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Author's Notes

"Trying to prevent Emma from having an orgasm has proved difficult. But it is her dream and if she is a good girl, perhaps her dream will come true."


I’ve been having this reoccurring dream and waking up in the morning with the images clear in my head. It’s a very horny dream, and I have been jumping on Eddie as soon as he stirs. And then, during the day, when I am having quiet thoughtful moments, the dream returns and my imagination has been running wild, as have my fingers.

When I mentioned it to Eddie, he encouraged me to tell him more and more, and as we make love, I go into greater detail, whispering into his ear, my breath getting heavier and heavier until I orgasm.


I’m standing in front of the bedroom mirror. I am naked but I have my suspender belt in my hands and I clip the lovely lace around my hips. I smile at the image in the mirror, and I sit on the bed and put on my black silk stockings, slowly clipping them onto the belt. I stand and look again.

I slowly walk to the mirror for a closer look. My legs look lovely and I stroke the stocking tops and then, using both hands, outline my pussy and press either side so my pussy opens slightly and my clitoris is clearly visible. God, I am wet, and my clitoris is hard.

“Emma, no touching now. You know the rules.” Eddie is standing at the door, and he walks towards me. “I’ll help you dress. We have to go soon.”

“Eddie, please, I haven’t orgasmed for ages, please, I need a quick one, please fuck me.”

He says nothing. Instead, he kneels behind me and helps me slip on my high heels. And as he stands, he so very gently runs his hands up my stockings, and onto my skin and then slips his middle finger into my pussy and then onto my clitoris.

“Oh, Eddie, please.” I am panting, almost gasping. And as I move my hands towards my soaking pussy, he stops me.

“You know what we agreed. The deal was that you wouldn’t have an orgasm all week.” What a fucking stupid thing to agree to. I am not used to this. I love my orgasms. I usually have several a day.

And now my black sequined dress. Eddie slips it on me and zips it up. I look again in the mirror. Yes, I look lovely. But I know he hasn’t finished. They are on the dressing table.

He picks two and knees behind me. I see him in the mirror and, as the first ankle cuff is fastened, my heart races. And now the other one. He slowly stands, but as he does so, his hands gently stroke my legs and hips until he is standing behind me and he raises my arms.

The two wrist cuffs are the same, black leather with a large metal hoop and clasp. He checks they are not too tight and gently tugs them and then holds them both behind my back. I look at the reflection in the mirror. Oh my. My breasts are rising and he puts his lips to my neck and very gently kisses me.

Now the final piece. He releases my arms and places the collar around my neck and gently fastens it. The metal lead is clipped into place. I look again. Oh my, oh my.


Trying to prevent Emma from having an orgasm had proved a good deal more difficult than I had thought it would be. For a start, she is always naked at home. She started doing that months ago, although she used large woolen blankets when it was cold, and the fuel bill went through the roof. But now the warm weather was here, the only time she wore anything at home was when people called in. And even then, a couple of her friends had started joining her naked at coffee mornings.

And her nudity had certainly had an effect on her libido. Quite simply, Emma has been in a constant state of arousal. I’m not complaining but when she said in her dream she had not orgasmed for ages, I was surprised. So, we had agreed on one week. Yes, just one week and she was in a terrible state!

I had to confiscate her vibrator, and her dildo, and the strap-on we use with our girlfriend Sally. But I didn’t realise how many items she could use! You name it, I think she tried it, including I am certain, my electric toothbrush and I spent the week following her around, admittedly not the worse job in the world.

But without doubt, the most difficult task was not grabbing her and putting her out of her misery. Yes, I had had several excellent blowjobs, and one amazing, incredible, mind-blowing hand job, although I’m not sure we can go to that pub again. But we had made it to the Friday evening, and she was ready. Oh yes, she was definitely ready.


