Part 1
“It’s packed; there are men everywhere. This is not a good idea.”
“Emma, you are there now. It’s time for fun, look around for a guy you would not go near if you had your way.”
“Emma. Answer me.”
“That’s most of the men in here!”
“OK now let your coat open so the guy near you can see your breasts, a little more than normal.”
“It’s bloody boiling in here.”
“Emma, open your coat.”
“Emma, open your coat. Let it hang open.”
“EMMA, talk to me!”
It’s been a real eye-opener being on this site. To be honest, we had looked around at a few sites and hadn’t been too impressed. A free account and then a look around and I was suddenly getting pictures of random cocks and some quite offensive stuff. A few things were interesting, but then we stumbled upon Lush.
I had once told Eddie we should write about us, or rather, what has happened to us over the last ten years. And after reading a few stories on Lush it seemed OK. That was a few months ago now.
And a few weeks ago, I was chatting online with a lovely chap when I got a message from someone I hadn’t chatted to before. But it was clearly not meant for me.
I messaged back, just saying, 'Sorry, but I think you got the wrong person.' The message was interesting, but I deleted it and went back to my chat.
It was a few minutes later I saw I had another message from the same person.
“But you found that intriguing, didn’t you?”
I had a look at the profile of this mystery messenger. She called herself Mistress Sue and, obviously, the instructions were for one of her girls. It had simply said something about undressing in front of a window so people passing by could see her.
“Well, I’m not sure about that.”
“Why not? Don’t you find the idea horny?”
I thought for a few minutes and then another message.
“The fact you have hesitated means you do, doesn’t it?”
This time I replied immediately, along the lines of I’m not sure, but there is something about showing yourself and I suppose it could be fun. And then she replied.
“So would you strip in a window looking out on to the street?” And suddenly I find myself in a full chat.
“Not at my house. I’ve done something similar in a hotel,” and I giggled to myself.
That had been fun. Eddie had pressed me against the window and fucked me from behind. I had just returned from being fucked by two guys in a room a few doors down the corridor.
“Lights on, curtain open and pressed against the glass?” I replied.
“See, it’s more fun if you do it at home a total stranger seeing you strip and you knowing the front door is on the latch.”
“Ha, but that’s not going to happen. Imagine it would be fun.”
“So, you are a close the curtains when you’re in the bedroom and changing or stripping for a shower.” I now realise this was bait. And I took it.
“Oh no. We both walk around naked, but no-one can really see us.” To be honest, this is not something I’d really thought about.
“Try it at home leave curtains and nets pulled back in a room where you would be seen, and go in that window strip you don’t have to look to see if you're being watched. Then back to me and tell me if it made you wet. Knowing someone might have seen you.”
I didn’t reply. Instead, I just looked in amazement at the message. I wonder.
“And even now it’s ticking over in your mind, about how wet it might make you.”
Quite true, but I needed her to stop this, so I thought I’d change the subject.
“Ha. We’ll see. Does showing your foxtail to the Amazon delivery man count? I was wearing it at the time.” Ok, I thought, if that doesn’t change the subject nothing will, but then, almost immediately, I regretted telling her this.
“Did you open the door with nothing else on?”
Oh, bloody hell. That had been funny. Eddie and I were planning to go to a sexy party. It was fancy dress and we had decided that I would go as a fox and Eddie as the hound. So, he had bought me an anal plug foxtail, and a set of fluffy ears with furry gloves and ankle bands. That would be it. Nothing else. And though I say so myself, I did look rather cute. So, I had put this on, and in, and was waiting for Eddie to come home.
And when the doorbell rang, I had run to the door but just before I opened it, I glanced at the door monitor on the table and saw it was the delivery man. So, I whipped off the ears and gloves and threw them behind the door.
“Initially yes, as I thought it was Eddie. I ducked behind the door as I opened it but he handed me a big parcel, so I took it and walked over to the table.” I couldn’t help giggling about it, and still do, every time the doorbell rings.
“And did he comment?”
“No, he was speechless, mouth open, it was funny and very horny.” I naively thought that’s that, but no.
“So how often do you have Amazon drivers call?”
“Too often according to Eddie.”
“So, a couple of times a week?”
“So, you know when they are due why not strip, put your tail in, and open the door full face naked to the driver.” I had to laugh. I had walked right into that one. I thought this was the time to say goodbye.
“Ha. I’ll give it some thought. I’ve got to go now, I’ll let you know if I do. Bye for now X”
And then finally her last message. “Emma, add me as a friend and, baby, do it. Don’t think about it. Do it.” And I logged out, but not before I sent the friend invitation.
