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Author's Notes

"If you're coming into this story partway through, I invite you to start at the beginning."

The time for Maeve and April to depart was near, April’s flight was in two days on Wednesday, Maeve’s the day after. I had thought to have just to keep things private between us until they both left but, given that we had made a couple of new friends in the past month, I thought perhaps I’d invite Lisa and Ted over for dinner and a night of uninhibited fucking to send them off.

I texted them both to invite them, Ted was all in but Lisa said she had to work until 8 PM Tuesday but could come over right after she got off watch. I said nothing to the girls and wanted it all to be a surprise so I arranged for them to go to the Inn that Maeve and I had visited on Monday evening, the one with the in-room jacuzzi, for an overnight tryst for just the two of them. They hadn’t had any personal alone time since April’s arrival and I wanted just the two of them to have a chance to reconnect and reaffirm their love for one another. I went all out, flowers, their favourite sweets, and had slipped a new g-spot vibe for each of them into their overnight bag. I didn’t have to ask for pictures, I knew they’d want to share their evening with me when they got home.

Home. Is that what my place was for all of us now, our home? I put a reminder in my phone to bring that up when I spoke to my lawyer on Thursday.

With the girls out of the house, I had a service come in and clean the place top to bottom. My contractor was due in that afternoon to go over my idea for a jacuzzi install in either my master bath or the master bedroom. After he left, I went down to the community wharf and picked up some fresh haddock fillets from a local fisherman who sold some of his catch directly. A half-dozen good-sized lobsters (fuck, those ugly things are expensive but the girls love them so…) a seafood chowder, homemade bread, and fresh local vegetables made up the meal and I made sure there were lots of snacks and of course adult beverages available.

The girls returned from their love nest mid-afternoon on Tuesday, Maeve noticing immediately that I was up to something. I told them a few people they had met while they were visiting were coming over to bid them farewell and give them a proper Nova Scotia send-off. “Is Ted coming over?” asked April, she had really taken a liking to him and his big black cock. I told her that maybe he was and she blushed, “I really like Ted!” she said, running her hand over her jean-clad pussy.

“What about Lisa?” asked Maeve. She had brought Lisa’s name up several times since our adventure at her condo, I was pretty sure she wanted to have some more fun with her favourite police officer.

“Sorry, she has to work,” keeping that little bit to myself, I loved surprising her.

“Anyone else?” April asked.

“The John and Karen from across the road, I don’t think you met them April, but Maeve has. They came over for drinks one evening. They’re not into the open lifestyle like we are so behave yourself until they leave, please. I have to live here after you’ve gone and I don’t want any awkwardness between us. They’re good people.” April agreed and came over for a kiss.

“You didn’t have to go to all this trouble,” she said, running her palm over my cock, “I would have been just as happy for just the three of us to spend my last night here.”

“I wanted to have a get-together before you left. We’ve had so much fun since you arrived, and I know you two are really taken by our new friends, I thought they might like a chance to see you off.”

Maeve joined April at my side, “April’s really taken with Ted’s cock! And I would love to get a chance for Lisa to get between my thighs. For a relative rookie, she knows what she’s doing with that tongue of hers!”

“Don’t I know it!” I said, laughing. “Simmer down now, there’s time for fun later!” I kissed them both and ushed them away. “I’m going for a shower.” I left them to their own devices, expecting that when I came back downstairs, I’d find them fucking on the couch. They surprised me, when I returned they were sitting on the couch, a respectable distance between them, I just smiled and went out onto the deck to make sure everything was ready out there.

Ted arrived just before 6:00, John and Karen walked across the road shortly thereafter. I made them welcome and introduced them to Ted and April before returning to the kitchen to finish preparing dinner. After a bit, Karen came over to see if she could help.

“April seems really keen on Ted,” she said, “she’s having trouble keeping her hands off him.” I agreed that they had become rather close quite quickly and that they would miss each other when April left the next day. “So what’s the deal with you and Maeve, are you serious about her?”

“Very,” I said. “We’re talking about starting our own business together and having her move here with me. She’s the one.” Karen smiled broadly, she had a reputation as a bit of a matchmaker.

