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"Our first full-on sex party but neither of us knew what to expect. And Emma was determined to look at her very best. <p> [ADVERT] </p>The result was that I had a very excited Emma on my hands."

There is something incredibly exciting about being naked under your coat. Granted, I wasn’t entirely naked, but my breasts rubbed deliciously against the fabric of the coat and the silky liner felt so sexy against my bottom and thighs. And I couldn’t wait to get to the party, although I didn’t really know what to expect.

When the front doorbell rang, I quickly ran upstairs from the kitchen and opened the door. With luck, it would be my fancy dress costume and even though I knew it would be wrapped, I still felt a bit embarrassed just in case the paper had been torn and the delivery driver could see what it was.

“Thank you!” I shouted as the driver headed down the path. He just turned and smiled, acknowledging my thanks with a wave. It was the usual young man. He always had a smile, rain or shine. I liked him.

The parcel was tightly wrapped and I rushed upstairs to my bedroom and jumped on the bed, like a ten-year-old with her birthday present, except I knew this would not be a suitable present for a child.

The first item was the ears. Yes ears, furry red ones, with white middles and black tints, on a red hair-band. They looked great. Next was a set of furry anklets, the same colour as the ears and then the wristlets. Yes, I thought, they will look lovely.

And then the mask. Oh my. It was beautiful. I opened the cellophane wrapper carefully and gently unfolded the whiskers and smoothed out the fur. It was a darker deeper red, with wonderful dashes of black and white. I raised it to my face and looked at the big bedroom mirror. It was a half-mask, so it did not cover my mouth. It was beautiful.

I put it down next to the ears and cuffs and looked at the last packet, a box. I actually felt nervous as I opened the top and pulled it out. It was about 18” long, red, with black and white flecks and a white tip, the fur soft and silky and the plug, silver and smooth. Yes, my foxtail. Oh my, and I felt my pussy tingle.


I was looking forward to the weekend. We hadn’t seen Angie and Phil for about six weeks now and we had decided to make a week of it. We were due up to theirs early Friday afternoon, staying until Monday and then Emma and I were going onto the Lake District for a few days. Just us.

And on the Friday, we were going to go with them to a fancy-dress party. But it wouldn’t be an ordinary fancy-dress party. Oh no. Angie had told us about their parties before but this would be the first time we would have joined them. In fact, this would be our first ‘sex’ party and, if I was honest, I was both excited and slightly concerned.

Of course, I had seen Emma with many, many men, and several women, and we had spent numerous wonderful days and nights with Angie and Phil. But this would be the first time with a crowd. Angie and Phil had assured us everyone there would be lovely, and sexy, and the host and hostess had held many of these parties. Apparently, their house was magnificent and it would be great fun.

So, we said yes and then we had to decide what to go as. It is difficult to describe the discussions Emma and I had had, other than to say Emma does get very excited about things like this. You name it, she suggested it, some hilarious, some super sexy and some downright impossible. But there was one thing absolutely clear, Emma was determined to look at her best.




My first anal sex had only been a few weeks earlier. In the past few months, Eddie had used a finger and then my smaller vibrator. It had been pleasant, but nothing special. I had seen so much of it on websites and it certainly seemed like everyone enjoyed it. And there had been several occasions when the man I had been fucking had attempted to insert his cock in my anus, but I had politely said no. And a few times not so politely.  And I knew Angie loved it. I had seen her with Phil and Eddie quite a few times.

Then, about a month ago, Eddie had got me a small plug and with plenty of lube, I had worn it for a week about the house and, once or twice, when I was out shopping. So, a couple of weeks later, when Eddie gently slipped his cock into me, it wasn’t too painful and I used my fingers to reach a lovely orgasm as Eddie fucked my ass. But, two weeks ago I went the whole hog.

For reasons I won’t explain here, I found myself in a beer garden with a group of men. It had been an incredible adventure and I had been fucked in my arse by two of them. And it was only now that I dared to insert anything into my poor bottom. Fortunately, the soreness had gone, with the help of a considerable amount of cream.

