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Author's Notes

""I'm so tired, I need to go home." Claire just looked at me. "Emma, you don't look tired, you look fucking gorgeous!" I didn't know what to say. "For fucks sake Emma, you are glowing." And I was. I had never felt like this, ever. I just felt so complete. "Emma, what the hell is Eddie doing to you?" I smiled. "Would you mind if he did it to me?" We all laughed. And I saw him chatting with his mates. And all I could think about was getting him home and into my bed."

“Hello, can I speak to Liam please, I think he works on the trade counter?”

“Just a minute, I’ll put you through. Who shall I say is calling?”

“My name is Emma. He should know what it’s about.”

I waited perhaps a minute, perhaps a little longer, and I could hear my heart thumping in my chest.

“Hello, can I help you?”

“Oh, hello, can I speak to Liam please.”


“Hello Liam, this is Emma. Do you remember me?”


It was just a week since I had met Liam. When I say “met,” he had asked if he could help me and I had asked him to follow me to my car, and then, after I had put his hand on my bare pussy, I had told him I would ring him. And he would then need to fuck me. And he could bring a friend or two to fuck me as well.

“Umm….I think so.“

“Liam? You think so?”

 “Yes, I do. I didn’t think you would ring.”

“Well, I have. Have you been thinking about me?”

He stammered a reply, along the lines of yes, but he thought it had been a wind-up.

“But you remember how wet I was, don’t you?”

He did.

“So, when are you going to fuck me?”

He hesitated briefly. “I don’t know.”

“You don’t know?” This was proving to be a good deal more difficult than I had expected. “Liam, you know I am serious, and I know you would love to fuck me, so let’s make this easier. You can meet me now, and fuck me, or we can meet tomorrow, and fuck me. You choose.”

“How about tomorrow?” he stammered. “I mean if you can, tomorrow.”

“OK, tomorrow it is. What time and where?” And I smiled at Eddie who was standing next to me. 

“It’s Friday and I have the afternoon off.”

“Perfect. Where shall I meet you?”

It was a few minutes before we settled on meeting at a pub, near a house he shares.

“Now Liam, I want you to invite a friend, or two. It’s very straightforward. We can have a drink and then we all go to your place. And you need to fuck me, all of you. Please tell me you understand.”

“Yes, I do but,” and he hesitated, “please, this isn’t a fucking wind-up, is it? Honestly?”

“Liam, if it was, would I have let you finger me in the car park?”

No, he agreed, I would not.

“So, Liam, two more things. One. If I see a phone, or even hear a ping from a phone, I am leaving. Understand?” He did.

“And two, my husband will be with me. Don’t worry, he’s just there for my safety. I promise you he is very excited as well. See you at 2 pm. Don’t be late and remember, bring a friend or two.”



As soon as Emma finished the call, she was on me.

“Oh my god, I can’t believe I did it!” and she kissed me passionately. “Oh Eddie,” she said, briefly breaking her kiss, ”do you think he will turn up?” Before I could answer, she kissed me again, and then, pausing briefly, she continued, “Do you think he’ll bring a friend? Or two? Oh god, I am so excited!” And she jumped off my lap and trotted to the door, her beautiful naked bottom wobbling slightly as she did. “Quickly Eddie, I need you now, quick!” And she was off, up the stairs like a spring chicken.

I did as I was told. I remember thinking that if she can get that excited and that horny, just from a phone call, then if this lad does turn up tomorrow, with a friend or two, they will not know what hit them.

I had a bit of work to tidy up in the morning but I was finished by mid-day and ventured out of my study to see how Emma was doing. I found her drying herself, having just showered and I sat down on a chair and just watched.

Her hair was tied up in a towel, and she was putting some lotion onto her legs, and then her bottom, and she put one foot onto the edge of the bed and carefully applied the cream to her firm thighs. All those hours in the gym were paying off.

As she stood, she saw me.

