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Author's Notes

"This is the first part of our latest, and very horny, adventure."

My pussy was still tingling from the delights of Eddie’s cock and the silky skills of Suzie’s tongue and her ability with a vibrator. Now it was her turn.

What a view. I was not surprised he was so hard and Suzie’s soft moaning could be heard over the buzz of the vibrator I was using on her pussy lips and Eddie’s cock and testicles. And when I gently circled his anus with the tip, he immediately responded, as did Suzie as his thrusts became harder and stronger.

“Oh Eddie, fuck me, Eddie,” she said, gasping on every thrust, and it was obvious, to me, he offered me his anus so I pressed a little harder and he responded again.

“Oh, fucking hell, Eddie, fuck yeah! Fuck yeah!” and the more the vibrator explored his ring the harder he pounded until, with the help of my salvia, it finally slipped into his ass. He let out a long groan and, as I gently pressed it deeper, he lifted himself higher until finally, and still buzzing, it was deep in him.

Over the next few minutes, with me holding the toy deep in him, he pounded her, as deep and as hard as I had ever seen him before, and when Suzie’s orgasm crashed through her, he continued to ram his cock deep into her.

“Oh, fucking hell!” This time it was Eddie and, as he arched backwards, he withdrew his cock and it erupted. The first spurt hit Suzie’s breasts and chin, the next her face and hair and, as I grabbed it and jerked it hard, I watched as another huge spurt landed in her open mouth.

Fucking hell!




To be honest, I had had enough of all this shit. I mean, what was the fucking problem!? A friend had witnessed me and Eddie in a hot-tub, with two German lads. True, it had been as horny as a Viking’s hat and I still could not get the images out of my mind. But what had I done wrong?

Eddie would say that I had not shut down Helen when she confronted me with the news she had watched, from the darkness of a bar window. As she described the scene to me, full of shock and horror, it was abundantly clear she wanted to know more, and when later she asked if I could show her how to go about having the same experience, I should have said no. Instead, I had humoured her, and it had dramatically back-fired.

I cannot possibly explain the mayhem that exploded around us. It was not helped that Steve, Helen’s husband, had put two and two together and had reached the wrong conclusion. And poor Eddie took the brunt of that. Bless him. According to his two mates who witnessed the confrontation, he was calm personified, but bad news, especially fake bad news, spreads fast.

So, when Eddie suggested that we go down to our place in France for a few weeks, I didn’t need to ask twice. And now we were there, I was so happy. And so was Eddie.

“Emma, what have we got planned next Saturday?” We both knew the answer to that.


“We’ve been invited to Alain and Yvonne’s. They are having an afternoon party to celebrate Anton’s graduation.” Oh my! To say I had fond memories of Anton was an understatement and I had not seen him since that lovely night at the rugby club.

“Do you think we should go?” I asked, conscious of the events of the last few weeks.

“Yes, come on Emma, it will be fine, as long as you don’t take him around the back of the house and let him fuck you over the bins!” I could not help giggling and when he sat down on my sun lounger, I pulled him on top of me, kissing him deeply, warmly, lovingly.

On Saturday we decided to walk over to the party and stopped in the town for lunch and a drink, eventually getting there mid-afternoon.

It was fun. It was packed with a mixture of mum and dads, and plenty of young men and women and when Anton saw me, he gave me a massive smile and a hug and then Eddie, and I must admit I felt that warm, sexy tingle go through me. And I could not help wondering which of these lovely young ladies he would be fucking tonight.

It was one of these lovely young ladies who caught my attention. At first, I had thought it was just my dirty mind, but the more I watched her the more I was convinced; that his young girl, Sandrine, was a real minx. And I was not surprised that Eddie had spotted her as well.

“Don’t even think about it,” I said, grabbing his arm tightly. “But I bet you would love a few hours with her!” Yes, he would.

I know what Eddie thinks is horny and she was it. I blame Debbie Harry. Eddie was only around ten or eleven when she hit the charts in the UK and even today, Eddie listens to her songs and, whenever possible, the videos of her at that time. OK, this girl was not as pretty, I mean, who is, but she was not far off.

“Who is that girl there, with the short blond hair?”

“That is Sandrine. Why?” said Yvonne.

“She reminds me of someone, that’s all. Does Anton go out with her?”

“I hope not! She’s a bit wild that one.” Her expression told me all I needed to know without her having to say anymore. She looked across the party, obviously searching for someone. “Emma, see that woman chatting with those boys. That is her mother, Axelle.” I love how the French use expression to fill in all the gaps. And I laughed, just a little bit.

