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Author's Notes

"This story has proved difficult to write. We had been living this new life for just five months and whilst we had learnt much about each other, it was obvious we still had much to learn. <p> [ADVERT] </p>And there were difficult decisions to be made, decisions which would shape our life together."


“Who’s that now!” I said as the house phone rang. A stupid question really, but Eddie and I had just settled down on the sofa. The fire was glowing, and we had turned on the television, not because there was something we wanted to watch, but rather because this was the first time we had been alone in a week.

Christmas had been hectic. Both sets of parents had visited and together with the kids and their partners and what had seemed to be a continuous stream of friends, we hadn’t had any quiet time to ourselves. And tomorrow was New Year’s Eve and we would be partying again.

“Hello,” I said, rather too impatiently.

“Oh, hello, is that Emma?”

“Yes, who’s speaking?”

“Hi Emma, this is Claire.” I know at least four Claires and I was about to ask which one, as I did not recognise her voice when she continued. “Sorry, we met at the burlesque show. You probably don’t remember; I was with my husband Alex.” Oh yes, I did remember. I remembered very well.

“Oh, hi Claire, of course, I remember, how lovely to hear from you.”

It had been a couple of weeks ago, perhaps less. Eddie and I had been in London, and we had visited a small club which had a burlesque show. It had been a wonderful evening, and Claire and Alex had shared a table with us and we had exchanged numbers. Of course, what neither Claire nor Alex had known was that it was the evening after I had taken a young man back to my room and let him fuck me. The image of him talking to Eddie in the bar just minutes before I would be sucking his cock flashed in my head. It had been one of the most thrilling moments of my life, so far.

“Who was that?” asked Eddie, as I sat down next to him, and cuddled in.

“That was Claire - do you remember her and her husband Alex, from the burlesque club?” I knew he would and Claire would have registered with him. She was a very pretty blonde girl. I say 'girl', but I would have guessed she would have been in her mid-thirties.

Yes, he remembered her. Anyway, I explained she had invited us to join them in London to see a show. He didn’t seem exactly excited, but he never does when it comes to things like this. Had it been a rugby match, he would have booked a hotel and arranged dinner within five minutes.

But as we caught the train up to London, Eddie was happy enough. The first few weeks of January are never the best and this was a welcome highlight. We had booked a room at the same hotel as Claire and Alex had, and Claire had arranged a pre-show dinner. Nothing flash, but it sounded perfect, and I was thoroughly looking forward to our evening.

We had only met Claire and Alex briefly, but I had immediately taken to her. And I enjoy meeting new people and even the few phone calls we had together she seemed interesting and friendly. And I needn’t worry about Eddie. It’s one of his many strengths. He meets so many people in his day-to-day work.

Eddie had a business meeting mid-afternoon and I had booked into our hotel and was with Claire and Alex in the hotel bar when he arrived. He quickly changed, and we went off to a nearby bar for a few drinks before dinner.

Alex was older than I had remembered, nearly twenty years older than Claire. She had been married before, but it seemed her first husband wasn’t the most pleasant of individuals. They had a boy, but they divorced six years ago and she met Alex a year later and were married within six months. Alex had also been married before and had two children, which lived with his ex. They admitted to being very happy and they certainly looked so. Of course, we told them all about ourselves, but we omitted the part about how I liked to pick up random men and fuck them, whilst my husband waited for me.

They were fun and the men got on well and likewise, Claire and I chatted away like old school friends. And she was as pretty as I had remembered. She was taller than me, perhaps 5’7” but slim like me. Alex was a good-looking guy shorter than Eddie; I’d guess 5’8”, and he carried a bit of weight, but not much. 

We had a quick dinner before getting to the theatre and we settled down for the performance which was superb. Even Eddie enjoyed it and when we left we found a little bar and had more drinks. It had a small dance floor and we all got up and danced, other than Alex who happily sat and watched us.

It was during a break for some more fizz Claire admitted to me she had danced when at university but not actually at the university. She had danced at a lap-dancing club. She had done it for the money to pay for her course and rent and she had no debt when leaving university. And when she had split from her first husband she had returned to lap dancing and it was there she met Alex. I was intrigued and she promised to tell me more sometime.

I am not sure what time we left but I must admit I was rather worse for wear. Claire and I walked back together arm in arm back to the hotel. A quick glance into the bar but it was closed so I was thinking about hitting the sack when Claire suggested we all go to their room as they had a bottle or two we could have. And off we went.

