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In a New York Minute

In a New York Minute - Part One - Chapters 1-4

In a New York Minute, Grace made everything in Mac's life better.

Chapter One McKinley Stewart was a successful businessman who’d struggled most of his adult life with relationships and personal issues. Life was a puzzle, and the pieces never seemed to fit quite right, so he’d resigned himself to being happy enough with his growing IT firm and found a string of escorts to fill his sexual needs. That all changed in a New York minute. The past twenty-one months had been a whirlwind of lif...

In a New York Minute - Part Two - Chapters 5-8

Grace and Mac work hard to balance work, sex, and being new parents.

Chapter Five Grace’s dreams were filled with erotic wonders. Mac’s hands were everywhere, and her body shook with the eruption of multiple orgasms. Part of her could sense this was a dream because where was their baby? It seemed that every time they tried to get something started, he’d need to be fed or changed. The interruptions were expected, but she was a little frustrated that their sex life had yet to return to norma...

In A New York Minute - Part Three - Chapters 9-12

Mac asks Grace out on a date so they can enjoy some uninterrupted sex.

Chapter Nine Grace hung up the phone after chatting with Brendan O’Sullivan, who was in Paris trying to help straighten out the mess Andre Boivin had created while balancing (or trying to balance) his wife and his mistress. “How’s it going over there?” Mac asked. “Better. It helps that Andre and his wife have decided to try to make the marriage work since his mistress broke things off with him.” “Oh? I wonder what happene...

In a New York Minute - Part Four - Chapters 13-16

Grace confronts a part of her past.

Chapter Thirteen Since it was Saturday, and there was no need to rush to get ready, Grace took some time to herself in the library while DJ took his morning nap. Mac was downstairs on the phone with Max Becker, discussing the possibility of acquiring Adelburg Technologies. Kurtis Adelburg was considered a gentleman with an impressive business sense and was looking to retire finally. He’d reached out to Max, who ran the Mu...

In a New York Minute - Part Five - Chapters 17-20

Mac and Grace struggle to find time and energy for each other.

Chapter Seventeen With the help of Max Becker, who ran the Munich office, and Brendan O’Sullivan, their European consultant, Grace Remy Stewart devised a very effective plan to encourage a whole slew of German companies to switch from doing business with Adelburg Technologies to Stewart Enterprises. While it wouldn’t guarantee that every firm would jump ship, it was a good bet that many would do so. Of course, it would al...

In a New York Minute - Part Six - Chapters 21-24

Mac treats Grace to an afternoon of lust and love.

Chapter Twenty-One Grace was in her office looking over the monthly reports when her phone rang. “Yes, Avery, what’s up?” “I have Max Becker on line two for you.” “Wonderful; thanks!” She held her breath, hoping the news from Munich would be good. “Hallo, Grace. Wie geht es dir? Alles Klar?” “Hi Max; Alles Klar.“ “Are you sitting down?” Her stomach did a flip-flop. Max and Brendan O’Sullivan, their European consultant, ha...

In A New York Minute - Part Seven - Chapters 25-28

In a New York minute, life can be turned upside-down.

Chapter Twenty-Five Mac woke up before the alarm and was pleased to see there would be time to seduce his wife before they had to get up. She was still sleeping, but he was sure she wouldn’t complain when she woke up and figured out what he was doing. Grace stirred as his hands moved down her body, landing on her bare mound. “Mmm, touch me, Carlos,” she teased. Mac laughed. “That will cost you, my sassy redhead.” He strad...

In A New York Minute - Part Eight - Chapters 29-32

Mac and Grace make a statement regarding Alice.

Chapter Twenty-Nine Mac and Grace stepped outside their front door with their attorney, Michael Stone, to face the throngs of reporters. It was time to set the record straight about Alice. “Holy hell,” Grace said under her breath. “Why are all of these people here?” “You are a power couple in the business world, and people find you both very interesting,” Michael said, holding his hand up to quiet the crowd. “Good afterno...

Chapter Thirty-Three While Grace and Mac were packing for their weekend beach getaway, Michael Stone filed the paperwork requiring Alice King to submit to prenatal DNA testing. Alice’s lawyer, Dennis Conrad, seemed to have minimal experience in such matters. His interactions with Alice made Michael wonder if Dennis was more than just her legal representation. The way he laid his hand on her back and grasped her hand seeme...

In a New York Minute - Part Ten - Chapters 37-40

Mac realizes why he has struggled to be done with Alice.

Chapter Thirty-Seven Mac’s head was hurting when they arrived home. Reluctantly, he took one of the pain pills Grace had tucked away in his wallet so his headache wouldn’t get out of hand. While he was still annoyed, it was hard not to be grateful that his wife had thought to ensure he was prepared. They spent an hour or so with Dom and Addie before Grace said her goodnights and took DJ up to nurse him before bed. Dominic...