“I like Maeve, she’s so sweet. And that beautiful red hair! John has always had a thing for redheads,” she put her hand on my arm. “Can I tell you a secret?”

“Of course,” I said.

“One night, I got up in the middle of the night and I noticed your lights were on. I’m sorry for looking but your bedroom curtains were open. I saw you with Maeve and April.” She blushed a little, I was at a loss for words. Thankfully she continued, “I couldn’t see everything but I could see enough to know you were having a great time!” She hesitated, taking a deep breath before continuing. “And I noticed that Ted spent the night. I’m sorry for being so nosy, I’m not spying on you, but I just saw his car leaving in the morning. I assume you were all… together that night.” I was hoping to keep that part of my life separate.

“John has been after me for years to bring another man or a woman into our bedroom,” she said, her eyes cast downward, “I was never keen on it but now that I’ve seen how much fun you are having, I might give it a try.”

“Karen,” I said, “please don’t judge us. We live a lifestyle that you and John might not understand.” I held her hand. “Tell you what, after the girls leave, I’ll have you and John over and you can ask me anything you want.”

Karen smiled at me, “Okay. I’m pretty sure what’s going to happen tonight, did you invite us here to join you?” I shook my head no.

“I just thought you’d like to come over and help me send the girls off. I know you like Maeve and I wanted April to meet you so I invited you.”

“I do like Maeve. John really likes Maeve. He fantasizes about her, when we’re making love, he talks about wanting her. It really gets him going, gets me going too if I’m honest!” Karen’s nipples could be clearly seen through her top, she was becoming aroused.

“Well, maybe,” I said quietly, “we can turn John’s fantasy into reality. Come over on Saturday after supper. We’ll talk then.” She kissed my cheek and we served up dinner.

After dinner was done and the men had cleared away the dishes, we all gathered in the living room to chat and listen to music. I had hoped we could use the deck but the air had turned cool during the day. April was stuck to Ted’s side, Maeve and I were snuggled up in a big chair and Karen was sitting beside her husband on the couch, his hand resting on her thigh. April and Ted were swaying as the music played, it must have been driving her crazy not to be able to drop to her knees and suck him on the spot. We talked about everything except sex, shortly after eight, my doorbell rang. I went to the kitchen and peeked out, the was a police cruiser in the driveway. I smiled to myself.

“Why are the police here?” I wondered aloud. I opened the door, Lisa was still in her uniform, she winked at me, she whispered for me to play along.

“Good evening officer, what brings you here this evening?” I asked loudly. April turned down the music and everyone turned to listen.

“Good evening, Sir,” she replied, “is there a Maeve Kelly here?” I replied that there was. “Could you ask her to join me outside, please?” I turned to face our friends.

“Maeve? The police want to speak to you.” I tried to look confused but April saw right through me.

“Maeve you naughty girl, what did you do?” she asked teasing her lover. Maeve looked puzzled.

“I wonder why they want to speak to me?” she asked getting out of the chair and walking to the door.

“I don’t know I said, the officer asked to see you outside,” I said, handing her coat over as she passed.” She went outside and closed the door behind her. Lisa must have stepped back from the door so Maeve couldn’t see her because it was a couple of seconds before I heard her squeal of delight. I peeked out the side window to see them locked in a passionate embrace, their lips mashed together and their tongues down their throats. I smiled to myself as I turned back towards my guests.

“What’s going on?” asked Karen, “Is she in trouble?”

I shrugged. “She’s not in handcuffs yet, they’re just talking.” The door opened and Maeve came back inside, taking her purse from the hook on the wall.

“The police think I may have witnessed something,” she said, a little out of breath. ”they want me to go to the station and see if I recognize someone they have in custody. I shouldn’t be too long, you guys go ahead and have fun!” She kissed me and left, pulling the door closed behind her.

April smiled knowingly but the story was good enough for Ted, Karen, and John. April whispered something in Ted’s ear and he smiled, finally aware of what was happening.

Karen finished her wine and took her husband‘s hand, “I think it’s time we took off,” she said. John looked disappointed until Karen whispered into his ear, then he couldn’t get off the couch fast enough. He shook Ted’s hand, kissed April on the cheek, and wished her a safe trip home before going to get their coats. Karen went over to Ted and hugged him, then took April in her arms and hugged her before placing a light kiss on her lips. “I hope to see you again soon April, we enjoyed meeting you.” She let John slide her coat onto her shoulders and they left.