It wasn’t until we got in the lift did it occur to me this was not going to be just a drink. And looking back I don’t know how I missed the obvious, other than I had had a good number of Proseccos. But suddenly it hit me. Claire wants to fuck Eddie. Of course, she did. I wanted to fuck him. She had danced with him, and me, in the bar non-stop and had held his buttocks as she was grinding her hips against him. And she had kept smiling at him and always made sure she was standing next to him. And she had put her arms around his neck and kissed him. I was suddenly worried.


Emma was enjoying herself. Her and Claire had certainly hit it off. Alex seemed a good guy as well. He was obviously quite wealthy. He had told me want he did for a living, and I knew what his profession would earn. But there was nothing stuck up about him. I liked him.

Claire was a real live wire, and it was not surprising her and Emma got on well. And she was fucking gorgeous. She had short blonde hair which appeared natural, and beautiful blue eyes and a wonderful lean body. Her dress was skin-tight and I just couldn’t stop myself from feeling her lovely ass as we danced. I couldn’t feel her panties, so they were either very brief or non-existent. But I was worried.

It was quite simple. Emma does not like me with other women. But there was Claire quite obviously flirting with me and Emma seem oblivious to what was going on and that was not like her. Alex, on the other hand, knew exactly what was going on and had smiled his approval to me on more than one occasion. So he likes to watch.

We walked back to the hotel and Emma and Claire walked arm in arm, and Alex and I guided them safely past moving objects, like telephone boxes, lamp posts, and the like. And when we got to the hotel my only thought was to get Emma to bed. She was pissed but I’d seen her many times a good deal worse than this and still she had the capability to carry on for hours and then make love with total abandonment. No, that wasn’t the issue. My concern, and it was a real concern, was she would suddenly realise Claire wanted to fuck me and she would not be happy.

The bar was closing, and Claire suggested we all go to their room as they had drinks there. Emma thought that was a great idea and off we went. But as we were waiting for the lift, Emma suddenly gripped my hand and I turned to look at her. Yes, it had dawned on her what might be happening.

She looked worried.

“You ok, darling?” I asked her quietly.

“I don’t know, I think so,” and she looked straight into my eyes.

The lift arrived and we stepped in. She now gripped my arm tightly with both her hands and pressed close to me. I looked into her eyes, and she just stared back so I leant over as if to kiss her but put my face to hers, cheek to cheek.

“We can slip off to our room if you’d prefer,” I whispered. Again, she looked at me with her big, beautiful brown eyes and then reached up to whisper back.

“No, come on, let’s have some fun,” and she kissed me. “You know I love you, don’t you?” she said.

“And I love you too,” and I kissed her back.



When got to their room my nerves were running high. Eddie has given me the option to go back to our room and now I was wishing I had agreed. But I hadn’t and we were now here. Alex immediately busied himself getting drinks and Claire popped into the bathroom. The room was larger than ours, with a small lounge area with two large chairs so was not crowded. Eddie sat in one and I perched on his lap and Alex in the other. He seemed very much at ease and there was a part of me that wondered if anything at all would but as soon as Claire came back, I realised I was mistaken. She was still wearing her lovely skin-tight dress but she had done her hair and touched up her makeup, and she had beamed a smile at Eddie and I that no one could mistake.

I said I needed the bathroom and shut the door. I felt sick. Oh bloody hell, I should have gone back to our room with Eddie but it’s too late. I couldn’t do that now, that would not be fair to Eddie or Claire. I knew Eddie would not object, and I knew Claire wouldn’t kick up a fuss. But there was an excitement in me as well. Eddie would be there to see me. I had been dreaming of this for weeks. And, of course, I had never seen Eddie with another woman, but that thought made me feel nauseous.

I looked in the mirror and there she was. No, she wasn’t naked with red blotches across her breasts and no, there was no cum dripping from her chin or in her dishevelled hair. But it was her, I recognised her from that night some three months ago, Eddie’s little slut. So come on Emma, let’s show Eddie what his naughty little slut can do.

I was pleased that Eddie was sitting alone in a large chair. Claire was sat across Alex’s lap, with one arm around his shoulders, her legs facing towards Eddie and not more than ten feet away. They all smiled when they saw me. I had also brushed my hair, freshened up my make-up, and a tiny dash of my favourite perfume. I wanted to make sure I looked and smelt perfect for Eddie. I picked up my fizz and sat on Eddie’s lap, a mirror image of the couple opposite.