The weekend of the party was now only a few days away so I decided to try on my costume and give Eddie a nice surprise. It was early afternoon but he had messaged me that he’d be home by 3 pm.

The ears were a bit droopy but after some adjustment, they stood up proudly and with the cuffs on, I looked myself up and down in the mirror. The cuffs on my ankles came up to just under my calves, and the ones on my wrists about halfway up my forearms. The fur matched the ears perfectly but when I put on the mask, I just couldn’t stop myself smiling, almost giggling with delight.

And then I turned side on. Oh my, oh my, I thought. Wow. The plug on the foxtail was at an angle so instead of the tail hanging straight down, it came out at a right angle, only for an inch or two and then dropped down. It looked fantastic but better still, it felt incredible. I couldn’t help stoking it, and the sensation of this alone was wonderful. I put on my heels and looked again. Yes, that will do. And the front doorbell rang.

Oh, goodie, I thought, that will be Eddie. I ran quickly downstairs, catching a view of myself in the hall mirror and was just about to open the door when I glanced at the door monitor on the hall table. Shit, it was the delivery man! Without thinking I whipped off the ears and mask and threw them behind the door, and grabbed a small robe hanging on the coat stand. And I opened the door.

I could barely see the lad. He had two large boxes, one on top of the other, so I took the top one and turned and walked the few paces to the hall table. But it was as I turned around that I felt my tail brush against my legs, and I realised it was hanging below my robe. Oh shit!

I walked back to the door. His face was a picture. His eyes were wide open, and his mouth was aghast.

“Thank you,” I said and took the second box from him. He turned slowly and walked down the steps and then as I was about to close the door, he looked back towards me. I smiled and gave him a little wave and then closed the door.

Eddie arrived home about ten minutes later. I was in the kitchen when he got in, and it took about ten seconds from the time he shut the door until I was on him. Well, I thought, about an hour or so later, if the tail has the same effect on the other party guests as it did the delivery man, and my gorgeous hubby, then I’m in for a hell of a night.

We got to Angie and Phil’s mid-afternoon on Friday. To say I was excited was an understatement. I just love Angie. Since we had first met, on holiday in Crete some six years ago, we had become so close. She is quite simply my girl love. And we soon were chatting away, and a glass or two of Prosecco later, we were in the shower together, making sure we were perfectly prepared for the party. We always use the tongue test, to make sure we are perfectly smooth and then applied some body lotion. But we agreed that we would not show each other our fancy dress outfits until we were at the party. I couldn’t wait.

Eddie helped me dress—well, not really dress, but helped me with my cuffs and then insert my tail. I decided not to wear my ears and mask until we got to the party. Eddie had a huntsman’s red coat and tight white leggings with black boots. The outline of his cock was clearly visible, especially after he had helped me dress, so I put on my coat and we went downstairs where Angie and Phil were waiting. She looked as excited as I was and, in the taxi, we tried to guess each other’s costumes.

The house was stunning and as we stood outside, I put on my ears and mask. Angie and Phil’s faces were a picture.

“Oh, good god Emma,” said Angie, “I can’t wait to see the rest of the outfit.” But it was as we went in, I realised not everything was right, for a start, everyone else seemed to have arrived before us. The hall was massive and everyone was standing around the edge looking at us. And then it hit me. Everyone was in fancy dress, but everyone was dressed as a huntsman or a huntswoman. Red jackets and tight white leggings, and boots.

I turned to look at Angie and Phil, and as they removed their coats I realised, to my horror, they were also dressed the same. Oh, fucking hell.

I just stood there. I felt the colour rise in my face and my mouth went dry. Everyone was looking at me and smiling. And then Angie appeared by my side.

“Ladies and Gentlemen,” announced Angie, “it is my pleasure to introduce to you, Emma, the fox.” She then stepped in front of me and unbuttoned my coat and as she opened it, a pair of hands behind me removed it.




When the phone rang Emma was in the shower. It was Angie.

