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Author's Notes

"If you are coming into this story part way through, I invite you to start from the beginning."

The following three months were a seemingly endless string of phone calls, texts, and naughty video chats (thank goodness for high-speed internet) as Maeve, April, and I cemented our special friendship. The absence from April made me horny but it was missing Maeve that got me into some pretty sad moods. Then one day, exactly 111 days since I had kissed Maeve goodbye outside that Waffle House in St. Louis, she texted a message that would change my life.

“You have time for a phone call?” she asked. I replied that she could call me anytime, twenty-four-seven. Not thirty seconds later my phone buzzed.

“Hi, Sweetie!” I said. “How’s the prettiest girl in the world?” Maeve giggled.

“Hi, handsome, I’m fine, how are you!?” We got on with the small talk and then I asked if she just called to say hi or if she had something specific she wanted to talk about.

“Actually,” she said, a hint of excitement in her voice, “I have to travel to your neck of the woods next month and was wondering if you were up for a visit for a few days?” I started to get aroused just at the thought of holding Maeve’s full-figured body again. She gave me the details that she was coming to consult with a training development company as a private contractor and would be here for a week.

“Any chance you could extend that by a few days to make your visit longer?” I asked.

“That’s exactly what I had in mind!” she said, the excitement in her voice was palpable. She told me the dates she had to be here so I suggested she arrive the Wednesday before she began her consult and return the Tuesday after she finished. That would give us almost two weeks together, three times longer than we had spent together when I was in St. Louis.

“Actually, most of my work is done remotely,” she said haltingly, “so I was thinking I might arrive on Saturday and stay until I have to go back for meetings early in October.” That would have her staying from the last week of August until just before Canadian Thanksgiving. I couldn’t think of a reason to say no so I agreed with her plan. She squealed loudly and said, “I can’t wait to tell April, she’ll be so excited!” We talked about the weather that time of year and what clothes she should bring with her to be comfortable.

“So,” I said, “what’s the first thing you want to do when you get here?”

“I think you know the answer to that question,” she said seductively.

“Okay,” I chuckled, my cock starting to inflate, “I think I can make that happen. What the second thing?”

“Put down my suitcase!” she replied. We both laughed. “I have to run,” she said, “I have a meeting in fifteen, call me tonight? I’ll describe all the things I’m going to do to you when I get there!” I promised I would call around 9:00 her time and ended the call. About ten minutes later my phone pinged, it was April.

“Sooooo, thirty-two days of fucking and sucking in your future! ngl, I’m a little jealous!” her text read.

“Is that how many days it is? I hadn’t counted.” I answered. Our text exchange went back and forth until April asked me to call her about 8:00 her time.

“No can do, I’ll be having phone sex with Maeve at that time. Earlier or later?”

“nvm,” she replied, I’ll call tomorrow nite,” She answered. “Don’t pull it right off tonite when you and M get hot and heavy!”

“FU!” I replied and we ended our conversation.

The intervening days and weeks dragged on endlessly until finally, the big day arrived. I was at loose ends all day as I waited for the time to go pick Maeve up at the airport. I made sure to wear the least tight-fitting shorts I owned to try to hide the erection I knew I would be getting when I felt her pillowy breasts against me. After waiting what seemed an eternity, I saw her coming down the escalator to the arrivals area.

As soon as she saw me, she broke into a run, almost knocking me down as she flung herself into my arms. I could hardly imagine a returning war hero getting a better reunion hug. Her lips mashed onto mine as nearly four months of patient waiting was released into our kiss. People began staring as our kiss lasted longer and longer, eventually, Maeve had to come up for air. “Hi!” she said breathlessly, her eyes a little wet and her smile as broad as an ocean view.

“Hi, you!”  I answered, “Seems you missed me almost as much as I missed you!”

Maeve kissed me again and said, “You just wait mister, I’ll show you how much I missed you when we get home!” Home. Not your house or your place. Home. Why did she use that word, as though was ours and not mine? I passed it off as a slip of the tongue as I took her hand and we walked to the baggage carousel. We held hands as we waited for her bags, her head cradled into my shoulder and her free hand rubbing my arm.

I asked her how her flights went and if the customs folks in Toronto had given her a hard time. She gushed about how the plane turned over the city on its approach and how she hoped it looked as beautiful from the ground as it did from the air. I assured her it did and then some. I took a bit of a scenic route from the airport, taking her through the city rather than the highway that went around it.

“Show me the ocean!” she pleaded.

“Patience Sweetie, you’ll see it soon enough,” I answered, chuckling to myself. A few minutes later we turned onto the winding road that followed the shoreline to my house. A couple of miles short of my place, we crested a hill and the wide expanse of the harbour mouth came into view.