I turned and kissed Eddie and he immediately responded, and I think I could hear his heart thumping in his chest. I put my glass onto the small table next to us and then took his and placed them together. As I turned back towards him, I glanced over at Claire and Alex. They were both looking straight at us, smiling. I returned my attention to my gorgeous husband and kissed him more passionately, at first cupping his face in my hands and then moving my hands across his strong shoulders and kissing his neck.

“I need you to fuck me first,” I whispered, “then you can fuck her and watch me fuck him.” I looked at him, nose to nose. His eyes were sparkling, and I got my answer as he kissed me deeply, as I felt his hand on my thigh. It was so horny. I continued to kiss him, sucking his lips and tongue, and I felt his hand push my dress higher, so he was stroking my stocking tops and onto my ass. I felt the cooler air on me and then I felt his other hand on my back, this time lifting my dress higher still.

I broke our kiss briefly and I turned to face him and straddled him, my knees either side of his hips. I could feel his erection against my pussy, and I slowly started to grind my hips as he put his hands on my ass. I was completely lost in this moment and as he raised my dress higher, I stretched up so he could remove my dress and my long black hair tumbled down over my face. But it was then I felt another set of hands on my body. This was only the second time I had had more than one set of hands me, but unlike the last time, these were unmistakably female.

Her touch was soft and light, almost silklike. She slowly stroked my shoulders and neck and then my sides and I felt my bra being undone. She then slipped her hands under the fabric and reached around me and cupped my breasts as my bra slipped off. It was so lovely, so erotic and so horny but when I felt the warmth of her breath and then her lips on my neck, my pussy twitched.

For some reason, I had not anticipated this. And I had not anticipated how utterly erotic this would be. She gently squeezed my breasts and pinched my nipples and I pressed back against her lovely warm skin. She had obviously removed her dress and, as I couldn’t feel any bra, her naked breasts must be against my back. It was wonderful.

I looked at Eddie and he smiled.

“You look wonderful,” he said, and I smiled back and then kissed both of Claire's arms.

I felt her arms loosen and then move down my sides to my hips and she gently lifted me. I straighten my legs and got off Eddie. I leaned forward and quickly unbuckled his belt and unzipped his trousers and together, with his underwear, I pulled them off. His cock was rock-hard and when I straightened up, I felt Claire's hands on my panties and she slid them off. I stepped out of them, and Eddie quickly remove his shoes and socks and I remounted his hips.

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Claire now appeared by my side. She was indeed naked, other than her hold-up stockings. She had a superb body. She was slim but strong, the body of a dancer, with small breasts, but with wonderful nipples which were erect. She continued to stroke my shoulders and neck and I placed my arm around her waist and pulled her closer.

Eddie’s cock was now pressed against my pelvis but just as I was about to reach down to hold him, Claire’s hand moved down my stomach and onto his erection. And then she knelt and took him into her mouth. Her head was against my body, and I gently stroked the side of her face and felt Eddie’s cock slipping between her lips. My pussy spasmed.

But it was less than a minute when she pulled off and kissed me. It was so sensual, so utterly horny.

I raised myself up from Eddie’s hips and Claire placed Eddie’s cock between my pussy lips. And I pressed down, and he slipped into pussy. I have always loved that first penetration and this time it was simply incredible. Immediately I felt my orgasm rise but instead of gradually receding to a point that I could start riding, it didn’t. I shuddered and jerked and tried to regain some control but no. I gripped Claire’s waist and groaned as Eddie began to thrust into me but when Claire’s hand went down onto my pussy and clitoris it was close to unbearable. I seemed to be having one long orgasm, but it came in waves. And then I felt her other hand move between the cheeks of my ass. She had unrestricted access to my bottom, and I felt her fingers slide either side of pussy, as Eddie’s cock slid in and out, and then a finger started to explore my anus. It was heaven.

My full orgasm hit me like a tidal wave. I do often moan and groan during sex, but this was on a different scale. And as I climaxed, Claire continued to rub and squeeze my clitoris and I felt her finger slip into my bum.

It was several minutes before I could raise my head. My hair was stuck to my face where I had pressed into Claire’s breasts, and I swept it back and looked down to face my husband.

“I might be mistaken, but I think you enjoyed that,” he said, and he beamed a massive smile, and I giggled.

“Wow, you are beautiful,” added Claire, and she kissed me tenderly.

I slowly slipped off Eddie. My legs were weak, and Claire led me to the bed and I sat down on the edge. She then returned to Eddie and took his hand and beaconed him to follow her. He got up and she led him to the bed, and she laid down next me, her bottom on the edge. And she pulled him towards her.

