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Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess

Hugs for Lion and a hello to all y'all.

I've been MIA a bit again, thanks to the plethora of error messages I was getting and the fact that my sister was here for nearly a week. My youngest and her man were here as well, and that made my heart so full!

Everyone is gone, except my brother who has several disabilities. He will be here for about 5 weeks. Fortunately, he is pretty high functioning and doesn't require me to do any personal care for him. Just cooking, cleaning, laundry, and taking him to the pool daily. Still, my life/schedule will revolve around him for a while. Good thing he takes naps so I can have a bit of time to write and mod! 😘

Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess

Just popping in for a tea and a wave!

Spent yesterday getting the house ready for my brother’s return. Did some deep cleaning in the kitchen while I was at it.

Managed to start reading the comp stories since mine is now published. With as many entries as there are, I doubt my little story about phone sex has a chance in hell of winning, but it should still be very entertaining for readers. Speaking of hell, though, OMG Kimmi’s is soooo good! I’m on my phone or I would grab the link to hers and post it here, but it is a MUST read!

I’m going to watch my youngest and her man compete in a cross fit competition tomorrow. It reminds me of the old days when we would drive hours to take her to dance competitions. She was all set to be a professional dancer, but became an aerospace engineer instead. 🙀🥰 So, it will be fun to go watch her compete again, even if it’s on a different kind of stage. 😘

Well I gotta grab and go. My neighbor needs me to let her plumber in. (Why does that sound like a premise for a new story? Haha)


Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess

Quote by Seeker4

LOL, "drunk options" - typo or Freudian slip?

I’ll have a drunk option when I get back from the gym! 😘

Morning all y’all! 💋

Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess

Quote by CapaillMark

Hey, just saying hello. Long time lurker/reader but just now finally summoned up the courage to post a story so thought I'd grab a drink in here while it winds its way through the queue. How long is it taking at the minute? I guess it's slower with people on holidays?

I've have a beer please.

Quote by KimmiBeGood

Welcome, CapaillMark! I’ll look for your story. smile And it may take a few days if you aren’t a gold or platinum member. Those members receive priority publishing.

Welcome, CapaillMark!

I'm techgoddess, better known as Kat. I'm a long-time member and a story moderator.

Kimmi is correct. Gold and Platinum members' stories go to the front of the line. We do our best to get through stories quickly. But when there is a story competition going on, the queue gets a bit more congested than usual.

Get comfy and enjoy the fine hospitality of Rump's! 😉

Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess

Happy hump day! Finally getting a grip on life after vacation. Hubby had to travel for work (part-time post-retirement job) and I slept like crap. I don't know how I used to do it when he was gone 2/3 of the time. I guess I was used to being alone. I see a nap in my future!

Hope all y’all are doing well. I’ll be sipping my tea, putting the finishing touches on my very unlikely-to-win comp story. I will eventually just have to submit it and be done with it. Who knew that someone who writes a plethora of dialogue in her stories would struggle to hit that 50% dialogue mark?

Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess

Quote by joe71

Isn't that always the way? Scrambling to finish a story not only for the sake of getting it published, but to get it out of the way so we can focus on the next one?

I've actually had this story done for a while, but was on a cruise and then came home to chaos. So, finally getting it published lets me focus on editing the comp story to get it dirty enough. 😉

Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess

Back from vacation with a new story:

The Last Dance - Part Two sees Seth and Natalie continuing to grow closer as they support each other through the toughest challenge of their lives.

Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess

Quote by CarltonStJames

After a week-plus, the final episode of Line Steppers is here.

Yes, you read correctly.

The series has indeed come to an end, and I want to thank each and everyone of you who spent time reading, liking and commenting.

Line Steppers - Episode 9 - It's. About. To Go. Down!

Confrontations between competing parties lead to quite the discovery for one. Tyrone is unsure of the status of Maya's and Dee's parting gift.


Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess

Quote by joe71

At first?! Every damn time I scroll through the forum, my eyes see "A Question About Titties."

You and me both!

Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess

Stopping in for a hello and a cuppycake. Hope the week is going well for all y'all. I came home Sunday, but yesterday was a busy day catching up on laundry, Lush messages, and wedding plans for the oldest. It's coming together, slowly but surely.

Getting the place ready for the return on my brother. He will be with us for a bit over a month this time 'round. My sister will bring him down on Friday and she will go home next Tuesday. When it's time to return him to her, hubby will take him up.

My sinus CT scan was last night and now I just need to wait for the results so I can see the ENT again. It's looking like sinus surgery in my future. We shall see!

Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess

Quote by Seeker4

Good morning, Rumpies!!

As Stompin' Tom said, "It's Canada Day up Canada way on the first day of July."

In celebration, Bertha is brewing some Tim Hortons Dark Roast. Teas are Red Rose (Only in Canada you say? Pity) and Canadian Breakfast. And there's boxes of Timbits (aka doughnut holes) around the room.

For the rest of today, I proclaim Rump's to be Canadian soil so you can all celebrate with us.

And another Canadian classic from the late Stompin' Tom.

Happy Canada Day to all y’all up in the “Great White North” eh?

My dad’s father’s side of the family were all French-Canadian, although I’ve come to learn that many of them were actually of Irish descent. Sadly, all of the aunts and uncles I used to visit there are gone. But I have a sister up there.