“My God, it is sooooo beautiful!” Maeve gasped, her head on a swivel as she tried to take it all in. “It sure isn’t Colorado!”

“I’ve never been, you’ll have to take me there someday, I love the mountains,” I said.

“They’re just big hills,” she said, “you if you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all.”

“And this is just water,” I replied. “We tend to take the places we live or grew up in for granted sometimes, don’t you think?”

“Maybe,” she replied, “I’ll tell you something I don’t take for granted!” She reached over and grabbed my cock, “Are we there yet?”

“Almost my lovely, almost,” I replied, my manhood responding to her touch. I had to remind her to wait until we got inside, I didn’t mind my neighbours knowing I had a lady visiting but I didn’t want them watching as we fucked on the front doorstep. We no sooner got inside and Maeve went for my belt, undoing it and pushing my shorts down to my ankles. Her mouth went immediately to my cock, taking it all the way into her throat. Not having had sex since April and I left St. Louis and having restrained from masturbating for the past week in anticipation of Maeve’s arrival, I didn’t last very long at all, shooting my semen into her mouth. She lapped it up hungrily, licking the excess from her lips and swallowing it all down.

“Fuck, I love sucking your cock!” she breathed, “You have no idea how much I missed your hot come!” She stood up and kissed me, the taste of my seed still on her tongue. Then she knelt back down and pulled my shorts up, buckling my belt. “Now, you can give me the tour!” she giggled. She took pictures as she went, “April wants to know what your house looks like,” she said as she sent each one as we went from room to room. She showed me each one before she sent it. The foyer, “I went down on him here.” The kitchen, “He’s gonna fuck me on this counter.” The master bedroom, “We’re gonna do everything in here!” The shower, “I brought my special shower toy!” The back deck, “He’s gonna suck my pussy while I watch the sunrise!” It seems she had everything planned out.

I carried her suitcase to my bedroom and showed her where she could put her clothes. I’d made room in the closet and had cleared out a drawer in my dresser. “You can unpack if you like while I get supper going,” I said. She sidled up to me and reached her face upward, her lips achingly close to mine.

“And after supper, you can bring me up here and make love to me” she suggested, running her tongue along my lips. ‘Make love’, she had said, not ‘fuck’ as she had previously referred to our coupling. I said nothing. I left to make dinner as she unpacked and took a shower.

Dinner was simple, fresh fish with local vegetables and apple pie that I had picked up from a farm market that morning. A bottle of Riesling from a local winery matched it well. We cleared away the dishes after we finished eating, Maeve gushed at how delicious it was. Then we went out onto the deck and we talked about the places I’d like to take her and people I’d like her to meet.

Getting serious, I took her in my arms and looked straight into her eyes. You know, we really don’t know each other. Basically, all we’ve really done is to have sex since we met.”

“I know,” she said, snuggling her red curls into my chest, “that’s part of the reason I was so keen to come here to visit. I want to get to know you properly.”  We held each other for a few moments, “And to have sex!” she reached up and tried to kiss me but I stopped her, placing my finger on her lips.

“Patience,” I said softly, “there’s lots of time for that.” She nodded, acquiescing for now. “But now that we’re on the subject, I have a few questions.” She looked up at me, not knowing where I was going with this. “Tell me,” I said, “would you be into having a threesome with me and a friend of mine?”

“Guy friend or girl friend?” she asked.

“Guy friend,” I said. “He’s a nice guy, we hang out a lot, play golf together. One day after golf we were having a few beers and I told him about you and April. I’d had a few and I think I told him too much. When I told him you were coming to visit and showed him your picture, he said you looked and sounded amazing and wondered if you would be interested in a threesome. I wasn’t keen on the idea at first but, seeing as how you so lovingly shared April with me, I thought you might be interested.”

“Two cocks at once, that is fun,” she mused, “I’ve only ever done that once but it was with complete strangers. If April hadn’t been so keen on it I probably wouldn’t have but now that I have, I wouldn’t mind doing it again.” She rubbed her hand over my crotch, “I have made one new resolution though, no more sleeping with people I don’t know. A friend of mine had a bad experience last month and it kind of brought things into perspective. So, I’ll need to meet him.”

“Shame you don’t play golf, we could take you out and then bring you back here!” I mused. Maeve liked that idea; I could tell by the way she squeezed my ass and ground her pussy on my thigh. “I’ll set it up for this weekend, we’ll see where things go.” I released my arms from around her, taking her hand in mine. “Now then, what’s that you were saying about making love?” I led her back inside and up to m bedroom. We tried undressing each other slowly but after four and a half months of waiting, our lust soon took over. Our clothes were scattered all over the room as piece by piece we got naked. I stood back to admire Maeve’s full figure, her shape had changed a little but her breasts were still full and round and soft, her hips still had that delicious curve but her waist seemed a little smaller. “Have you been working out?” I asked, “You look even better than when I saw you last.” Maeve blushed and nodded.

