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Author's Notes

"It was the most stupid yet incredible thing I had ever done. And despite the fact I had been gang-banged by a bunch of total strangers, I still wanted more."

Part 2


I’m not sure how long I was in that garden, but probably only half an hour at the most. I messaged Eddie.

“On my way home, I’m ok.” He replied immediately.

“Ok, do you want me to come home straight away?”

“Give me half an hour or so. Going to have a bath so I’m ready for you when you get in.”

“You’ve had fun then!”

“You wait ‘til you get home. God I love you XXX.”


It is not easy logging into Lush walking as fast as you can, in high heels, in public, hands still trembling, and knowing there is cum in your hair and on your face, and running down your stockinged legs.

“On way home now.” 

I was only a hundred yards from home. But instead of heading straight to the house I turned right and walked down the next road, and I checked again behind me. I was certain no one was following but I had to be sure. At the end of the road, I darted left into a lane which runs behind a few houses, and I broke into a trot to get to the end and, after quickly checking behind me again, I ran across the road and in through the gate to the safety of my front garden.

I quickly climbed the steps to the front door, and I was inside in seconds, slamming the door behind me. I was panting and hot again, so I quickly unbuttoned my coat and slipped it off. My poor coat! It had been a lovely cream coat but was now covered in dark muddy stains from the table it had been on. I quickly turned it over and looked at the black liner. It was covered in cum. This might take some explaining at the dry cleaners!

I went straight upstairs but as I turned the corner onto the landing, I stopped and turned to face the full-length mirror at the top of the stairs.

There she was. Eddie’s little slut. I’d seen her many times now and had grown to love her. But I hadn’t seen her look like this before. Yes, I had seen her with cum in her hair and on her face before, but not as much as this. It was hanging in clumps from her hair but most noticeably there was cum still dribbling down her legs. Her stockings were torn, and I suddenly realised my knees were bleeding.

I walked quickly into the bathroom and started to run the bath. I removed my stockings and suspender belt and looked closer at my knees. They were just grazed, I assumed from being rubbed against the table legs. I was about to lower myself into the hot bath when I remembered her.

I ran back downstairs quickly and grabbed my phone from my discarded coat and then back to the bathroom. I then gently lowered myself into the bath. Oh my, everything stung!

“Home. Going to have a bath.” 

“No report first.”

Oh my, did I sting! My knees, my nipples, my pussy but mostly it was my anus. Oh, bloody hell. It had been hurting all the way home but now it was excruciating. It took a couple of minutes to relax.

“Emma what happened.” To be honest, I really didn’t want to think about it. All I wanted to do was relax. And Eddie would be home soon and I had to be ready for him.

“Please I need a bath.”  

“No how many fucked you?”

“All of them!” 

“And that was how many?”

I had no idea. The taller of the two young lads had fucked me first. I was sure of that. As I bent over the table, I had his cock in my hand and I reached between my legs and placed the tip of it between the lips of my pussy. I was soaking wet and he slipped straight in. And I nearly orgasmed. I remembered the spasm in my pussy, it was wonderful.

Within a few minutes he was fucking me hard and I had to grip the table edge. And then there were two cocks, one each side of my head. I didn’t look up. Instead, I grabbed the nearest and pulled him close and shoved it into my mouth and sucked.

“I’m not sure. Six, seven?” 

“So more came out.”

“Must have.”

I didn’t know. It could have only have been five minutes before the young lad with his cock in my pussy shot his load and slipped out. But before I could move, another cock slipped in me. I was still sucking away when another cock was pressed against my face but this time a hand was wanking it furiously. I quickly turned my head and put him into my mouth and sucked, still holding onto the other cock.

Whoever it was now fucking me, he was soon pounding away, gripping my hips hard and I could feel his balls slapping against my clit. And the bloke with his cock in my mouth had hold of my head and doing his best to get it all into my throat. I stayed like this for a few minutes until suddenly I felt cum hit the back of my mouth and I pulled away as the second spurt hit me across my face.

“How many fucked you in the arse?”

“Two I remember that!”

Bloody right I remembered that. I had settled into a rhythm. I had put the cock that I had been holding back into my mouth and the cock in my pussy was still pounding away. There were hands everywhere, grabbing my breasts and pulling my nipples and I could feel what I thought was a finger probing my anus.

It was now that I felt my orgasm begin to rise but before I could, the bloke fucking me started to groan and, with a flurry of thrusts and expletives, he shot his load into me.  OK, I thought, it’s time to take control again.

