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Over 90 days ago
Female, 154
United Kingdom


Advanced Wordsmith
Either way - extreme cleanliness would be required before hand. Immediatly before hand...

And even then I'm too sure I'd be comfortable with it on either end...
Advanced Wordsmith
Hardly ever.If I'm wearing a skirt or a dress I'll wear them, like the full over the bum type... What I'd call tights...

Hold ups and suspenders are just for when he's been a very good boy and wants to be a naughty boy ;)

Bot otherwise I don't wear them at all... They ladder far to easily... I find them irritating - they roll down, or bunch and can just be tiresome...
Advanced Wordsmith
Well... This may just be me, but I don't find Rowan Attkinson to be exceedingly unattractive. He's ok looking, poor bloke... And this certainly will just be me, but I don't find Brad Pitt attractive at all.

Now Johnny Depp... heart

I suppose it depends on the personality as well... I'd put up with someone as dull as cardboard for their pretty face for a while, I suppose... But if they were stupid or mean... Then it'd die really quickly. Pretty is only good for so long as well... Chances are in your analogy, I'd date and shag Brad, but then dump him to marry Rowan, and pray for our kids silly
Advanced Wordsmith
I, unfortunatly for any of my partners, am exceedingly possesive and jealous. Granted, it's because I lack confidence in myself...

I mean - he can smile at another girl, and talk to her... But you know, that's about my limits. I get itchy if they hug hello, but if he was to start touching her casually, of winking he'd get into trouble... As for a blowjob I'd probably end up making him fellate a gun... (or you know, dumping him, as that's a slightly more reasonable reaction...)... But I'd try to be reasonable about it... But I personally wouldn't be comfortable with my partner flirting with someone else, and worse disrespecting me enough to do it infront of me.
Advanced Wordsmith
SRSLY - If that photo is a recent one of you, I'd say there's not much for you to worry abotu 'cos for 40 you look damn fiiiiiine.

Having dated a man 10 years my Snr. (I was 18 he was 28) the only stigma I have against older men is stamina - I have an exceedingly high sex drive and sometimes he couldn't keep up with that... But that could just be him. However when you say 'old man' I don't think of a 40 year old... I think of like a 60-70s creepy leery dude...

But older men have a lot of pluses too. They tend to know their way around a woman (and themselves!) better, I also find they're more confident - they may have some age related insecurities, but they're more comfortable in their bodies I suppose. But really, stamina is the only thing - but you said somewhere you go running for 20 miles a day or something, right? So that's clearly not a problem for you.

And again, for 40, you're damn fine.
Advanced Wordsmith
Well... I'm a redhead, and I'm pretty much up for anything... But I have a dark haired friend whom I know is the same...
Advanced Wordsmith
Not really. I like to know my partner has hit puberty and come out the otherside. However - I don't want to have to tackle a jungle to get at hit bits, you know? I prefer it trimmed down there, so it's neat but not bald.
Advanced Wordsmith
No, quite simply.

I mean - okay, I've gone out, gotten wasted and made a tit of myself... And I've done it more than once, it's because I'm quite a lightweight. But I've realized, it's not funny. I've looked after drunk friends as well - and then it's really not funny. If I was out with my partner, and they did it once, it'd be embarassing enough, but if it was an every-time every-week thing... We couldn't last.
Advanced Wordsmith
Curried goat was probably the weirdest... I've also had calamari... But that's not that odd I don't think.
Advanced Wordsmith
Well, leery-eyes actually scare me somewhat... Maybe that's just me, but if some guy is actually leering at me - and maybe this is just my imagination - but I don't think that a nice, clean shaven bloke that looks like he could be in a hippy band could leer at me (I may one day be proven wrong)... So, leery guys scare me, because again in my imagination, they look generally... 'rapey' or soemthing, and leery is not good, it feels threatning as I believe was mentioned above.