“Eddie, don’t just sit there, help me put some of this on my back.” I gently applied the cream, but not too much she told me, as she didn’t want to feel sticky. The weather had not been its best, in fact, it had been horrible, but today was warmer so Emma had chosen a summer dress, which was gathered at the hips. She slipped it on and checked in the mirror.

“What do you think?” she asked, twirling around a few times, her dress rising just enough to show she was otherwise naked.



Fortunately, Eddie knew the pub. There was a decent-sized car park and we managed to get a space. As we parked, I began to feel nervous. I had been OK on the way, but the nearer we had got, the worse the nerves became.

We were typically early. I say typically as Eddie doesn’t do “late.” From outside it looked quite busy which, if I was honest, I was happier about and, as we had planned, Eddie went in first, alone.

Oh fuck, was I nervous! There was only so much you can plan and you know what they say about plans. But we knew we would have to play it by ear, but it did not help my nerves. It must have been five minutes before my phone went “ping.”

“Can’t see him. It’s busy, but there are spare tables. I am to the left of the bar.”

I took a deep breath and checked my make-up. Right then, Emma, Eddie’s little slut—go do your stuff. I jumped out of the car and trotted across the car park to the door, just as two men were approaching it as well.

“After you,” one of them said and opened the door for me.

“Thank you very much,” I said and, as I walked past him into the pub, I gave him a big smile.

“My pleasure,” I heard him say and I walked as confidently as I could to the bar. No one seemed to really notice me, and after a short wait, with drink in hand, I turned and walked to an empty table near one of the windows and sat, looking towards the bar.

I saw Eddie, over to my left. He was reading the newspaper he had brought with him and looked perfectly at home. And now I scanned the bar in more detail. There were probably thirty, perhaps more, people in there. Eddie had said it was a big place, with a real mix of people, old and young.

And to my right, near the fruit machines and the dartboard, there were perhaps a dozen tradesmen, of all ages, and sizes, obviously having an early end-of-the-week beer. But I couldn’t spot Liam.

I played with my phone and waited. I was still nervous, and every time the door opened, I couldn’t help but glance expectantly. But no, it wasn’t him. It must have been twenty minutes before Eddie got up and went to the bar to get a refill and I was about to go and join him when I noticed two young men standing by one of the fruit machines, who were shooting quick glances at me, and then turning their backs to me.

Eddie was just walking back to his table when I saw one of them start to walk towards me, and I pretended not to notice him.

“Hi, care for some company?” I looked up at him and he smiled.

“Well, I was supposed to be meeting someone but I think I’ve been stood-up,” I said, doing my best to look disappointed, which to be honest, I was.

“I’m Tony and this is my mate, Nick,” he said and he gestured over to his friend, who walked over and smiled.

“I’m Emma,” I replied and immediately their expressions changed, half-smiling, half-laughing at each other. At first, I didn’t know what to say but they both pulled up a stool and sat down.

“Sorry, we’re not laughing at you. We are friends of Liam. He said you’d be here but, to be honest, we didn’t believe him!” and again, they half-laughed and shook their heads in what I assumed was disbelief.

“And where is Liam?” I asked.

Nick explained that he had told them about the car park and then the phone call yesterday, but they hadn’t believed him. However, they had agreed to come along but Liam had then chickened out. So, they had been convinced it was a wind-up.

“So, exactly what did he tell you?” Both lads looked at each other and were obviously worried about what to say. “Why don’t one of you buy me a drink and I’ll tell you what I did say?”



I have seen Emma do this many times. And it does not get easier, on me I mean. The mixture of anxiety, of jealousy, and of sexual excitement is intoxicating. And when one of the lads returned with a drink for Emma, I watched intensely as Emma chatted and then flirted with them, turning herself so she faced each of them as she spoke directly to them, flicking her hair off her shoulders, and smiling as they talked to her.

