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Over 90 days ago
Female, 154
United Kingdom


Advanced Wordsmith
So yeah... I'm looking for some sexy stories, and was wondering if anyone could help me out with it...

I want it told in what is apparently 'second person'... The character narrating to me what I'm doing to them...

And the reason I'm looking for suggestions is because I want it done from the male perspective - I want 'him' to be telling me what I'm doing to him. And I want it to be good...

So, suggestions that fit that anyone?
Advanced Wordsmith
It'd certainly be interesting. I dislike the idea of having to have myself waxed down there, so that's probably put me off...

And I bet it's not exactly cheap...

Personally I'd rather stick with a box of intimate hair dye and a razor...
Advanced Wordsmith
Just wondering, how many of the ladies of lush have photos of them, on this site on their profile?

If you don't, why?

That was it really... I jsut noticed lots of the men had photos of what I assume to be them, and their various body bits - But some of the women just have like... Anime pictures, and I was wondering who of us had pictures of ourselves, and who didn't, like me...
Advanced Wordsmith
I don't...

But that's because I don't stand for that kind of stuff. If they're checking someone else out, and I catch them - They'll be in trouble! I may be jealous and posessive and all that, but I think I get a better deal than my sister who just puts up with it and it makes her feel miserable, in her lasting relationship.

If you're out with a man, and he can't keep his eyes where they should be (or at least, do it subtly enough for you to not notice) he's not really worth a lasting relationship - because looking is one thing, but rubbernecking and gawking when you're on his arm is another.
Advanced Wordsmith
Well... I've no real thoughts either way - although men and women get turned on by different things, so it's possible a guy could write or film a good lebian erotica - for other men to read and watch... But it might not be as stimulating to women as we are turned on by different things... Also, it depends on personal preference and writing style and lots of other things.

Some people just can't write good porn... And clerly some men can write good lesbian porn, it's possible they're just rare. As I don't read much lesbian stuff though - I wouldn't really know.
Advanced Wordsmith
I think you've decided now (I skimmed the thread) and also, I'm aware that I don't have a penis, but I thought I'd give my opinion.

Granted, I'd rather perky over droopy, in myself and in anyone else - However, two points I'd like to make - If someone is lucky enough to be seeing your breasts, the last thing they're likely to be doing is thinking 'Hmm... Well, they're not exactly very pert now then, are they?' Unless they're crazy.

And, I've seen breasts that have been lifted (no implants, just the lift and a reduction as well infact)- and as you said in your post. They reposition the nipple. This can remove sensitivty, or make them incredibly painful. And you can also die under the knife. You could die for your boobs. O_O

Plus, I'd rather saggy breasts any day over ones covered in surgical scars - Like I said, I've seen it - Scars are not sexy. Especially on the breast area.

I think someone above mentioned exercise... And you don't even need a gym apparently Make your breasts look bigger and firmer using that web pages instructions, in your own home.
Advanced Wordsmith
I like my men clean... Like mentally it's erotic to have your macho lumberjack to come in and fuck you while sweat drips off both of you... But in reality, it's kinda gross, for me at least. I wilt in the heat and I don't like sweaty, sticky people...

Give me a man fresh out of the shower (but dry, that weird clammy stage is awful too...) all ready for me to dirty up and I'm happy. : D
Advanced Wordsmith
To be honest, I don't persoanlly notice a difference in feeling really O-o

But that could just be me. Either way - surely as with most cock related questions - it's the man thats attatched to it that determines the womans enjoyment.

I prefer circumsised at it just seems cleaner esp. for oral... However foreskins are usually more useful for handjobs - though neither of those really improve my enjoyment of his equiptment...
Advanced Wordsmith
I did for like... 4 months.

It wasn't for old times sake. He still loved me, and since I was the one that got dumped - I did sort of still love him for the first month afterwards.

I kinda regret it, because it led me to hate him as much as I do now... But that being said, so was the fact he was a dickhead. And still is. Plus the sex got shit.

But I don't see any problem with it if you're both consenting and want to.
Advanced Wordsmith
Not sure on that penis size estimation you got going on there... But tall men win out all the time. I mean, I'm quite short, so they'd have to be very short to be too short. But my man has to be taller than me, or it's just weird...

But tall is sexy, me thinks...
Small is just cute...
Advanced Wordsmith
There's a post below about 'big girls', and the general concensus so far is big girls are beautiful and ohmnomnom. So far anyway.

