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In a New York Minute - Part Twenty-Seven - Chapters 103-106

"Mac and Grace take care of business in L.A. and head home to New York."

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Author's Notes

"Mac and Grace continue to realize the value of teamwork. Both fiercely independent and capable people, but better together."

Chapter One Hundred-Three

Dani slept fitfully that night; the image of Grace and Mac seared in her brain. She woke with her hand between her thighs, knowing it was wrong to think of her friend and boss like this, but the scene was just too erotic for words. Closing her eyes, she envisioned Mac’s hands grabbing Grace’s hips as he thrust into her dripping, eager cunt as she begged him to fuck her harder and deeper. It made her own pussy throb with need.

Her fingers danced frenetically along her pink, juicy folds as she recalled Mac’s demanding voice and the lusty response from Grace. Their mating was almost feral, the most decadent sight she’d ever seen.

A massive gush drenched her hands―and her bedsheets―as her climax erupted, leaving her body trembling with aftershocks. It was, by far, the most intense orgasm she’d ever experienced. Lying there, unwilling to move to clean up the fruits of her labor, Dani drifted back to sleep.

In the morning, Mac woke Grace by nuzzling her neck and whispering, “If you want that shower sex, my love, you’ll need to get up soon.”

Grace opened her eyes and sighed. “Start the water; I’ll be right there.”

Mac snatched the covers off his wife. “I don’t think so, darling. I know you too well. You’ll fall back to sleep if I leave you all cozy and wrapped up in the covers.”

“Not when sex is involved. But, fine; I’m up. Let’s get to it.”

Mac feigned indignation. “Well, if it’s such a chore, we can always skip it.”

Laughing, she smacked Mac’s well-toned ass and said, “Not a chance! You promised this horny, pregnant woman sex, and you’ll make good on that or live with a cranky redhead all day.”

“We can’t have that, now, can we?” he grinned, holding her hand as she stepped into the shower.

His hands roamed over her body as the hot water rained down on them. Steam swirled around as his nimble fingers captured her nipples, eliciting sweet, mewling moans. Her eyes rolling back in her head, she reveled in their erotic coupling as he parted her legs with his knee and impaled her from behind with his rigid shaft. The combination of slow, deliberate thrusts and the wicked way he was stimulating her breasts had her first climax wracking her body. While she was still shaking from her intense orgasm, he took her hands in his and held them against the wet tile.

“Do you need more, my sweet redhead? Do you need to cum on my cock again?”

“Yesss! Please, fuck me, Mac! Fuck me hard!”

Happy to oblige, he continued hammering into her needy pussy. Each stroke, seemingly deeper than the last, until their arousal peaked, teetered on the edge, and fell hard, pushing them both into sweet oblivion.

Mac sunk his teeth into Grace’s shoulder, playfully nibbling at her silky skin. “Mmm, you’re delicious!”

She spun around and captured his mouth with hers. Her kiss was an exquisite mix of playful vixen and erotic goddess. He felt himself melt into her, enjoying the passionate embrace. When their lips parted, their eyes met; a look said more than words ever could.

Wrapping her in a fluffy bath towel, he gazed at their reflection in the mirror. It was as if someone had painted a portrait of love, and the feeling overwhelmed him momentarily. When he could finally speak, Mac said, “You came.”

“Yes, I did, many times,” Grace laughed cheekily.

Mac laughed, realizing his unintentional pun. “Yes, but that’s not what I meant. You came here…to L.A., knowing how much I needed you by my side, without my even asking.”

Grace raised an eyebrow. “You’re not so good at asking,” she said gently. “It’s a good thing your wife knows you so well. It’s not that you can’t handle things without me, but why would you want to when it’s so much easier when we band together?”

“When you say it like that, it helps me not feel so inept.”

Grace frowned. “You’ve never been inept at anything, McKinley Stewart. But we make a great team, and it would be silly not to take advantage of that.”

