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When I was an impoverished college student I lived in a double dorm room and paid my board by working in the dining hall. One semester my roommate was a large black football player named Bob. Aside from his snoring loudly as he slept, he was easy to room with. Truth be told, I was intimidated by his size, though he did nothing to cause it.

The room was tiny with single beds and desks against opposing walls with a narrow aisle between them. Bob spent most of his waking time at practice or in the gym after which he would eat, spend an hour or so studying and then crash for the night. He had a prodigious appetite, so when I was on server duty, I fed him seconds and more.

We kept a small night light on so I could find my way to bed while he slept. I was dating a woman from town at the time. One night we got tired of playing slap and tickle in her car and decided to sneak into my room and bed. Sure enough, Bob was sawing wood steadily, so we stripped and tried to keep quiet. There was much giggling as we fumbled with a condom and fucked under my covers.

Sated, I must have dropped off against the wall side of the bed when I was awakened by a jab from my girlfriend’s elbow. I opened my eyes to the specter of naked Bob standing over us with his very large, erect cock in his hand. I was about to tell him to go away when, to my horror, I watched her hand reach up and take hold of it. I was gobsmacked.

After a few moments of hand play, you guessed it; she sat up and slid her lips over the monster’s head. She had not yet given me head but she sucked him with abandon. With a loud moan, Bob reached under her arms and lift her up as if she were weightless and turned to his bed with her under him.

I was pissed. I got up, grabbed my clothes and a blanket and spent the night on a sofa in the lounge. I didn’t see her leave in the morning and I didn’t speak to Bob about her. His good-natured demeanor never changed. I didn’t call the woman again and Bob later joined a fraternity and moved out. After; I still served him food and whenever we met on campus he greeted me like a long-lost brother.

That was more than twenty years ago and, would you believe, it has happened again. My wife Judy convinced me to go to my twentieth-class reunion. Now that our teenage daughter is old enough to be left alone, Judy wants us to expand our social life. She is the spark plug of our family; arranging dates and accepting invitations for us, and is often the life of the party.

I took her to see if my old room still exists; it does and we were appalled at how tiny it was. I told her the story of how Bob fucked my date. She found it hilarious.

Just as we turned to leave the dorm room this huge black man grabbed me in a bear hug and spun me around. Bob! After introducing him to Judy we had a laugh, wondering how we survived in this room together. Judy asked him about my story, but Bob claimed that he didn’t recall the incident.

She jabbed her elbow into his ribs and said, “Oh c’mon, you know you did it.”

He just chuckled.

Bob insisted that we dine with him at his hotel, not far from ours. Judy accepted before I could decline. As we parted company, Bob again crushed me in a bear hug, then he hugged Judy, lifting her up and kissing her on the mouth.

Judy has always been comfortable in her own skin; that is she is a cool customer. I have always admired her sense of savoir-faire. She is very attractive and many men have come on to her. Somehow she manages to leave them happy while turning them down. As far as I know, she has never succumbed to any other man’s charms.

Now, this big gorilla whom she met fifteen minutes ago grabs her in a bear hug, swings her off her feet, kisses her on the mouth, probably with tongue, and she doesn’t get upset or rattled. That’s my beautiful, cool wife and I love her.

When we were alone outside she looked at me and said, “He seems like fun.” I wasn’t about to get into that discussion. Back in our hotel room, Judy became quite frisky. In bed, I expected to take a nap, but she wanted to talk about Bob.

“He is quite handsome, don’t you think?” She traced her finger down my rib cage, stopping just short of my pubic area; then pressed her palm on my inner thigh, holding it there. “Quite a ladies’ man, I’d say.” She kissed me with tongue.

“I really don’t want to use Bob as our sex fantasy,” I murmured without conviction. Her hand moved closer to my junk which was making a liar of me.

“He makes quite a good one, don’t you think?” she whispered in my ear before she stuck her tongue in it. “Oh, come on; he is a hunk and you know it and probably really well hung. Are you still intimidated by him? Afraid he’ll take me from you like he did your girlfriend?” Easy for her to say. I had seen how she accepted his kiss earlier.

She dragged my now-hard cock from my shorts and rolled on top of me. Her pussy was very warm and very wet; I slipped in with no resistance, and damn, it felt good. I don’t think she came but I sure did, after which we took a nice nap, cuddled up.

Bob was waiting at a table when we arrived. He waved us over to join him and held out a chair for Judy. Dinner was actually quite pleasant; Bob turns out to be good, entertaining company. He and I sat across the table with Judy to one side. He directed his attention to both of us, but frequently touched Judy’s arm when making a point.