I knew this was bound to happen, but I had not anticipated how much this would it hurt. I felt a huge surge of jealousy rush through my body. I wanted to stop this now. But I couldn’t. Come on Emma, you know he loves you and I watched as Eddie knelt by the bed and gently spread Claire’s legs and began to lick Claire’s pussy. I looked at Claire. She was looking down her beautiful body at Eddie and she groaned, and her eyes closed as her head flopped backwards on the bed. And now Eddie started to lick her clitoris very softly.

He was making very deliberate movements around her clitoris and pressing gently on her pelvis to expose her bud. I have experienced this many times and I can assure you Eddie is very good at this. But I had never seen it. I felt numb.

He says he uses his alphabet method. Using his tongue he writes the alphabet on my clitoris, so a small ‘a’ then ‘b’ and so on. When he gets to ‘z’ he licks deep into my pussy, and uses a finger or two to fuck me, rubbing the walls of my pussy. He then starts again, with a capital ‘A’ and repeats. And he can do this for as long as I want him to. It is bliss.

And Claire was getting the full treatment and she, quite clearly, was loving it. I stoked his head and he glanced at me and smiled. It was quite a view but then he reached up and pulled me gently towards him and then I was kneeling next to him, with Claire’s beautiful pussy in front of me.

Claire had raised her legs and Eddie reached up and held one, and I held the other. He looked at me and I nervously smiled. He then licked her pussy from top to bottom and turned to me and kissed me. Oh my God. Of course, I had tasted my pussy before, but this was another first. And it was lovely, and my pussy twitched. Go on Emma, it's alphabet time and I took my first lick of a pussy.

We took it in turns and it was so horny, but there was part of me which needed to prolong this until, hopefully, Claire climaxed. Perhaps she wouldn’t want Eddie to fuck her, but I know I was grasping at straws. And when Claire pushed herself up and grabbed Eddie’s arm, I knew this was it.

He stood and his cock was there in front of me, and in front of Claire’s pussy. And he looked down to me. Oh, he wants my permission, I thought. So, I took a deep breath and took his beautiful cock and pushed it against her pussy lips. I was perhaps a foot away when, for the first time, I saw my husband’s cock slip into another women’s pussy. And I will never forget that moment, ever. I was pleased I had been drinking. I was even more pleased I was so turned on by what had happened. But it was gut-wrenchingly painful. I wanted to cry.

I pulled myself up onto my feet and looked at Claire and my hubby. She had her legs wrapped round his waist and he was thrusting deep into her pussy. And the look on her face showed how much she was enjoying him. Another deep breath and I laid down next to her, and my hand squeezed her breasts and pulled gently at her nipples. And she turned her head and looked straight at me. And she shuddered and arched her back as she climaxed. And despite the pain, It was thrilling to see.

It was perhaps a minute later Eddie began to come. I laid next to her, head-to-head and looked up at him as he jerked and shuddered, thrusting all the while. It was a beautiful sight. And he slumped down between us and I held his head in my arms, kissing him and stroking his back and shoulders.



Claire lay with us for a while, as she regained her breath and she then got up. Emma and I were still in each other’s arms but we both watched her as she walked over to where Alex was sitting. I have completely forgotten about him!

He was sitting in the same chair.  He still had his shirt on, but his trousers and underwear were around his ankles, and he was wanking his cock. Claire stood in front of him, her back to us, with her hands on her hips. She moved towards him and put her hands on the arms of the chair but instead of perhaps mounting him, or perhaps kissing him, she put a leg on either side of the seat and stood above him, her pussy above his face.

Emma and I quickly glanced at each other, our eyes agog. 

Yes, it was what we thought. She gradually began to sit down, and we saw my cum dribble out of her pussy and into his open mouth. He reached up and pulled her fully onto his mouth. What a sight! And she looked over her shoulder at us both and smiled.

We both just watched as Claire ground her pussy into her husband’s face and he walked his cock harder and harder until he came, his cum spurting over his shirt and belly.

It was gone 10 am when we woke, and Emma and I showered together and went down to have a quick breakfast. There was no sign-off Claire or Alex and Emma messaged them to check they were ok and Claire replied immediately to say they were fine, but wouldn’t make breakfast.

Emma was unusually quiet. We had slept in each other’s arms but we hadn’t made love, as we had when Emma had returned from her adventures. We caught the mid-day train and were home early afternoon. And still, Emma was quiet, but once we had unpacked, she pulled me onto our bed and we made love. It was beautiful but when we were lying in each other’s arms, recovering our breath, I heard her sobs and saw her tears streaming down her cheeks.