“That was Lisa, wasn’t it?” asked Ted. April laughed loudly.

“Finally caught up, have you?” she kissed him, “I can’t blame you really, there’s no blood left n your head!” She reached and squeezed his hardness. “I wonder if she’s in handcuffs?”

“Is she into that?” asked Ted. April and I didn’t let on.

“Not that I know of,” I said, turning to fix myself another drink. I was about to offer one to the others but they were otherwise busy, April’s tongue in Ted’s mouth.

Their kiss broke loudly. “Now,” she said, “let’s see if I remember how to do this!” She sank slowly to her knees and opened Ted’s zipper, drawing his impressive member out. She stroked it a few times before opening her mouth and going down on him, her pink lipstick standing out against his dark skin. I sat on the couch and sipped my drink as I watched her slowly work his cock into her throat. It took a while but eventually her throat bulged, the outline of his BBC visible as he swallowed him in.

I fought the urge to masturbate as I watched, I didn’t want to waste myself in my own hand when there was perfectly good pussy and ass so close at hand. After a few moments, April pulled her mouth off Ted and stood up, kissing him, “Thanks, Baby, I needed that!” She turned and saw me stroking my cock through my pants and, grabbing Ted by his cock, came over to me. “Take off your pants,” she ordered and as soon as they were on the floor and I sat back down, she was back on her knees with my cock in her throat. Ted moved in behind her and entered her from behind. Taking her mouth off me, she moaned, “I fucking love this!” and back down she went.

Just as she was starting to scream, the door opened and Maeve and Lisa came in, Lisa still in her police uniform. “Told you!” said Lisa, they took off their coats and she directed Maeve to the chair opposite me, pushed her down, and lifted her skirt. They had obviously fucked while they were away because Maeve’s thing was nowhere in sight. Lisa dove for her love’s crotch and began eating her out like she needed to lick her pussy to save the world.

April was getting close, she was moaning around my cock as Ted fucked her, the vibrations stimulating me to near orgasm. My cock slipped out of her throat as Ted reared back, going right back in when he drove her forward with his thrusts. That put me over the edge, I spurted my seed into her mouth, Ted coming before I finished spurting which triggered April’s orgasm. Maeve was trying to keep her eyes on us but Lisa’s ministrations were making it difficult, so close she was to her own peak of bliss. “I love you!” she said to me softly, just before Lisa’s tongue sent her over the edge. Her screams filled the house as she came, soaking Lisa’s face, hair, and shirt. Lisa did her best to contain it but they made a wet, sticky mess all over the chair. I’d have to have that professionally cleaned, I was sure.

We all sat or lay still as we caught our breath, I realized that Ted and Lisa hadn’t met. I started laughing hard, everyone else stared at me wondering what I thought was so funny.

“What?” asked Maeve.

“I just realized that we haven’t introduced Lisa to Ted,” I said, everyone else started laughing as well. After we calmed somewhat, Lisa got up and went over to Ted, sitting in his lap and kissing him.

“Hi Ted,” she said sweetly, “I’m Lisa.” She ground her ass into his cock, “Nice to meet you!”

Ted kissed her back. “The pleasure,” he said, running his hands over her breasts, “is all mine!”

“It will be!” Lisa replied. She looked at Maeve, “I see what you mean Maeve, he’s gorgeous!”

“She means his cock is gorgeous!” Maeve said lustily, “And I agree!”

“So,” I said, “now that we’re all here and the formalities are out of the way, we can get on with things. April and Maeve, as this is you’re leaving do,” everyone looked at me with a funny look, “sorry, going away party, I propose that the three of us service you two lovely ladies in every way possible.” I took their hands in mine, “Your wishes, ladies,” I kissed their fingers, “are our commands!”

“Well,” said Maeve, “what do you think, April?”