“Hi Angie, she’s in the shower, but I’m sure she will want to talk to you.”

“No, Eddie, wait, it’s you I need to speak to,” she said quickly. “You know about the fancy dress party, don’t you?” Yes, I did but we still hadn’t decided what to wear. “Well, I’ve got a great idea, but we can’t tell Emma.”

I was still giggling to myself five minutes later when Emma walked into the kitchen.

“Who was that?” She was tying a towel around her hair but was otherwise naked. Blimey she looked gorgeous.

“Angie. She wants to talk to you about that party.”

Within ten seconds she was speaking with her and I had to go down the garden to stop myself from bursting into laughter. Now, those of you who have read our stories will know Emma has a tendency to get very excited and she loves a party. Add to that the fact Angie had said it would be a full-on sex party and I had a very excited Emma on my hands.

That night we decided to agree on what we should go as and, looking online, I just happened to open a page with girls showing their tails. The rest was easy. Classic Emma. Emma is a very intelligent woman but her excitement sometimes just takes over. And Angie and I knew that. Even when she was standing in front of the mirror, stroking her tail, it never occurred to her that the minute she stepped into that party she would have to remove her coat. And she would be naked. And, of course, what she didn’t know was she would be the only fox at the hunt.




As you may have guessed, I’m not exactly shy and reserved. And I have been naked in front of many men and quite a few women, but this was different and I just froze. Everyone was clapping and some even cheering and, as I looked around at all those faces, smiling and grinning, everyone looking at me, I suddenly became very aware of my nudity. And then a very handsome man and a very lovely-looking woman walked forward.

“Welcome Emma,” he said. “I am Harry and this is Paula, your hosts,” and he very slowly and deliberately looked me up and down, and I felt my nipples harden and my pussy tingle. He took my other hand and he and Angie led me into the lounge.

I quickly looked over my shoulder to see Paula take Eddie by the arm and they followed behind us.

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“Oh, what a beautiful view,” I heard her say and my pussy tingled again.

The lounge was as impressive as the hall, with four massive sofas with lovely throws over them, a large bar and numerous rugs spread across the floor. A drink arrived and I quickly took a large sip and it was immediately topped up.

“Angie, I could kill you,” I said, but I was smiling and she gently kissed me and stroked my bottom and my tail. And it was only a few minutes before a young couple were chatting to me and their hands were doing the stroking.

I had a wonderful evening. One by one the jackets were removed to reveal beautiful breasts and chests, and the leggings were removed to reveal beautiful bottoms, pussies and cocks. I can’t remember how many times I orgasmed. And I can’t remember how many men fucked me, nor how many cocks I sucked or how many women licked my pussy. But there were many.

What I do remember, vividly, was a quite beautiful young man, probably in his early thirties and his partner, a simply stunning young lady. They had stood and watched as I had been fucked from behind, my tail across my back, while I sucked on another cock. I looked at her, my mouth full, and she blew me a kiss.

As I was lying on the sofa recovering, she sat down next to me. She very gently lifted my head and placed it on her naked lap, and stroked my face and my hair. So very softly, so very delicately. I felt someone sitting down by my legs and they lifted my legs and then rested them back onto their lap and started to stroke my legs and bum and then my tail.

“You’ve been having fun, haven’t you?” she said. I nodded. “Well, you’re ours now, come with us.” I nodded.

They helped me stand and then she and her partner led me into the adjoining room. There was Eddie and two other couples, all naked, and, sat on a large sofa, the host and hostess. They were still wearing their jackets.

“Ah, Emma. As the Master of this hunt, I get the trophy. And I have chosen Andrew and Claire to assist.”

He pointed to another sofa, and Andrew, this utterly gorgeous Adonis of a man, and Claire led me over and he sat in front of me. His cock was just as gorgeous as the rest of him and with the help of Claire and Eddie, I straddled him and lowered myself onto his rock-hard erection.

I let out a low, soft moan as I felt my pussy spasm. Although I had been fucked several times that evening, and had had a number of orgasms, this was so different and soon I was driving myself up and down his cock.