But someone recently pointed out to me that 'there's a difference, Han, between being a curvy lady and being built like a truck...' as we discussed a certain person we saw out and about in possibly less than suitable attire for her size, depending on your view.

So what to you counts as big? Weight and clothes sizes please... If you give clothes sizes, say where in the world you are since a size 6 uk is a size 0 us I believe...
When does a girl start being big? When does she start being built like a truck?
When is a girl too big that she stops being attractive to you?
Advanced Wordsmith
I wouldn't - because I'm quite happy with how stuff is down there. It's neat and tidy as far as I can tell - I don't have that dangly thing where my labia dangles down outside my labia majora...

However if it wasn't neat down there I'd probably consider it, since I'm overly body-concious anyway, but I doubt I'd actually have it done...
Advanced Wordsmith
Brad Pitt D:

And also, the older I get I'm starting to go off Johnny Depp... It's tragic and it's blasphemy... But... I dunno :/ It's just not there anymore... I'm not saying there's any chance of me kicking him out of bed, I just don't lust after him like I used to... I think it's my general taste in men that's changed actually...
Advanced Wordsmith
Not a guy, but I thought I might add - I think a guy would be less turned on by surgical scars, than he would by big nipples...

I saw a woman who got breast reduction - and you know, more power to her, because it made her more comfortable and confident with herself now she isn't breaking her back. But unlike breast implants where they can slit under the arm, and put them in, they had to cut up with under side of her boob, remove her nipple, then put it back on. She's still a lovely looking girl, but once that bra comes off that scarring is more offputting to me than if she had overly large nipples... Also, surgery is likely to decrease sensitivity, to breast area and nipples and that sucks all the fun out of them... And it may interfere with feeding if she has babies later in life... There are a lot of long term things related to this.

And as someone above said - if the bloke is put off by her having nipples that are 'too large' then there's something wrong there, with him,.

I however have the opposite problem and think mine are too small :/
Advanced Wordsmith
To be honest, when it comes to body hair - I want to know I'm with a man, not a 14 year old...

However - I said a man, not a bear. If a man is not very hairy, naturally, that's his body. Oh well. If he's more bear than human... Ickr. But, you'd have to be hella furry... I don't want a jungle, but bald men bits are weird lookin'. Weirder than usual, plus someone who spends more time on his appearance than I do is not good.

So yeah, trimming is ok, and as long as you're not a bear, you can be furry, it's the way you're meant to be...

On a side note, clean shaven face wise wins 100% over any kind of stubble, always. ot a deal breaker, but nothing a man puts on his face (asides from maybe me) is sexier than a clean shaven face.
Advanced Wordsmith
Sripping is difficult to do well, even for girls - and I imagine harder for the boys since it's not normally a role I assume they take.

Take your socks off first, before the act, unless your lady has some kind of foot fetish. Watching a guy remove socks is not something I consider sensual...

Someone above mentioned eye contact. Do keep contant, but you can break it for short periods of time, and if you're stripping of right she most definately will. Slowly, sensually and with slow music would be best. Necho's point about the bubble bath sounds sofuckinghott. Try that... You lady will likely appreciate that enough to be extremely reciprocal to whatever you offer next.
Advanced Wordsmith
I think Dancing_Doll has a very fair point... I have friends, who have on nights out snogged each other, to get drinks out of men.

Also there was a saying going around - I'm all for gay marriage, as long as both girls are really hot! It's sad but true, that girl on girl action is more sociably acceptable than guy on guy, and it tends to get more and more acceptable the more attractive the women are...

Or maybe it just that more women are interested in both sexes than men are...
Advanced Wordsmith
For me personally, it'd depend on the guys... Some guys I know it just wouldn't be a turn on for me (and by that, I mean, men I find attractive)... And also, I doubt it'd be good for me if the men were overly feminine... :/ I'm not sure I put that right, but I'm trying to stray away from offensiveness.

But otherwise, I'd like to see it. Maybe not the whole nasty... Since I'd rather they were paying attention to me at that point, but I think it's be sensual for foreplay and a way to help me see what each guys was into.