In a New York Minute - Part Eleven - Chapters 41-44

Max and Virginie Becker work at making a baby while visiting Mac and Grace

Chapter Forty-One While Mac was making love to his wife in their bedroom on the sixth floor of their home in the Lenox Hill neighborhood of Manhattan, New York City, their guests, Max and Virginie Becker, were about the business of making a baby on the fourth floor. “Are you sure the kids are all right in separate rooms?” Max asked. “The boys fell asleep the moment their heads hit the pillow and have a nightlight in their...

In a New York Minute - Part Twelve - Chapters 45-48

Mac shows Grace he will stand by here in whatever way she needs.

Chapter Forty-Five While Mac and Grace thoroughly enjoyed playing tourists in their city with the Becker Family, it was time for everyone to get back to work. After bidding their friends goodbye, Mac checked in with his lawyer, Michael Stone, to see if he had any news about Bakary Konen, the man from Grace’s past who was trying to blackmail her. While Mac’s inner rage wanted to go after Bakary personally and castrate the...

Chapter Forty-Nine “Tie her legs open,” she heard a voice say. She felt groggy and sore. “She’s had enough of a break. It’s time to use her again.” Pain seared through her body. She opened her eyes and found herself covered in cum. “Look at our dirty whore,” another voice said. “Get the hose and spray her down first. She’s a sticky, filthy cumslut.” She screamed for them to stop and found herself in Mac’s arms as he despe...

In a New York Minute - Part Fourteen - Chapters 53-56

Mac and Grace still burn for each other, even as they balance work life and parenting.

Chapter Fifty-Three Grace was busy pumping her breast milk on a sunny morning in late February. While she had decided to stop breastfeeding now that her baby had one tooth in and another on the way, she and Mac had agreed she would continue to pump for another few months. Admittedly, as much as she missed the closeness of nursing DJ, she enjoyed having more freedom now that he was strictly on the bottle. Sylvie, Claudette...

In A New York Minute - Part Fifteen - Chapters 57-60

Another piece of Grace's past creates a rift with Mac.

Chapter Fifty-Seven “Is he sleeping?” Mac asked as he watched his wife’s hips sway as she entered their bedroom. “Yup. Clean diaper, full tummy, and a little Orajel to soothe those gums all make for a happy, sleepy baby.” “Good, because I need to put my hands on your body.” Grace tilted her head. “Well, if you insist.” “I do.” Mac grabbed her and playfully pulled her onto the bed with him, kissing her and letting his hand...

Chapter Sixty-One Grace purred as the hot water rained down on her while Mac’s hands rested on her hips. He nipped at her shoulder and whispered naughty suggestions into her ear. She answered by turning around and crushing her mouth against his in an erotic kiss. Putting her arms around his neck, she allowed him to lift her legs and wrap them around his waist while he pushed her back against the stone tile. “Hold on to me...

In a New York Minute - Part Seventeen - Chapters 65-68

Mac and Grace prepare to head back to Europe

Chapter Sixty-Five Mac sat at his desk and let his mind wander back to that day a little over two years ago when he’d spent the day interviewing potential candidates in hopes of selecting the perfect escort. The entire process had been an epic fail until the very last applicant. Then his whole life changed in a New York Minute when Grace Remy walked through that door. She’d been everything he’d ever wanted but didn’t know...

Chapter Sixty-Nine As people began to board the plane, Damian checked the passenger list to see if he had any regular customers on board today. He and his co-worker and friend, Marie, were flight attendants working in first class as typical, and it wasn’t unusual to see a few familiar faces. “Well, hot damn! McKinley Stewart and his lovely wife, Grace, are flying with us this morning!” Marie smiled. She knew that Damian h...

In A New York Minute - Part Nineteen - Chapters 73-76

Mac and Grace find time for sex even while traveling with a baby.

Chapter Seventy-Three After breakfast on Monday morning, Henri drove Mac and Grace to the Paris office to meet with Andre Boivin and Brendan O’Sullivan. Brendan had spent the last several months guiding Andre in his efforts to get his act together and get the division of Stewart Enterprises that he was in charge of back on track. Shortly before they arrived, Mac said, “Maybe one of us should have stayed back with Sylvie a...

In a New York Minute - Part Twenty - Chapters 77-80

Mac and Grace find ways to sneak in time together on their European trip.