The cock I was sucking looked ready and I realised it was the other young lad. I still had him in my hand, so I pulled him around behind me, but I quickly dipped my fingers into my pussy and then into my anus. I had only had anal once before and as I leaned over, I was obviously worried, but I was also so incredibly turned on.

“So did you enjoy it?”

“I don’t know. Yeh of course. Fucking hell I’m so sore.”

I was pleased I had some lubrication, albeit it cum from my used pussy. And I had been using the foxtail plug for a few days now, but even so, as this young erect cock pressed against my anus, it was uncomfortable, to say the least. I tried to relax, and I pressed backwards, and I felt the head suddenly enter. I took a few deep breaths and pressed back again, and he slipped in. Fucking hell it hurt.  But there was also an incredible sensation and I knew my orgasm was on the way.

For the next fifteen, perhaps twenty minutes, in fact, all the remaining time I was in that garden, I was in control. The young lad in my ass didn’t last long, after all, I had been sucking and wanking him since we arrived in the garden and now he was in my tight bum-hole he soon shot his load into me as, at the same time, I had my first full orgasm, using my fingers to drive myself over the top.

I distinctly remembered letting out a long, loud groan as I came and hearing a few guys saying, “Wow" and “fucking hell.” The lad in my arse stayed there for a short whilst we both recovered but as soon as he slipped out, I grabbed the nearest cock and pulled him around and he fucked me, then another in my arse and then, I think, another.

“Did they tell you to come back again?”

I didn’t immediately answer. I wasn’t sure I should.


“I don’t know. I picked up my coat and walked out of the back gate. My knees are bleeding, stockings ruined.”

As I straightened up, I suddenly felt vulnerable. I don’t know why. There were a few men standing around, wiping their cocks in tissues or pulling up their trousers. A couple were high-fiving and laughing as they headed back to the bar.

I picked up my coat and, as I started to put it on, I realised one of the young lads was stood next to me. He took my coat and held it for me and I put my arms in.

“You ok?” he said. I said I was fine and then he added, “Thank you.”

I turned and saw his friend was stood next to him.

“Yes, thank you,” he added.

I gave them a big smile and then walked quickly to the gate at the back of the garden. Fortunately, it was not locked. I did not fancy having to walk back into the bar and I stepped out into the lane and then looked back. They had followed me to the gate.

“I had hoped it would have been just the two of you,” and just before I hurried away, I added, “Perhaps next time.”

“So, you know now you are My Slut.”

“I’ve been a slut for a while now. But nothing like that. Sorry in the bath soaking. I’m so sore. Shit.” 

“But you enjoyed it.”

“Fuck, of course. But shit, I shouldn’t have done that. I’ve got cum coming out of everywhere.” 

Mistress Sue made me give her a blow-by-blow account. How much did I swallow, did I have three holes filled at once, how big were the cocks in my arse? But she also wanted to make sure I was OK and that I had enjoyed it.

And as I lay there in the bath, there was the realisation that I had been, and still was, highly turned on. In fact, it had been fucking incredible and despite having had a bunch of strangers gang-bang me, I still wanted more. But then she asked me something that had not occurred to me at the time.

Did any of them film it on their phones?”

“I fucking hope not. I told them not to.”

No, I hadn’t! It had not even occurred to me at the time. My mind began to race. I kept trying to remember that scene in the garden. I hadn’t seen a phone, other than mine but I couldn’t be certain.

“We both know you telling them not to does not mean the same to a rampant guy.”

“I didn’t see any phone. I fucking hope not. I’m so sore!!!”

“Baby shame you’re not closer could of kissed it better.”

“I’ll get hubby to do that when he gets home.” 

“Will you tell him why?”

“Yes. Of course.”




It was only mid-afternoon, but I had had a couple of pints already. The television was on and it was very busy but I wasn’t interested in the racing. Generally, I don’t follow the horses but like most people, when the Cheltenham Festival is on, I tune in, or rather I meet up with a few mates to watch some of the races in the pub.

But not today. I had told them I couldn’t make it. Instead, I was the other end of town, in a pub I had not been in before, two doors down from where, if everything followed its natural course, my wife would be being fondled by a group of men. Or more.

My phone had not left my hand. If I got a message, I would see it immediately. I had even visualised what I would do, but that also meant I had visualised what might be happening to her. And that made my mouth go dry and stomach churn. At that moment I could not understand why we had agreed to do this, other than one major factor. The idea had turned us both on so much that we had fucked and fucked, and we both had the most intense orgasms ever.