But like you said, my mood will also be part of it - If I've just had a big arguement with a partner, and I'm all stroppy, some guy giving me eyes may get a very negative reaction, or a very good one... And again, the kind of guy doing it is a big thing too - If my clean shaven hippy band dude is giving me the eye it'll make me feel great, although he may have caught me looking at him...

In general though, looking and not leering is good. A nice appreciative glance will boost my confidence and make me feel better about myself. I've recieved compliments in mywork scrubs though, without a scratch of makeup and a birdsnest for hair... They always leave me feeling good, but mildly bemused too.
Advanced Wordsmith
I did, when I was like... 12. But then my families genes have caught up with me and I wouldn't need them. Also, having grown up - I don't want fake fun bags no, even if they were smaller. Natural is better, and breasts are beautiful no matter their size. Nom.

I might consider getting them reduced and lifted when older, but I'm a bit too squeamish about beein hacked up by a doctor... Same reason I've stopped considering the rest of the surgery I wanted when I was 12 biggrin
Advanced Wordsmith
I'm personally five, two myself... So I'm fairly short anyway. I have noticed that I've only ever dated taller men, but that's because I'm so short that it's hard not to be taller than me.

However, I don't find 'short' men a turn off, I will admit, I find taller men more attractive, I think... But I wouldn't reject someone just for being short. They tend to be more cute... However since I'm five two, I'd feel bizzarely awkward with a bloke shorter than me (probably would if I was taller too) so I can't say if it'd last...
Advanced Wordsmith
I think probably everyone has. I unfortunatly did with my first sexual partner, for nearly two years. He was less than skilled, which is what I used to blame it on entirely... But I've also come to realize I didn't know my own body... The sex wasn't awful, I enjoyed it somewhat... But I never came with him... But personal experimentation and that later, I can now say bad sex is something that is far behind me, and if it ever happens again - I'm well trained and equiped to deal with it!
Advanced Wordsmith
Nope... Unless I've wanted to be caught ;) But I'm fairly discreet about my solo playtime.
Advanced Wordsmith
Neither... There's no way you can point it out and be truly tactful... Plus, she's wearing a short skirt... She probably aware of her legs and what having them apart can be showing. However if you look, and she, or anyone else catches you looking, they'll assume you're a perv... Hpwever, she might want the attention. It all depends on the lady in question I suppose.
Advanced Wordsmith
I'm not sure... I've never really tried...
I suppose I could, somewhat... But it would depend on the woman I was trying to judge, I suppose.
Advanced Wordsmith
Needing to pee isn't something I experience when being taken from behind... Sometimes though, I believe, hitting a womans G-spot (which is sometimes easier when taking her from behind) can induce the feeling of needing to urinate... So it's quite possibly normal, but not something I experience.
Advanced Wordsmith
There's a fantasy fetish ball coming up in my area, and I'm gonna go biggrin

I've got someone who wants to come with me, but it's my first ball, and his. He's not really kinky himself, but is interested, but since I've never been, any clues for me on what blokes wear at these things?

I should probably add that he's not into leather, pvc or as he said 'gimp masks'... He's not super helpful. D:
Advanced Wordsmith
I'm not sure, as I've loved tow different men during my life time... So already no... But I'd be quite happy to stay with one person forever, provided I did love them, and they me... And all other circumstances considered.

I agree with what's been said above about love and sexual desires being very different things however... Just because I love someone doens't mean I don't think other people are attractive, nor does it stop me viewing them sexually. The fact, however, that I love someone stops me taking part in those actions.
Advanced Wordsmith
No. On both accounts. I would not, and the idea in no way turns me on.

Maybe that makes me a bad person but if it does, then I'm a bad person...
Advanced Wordsmith
If your wife says she doesn't, then she doesn't. She might secretly, but it that's the case, she clearly doesn't want you to know that, so I'd take what she tells you at face value.

Women can appreciate that other women are attractive without being attracted to them and there are many reasons, other than being into women, why porn with a woman masturbating, while you touched her, would turn her more.
Advanced Wordsmith
X-posted - Here, Relationships, Lasses - Since I'm not sure entirely where it belongs...
TL;DR - My boyfriend wants me to dominate him, but I'm more of a sub, and he's not into punishment / spanking or anything painful at all... What can I do to make it sexy for him?