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“I was hoping you’d notice,” she purred, pulling me onto the bed, “I know you love my curves, but I’m not as big a fan of them as you are.”

I looked straight into her eyes. “Maeve, I do love your curves but if you want to lose them all it wouldn’t change anything about how I feel about you.”

She smiled up at me, “And how do you feel?” she asked.

“I told you, I’ve never felt like this before. I think I love you, I’m hoping that the next month will make it more clear for both of us.” We stared into each other’s faces, not saying anything.

“I feel the same way,” she said, “this is new for me too, you make me feel different inside, I don’t know if it’s love or lust but I need to find out.” She pulled my face down to hers and we began getting to know each other all over again. Soon we were in the groove again as we explored each other’s bodies with our fingers, lips, and tongues. Raw lust faded to all-encompassing passion as I penetrated her, revelling in that feeling of her pussy’s soft and velvety grasp on me. We tried all the familiar positions, each of us took our turn on top, a little sixty-nine and finishing with me fucking her from behind as she buried her face in a pillow, muting her screams as her orgasm overtook her. Afterward, we lay panting, our chests heaving as we caught our breath.

“You are so beautiful,” I whispered as we held each other.

She pulled me closer, “I’ll bet you say that to all the girls you make love to.”

“I don’t make love to other girls, not anymore,” I said. I don’t know why I said that, maybe it was the heat of the moment, but it was true, I had been with exactly two women since my divorce, April and then Maeve. And, in this moment, I had no interest in being with any other. Perhaps I was in love.

“Can I tell you something?” she asked.


“I had a chance to be with a guy I met about a month ago. He was really cute and he seemed really into me. I struggled because I wanted to but I couldn’t. We started making out and all I could see in my mind was you. I couldn’t do it. I left him blue-balled and went home. Our video with April really came in handy that night. Is that fucked up?” I shook my head.

“Seeing as it’s confession time,” I said, “I had a chance too but felt the same way. I wanted to but I couldn’t do it. It seems we are of similar minds.” We held each other as my hand went between Maeve’s legs, her pussy was still wet from our fucking and my fingers slid over and inside easily. “You know what’s fucked up? I have no problem with you sleeping with April or Lauren and the idea of us being with Ted is very erotic but the thought of me being with someone when you’re not there is just something I don’t think I can do.” She climbed on top of me, sliding herself over my cock.

“Tell me more,” she breathed, “talking about fucking turns me on.” She closed her eyes and moved her hips slowly, grinding her clit against me.

“Would you have a problem with me fucking Lauren?” I asked, “Even if you weren’t there?” She moaned softly.

“I think I’d like to be there the first time,” she whispered, her movements getting faster, “but after that, it would be the same as with April. The thing is I know they wouldn’t be trying to steal you away from me. I don’t mind sharing you but I’m picky about who I share with. I know that makes me a hypocrite but I don’t care, it’s how I feel.”

“I feel the same way,” I said, beginning to lose concentration as Maeve’s movements quickened further. I said nothing more until after we finished, me coming first, her shortly after. She stayed laying on top of me, it was a delicious feeling to have her weight on me, wrapping me as in a blanket. AS our breathing slowed once again, I said, “So what I’m hearing is sharing is okay but we’re going to be selective about it.” She nodded and kissed me.

“Sounds like a plan,” she cooed. We went to the washroom one after the other, she looked so sexy walking away from me, our combined come leaking from her neatly trimmed pussy and shining on the insides of her thighs. I marvelled that, despite the few extra pounds, she was perfectly proportioned her waist accenting the swell of her hips and the fullness of her breasts. She was indeed full-figured – what was not was fat.

I went downstairs and fixed a snack and some drinks before we returned to bed. We snuggled in and Maeve spoke, “So tell me about Ted.” I told her about his height, that he was in good shape, that he had been married but it didn’t work out but not why it didn’t work out for him. “Have you seen his cock?” she asked. It was clear she was interested in a three-way.

“I have,” I said, offering nothing more. You see, Ted is black and he is as well endowed as the stereotype would have him be, he’s almost as long flaccid as I am erect.

“You going to tell me about it?” I shook my head.

“You want to know more, you’re going to have to fuck him,” I said teasing her. Despite having come three times already that day, the thought of my beautiful Maeve fucking a BBC was getting me hard again. She felt my growing hardness against her hip.

“You want me to fuck him, don’t you?” she exclaimed.

