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In A New York Minute - Part Three - Chapters 9-12

"Mac asks Grace out on a date so they can enjoy some uninterrupted sex."

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Author's Notes

"Finding time to fit in more than quickie sex can be hard for new parents. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Mac figures out a way to make it a priority."

Chapter Nine


Grace hung up the phone after chatting with Brendan O’Sullivan, who was in Paris trying to help straighten out the mess Andre Boivin had created while balancing (or trying to balance) his wife and his mistress.


“How’s it going over there?” Mac asked.


“Better. It helps that Andre and his wife have decided to try to make the marriage work since his mistress broke things off with him.”


“Oh? I wonder what happened.”


Grace shot Mac a wicked look. “Maybe she found a richer guy?”


“Gracie, what did you do?”


“I might have arranged for Giselle to meet a certain bartender named Julien who, it seems, won a great deal of cash playing Loto France last December.”


Mac frowned. “I didn’t realize that you and Julien had kept in contact,” he said, jealousy dripping from his words.


Grace raised an eyebrow. “Seriously? Of course, I didn’t keep in touch with him. Why would I? I merely asked Brendan to seek out some rich, eligible bachelors that could distract Giselle and help her lose interest in Andre.”


Mac nodded but said nothing.


Grace continued, “Imagine my surprise when the name of the bartender from Le Bristol Paris Hotel was on Brendan’s list of potential bait to lure Giselle away from Andre. Apparently, he recently opened his own bar and has been on dating sites looking for someone to share his life with. Brendan handled the chance meeting between them all on his own and the rest, as they say, was history. I know the whole plan was underhanded of me, but I don’t care. Brendan thought it was brilliant.”


Mac inhaled sharply. He knew better than to doubt his wife. It just rankled him that Julien was involved at all. The bartender had been extremely interested in Grace back when she had been his last escort.


“So, you didn’t speak to Julien at all?”


Grace rolled her eyes. “No, I never needed to; that’s why I have Brendan in Paris handling things. Who, by the way, reminded me of what a feckin’ genius I am. So, knock off the jealousy shit, McKinley. I saved you time and money by not having to replace Andre. Brendan said that he seems to be getting his act together quite well now that he isn’t fucking two women.”


“I’m sorry. I know I’m being silly. It’s just that…”


“Even when I was merely your escort, I turned him down. Why would I want anything to do with him now that I’m your wife and mother to your son? Please give me more credit than that.”


Mac blew out a breath. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what it is about that guy I can’t stand, but…”


Grace kissed him mid-sentence. “He made you realize you liked me way more than you wanted to admit to yourself at the time. That's why he bugs you. Good thing I was already falling hard for you by then.”


“You know that spanking I keep threatening? Keep poking at me, Grace, and I will be arranging that sooner than later.”


“Promises, promises!”


“When you least expect it, Grace.”


Mac returned to his office to let Grace finish her work for the day. They had agreed she would continue to work only mornings until their son, Dominic Jordan, was three months old. So, it would be another two weeks before she would be back full-time.


Sitting back at his desk, he picked up his cell phone. For some reason, he felt compelled to look through the pictures. He smiled wistfully as he saw some of the photos he’d taken while they had been in Europe the year before. She looked stunning when they’d enjoyed champagne at the top of the Eiffel Tower.


Grace was right; Julien made him uncomfortable because he’d made him face that Grace was so much more than an escort. She was important, and that made him feel vulnerable.


He flipped through more photos and saw the one he’d taken of Grace on the London Eye when he’d reserved a private pod on what had turned out to be their first date. And the one of her in the gardens at the Palace of Versailles, where the sunlight danced across her face and picked up the gold flecks in her vibrant red hair. But the photo that made his eyes well was the one of her standing next to The Little Mermaid statue in Denmark. He’d been so overwhelmed by his feelings for her then. Sometimes he still was. But fast forward to now; she was all his, and he was hers. He felt love rush over his entire being.


On a whim, he opened a photo app on his phone and sent the Little Mermaid pic to the printer. Then he hopped onto Amazon and ordered a frame for it. He wanted this one on his desk so he would never forget Grace was a free spirit and the love of his life.


Mac took care of a few more calls before he shut down his computer and headed upstairs. “Hold my calls, Avery. I’m taking an extended lunch.”


“Upstairs, sir?”


“Nope. I’m taking my family to the Central Park Zoo as we are long overdue for an outing. You’re in charge. Handle what you can and take a message if anything needs my attention. If there is anything you feel is urgent, text me. Otherwise, I’m unavailable.”