“Thank you for being so astute, my extraordinary wife. Now, let’s get dressed and get ready for Dani and Ian to arrive. I’ve arranged for them to have breakfast with us here. Then, we can dive into what still needs to be done. There are photos of the building in a file folder on the table. Take a look and give me your thoughts.”

During breakfast, Grace studied the photos of the fire-damaged building. She looked at a few temporary locations they were supposed to visit today and compared them with the current structure that flames, smoke, and water had ravaged.

The others were chatting when Grace interrupted. “I don’t think we should get a temporary building,” she said, frowning.

Ian’s brows furrowed. “Have you seen the pictures? Maybe you need to see the building in person, Grace, but it’s toast! It’ll take a long time to rebuild.”

“Exactly my point. Let's find a new, permanent location, rebuild the old building, and lease it out once it’s completed.”

Dani shrugged. “None of these places look like somewhere I’d want to stay on a permanent basis.”

“I agree. That's why I asked Avery to search for buildings for sale instead of for lease.”

She passed out packets to Mac, Dani, and Ian. “Take a look at these possibilities in the same general vicinity. I think any of them would work, but I especially like the third one in the packet. However, it’s your group, Dani, so it needs to be somewhere you feel fits the bill.”

Mac sat back and watched his clever wife in action. Last night, and this morning, she was a hot, horny housewife. Here at the conference table, however, she was a shrewd businesswoman who understood the need to make their employees' voices matter.

Dani and Ian studied the options carefully while Grace cleared the dishes for housekeeping. Mac grinned at her and shook his head. Whatever had he done to deserve this woman? She was an amazing partner in both life and business, and she made him feel like anything was possible as long as they put their heads and hearts together.


Chapter One Hundred-Four

A week later, Mac and Grace headed back to New York. It had been a grueling week, working long hours. But they were able to get things to a point where their presence was no longer needed in L.A.

Grace called Brendan, their traveling consultant in Europe, and asked him to help oversee the transition into the new building. Of course, she made sure to let Dani know that Brendan was there to support her, not to take charge.

On the plane ride home, Grace napped, dashing Mac’s hopes of some naughty shenanigans in the air. But he knew this pregnancy was more challenging for her than the first one. So, he let her sleep, content to have her resting her head against his shoulder.

A flashback of their first plane ride together, where she’d done the same thing, made him smile. How far they had come since then! It was wild to think he’d hired Grace as his escort only a few years before. His last escort, she liked to say. He very nearly missed out, screwing things up like a dolt. But even then, Grace was big on second chances. Without her generous heart, she wouldn’t be sitting here next to him as his wife, partner, and mother of his child. Well, children, actually, with the little one growing inside her. It was beyond anything he’d ever dreamed possible for his life.

She sighed, still sleeping peacefully. He wondered if she was dreaming. He kissed the top of her head and allowed himself to doze a little.

Randall was there to pick them up from the airport. He did his best not to give away the surprise that awaited them once they collected their luggage.

“You brought the limo?” Mac asked curiously.

Randall just nodded. Then he opened the door and watched Grace’s face light up when she saw Dominic, Addie, and DJ waiting in the limo for them. “Mama home!” DJ yelled, bubbling with joy at the sight of his mother.

“Oh, my goodness! What a lovely homecoming!” Grace beamed. “You didn’t need to come to the airport, but I’m glad you did!” Scooping up DJ in her arms, she said, “Come here, my little man! Mama missed you!”

Addie smiled. “It was DJ’s idea. When Randall said he was leaving to pick you up, your darling boy asked, ‘I go too?’ How could we say no to that sweet little request?”

“Well, it was a fabulous idea!”

Once they arrived home, Grace sent the suitcases upstairs with Sophie, the housekeeper. Recalling a time when she wouldn’t have given such a chore to the staff, she winced.

Noticing her dismay, Mac kissed her cheek and said, “Cut yourself some slack, Grace. You’re pregnant, exhausted from travel, and you have visitors that require your time. I don’t mean that in a bad way. Sometimes, letting others help is a smart move; my very wise wife taught me that.”

“You make some very compelling points,” she admitted.