“I’ll think about it,” she replied. “First, I think we should all get cleaned up!” She headed upstairs, calling over her shoulder, “In the meantime, you guys get Lisa out of that uniform! It’s not fair that we’re all naked and she’s not! The girls were gone about ten minutes, during which Lisa took off her clothes and got acquainted with Ted. By getting acquainted, I mean that she just stared at Ted’s cock.

“That’s the biggest one I’ve ever seen,” she whispered, “in person, I mean. I have seen some bigger ones in videos.”

“Oh,” I said, “what’s your favourite kind of porn?”

“Used to be two guys and one girl,” she answered, “but since I met you guys it’s two girls and one guy!” Her eyes never left Ted.

“Well, this might just be your lucky night!” I said, “Provided Maeve and April agree.”

Just then they came down the stairs. “We were talking,” April said, “and we know how we want this to start.” She took Maeve’s hand, “We were going to sit in that chair but it’s out of action for tonight, so we’ll sit on the couch and make out while we watch Lisa take on you two.”

I looked at Lisa and winked. “Interesting,” I said.

“She told me,” Maeve said, ‘She wants to fuck two guys at once and we just happen to have two guys close at hand who like to fuck!” She sat down, pulled April into her lap, and started kissing her. “Well,” she said, breaking their kiss, “what are you waiting for?” They resumed kissing and started feeling each other up.

We all looked at each other, Lisa and I hadn’t actually fucked during our previous encounter so I was rather looking forward to that. She, however, seemed fixated on Ted, her eyes betraying the lust she had in imagining his nine inches of black steel buried in her pussy. Realizing we would be doing whatever we ended up doing in whatever configurations on the hardwood floor, I excused myself to get a couple of heavy blankets to make it a little easier on our butts, backs, knees, elbows, etc. When I returned with them, Lisa and Ted were face to face kissing madly, their hands on each others’ private bits. I spread out the blankets and tapped Lisa on the shoulder.

She smiled and turned enough so that she could kiss me as well, as Ted’s larger fingers were probing their way into her wet folds, I concentrated on her wonderfully round breasts with their little and hard pink nipples. Lisa sighed as I caressed her nipples, one after the other. I bent down to take one of them between my lips, nipping it softly which brought a little yelp from her. She pulled my face up and smiled at me “I like that,” she cooed, “bite them a little harder.” I went back to my task of trying to distract her from Ted’s thick fingers in her cunt, I could hear the sticky sounds as he finger-fucked her. After a moment, she stopped us and, smiling sweetly, she looked at Maeve and April who were watching attentively as they fingered each others’ pussies. “You can do it,” whispered April, urging Lisa to take us in her mouth.

She knelt in front of us and opened wide, first taking me inside her mouth while stroking Ted slowly, and after a minute or so switching cocks. She gagged a little as he pushed his hips forward, he apologized and withdrew. She smiled up at him and took him inside her mouth again. A few more minutes and Lisa stood up and pointed at me. “Lie down,” she commanded, I obliged lying on my back on the blanketed floor. “You too, Ted and he lay down beside me, neither of us wanting to touch the other but knowing we’d probably have to at some point. She moved her head over Ted and took him in her mouth again, taking me in her hand and urging me behind her.

I positioned myself to enter her from behind as she sucked on Ted. Watching bobbing movements, I tried to time it so that when her head was coming up, I would push forward and enter her from behind. A couple of more strokes and I pushed forward, burying myself in her wetness, a small moan coming from her full mouth as I pushed forward, driving her mouth onto Ted’s cock. My pace and fury quickened until I pushed too hard and her head went down too much causing her to gag again.

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“Easy!” she complained as she came off Ted’s cock. “Sorry,” I mumbled and resumed fucking her, albeit in a more sedate manner.

A minute or so of this and she lifted her head up “I’m ready now,” she said and she rotated around and placed Ted’s cock at her opening. Lowering her hips slowly, she rolled her eyes up as Ted’s nine inches eased into her. A soft “Ohhh,” came from deep inside her as he filled her up, “that feels sooo good!”  Once she was settled on Ted’s cock, she motioned me over and took my cock in her mouth, only letting the head inside as Ted started thrusting into her. Letting Ted’s pace and strength control her body, her mouth slid down over me when he pushed forward, sliding back up as he drew back. The feeling was incredible, the sight was more so.

