The last entry had a friend with sexual benefits come spend a night at my apartment. We watched my neighbor's wife have sex with another man. This turned on my friend, Simone and before we knew it, we were having passionate sex. And we may have been seen, also.
My neighbor waved at my friend and I the next morning in the parking lot. I wondered if she saw us. I brought up the subject to Simone once we got inside of my car. "Oh, wow! It's likely more people than her saw us!" she exclaimed.
"It is possible if other tenants from the building across from us had been looking, also," I replied.
Simone had a smile on her face. Perhaps being watched turned her on, so I brought up the subject. "What do you think about being watched?" She laughed, then said that it would be OK. "Are your curtains open in your bedroom?" I asked.
"No,' she answered. "I keep them closed. I never considered the idea of anyone wanting to peep in my windows."
"Well, I might want to come around one night and see what you're up to," I teased.
"Then knock on my door, stupid," Simone laughed.
"I will and I may want you to open your curtains!" We had a good laugh at that one.
After dropping Simone off at her place, I ran a few errands. Arriving home, I noticed my neighbor's car was gone. I began to wonder if she would have her curtains opened again for tonight.
When I got inside, I walked to my bedroom to check. Yes, the curtains were open, but it was daylight outside.
I didn't have any plans for the evening, other than to watch a movie on television. So, after it was over, I retired to my room. I purposely left the light on as I undressed and prepared to shower.
After my shower, I returned to my room, turned off the lights and checked on my neighbor. No lights were on in her room, so I sat back from my window and looked around at some of the other apartments. Only one other window had the curtains opened, but no lights were on. Nothing occurred from either bedroom after watching for fifteen minutes, so I went to sleep.
The next morning, Simone called, waking me, wanting to go out and proposed to drive. I agreed and wondered what she had in mind. I wasn't expecting her to show up less than fifteen minutes later.
She was dressed in black, tight jogging pants, with black and white jacket. I was still dressed in a robe and shorts. "Get dressed silly," she smiled.
"You didn't mention coming over right away," I said.
"You didn't ask."
"But it's eight-thirty."
"OK, you can tell time."
I dressed in my men's jogging pants and a long sleeve cotton shirt so I wouldn't be dressed too different than Simone. "What do you have in mind?" I asked as we left my apartment.
"I want to go shopping." I rolled my eyes and Simone saw my expression. "You'll enjoy it, don't complain."
"Let's have something to eat to start with," I deadpanned.
As luck would have it, as we were approaching Simone's car, my neighbor was approaching her car. Simone waved and said hello. My neighbor returned the wave and hello in her accented tone. "That is an interesting accent," Simone spoke.
"Thank you!" my neighbor smiled.
"Where are you from, originally?" Simone asked.
"Rome, Italy. My husband and I."
"Oh, wow! That's cool. I'm Simone and this is Austin," Simone introduced us.
"Nice to meet you Simone and Austin. I am Andrea Russo."
I was a bit embarrassed by Simone's forwardness, although I should have expected it. "Yes, it is nice to meet you," Simone replied. "We'll chat again soon, bye!"
"Bye." My neighbor smiled as she began to get into her car.
"She's really nice," Simone smiled and waved as we passed Andrea, who was sitting in her car, watching us.
"Perhaps we should invite her to come with us," I joked.
Simone glanced at me, then looked back at Andrea, who at this time, was driving up behind us. We stopped at the end of the apartment driveway and Simone said, "I'll ask."
"You're serious?" I asked.
Simone put her car in park, got out and walked back to Andrea's car. I turned to see what was going on and not sure what to expect. I saw Simone smile as she and Andrea chatted.
A moment later, Simone got back into the car. "She agreed to join us for brunch. She'll follow." Damn, was all I could muster.
We arrived at a nearby cafe that opened around seven and served anything from breakfast to brunch, lunch to dinner.
Inside, a waitress escorted the three of us to a table and I took the opportunity to check out Andrea a bit closer. She was dressed like Simone, wearing a black jogging outfit. Her figure was not hidden by her attire and I approved. She caught me looking and smiled as we sat at the table.
Naturally, the conversation was mostly between the two women. As usual, it ran from how long Andrea and her husband were here in the states, to careers, to styles. I mostly sat quiet, only to answer when called upon.
Andrea and Simone hit things off well. As we were finishing and preparing to leave, they swapped cell numbers. I was certain that their cell usage would likely increase as Simone could make friends easily.