“You have two compelling points; I intend to see them get proper attention later. For now, let's gather in the media room and enjoy a lazy evening with my, um…”

“Parents, Mac.”

“Yes, parents. I’ll get used to referring to them that way eventually. Although having a stepmother fairly close in age makes it odd to think of her as a mom.”

“It helps a little that she’s an old soul. She’s so perfectly matched with your dad.”

They joined the others in the media room and were delighted to see that Bentley had set up for a casual meal, Claudette’s homemade pizza and antipasto salad.

DJ climbed on Grace’s lap, patted her tummy, and said, “Baby.”

“Yes, DJ, Mama is going to have another baby,” Grace explained, hoping he would like the idea of having a sibling.

The adorable toddler slid off his mama’s lap and raced around the room like a whirling dervish.

“He has a lot of energy for this time of day!” Mac remarked.

“He has a lot of energy at all times of the day,” Dominic chuckled. “Much like you did when you were a child, Mac.”

“Yeah, well, it’s wasted on the young. What I wouldn’t give to have half of that get-up-and-go as an adult.”

The men laughed and shared a tender glance, both grateful that Dominic had been such a big part of Mac’s life, even when they thought he was Uncle Dom.

Grace smiled when she caught the look between father and son, knowing they might not have always realized their true relationship but embraced it, nonetheless.

Once they’d eaten and DJ settled down, Grace excused herself to put the tuckered toddler to bed. “Looks like his batteries have finally given out. I’m probably going to turn in as well, so let me say thank you again for stepping in to help. We are both so grateful. Good night.”

Dom and Addie said their good nights to Grace and DJ.

“Take the elevator,” Mac called out to her.

“Already planned on it, Mr. Worrywart.”

When Grace was out of earshot, Dom turned to Mac. “She looks tired, son. She rarely ever does. Is everything okay?”

Addie rolled her eyes. “I see where Mac gets it from. Grace is fine. She’s pregnant and working full-time, so of course, she’s tired. I may not have any kids of my own, but I’m the proud auntie of three busy boys. Kids run you ragged. Mamas all over the world look more tired than they did when they were blushing brides. It comes with the territory.”

Dom shrugged, willing to take Addie’s word for it. But Mac couldn’t help but worry there was something more.


Chapter One Hundred-Five

Later, in bed, Dom rested a hand on Addie’s hip. “You awake?”

Addie sighed, “I am now. What’s up?”

Dom laughed. “Well, he could be, with minimal effort on your part. But that wasn’t my initial intention. I keep wondering if what you told Mac earlier was your honest opinion or if you were merely trying to ease his fears.”

“Both. I was trying to ease his fears by being honest with him. If I learned anything by watching my sister, it was that a second pregnancy is usually harder on a woman, especially with an active toddler to chase.”

“Perhaps she needs to extend the nanny’s hours.”

“Isn’t it just like a man to try to fix things that aren’t broken? Dominic, I love you. But neither of us has real experience in having or raising kids. We do know that Grace, despite seeming like Wonder Woman most days, is an actual human being. She likely put in far too many hours this week trying to get the L.A. group situated, and she’s tired. Add to that the long flight, the time change, and…”

Dom interrupted her words with a kiss. “You’re right, darling. It comes from a place of love, though. That counts for something, right?”

“Of course. But I trust Grace to tell us, or at least tell Mac, if there is anything wrong that catching up on her sleep won’t fix. If it makes you feel better, I’ll chat with her in the morning to ensure it’s nothing more than exhaustion.”

“Thanks, Addie. I appreciate it. I’m sure you’re right, but I’ll feel better if you do a little reconnaissance.”

“Now, can we get some sleep?” Addie asked as she snuggled up against Dom in a spoon position.

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“Not yet.”

“What’s up now?”

Dom grinned in the darkness. “I am. Your bottom nuzzled up against me makes me want you.”

“You’re incorrigible.”

“Is that a yes?”

Addie lifted her nightgown, giving Dom easy access, and moaned softly as he fingered her until her juices were flowing. Gasping softly as he entered her, she purred once his girth opened her completely.