April and Maeve were whispering quietly between themselves as Ted and I fucked our newest playmate. Soon, their whispers grew louder as they talked about their undying love for each other. Ted’s pace quickened and soon, Lisa was having trouble keeping my cock in her mouth. April and Maeve got off the couch and laid prone on their bellies on either side of Lisa, urging her on to take me into her throat. She shook her head no but said nothing as thrusting turned to pounding then to hammering as Ted’s hips banged against her ass. April and Maeve brought their faces down next to Lisa’s and they took turns taking my cock into their mouths and kissing each other when their lips were otherwise unoccupied.

The sight of three women blowing me at once was too much, I came hard, surprised at the amount of semen I was able to produce given I had only ejaculated a couple of hours before. The three women lapped it up hungrily, switching my cock head from one set of lips to another so they would all get an equal share. Then it was just April as Maeve reached down and started rubbing Lisa’s clit. A half-minute later, her moans turned to screams that were timed with Ted’s thrusts, her orgasm was intense, her whole body quaking as Ted emptied himself inside her. She collapsed forward onto her stomach, Ted’s cock being ejected from inside her with an audible ‘plop!’.

April wasted no time, pushing him backward and diving onto his cock, his head slipping immediately into her throat, so slick it was with his come and Lisa’s squirted juices. Maeve and I rolled Lisa onto her back and moved so that we could both see her swollen pussy, red from the pounding it had taken, her come and Ted’s leaking from the still gaping hole. “Looks good enough to eat,” grinned Maeve, as she moved forward.

“By all means,” I said as I watched my girlfriend lick and suck Lisa’s pussy clean. Only a moment later, another orgasm swept over her, brought on as Maeve’s fingers slipped inside her and massaged her special little spot. Lisa squirted again, less volume this time but with no less intensity.

Her head was thrashing around as she moaned, “Stop! Please My God! STOP! I can't take it!” but Maeve was not perturbed, she was going to finish the job no matter what. By the time Maeve finished with her, Lisa’s body was like jelly, as quivering mass on the floor as the aftershocks of her multiple orgasms faded. Maeve crawled up and held her as she calmed, whispering soothing little nothings into her ear and kissing her softly. The smiles on their faces told me that they were both fully satisfied.

We all lay there, saying nothing as we caught our breath, and then one by one, we went o the washrooms to freshen up. I went last and when I returned, I heard Maeve say in a very strident voice, “SIT!” as she pointed to the end of the couch. Lisa was in the middle and Ted was on the opposite end.

“You will do exactly as I say. YOU will not touch yourselves or each other unless I or April gives you permission, is that clear?” Ah, I thought, game on.

“Yes, Ma’am, “I said, looking over at Ted and Lisa, prompting them to respond in kind.

“Excellent,” Maeve continued. “This is a little game the April and I play sometimes, one of us takes on a dominant role, the other the submissive. For this game, I am the dominant, April is as well, you three will submit to us and do only what we tell you.” She had put her heels back on but was wearing nothing else. Her eyes were fierce as she adopted her role, the blue standing out against her pale skin and red hair. I was convinced.

“I don’t know if I want to do this,” said Ted.

“Very well, you don’t have to participate if you don’t want to,” said April, “but I assure you, if you do, you will not forget it.”

“Come on Ted,” pleaded Lisa, “play along, it might be fun!”

“Listen to the nice police officer Ted, she’s right. Now Lisa, do you have handcuffs on your belt?” She nodded. “One pair or two?” Lisa held up three fingers. “Good, said Maeve, go get them and handcuff the boys.” She got up and retrieved her heavy belt, removing the three sets of chromed restraints. She loosely handcuffed my hands in my lap then Ted’s in his.

“Bring me the other set,” said April, “hold out your hands.” Lisa handed them over along with the key, April placed the cuffs on Lisa’s wrists and told her to sit back down. Maeve had disappeared, returning with a small black drawstring bag. Reaching on, she pulled out a double-ended dildo, about a foot and a half long.

Waving it around, she said, “You three will sit quietly and watch as I and my best friend pleasure each other with this. You will not make a sound, you will not move, you will not touch yourselves or each other or make any movement to try to pleasure yourselves. Understood?” Again, Ted rose to protest, “Ted, please, play along, it’s only a game. I’ll make it up to you!” Lisa said, licking her lips. He acquiesced and sat back down.

