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Author's Notes

"I thought it would be straightforward. I would pick up random men and fuck them and it would be wonderful. But it was not straightforward and it was not wonderful. Something was missing."



Eddie did warn me it might not be so easy the next time. And he was right. I had been so excited when I booked into the hotel, the same hotel where, two weeks before, I had been taken to a room by two handsome men and had the most incredible few hours. But this time, there was no handsome man who would ask me if I would like to join him and his friend for drinks.

I tried a local bar, the same bar where Andy and Nigel had flirted with me, where they had stroked my ass and Nigel had pressed his erection against my back. But still no luck. My hopes were raised briefly when a gentleman asked if he could sit at the same table, but he was soon speaking on the phone to whoever, so I left.

On my stroll back to the hotel my luck changed. A very lovely and very handsome man approached me and asked if I would join him in his room.

“That depends,” I said. “Can you afford me?”

“How much do you charge?” he replied.

“That depends upon what you want. It’s £200 for a standard fuck, but I charge more for extras,” and I smiled as he thought for a few seconds.

“I was thinking of all the extras if possible. And for you to stay overnight, so I can fuck you whenever I want,” he said. I stopped suddenly and looked him straight in the eyes.

“I’m Emma. What’s your name?”

“I’m Eddie, and I need to fuck you right now,” he replied.

“Well, you can’t,” I replied. “But you can take me to your room and make love to me, and I’ll do anything you want, as many times as you want. And there’s no charge.”

And he did.

It was on our next trip my luck changed and it was quite unexpected. We were in Manchester, and I had tried a couple of bars but had returned to the hotel on my own. I was thinking I was going to miss out again and Eddie was not back from dinner with clients, so I couldn’t grab him and drag him up to our room. I was just sat, checking emails, when he sat down at my table.

He was charming enough and handsome enough and an hour or so later I was in his room.

I was nervous and excited and, just to be with a different man, it was very horny. And the sex was great, and my orgasm was lovely and when Eddie got back, I was already in our room. I told him everything in detail as we made love. But to be honest, something was missing.

Our next trip was the week before Christmas. Eddie had several things to finalise with work and so we would be in London for two nights. I thought that would be great as I could get some shopping done so I was excited as we caught the train.

I had not stayed at this hotel before, but I booked in as usual, and the bar was comfy. Eddie wouldn’t be back until gone 9 pm, so my plan was to try a couple of bars, but I didn’t have high expectations and I was not particularly bothered. After all, I was guaranteed a lovely night with my hubby.

It was very busy, and I gave up in the first place after waiting for ages to get even close to the bar. The second bar was much better. It was busy but with standing room and the bar was well-staffed, so I found a space at a high table with my Prosecco. Almost immediately a very nice gentleman, who had one of the few chairs, jumped up and offered me his seat and even though I told him I was perfectly happy stood, he was politely insistent.

He was with two other men, and he introduced himself as David and then his friends, Mark and Pete. And his friends were very nice as well.  Mark and Pete were about the same age, perhaps in their late thirties, but David was much younger, I would guess in his mid to late twenties. They were all well dressed, having come straight from work, and they all looked lean and fit.

They were all real charmers, and I mean real. They were having a pre-Christmas catch-up and had all played cricket together at what I know to be a very high standard. They chatted away, reminiscing on days gone by and I listened intently to three lovely guys who obviously knew each other very well. And some of their stories were hilarious and they included me in all their chat, explaining the background of the stories. And even though there was no flirting going on, I noticed David had made sure to stand next to me and had spoken separately to me whenever he had a chance.

We had several rounds of drinks and even though they protested I made sure I got my round in and the time flew by. There was something very special about these three guys and I admitted to myself I would have loved to take any one of them back to my hotel and fuck them. In fact, all three of them together for that matter.

I needed to use the bathroom and then looked in the mirror. Come on, Emma, make your move, I thought.  And I messaged Eddie.

'Are you at the hotel? I may have someone with me, is that OK?'

I waited nervously and within a few seconds he replied.

'I am, I’ll tidy the room and then go to the bar.'

I quickly messaged him back. 'Love you xxx.' I felt the butterflies in my tummy as I went back to the chaps.

They were laughing their heads off when I got to them. David explained the story and whilst he did, he put his head next to mine so to speak directly into my ear and I couldn’t help moving my head slightly, so our cheeks touched, and I felt the tingle in my body. And as he straightened up, he looked at me and smiled.

Mark and Pete were still chuckling away to each other so, with David looking at me, I deliberately checked my watch.

“Blimey, is that the time?” I said. “I better be making a move.”

David leant closer to me. “Do you have to?” he said.

“You could always walk me back to my hotel,” I replied, “and we could grab a drink there to take to my room.”

As soon as I said this, I felt my nerves rise again but he smiled.

“I’d love to,” he said.

I stood up and he quickly said his goodbyes. They all man-hugged and then Mark and Pete said their goodbyes to me, both kissing me on the cheek. I wonder, I thought; they were both lovely as well, but David and I trotted off together.