The taxi is waiting and as we walk down the steps, I am conscious my collar and lead are clearly visible, as it is too warm to wear a coat. Eddie opens the car door and I slip in, and as I fasten my seat belt, I see the taxi driver looking in his mirror. I smile and casually sweep my hair back so he gets a better view and he spots my cuffs as well.

“The Charlton please, it’s on Marlborough Avenue,” and we set off. We chat but it’s clear we are both nervous. Eddie is in his dinner suit, and he looks very handsome and when we arrive, he helps me out of the taxi and we walk arm-in-arm up the steps and into the reception.

“Good evening Sir, good evening Madam, they are expecting you in the Embassy Room. It’s up the stairs and turn right.”

“Thank you,” we both reply, and slowly and so casually, we walk up the stairs, but my heart is racing and my mouth is dry, and I feel my pussy tingle. The door to the Embassy Rom is ajar and I hear laughter and voices, men’s voices. And there, outside, is a very handsome man, dressed in a dinner suit.

“Hello, you must be Eddie, and this must be Emma.” He looks at me and smiles. “Welcome Emma, my name is Stephen. Everybody is waiting for you.” I turn to Eddie and he smiles and, as he steps towards me, I see the blindfold in his hand. I freeze as he gently ties it in place and I feel his warm breath against my cheek and then a gentle kiss.

“Emma, remember I will be there and you know the safe word,” he says, softly in my ear.

Oh god, I can hear my heart thumping inside my chest, and I feel physically sick. But my pussy is twitching, almost aching, my nipples are erect and there is that unmistakable, incredible feeling of utter lust.

“Stephen, you know the rules, and the safe word, but other than that, she’s yours for the next few hours.”

I feel the lead gently pull me and I walk towards where I know the door is and we enter. The voices are clear and I hear the door close behind me.


I thought trying to get this organised would be near impossible and my initial efforts seemed to reflect that. A few phone calls proved fruitless, and attempts on the internet proved even worse. And I had nearly given up on the idea, well Emma’s idea, when I got lucky. Phil and Angie had come down for the weekend and it was over a pint with Phil that I had mentioned Emma’s dream.

“Do you remember Andrew and Claire,” Phil had said, although he knew damn well I would remember them. We had met then at a fancy dress party. Well, I say fancy dress, but it was more of a huntsman ball and Emma had been the fox and had thoroughly enjoyed herself, in particular with Andrew.

“Anyway, you know Andrew and Claire are getting married and he is having a stag weekend and his best man is trying to arrange something special.”

“And Claire is OK with that?” I asked, to which Phil explained it was her idea, giving him a special treat, as she intended to have an equally special hen do. And after a number of phone calls with Andrew and his best man, Stephen, we had found ourselves here.

Of course, my initial concern had been about Emma. I asked all the necessary questions about their expectations but I found it was me that was telling them what she wanted, based on her dreams. To say they were excited was an understatement. But I had to ask the difficult question, one I know Emma would have wanted me to ask.

“Stephen, you haven’t met Emma, but I know Andrew has. Look, she is quite a bit older than Andrew, and she’d be devastated if she was not what you would hope she would be.” And as soon as I had said this, I regretted it.

“You are fucking kidding me, aren’t you!” he said. “Andrew has told me about Emma, the fox, and from what he says, she is going to be ravished.” Perfect, I thought. She loves the verb "ravish".


I am standing in the room and the voices are clear, but gradually, one by one, the conversations stop and the laughter subsides, and there is a hush across the room. My breathing quickens and I stand as tall as I can, in my heels, listening carefully, trying to catch any word said.

And then I feel someone behind me and a hand on my shoulder and then a tug on the zip of my dress. The sound of it opening is deafening, well, at least to me and as it slips off my shoulders, and over my hips and lands on the floor at my feet, I hear the voices again. And I smile.

“Gentlemen, this is Emma. The lucky five who have got a golden ticket, she is yours. And of course, the groom, who has free access whenever he chooses. The rest of us, well, you know the rules, so enjoy gentlemen.”