We went through the first bottle of wine quickly, followed by another. Once dinner was over, we retired to the lounge for stronger stuff. We sat in a booth; Bob and I on either side of Judy. He kept up a stream of banter until the band started up; then he asked me if he could dance with Judy. I replied that I was not her father.

Without asking her, he held out his hand. She immediately rose and took it, leading him to the dance floor. After one fast number, the band played a slow ballad. He took her in his arms and they glided around. I must admit, they made a good-looking couple; both excellent dancers.

When the song ended, they didn’t return to the table but stood on the dance floor chatting. I could see that she was attracted to him in the way that she looked into his eyes and touched him as they talked. When the band started another slow song they melded together smoothly.

Before long, her arm had moved around his neck and her body was pressed against his. He kept whispering things in her ear and she kept looking into his eyes and nodding her head, then resting her cheek on his chest.

As I watched them, I was reminded of how attractive my wife is. Watching her long, slim legs never failed to get me excited. Watching Bob’s big hands on her hip, dangerously close to her ass, pulling her into him caused a big lump to form in the pit of my stomach.

“He’s making a move on her, and she looks interested,” I thought.

When they returned to the table it was quite clear that Bob was aroused. The outline of his cock looked ready to burst through his slacks. He unsuccessfully attempted to disguise it and excused himself to go to the men’s room.

“Jesus, Judy, why didn’t you take his cock out right on the dance floor, for goodness sake,” I was angry.

“Sorry. I guess we got a little carried away for a bit. He was telling me that he is a bull; he fucks married women with their husbands’ approval. He says he has saved many marriages by relieving the husband of the pressure to keep his wife satisfied. Many husbands watch and sometimes participate.”

“I know what a bull does; I pay attention when we watch porn. That makes the husband a cuckold you know. I suppose he has offered to save our marriage; he thinks I’m good cuck material?”

“Calm down John; we were just having a good time and I asked him to explain how it works. You have nothing to worry about. I love you and you are enough man for me.” She paused, then, “Of course, on a special occasion like this where you could get to watch…..” she chuckled, “kidding; joke.” It didn’t feel funny to me.

Bob finally returned to the booth carrying another round of drinks. He sat close to Judy, putting his arm along the back of the banquet. He leaned across and asked, “What are you guys discussing; does it involve me? I like it when I’m the topic of conversation.” Judy slapped his thigh.

“Now don’t be a show-off. We were just discussing your hobby; if that’s what you call it, or is it a pastime?” Judy laughed.

“She’s enjoying herself at my expense,” I thought. “Would you two like to be alone? I can walk back to our hotel.”

“What’s bothering you bro? Nothing has happened that you need to worry about. In fact, I think that we are onto something important for both of you. This beautiful wife of yours has an opportunity for a life-changing experience, and you can share it with her. If you walk away, you will always wonder if she feels like she missed something in her sex life.”

Judy sat quietly, looking down at her hands in her lap.

“And afterward, what if she is not satisfied with what we have?” I asked the room. Judy turned and placed her hand on my thigh, then moved it to touch my cock through my pants.

That was when we both realized that I was hard. She made no mention of it, but simply gave it a squeeze and mouthed silently, “I love you.”

“Jesus, you’re planning to do this aren’t you?” I asked her.

She was silent for a moment, then replied, “Would that be so terrible? One night of coloring outside the lines after nearly twenty years of faithful love and monogamy? I would think that you have more trust in me. You have nothing to worry about,” she reassured me. “Nothing is going to happen without your agreement and, I hope, participation.”

I was not reassured in the least. This was getting out of hand in a hurry. “What says that you won’t become addicted to his big cock?”

“Would that be so bad?” Bob asked. “It’s not like I live across the street and was at her every day. What if some BBC every now and then makes her happy? ’Happy wife, happy life’ is not a bad motto. You wouldn’t be upset if she wanted a massage every couple of weeks; and you would gladly pay for it.”

“John, will you dance with me?” Judy put her hand gently on my arm and looked with kindness into my eyes. As we danced, she laid her head on my chest, wrapped her arms around me, and said, “You must have a million thoughts in your head right now. Do you want to tell me about them?”

“I’m frightened, sort of angry, wondering what you are doing, and I have this image of Bob seeing you naked and deciding that he loves you. I think of your beautiful body as he makes love to you and it excites and scares me at the same time. Maybe it’s true what they say, ‘once you go black…’”

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“Darling, you are my guy. There will never be another man for me. I love you and you only. If this is going too far for you, we will stop it now. Just say the word.” She kissed me, and I knew that I couldn’t do that. I went back to the table; Judy went to the ladies’ room.