Personally though - it's not much of a threesome if you're just watching. For me it'd be no fun, unless I was an active participant - and in that case the biggest turn on would be being viewed by both men at the same time and having their physical attentions on me.
Advanced Wordsmith
I suppose I am, to some extent... I don't need sex - but I'd certainly like it everyday, and if it was offered, I'd certainly be taking. I also think about sex a lot... And if I'm not getting sex everyday, and I get the chance I'll satisfy myself in otherways... However, like I said - I don't need sex, so if from some reason I'm not getting it from my partner, I won't be scratching around elsewhere for it.

So... I'm not sure... I'll take the title if it's bestowed, but I'm not sure if I really count.
Advanced Wordsmith
Not a guy, so my answer isn't really relelvent, but I've never done this, mostly because I've never been expressing... But it's something I'm interested in, and would certainly be willing to try...

This thread has actually given me some useful stuff for a story I plan to eventually write biggrin
Advanced Wordsmith
Yes. End of.

I will grant you if it's something like my partner is an actor - then... No. But that wouldn't be sensual, it'd be acting...
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by javier
Quote by HannahBirdy

- The I'm very complimented, but I'm married

Could I ask you something? Just friendly curiosity, but were you aware of that detail before you hit on him? (like you noticed he was wearing a ring, or something like that)

I wasn't actually. If I had been I wouldn't have bothered asking...
Advanced Wordsmith
Any time, except for the morning.

First thing that comes to my mind when I wake up is not sexy timez. And this goes for the night too, being woken up for sexy timez when all I want to do is be back asleep isn't fun...

So yeah - when I'm awake, usually... biggrin
Advanced Wordsmith
I'm surprised more of the lush ladies aren't into this myself O-o Then again... I think most of us like us some manly men, who can dominate us, not the other way around.

I'm not sure how I feel about this myself. I read a fem-dom story, with a male in womens underwear, and it was pretty enjoyable... But I'm not sure how I'd feel to find my man in womens underwear (although I'm not sure if it'd be better if it wasn't mine...).

I did have a partner that wanted to wear a nurses dress while we did our thang. And I'm kinda sad that never happened... So god knows, maybe I would enjoy it...
Advanced Wordsmith
I really like to know weather you lady's prefer a bad boy or a nice boy ? How long does he have to be in my life?

Who do you prefer to take the lead in bedroom, you or the man ? The man.

Does size really matter ? Yes, but not in the way you'd think.

Are looks important ? Yes. If I don't find him attractive then it's not happening.

Does body shape (fat,slim etc) really matter ? To some extent, but I've dated a twiglett bloke and a much larger gentleman ;) and people inbetween...

What really turns you gals on ? It all depends on the gals.

Do you girls enjoy watching or even participating in porn video's ? Watching, yes. Depending on the content, but not all the time. I can use my mind to get off, so I don't need the pretty pictures... Professional porn is crap however. Being in a porn video is sooo never going to happen - The idea may get me off, but the practicalities of my nerdy friends seeing it, or strangers recognising me in the streets do not.

What do you really like in the bedroom( ie do you like sucking dick,getting fucked in the arse,titty fucked,rough,gentle etc etc) ? Yes. NO! Nyeh. Ohmnomnom. Yes. But as always it varies woman to woman... I like dirty nasty stuff, but you get some ladies that don't.
Advanced Wordsmith
So, I was just wondering... In our modern, free thinking society - you decided to ask the man of your dreams out - but for whatever reason (he's crazy, he's faithful to his partner, or he just doesn't like you...) he declines your gracious offer to become your [s]adoring sex slave[/s] current squeeze.

How would you rather he deliver the blow? Gently and politely? Telling you no-way-no-how-because-ew?

I've personally had several types of rejection and prefer the brutal edge myself... It hurts, but it helps me to realize what a wankshaft the guy is and get over him muhc faster.. You know if I've had my eyes on him a while that is. The nicer ones where you get let down gently lead to hope which are more painful in the long run I think...

For example... I've had

- The I'm very complimented, but I'm married - I found this one ok, it wasn't a crippling blow, but it was enough to easily move on from... Plenty more eyecandy after that to search for
- The I'll keep leading you on, somewhat, and then talk shit about you behind your back because I'm uninterested - This on e was fairly brutal and while not an actual rejection - it opened my eyes to what a git he was, and I gave up and moved onto better men ;)
- The I'm waiting on someone myself, but I'll let you down gently, but I think you're alright... - This is just frustrating... It left me wondering for ages... e.e

I've probably had others, but these stuck out. Sorry for the depressing sorta theme... Just came into my head... So yeah - Rejection, how would you like it to be served?