Watching Eddie with Claire had been the most distressing heart-wrenching moment in my life, even worse than when I had discovered his affair with that girl. But I had allowed this to happen, and I could not blame anyone other than myself. I’d lost control of the situation and even when I had realised, I hadn’t stopped it.

And now, in the cold light of day, and sober, it hurt so much. But how selfish could I be? In the last five months, I had fucked five different men, and not once had Eddie tried to stop me, and I knew it hurt him.

He kissed my tears and then my cheeks and I held him tight.

“I know I’m being selfish, and I know we talked about this many times, but I can’t go through that again,” I said. And as soon as I said it, I regretted it. I didn’t want this new life, this new Emma and Eddie, to stop.

“Let’s have a think, then we can decide what to do,” he replied, “and not right now, there’s no rush. I’m not going anywhere without you.” And he kissed me, and I wanted to cry again.

Early evening Eddie popped out to catch up with a couple of friends, his usual Friday evening mates and a couple of my girlfriends popped in to see me with a bottle of Prosecco and everything felt normal again. I told them about our trip to London, well, the bits I could tell them and when Eddie got back with their husbands with him, we ended the night having drunk too much again.

I woke up about 9 am and, as usual for a Saturday morning, Eddie had gone swimming, so I got a mug of tea ready for him and was waiting downstairs when he got back. We sat on the sofa and I began.

“Eddie. If I said I wanted to stop this new life, what would you say?”

“I’d say ok,” he replied, “but do you, really?” No, I didn’t.

“Eddie, I just can’t cope with that again,” and then admitted, “yes it turns me on but it chewed me up so much.”

“So, what are you suggesting?”

“I don’t know! If I did, I would say so.” But what a lie! I knew exactly what I wanted. And he knew it.

“I thought we said we’d be honest with each other?” he said.

“Oh, for fuck sake Eddie,” I shouted. “You know what I mean.”

“Yes, well that’s the fucking point, isn’t it?” He stood and picked up his cup of tea and went upstairs.

I felt stunned. What was he saying? He was making this difficult. Deliberately difficult.

He was in the shower, but he quickly turned it off and walked out and began to dry himself.

“Emma, just be honest,” he said. “You don’t want me to go near another woman, but you want to fuck anyone you want and that’s ok, is it?” No, that wasn’t right.

“Ok, let’s stop this now,” I said. He looked at me and raised his eyebrows as if doubting what I was saying, and I continued. “Don’t blame this on me.”

He turned and continued to dry himself and then walked over to the wardrobe.

“I’m sorry if you think I’m being a twat,” he said, “but all those feelings you had the other night, that is what I get every time. And you think that’s ok.” No, he was wrong.

“No, I don’t. We had agreed what we wanted. And that wasn’t what we agreed.”

I watched him dress. All I wanted to do was grab him, kiss him, pin him on the bed, and make love to him. But he finished dressing and walked past me.

“I’ll see you later,” and off he went.

I should have been furious, but I wasn’t. Some reality was needed.

It was nearly ten hours later when I heard the door. I was lying on the sofa watching gods know what, and I pretended not to notice him. I expected him to be drunk, but clearly, he wasn’t.

“I’m sorry. You’ve done nothing wrong,” he said. He took a deep breath and continued. “We agreed to be totally honest with each other and that’s exactly what you have been. You don’t want me to fuck other women.”

“Look Eddie,” I replied, “I know you didn’t go out with that in mind. But it happened and all I’m trying to say is that if the choice is we continue with this new life and you will fuck other women when the opportunity arises or, we stop this now, then it must be the latter. We stop now.”

“So, you want to stop now?” he said.

“No Eddie, no I don’t.” I knew exactly what I was trying to say and so did he. And I thought to myself, this is it. A decision is needed, and we need to make it now. He just sat there, looking out of the window, for what seemed an age and I was scared what he would say. Finally, I plucked up the courage.

“So, what now?” I said. He stood and took my hand, and we went to bed.

I cannot really describe that night. We made love with body and soul, and we slept in each other’s arms. And I knew we had made the decision.

I’m no author. I’m just ordinary Emma, trying to tell you how an ordinary couple, living an ordinary life, found themselves in this extraordinary world. And all the confusion and hurt and happiness that comes with it.

That was nearly ten years ago. As I write this, Eddie is lying by my side, dozing after the most incredible night of fun. And I look at him and I wonder in awe at our happiness together.

Written by EmmaEddie72
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