“You weren’t kidding; he is very hard. Mmm, you feel so good inside me.”

Dom thrust into his wife’s slick, wet pussy with long, hard strokes. “You make him hard by being so incredibly sexy and beautiful. I waited a long time to find the right woman but was rewarded with sheer perfection.”

Reaching around to stimulate her with his fingers, he sped up his thrusts, taking her with wild abandon.

“Yes! Oh, God, yes! Fuck me, Dom! Fuck me hard with that big, thick dick!”

Happy to oblige his wife, Dom hammered into her and sent her over the edge before filling her with his cum.

They lay quiet for a moment, then Addie sighed, “You sure don’t fuck like a man in his sixties. God, you’re an incredible lover.”

“I’m glad I can keep up with my hot, younger wife. You make me so happy, Addie. I meant what I said about sheer perfection; I never imagined I’d be so lucky to meet the woman of my dreams. I figured that ship had sailed. I love you.”

“I love you, too. I wasn’t looking for love, but I’m so damn glad I found it with you.”

Sated by the highly satisfying sex and the blissful intimacy of cuddling close, they fell asleep, grateful for having found each other.

After spending a little time in his office getting things set up for the following day, Mac took the stairs to the sixth floor so the sound of the elevator wouldn’t bother Grace. He undressed and slipped into bed quietly so as not to wake his exhausted wife. But when he found her naked, lust coursed through his veins.

“Mmm, I thought you’d never come to bed,” Grace murmured.

“Why are you still awake?” Mac asked while a war waged inside him. He should let her sleep, but she looked so sexy, with tousled red hair and dreamy eyes.

“I was dozing on and off while I waited for my husband to come to bed. What were you up to? I know Dad and Addie went to bed a while ago.”

“How do you know that?”

“Addie isn’t the quietest during sex. I now know that your large endowment is genetically inherited.”

Mac frowned and tilted his head, clearly puzzled.

Grace laughed. “She screamed out that he should fuck her with his big, thick prick.”

Mac felt instantly mortified. “You were listening to them have sex?”

“I surely wasn’t trying to. But I imagine Addie isn’t used to being quiet since it’s usually just the two of them.”

“Great, now I have the vision of them fucking in my head.”

“I know a way to fix that,” Grace whispered seductively.


“Mmm hmm.”

Taking his face in her hands, she kissed him— softly at first, then with so much passion, Mac felt the ache of desire in his loins.

“I thought you were tired,” he teased.

“I was. I slept a little. And now I’m awake and naked, wondering why your hands aren’t all over me.”

“I just worry that you’re not getting enough rest. I was rather oblivious all week at how tired you were while working such long hours, and I don’t…”

Grace interrupted him with another lusty kiss. “You talk too much. If I promise to sleep in a little tomorrow, will you fuck me tonight?”

Mac laughed. “I guess it’s my husbandly duty to make sure my wife gets what she needs.”

“Precisely! Now, give me what I need!” she demanded.

“Shhh, you’ll wake the baby!”

“There are better ways to make me be quiet,” she responded playfully.

Mac grinned as Grace inched down the bed to take his stiff shaft in her mouth. Her manicured fingers fondled his balls as her tongue swirled around the head of his cock. Slowly, she worked him into her eager throat and held him captive there.

“Oh, holy hell, Grace! You’re driving me mad with your wicked skills. Fuck! God, baby!”

Grace merely moaned and continued the decadent cock worship, each thrust producing erotic, obscene noises from her throat and bringing Mac closer to the brink.

“Babe, if you want me to fuck you, you need to ease up. Otherwise, I’m gonna cum down your slutty little throat. Not that I mind, but I don’t want to keep you up all night having sex.” He laughed and added, “Well, I do, but I also want you to get enough rest… oh, fuck!”

Grace released him, batted her eyelashes seductively, and said, “Fuck me!”

Mac’s balls ached with need; he hoped Grace was sufficiently aroused so he could make her cum before he shot his load. She had worked him up into a frenzy.