And as she moved in her chair, she allowed her dress to show more of her lovely toned legs and leaned towards them, getting closer and closer. Thankfully, no one else really took much notice of them, just a few glances and nods, and I saw her take the hand of one of the lads and place it on her thigh, under the cover of the table and saw him move it under her dress.

It was a few minutes after that I saw her pick up her phone, which had been on the table, and soon my phone went ping.

“OK, we are going to his place. Meet you at the car xxx”

She finished her drink and got up and, as she walked out, they followed. I waited a minute or so before I followed them out. Emma was next to a van, both lads close to her but, when she saw me, she walked towards our car, her hands just holding theirs for a second or two.

Both lads looked at me and I very casually nodded towards them, and they nodded back and got into the van.

“Oh, fucking hell, Eddie,” said an excited Emma, as she put on her seatbelt. ”Oh my god, I’m so fucking excited!” And as we drove off, following the van, she told me what had happened.



When I told the lads about Eddie, both looked concerned. But I had explained the situation and, quite simply, if they wanted to fuck me, they had no choice and they had nodded their approval.

It was only a two-minute drive. We parked directly in front of the house and walked up the path as Nick opened the door. It was a small terraced house but, surprisingly, it was clean and tidy and Tony returned from the kitchen with a few beers.

“Is beer OK? I think there might be some wine,” but I said a beer would be fine and we all took a sip whilst the lads did some more tidying. The room had a large sofa and an armchair, a TV, and a games console with a pile of games next to it. And in the corner some weights. Interesting.

“So, who keeps this place so clean and tidy?” I asked and both laughed again.

“My mum,” said Nick. And again, the two lads laughed. Come on Emma, I thought, they are nervous. Time to take control.

I walked out into the hall and walked upstairs, and turned to see them both standing at the foot, watching me. I smiled down at them and raised my dress, just enough so they could clearly see my naked bottom and I turned into one of the bedrooms.

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It was small but again, tidy and I opened the next door, which was also a bedroom, but probably twice the size, with a double bed and a chair in the corner. And then the last door, the bathroom, with a stand-in shower and again, remarkably clean.

As I turned around, there were both lads, at the top of the stairs.

“OK, why don’t you both have a quick shower and then I need you both to fuck me. Don’t be long,” and I as I pushed past them, I kissed each of them full-on, and I felt their hard cocks pressing against me as both squeezed my bottom. And I went downstairs to where Eddie was waiting.

“You OK my love?” he said and I kissed him tenderly and looked him straight into his eyes.

“Yes, nervous, and excited, but are you OK?” He just nodded and smiled and we kissed again, this time passionately and I felt my body tingle.

“Eddie, you will stay with me?” I whispered. “And you will do what we agreed? Please.”

“I will. I promise.”

Tony was the first to come downstairs. He had a towel around his waist, but I could clearly see a large bulge but I was immediately taken by his physique. Oh my. I guess he was about the same height as Eddie, 6’ tall, and had broad strong shoulders and pronounced pecs, but it was his stomach that took my eye, with ribbed abdominal muscles. And hairless.

It was not a minute later that Nick appeared just behind him, and likewise, a towel around his waist and, again, he had a lovely physique, but perhaps an inch or two shorter.

“I see the gym has been getting a workout!” I said, smiling at both of them, and they both smiled and nodded. And I cannot tell you how excited I was, as I took a pace towards them both. And then I felt Eddie behind me.

I knew what was going to happen. This was one of the things we had agreed upon.  I was standing perhaps three yards from these two very handsome young men and I felt Eddie put his arms around me, and very slowly lifted my arms until they were above my head. And, as he ran his hands down my body, I took a deep breath and leaned back against him, enjoying the view in front of me. The two lads were staring at me, mouths open, but they quickly glanced at each other when Eddie took the helm of my dress and very slowly lifted it off me, briefly pausing when only my head was covered. And as I shook my hair back off my face, I saw them begin to smile.