He found Grace with DJ on her lap, playing patty cake. Her face lit up when she saw him.


“Look, DJ, Daddy is going to have lunch with us!”


“I will do you one better,” he said, changing into shorts and a t-shirt. “Let’s go to the zoo.”


While DJ was too young to appreciate the animals, the outing on such a gorgeous day was divine.


“This reminds me of last summer,” Grace sighed. “I know we worked hard through all the acquisitions, but we played hard too.”


“Thanks to you, I saw places in a whole different light.”


“Speaking of Europe, we got a gift from Casimir and Kinga today. She made a beautiful blanket for the baby.”


Casimir ran the Krakow office and lived with his girlfriend, Kinga, who ran a specialty shop in the city's main square where she sold her handcrafted blankets. They had spent time together during their trip to Poland last fall. Kinga was young and charming and had captured Caz’s heart. Grace was pleased to see their relationship was still going strong.


“I miss traveling with you, Grace. I found myself reminiscing this morning while looking at pictures. I know Brendan is doing a fine job for us, but maybe next summer, when DJ is older, we can take him overseas with us and show him off to our friends. We wouldn’t have to go to all our offices, just the major ones. Brendan can focus on the smaller branches while we hit the bigger places.”


“You mean the ones where we have good friends?” Grace laughed.




Mac pursed his lips. “You know, most of those people were merely work associates until you came along.”


“I can’t help it if people like me, Mac,” Grace said, smirking.


“Like you? More like they love you. My ex’s father walked you down the aisle, for Christ's sake!”


“Ooh, speaking of Johanna, I’m pretty sure she and Sal have decided just to elope.”


“No fucking way. Johanna wants the big-ass wedding with all the trimmings. There is no way she’d give that up.”


“A hundred bucks says they run off and get married in Fiji.”


“You’re on!”


Grace giggled. Johanna was a former lover of Mac’s but was never a serious contender for the title of Mrs. Stewart. When Johanna met Salvatore Gianni at Mac and Grace’s wedding, she had fallen head over heels for Mac’s friend, the Italian businessman, whom Grace had been an escort for many years prior. Such a wonderfully woven web between her world and Mac’s, she mused. Just another reminder that they were always meant to find each other.


The outing had done precisely what Mac hoped it would. They returned to the house feeling happy and relaxed. Mac tucked his phone into his pocket and secretly reveled in the fact that he had taken some sweet pictures of his wife and son.


Chapter Ten


Thursday morning, Mac meandered to the kitchen while Claudette prepared their weekend meals.


“Did you need something?” she asked when he seemed to be just hanging around.


“I just wondered if you might be willing to, um, that is…”


Claudette laughed. “Are you trying to ask me if I will babysit?” she asked, hopeful that was why he was stammering. “I would love to watch that delightful baby of yours. When did you have in mind?”


“Well, I know you don’t work on Fridays, so…”


“I don’t mind babysitting on a Friday night. Can I bring Sylvie and Colette?”


Mac blinked. Realizing after a moment that she meant her teenage daughters, he said, “Sure!”


It suddenly occurred to him that he knew very little about the families and personal lives of his house staff. He’d bet that Grace already knew more about them than he did. That needed to change.


“Your girls are more than welcome here.”


“What time do you want me here?”


“Is four thirty too early?”


“Not at all. We will order pizza if that’s okay. And bring our little Mr. DJ into the media room while we watch movies.”


“Put the pizza on my account. And thanks a million.”


“It’s my pleasure. The girls will enjoy spending time with the baby. I’ve been telling them stories about him.”


Mac went up to his office and made a few calls. Afterward, he popped into Grace’s office and closed the door.


When Grace looked up and saw mischief on her husband’s face, she asked, “What are you up to?”


“Did you know I never properly asked you for a date?”


Grace frowned. “We had dinner and walked around London on our first date, silly.”


“I never really asked you out, though, baby. You made sightseeing plans, and I asked you to save the London Eye to see together, and then I called it a date. But I don’t recall ever formally asking you out.”


“Hmm, I guess you’re right,” she mused.


“Today is the day I fix that. Grace Remy Stewart, would you go on a date with me tomorrow?”


“I’d love to, but I have a baby now, and I …”


“Claudette said she’d babysit,” he blurted out. “Can you be ready at four thirty?”


