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Family Fun

A grown man with his grown cousin or her mother? What's not to like?

Kissing Sharon was a beautiful experience. She was a lovely, shapely girl, good looking, with long, straight, shiny black hair and full lips. She was warm and womanly, loving, affectionate and passionate at the same time. She kissed tenderly and hungrily, happy to be playing tonguies with a man she liked. And she did like him. Always had. They had known each other most of their lives and she had been having sexual fantasi...

Rita Runs Me Ragged

The slim foreign waitress gives me a naked workout

It was a fairly small hotel. Don't ask me how many rooms; all I know is how many waitresses and housemaids: enough to keep a young man amused. In summer there was an influx of girls from catering colleges and a few who just came to the area on spec, to see if there were any jobs. In winter it was just a hard core of locals and a few who had stayed on after the season ended. Rita was one of those. She was Latvian, with fai...

In Praise Of Bigger Women

Overweight plain Jane turns into a Goddess

It was one of those eras in ordinary everyday life when women's fashion turns ordinary everyday women into provocative sex objects. Very unfashionable from a social point of view, when we are supposed to not notice gender or beauty or shape or whatever the PC people have decreed. People are people and you're not allowed to comment on physical attributes. In this case, in the streets of the UK the girls and young women wer...

Tara And Sophie

Two classy young women, one wild and one subtle

They could hardly have been more different physically, these two girls sitting opposite me at Gate 10 at Luton airport, waiting for the fight to Edinburgh. Sophie was tall and slim, her immensely long legs shown off in no uncertain terms by the fact she was wearing loose sports shorts of the kind that might have been used by female hockey teams, if they don't still wear miniskirts in these joyless, wary days. She had long...

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Don't Tell Me What To Do

Helen rebels against her husband with awesome benefits for me

"Yes, he has got a lot to answer for, Beckham," Helen admitted. "He sort of made tattoos acceptable. I still don't really like them, although..." She was what is often described as a "respectable married woman", ten years into the marital marathon and leading a model life that had subjugated her spirit. The girl who had had dreams and wishes and desires had been left on the shore, waving forlornly at the ship of her life...

Masturbating For Women

Wendy wants to watch me wank

I had registered with a so-called dating site for older women, because I like older women and although the world is full of them, they tend to keep themselves to themselves. Some complain that after a certain age, they feel invisible, because men don't eye them up or chat them up as they used to, but is it just one-way traffic? Perhaps, ladies, you are preempting the lack of attention by portraying yourselves as not inter...

Weekend Warriors

After an intensely erotic couple of days, we still have unfinished business

There was an unusual crowd at the airport. This was Guernsey, a British island of 60,000 people, forty-five minutes from London by plane. Quiet, respectable, a low tax area, which meant it was full of banks and trust companies, and therefore rich people as well as the local population. And because it was isolated, people had taken to international online dating sites to increase the chance of meeting partners. I had lived...

But We're Just Friends... Aren't We?

We haven't, but now we have an opportunity - should we or shouldn't we?

Her name was Tina and she lived near me in west London. She was a local girl and I was a new arrival from a seaside town down south. We had met in the local pub, the Star and Garter, where she knew everyone because they had all grown up around there. I was getting to know a few people but was still the new guy. Tina was shortish and sort of stout: not fat, but sturdy. She was old-fashioned, as if she had skipped the youth...

Jackie's Surprise Entrance

A quiet, utterly respectable middle-aged woman shows me you never can tell

I had had my eye on Jackie for months. She was a casual employee at the newsagents/wool shop next to the off licence I worked in, and she would wander in from time to time and hang around, looking at the shelves but never buying anything. I concluded that she was probably lonely. One of her colleagues had told me she had been a widow for five years. She went to the Methodist church up the road, but I got the feeling she w...

If That House Could Talk

An X certificate party on the Sevenfields Estate

Sylvie was a broad-minded girl. That was the expression she would have used, anyway. She was twenty-five and a nurse, long of red hair, full of figure, loud of laugh, and generous of body. Generous in stature and nature, that is. She had been around the block a few times. She enjoyed sex and didn't see why people were so stingy with themselves. She was an ordinary girl who found other ordinary people attractive. Mainly me...

Curvy Woman On The Bus

Love at first sight with a huge helping of lust attached

Hello Julie, I hope you don't mind my calling you that, but I have no idea what your name is. You could be Eleanor or Claudette or Monika with a K, I don't know. But Julie is a happy name and this is a happy story. I'm glad you came to Lush and please bear with me while I give the readers some background. I'll address you direct again in a little while. So, I was on the bus from Edinburgh to Peebles. I went upstairs but m...

The Happy Choirgirl (1969)

"Sniff me," she said, so I did

My parents used to take me to church every Sunday, I think because they thought I would be mixing with the right kind of people, or at least not the wrong kind. This was in the late 1960s, when the world was coming alive with a new spirit of adventure which included music, travel, and the new age extended to sex. Or so people said, anyway. While I had had a steady girlfriend, MIchelle, for several years I was seventeen an...

Generation F

An aging man and a woman struggling with infirmity find solace together - in bed

As I rounded the corner by the school, a small dog yapped at me, straining at a leash held by someone I couldn't see. A few steps later I realised it was the big woman from the street next to mine. The dog continued to pull and jump and make its barky noises, the sort of thing that frightens children and adults who don't understand and see it as aggression. In fact it's usually just an inquisitive, talkative young canine...

Young Mum Pushing A Buggy

Grandpa meets young mother, and somehow it works

Johnny was sitting in the phone shop, getting his account sorted out because the app wasn't working, and the assistant had gone out the back to check something. A girl walked in pushing a baby buggy. She looked about twenty. Medium height, quite slim, long fair hair and quite pretty. She sat across from Johnny and he smiled at her. He was surprised when she smiled back, because people are so wary of one another these days...

WPC Pissy

How can I get this bossy woman to unleash her kinky side?

Janice was a good-looking woman in her late thirties. She was tall and well-proportioned - a bit more flesh on her than many men would like, but I thought she was just about perfect. She looked as if she must once have been very physically fit but had eased off on the training recently. Her legs were strong and shapely, her buttocks a good size, belly a little on the meaty side, breasts big but not cartoonish. And she was...