Eddie was surprised but also intrigued. We were snuggled up in bed, and we went through the messages again. It was something we had never talked about. In fact, he thought the idea I had a submissive side to me was a bit of a shock. He thought the most submissive thing I had ever done was allow him to strip me in front of other men and then hold me as they helped themselves. But even then, I would eventually take control. And he was right, but here I was thinking this might be fun.
Eventually, we agreed to give it a try. I could always so no, and that would be that. And when he slipped his hand in between my cheeks and I opened my legs, he found my pussy was hot and wet and we made love.
Submissive Emma! I don’t think so. But the fact that she was actually thinking about it was interesting. Of course, we had joined Lush for exactly this, to learn what else is out there, and things that we would not have even thought about, let alone try.
So, we decided to give it a go. Now, I know Emma. If she decides to do something, and we have agreed that she can, she will give it her best, so I was looking forward to seeing how things panned out. And we both agreed our basic rules still apply.
We were both working the following day, but Emma messaged me mid-afternoon to say she was home and was just finishing some notes. And she asked me to be home soon, as this mysterious woman had messaged her.
When I got home, Emma was waiting and pulled me over to the computer to show me the messages.
“So are you game to play sometime soon?” We both looked at each other. Emma had already replied.
“Still thinking about it. There is something incredibly horny about it.” I smiled at her, and I could see her eyes were alight, and she kissed me.
“Then be mine and have fun with me controlling you. Are you at work?”
“Working from home.”
“Take time off. How long before hubby is home?”
“Next half an hour or so.”
“How about tomorrow?”
“I’m out for the morning, be home in the afternoon.”
“Ok, dress sexy for me I will be about. Tell me that you will obey tomorrow. You are mine now.” I quickly looked at Emma. Her expression was a delight. Her eyes sparkled as she looked at the messages.
“We’ll see,” Emma had replied.
“We will see baby, dress nice and sexy for me tomorrow. Let’s have some fun.”
As I turned to look at her, Emma jumped onto my lap and kissed me. But this wasn’t just a kiss, this was an Emma special. Her mouth was warm and wet and she sucked my tongue and my lips and was soon kissing my neck and ears, her long black hair covering us both.
And when she did come up for air, she led me over to the sofa and undressed me.
I might be wrong, but I think she might have found all this rather exciting.
The morning was a bit of a write-off. I tried to concentrate but all I could think about was the afternoon. What was she going to ask me to do? And will I do it? So many things were going through my mind but what was absolutely evident was that I was so turned on. And that had started as soon as I had woken up and it wasn’t yet mid-day.
In bed, last night, Eddie and I had chatted about the various scenarios, and it was also evident all this turned him on as well. But there were a couple of scenarios which seemed obvious, but we had both agreed they could not happen.
One of these scenarios would break one of our golden rules, namely that no-one involved must know where we live. We had spent the last ten years making sure of our privacy. The other, which was linked to the first one, was that I would not be standing naked at our window with the front door on the latch. I could stand there naked all day and all night; no-one would see me. We live at the end of a cul-de-sac and none of our windows are visible from the road anyway.
So, whatever I was instructed to do, it wasn’t going to happen at home, so I was going to prepare to go out. And just that made me tingle.
It was about 1.30 pm when I got home and as I went upstairs to change, I realised I was excited. I had worn a black jacket and skirt to work and as I looked in the mirror, I thought I looked pretty damn sexy anyway. But I could spice it up a bit more. I quickly removed my blouse and bra and then slipped my skirt off and removed my tights and panties and put on my favourite black stockings and suspenders. I put the jacket back on and then my skirt.
It was when I logged into Lush I began to worry. There was the message.
“Emma, message me when you’re dressed and ready to play.” I think I was shaking when I replied.
“I’m home. Think I’m ready. But that depends, ready for what?” I stood still and waited for her reply.
“Ok. Tell me what you are wearing,” and I did.
“I want you to go for a walk. And you are to get a couple of young lads to follow you home.” Well, that is not going to happen. It took a few messages to convince her but I suddenly found myself thinking of something which she would agree to! There was a scenario which Eddie and I had thought of. It wasn’t that it would be easy, far from it, it had just been something we had thought I could be asked to do. I took a deep breath.
“I was thinking of a trip to a local pub where I am not known.”
It was Cheltenham race week here in the UK. For those of you not in the UK, it is a massive horse racing festival, and the racing is shown in many pubs throughout the country. And the pubs would be full of men.
“Will you be online there?” I knew I would be, but I needed a bit more protection.
