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Author's Notes

"Something so simple yet so incredibly horny. Go out shopping and get a random phone number of somebody, anybody. And why is that so horny? Because that someone must know that, in a few days time, you will call them and you expect them to fuck you."


I had done this once before and, I must admit, I had found it a good deal more difficult than I had expected. And, although I had thought it would be exciting, I had no idea how utterly horny it would be. In fact, it had been one of the horniest, dirtiest, sluttiest things I had ever done. And when I got home, I had the phone number I had been tasked to get, and a soaking wet pussy, and I had jumped on Eddie as soon as the front door had closed.

That had been a few months ago so when Eddie had suggested we do it again, I did not need much persuading and we hatched our plan that night, in bed, and ended up fucking like crazy.

Unlike last time, we agreed we would avoid the normal supermarkets. Whilst several people had stared, and even followed me, they were soon pulled away by their wives, and Eddie had become slightly concerned we might have needed to grab the defibrillator, given the age of some of the gentlemen concerned.

Instead, we decided we would head for the same place where I had had my success; a large DIY-type store, where there was a good mix of tradesmen and the more serious amateur DIY’er. And then, whether we were successful or not, we would go to our local Garden Centre, where I hoped my real target would be.

So, when Eddie got home late morning, I was ready and waiting, and after he had checked that I was appropriately dressed for the task ahead, off we set, in the car, to the nearby town and the shopping estate. I was wearing one of my off-the-shoulder thigh-length summer dresses, with a beautiful cardigan, as the weather had unexpectedly turned cooler. My sandals finished the look. And, of course, no underwear.

 I thought I would not be so nervous this time, but as we parked the car, the butterflies in my tummy were fluttering and my mouth felt dry. And as we walked towards the entrance, I had second thoughts.

“Emma, you know what you have to do,” said Eddie. “I’ll be nearby, just in case anything should go wrong. And there is plenty of cover out here.”

He was right. Eddie would follow at a distance and keep an eye out. And the car park was busy but with plenty of room. There would be enough cover.

At the entrance, I took a deep breath and, after kissing Eddie, I went in. Everything seemed absolutely normal. After a quick look around, off I strolled, trying to be as casual as I could be. Down the first aisle I found myself browsing light fittings, switches and lamps, then down the next and the next, past the plumbing and heating and the bathroom fittings, past the screws and nails, and the nuts and bolts, and then down the aisle with the ironmongery. Well, that was what Eddie told me the collective name for locks and bolts and hinges and all the other stuff is called.

It was as I turned up the next aisle, I saw him. He was looking at god-knows-what, but I saw him glance at me, and then stare, just a second or two before turning away abruptly, as if he had been caught in the act. Here goes then.

I walked towards him, stopped a few yards from him, and turned to look at the shelf in front of me, and as I did so, I caught his eye. And I smiled, a little cheeky smile, and then as I looked at whatever the thing was, I took a half step away and then bent over to look at something on the bottom shelf, and I felt my dress rise up the back of my thighs as I did so.

I felt the surge of excitement inside me and the exquisite tingle in my pussy. As I pretended to be looking at the object in front of me, I held the position for a few seconds and then straightened up and turned towards him. He was still there, and I saw his eyes flick back to the shelf as he pretended not to have noticed. But I knew he had.

I casually glanced around. There were a few people about, and a couple walked past so I turned and followed them, past my admirer, just a few paces and I then turned to look at something on the other side of the aisle. OK, I thought, let’s make this the one.

I stood for a minute or so, just pretending to be reading the fitting instructions of the mortice dead-lock in front of me, and then, placing it back on the shelf, I glanced over my shoulder. He was still there so this time I slowly crouched down onto my haunches and waited like that for a few seconds and then I stood, straightening my legs first, whilst remaining bent at the hips and, quite deliberately, holding my dress so it would ride up the back of my thighs to my bare bottom.

Oh my god. I felt the air on my cheeks and pussy, and after just a few seconds or so, I straightened up slowly and let my dress slide down to where it should be. I wondered if he had seen me as I slowly turned towards him.

Oh yes, he had seen me and I smiled, and very slowly walked away, turning at the end of the aisle, and as I did so, I briefly glanced back down the aisle to where he was stood. He was looking straight at me. And I smiled and took a step out of his line of sight and, pretended to be looking at something on the end of the aisle, I waited. And waited. No, he hadn’t followed me, so I walked up the next aisle and started to browse again.