I feel the lead pull and I follow, doing my best not to shake, not to fall over, not to stumble and then I am stopped by a hand on my shoulder. A pair of hands lifts my arm and I feel my wrist being clipped onto something metal. And then the other, and I find myself with arms spread. And then I feel hands on my legs and firstly, my left leg and then my right leg is clipped into place and I realise I am in a star position and unable to move.

Oh my. The anticipation is incredible. I cannot move but I feel my pussy tingle and my nipples harden. And I wait. And wait.

Voices grow loud again, and there is laughter and cheering and I wait. Oh, my body is aching, not from the restraint, but it is yearning to be touched, to be squeezed, to be pinched and be probed, and to be licked and to be fucked. It is almost unbearable.

And then, at last, I feel a hand on my bottom. And then another on my breast. And I let out a soft groan and my body shudders.

“Wow, what a reaction,” and I hear his friend agree. And then a hand slips between my legs and I feel a finger probe my pussy and I groan again, this time louder and stronger and I thrust my hips towards the hand.

“Chaps, you need to see this,” someone says, and I hear people moving and voices coming closer. “Watch this.”

I wait and then I feel his hand, running up my inner thigh and then a finger against the lips of my pussy and then it slides in. Holy fuck, and I let out another deep groan and I thrust my hips again Then I feel another hand slip between my legs and more fingers slip in and my pussy spasms and I yell.

“Oh fucking hell, fucking hell, yes, please fuck me, please someone, anyone, FUCK ME!”

More hands are on me, squeezing my breasts, pulling my nipples and rubbing my thighs, stroking my bottom and probing my anus. But the fingers in my pussy are missing and I try to move my hips to find them. Oh god, I want to cry, I need to cum.

All the voices around me fill my head, and I try desperately to listen, but then suddenly, “Enough everyone,” and the voices stop and all the hands stop, and I am left waiting.

“OK Emma,” and a hand touches my arm and I hear the metal clasp click, and my arm is free. And then the other and I gradually lower my arms but before I can reach for my pussy my arms are moved behind my back and I hear the click as my wrists are fastened.

My heart beats harder as I hear something being moved in front of me and then a hand on my back and it presses me forward until I feel the leather on my breasts and I realise I am bent over a bench, or a table, my ankles still fastened, my legs spread.

Voices again, this time many voices, and cheering and there is real excitement in the air. And then hands are on my bottom and they are stroking my cheeks and I feel my pussy tingle and my lips open. And then a slap and I gasp. Then another and another, and I gasp again and again, but now they are stroking and I feel almost faint.

The cheers start again and then, at last, I feel something hard and hot, against my pussy. Oh please, yes, I think and then utter ecstasy, as I feel his cock press again my labia and then slide in. And almost immediately I start to cum.


I knew she would. I’ve seen it so often and, of course, I have had the utter pleasure of being the one many, so many times. But it never ceases to amaze me. To be honest, I thought she would have orgasmed earlier, as the fingers slipped into her but she hadn’t and now we were witnessing a truly deep and mind-blowing orgasm, as Emma let rip.

The chap with his cock in my wife’s pussy seemed almost shocked, but he began to thrust, holding her hips as she shook, and shuddered and squirmed and writhed as her orgasm went through her body until, finally, she was face down on the table, her hair muffling her groans and sobs.

As I looked around, everyone seemed equally amazed. “Wow,” and “Good god,” and “Have you ever seen anything like that?!” and the guy next to me added, “What wouldn’t I give to fuck her!” And I smiled.

And I knew what would happen next. As the guy continued to fuck her, Emma began to stir, lifting her head, and then, gradually began to push her bottom up, pressing back as best she could, against each thrust.

I was close enough to hear her soft moans but when the guy reached forward and pulled her arms back, she arched her back, and she let out a loud groan and I realised she was going to come again. And this time, the lucky guy fucking her, started to really pound her, her little breasts bouncing, as he pulled her wrists towards him.