“Probably. It’s cold so can I wear my lovely coat.”
“Yes, but it comes off once you’re sat in the pub.” Oh, dear. My jacket had a single button, and I knew the sides of my breasts would be clearly visible. And as for my stockings and suspenders, the shirt was short. I felt sick. I had a moment of panic.
“Could I keep my coat on if I don’t wear my jacket and skirt?” And as soon as I hit send, I regretted it.
“OK but once you are sat down you open it a little.” She said a little. I thought I can get away with that. It’s a lovely big coat, which is buttoned from top to bottom, with the helm well below my knees.
“OK, I’ll try. I need to lock up, I’ll message you when I’m leaving home. Fuck, can’t believe I’m doing this.”
“OK, I will wait here. Tell me when you are leaving.”
I locked up quickly and then stood in the hall looking at the mirror. I took a deep breath and took off my jacket and skirt, as I had been told, and put my coat on, making sure every button was done up. And I quickly messaged Eddie.
“Kings Arms, like we said. I’m leaving now.” And I waited. And within seconds he replied.
“OK. Remember you are in charge. If you want out, you leave. And I can get to you in less than a minute. Love you x.” We have a safety letter. Yes, just one letter. And if he said a minute, he meant sixty seconds, not sixty-one.
“I love you too X.”
“I’m leaving now. It’s a good ten-minute walk. I’ll message you when I get there. I’m as nervous as hell.” That was probably the greatest understatement ever.
As I walked, I was thinking. This had to be the most stupid thing I’ve ever done. But I also realised how exciting this was. Just being nude under my coat gave me the most incredible thrill. My nipples were hard, and the texture of my coat combined with the movement of my breasts was wonderful. And the nearer I got to the pub, the more the butterflies flew. But as I turned the corner, my heart missed a beat and my stomach turned. And I stopped dead.
There, outside the pub, were probably twenty men. They were all smoking with beers in hand, and they blocked the pavement so you could not even see the door. At first, I thought ok, go home Emma. You tried but this isn’t happening. And do I do that? No, and I cannot explain why.
“I’m here. It’s heaving.”
I didn’t wait for a reply. Instead, I took a deep breath, and I pushed my way through and went in. It was packed. But I managed to get within a few yards of the bar and waited. Even in my heels I am at best 5’ 2” and here I was in the middle of a bar, surrounded by men, every one of which was a good deal taller and bigger than me. I checked my phone.

“How r you feeling?”
“I feel sick!” But there was another issue. I was boiling alive. It was sweltering in there. And now the decision to wear my coat appeared to be as poor as could be.
“Have you got a drink?”
“Queuing now.”
“Let the top of your coat open. A little.” Bloody right I thought but I had already done that.
“I have as it’s hot in here.”
“Who is in front of you?”
“Two guys, workman type.”
“Have they seen you?” Have they seen me? Even though I could hardly see the ceiling I was already conscious that everyone nearby was looking at me. For a start, I was probably one of very few women in there, and I was sure, given everyone could look down at me, they could see down my coat. God, it was hot in there!
“Yes. Everyone has seen me!” The next few messages went unanswered. Who is there, how old are they, show them this, show them that. In fact, I was having a serious sense of humour failure, so I quickly messaged.
“Give me a minute to get a drink.”
I was still queuing when the man in front of me turned and shouted at his mates. And he saw me.
“Sorry love, you’re going to struggle to get a drink, what you want?”
“Can I have a pint of lager, please?” I don’t drink lager, but I needed a drink, and I guessed it would be easier than asking for a Prosecco and it would last longer. I quickly searched in my purse for some cash but as I looked up, he handed me the glass.
“My pleasure love,” and off he headed, and I gladly followed the path he made until I found myself edged up against a table. I took a large gulp and pushed my glass onto the crowded table and looked at my phone.
“OK, have you been served?”
“I have now. Nowhere to sit. Squashed near a table.”
“Are the two workmen near you?” At first, I thought what workman? Then I remembered and, to be honest, I had no idea.
“Not them but there are men everywhere. It’s packed! Not a good idea this.”
“You are there now it’s time for fun look around for the guy you would not go near if you had your way.” What? If I had my way, I’d be at home drinking a nice glass of Prosecco and, without sounding a snob, there was not a single man in there which I would, given the choice, go anywhere near. But here I was. And I thought, it’s time to go. I checked my phone.
“Emma, answer me.”
“Most of them in here!” I replied.
“OK let coat open so the guy near you can see your breast a little more than norm.”
My sense of humour had not returned. “I’m bloody boiling!”