“OK you two,” I said and, as I walked slowly toward them, I added, “Now, let’s have a closer look at you two.” Fuck, I felt a surge of lust rush through me and I stopped just in front of them.

I slowly raised one hand and stroked Nick’s chest and then, with the other hand, Tony’s, paying special attention to their nipples and then gradually moved my hands down and across their stomachs until my hands were on their waists.

I slowly glanced over my shoulder to where Eddie was standing watching and smiled at him before I slowly untucked their towels and let them go.  Both towels hung for a few seconds on their erections and I pulled the towels away. Oh my, oh my.

Nick’s cock was hard and I took it in my hand and slowly stroked it. It was a lovely thick cock, about seven inches long and he was completely shaved. I smiled at him and he smiled back, clearly pleased that I approved.

Then it was Tony’s turn. It is fair to say I have seen many, many penises, of all shapes and sizes, but this was “wow.” It wasn’t necessarily its length, although I would guess it was at least ten inches, but it was its girth. Oh my. And, when I wrapped my hand around it and my fingers didn’t even get close to touching my thumb, I was seriously concerned. And there was something else, far, far, more impressive about it than just size. It was absolutely rock-hard, standing almost vertically against his smooth, equally rock-hard, stomach.

“Yes, they will do,” I said and I turned to face my lovely husband. “Now, your turn.” And with my arms around the waists of these two hunks, I watched my husband undress, and I was so proud to see his beautiful hard cock spring out of his shorts.



Watching Emma getting absolutely fucked senseless by two young lads is something to behold. The jealousy had soon receded to be replaced by utter sexual excitement, and Emma was as turned on and as horny as I have ever seen her.

The lads had taken in turns to lick her pussy and she had sucked them passionately and skilfully, so skilfully that both had pulled away, worried they would shoot their load. But they had both recovered their composure and Nick had fucked her from behind as she gorged herself again on Tony’s cock and when she straddled Tony’s cock and drove down, I knew she would orgasm. And fucking hell, didn’t she cum.

At first, she let out a long low groan but then she began to shake and tremble, and her groans turned into almost screams as the waves of her orgasm ripped through her. And as she kept thrusting down onto Tony’s cock, she arched her back, and squeezed her breasts, pulling hard at her nipples, until she slumped forward, her hair covering Tony’s chest.

She stayed like that for a few minutes, regaining her breath, with Tony gently stroking her back and bottom until she gradually started to move again. And when she eventually raised her head, she swept her hair back off her face and turned to look at me.

“Oh, fucking hell, Eddie,” and she wiggled her hips and immediately shuddered again and groaned. “Oh good God, Eddie, help me, please,” and she reached out her hand to me.

 As I helped her up, she groaned again, and gradually Tony’s cock emerged, absolutely soaked in Emma’s juices. She was glowing with perspiration, and her pussy was literally dripping, and, with the help of Nick, we helped her to the sofa.

By now, Tony had peeled himself off the floor and was kneeling in front of her, his cock standing to attention. And I watched as my lovely wife reached forward and took hold of his erection and pulled him towards her, as she leaned back and raised her legs wide.

“Eddie, please help me,” she said, and I took her left ankle and, with Nick holding her right ankle, we watched as Tony slide his cock deep into her, and fucked her, her legs stretched wide. And it was a sight to behold.

When Tony finally exploded, Emma seemed to be in a semi-trance, her eyes almost glazed over, her pussy squelching on every thrust, and her body constantly spasming. And as his cock slipped out of her, a stream of cum followed.   

Nick and I released her legs carefully and she slipped off the edge of the sofa and plonked onto the floor with her back resting against the seat, her head flopped forward, and her hair covering her face and breasts.

She was breathing heavily and the perspiration shone on her skin. And I could hear her moaning, softly under the canopy of black hair. Tony seemed very pleased with himself, and quite rightly so, and Nick returned from the kitchen with a towel, his cock still erect.

He handed me the towel and I gently wiped Emma’s shoulders and then her legs, and very slowly she began to rouse herself.