“Thank you, Lisa,” said April. “Unfortunately, you spoke out of turn and now must suffer the consequences. Stand up!” Lisa stood and April unlocked them. “Hands behind your back!”

“That’s my line!” Lisa giggled as she placed her arms behind her back. April and Maeve laughed as well.

“Oh, that’s funny. You get that one for free!” April fastened the cuffs and helped Lisa sit back down. Lisa adjusted herself to get as comfortable as she could and became still, nodding at April.

“Thank you, Ma’am,” she said, lowering her gaze.

“You’re learning, Lisa.” She laid down on the floor to join Maeve who had already done so. They each took hold of one of the heads on the dildo and rubbed it around on their pussies. They shifted their backsides closer and first April, then Maeve slid the flexible shaft inside themselves, their fingers going to their respective clits. They became very aroused, very quickly as they each consumed half of the toy. Maeve reached down between them and started sliding the toy along so as it drew out of her cunt, it slid into April’s. After a few minutes, they stopped and stood up.

April spoke, “Using only your eyes, convey to me how much you are liking what you are seeing.” I rolled my eyes up under my lids, Lisa did the same while letting her head fall slack, Ted only opened his eyes as wide as he could. “Excellent.” She said, as she got down on her hands and knees, her ass facing Maeve’s who had again adopted the position before her.

Once again Maeve took hold of the toy and slid it inside herself, consuming more than half of it before drawing it out somewhat. April reached down and grasped the other end and twisted it to it lined up with her waiting hole. It was bent almost double and when April released it, it sprang back to straight, burying itself in April’s wetness. The girls began moving back and forth making the toy fuck themselves and each other. Their fingers again went to their clits, massaging them to bring themselves to orgasm. It did not take long at all before they began screaming, their ass cheeks slapping against each other as they attempted to pound the long toy into each other and themselves. I wondered how much practice they must have done to get that particular move so well choreographed.

Of course, Ted and I were again fully erect, how could we not be? For Lisa, it was harder to tell how aroused she was but her nipples gave her away, as did fevered licking of her lips. We watched as my two girlfriends pleasured themselves and each other, culminating in a joint screaming, squelching orgasm their knees giving way and the toy almost springing from inside them. They turned around and comforted each other as they calmed down, stroking each other’s hair now matted with sweat.

Finally, they stood up, Ted and I were standing at attention but Lisa seemed oddly relaxed, with no tension visible in her face. One look at the couch cushions and I knew why she had experienced her own orgasm from just watching the other women. Maeve addressed the three horny observers on the couch.

“Lisa, did we say you could have an orgasm?” She shook her head no, bowing her head like a child being chastened. “Did you do anything to bring yourself to orgasm?”

“No, Ma’am, I wanted to but I resisted. I don’t know how but I just did!”

“Very well, dear,” said April, (there was that matronly voice again), “you will not be punished. In fact, you will be rewarded for your honesty and assistance earlier. Please stand up.” Lisa stood and Maeve removed her restraints, going so far as to massage Lisa’s wrists before kissing her gently. “Your reward will consist of the sex act of your choosing, with whichever partner or partners you choose.”

Lisa thought for a moment, “I think I’d like to try deep throating Stuart’s cock one more time. I see how much pleasure he gets from it and how much you both seem to enjoy it, I’d like to try once more.”

“Very well, if that’s what you want. For the record, I was hoping you might let one of our cocks fuck you in the ass but it’s your choice.” April had a nasty gleam in her eye. Maeve had told me that she was wondering if Ted would fit in her backside, I had the feeling we’d find out soon enough. Maeve took Lisa by the hand and said, “let’s go upstairs, you can lay back on the bed like I showed you. Stuart, come along!” I followed along and as we reached the top of the stairs, I heard April undoing Ted’s handcuffs and asking, “Now that wasn’t so bad, was it?” His response was a grow as he picked her up and carried her up the stairs, depositing her on the bed in the spare room.