It was quite a sight and everyone watched as the pounding got harder and harder and my wife’s groans and moans got louder and louder, until she started to orgasm again, letting loose a flurry of swear words just as he shot his load.

The next thirty or so minutes was, in comparison, a calm period. Emma’s blindfold was removed and I watched as she surveyed the room carefully and was briefly uncuffed so she could have a drink and generally freshen up. Then she was cuffed again, this time in front of her and then spent that time serving drinks and being fondled and finger fucked. And she loved it.

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I could not help but smile and when she arrived by my side, she beamed me a smile and bent over and kissed me full on.

“You need to cancel all your appointments next week,” she whispered as she moved on down the table.

“Do you know her?” said the guy next to me.

“Yes. I’m the guy who gets to fuck her every day.”

“You lucky bastard,” he replied.


I am serving drinks and getting hornier by the minute. Yes, I have had two incredible orgasms but that was ages ago and I am ready for more. My nipples are so hard they hurt and every time they are squeezed and tweaked, they get harder and my pussy gets wetter. And fingers are sliding into me and flicking my clit, which is pushing out from under its hood.

And there he is. He is sitting with a smile on his face and a golden ticket in his hands. And his friends are laughing and patting him on his back. I stand in front of him and he leans forward and takes hold of my lead. And when he stands, he towers over me, and then leads me over to the table, where another man is waiting and I see he has a golden ticket in his hand.

This feels so different as now I can see everyone. The table is surrounded by chairs and they fill quickly, all by smiling faces, with lustful grins and with hard groins. And as I turn to bend over the table, I am stopped and, instead, I am positioned so I am sat on the edge. And they both undress, there, right in from of me. Oh my, both are big men but when they pull down their trousers and then their pants, two huge cocks spring up. And people are cheering as I am eased backwards so my back is resting on the table, my head slightly hanging over the other side.

One of them lifts my legs up and over and the other man fastens my right ankle to my right wrist and then the left one. There is more cheering and I look at the faces, now upside down.

I raise my head slightly and look down my body and see one of them kneel, his hands push my thighs wider and he looks at me as begins to lick my pussy.

It is wonderful and I let out a long loud groan and my head falls backwards where a huge erect cock is waiting. I look up the shaft as he moves forward so his balls are on my face and I lick and then suck, trying to get them into my mouth.

The tongue on my pussy is working hard and I start to grind my hips trying to get to my orgasm. My mouth is full of testicles but suddenly he pulls back and I open my mouth as wide as I can as he inserts his cock, gradually but firmly down my throat. I think I’m going to choke, but he pulls back, before pushing again and more slides in.

Again and again, he trusts, his balls slapping me on the head and I briefly struggle for breath. But now the licking stops and I know what is coming. Here goes, I think, come on Emma, this is what you wanted and his cock enters me. Fuck he is huge and even though I have already been fucked and I am soaking, he pushes a few inches in and then withdraws, and pushes again and I think I am going to been torn in two. And few more thrusts, and he is fully in me and I am pinned to the table. Fuck me, fuck me.


Wow. As you know I’ve seen Emma fucked many times but not like this. And I couldn't help wondering how did these two guys get the golden tickets. Physically they were both big, powerful men, probably in their early thirties, both 6’ 5’’ if not taller. One of them I recognised from the party when we met Andrew and Claire but it was the other which I focused on.

He was black with his head shaven, and had a set of shoulders on him like a weightlifter. And when he undressed, as both of them did, I could not help thinking he would break Emma in half. And yes, their cocks were very impressive. I’ve seen Emma with bigger, but not two of this size at once. I looked around the room again. No, they were not typical of the group here.

We watched for perhaps ten minutes, possibly more, as no one was tracking time, and all faces were focused on the scene in front of us. The guy fucking her pussy towered above her, and was almost lifting her off the table, his hands gripping the cheeks of her bottom, and he did not hold back. And the guy fucking her mouth was thrusting hard and, yes, I became a little concerned, until I saw Emma throw her head to the side and she let out the loudest, strongest, groan, almost scream, as she orgasmed. I have never heard, or seen, anything like it. Wow.