Grace was taken aback. Four thirty was pretty early but going out sounded terrific.


“Yes,” she said, smiling. “What should I wear?”


“A pretty dress and silver strappy sandals. And no panties,” he said, grinning from ear to ear.


“It’s a date,” she said, feeling all fluttery inside.




Mac flashed her a million-dollar smile and headed back to his office.


Grace looked down at her fingernails and groaned. She wished he’d given her more time, but she wasn’t going to complain. A date out sounded decadent. She’d figure something out.


She checked with her favorite nail salon and was able to snag an appointment for later that afternoon. Now she just had to hope Mac could knock off work early so he could watch the baby.


She saw by the light on the office phone that Mac was on a call, so she sent him a text on his cell.


Hey, are you available to watch DJ at four this afternoon so I can get my nails done? I want to look pretty for our date tomorrow.


It took a few minutes for him to respond.


Sure, I’ve got this. Have Randall drive you, please.


Grace rolled her eyes. She didn’t need Randall to drive her six blocks! But it was a small concession if it meant being able to slip out and get pampered.


Thanks! Will do.


Randall waited out front for Grace at quarter to four, but Mac was still on a call.


“I will look after the baby until Mac is free,” Bentley offered.


“Oh, well, um, sure,” Grace sputtered.


Bentley laughed. “I have four children and ten grandchildren, my dear. I suspect I can watch a baby for ten to fifteen minutes.”


Grace felt foolish. “Of course you can; I didn’t want to take advantage…”


“Grace, the moment McKinley Stewart brought you home, you’ve been a bright light. A house this size needed a family, and you’ve created that here. It’s no imposition whatsoever to help look after family. I’ve got this. Get out of here before you miss your nail appointment. You deserve a little time to feel like more than a mom.”


Grace’s eyes got a little misty. She nodded and handed Bentley the portable baby monitor. “He should stay napping a bit longer, but just in case…”


“Go, my dear. If our young man wakes, I will rescue him and bring him to his daddy.”


As she got into the car, it was hard not to feel like she was shirking her responsibilities. But Bentley was right; she deserved to do something for herself that didn’t include changing, feeding, or burping. So, she would spend the next hour or so enjoying a little freedom and pampering.


Chapter Eleven


Back at home, however, things were anything but peaceful. DJ woke up shortly after Mac got off the phone and was inconsolable. Nothing his daddy did could make him stop crying. He wouldn’t take the bottle and wasn’t interested in being rocked. The lullaby bear only seemed to make things worse.


Mac was beside himself. He checked to ensure that DJ’s diaper wasn’t too tight or too loose. Shortly before Grace got home, he took the baby’s temp and saw it was elevated.


When Grace arrived, Mac was pacing the main hall with a screaming baby.


“Here,” he said, handing their son to his mother. “I’ve tried everything, Grace. I think he’s sick. I just took his temperature, and it seems a little high.”


“It’s probably just elevated because he’s been crying,” Grace said. “We can retake it once I get him calmed down.”


“What did I do wrong?”


“You didn’t do anything wrong. Babies cry, Mac. He’s probably just hungry.”


“He wouldn’t take the bottle from me,” Mac said, exasperated.


“Did you warm it?” she asked.


“Yeah. I mean, it felt warm to me.”


“It probably was just too cool for his taste. He’s used to breast milk being relatively warm.”


Mac looked frustrated and annoyed.


“It’s fine; let’s get him upstairs so I can nurse him. Then we can retake his temp after he is calmer.”


Once upstairs, Grace sat in the rocker and sighed relief when the baby latched on immediately. Mac stalked away, feeling inadequate. “I’ll be in the office shutting down my computer. I never got the chance because he woke up unhappy.”


When he came back up, Grace had him fed and settled. She took his temp and said, “It’s normal. He probably just worked himself up when he was screaming. He’s fine. I think he wore himself out because he conked right out after nursing.”


“I’m sorry I couldn’t handle things,” Mac said quietly.


“Sometimes just walking and bouncing is all you can do, Mac. Babies don’t have indicator lights to let us know what needs attention. It’s a lot of guesswork until they get a little older. You did fine. I enjoyed getting my nails done for our date tomorrow. I’m sorry he was such a handful.”

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“I want to be able to help feed him. I thought I warmed the bottle enough, but I screwed up.”


“You didn’t screw up. Did you wait for the beep?”


“No, he was screaming, so I took the bottle out of the warmer, and it felt okay to me.”