The girls got onto my bed, Lisa’s head dangling over the side, my handcuffs were still fastened so I held them up, pleading silently to be released. Maeve just shook her head, “The game is still on,” she said with a wicked smile. God, I love that woman! She set herself up so she could coach Lisa along, nodding at me, I moved forward and placed my cock head on top of Lisa’s lips, her eyes were closed but her mouth opened at its touch and she drew the head in.

“Good, take your time,” Maeve coached, “a little more, that’s it, find the spot where you can’t take him any further then hold there.” Lisa sucked me in a little further, her belly twitched as I brushed the back of her mouth, them she held still.

“Now,” Maeve whispered, relax your throat, let your head fall back so it opens up a little more, that’s it, fell him slide in a tiny bit deeper?” Lisa moaned around me, almost set me off. “You okay?” Lisa flashed a thumbs up. “Okay then Stuart, a little pressure please, ever so slightly,” her hand was on my hip now, urging me forward. “Feel the pressure baby? Now swallow.” Lisa did and my cock slipped into her throat. Lisa’s eyes opened wide as she realized she had done it. She pushed my hips back, making me come out of her mouth.

“I did it!” she said excitedly, “It’s not so bad!” She opened her mouth again and I pushed my cock in gently.

“Slowly Stuart, she’s not an expert yet!” Maeve said, guiding my hips. Lisa got a little eager and gagged once before remembering Maeve’s instructions and a moment later I felt her tongue almost grasp my shaft as she swallowed and my head slipped into her throat again. The feeling was exquisite as she held it there. Before pushing me backward.

“That’s a bit uncomfortable,” she said, “on my neck I mean.” Maeve smiled and leaned down to kiss her.

“Try sixty-nine,” she said, “watch, I’ll show you.” Maeve undid my cuffs and I got onto my back and she climbed on top, lowering herself down onto my waiting lips and tongue. “It’s the same idea, find that spot where he’s in just far enough, then use your tongue to pull him in and swallow his cock. I felt my cock enter her warm mouth and a second later I was in her throat. She began using her tongue on my shaft, milking it. I was in heaven. She pulled off and exchanged places with Lisa who settled her pussy onto my mouth and then took me in. It took a bit longer but as soon as I felt her tongue move forward and put upward pressure on my cock, I knew it would work. Into her throat I went, I could feel her tongue figuring out how to milk me as Maeve had done, soon she had it figured out. I was in heaven.

I felt myself about to come again so I warned Lisa, she pulled her mouth off me and said, to Maeve, “Let’s share!” Come shot out of me and the two women lapped it up, trading licks and sucks around my cock head until there was nothing left. I could hear them kissing and Lisa said, “Thank you Maeve, you are a very good teacher!’ They kissed again, gently and tenderly.

“You are a very good student, and you play the game so very well. Thanks for that, it’s best when everyone commits!” Maeve responded.

Just then we heard April’s screams coming from across the hall, Maeve looked at me and raised her eyebrows, “100 bucks says Ted’s pounding her ass!” I shook my head, I wasn’t taking that bet. We all sneaked across and pushed open the door to the bedroom door. Sure enough, April was on her back, her knees up to her shoulders, the viewing angle was perfect, her butt crack was shiny and slick with lube, and Ted’s cock was drilling her once tiny little asshole. Lisa wrapped her arms around Maeve pulling her close, I wrapped mine around both of them as we watched April’s ass get the fucking of a lifetime. She had no clue that anything existed outside her own body, her entire being was isolated to the feel of him filling her backside.

Maeve leaned over and saw that April’s pussy was stuffed as well, the vibrator I had bought for her was dangling out of her wet hole, her hand going to it every so often to change the mode or the speed of the vibrations. Incomprehensible wails were coming out of her throat as he fucked her hard and fast, the sheet beneath her was soaked, so many orgasms she’d had. She was definitely going to have a hard time walking tomorrow!

With a loud groan, Ted pushed into her one last time, Maeve and Lisa moved closer and Maeve pointed at his cock in her ass. She reached forward and collected a dollop of Ted’s come that had leaked out of her and shared it with Lisa. They both licked their fingers clean and shared a soft kiss. Lisa was definitely a convert and she was most definitely bisexual!