Chapter Seventy-Seven Grace slipped into bed quietly, trying not to wake Mac after a busy and somewhat frustrating workday. All had been resolved eventually, but the day's stress triggered her husband's headache. Grace gave him his prescription meds and sent him to bed early. When he didn't argue, she knew she'd been right to insist that he rest. She was about to drift off to sleep when she felt a hand cup her breast. "Ma...

In a New York Minute - Part Twenty-One - Chapters 81-83

Mac and Grace enjoy their return to Copenhagen

Chapter Eighty-One Sylvie set her book down and peeked out of her bedroom door to see if any lights were still on in the suite's living area. Seeing darkness, she smiled. Her employers were tucked away in their room, and the baby she was charged with minding was fast asleep. She was officially off duty from her nanny responsibilities and had retired to her room to read. Now that all was quiet, she pulled her vibrator out...

In a New York Minute - Part Twenty-Two - Chapters

Grace and Mac make time for naughty fun in Vienna.

Chapter Eighty-Four After Mac and Grace settled into their World Business Class seats on the KLM flight from Copenhagen to Vienna, Grace closed her eyes and drifted off before the plane ever left the ground. Mac explained to their nanny, Sylvie, that they would be staying at the home of Franz Huber. “Besides running the Vienna office for us, Franz Huber is a dear friend. He walked Grace down the aisle at our wedding, and...

In a New York Minute - Part Twenty-Three - Chapters 87-90

A little rain can't stop the fun in Vienna.

Chapter Eighty-Seven After a busy day of sightseeing, Grace was exhausted. Her feet hurt, and all she wanted to do was sink into a tub of scalding water. Sadly, being pregnant limited the allowed temperature of the water, and the bath wasn’t as satisfying as she would have liked. She toweled off and slipped on a nightgown that wasn’t exactly sexy. Then again, she wasn’t looking to be amorous tonight. She was grateful that...

In a New York Minute - Part Twenty-Four - Chapters 91-94

Franz lets Mac know that it's time to take Grace back to New York

Chapter Ninety-One After a few days of enjoying a mini vacation, it was time for Mac and Grace to return to work. Their recent push to expand the Vienna office came with a few glitches that needed to be ironed out, including software updates and hiring additional personnel – all of which fell under Grace’s umbrella of duties. The week began well enough. But after a few days of grueling meetings, it was clear to Franz Hube...

In a New York Minute - Part Twenty-Five- Chapters 95-98

Mac heads to L.A. without Grace and immediately regrets it.

Chapter Ninety-Five McKinley Stewart was exhausted. His flight to Los Angeles had been delayed twice, and there had been a miscommunication at the Bel-Air Hotel, leaving him without a room for the first night of his stay. He thought about asking his admin, Avery, to make alternate arrangements for him. Instead, he decided he could figure out a plan after looking at the office to evaluate what damage had occurred during th...

Chapter Ninety-Nine Mac woke up around 7:30 am to an intense buzzing sound. It took him a moment to realize that it was his phone. Scrubbing the sleep from his face, he answered, “Hello?” “Hello, Mr. Stewart? This is Marjorie Wallace from Hotel Bel-Air. I’m terribly sorry to bother you at this early hour. I’m calling to say that I’m incredibly sorry about yesterday's mix-up with your reservation. I wish I had been here my...

In a New York Minute - Part Twenty-Seven - Chapters 103-106

Mac and Grace take care of business in L.A. and head home to New York.

Chapter One Hundred-Three Dani slept fitfully that night; the image of Grace and Mac seared in her brain. She woke with her hand between her thighs, knowing it was wrong to think of her friend and boss like this, but the scene was just too erotic for words. Closing her eyes, she envisioned Mac’s hands grabbing Grace’s hips as he thrust into her dripping, eager cunt as she begged him to fuck her harder and deeper. It made...

In a New York Minute - Part Twenty-Eight - Chapters 107-110

As Mac and Grace prepare for the birth of their second child, they find their sex life taking a back seat.

Chapter One Hundred-Seven As the weeks passed, Grace made several strategic moves to prepare for the birth of the daughter she and Mac so eagerly awaited. Having decided to take some extended time away from most of her duties as COO, she wanted to have certain things arranged ahead of time to ensure things continued to run smoothly. It was no surprise to Mac that Grace had planned for just about any scenario. His wife had...

In a New York Minute - Part Twenty-Nine - Chapters 111-114

In a New York Minute, everything can change...

Chapter One Hundred-Eleven Grace woke with a start, trembling from the horrific nightmare that interrupted her dreams. She’d been at the beach, holding her baby, when a tidal wave snatched the newborn from her arms. Panic-stricken, she went into the water to try to save her child, but a rip current developed and pulled her under. It took her a moment to realize it wasn’t real and that the little girl she and Mac looked fo...