“Next time, wait for the timer to sound, even if he’s acting impatient. That should help.”


“Parenting isn’t for the faint of heart, is it, Grace?”


“Nope, it’s hard work but very rewarding. Let’s heat up that leftover lasagna and pour you a drink to go with it. Then let’s get naked, and you can tell me what you have planned for our date tomorrow.”


“Not a chance; it’s a surprise.”


Grace pouted, but Mac held strong. “But the lasagna followed by nakedness sounds divine.”


When they climbed between the sheets, Mac said, “I have an idea that you may or may not like. It involves you trusting me.”


Grace was intrigued. “Oh?”


“Do you trust me, Grace?”


“Yes, I trust you.”


“I’m going to rub your back for a bit; then you’ll be a good girl and suck my cock. But I won’t be returning the favor until tomorrow.”


Grace frowned, but she nodded in agreement. “Okay. But it had better be a damn good back rub.”


Delighted that she’d agreed so readily, Mac said, “I promise it will be worth it.”


The backrub was heavenly and had Grace so relaxed that it was difficult to make herself move. But the deal included a blow job for Mac. She gave him a devious look and made her way down between his legs, gripping the base of his cock. She flicked the tip with her tongue, eliciting a moan, before guiding him slowly into her mouth inch by inch. She cupped his balls, squeezing gently, and eased back a bit. His whimper of mild protest made her laugh, especially when it was replaced with a guttural growl as she took him back all the way into her mouth and into her throat.


“Fuck, Grace! You are so fucking good!”


She loved how much her husband enjoyed her oral skills. It was empowering to take him to the point of ecstasy with her tongue, mouth, and throat. His hips moved gently as she took him deep over and over. Each time, she’d hold him there in her throat a few seconds longer.


“Grace,” he moaned. “Oh, God, you wicked little slut. Your throat is fucking amazing.”


Grace continued this erotic torture until Mac's balls tightened and let go. She kept him firmly lodged in her throat while he climaxed and continued to suck him until he begged her to stop.


“Holy fuck, Grace! Where did that come from? That was incredible. I can’t possibly make you wait until tomorrow for your gratification after that. Come here, baby.”


But at that moment, the baby woke up, demanding attention. She couldn’t help but feel disappointed. She’d given him the blow job of the century, hoping to change his mind so he wouldn’t make her wait, and she’d been successful in her quest, only to be interrupted.


By the time Grace was done feeding DJ, Mac was asleep, having been lulled into dreamland by her magnificent oral skills. She let out an exasperated sigh. Her plan had backfired. Ah well, maybe it would make whatever Mac had planned for tomorrow even better if she were a little sexually frustrated. She’d have to trust that he’d make it worth the wait.


The following day started busy, starting with a call from Max Becker, who headed up their Munich office.


“Good morning, Max; how are you? How are Virginie and the kids?”


“I’m fine, and so are Virginie and the boys, but Adele has a little cold. Nothing terrible, but she was distraught that she couldn’t have a sleepover with her friends. How’s the baby?”


“Ah, to be nine and have those worries again,” Grace said. “The baby is fabulous, although his parents are a little sleep-deprived. What’s up in Munich?”


“I had an interesting conversation with the owner of a small firm in Freising, which is about a half hour outside of Munich. He’s an older gentleman looking to sell his firm and retire. I think what he’s asking is a bargain, and he’s got a small but solid staff working for him. I think it’d be a real asset to Stewart Enterprises, but I wanted to run it by you and Mac before I agree to meet further with him.”


“Hmm, that sounds interesting. I’m sure Mac would entertain the idea of acquiring his firm. What’s his name?”


“Kurtis Adelburg,” Max replied. “I will send you all I have on him—no immediate rush. I did tell him that the COO was just returning from maternity leave. But I think we’d be smart to act on this opportunity sooner than later.”


Grace was quiet.


“Grace? Are you still there?” Max asked.


“Yes, sorry. I thought I heard DJ stirring,” she lied. She felt like she needed air.


“Ah, then I will let you go. Kiss that baby on the forehead from his Oncle Max. I look forward to hearing from you soon.”


“Yes, of course,” Grace answered.


When she hung up the phone, she took a deep breath. DJ was sleeping in his bassinet, so there was no way to make a hasty retreat. Before she could decide what to do, Mac poked his head into her office.


“Hey beautiful, ready for our hot date later?” he asked, wiggling his eyebrows.


“Um, yes, sure, definitely,” she stammered.