After we left the cafe, Andrea went on her way.

"Will you call her?" I asked.
"Of course. You heard her mention in our conversation that she hasn't made any friends here."
"I figured it was because of her work and all."
"Yes, but everyone needs friends outside of their profession."
On our way to shop, Simone said that Andrea mentioned her husband arriving later. I wondered if Simone thought the guy from the other night was her husband. I didn't tell her anything was different.
Simone took me to a large outdoor shopping area, and we went to several places as she said that she needed to get a few things. Finally, after a few hours of walking, browsing, and fitting some clothes, Simone spoke, "One more shop."
I held a few bags in my hands and Simone had one. I looked up at the store's sign and saw that it was a women's lingerie shop. I considered going inside with her, but she placed her single bag on a bench near the entrance. "You can wait out here on this bench." So, I sat.
And I sat, watching the shoppers.
Simone arrived and apologized for taking long. "You owe me," I smiled.
"I pay my debts," she winked.
She did that night at her place.
When she dropped me off at my apartment, Simone asked me to hurry up, dress nice and meet her at her place.
Simone was dressed in a black dress when I picked her up and we enjoyed a 2-hour dinner at a nice restaurant. It wasn't very busy, being the night before Thanksgiving Day. Simone had a few glasses of white wine to go with some seafood fettuccine, while I had a couple of beers with my steak and potato.
Now I'm not sure what Simone had in her wine, but it got her loosened up. More so, than she was when I picked her up earlier. After dinner, she suggested that we go back to her apartment.
She led me to her bedroom and as we entered it, she motioned towards her window. The curtains were closed. "Chicken," I laughed.
Simone told me to hush and left me as she went to her bathroom. I casually walked over to the window and opened the curtains and looked outside.
Simone surprised me by speaking up. "No, don't open them!"
As I turned, she rushed in the bedroom, wearing a sheer black teddy. My mouth must have dropped to my chest as she rushed past me to close the curtains.
"Come on," I complained jokingly.
"Leave them open a little bit!" She gave me an impish look, then left the curtains partially open.
Perhaps it was the wine, but whatever it was, Simone wore me out.
I think that lingerie is sexy and all. But when it comes down to having sex, well I think it's sexy to help remove it. It's sexier to have a striptease show.
We did both.
Simone pushed me onto her bed, stepped back, turned off the overhead light. Her hall and closet lights remained on, so we weren't in complete darkness. She started humming some silly version of a song that is usually associated with an old-fashioned striptease.
She neared the bedside and dropped down to remove my pants. I took off my shirt and threw it aside. Simone tugged away my pants and underwear, then began to gently stroke my hard cock with her hands.
After Simone sucked my cock some, she climbed on top of me, leaned over for a deep kiss. I worked my hands from her sides, to grab her ass that is just right for a handful.
When she leaned back, I tugged on the top to remove it and expose her breasts and rock-hard nipples. I nibbled and sucked on them, getting them to seemingly grow longer. Simone has sensitive nipples and arousing them gets her into another sexual mode.
When I tugged off the panties, I was awarded with her sweet pussy. I've always enjoyed eating her out and she loves the sixty-nine position as much as I do. This night didn't take her long to begin having orgasms. They began lightly and gradually builds up inside of her.
Simone liked light kink and as her orgasms intensify, I'd lick her anus. Then I'll begin to finger her there. Once I began, she shuddered while working her hips. I kept working one of my fingers in her anus and when I began to suck on her clit, she exploded.
Her juices blew out in my face, in my hair and onto the pillow. I'm sure the neighbors heard her vocal squeals, because she was loud.
She repositioned herself on my cock and began to ride me. I held onto her ass and held on tightly. She began to have another orgasm and I inserted my finger in her anus. That touched off another orgasm and Simone buried her face in the pillow next to my face, with a high-pitched squeal.
When she somewhat composed herself, she rolled over and got onto her knees. I slid in behind her and she began to move back on me, gaining momentum. Simone maintained muscle control and had another orgasm as I began to have mine.
After a moment, we laid on the bed, breathing heavily. I looked up at the window and mentioned that it remained open. "Do you think anyone saw us?" Simone whispered with a smile and kissed me.
"I hope so," I replied.
She got up and went to the bathroom, turning out the lights before she returned.
We peeped out of the window but did not see anyone peeping out of theirs. "I suppose tomorrow if your neighbors saw us, will give you a smile," I laughed.