Suddenly I felt hands on my bottom. “Thank you, Andrew.” Our host was behind me and I felt him take hold of my tail and he pulled, and out it slipped. I froze. “Eddie tells me you will need some lube,” he continued, and I felt the cool gel on my anus and then a finger slip in.

I looked up and behind the sofa, directly in front of me were Eddie and Claire. They were both naked, and Eddie’s cock was erect, no doubt due to the view in front of him and that Claire was stroking it. But Eddie realised I was worried and he knelt down so we were face to face.

“You OK with this my darling?” I nodded and he gently kissed me and I felt a surge in my body. And then I felt Harry’s cock press against my anus. Relax Emma I thought and I felt myself open, a little. I was expecting him to slip in, like my tail would, but he didn’t. And as he pushed again a sharp pain hit me and I gripped Eddie, and I let out a loud moan.

“Relax my darling, and push back,” Eddie said. But as he pushed the pain got worse and I held on to my husband.

“Oh, Eddie, shit that hurts,” I said, but Eddie kissed me again, this time deeply, and passionately, stroking my face and neck and shoulders and then suddenly I felt Harry push again and finally the head of his cock slipped in.

“Oh, fucking hell,” and I let out a loud groan. Oh my god, and I gripped my hubby harder as Harry pushed again, and it was in. Oh, my fucking god! I didn’t move for a minute or so as slowly Harry began to thrust gently in and out and then Andrew started to do likewise.

It was an incredible feeling, which is difficult to describe other than I felt full up. But gradually I began to return their thrusts, the pain now being replaced by an incredible sensation deep in me. On every thrust, the sensation grew and when Eddie stood, and with Claire’s hand wrapped around his erection, she guided it into my mouth, I began to increase the pace.

And there was something else. As the pace increased so did my passion. I did my best to look up at my husband, his cock in my mouth. He was looking directly into my eyes. I was transfixed and so was he.

When my orgasm arrived all three were thrusting hard into me but I pulled away from Eddie’s cock and screamed. I had been moaning loudly with my mouth full, but now I let rip, and I grabbed Eddie’s hips and pulled him tight, moaning and groaning, and almost whimpering in delight, as my body jerked and shuddered.

Andrew came nearly immediately as my orgasm subsided and he gripped my breasts hard, pushing me up, and away from Eddie as I felt his cock explode inside me. Eddie was now looking at me face to face and, keeping eye contact, I kept thrusting and it was soon Harry’s turn. The feeling of his cum in my bottom was wonderful and it was several minutes before he finally stopped groaning and all three of us lay in a heap.

When the taxi arrived, Eddie had to help me into the back and we were soon back at Angie and Phil’s. Eddie actually carried me upstairs to bed. I was so tired. I remember Angie popping in to kiss me goodnight but I think I was asleep before my head hit the pillow.




That had been our first sex party, if that is what they are called. As I said, I had seen Emma with numerous men, and women, but nothing like that. From the moment I had removed her coat, until the moment we left, Emma had not been left alone. Even when she was catching her breath and having a drink, there was someone caressing her, or someone tweaking her nipples or, on more than one occasion, someone licking her pussy. And she had loved it.

And, of course, her session with Andrew and Harry was another first, her first double penetration. It is a strange feeling watching your wife, the woman you love more than life itself, being so thoroughly fucked senseless by two strangers.

And I looked at her now, lying next to me, her hair completely covering the pillow, so I could not see her face and I realised I am a very lucky man. We had not made love when we got in, which was unusual, but I knew we would be doing so non-stop for the next few days. And I knew Emma would want to make love as soon as she woke. She always does.

I popped downstairs to the kitchen and returned with Emma’s coffee and a tea for me. She was showing the first signs of waking up, having kicked off the quilt, but otherwise in the same position as I had left her. Just for a second or two I stood and looked at her. She is so petite and her bum is a thing of beauty and there was dried cum on her cheeks and legs and, I noticed, in her hair.