It’s pouring rain in Ft. Lauderdale which will make for a soggy morning. But once we board the ship, I don’t really care. It will just be nice to get away. It’s sort of a last hurrah before my brother becomes my responsibility again.

Not sure what my access to Lush will be like, so it may be a few days before I stop in again. All y’all Rumpies behave while Ape is in charge! 😘

Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess

We are traveling with friends. Our lunch stop was at Culver’s. I rarely eat beef, but you can best believe this girl ate a single butter burger with cheese. Yum yum yum.

Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess

Quote by KimmiBeGood

Enjoy your trip, Kat! I’ll try to keep our boys in Storeroom #4 occupied in your absence. biggrin

I told them all to misbehave while I’m gone. Oh wait, maybe I should have said behave. Ah well, have fun! 😘

Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess

Morning all y’all! I’m off on a weeklong adventure with my neighbors so my bar attendance may be spotty for a bit again.

I shall endeavor to bring back some rum from Bimini. (My neighbor is more interested in finding Bimbettes. (Shakes my head.)

Earl Gray this morning! Looks like it’s self serve today. Hoping our Lion is doing okay. And that our Bear is enjoying his time away with Lady Jay.

Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess

Quote by KimmiBeGood

He left just in time. I saw Miss Pixel sharpening her claws…

I was sharpening mine as well … Kat has claws!

Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess

Quote by KimmiBeGood

Morning Rumpies!

Kat, I hope your youngest gets that ring soon! worship

I’m headed out of town for a weekend getaway. Submitted my comp entry. I’m not really a dirty talker, so it’s more seductive talk. Ha!

Enjoy your weekend! ❤️

Have fun! You deserve it! I will read it just as soon as mine is submitted. I hope to have it ready by tomorrow. We are headed to Ft. Lauderdale tomorrow. With our neighbors. Then it’s cruise time M-F. After, we will spend a couple of days at Disney and then come home. It may be the last real trip our neighbor with Alzheimer’s can take. I hope it goes well. Our goal is to make sure his wife has an amazing time.

Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess

As I continue to write The Last Dance, I needed to write something a little lighter. So, here’s a fun little micro for you called:

Moonlight Madness

Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess

Quote by Longhair

Oh? Well, if you insist.

/tips his glass of iced water over techgoddess

Anyone else for this impromptu wet t-shirt contest?!

So I buy you a drink and your first inclination is to tip your ice water over me? 🤔🤨

No Thanks, I will pass on the contest.

Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess

Quote by 1OGHMNW

Kat, It’s great that the oldest decided on the flowers as you don’t need a

“bridezilla” even if it’s your own daughter. Fingers cross on the youngest getting a proposal. It wonderful that she mentioned it to you as she needed her mom to know. Now, the firewalls on ship’s has prevented access to this site. I remember getting a “Word” email from you one time so I wouldn’t miss a chapter. Bon Voyage and enjoy your cruise.

Coffee for me this morning as I need to see our financial planner.

We found out when our youngest’s boyfriend got her father’s blessing and said he would ask her soon. That was a month ago. 🤪 Not that I’m impatient or anything. Honestly I just want my girl happy. She had a previous long term relationship implode and had her heart crushed a few years ago. Seeing her so happy now is fabulous. As long as she’s happy, I’m happy.

We will buy the internet package but I’m sure it will be minimal connectivity. We’ll see I guess.

Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess

TGIF all y’all!

Drinks on me today! I finally got my older daughter to select the flowers for her wedding (it was like pulling teeth) so I can sign that contract, pay the florist, and check that off my list!

Rumor has it that the younger daughter will be getting a proposal soon. 😉 I hope his definition of soon is someone close to mine, I’m busting at the seems with excitement and can’t say a damn thing to anyone IRL

Gearing up for our Neighbor cruise! 🚢 We leave Sunday to go to Ft. Lauderdale. Then the ship sails into the Carribean on Monday through Friday. Then the 6 of us are headed to Disney for 2 days. If anything good came out of Covid, it was the fact that we became incredibly close and consider each other family now.

Gonna try to have part two of The Last Dance ready to submit before we set sail. Not sure if I will have access on the ship or not. Previous cruises it’s been a no, but then those were Disney cruises and this one is not.

Hope everyone is doing well and has fun plans for the weekend.

Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess

Congratulations on your 22nd famous story. That is quite an accomplishment. I have 3, with a 4th one under 500 views to cross that line. I've been here since 2008, but most of my stories were written in 2019 and beyond. Although one of the older stories is past 50K, I doubt I will make legendary any time soon.

Congrats to Kistin too!

Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess

Hubby blackened some chicken breast and created a chicken Caesar salad for lunch today. YUM!

Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess

Quote by KimmiBeGood

Oooo Dirty Talk! That’s a great theme! You better enter, C! I think you are superb with dialogue!

Bye, Bear! We’ll miss you! Safe travels!

Prayers for you too, Fuzzy, dealing with the storms!


No one does dirty talk better than CSJ! 🔥

Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess

“I love dialogue,” said the redhead with the dirty mind and even dirtier mouth. “I am fucking excited about this comp theme!”