I looked at all the faces and everyone was transfixed. And I caught Andrew’s eye and he wandered over smiling.

“She is something isn’t she,” he said and of course, I agreed.

Once Emma’s orgasm had receded, the guy fucking her started to pound her again, and she continued to shudder until suddenly he pulled out and walked quickly to her face. The other guy stepped to one side to allow his friend access to her mouth and almost immediately he groaned as he emptied his balls into her.

The other guy then took his turn in her pussy and Emma groaned and squealed as he fucked her for all he was worth. I have no idea how long he fucked her like this, leaning above her and drilling her into the table. And the noise coming from Emma was incredible. I've heard her come many times but this was different. She was almost sobbing, crying with pleasure, and certainly orgasmed again before he came in her. As he pulled out his cum dribbled out of pussy, running in a stream over her anus and onto the table. And then she just lay there, panting, with cum all over her face and leaking from her pussy.

“Come on, Eddie, I think she might need a hand,” and Andrew and I went over to the table where my wife was waiting.


Oh my, oh my. I feel faint. I am breathing heavily and when I try to lift my head it feels so heavy. And there is something in my eyes. I know what it is but I can’t move and I can feel more of it dribbling down between my bottom. And I hear voices all around me, and there are men, lots of them standing over me, and hands stroking my thighs and bottom and squeezing my breasts.

Someone unclips my wrist and my leg starts to drop but is caught by someone who lowers it gently, and then the other, but I can’t move.

“Come on Emma,” a man says and he gently lifts me up so I am now seated. A towel wipes my face and I take it and clean my eyes.

“Thank you,” I reply and a drink is handed to me and I take a sip, then another and then drain the glass. “Can I have another, please?” A full glass immediately appears and I take another sip. And I am helped to my feet and I am led to a large armchair, which faces the table.

Sitting in my comfy chair, with my glass of fizz, I look around me again. What a mixture of people. I recognise the two guys who have just fucked me. Both are tall and handsome, and, judging by their smiles and the people surrounding them, congratulating them, they are very pleased with themselves. And so they should be.

My whole body is aching, but not hurting. It’s the sort of ache I get after I have been well and truly fucked, a deep satisfying ache, and that wonderful glow inside you, which my lovely hubby says is clearly visible to anyone looking at me. And there are many people looking at me, and I think to myself, who’s next? Let me guess.

There are four gentlemen sitting at the table but they have all turned their chairs so they can see me, and are talking about me. One of them raises his glass to me and I return the gesture and the others join him and we smile and then sip our drinks. I recognise one of them and I twist my head to the side as I try to recall him. Oh yes, he had been wanking his cock when I was being face-fucked, so I had only seen him upside down. I don’t think they have a golden ticket.

Another group are standing a few feet away, and again they are looking at me. I smile and, after some prompting, one of them steps towards me. Well, he must be number four. Which leaves one other and then the groom. I feel my soaking wet pussy tingle.


The rest of the evening was beyond amazing. Andrew and his friend Chris were the last ones to fuck her, on the main table with everyone cheering, and when she shoved Andrew back into the large armchair and rode him so hard until they both orgasmed, the cheering brought the house down.

The sight of her slowly getting off him will remain with me forever. She was flush with colour, her skin positively glowing with perspiration and her hair damp. And as his limp cock flopped out of her onto his lap, cum oozed from her pussy, which was visibly red, swollen and hot.

We left about twenty minutes later and as we walked out to our waiting taxi, I looked at the clock in the reception. Three and a half hours we had been there. And incredibly Emma could still walk!

She quickly showered when we got home and, although Emma wanted me to make love to her, I knew she was exhausted and she was asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

What a night that had been. And do you know what part of that night kept spinning through my head? Harry.