It was only a ten-minute walk and I put my arm in his and we chatted. He obviously thought the world of Mark and Pete and he explained that they were both highly respected seniors in the side and when he made his debut some six years ago, they had taken him under their wings. And he assured me, they were not frightened of the ladies.

“Oh, perhaps I should have picked one of them,” I said. He smiled and gave me a peck on the cheek, and I squeezed his arm. I was very excited but as we approached the hotel all I was thinking of was Eddie. My nerves had returned, and I think I was shaking a little. He said he’d be in the bar, but I hoped he would see me. And my pussy actually twitched, and I could feel my nipples harden.

We walked into the lobby arm in arm and as we walked across reception, there was Eddie. He was perhaps twenty or so yards away and walking towards us. Oh my god, my heart missed a beat and then began thumping inside my chest and my pussy pulsed with excitement.

He was looking directly at us, but he then turned and went into the bar. He had definitely seen us, and I was so thrilled. But I was not expecting what happened next. As we passed the bar entrance, David turned and walked in.

“Let’s grab a couple of drinks to take up,” he said and before I could say anything or let go of his arm, we both followed Eddie in. He was at the bar and David walked up and stood just a yard from him. This was too much! I was only a couple of paces away from my gorgeous husband and the man I was about to take to our room, and fuck, was stood next to him.

“Evening,” David said.

“Evening,” Eddie replied. “Having a good one?”

They are talking to each other. I didn’t know what to do. I was now shaking like a leaf. My mouth was dry, and I was sure everyone could hear my heart thumping against my chest. But there was something else, something that trumped all those nerves. My pussy spasmed. It was as close to an orgasm as anything could be. And as they continued to pass pleasantries, it grew stronger and stronger.

While David paid for the drinks, I looked straight at Eddie, and he looked straight at me, and we both smiled, and I blew him a kiss. And as I left the bar, I glanced over my shoulder, as I had done that first time, my eyes wide and alive, to see him watching me.

I don’t know what David must have thought when we got to the room. I was so incredibly horny. I was naked but for my hold-up stockings and heels in seconds and had his cock in my mouth in just a few more. And he was lovely.

He had a lean strong body, and a beautiful firm bum which I gripped tightly as I sucked his cock. And what a lovely cock he had. It was about seven or eight inches long and was beautifully smooth as was his tight scrotum. I loved the way he played with my hair and stroked my face as I took him as deep as I could and sucked his bollocks.

He was groaning with pleasure, and I was a little concerned he would cum without fucking me, but he helped me to my feet and laid me on the bed and licked my pussy gently whilst teasing my clit with his fingers. Fuck it was good and when he pressed his hands onto my pelvis and pushed my skin away, so my clit was poking out from under my hood, and licked it with the tip of his tongue, I felt my first little orgasm rise.

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He fucked me in all the positions including while he was stood up, with me impaled on his cock, my legs wrapped around him and my arms around his neck. But finally, I was on all fours and looking straight into the bedroom mirror. What a view, I thought, and wouldn’t Eddie just love to see me like this. And I orgasmed. It was a beautiful deep orgasm and all the while all I kept thinking about was Eddie.

David came soon after and he groaned and shuddered until he fell off me, obviously very pleased with himself. And so was I. But it wasn’t until he was in the bathroom that something dawned on me. None of Eddie’s clothes, or shoes or suitcase were to be seen. I opened the wardrobe, and there they were, tucked to one side so even if the door was opened you would not have seen them. And his toilet bag was on the top of his case.

I quickly looked over to the bedside table and there were the condoms. I had grabbed one of them earlier and slipped it onto David’s rock-hard cock, but it hadn’t occurred to me why they were there, on the side, ready for me to use.

David left soon afterwards, and he kissed me goodbye and asked for my number, but I said no. He wasn’t the slightest bit put out and kissed me again before shutting the door. I messaged Eddie immediately.




I don’t like having to be in London the week before Christmas. Everywhere is so busy so when I mentioned to Emma I had to do a two-night stay, I had thought she would say no thanks. But she jumped at the chance to come with me. My first thought was she hoped she would get the chance to pick up a man and fuck him, a thought which I found hurt me more than perhaps it should. But as we chatted about the trip that hurt disappeared.

The trip to Manchester had been a strange one. Yes, Emma had picked up some random bloke and he had fucked her. And as she rode me, not twenty minutes later, she had whispered in my ear everything he had done to her, and everything she had done to him. And she groaned loudly as I fucked her, and her orgasm had her shuddering and shaking. But she hadn’t mentioned it again, unlike that first time. She had replayed that night, time and time again over several weeks.

On the train, she was looking forward to shopping and she had even arranged to meet me at the hotel as soon as I finished although that was unlikely to be before 9 pm. But she didn’t seem concerned.

My day went as planned and I had a quick drink with my clients and a bite to eat, before I headed to the hotel. And I was pleased. I had finalised a number of things which meant January would be straightforward and I would be able to have a couple of weeks off so Emma and I could get away.

Emma wasn’t there and I wasn’t too surprised. I had not expected her to be sat waiting for me, so I went down to the bar. And it was about half an hour later my phone pinged. Shit. I still can’t understand why I was surprised, but I was. And my heart sank. I looked again at the message and my mouth went dry.