Later that night, in bed, Eddie and I were chatting. We had just made love and it had been perfect, just perfect. We had teased each other about what each of us would like to do with Sandrine.

“Eddie, do you realise it is ages since we had a business trip.” He knew what I meant. I remember the last one very well as I had broken my amateur status, as Eddie put it.

He looked at me curiously, before replying. “Well, we can’t do a business trip, as such, but what if we go down to St. Claire?”

“And stay a couple of days? Yes please!”

A couple of days later, off we set on the hour or so drive to the coast, and to say I was excited, was an understatement. You see, I remembered our last trip there very well indeed. It had been one of those adventures I would never forget.




Nor would I! It was a few years ago and back then I was training for a long-distance race so I welcomed a few days by the sea, and I loved this place. The bay was clear and deep, with very few boats, so I could swim in relative safety from morons in speed boats and on jet skis, a swimmer’s fucking nightmare I may add.

I had left Emma relaxing in the sun. She was, as usual, topless and a tiny bikini bottom and she had asked me to oil her up before I left, the result of which meant I had to use my tow-float to hide my hard-on, as I strolled down to the water.

It was about an hour or so when I returned to find her gone, our gear folded neatly on one of the loungers. I was not surprised. I quickly dried off, put on my shorts and then walked up to the lovely bar at the top of the beach. And there she was.

She was sitting with a small beer, and with her were two young men.

“Hi my love,” she said, spotting me and she jumped up waving. She had put her bikini top on, as you would be expected to, and I was immediately struck by how petite she was but also how sexy she looked, in those tiny pieces of cloth.

“This is Dirk, and this is Johan,” she said, smiling at them both. They were Dutch, their English, as you would expect, excellent and they were both charming and handsome, and a good two or three inches taller than me.

The next hour was a mixture of fun and laughter, mixed with a large helping of flirtation on Emma’s part. I had seen Emma like this before but it is fair to say, she was on top form, and these two young men could not keep their eyes off her, and doing their very best to impress her.

I knew what was going to happen, I just did not know exactly when, or where. I had seen Emma press her leg against one of them and I had seen both stroke her legs and that sickly feeling had crawled through my stomach. You would have thought by now I would get used to it, and even today, recounting that day, I still get it. But I did not have to wait long to find out.

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Emma was laughing and smiling and I saw her place her hand on Marius’s leg, and then, looking directly at me, she lifted her sunglasses so I could see her eyes, and she smiled, and blew me a kiss. And she stood, picking up her towel, that had been over the back of her chair, and took Marius’s hand, and off they went, towards the dunes. Fucking hell!

All I could do was watch, as this young man and my wife, walked away, hand in hand, and within a few yards, he had his hand on her bottom, her arm around his waist. I quickly glanced at Johan, who like me, was watching them walk away. Fucking, fucking hell!

The next half hour or so seemed to drag by. We had another beer and he told me a bit more about himself but both of us could only think about what was happening in the dunes and I could not help thinking about what he thought of me, and Emma. But I didn’t dare ask him.

And then we saw them. They were strolling back, her arm in his, laughing and smiling and they briefly stopped at the showers and even kissed as the water rinsed them down.

“Hi my love,” she said, coming around the table and she kissed me deeply. Her bikini was almost transparent, her nipples clearly visible and when she sat down, we could all see her pussy lips, under the tiny piece of material.

She started chatting as if nothing had happened, although I can’t remember about what, when, just five or ten minutes later, she stood, and took Johan’s hand, and off they went. Fucking, fucking hell!




Oh my, even now, some five years later, I get hot and horny thinking about that day. My lovely hubby had seen me walk away with a strange man many times but not like this. As we strolled off, I could feel his eyes watching me, watching my bottom, knowing what I was about to do, so when I felt Marius’s hand on my cheek, I made a point of pressing closer to him, feeling the heat from his body against mine. And it was one of the horniest moments of my life.

I knew where we were going. The dunes are lovely and secluded, although people wander through, usually in the hope of finding someone having fun. I quickly spread the towel and then, very deliberately, undid my top and slipped off my bottoms, before turning to face him.

He kissed me deeply, his hands squeezing my bottom and I could feel his cock against my tummy, so after a short while I gently pushed him away, and felt him through his shorts. Oh my, oh my!

When I eventually pulled them down, having struggled to force them over his erection, I was more than a little concerned. I realised he would be big, and he was, and I had hoped he would be thick and he was, but he was absolutely rock solid, and I mean, rock solid.