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The second race had just finished and my phone when ping. It was Emma and I replied immediately. Ok, I thought, she’s ok and by the sounds of it she has had fun. I wondered what had happened but decided not to do that. She is ok and that was all that matters. And I relaxed.

I ordered another pint and sat and watched the next race. I have no idea who won. All I could think about was Emma. I looked at the message again. “You wait ‘til you get home. God I love you XXX.” I was in no rush. I wanted her to make sure was ready for me.

As I strolled home, my excitement began to rise, as did my cock. I decided to go around to the back of the house and use the kitchen door, as I thought she might be downstairs, but the door was locked and clearly she had not been down there since she got back.

I went upstairs to the hall. There was her coat lying on the floor. It was filthy and I could see what was, obviously spunk, all over it. Oh, she has been having fun.

I threw my keys onto the hall table and put my jacket on the coat rail.

“Eddie, Eddie! I’m up here.”

“Hi my love, you’ve been having fun I see,” I said as I walked up the stairs and turned at the top of the stairs.

What happened next is still a bit of a blur. A naked Emma appeared out of the bedroom like a flash and ran full tilt at me and jumped onto me. She is petite and I was thankful for that as I staggered under the impact, just for a second or two, as I was smothered in her kisses.

I cupped her beautiful bottom as she wrapped her legs tightly around my waist and her kisses continued. I could feel her nipples and the heat of her pussy through my shirt and started to move to take her to our bedroom, but she suddenly broke her kisses.

“No, Eddie, here, now, now!”

I lowered myself down onto the floor with Emma’s legs still tight around my waist and she began to pull off my clothes, almost ripping them in her haste.




“Sue, I’m in so much trouble. Nightmare”

“Why, what’s up?”


Eddie and I had been in bed, just relaxing and chatting. We had made love nearly non-stop since he had got home. I had told him everything that had happened, and I had lost count of how many times I had cum. And even though I was sore, I still wanted more. It was simply wonderful.

Eddie had managed to drag himself out of bed and had gone down to the kitchen to get some drinks and a snack. He had tried a few times before, but I had wrestled him to the ground and led him back to bed. But I was now in need of a drink, so I eventually let him go.

He arrived with a tray and put it down and I realised he had my coat over his arm.

“Emma.” The tone of his voice immediately caught my attention. “Where is your purse?”

“Ummm, in my coat pocket?” He just looked at me. “If it’s not there it is probably on the hall table.”

“No, it’s not.”

He checked the pockets again and then the lining. It was not in the coat.

“And it’s not on the hall table, or on the hall floor or on the stairs or on the landing.”

Oh, fucking hell. I jumped up and went into the bathroom. Fuck, it wasn’t there and as I walked back into the bedroom, Eddie was searching the floor and chair and dressing table. And even under the bed.

“You did take it with you, didn’t you?” I knew I had but I had to think.

“Yes, I’m sure I did as I tried to find some cash for my drink in the pub.”

“So, where is it?”

We spent the next few minutes arguing. He asked all the stupid questions and I gave him all the stupid answers. But Eddie calmed down quickly, as he does.

“Ok. It’s not a problem. I assume you had just the bank cards and a bit of cash. I’ll cancel them. Don’t worry.” And then he looked at me and stopped. I was kneeling in the middle of the bed, my hands in my lap and with my chin down. And he could tell there was a problem, in fact, a massive problem.

“Oh, please don’t tell me you took your main purse.” I had. I nodded my head. I watched him walk over to where his clothes were lying and he dressed. He didn’t say a word until he was ready to go and then he just asked me the route I had taken to get home. And he left.




Sometimes I could swing for Emma! Not very often but sometimes! I grabbed a torch and retraced the route Emma had said she had taken to get home earlier today. Of course, I wasn’t too sure which side of the road she would have taken but I assumed she would have taken the most direct route.

But I was worried. To be honest I couldn’t give a shit about the bank cards or the little bit of cash, it was everything else in there which worried me. Emma’s life is in her purse. Besides the obvious things such as her store cards of all sorts, there was her driving licence and, most importantly, her ID card. Sometimes!

As I went into the pub my nerves were running. It was busy but I looked around and there didn’t seem to be too many people who may have been there this afternoon. That was just a guess. If someone had been in there when Emma was there, they would now be in no fit state to remember anything!

“Hi mate, sorry to bother you, but a purse hasn’t been handed in?” The barman said he didn’t know and he went off to ask someone else.

I looked around. As I said, it was busy but as Emma had described it to me, this was probably not even half-full and I found it hard to imagine her in the middle of this place.