God was I hot. I had opened another button and to be honest I would have happily taken the bloody thing off. But I needed to take stock. This was my idea! And now I was here. I looked around. To be honest I couldn’t see much, just people, just men. And I was naked under my coat, and I could not deny it, it was incredibly horny.
“Here luv, have a seat.” I turned around and there were two lads, probably in their early twenties, who gestured to a space on a bench, between them. A couple of men on either side also moved so there was enough space for me sit down.
“Oh, thank you. I was supposed to meet my friend here, but I think I might have the wrong pub.” I sat down and immediately felt happier. They were all chatting about the horse racing. The first race was about to start so no-one seemed to have taken much notice of me and to be honest I was happy about that. It was probably five minutes since I had checked my phone. There were three messages.
“Open your coat”
“Emma open your coat, let it hang open.”
“EMMA talk to me.”
Give me a break! I might have been slightly happier now I was sitting but I was surrounded by men of all ages, shapes and sizes, with just my coat on. And it was sweltering hot. But the thought of simply unbuttoning my coat, the only thing protecting me, was just ridiculous. I looked about me. The two men on either side of me were young and not unpleasant and, guessing by their clothes, were builders. Those nearby and in front of me were older but again their clothes suggested they were tradesmen.
I checked my phone again and there was a new message.
“Emma you wanted this or you would not of gone to pub.” She was right. Ok, I needed to reply.
“Lost connection! I’m here,” I lied. “Sat between several men. Pretending to watch racing,” which was the truth.
“Let your coat open so the guy next to you can see the side of your breast.” Oh, fucking hell. I looked around. All eyes were glued to the television. The horses were under orders, a bit like me! I took a deep breath.
“Ok, I feel sick.”
And they’re off. The roar from the television was matched by the crowded pub. All eyes were focused on the screen. I was shaking as I undid another button and I immediately I felt the cool air. And as I undid the next one, I could not resist fanning my lapels. The cool air on my naked breasts was wonderful and I felt my pussy tingle in anticipation.
I carefully adjusted my coat. The sides of my breasts were clearly visible. And I looked up and realised both young lads were looking at me.
Their eyes flicked back to the television and then back to my breasts. I straightened up and allowed my coat to fall forward so my nipples would be seen by anyone sitting next to me and this time, their eyes remained focused on me. And I felt so horny.
I looked straight at the lad on my right and smiled. I then turned to the other lad. He was staring directly at my breasts but when he looked at me, he immediately looked away. But as I looked up, I realised the two guys sitting in front had turned to look at me. I checked my phone.
“Let me know when he notices”
“Oh, he’s noticed as has his mates. Bloody hell.”
“OK let the top of your stockings show.”
All four were now looking just at me.
“Need to put phone down.”
“OK but not for long.”
I slipped my phone into my pocket. My hands were shaking, and I did my best to avoid their eyes, pretending instead to be watching the race. The leaders were turning to begin the sprint up the Cheltenham hill and the roar from the crowd matched the shouting in the pub. I reached down and undid one, two buttons and allowed the coat to fall open to show my crossed legs, my stocking tops clearly on view.
I quickly got my phone.
“OK, done.”
The race had finished and whilst some were cheering, obviously having won their bet, and everyone else was discussing, loudly, what had happened and why their dead-cert didn’t win. But when I say everyone, I mean everyone except the two lads sitting on either side of me and the two sat in front of me. Their eyes were firmly fixed on me.
The conversation between the four of us was limited. The two men in front of me had turned their seats so were now sitting facing me. I cannot recall what they said or my replies, but soon one of them had his hand on the top of my thigh. And the young lads on either side of me had moved closer and had turned themselves so they looked directly at my breasts. I checked my phone.
“Emma, what is happening?”
“I’m being chatted up here.”
“About how old are they?”
“Late twenties.”
The man with his hand on my thigh had started to move his hand higher so I could now feel his hands on my skin above my stockings, so I very calmly and very deliberately sat myself up and uncrossed my legs, allowing them to part. He immediately moved his hand up my leg and onto my pussy. And now his mate joined him. They both scrambled to finger me, and I felt one, then two fingers slide into me. And I realised I was soaking wet.
I caught my breath as their fingers dipped deeper into me and I then took the hand of the young lad sitting to my right and put it on my left breast, and then the other lad grabbed my right breast. I just sat there, my breathing quickening as I was fondled by these four men.
I checked my phone.
“Tell them the chat is making you wet. Have they asked if you are nearly naked under coat?”