“Drink darling?” I said. She nodded slightly and slowly she raised her head and swept her hair off her face.

“Thank you, my love. God, I love you.”

I watched as, a few minutes later, she joined a patient and, quite clearly, a very horny Nick on the sofa.

“Your turn,” she said, and, after sucking his cock again, she straddled him and began to fuck him hard, thrusting herself onto his erection until she climbed off and laid on her front, pushing a cushion under her hips, and her eyes fixed firmly on me.

I knew what she wanted me to do and as Nick began to fuck her from behind, at first gently, but gradually and steadily increasing his pace, I stroked my erection as I watched my beautiful wife being absolutely pounded by this second young man.

I have no idea how long they were fucking like this, but I have not seen Emma like this before. Eventually, her face was pressed down into the cushion, as one of Nick's hands gripped her hips, the other pressed into the small of her back, and she moaned and grunted as he pounded her.



The drive home on late Friday afternoon had been slow, as we caught the rush-hour traffic, but I was so incredibly tired but still so incredibly horny, that I played with my pussy all the way home. As soon as we got in the door, I was on him.

He had not cum while we were there, but his cock had been, and still was, rock-hard and I rode him on the landing in front of the mirror. And when he finally began to cum, I leapt off him and took him into my mouth. And, my god, didn’t he cum. There was simply no way I could take it all in my mouth and his cum was running out of my lips, covering my face, my neck, and my breasts, and in my hair.

We lay there together for several minutes, and quite honestly, I could have stayed there forever. But it was as I sat up, I saw her. There, in the mirror, was that girl I had grown to love. She was older than the first time I saw her, and although I had seen her many, many, times since, there was something different about her.

That was four days ago. The weekend had been a complete write-off and, even though we had gone around to friends for a barbeque on the Sunday, we had left early and were back in bed before most people were having dinner.

“Eddie, do you think I’ve changed much in the last ten years?”

“You mean other than being ten years older?” I was just about to smack him when he quickly continued, “I would not worry about your age, my darling. You only have to think about what those two lads thought about you.”

I kissed him. “No, but there is something, but I’m not sure what.”

“Emma, yes you have changed.” I lifted myself up and rested my chin on his chest. “Remember Sunday, when we were at Maggie’s and I was chatting with Matt and Pierre and a few others?” I did, because I was talking with Claire and a few other of the girls and I had seen them all looking our way. “Well, we were talking about you.” Of course, I was curious.

“They wanted to know why you always look so bloody gorgeous. But it was Matt who said it, and they all agreed.”

“What did he say?”

“He said that you just ooze sex appeal. And you do. You don’t flirt or show off your tits, not there’s much to show that is,” and we laughed and I lifted myself up so my breasts were over his face and he gently sucked both of my nipples. I giggled and then rested myself back on his chest. “And, of course, they all know you have a lovely ass.”

“And what did you say?” 

“I agreed with them. You do. You have that glow about you, that sparkle in your eye. And you have a confidence about you. You know you are desirable. Most men, and for that matter many women, would give anything to have a night with you.”

To be honest, I didn’t know what to say. “And you don’t mind?”

“You are kidding, aren’t you? Emma, I think I’m the luckiest man in the world.”

If it wasn’t for the fact we had only just finished making love, I would have leapt on him straight away, so I pulled myself up his gorgeous body and, under the blanket of my hair, we kissed passionately and tenderly, gently chewing each other’s lips and tongues, and whispering about the last few days and, of course, Friday afternoon’s adventure.

“So, shall we do that again?” I said, underneath the blanket.

“If you want to, then fuck, yes!”

“We will have to try to set something up Eddie, but I think we struck it lucky with those two.” He kissed me like he does when he tells me he loves me, gently stroking my face and looking closely into my eyes.

“I thought exactly the same thing,” he said, “so I took their phone numbers. Just in case.”

Written by EmmaEddie72
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