“Sorry, mate, no.” I thanked him anyway and went out to the beer garden. It was now dark and the outside light was useless, but there were a couple of blokes smoking out there.

“Don’t suppose you’ve found a purse out here?” They did that reflex action of glancing around but said they hadn’t. But I used my torch to have a look around and then opened the gate and looked outside. No luck.

As I was walked back past them towards the bar one of the blokes called after me. My heart stopped.

“Have you asked behind the bar?” I took a deep breath and stopped myself from giving the sarcastic reply. “It’s just that there is a full staff change around six, so they might not know if it was handed in earlier.” I thanked him and returned to the bar.

About ten minutes later the Manager from the afternoon turned up and after opening the safe, handed me Emma’s purse. I quickly checked it. Everything was there, including the thirty quid cash. My concerns that this man might well have witnessed or had been told of the events involving my dearly beloved wife had vanished with the relief of finding it.

“Oh mate, thanks so much!”

“No worries.”

And I couldn’t help myself from asking.

“Who handed it in?”

“A couple of young lads. They said they hadn’t looked in it. We were so busy so I chucked it in the safe. Sorry should have seen if there was a contact in it. Sorry mate.”

“Oh no need to apologise,” I replied. “Do you know the two lads?”

“The tall one’s Andy, his mate I think they call him Barny. Think that’s a nickname. They come here sometimes after work.” I thanked him again and ordered a pint and sat down. And then I had another one, after all, Emma was paying.




“He’s back and he’s got it, all intact. It was handed in this afternoon and staff put it the safe. Evening staff didn’t know. He traced my steps and went back and asked again, they phoned manager all sorted. I’m now going to make love to him, all night.”

“Glad he found it and glad you had a great time. Now make sure it is him who will be sore in the morning!”


I had never been so worried. It wasn’t the cards; it was everything else in there. How stupid could I be! Of course, the natural assumption was I dropped it. I hoped I had, to be honest, as I did not like the thought someone would have lifted it out of my coat. I was certain that was not the case, but as I waited for Eddie my mind was racing.

I went downstairs and busied myself cleaning up the kitchen, not that it needed it. But when, after an hour, I hadn’t heard from him I decided to message him.

“Any luck?” It was over ten minutes later that I got his reply.

“Yep, got it. I’ll be home in five.”

Oh, thank goodness for that. I quickly got some fresh drinks and rushed back upstairs and into the bathroom. And I then saw myself in the mirror. Oh my. My knees were fine. They were grazed but they were ok but the rest of me, oh my. I had bruises everywhere, on my arms and shoulders and my breasts but the bruises on my hips were something else. Obviously, where my hips met the table edge had caused long deep bruises and you could clearly see the outline of where hands had gripped my hips as I was fucked.

A quick look at my bottom and I could understand why it was uncomfortable to sit down. And as for my anus, well, enough said. I carefully applied some more cream. Blimey that was so sore.

I was feeling quite deflated when I heard Eddie downstairs. So, I got back onto the bed and knelt in the same place, in the same manner, as when he had left me, over an hour ago.

“There you go,” he said, as he entered the bedroom, and he placed the purse onto my dressing table. “Everything is in there, including the cash. You got lucky.”

“I’m so sorry,” I replied. “I wasn’t thinking.”

He was standing in front of me, just looking at me, and he gave me the biggest smile ever. He pulled off his sweater and then unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down, removing his pants and socks all in one go. I looked him up and down. Eddie looks after himself and I always love to look at his naked body but now he seemed even more gorgeous.

He moved forward and climbed onto the bed and knelt in front of me and took me into his arms. And we made love.

A couple of hours later we were lying together, and Eddie had told me what had happened. It was then that he told me that two young men had handed the purse over the bar, and I agreed that, probably, they were the two lads who had fucked me.


Morning Mistress Sue.”

“Morning sexy how was your night?”

“Oh god. What have you done to me! I absolutely ravished him when he got back. And then again in the middle of the night and just finished him again, now. I am so horny.”

“That’s wonderful. What are doing today?”


Eddie had made my coffee and some toast, and we were in bed. And suddenly, he produced an envelope and a small parcel.

“Happy birthday my darling.” I had totally forgotten. A few minutes later, as I was modelling my new underwear and ankle chain, I thought this would be a good time to ask him.

“Eddie, as it’s my birthday would you do me a favour?”

“Depends.” And he looked at me with some suspicion.

“It’s just that I messaged you-know-who, Sue, just to say I was fine and, well…….she wants me to go shopping.”

Eddie just looked at me.

“Fucking hell Emma!”

Written by EmmaEddie72
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