He frowned. “What’s wrong?”


Grace considered lying for a brief second but realized that was a bad idea. Instead, she inhaled sharply and picked blatant honesty.


“I just got off the phone with Max Becker. A man who owns a small tech firm in Freising is looking to sell so he can retire.”


“That’s incredible! So, what’s the catch?”


“The catch?”


“Why do you look like you’d rather be anywhere but here right now?”


“Well,” Grace sighed. “The owner of the firm is Kurtis Adelburg.”




“And I was an escort for him for a few months many years ago. He was older and needed some arm candy to impress some potential clients. He was charming enough in public, but behind closed doors, he was into some pretty heavy humiliation. I eventually couldn’t stand for him to touch me and told him I had come to the realization that I was a lesbian and would have to quit.”


Mac inhaled sharply. “And now you’re married with a baby and are possibly looking to acquire his firm. That explains the unhappy expression on your face. What did you tell Max?”


“Well, I surely didn’t tell him I was Kurtis’s former escort!” Grace blurted out miserably. “My past is always going to be hanging above my head, isn’t it?”


“Stop; it’s not that bad, Grace. If it looks like a good deal, I can handle it without you if that would be better for you.”


“What if Kurtis figures out who you’re married to and blabs to Max that he used to…”


“Used to what, Grace?”


As if on cue, DJ woke up crying and rescued his mother from an uncomfortable conversation.


“I’m sorry. Can we talk about this later?”


“Sure, no problem. Did Max give a timetable on when we need to jump on this?”


“He said we had a little time since he told Kurtis that the COO was just returning from maternity leave.”


“Good, then let’s not worry about it till tomorrow.”


Grace nodded gratefully and took DJ upstairs to nurse him. The fact that her husband was not upset about hearing she’d been Kurtis’s escort made her relax a little. She felt so fortunate that her past didn’t matter to him. She only hoped he wouldn’t think less of her when he found out what she’d done with Herr Adelburg.


Claudette arrived early with Sylvie and Collette to ensure Grace had time to prepare for her date with Mac. The teenage girls were enamored with little DJ, and he seemed pretty content when it was time to go.


“Allez! Va t’amuser!” Claudette said, shooing Grace and Mac out the door. “We will all be fine. A bientôt!”


Chapter Twelve


Mac had arranged for an early dinner at The Palm Court in The Plaza Hotel. He wanted time with her in the suite he’d rented. But he wanted to treat her to a dinner that would make her feel special.


“You’re breathtaking, Grace,” he said, taking her hands in his across the table. She’d opted to wear her hair up so that her shoulders were bare in the sapphire-colored halter dress that dipped down to show just enough cleavage to make his mouth water.


“You’re pretty damned handsome yourself, Mac,” she replied. “It’s nice to dress up and go out. This was a wonderful idea.”


“This is just the start, Grace,” he said, refilling her wineglass with sparkling grape juice. As long as she was nursing, she would refrain from any alcohol.


He raised his glass and offered a toast, “To us.”


Grace lifted her glass and smiled. “To us.”


Being able to dine without gobbling their food felt a bit decadent. When they’d finished their meal, Mac said, “Let’s go have dessert upstairs.”


“You got us a room?”


“Not just a room,” Mac said, grinning. “I have us in the Fitzgerald Suite.”


“But, Mac, we can’t stay overnight.”


“Nope, we can’t. I told Randall we’d be ready for pickup at eleven thirty, which is why I arranged an early dinner reservation. I wanted time alone with you without any interruptions.”


Grace felt her eyes well up with tears. “I love you so much!”


“I promise to take you out to a show or something on our next date, but with limited time…”


“Stop. This is perfect; it’s the best date ever. Don’t spoil it by apologizing for what it isn’t. Show me what it is.”


“Well, then, let’s head upstairs. I hear the dessert in the Fitzgerald room is delicious!”


“Mmm, can’t wait.”


They had to behave in the elevator since they weren’t alone. But once they were inside the room, Mac wasted no time.


“Strip for me, my gorgeous red-haired goddess,” he demanded as he took a seat on the plush sofa.


She did as he instructed without hesitation. Stepping out of her dress and setting it gently aside, she was naked except for her heels and the strand of pearls he’d given her when their son was born.


“You look so fucking hot. I can’t decide if I want to seduce you or ravish you. Maybe I’ll do a little of both,” he mused.


She trembled just a little, finding both of those options appealing. As she was about to remove her shoes, he stopped her.


