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Bob was becoming frustrated by his experiences with Judy. Things seemed not to work out as they had with other women he turned into hot wives. Perhaps it was a mistake to seduce someone who lived so far away; he couldn’t drop in on her and John at will, making it harder for him to monopolize her and subjugate him.

And he needed sex more than once or twice per month, a lot more. Of course, he had Mary and Gwen, but they were getting a little long in the tooth. And neither of them could hold a candle to Judy; she was a large notch above all of the women he had turned. In fact, he almost couldn’t believe his good fortune to be fucking such a hot woman. God bless his old roomy for marrying her.

Judy wasn’t a glamor puss, but she was striking in every way: tall, slim and lithe. The problem was that she wouldn’t come to him, out of concern for her husband’s feelings. When they were together she was game for lots of wild sex, but he had to travel to her for brief hotel room romps, then she'd go home to her family. Bob’s idea was for them to go on sex vacations, leaving John to tend the home fires, or at least for her to come to his place for weekends.

He finally got lucky when he suggested she bring her daughter Ann to tour the college and had the Dean arrange for Ann to sleep in the dorm with upperclasswomen.  He took her to his clothing-optional club; she seemed comfortable in the nude among his friends. Then he decided to pimp her out to his buddies, the ultimate in a bull’s control of his whore. And she seemed ready to play until they were busted by Ann. That’s when things went to hell.

John was also finding his situation at home uncomfortable. After Judy told him the details of her sex discussion with Ann, he sensed subtle but frequent condescension from his daughter. She had worshipped him from when she was little but now he felt empathy from her. Prior to Bob, there was never an issue about who was driving the bus; he and Judy were a unit working together. Now, her mother had become this adventurer breaking down sexual barriers, cuckolding her husband. He felt like a wimp.

He had come to terms with his wife’s sexual adventures. He didn't consider himself a cuckold in the pejorative sense; he was a willing observer, if not a regular participant. But he needed to regain the respect in his home that he believed he had previously. And to him, that meant asserting some control over, or at least input into, Judy and Bob’s activities.

The problem was that unbeknown to Judy, he had been visiting internet sites and exploring bisexual contacts. And he was almost ready to meet a couple of guys that he was texting with. He really didn’t think that he wanted one-on-one sex with a guy; he envisioned him and Judy sharing a cock and both men fucking her. But his ego could not handle that person being Bob, but, in fact, Bob’s big uncut brown cock exactly fit his fantasy of what he would like to handle.

The idea of guiding that awesome machine to her pussy lips and watching closely as it spread them open to the limit, hearing her sighs and moans as it reached deeper and deeper, excited him tremendously. Seeing her reach up and pull Bob down for a long kiss and wrapping her long, beautiful legs around his hips could make him cum almost without any physical stimulation. But he had become convinced that Bob wants to take her away from him. That mustn’t happen.

Judy also noted a change in Ann’s behavior toward John. She decided that she must not appear to be dominating him in her eyes, and probably should back off from openly seeing Bob any time soon. What initially seemed an opportunity to come out of the closet, now looked less positive.

Of course, Bob had been texting her regularly, telling her how much his pals wanted to fuck her and offering to pay for her airfare for a weekend romp. She began to feel a little crowded by him. She had always hoped that she, John, and Bob would get comfortable with a threesome arrangement. But John had become leery of Bob’s motives and Bob was seeming dismissive of him.

Maybe it was time to kick Bob to the curb; certainly, she didn’t want to have things get bad in their marriage. She stopped responding to his texts, which caused them to increase in frequency and temperature.

“Are you expecting a visit from Bob this weekend?” John asked her one evening.

“No, Bob is on ice at the moment. I want to spend quality time with you. Would you like to go somewhere together?”

“I would like that. I have long wanted to go to Miami, South Beach. We could try to get reservations at one of those art deco hotels on the beach, and fly down on a Friday for a few days. How does that sound to you?” John perked right up.

“Let me try to set something up,” Judy replied enthusiastically.

At an outrageous expense, she was able to set it all up. They left a disappointed Ann on her own and flew to Florida, arriving early Friday afternoon. They had ample time during the flight to discuss the family situation. Judy reassured John that she and Ann loved and respected him still, suggesting that time would even things out again. John confessed to his recent search activities and his desire for them to play together with another man, but not Bob. Judy expressed interest in making that happen; she liked the idea a lot, she told him.

Just as they were checking into their beachfront hotel, John received an urgent text from his assistant for him to call back. In the room he returned the call; a client had a house fire and his assistant needed advice. It was John’s practice to offer guidance and assistance to clients during the stress of a loss. Realizing that the call would be lengthy, John suggested that Judy put on her bathing suit and go secure a spot on the crowded beach.