I slowly stroked him, looking up into his eyes, and then pushed him down onto the towel. I realised I needed some serious preparation to take this, so I straddled his face and whilst he began to lick me, I got to grips with the erection in front of me.

Being fucked, in the open air, with that chance someone would walk by, is something everyone should try, at least once. It took me several minutes before I could take him deep in me and even then, it was a squeeze but after some effort, and adjustments, I managed to get comfortable. Soon he was gripping my hips tightly and driving his cock into me and when my first orgasm hit me, he continued to pound into me, grabbing and squeezing my little breasts until suddenly he began to shake and shudder and he let fly!

I love the feel of cum flooding deep inside me and this was incredible. Fuck. It was several minutes before he released me and when I raised myself off him, his cum dribbled out of my pussy and down my legs.

The walk back was slow but lovely, my arm in his, and, as we showered, I thought of Eddie watching me, even though I had orgasmed just minutes before, I felt my pussy tingle and spasm. And I wanted more.

By the time I walked away with Johan, I was in quite a state. As soon as I saw Eddie watching us walking back, my pussy spasmed again and, even though I was just sitting at the table, the sight of Eddie talking to Marius, who had just fucked me, and to Johan, who I was about to fuck, was simply wonderful.

As I walked off with Johan I was shaking and when I put the towel down, in the same spot as earlier, I was as horny as I had ever been in my life.

It took just seconds for me to be naked and Johan to have discarded his shorts, his young hard cock standing up proud in front of him and after a few minutes of my best sucking, he was ready for me.

This time I knew what I wanted and, as I knelt in front of him, I positioned his lovely cock against my labia and he slid in. Oh yes, and even though it was not the first penetration of the day, my pussy reacted and my second orgasm ripped through me.

It was lovely, horny and wonderfully slutty and, as Johan pumped his cock deep into me, I happily drove back onto him, my little breasts swinging below me, and enjoyed the moment to its fullest.

It was then that I saw them. At first, I wasn’t sure but after a short while, I could see a man, standing over to my right. I could just see his head but as we carried on, I saw him walk nearer and then I saw another. He was less bashful and walked directly towards me until he was perhaps only ten metres away. And he simply pulled down his shorts and began to masturbate.

I felt so fucking horny and dirty and it was fucking incredible. The harder Johan pounded me, the harder this stranger seemed to jerk his cock, and when I saw that the other guy had joined him in this mutual masturbation, my pussy began to tighten again, the pulses rushing through me and from deep, deep inside me, I orgasmed again.

My face and upper body were pressed against the towel, my hips held by Johan’s strong hands, when he finally orgasmed and I felt his cum splash deep in me and I looked up just in time to see one of our audience spurt his load onto the sand.




We have discovered that trying to recreate our adventures does not work so, to be honest, we don’t try. Even when we were doing our normal, every week or so, business trips, it was not a recreation of a particular horny night we have had. No, we play it by ear. And even though it usually results in Emma being fucked by some stranger or strangers, it is never the same.

So, as we sat at that bar looking out across the beach, the dunes a short walk away, neither of us was expecting two handsome young men to come strolling up. And when we got back to the hotel, we showered and I watched as Emma got ready for a romantic evening.

“Do you like this?” She was holding a lovely green backless dress in front of her, but facing the full-length mirror, her naked bottom catching more of my attention than the dress.

“Beautiful, my darling.”

She seemed happy with my response and I watched as she stepped into it pulled it over her hips and slipped the straps over her lovely bronzed shoulders.

“Ready!” she announced, turning and smiling at me.

“Ready for what?” I was smiling and she walked over and kissed me, lovingly.

“Ready for anything you want me to do.”


“Yes, Eddie, anything. Absolutely anything.” She kissed me again, nibbling my lip slightly, “I mean it, Eddie, I’m feeling horny, very fucking horny. Anything.”

I slipped my hand gently between her legs and she kissed me again and, as my hand made its way up her thigh, she continued to kiss me, her breathing heavier and when my fingers reached her pussy, she sighed. Her lips were open and I slipped one, then two fingers into her, and using my thumb gently rubbed her hard clitoris.

“Oh, fucking hell, Eddie, tell me, what do you want me to do?”

“You will have to wait to find out. But you said anything, didn’t you?”

She kissed me again, “Yes, anything.”

“Come on then,” I said and I led her to the door and out we went.

Written by EmmaEddie72
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