He needn’t have worried. As soon as he slipped between her swollen labia and entered into her wet heat, he felt her body succumb to him. He wasted no time teasing her; she made it clear what she needed, and he needed it, too. Still, he tempered the pace to prolong the enjoyment for as long as possible. It felt so good to be inside her, but he needed to bring her pleasure first. It was a vow he’d made to himself long ago, after their first night together when he’d allowed himself to be a careless lover. So, he willed himself to keep his release at bay and focused on the signs her body shared with him.

Their bodies moved in sync, both reveling in the intimacy of their joining. It was as if they’d been made for each other, carefully sculpted by the universe to fit together in every way— mind, body, and spirit.

When they mated like this, the rest of the world slipped away, and nothing else existed. Their eyes spoke volumes as they gazed passionately at each other. It was as if they were floating in a cloud of ecstasy.

Grace’s need became urgent, and she could no longer allow herself to be patient.

“Fuck me hard and fast, Mac. I’m so hot, and I need to cum so badly!”

Mac needed no further invitation; he pumped into her relentlessly.

“As good as your mouth felt, your pussy feels even better. Take my cock, baby!”

“Yes! Oh, God, yes! Fuck me! Your cock feels so good inside me!”

He felt her body tense, her hips rise, and her back arch. As she reached the peak of her orgasm, Mac let go, filling her with his hot seed as they climaxed together.

He stayed inside her for a while as they enjoyed the aftershocks of the intense release. When her breathing returned to normal, she looked at him and said, “I love you so much, Mac.”

He kissed her lips gently and said, “I love you, too, Gracie.”

He pulled out and rolled on his side next to her. Playfully nibbling at her shoulder, he asked, “Need another round?”

Grace laughed. “The spirit is willing, but the flesh needs to rest. Thank you for knowing exactly what I needed.”

She curled into him and sighed. Neither of them took long to drift off to sleep.


Chapter One Hundred-Six

The next day, Mac got up quietly and took DJ downstairs. He found Addie sipping tea at the breakfast table while Dad was making scrambled eggs and toast.

“Ah, there’s my boys,” Dom said, grinning. “Is Grace coming down?”

“No, I decided to let her sleep a bit longer. She put in a lot of long hours in L.A., so I figured she could use the rest since it was the weekend.”

“Want some breakfast?”

“Sure, that sounds great.”

“Has Grace given any thought about taking more time off after the baby arrives?” Addie asked as she grabbed DJ and helped situate him in the highchair.

Mac frowned. “We haven’t really discussed it, but I’m open to her taking however long she needs. I can manage without her in the office for a while, especially since I know I can bounce things off her when I need her insight.”

Grace walked into the kitchen and smiled when she saw her family sitting at the table together, enjoying a meal and conversation- the family she had once only dreamed about. A sudden kick from inside brought her out of her silent reverie and made her laugh.

“There’s our girl!” Dom said, getting up from the table. “Did you sleep well, sweetheart?”

“I did, thanks! Don’t get up on my account.”

“Nonsense! Let me make you breakfast; the rest of us have just about finished up.”

“Thanks! This baby woke me up tap dancing.”

Grace kissed DJ on the top of his head as she rounded the table where the empty seat waited for her. She did the same to Mac, who pulled her onto his lap and kissed her passionately.

Addie laughed, “Get a room, you two!”

Grace pried herself out of Mac’s arms and patted her growing belly. “Already did that!” she said, grinning.

“Looks like a good night’s rest did wonders for you, Grace,” Addie said.

“That and some rousing sex,” Mac added.

Grace swatted Mac playfully on the arm. “Jeez, blabbermouth.”

Dom and Addie shared a knowing glance. There was no doubt in their minds that Grace was just fine. With that in mind, Dom said, “I think, if you two are all settled back in, that Addie and I will head back to Connecticut to finish our real estate search.”

“Thanks, Dad,” Grace said as she dug into the plate of eggs Dom put in front of her. “We are incredibly excited that you’ll be close by.”

