone before I could respond. I looked at April.

“Smooth, buddy, real smooth. I’ll bet she feels a whole lot better now,” April leaned in and kissed me softly. I put my arm around her and shook my head again. Nope, still couldn’t get my head around it. A few moments later came the first boarding call. Fifteen minutes later we were in our seats, we were seated close together on opposite sides of the aisle with no one between us. Just as the call came for everyone to shut off their phones, April’s chimed. She looked at it quickly and laughed, hiding the screen toward me. It was a photo of Maeve splayed out on her bed, Lauren’s head between her legs. The look on Maeve’s face was pure rapture. “I doubt she’s forgotten you but she sure isn’t thinking about you right now!”

“I’ll bet that I’m all she’s thinking about right now, we did that last night! Send me that.” I commanded, “quick before I switch to airplane mode.” April’s fingers flew and in a moment my phone dinged. I didn’t bother opening it. I switched my phone to airplane mode and put it in my pocket.

After the flight attendants had taken their places for take-off, I switched seats and sat beside April. As before, when the airplane’s engines spooled up for take-off. April’s hand went into mine. I held it tightly and she placed her head on my shoulder. As we climbed out, she looked at me and said, “I am sooooo glad I’m such a nervous flyer. Where would we be if you hadn’t held my hand?”

“Who knows where we’d be but I wouldn’t have had, “I counted on my fingers, “eleven orgasms in seven days, that’s for sure!” We both laughed and April leaned in to kiss me passionately.

Just then one of the flight attendants came by checking that everything was in good order before starting the in-flight service. “You two newlyweds or something?” she asked.

“Or something,” said April. Just then the 'Fasten Seat Belt' sign switched off.

“Excuse me,” I said, “I have to go to the washroom before you start the in-flight service.” While I was in there, I had an idea. When I came out, both flight attendants were in the galley. “I think there’s something wrong with the toilet in there,” I said.

“Oh?” said the dark-haired one, “Let’s have a look.” She immediately saw the two fifty’s I had placed on the small counter. Picking them up, she came back out. “Really? Surely she’s worth more than a couple fifty’s!”

“Here’s the deal. Our friend in St Louis bet me $500 we couldn’t join the mile-high club on our way home. Shoot me for trying,” I said frankly.

The flight attendants looked at each other, the blonde one said, “$100 each, and we’ll make it happen.” I fished out my wallet and handed over two more fifties. “Ok,” she said, “the back row is empty, you sit here, Sir, and I’ll tell your girlfriend to meet you back here." I didn't bother correcting her. "Then I’ll announce that the rear lavatory is out of service for the rest of the flight and it’s all yours until the seatbelt lights come back on for the descent. The folks in business class won’t like it but fuck ‘em. You should have a couple of hours.” I stood dumbfounded, not actually expecting them to help me out. “Relax, we do this all the time. Have you ever been on a flight when the rear toilet went out of service?” I nodded yes. “There you go.” I sat down, which was difficult because I was getting a hard-on. A lady with a small child then came back to use the washroom, after which, April came back and sat beside me.

“What’s going on, the flight attendant said you want to see me back here?” she asked.

“Shhhh,” I said quietly, “In a few minutes she’s going to make an announcement that the rear lavatory is out of service. If you want, we can join the mile-high club!”

“I got news for you pal,” she laughed, “I’m already a member, and it wasn’t in no stinky airplane toilet either. I’m happy to induct you as a member though. I’ll tell you about it after we’re done.”

A minute later, the flight attendant pulled the curtain at the rear of the cabin across, made the announcement, five minutes after that, April and I were in the lavatory, I was seated on the toilet lid with my pants around my ankles and she was seated on my dick with her skirt about her waist. It was quick, frantic, and fabulous. Once we finished, April, stood up, pulled her skirt down, and straightened it out. After she washed her hands, she picked up her panties and exited the lavatory, twirling them on one finger. I heard her and the flight attendants laughing as I struggled to pull up my pants and straighten myself up. I unlatched the lock and exited to see April in the galley, her lips just leaving those of the blonde flight attendant, the brunette one watching closely. Her face was flushed and her lipstick was a little messed up as well so I knew that April had favored her with one of her superstar kisses. Disengaging from the blonde, April came over to me and kissed me, before sitting down, she nodded her head towards them and said, “Go ahead, for $100 you should at least get a kiss.” She went through the curtain and sat down. The brunette flight attendant came to me and wrapped her arms around me, “For that $100, I’d have fucked your brains out!” and she kissed me hard, slipping her tongue between my lips before sipping forward through the curtain. The blonde then came toward me and said, “I hope you are as good a fuck as it sounded like. You guys got me all horny now!” She stood up on one foot, kicking the other up behind her, and wrapped her arms behind my head, kissing me deeply. When it broke, she wiped the lipstick from my top lip, leaving the bottom one still smeared. I went back forward through the curtain and sat down next to April.

“WOW! That was something else!” I exhaled. She just took my hand and squeezed it.

“Welcome to the club!” she said quietly. As we held hands for the remainder of the flight, she explained her induction into the club was on a private jet with a client and his admin assistant. Finally, we made our touchdown in New York and as we taxied to the gate, the blonde flight attendant came forward with a handwritten note.

“Congratulations!” It read, “This is to certify that at 37,000 feet in the aft lavatory of American Airlines Flight 611 at 2:11 PM on June 17, 2008, Mr. Stuart MacIsaac became a member of the Mile High Club. Joining Mr. MacIsaac was Ms. April Aalders, a current member of the club.” It was signed with an illegible scrawl and had two lipstick prints, one in deep red, the other in a softer shade.

April burst out laughing so hard she was almost crying, “You should frame that!” she said, wiping tears from her face. She took out her lipstick and applied a fresh coat to her lips before kissing the paper, placing her lip prints between those of the two flight attendants. Fishing out a pen, she scribed a large, flowing “A” underneath.

“I think I just might!” I said. I got my phone from the seat pocket and took a picture of it. As soon as I switched my phone out of airplane mode, I sent it to Maeve, I was not long getting a reply.

“I KNEW IT!! I knew you guys would find a way!” her text said. “You can tell me all about it when you call me after you get home. Btw, Lauren is amazing, she talked to me and now things make more sense. Talk soon! XX” Soon we were at the gate, the two flight attendants touched me on the shoulder as they went toward the front of the aircraft to bid the passengers good day as they left, the blonde one blew me a kiss as she went by and slipped a piece of paper into my hand.

“If you two are ever in NYC, call me!” it read, it was signed Candi, with a heart over the ‘I’. I showed the note to April who just raised her eyebrows and said, “You never know!” Being in the back row, we were last to deplane, as we passed the front of the cabin, the flight deck door was open with the aircraft captain standing in the doorway. The blonde flight attendant just pointed at us and looked at the captain. He just smiled and nodded knowingly, winking at April as she went by. She blew him a kiss on her way by.

I had a couple of hours before catching my connecting flight to Halifax but April's hop to Boston was only forty minutes away. We walked hand-in-hand to her gate, finding a quiet corner to cuddle and kiss as we waited for it to board. She was the last person to get in line.

"Thank you, April," I whispered, "this has been an amazing week." We kissed again.

"It has," she answered. "This has been the best business trip ever!" One last kiss and she was off down the jet way. Only then did I look at my phone to see the photo of my beautiful Maeve, spread-eagled on Lauren's bed, her face pure rapture. I had seen that look only this morning.

Written by CaressofSteel
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