We left Ted and April to finish off, getting cleaned up before going back downstairs and getting dressed. We were enjoying a glass of wine when they came tottering down the stairs, April, gingerly making each downward step and Ted with the widest grin on his face.

“Why are you walking like that April?” teased Maeve. She laughed that evil little laugh.

“Oh, fuck!” she replied, “That was awesome!” Maeve told her that we knew, we’d watched them. “I’m going to pay for it tomorrow but fuck me, it was worth it!” She turned and kissed Ted, “Told you I’d be able to take it all!” He went to his pants and fished out his wallet, taking out two fifties and handing them over.

“You paid her for sex?” Lisa cried out, reaching onto the floor and picking up one set of handcuffs. “That’s illegal in these parts you know!” She wasn’t serious she was just teasing them.

“I lost a bet,” said Ted, “I didn’t think I’d fit. I’m happy I was wrong!”

“Yeah, be careful making bets about sex with April,” I said, “I’m not sure if she loves winning or hates losing more!”

“I fucking hate losing!” she said, slipping the cash into her purse. Standing up she grimaced, “Fuck that hurts! I’ll be sleeping on my stomach tonight!”

Lisa looked at her watch, “Sorry guys, I’d love to stay here all night but six o’clock comes early.” She gathered her things as April tenderly put her clothes back on. Going to Ted, she dropped to her knees and sucked him in deep, some of his and April’s residue was still on his shaft. Standing back up she licked her lips and kissed Ted, “That’s my next challenge!” she whispered. She slipped her card into his hand, “Call me on the weekend.”

She then went to Maeve, “Thank you Maeve, I had a great time tonight.” Another long luscious kiss and they parted.

I was next, Lisa thanked me with a nice kiss and a squeeze on my cock, “I’ll never forget you,” she said, “you were my first deep throat. I didn’t think I would enjoy it so much!” She kissed me again and went over to April.

“You,” was all she could get out before the tears started. “I think I’m going to miss you the most!” A long, and I mean long kiss was shared between them before they wiped the tears from each other’s faces, Lisa picked up her things and left.

“I don’t know what you did to that girl,” said Maeve, “but she has got it bad for you!” April had a sad, wistful look on her face.

“Beats me,” she said, “but holy fuck she’s got one talented tongue!”

“Sounds like you’ve got some fun in your future too, Ted,” I said. He twirled her card in his fingers before picking up his clothes and going into the downstairs washroom to get washed and dressed.

“I gotta run too,” he said, coming over to Maeve, “thanks for tonight, this was beyond my imagination!” His broad, dark lips, drew Maeve’s in as he kissed her. He shook my hand, “Golf on Saturday?”

I nodded, “10:15, and now that I know you’re flush, the game is on!” Finally, he went to April.

“What can I say, you are amazing! Is there anything you can’t do?” he said.

“I don’t know,” she replied, “but there’s nothing I won’t try. I’ll be thinking about nothing but your long black dick every time I move for the next couple of days!” He kissed her, picked up his coat, and left.

The house seemed impossibly quiet without the moans, groans, squeals, screams, and cries of our fuck fest. April hugged both of us and said, “I’m heading up. You guys can fuck if you want to but leave me alone, I’m wiped out!” She kissed us both and climbed the stairs.

Maeve and I held each other and listened to the wind as it picked up. “Some night,” I said.

“Indeed,” she replied, “I have a pretty fertile imagination but even I couldn’t dream that up.” We cleaned up a little, leaving the big bits for the morning. Holding hands, we climbed the stairs. April was already asleep, snoring softly. She usually slept in the nude but she hadn’t even bothered getting undressed. “I guess she gave Ted everything she had,” mused Maeve. “I’m glad, she needs a good railing once in a while.”

“And you don’t?” I asked, feeling her breast.

“I’m good, I got all the railing I need from you and Ted,” she moved my hand away. “In the morning, okay? I’m wasted. Let’s just cuddle.” She got undressed and climbed in beside April who shifted and snuggled in close to her. I stripped and got in beside Maeve, wrapping my arm around her and holding her close. “I love you,” I heard in the darkness.

“I love you too,” April and I said in unison.

Written by CaressofSteel
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