Bob leaned toward me and said, “Bro, I’m your friend. You have a beautiful wife who loves you. It is clear that now that she has thought about it, she wants to try sex with a black man. Surely it’s better this way with me who will be far away in another day or so than for her to be wondering what she missed out on.

I knew he had a point. I was tempted to threaten him if he wasn’t good to my wife, but it would be idle posturing.

When Judy returned, her erect nipples announced to the entire room that she had removed her bra. She handed a wadded-up piece of cloth to Bob and her folded bra to me, saying, “He asked for them, so I brought something for each of you.” Bob raised her panties to his face; closed his eyes and breathed deeply, then put them in his pocket while looking me in the eye and winked.

He then asked her to dance again. I couldn’t watch him caressing her body with her hard nipples pressing his chest and her bare pussy within his easy reach. The waitress gave me a funny look when she came to check our drinks. The situation must be obvious to all around us and the room was getting crowded and noisy. I asked for the check.

I decided to visit the men’s for a piss and some thinking time. By the time I had relieved myself, they were waiting at the table. “Bob and I think we should go to his room where it is quiet and chat about our plans.”

Oh he does, does he; our plans? “Am I invited?”

“Of course, silly,” the smile that has always disarmed me.

Judy took my hand when we left for Bob’s room and held it the whole way up on the elevator. I felt like a lamb being led to the slaughter; my erection had disappeared and my heart was pounding. While he unlocked the door, she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me hard. “I love you more than you can imagine,” she whispered.

His room was actually a suite with a nice seating area and wet bar. Mood music played softly on the stereo. As soon as we entered Judy slipped her shoes off, turned to me, and began unbuttoning my shirt. “Undress me, you sexy bastard,” her voice was husky. Bob went to make drinks.

By now I knew that I had to let my wife of nearly twenty years play this out, come what may, so I told her that whatever she wanted I would go along.

She replied, “I won’t do anything unless you are right there with me. We are in this life together. Please make love to me now,” she kissed me passionately again.

“I thought he was going to do that,” I replied, a bit confused.

“He is going to fuck me. I make love only with you. Let’s get on the bed.” I pulled her top over her head, then unzipped her skirt and she stepped out of it. My god, she was beautiful in her altogether. I never loved her more than right then.

She lay down on the near queen bed and beckoned me to her side. This was familiar territory; she turned toward me, we kissed and I slipped my hand under her bum and held it for a moment; she always loved me holding her ass. Then, she lay on her back and opened her legs a bit. While licking her nipple, I touched my middle finger lightly to her pussy and slid it between her labia. She was quite wet and she moaned when I touched her clit.

Her hand grasped my, once again, hardening cock while we kissed and I continued stroking her wet entrance. She must have been far gone because she orgasmed very quickly; a quiet but sustained one. “Thank you, darling,” she whispered

That’s when I opened my eyes to see, you guessed it, big naked Bob standing beside the bed, large cock in hand watching us. Unlike twenty-five years ago, it was not pointing straight up but it was still very impressive, making mine look pitiful.

Judy soon recovered and turned toward him. She took his cock in hand and raised her head so that she could touch the tip with her tongue, making it jump. With a quiet chuckle, she slipped her lips around its massive head, making its owner moan with pleasure.

“This is me being dismissed,” I thought and started to roll away but she caught my hand and pulled me back. “I want you to stay right here with us. Look at this thing. Isn’t it marvelous?” She went back to her oral examination. I moved into a spooning position and slid my erection between her thighs. This was the closest I have ever been to another man’s hard cock.

Bob meanwhile put his big hand under her head and lifted it so that he could slide his cock deeper into her mouth. I propped my head on my hand to watch. “You lucky bastard John, not only is your wife beautiful and smart, she is a dynamite cock sucker.” He was grinning widely. Judy turned her head toward me and we kissed.

“You wanna try it?” she asked, smiling. “It is quite a mouthful.” Instead, I moved down between her thighs and started licking her pussy. Eventually, she stopped licking and said to the room, “I think it’s time.” She rolled onto her back and this time let me move away.

I sat on the other bed and watched as Bob got between her legs. I thought my head was about to explode; my stomach was doing flip-flops and my heart was pounding. She opened her legs wider for him and he leaned down and kissed her vagina for a long moment.

With a sigh, she pulled his head up toward hers. He laid his fat cock on her belly to show me how deep he would be in her, then backed away until she took hold of it, and smiling over at me, she slid the tip up and down her slit. Then she turned to him and said, “Gently now,” and registered the tip between her labia.