“We thought about New York, but Addie’s sister lives in Rhode Island. This would put us in between. And Addie spent a fair amount of time in Connecticut as a young girl. We like the vibe there.”

“When are you thinking of retiring?” Mac asked.

“Sooner than later. I’m getting used to the idea first,” Dom laughed.

Addie smiled. “We’ve agreed that he should probably continue to do some consulting. Your dad would go stir-crazy without having at least a foot in the work world.”

Mac studied Addie’s face and saw a woman who truly understood and loved her man. It warmed his heart to know that they were so happy together. His dad had waited a long time to find the one.

“Smart idea. Grace is right; it’s nice to know you’ll be nearby. Not just to make babysitting convenient, but because we want the kids to know their grandparents.”

Addie’s voice hitched. “I never thought I’d get to be a grandma. I figured not having kids would sort of rule that option out. I’m delighted I was wrong and pleased to be an honorary grandma to your kids, Mac.”

Mac frowned. “There’s nothing honorary about it, Addie. You’re married to my dad; that makes you my children’s grandma.”

Addie beamed. “Well, I’m smitten with my grandson and can’t wait to meet the new little one.”

After saying their goodbyes in the mid-afternoon, Mac and Grace spent the rest of the day hanging out, watching television, and playing with their son. It was a perfectly relaxing day, and in Mac’s mind, just what the doctor ordered after a demanding week.

Later in the evening, Mac decided to broach the subject of Grace taking extended time off once the baby was born.

Grace was quiet at first. Then she looked into Mac’s eyes and saw his intentions were that of a loving husband and father. He wasn’t trying to insinuate she wasn’t capable, only that if she wanted to take more time off with the second baby, he was more than willing to pick up the slack.

“I suppose if I took time off, it would at least allow Sylvie to try a semester at Norland. That way, she won’t regret missing out on the experience of nanny school.”

“Oh, sure, we can offer her that option. I thought she’d help you with DJ while you bond with the baby.”

“And make DJ think his baby sister is more important than he is?” Grace blurted out.

Mac’s eyes welled up.

“Oh, Mac, I’m so sorry. I know you didn’t want to know what we were having this time. I just…”

“It’s a girl?” Mac interrupted. He took Grace’s hands in his and gazed into her eyes. “You’re giving me a daughter?”

Grace nodded. “Well, it’s not as though I’m going to Babies Я Us to pick out a baby girl, but yes, we are going to have a daughter. I’m sorry I spoiled the surprise.”

Mac shook his head. “I’m not. I don’t know why I insisted on not knowing. It was a silly notion, and I’ve regretted it almost as soon as it came out of my mouth.”

“Why didn’t you just say so?”

“Because I made such a big deal of wanting to be surprised this time. I felt foolish admitting I was wrong and wanted to know if this baby was a boy or a girl.”

Grace shook her head. “Silly man! The only foolish thing is that you thought you couldn’t tell me that.”

“I know,” Mac said sheepishly.

“So, you’re excited?”

“I’m about to have a rich man’s family; how could I not be excited?”

“Rich man’s family?” Grace asked, her brows furrowed.

“When a man has the luxury of having a son and a daughter, it’s known as a rich man’s family. I heard my dad say that long ago when I was little. Well, Marcus, I guess. It’s ironic that neither Aislyn nor I are actually his kids, huh? I mean, well, I know Dom is my real Dad, and Dom says Aislyn looks just like the guy my mother was draped all over at the Fourth of July party. I’m getting off the point here.”

Mac stopped rambling, gazed lovingly at his wife, and said, “I’m thrilled that we are having a daughter; I hope she has red hair and blue eyes like her mother.”

Grace sighed. “Well, I’m glad I don’t have to keep that secret to myself anymore.”

“You haven’t told anyone?”

“No, of course not. I couldn’t be sure someone wouldn’t spill the beans accidentally, so I kept it to myself.”

“You must love me madly.”

She looked at him and held his gaze. “I absolutely do!”

“Wanna show me?”

“Mmm hmm, Mr. Stewart. I thought you’d never ask.”

Written by techgoddess
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