I had been standing with a small group, chatting about what we had just witnessed, just a few feet away from where my lovely wife was sitting, having a glass of fizz. I kept glancing at her, trying not to stare, which made me perhaps the only one in the whole room who wasn’t. Apart from the chap opposite me.  He was older than most there, I guess in his late fifties, perhaps a little older, grey and balding, and slightly overweight. And he looked nervous.

“Gone on Harry, this is your chance,” one of the guys said. Harry just smiled and shook his head.

“Harry, you’ve got to mate,” another one of them added. “For fucks sake, she’s fucking gorgeous, you’d be mad not to mate.” Ah, I thought, a golden ticket holder. The others all added their encouragement but he did not look convinced and, to be honest, I could very well understand his reluctance after what we had just witnessed.

Finally, Harry said, “How can I? You saw those guys, and then I waddle up!” The others laughed, but it wasn’t nasty laughter, more laughing at Harry’s own humour.

“I’ll buy the ticket off you.” He was about twenty-five years old and he reached inside his jacket for his wallet.

“Just go and have a chat with her,” I said. “Go on, I know her, she is lovely, I assure you.”

Everyone looked at me and then at Harry and suddenly everyone was patting him on the back, encouraging him just to go and say hello. He took a deep breath and stepped forward.

“Hello. Emma, you are wonderful,” he said.

“Thank you, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did,” Emma replied and she giggled and gave him a big smile.

“Oh, it was incredible,” Harry said but he hesitated, and then eventually he added, “I don’t know what to say, to be honest.”

Oh, my lovely Emma. She gave him the biggest smile. “You have a golden ticket, don’t you?” We watched Harry nod.

“If you don’t want to, I understand. I’ve had a wonderful time just watching you, please don’t think you have to, and if,” but then Emma reached up and took his hand and he stopped.

“What’s your name?” she said.

“Harry, my name is Harry.”

“Well Harry, pull up that chair, and tell me all about yourself.” And he did.

They chatted for ten, perhaps fifteen minutes and despite the numerous guys who came over and talked to her, and even a few who stroked her shoulders or her thighs, she held his conversation. And then, she put her glass onto the small table beside her and she slipped onto his lap.

Even then he seemed unsure but when she kissed him, the only man I saw her kiss that evening, other than me that is, he responded and, as she continued to kiss him, she pressed herself into him and I saw her hand reach between his legs.

She fucked him sat on his lap, his knees wide apart, and Emma sat between them, her wonderful bottom towards him, and her legs tight together. She ground herself into him and then bounced up and down on his cock, which was definitely very hard. When he started to come, Emma leaned back against him, and grabbed his hands and pressed them onto her breasts, the back of her head over his shoulder and kissed his neck and groaned in his ear. And as he slowly recovered, she turned in his lap and kissed him again.

“Thank you, Harry, that was lovely,” and she slowly got off him and then leaned over and kissed him again. “That was really lovely.”


She was waiting for me when I came up from the kitchen with breakfast. And I cancelled my appointments for the Monday and the Tuesday, and then the rest of the week as she wouldn’t let me out of her sight.

On the Friday, a week after the stag night, I managed to sneak out for an early evening drink with a few mates. It’s quite tricky when they ask you how your week has been. And sometimes I long to tell them, you know something like “Oh, I’ve been reclaiming Emma all week, as she got fucked senseless at a friend’s stag night last Friday.” I wonder what they would say?

When I got home, some two hours later, an excited Emma was waiting.

As she led me upstairs, she said, ”Guess what?” Part of me didn’t want to know but she continued anyway. “I have been invited to Claire’s hen night!”

“When is it?” I replied, trying not to sound too worried.

“Two weeks today, in London, she hired a private club!” Her excitement was clearly obvious. And she continued, “Let’s book a hotel nearby so we can make a weekend of it.”

“We?” I replied.

“Oh, didn’t I say, you are invited as well!” And she jumped on me.

Oh fucking hell.

Written by EmmaEddie72
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