“Relax, we’ll take this slow, and before you know it you’ll have ten inches of heavenly black cock blowing your mind; tell me if you need me to slow down,” Bob said. He was resting on his elbows, either side of her shoulders. He bent forward and plunged his tongue into her mouth. She let go of his cock and wrapped her arms around his neck and reciprocated.

Against every fiber of my being my traitorous cock was rock hard, leaking pre-cum copiously. This scene was blowing my mind for sure. I was supposed to be upset and angry. As Bob made short, slow pelvic moves that pressed his massive cock gradually deeper, Judy looked into his eyes and nodded her head in encouragement and appreciation.

I couldn’t help myself; I went and sat beside them, leaned close to Judy, and whispered to her, “This is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen; you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.” She grasped my hand momentarily to acknowledge me, then I sat back to watch more.

By this time Bob’s cock must have reached beyond where my seven inches does. With each slow stroke, she nodded and softly said, “Yes, yes, yes,” never taking her eyes off his face, until suddenly she tensed up, wrapped her arms around his neck and started to have spasms, moaning, “Oh fuck, oh fuck.” Bob stopped moving until she calmed.

When he started again she grasped his ass with both hands, bent her legs, and putting her feet on his shins for leverage, raised her pelvis to take every last inch of him. He was like a machine, never changing tempo, making long, slow penetrations with a little extra push of his hips at the end. Judy appeared to be in a trance, exhaling in rhythm with his thrusts.

Wow! Talk about feeling like a fifth wheel. Now I was getting despondent. I thought, “She belongs to him now. I knew it. I don’t stand a chance.”

Eventually though, she told him that she was ready for him to cum. “Where would you like it?” he asked.

“Oh, I want you to cum in me. I want to feel the heat and gush.” He began to speed up his motion; leaned down and they kissed a real lover’s kiss that seemed to go on forever until he cried that he was cumming, and she cried, “Oh god yes, fuck me! Fill me up!”

The room was silent save for the music from the sitting area for several minutes. Finally, his softening cock slipped out followed by a river of cum. “You were magnificent,” Judy whispered to him, unfortunately loudly enough for me to hear. My stomach lurched almost making me vomit.

His response was, “Give me fifteen minutes and we can do it all again.”

“Thank you, but no. Now I must take my wonderful husband home and show him how much I love him and how grateful I am for letting me experience this.” She kissed him briefly on the lips, then rose to go to the bathroom, cum dripping from her onto the rug. I looked down realizing that in the midst of the action, I had cum all over the bed coverlet.

We dressed and after a brief goodbye kiss, Judy told him, We’ll see you tomorrow. The next day was game day, and he had arranged fifty-yard line seats for us. We were silent on the drive back to our hotel; Judy’s hand resting warmly on my thigh her mind elsewhere. Once in the room, she grinned impishly at me and asked if I wanted sloppy seconds. Her wit again. All I wanted was to curl up, reconnect with my wife and sleep peacefully in her arms. She had the same idea.

The next morning we had a room-service breakfast and talked about the night before. Again, she tried to reassure me that nothing was changed for us, but I felt very changed and I couldn’t help asking the usual questions. Her answers:

“Yes, it was very different;

yes, it was very good;

no, it had not hurt because he was very gentle;

yes, it made her a little sore;

yes, she had more orgasms than with me;

no, she was not falling in love with him.”

Then came the million-dollar, but obvious question. “Would you like to do it again?”

She thought for quite some time before answering, “Yes.” My heart sank.

The game was in the afternoon. We spent some time at the hotel pool and had a quiet lunch before meeting Bob at the stadium. Bob was his usual gregarious self; we both were subdued.  The home team lost, much to Bob’s dismay. Somehow that gave me sadistic pleasure. I had not really been paying much attention to the game, I kept recalling her last answer. I was very alert to any contact between Judy and Bob. I saw none.

As we left the stadium in the crush of the crowd, I kissed Judy, said, “Go for it. Call me if you need a ride back,” and walked away. I looked back momentarily to see her take his hand and head toward his hotel.

I spent a lonely night in our hotel room; awakened early the next morning by her knock on the door. Trying to sound happy I asked, “How about those sloppy seconds?”

Her face fell momentarily, and she pleaded soreness. Then grinning with her usual wry humor, said, “Besides, it’s sloppy fourths now; not including a blow job.”

After breakfast, we packed for the flight home. Bob was nowhere to be seen.

I have since asked her many times for details of her time with Bob. Her responses have provided fodder for several epic orgasms. Once I asked whether she wanted to go to my thirtieth reunion. Her immediate answer was, “You wouldn’t make me wait that long, would you?”

Written by Johnnycumlately
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