Okay... So here's the longer version. Basically, I'm a fairly submissive person, and that's fine with my boyfriend and he's happy to dominate me... But he also wants me to move into the driving seat occasionlly - Which, I'm also fine with. I mean, I feel a bit awkward since I've only ever really tried to dominate one person and they were only too happy to "escape" half way through and take over.

What makes it even harder is unlike me, my man doesn't like being spanked, or punished, or humiliated or anything that I really enjoy when being dominated... So I'm thrown even futher off kilter by this. I'm not sure how to dominate someone without such easy tools to fall back on. Spanking him and telling him what a naughty boy he's been would be easy - but I can't do that since it won't turn him on, much if at all. I'm also not sure that trying to make him beg would work... Since I don't think he will... I'm not sure if he really wants to be dominated, or he just wants me to take the lead, which I do anyway...

So what can I do to both dominate my man, but make him feel sexy towards me... In rare occasions...?
Advanced Wordsmith
X-posted - Here & Relationships, since I'm not sure where it entirely belongs.
TL;DR - My boyfriend wants me to dominate him, but I'm more of a sub, and he's not into punishment / spanking / pain of any kind... What can I do to make it sexy for him?

Okay... So here's the longer version. Basically, I'm a fairly submissive person, and that's fine with my boyfriend and he's happy to dominate me... But he also wants me to move into the driving seat occasionlly - Which, I'm also fine with. I mean, I feel a bit awkward since I've only ever really tried to dominate one person and they were only too happy to "escape" half way through and take over.

What makes it even harder is unlike me, my man doesn't like being spanked, or punished, or humiliated or anything that I really enjoy when being dominated... So I'm thrown even futher off kilter by this. I'm not sure how to dominate someone without such easy tools to fall back on. Spanking him and telling him what a naughty boy he's been would be easy - but I can't do that since it won't turn him on, much if at all. I'm also not sure that trying to make him beg would work... Since I don't think he will... I'm not sure if he really wants to be dominated, or he just wants me to take the lead, which I do anyway...

So what can I do to both dominate my man, but make him feel sexy towards me... In rare occasions...?
Advanced Wordsmith
TL;DR - My boyfriend wants me to dominate him, but I'm more of a sub, and he's not into punishment / spanking / pain of any kind... What can I do to make it sexy for him?

Okay... So here's the longer version. Basically, I'm a fairly submissive person, and that's fine with my boyfriend and he's happy to dominate me... But he also wants me to move into the driving seat occasionlly - Which, I'm also fine with. I mean, I feel a bit awkward since I've only ever really tried to dominate one person and they were only too happy to "escape" half way through and take over.

What makes it even harder is unlike me, my man doesn't like being spanked, or punished, or humiliated or anything that I really enjoy when being dominated... So I'm thrown even futher off kilter by this. I'm not sure how to dominate someone without such easy tools to fall back on. Spanking him and telling him what a naughty boy he's been would be easy - but I can't do that since it won't turn him on, much if at all. I'm also not sure that trying to make him beg would work... Since I don't think he will... I'm not sure if he really wants to be dominated, or he just wants me to take the lead, which I do anyway...

So what can I do to both dominate my man, but make him feel sexy towards me... In rare occasions...?
Advanced Wordsmith
You clicked 79 times in 30 seconds.
Your caffeine level for today is:
Moderate - Chipper & Perky

Little bit less than yesterday sadly...
Advanced Wordsmith
When I saw that my head nearly exploded... I quite like JK and thought it meant now. But I'm glad she's over it...
Advanced Wordsmith
Number one for sure. I wanna touch iiiiit.

Number two looks too skiny, I'd be scared I'd break her or something... Or just hurt myself on her bones.

Although number three is tempting.

As for number four I've told my dad to lay off the booze, but he just won't listen...