I went up to our room and looked around. My suitcase was open, its contents spread out in what I regard as a tidy pile, but to anyone else, a heap, and my suit was laying on the bed. The bed that I would sleep in tonight but would, very soon, be occupied by my beautiful naked wife and some random bloke she would be fucking.  

But I tidied up all my stuff and then I checked the bathroom. My toilet bag was open, its contents dispersed across the sink and shelf, so I quickly packed it and I saw the condoms. Shit. I felt nauseous.

As I walked back to the bar, my imagination was in full flow. And it was terrible. I had hoped it would be just me and Emma tonight. But there was nothing I could do about it now. So, I would grab a drink and sit in the corner of the bar and hopefully she would call me soon.

I was not prepared for what I saw when I came out of the lift. To see your lovely wife walking towards you, arm in arm with a man fifteen years younger than you, is not easy. Knowing she is going to take him up to our room and fuck him is excruciating. And she looked stunning and was smiling and laughing. I was relieved when I reached the bar and turned away from the picture in front of me.

“Evening,” he said. My heart stopped, just for a second, and then thump. It felt like I had been hit with a sledgehammer and even though I replied, I didn’t hear my voice. And there she was, just a couple of steps away from me and all I wanted to do was grab her, hold her and not let go. But I smiled and she smiled back and blew me a kiss.

He seemed a nice guy and he chatted to me as he got their drinks and then off they went. I thought I was going to throw up.




'He’s just leaving, get up here now xxxxxxx'

It couldn’t have been a couple of minutes before I heard the door open, and Eddie walked in.

“Did you see him on the way up?” I said as I stripped off his shirt.

“Yes, he looked a very happy man,” he replied, as I pulled off the rest of his clothes.

His erection looked gorgeous. I had shaved him smooth yesterday, and I licked and sucked him as I asked him about meeting us in the bar. He said it was an indescribable feeling, a horrendous gut-wrenching pain mixed with incredible excitement. He said that he had been rock-hard just seeing me walking towards him but when we had followed him into the bar it was nearly unbearable.

And as I rode him, I told him how I had felt when I saw him walking towards us and then the exhilaration when they had spoken and of my near orgasm there, in the bar. And finally, I told him about the woman in the mirror and how I so wanted him there to see me. My orgasm was utterly incredible. We fell asleep blissfully happy.

The next day we chatted over breakfast, and it was so clear to both of us. I needed him to be there. I would love him to be in the same room to watch but if he couldn’t do that, then he had to be nearby, to see me with them.  Eddie was the missing ingredient.


Thursday was a strange day. On one hand I was utterly content, but I didn’t want to hang around London and didn’t want a night out. All I really wanted to do was to take Eddie home and make love. But I couldn’t. I tried to make the best of it and had some lunch. I even thought about catching the train home there and then but that would have been worse, as I needed Eddie.

So, I was delighted when Eddie called me. He would be finished by 5 pm and had booked dinner. My whole mood jumped and when he came through the door, I was ready. Well, I say ready; I had on my finest lingerie: a beautiful half-cup bra with my nipples just above the lace, a small lace G-string and stockings and suspenders. I had already put on my heels, so there was just my dress missing, which was lying on the bed.

“All for you, my darling,” I said, “and you just need to keep thinking about this over dinner.”

It took all my willpower not to jump on him, and to hold him off, but we managed to get in the taxi, both of us so horny and we kissed most of the way to the restaurant. It was a lovely evening and whilst I wanted to take him to bed, there was part of me that didn’t want it to end. But when we jumped into the taxi, I was pleasantly surprised when Eddie asked the driver to take us to a club. I’d never heard of it before, but Eddie just said I should wait and see.

It was only a five-minute drive, but I was surprised the club was in a part of an old underground station.

It was quite small and busy, but it was a ticket-only event. So, Eddie had clearly planned this. I must admit I was really excited. Most of the patrons were just like us and the atmosphere was warm and fun. We sat at a table with another couple who introduced themselves. Her name was Claire, and he was Alex. And then the show started.

Now, I had seen burlesque on the internet a few times and I had thought it was wonderful. I danced when I was young, thanks to my mother who has danced all her life and when I first saw burlesque I was fascinated. It is so clever, so beautiful and so erotic and the young lady dancing was all of that and more. She danced on the small stage but then moved between the tables and sat on laps, men and women. She was divine. I loved it.

After the first dance we chatted to the couple at our table. She had also danced until she left university and had started again a few years ago and had recently joined a dance club doing ballroom. I told her I would love to do that.

The lads had thought it wonderful as well so when the second dance started, we all sat back to enjoy the show. And what a show it was.

There were three young ladies in all, and each did two dances, all so very different but all so very erotic and beautiful, but the finale was incredible with all three girls dancing together, each using each other to hide and tease the audience. Beautiful.

It was a lovely night and the four of us talked more and more and when we went to leave, we exchanged numbers. Eddie and I jumped into a taxi, and we were in our room and in each other's arms within ten minutes.

And I had Claire and Alex’s number in my purse.

Written by EmmaEddie72
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