I didn’t reply, not because I didn’t want to, but it was now impossible to do so. The hands under my coat were now mauling me, squeezing my breasts and pulling on my nipples, and ramming fingers into my pussy. I shifted myself so I could use my phone.
“OK seems you’re doing your own thing not what I am telling you, so I am going back into chat, need someone who obeys me.” I must admit to being a bit annoyed.
“I lost connection!” I lied, again.
“Keep an eye on it.”
“Have they asked about coat?”
“Yes, they know I’m naked under it. What do you want me to do?”
“Let them see your breast take the hand of guy closest to you and place it high on bare thigh.”
“OK.” I thought I should tell her this had already happened but decided to leave it. A few minutes had now passed, and the mauling had now attracted some onlookers.
“Emma. What is happening?” I decided I needed to move this forward, quickly.
“He’s feeling my pussy!”
“Has he fingered you?” Too fucking right he had, and his mate. In fact, one of them was now pumping his fingers into me and the other had pushed his hand under my bottom and was squeezing my checks. And I was getting the first spasms in my pussy.
“Yes. The other has his hand under my bottom.”
“Tell them you want to be their slut.” I couldn’t help but laugh to myself. As if they needed telling!
“I think they know that but I will. They want to know who I’m messaging!” One of the young lads sitting next to me had been watching me.
“Tell them, your Mistress.”
“I will.” And I did. His face was a picture, so I put my mouth to his ear and briefly explained to him that I was under her control. And as I pulled my head away, he kissed me. And whilst every instinct said no, I kissed him back and I felt a sudden urge in me. I needed to get on with this now. I smiled at him as I broke the kiss.
“Just a second,” I said. I grabbed my phone.
“What is happening?”
“More men are around me.”
“Are they all watching?”
“Yes !!!”
I looked around me. I decided I could not stay where I was. I had to do this now.
“My coat is open, can I fuck someone?”
As I waited for her reply, I looked at each of the men around me. There were the two younger men on either side of me who were still squeezing my breasts and the two men on either side of me, facing me. One, perhaps both, were fingering my pussy and there was a hand, under my bottom. And there was a fifth man standing directly in front of me, but I could see others looking over their shoulders. Quite an audience.
“How many watching?”
“Tell all five you need fucking.” Oh god no, not all five. I waited a minute.
“Tell them!”
“Emma. Tell them!”
I quickly stood and adjusted my coat. Then, very casually, I glanced to my left and right and motioned for the two young men to follow me and I stepped between the two sat in front and past the man standing in front of me. The door to the small beer garden was only a few feet away and I opened the door and walked out. As I walked I messaged.
“I’m going outside. A few are following me. Fucking hell.”
“How many are following?” I didn’t want to look back.
“Don’t know.”
“Look back and see, who is walking out with you?”
As I stepped out into the garden, my immediate reaction was relief. I was out of the pub and the cool air was so welcome. But now my nerves escalated, so much that I felt almost dizzy. I turned around.
“There’s three, but a couple more near the door.”
“How you feeling?”
“Horny and scared.” And I was. The two young lads were standing closest to me but I could see two other guys behind them and another by the door. And then I saw the door open, so I quickly looked at my phone.
“Ask the three who is going to cum in your arse?” She must be kidding! If she thought I was now going to enter into a conversation of who is going to do what, well, that was not going to happen.
Two of the men were now by my side. One began to unbutton my coat, and the other grabbed at my breasts. Come on Emma, I thought, you need to take some element of control. So, I pushed them away, not aggressively, but firmly and they stood back. And there was silence. The men were all standing and staring at me, so I took a better look around me.
It was a small scruffy walled garden, with a couple of old tables, but little else. I looked back towards the guys. They were all still standing, looking directly at me, so I stepped forward and took the hand of one of the young lads and led him to one of the tables.
How I remained on my feet I do not know. I was shaking, even trembling but there was one overriding emotion flooding through me. Utter lust. So, very deliberately and calmly, I undid the last two buttons of my coat and slipped it off and turned and placed it on the table. Ok, I thought, it’s time to put the phone away. One last look.
“How many with you? Take your coat off.”
“It’s off. Going to put the phone down for a while.” I felt hands on my hips and ass and then others on my breasts.
“How many guys with you?” I was still standing, facing the table so I quickly glanced around me.
“Three with cocks out two more watching.” To be honest, I wasn’t sure.
“Any cock worth remembering?” To be honest, I didn’t look.
“Please. Give me final instructions.”
“They are all to cum in you, no condoms.”
“One is to cum in your arse.”
“Must go.”
“I want full report once you’re home.”