From the balcony while he talked, he watched her cross the street, put her things on a pair of chaises on the sand, and remove her cover-up. She stepped out of her sandals, walked to the water, and waded in. When he next looked, he spotted her lime green bikini further up the beach at the water’s edge, walking away.

A half-hour later when John arrived at their spot, Judy had not returned yet. He lay down on one chaise and soon nodded off. He awoke to a gentle nudge on his shoulder. Judy was sitting on the other chaise facing him. Seated beside her was a young, handsome man in red lifeguard trunks. Judy’s hand was on his knee.

“Hi, darling, meet Jason. He’s an off-duty lifeguard whom I met up the beach. He warned me about a shark sighting and offered me some of his sunblock when he saw that I was beginning to burn. And he very nicely helped me apply it.” Judy smiled at Jason and patted his inner thigh.

“I think it is time for you and me to get out of the sun, and I invited Jason to join us for drinks and dinner. We had lots of time to chat about lifestyles and he accepted my invitation enthusiastically.” She leaned to John and kissed him, plunging her tongue deeply. Then she picked up their things and headed toward the hotel.

When they reached the street, Judy pointed out a liquor store down the block and asked John if he would go purchase refreshments and bring them to the room.

As they crossed to the hotel, Jason placed his hand on the small of her back. John felt a frisson of jealousy at the sight but also felt a tingle in his cock, watching this young fellow be possessive toward his wife.

When he got back with gin and tonic and ice, they were seated on the balcony. Judy’s bikini top was off and Jason was smoothing lotion on her, paying particular attention to her breasts, which had not been in the sun at all, he thought. Jason’s boxer/brief-style suit was showing a definite bulge, including the tip of a very nice cock peeking out of the leg. Judy’s famous nipples were fully erect and her fingers were rubbing his thigh.

John put down his packages and stood watching as Judy leaned into Jason for a kiss. It was a long one, after which she led him into the room and they sat on the sofa. Then she indicated that John sit on the other side of the young man. When he was seated, she leaned across and kissed him, plunging her tongue into his mouth. “Look at this lovely fat cock, John. I’ve been wanting to touch it for quite a while, but I waited for you to join us.

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“May I take it out now? Will you help me?” Her erect nipples dragged across Jason’s chest as she kissed him again and then moved to kiss Jason. John was struck by the contrast of her pale breasts against Jason’s tanned chest with its light cover of sun-bleached hair. He shivered with the memory of feeling her hard nipples brushing his chest.

Her hand grasped his hard cock as she slid to her knees between them. Her other hand reached for Jason’s burgeoning member. “C’mon, boys, let’s take out the equipment for Mama.” The men chuckled and wiggled out of their suits.

“Oh yes!” Judy sighed as she grasped the two hard cocks. The two men sat and watched as she licked and then sucked them, back and forth; first John’s seven inches with its circumcised head, then sliding Jason’s foreskin back from  and slipping her lips over it. “Mmmm, every woman’s dream: two beautiful hard cocks to suck and, hopefully, to fuck.”

Not for the first time, the sight of his beautiful wife lavishing affectionate kisses on another man’s fat cock, caused a multitude of emotions in him: jealousy, fear, anger, and love, all jumbled up in his gut. But her incredible beauty overwhelmed him with affection.

It took John a few moments to notice that Jason’s hand was grasping his cock, squeezing it lightly as Judy sucked it. He reached over and returned the gesture to the young stud. He liked the feel of the fatter cock and the movement of its foreskin. Judy looked up at him and nodded toward the cock in his hand. He looked at Jason and got another nod. The moment of truth had arrived.

John got on his knees beside Judy. She raised her face from her task and they kissed. The taste was a mixture of pre-cum, sweat, and salt. Judy pressed his upper back toward the source of that taste while she slid her tongue along the eight-inch shaft toward Jason’s full ball sac. “That’s it, darling, stick out your tongue and cover your teeth; you are my good little cock-sucker now, aren’t you?”

She stood up, removed her bikini bottom and stood on the sofa cushion, offering her pussy for Jason to lick. It was already very wet. What a sight for John: Jason holding her beautiful ass cheeks open, his Adam's apple bobbing as he licked from her taint to her clit and back. John worked that cock deeper. His own cock was dripping pre-cum on the carpet. After a few minutes, Jason grabbed the back of John’s head and pulled him in until his nose was in Jason’s pubic hair. Then he released him, “Stop. I don’t want to cum yet.”

Judy flopped down beside him saying, “Yes, let’s slow it down a little; we have lots of time. Why don’t you two rinse the beach off while I make drinks?" When she carried two G&T’s into the bathroom she was greeted by the sight of Jason on his knees in the walk-in shower, pulling John’s cock entirely into his mouth. “Stop that!” she said with a smile. “This is supposed to be a threesome. I don’t like being left out.”