“Hi, is there anything specific you are looking for?” I jumped slightly and turned to look at this stranger. He was in his late twenties, about six feet, with dark curly hair and was smiling. I very deliberately looked at the name badge and then past him to where there were two, perhaps three others looking towards us, from behind the trade counter.

“To be honest, I am in need of some help,” and as I said it, I felt my pussy tingle and my nipples harden. “It’s difficult to explain,” I continued, “but let me show you, it’s in the car. Is that ok?” Before he could answer, I walked off towards the exit, glancing back towards him and beaconing him to follow.

Out into the car park, my nerves began to rush, but he followed me outside. A quick glance across the car park and the van I had seen earlier was still there, so I headed towards that, at the rear of the car park, with him following closely. And as I walked, slightly ahead of him, I held my dress so he could see my bottom wiggle under the thin cotton.

“It’s just here,” I said, nodding towards the car parked in the corner, just beyond the large van. “I hope you can help.”

As we walked past the van I turned, as if the next car was mine, and took a couple of paces, as if I was going to open the boot, and stopped, and I turned to look at him.

“What I really need,” I said, doing my very best to stop my voice from betraying my nerves, “I don’t think you sell.”

He just looked at me and I took a deep breath and stepped towards him, so I was within touching distance.

“What I really need,” I said, looking straight into his eyes, “is someone to fuck me. At short notice. When I’m horny. Can you help me?”

His face was a picture, and he glanced around as if he thought this was a joke and perhaps someone was filming. A car went past behind him but it drove on away from us. But he said nothing.

“I’m serious,” I continued. I took another small step closer to him and took his hand, and, lifting the helm of my dress with my other, I slowly pressed his hand between my legs. “See, I am very serious.”

Bless him, I thought. He quickly glanced over his shoulder and then back at me, then again over his shoulder, as his fingers slipped into my soaking pussy. And fucking hell it was so horny. I still had hold of his wrist so I pushed his hand deeper and pressed my pussy against his fingers.

“So, you can help me then?” I asked and he just nodded. “Good, so Liam. It is Liam, isn’t it?” I continued, as I deliberately looked at his name badge again, “Are you listening to me?” Again, he just nodded. “So, Liam, if I phone here, and ask for you, will they put me through to you?”

“Yes, I work on the trade counter, so yes.” There was a nervous quiver in his voice but I was standing very close to him now and I looked up into his eyes again and smiled.

“OK then. I will phone you in a few days' time. You need to have somewhere clean and safe where I can meet you and then you need to fuck me. Is that clear?”

“I think so.” He still had his fingers in my pussy, but he looked worried. “This isn’t some weird fucking joke, is it?”

“Oh no, as I said, I am very serious,” and again I pressed his hand into my pussy, and deliberately let out a soft groan of pleasure, as his fingers explored my labia.

“Nice, yeh?” I said and, as I continued to stare into his eyes, I pressed my free hand against his crotch and felt his erection.

“Oh yes, very,” he stammered.

“OK then. My name is Emma and when I call you, we will agree where and when we will meet and then you fuck me. And you can bring a friend or two if you’d like, as I promise, I will need fucking, good and proper.”

I gave his cock one last squeeze and then I stepped back and gently removed his hand from under my dress. And as I did so, I glanced at his fingers which were covered in my juices.

I casually adjusted my dress and after a quick peck on his cheek, I set off. I did not look back but walked across the top of the car park, towards where Eddie was waiting.




When Emma got into the car, she was obviously very excited, and very turned on.

“Did you see that!” She threw her arms around me and kissed me passionately and I could feel her heart thumping against my chest. “Feel my pussy, Eddie, fucking hell, did you see him finger me?”

Yes, I had, although I wasn’t close enough to actually see his fingers in her, but it was obvious what he was doing. And as we drove out of the car park, Emma told me all that had happened.

“I am definitely going to call him. His cock was rock-hard, god I hope he has some friends. Oh, Eddie, can we do that next week, I don’t want him to forget me?” I couldn’t stop myself from laughing out loud. He was not going to forget that, ever.