“No, leave the heels on.”


She smiled demurely and left the silver strappy sandals with the three-inch heels in place.


“Good girl. Now, come here so I can put you over my knee. You’ve been a bit sassy lately; you need to feel my hand on your ass to remind you to behave.”


Grace paused for a second, then decided to give in to what they both needed. He wasn’t doing this to demean her; he was doing so to make them both aroused.


Lying across Mac’s lap, Grace realized that Mac was still fully clothed. She relaxed and gave in to the feeling of belonging to Mac without losing herself.


Sensing the war inside his wife’s brain, Mac treaded the waters carefully. He knew Grace had been abused in her past, and he occasionally worried that something he did would trigger unpleasant memories for her. Studying her, he could tell the moment that she relaxed and that pleased him greatly. He vowed never to do anything that would injure that complete trust she had in him.


“You’re safe with me, Gracie,” he whispered. “We can stop at any time.”


“I trust you, Mac.”


With that, his hand came down on her left ass cheek. The sting resonated throughout her whole body but set off a need that she hadn’t realized was there.


She surprised them both when she moaned, “God, yes! More, please!”


That was all Mac needed to hear. His hand came down on her gorgeous ass again and again. He alternated sharp slaps with duller swats and was delighted when she continued to cry out for more.


Her cheeks turned bright pink as he gave her what she didn’t even know she’d needed. It was a huge fucking turn-on that she squirmed with delight under his erotic assault.


Tears streamed down her face, more from emotion than pain, and before she could beg to cum, her body was shuddering with orgasm.


Mac rubbed his hand over her angry-looking butt, spread her legs apart, and inserted two fingers inside her sopping wet pussy.


“Jesus, Grace! You’re dripping like a faucet!”


He moved her off his lap and instructed her to lean over the sofa. He stood behind her and unzipped his trousers.


“Such a naughty little girl for cumming while I spanked you. I think you need to be fucked hard, fast, and deep!”


Grace whimpered with need as Mac entered her slowly. He teased her at first, allowing only the head of his manhood to dip into her wetness. Eventually, without warning, he plunged into her, causing her to cry out.


“God, yes! Please, Mac! Please fuck me!”


“Since you asked so nicely, I am happy to oblige you. Just understand; I expect you to suck your juices from my cock when I’m done with you, my sexy little slut.”


Mac grabbed her hips and hammered into her, repeatedly sending her over the edge. As her entire body shuddered from intense waves of multiple orgasms, he felt the familiar tug inside his aching balls.


But before he was ready to let go, Grace surprised him. “Take my ass now!”


He didn’t argue. He simply used her nectar to lube up her puckered rosebud and pushed into her slowly.


It was all he could do not to cum immediately. But he wanted to savor the gift she was giving him, so he willed himself to hold off.


Taking his time, he eased into her tight little ass an inch at a time until he was buried to the hilt inside her.


“Fuck! I’m so filled up. It feels so good, Mac. Fuck me now. Fuck my ass.”


He moved rhythmically as she met each thrust by pushing herself back onto him. Her ass was still red from her spanking, and she was so fucking tight that, despite his best efforts, he couldn’t wait any longer. He picked up the pace and fucked her ass hard, praying to God he wasn’t hurting her.


But she surprised them both when her body convulsed with an orgasm so intense that it triggered Mac’s climax. He growled as he grabbed her hips and shot rope after rope of hot seed deep in her ass.


“Holy fuck, Grace!” he panted as he pulled out of her slowly and watched his cum ooze out of her puckered star.


He felt emotion choke the words in his throat for a second but managed to say, “I love you, Grace. God, I love you so fucking much!”


He helped her to a standing position and turned her to face him. Cupping her face with his hands, he brought her lips to his and kissed her gently. She grabbed a handful of his thick, dark hair and kissed him back with a passion so fierce it took his breath away.


They showered and spent the remainder of their date cuddling on the couch, enjoying tender moments of uninterrupted time together.


As he held his wife, Mac wondered what there was about her time as Kurtis Adelburg’s escort that had her so rattled earlier. But he wouldn’t spoil this evening by pressing her to talk about it. She would tell him when she was ready.


Grace sensed that Mac wanted to discuss the situation and was grateful when he didn’t bring it up. She would tell him tomorrow what depraved acts she’d performed for Herr Adelburg. And she’d pray that he wouldn’t think less of her.

Written by techgoddess
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