She handed them towels and stepped under the torrent. Watching her rinse, John couldn’t believe his luck at having such a sexy and slutty wife. Jason turned to him and said, “You lucky bastard, you,” and sipped his drink. Then he said, “Damn, now I’ll have to put more lotion on her."

They sat around in the nude enjoying drinks and getting better acquainted; John and Judy on the bed, Jason on the sofa. The married couple idly played with each other as they chatted. Jason’s cock was like an elevator, going up and slowly going down, only to go up again. Finally, John took pity on him and whispered to Judy, “I think you had better put him out of his misery; he looks like he needs to be fucked.”

“Are you all right with me doing him first? I planned to give you first dibs,” Judy replied.

“I am ready to enjoy the best porn of my life. You had better cum hard for us, because I will probably cum just watching, and your restorative powers notwithstanding, I may not have his powers of recovery.” Judy kissed her husband passionately, then lay on her back and beckoned to the young stud. John moved a little to make more room, but stayed on the bed. He wanted a front-row seat.

Jason came to the side of the bed, his rigid cock pointing at the ceiling. Judy rolled onto her side, grasped it and pulled it to nearly horizontal and her mouth. Her other hand reached under his balls and tickled his asshole, then cupped his scrotum as her tongue tickled the tip of his cock which protruded slightly out of his foreskin. Then she slid it back with her lips, devouring the head as it appeared.

Meanwhile, John had begun to play with her pussy. He was torn between licking her and watching her lick Jason, so he diddled her clit with his finger while he feasted his eyes on the couple. He was constantly in awe of her ability, in her forties, to attract a man in his twenties, but in his eyes, she was the most beautiful woman alive. When she rolled onto her back again, she kissed him and said, “Thank you, darling; you have gotten me more than ready. I can’t wait any longer for him to feed my hungry pussy."

Then came a beautiful dance: she lay back with her arms and legs open, inviting Jason in; he covered her and they kissed deeply; she sighed with pleasure and guided his hard cock to her warm, welcoming cunt. “Please go slowly at the start. I’ll tell you when to put the hammer down, OK?” He just nodded and almost tenderly rotated his hips, notching his cock head between her pussy lips. A moan escaped his lips as his cock slid deeper. “Aah yes, you magnificent bastard, just like that, long, slow, and deep. You’ll have me cumming soon.”

In response, Jason leaned down and took her right nipple in his mouth and sucked hard. John saw his opportunity and did the same with the left one. His hand grasped her bum and squeezed. That drove Judy over the edge. She closed her eyes and began spasming; her glutes clenched, her stomach muscles tightened, and she briefly appeared to pass out. Jason held his cock still, in as far as it could reach until she seemed to waken. “Your pussy really gripped my cock tightly,” he said in her ear.

John sat back, momentarily concerned. When she opened her eyes, she looked at him, embarrassed, and whispered, “I’m sorry. This is too good.” He brushed her hair from her sweating brow and smiled at her. Then Jason began his strokes again a little faster. His cock was now covered with her creamy discharge. Judy hooked her ankles together behind his hips and grabbed his ass, pulling him in, then letting him withdraw. With each thrust of his cock she uttered a susurration, “Yess…” as if her breath were being forced from her.

They sped up their rhythm moaning and grunting until she begged him to cum in her. He needed little encouragement and with a yell, pumped his balls empty, then collapsed on her. They didn’t move for several minutes. For a few moments John felt like an intruder; then Judy turned to him, letting Jason roll to one side. She took his face in her hands, kissed him and said, ”Thank you, my love. What would you like?”

“I would like to fuck you, but I can’t follow that act. I’ll wait for a better time.” He had oozed precum all over the bed, but had not actually ejaculated.

Jason went into the bathroom to wash. When he returned he said, “I had better leave you two alone,” and began to dress.

John said to him, “Oh no. I don’t think Judy is done with you yet. Get back here.”

Judy held out her hand and added, “Won’t you stay to have dinner with us? I promise you will like dessert.” He didn’t need to be asked twice. After a convivial meal and a short walk on the beach, they spent the evening trying several sex combinations. Each man fucked Judy twice before they all collapsed in exhaustion on their king bed. In the morning John awoke to the bed being shaken by Jason and Judy fucking again; he held her hand until she started to cum, when she grabbed Jason in a tight hug and kiss. Oh, the stamina of youth.

Jason had to work on the weekend but he met them in the evenings for more bi sex. During the daytime John and Judy did some sightseeing in the Everglades and drove to Key West for a day. Both were saddened to say goodbye to Jason on Monday. They had no expectation of meeting again yet they exchanged numbers.

Meanwhile, back at home on Saturday afternoon, Ann answered the doorbell to find Bob standing there.

Written by Johnnycumlately
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