I put her coffee on the side and then got on the bed with her and she stirred. I often play a little guessing game with myself when she wakes. What way was she actually looking; towards me or away from me? It was often impossible to tell and this time I was correct because, as she moved, I briefly saw the side of her face looking towards me. A few minutes later she moved again, but this time she swept back her hair and looked up at me.

“Good morning, Princess,” I said, and she smiled and then she reached towards me and rested her head on me, my body disappearing under the cloak of hair. A few minutes more and I felt her kiss my chest and then my nipple and her hand began to stroke my stomach.

“Eddie,” said a voice from under the hair, “I need you to make love to me. Please, I need you now.” And we did.




I don’t like going to sleep without Eddie making love to me, especially not when I have been fucking someone else. I think they call it ‘reclaiming’, but to be honest I couldn’t care less what it’s called. I needed Eddie. So, when I woke there was only one thing on my mind.

And, as I rode on his lovely rock-hard cock, we chatted about what we had done, and all the ‘best bits’, and the lovely orgasms I had had.

It was then I realised that in all that time, over the four hours we were there, Eddie had not cum. I had seen him on a number of occasions fucking several women and I know he fucked the hostess, as she had told me when we were having a drinks break!

Believe it or not, this was not unusual for Eddie. It’s happened a number of times before. It worries me sometimes, but it doesn’t bother him at all. Angie and Phil had asked him about it. He says it’s not all about the orgasm for him. If he cums he cums, but if he doesn’t, it’s no big deal.  But it is not as if he isn’t erect. He is, he is fully erect and rock-hard, but, in his words, he gets the most incredible pleasure when other people have their orgasms.

“You know you can do anything you want to me, now, or whenever or wherever we are, don’t you?” I said. He smiled. “Do you want my arse? You can,” I continued, “or you can take me in the shower or on the stairs or in the garden, but I need your cum my lovely.”

And as I rode him harder, he gripped my hips and began to thrust, meeting my thrusts, our pace increasing. My orgasm began deep in me and ripped through my body but I kept thrusting as best I could and a minute or so later, I knew this was it.

They say timing is everything and just seconds after I leapt off his cock and wrapped my mouth over it, Angie walked in. But I didn’t stop and nor did Eddie. He groaned loudly and jerked and jerked, holding my head on his cock, as I did my best to stop cum spurting out of my mouth and, for that matter, down my nose.

It was several minutes before I slipped his cock out of my mouth. Cum was dribbling from my lips and hanging from my chin, but I slowly moved up his body, leaving a trail of cum, until I was face to face with him, our mouths just an inch or two apart. And we kissed.

Eventually, we broke our kiss and there was Angie, sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at us both. I moved over to one side of Eddie and Angie laid down on the other and she leant across Eddie and kissed me. She then kissed Eddie and the three of us just lay there kissing for what seemed ages.

“You two are staying until Monday, aren’t you?” We nodded. “Good,” said Angie, and then quickly added, “because Phil is a bit upset it wasn’t Eddie and him which gave you your first double.” Oh blimey!


It wasn’t until we were leaving on the Monday, I realised my tail was missing. Apparently, Harry, the host, had claimed it as his trophy but had promised to replace it. So, Eddie and I set off to the Lake District for a few days. The weather wasn’t the best but we walked, and got wet, but we had a lovely time. Lovely warm pubs and plenty of reclaiming. It would have been perfect if I hadn’t slipped on the way down a very wet mountain and bruised my bottom. Eddie thought it was very funny.

As we were travelling home on Friday, my phone rang and, as we were in the car, the call came through on the speakers.

“Hi, Emma, it’s me,” said Angie. Of course, we both said hi and Angie quickly continued. “A couple of things. Harry has sent me a parcel for you and I’ve sent it on. It should be with you over the weekend.”

“That’s great, hopefully it’s my tail,” I said.

“Well, it might be in there but there’s definitely more in there than just a tail. He said he can’t wait to see you in it next time.”

Written by EmmaEddie72
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