Emma didn’t stop talking all the way to the Garden Centre, but as I turned into the entrance, she looked at me and put her hand on my mine.

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“Are you OK with this, my darling?” she said. I didn’t reply, but I parked the car and turned off the ignition.

“Emma, my love, sometimes your excitement just takes over. I know I suggested it, but it’s not easy watching that, nor what I think is going to happen now.” It took her just a second to unbuckle her belt, turn in her seat and leap onto my lap and begin to kiss me.

“Oh god, Eddie, I’m sorry,” she said, breaking her kissing briefly, before continuing to smother me. “I love you so, so much. Let’s go home and make love.”

It was a most tempting offer and, as I stroked her thigh, she opened her legs invitingly, and my fingers slipped into her pussy. My god, she was soaking, and she moaned into my ear, as my fingers slid further into her pussy and my thumb gently rubbed her swollen clit.

“Eddie, let’s go home or we could stop in the woods near home, and you can fuck me there. Or right now, here, you can fuck me and fuck me.”

I seriously thought about it, but just for a second or two. I knew it would be fucking incredible whatever I chose, but I knew she wanted to go in here. Very much. And I knew, regardless of the outcome here, at the garden centre, I was going to be in for a wonderful afternoon with her.

“We are here now and I know how much you’ve been looking forward to this.” Yes, whilst the DIY store was my idea, this was most certainly Emma’s.

“Are you sure?” Emma replied and I nodded and, after she kissed me again, she slipped off my lap and, after quickly checking her make-up and her hair in the mirror, off she went, almost skipping across the car park towards the entrance.

What she didn’t know was that I was worried about what was going to happen here. The thought of her meeting up with that young man, and perhaps a friend or two of his, did not concern me at all. In fact, it was incredibly horny just thinking about it. No, what worried me was what she was about to do now. Somehow this was very different.



The Garden Centre was one of those modern outlets, selling everything from potting compost, to free-range meats and locally cooked pies, and had a lovely outdoor area with a large selection of plants with a café in one corner. And it was there that my target was often found and, as soon as Eddie parked the car, I checked I looked super-hot and off I went, almost dancing in anticipation.

Following my success at the DIY Store, I must admit I was full of optimism, although I was convinced my target would prove a good deal more difficult than earlier, not least due to the fact I was after one particular individual. Earlier, it hadn’t mattered who I snared, it just had to be someone. But this was different, as only one individual counted as a success.

I had met my target several times before, as I was a regular visitor here, and they had caught my eye the very first time. And the more I saw, and the more we chatted, the more I wanted.

I quickly glanced around the main shop but then headed out into the garden and, as casually as I could, I wandered up and down, pretending to be interested in apple trees, and plum trees and the like and then, just as I was beginning to worry it was their day off, I spotted the most gorgeous bottom pointing directly at me, as its owner was bending over one of the large goldfish tanks.

I quickly walked over and stood to one side and then glanced over so I could see our reflections and smiled.

“Oh. Hi Emma.”

“Hi Suzie, I thought I recognised that bottom,” I said and, as she straightened up, I gave her my biggest and brightest smile I could muster, and I had to use every ounce of my willpower to stop myself from jumping on her. Oh wow, you are beautiful.

Suzie is about thirty years old, perhaps a bit older, and is quite simply the sexiest human being I have seen in many years. She was, as usual, wearing very little make-up and her hair was brushed back off her beautiful face into a ponytail, and her T-shirt was baggy and loose over her denim shorts and finished off with her gardening boots. Oh wow, she really is beautiful.

We chatted for a few minutes as we strolled along the path towards the café, with me trying to be casual and charming, and Suzie being, well just herself, utterly gorgeous and simply radiating sex appeal.

“Have you got time for a spot of lunch with me?” I asked.

“Oh, I can’t Emma, I had an early one today, sorry,” she replied, and then continued, “and I am in charge out here today.”

“Oh, never mind,” I said, trying not to sound too disappointed, which I was. So, let’s try Plan B.

“Well, how about a quick drink after work? If you are free that is, and of course, you would like to, but of course, I would understand if you can’t,” but she interrupted my stuttering attempt to get a date.

“Oh Emma, I can’t. I have to get back for Charlie, otherwise, I would love to.” I knew Charlie was her little boy and I said that I understood and anyway, she probably had far better offers than from someone like me.