“I want to watch you fuck him,” I said, grinding myself against her, I want to watch your pretty pink pussy lips wrap themselves around him, I want to watch you favour him with one of your 5-star blowjobs, I want to watch your cream ooze from inside you all over his dick.” I moved on top of her. “Yes, Maeve, I want you to fuck him into oblivion.” We fucked again for the third time in three hours and fell asleep.

I awoke in the night but Maeve was not beside me. I slipped on my robe and searched the house to find her sitting in a recliner on the back deck, wrapped in a blanket that had been across the back of my couch, a cup of coffee on the small table beside her. She was staring at the pink colours that were just beginning to brighten the eastern sky above the water. I slid the patio door open as quietly as I could but she heard me anyway, she raised her coffee cup to acknowledge my intrusion on her peace and quiet. I leaned over her head and kissed her softly, “Good morning beautiful,” I said using the greeting I had used for her when I visited her a few months previous.

“Good morning handsome, and what a beautiful morning it’s going to be!” she replied. I offered to refill her coffee, making one for myself as well before joining her. We held hands as the sky started to brighten.  Remembering the caption to the text message she had sent to April the day before, I positioned myself at her feet and gently pried her knees apart. I noticed immediately that she had taken the time to clean herself up properly, her lips were clean and her red bush neatly trimmed. I ran my fingers through the soft red hair, “I like you having a little hair down there,” I said before leaning forward and licking her outer lips. She moaned a little as I licked her, my tongue probing between her labia to brush the silky soft pink underneath.

“I remember you saying,” she said quietly, her hands moving to cradle my head between her thighs, urging me forward to properly stimulate her clit. Rubbing two fingers on the outside of her opening to slick them up, I slid them in and searched for her g-spot, knowing when I saw the change in her expression that I had found it.

“Lay back, relax and enjoy the sunrise,” I said and I attacked her clit with gusto. She tried to relax but her hips would twitch every so often as I hit the exact spot she needed with either my fingers or my tongue. Her juices were flowing freely as her orgasm built, her moans breaking the still morning air. Offshore, I could see a fishing boat on its way out for the day’s work, I secretly hoped that whoever was on board had their binoculars handy to watch the show we were putting on for anyone who might see.

Her moans turned to cries as she peaked, her orgasm rising just as the sun’s crescent broke the surface of the water. She had tossed the blanket off with her writhing and her robe had fallen open. I looked up to see her bare chest in the cool air, her nipples as hard as little stones in the chill. As her orgasm began to fade, I kept at my task, wanting her to feel at least one more wave wash over her before taking her back to bed. A few minutes later her cries built again, I was sure the men in that fishing boat could hear her as she screamed out her lust over the water. The wave rose, crested and fell away as her orgasm came and went.

I was kissing softly around her outer lips and mons when I heard a blast from the fishing boat’s horn, they had indeed seen the show and gave their thanks the only way they could. Maeve’s eyes opened to see the sun almost fully risen, “Oh, man! I missed it!” she said, disappointed, “But it was worth it!” she pulled me up to kiss her, “That’s one I can scratch off the bucket list!”

“My pleasure, my love,” I answered. ‘Why did I say that?’ I thought to myself, was my subconscious taking over and saying the things I meant but was too afraid to say. Recovering, I said, “There’ll be other mornings, other sunrises, next time I won’t distract you.” She kissed me again before complaining about the chill.

“I’m cold,” she spoke, her body shivering a little, “how about a nice warm shower.” She got up and led me inside by the hand, discarding the blanket and robe after she got in through the door. I watched her lovely derriere as she climbed the stairs slowly, seductively peeking over her shoulder as she went. Her pussy was just visible each time she rose one leg up to climb each step, beckoning like a beacon for me to follow. She caught my eye as she looked back, tossing her flaming red hair a little and winking at me, I was entranced, captured by her beauty as I followed like a lost puppy looking for a treat. What a vixen was she, to turn a mature man of the world into such a puddle of emotion as this.

I made the shower a little hot to warm her, turning the temperature down slightly as we got accustomed to it. She placed my hands on top of my head and told me not to move as she sank to her knees and gave me the most unbelievable blowjob I could possibly imagine. Actually, that’s wrong, not even in my imagination could I dream up a sensation such as this, her warm mouth on my cock, her hands softly cradling and fondling my balls as the water cascaded over her. I lasted only a minute before emptying myself into her open mouth. I watched as spurt after spurt shot from me and went into her mouth, a few drops landing on her lips, cheeks, and chin.  She licked her lips and stood up to kiss me, offering her face to me to lick clean; I obliged.

We finished washing each other before helping each other dry off and climbing back into bed for a snooze before the day began in earnest.

Written by CaressofSteel
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