“Emma, let’s do another evening, I just need to arrange for my Mum to babysit.” But then she froze, just for a second or two, as it suddenly dawned on her. “Emma, are you asking me out on a date? You know, a date-date?”

At first, I didn’t know what to say. “That depends, if you’d like it to be, that is, a date-date. I would love that.” Again, she hesitated.

“Emma, I’m sorry, but I’m not into women, in that way.” She just looked at me.

“Oh, OK I’m sorry.” And again, I wasn’t sure what to say next, but she did.

“Emma, I thought you were married?”

“I am,” I said. “I’m very happily married but I am bi-sexual. So, Eddie lets me have girlfriends.”

“And he doesn’t mind?”

“No, not at all. In fact, far from it. It would be just some sexy fun. You know, no strings attached, just great sexy fun.” And I smiled my best smile. But Suzie just looked at me and I realised I had made a mistake.

“I’m sorry Suzie, please forget it. I shouldn’t have asked.” Neither of us said a word but we just looked at each other, neither of us really knowing what to say next.

The awkward silence was broken by her walkie-talkie. I think it was about a delivery so I took the opportunity to get the card I had prepared from my purse and, as she talked into the radio, I put it in her hand.

“Just in case you change your mind, bye,” I said, and I walked away towards the café not daring to look back.




I have to admit, watching Emma and Suzie walking down the path together, had my imagination going. The thought of them walking hand in hand, naked across my bedroom, towards me was just “Wow”. But I was genuinely worried.

There was something different about this. This was the first time, as far as I can remember, that Emma had targeted a specific individual. Her normal targets, or conquests, were more random. But she had spotted Suzie a few months ago and she had been steadily working up to this moment.

And there was something else. Emma clearly did not regard this as a conquest. She definitely regarded this as a potential girl-to-girl relationship. As you all know, I am not the jealous type, but I am only human.




I was joined in the short queue in the café but a very handsome man, who joined me at a small table. He was charming and witty and I flirted with him and, when he put his hand on my thigh, I immediately opened my legs, just slightly, and he stroked my skin softly as he gradually, almost teasingly, moved his hand slowly up my thigh until his fingers were on my soaking wet pussy.

He took me home and undressed me, in the hallway, and then fucked me on the landing, in front of my large mirror where I had a wonderful orgasm. And as my orgasm receded, he carried me into the bedroom.

On the big comfortable bed, I rode him for all I was worth and when I orgasmed again, it was a deep body-shaking, bone-shuddering orgasm, just as he let loose, deep inside me.

“Eddie, do you honestly think she will call me?” His cum was dribbling out of my tingling pussy, and he was gently squeezing my bottom, pressing me against his thigh, something I just love him doing.

“As I said, if you had seen her watching you walking away, then definitely yes.” I propped myself up onto my elbows, pressing on his chest.

“Tell me again, please!” He looked at me and then raised his head so he could kiss me.

“Emma, you really have the hots for her, don’t you?”

“Oh Eddie, she is fucking gorgeous, isn’t she! Just everything about her, oh can you imagine watching me and her and then joining us? You’d love to fuck her, wouldn’t you? Wouldn’t you!”

“Of course I would. So, you would want me to fuck her, would you?”

“Oh my god yes!” and it was then it hit me. “Oh, fucking hell Eddie, of course I want you to. I want us and her, not me and her. I don’t want to do anything without you.”

I must have checked the phone a hundred times. It was my special phone, strictly for our naughty life. Even when my normal phone rang, or buzzed I grabbed it quickly. But Friday came and had nearly gone when we got home, having been out with friends for the evening at our local.

I was in the bathroom when Eddie came into the bedroom.

“Your phone’s been ringing.”

“Who was it? Did you answer it? Let me have it!” I said, running out of the bathroom and grabbing the phone from him.

“They’ve left a voice message,” he replied, as I leapt onto the bed. We waited as it connected and I put it on the speaker, as I nervously waited for the message.

“Hi Emma, sorry about that yesterday, must admit it took me by surprise…ummm, oh sorry this is Suzie……ummm well, call me, if you want to that is, of course. Bye. Oh, sorry, meant to say I’m free tomorrow afternoon.” Click.

Written by EmmaEddie72
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