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In a New York Minute - Part Sixteen - Chapters 61-64

"Grace stands up to Katherine."

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Author's Notes

"After watching his strong wife, Grace, handle her Aunt Katherine, Mac suggests they take some time to enjoy each other."

Chapter Sixty-One

Grace purred as the hot water rained down on her while Mac’s hands rested on her hips. He nipped at her shoulder and whispered naughty suggestions into her ear. She answered by turning around and crushing her mouth against his in an erotic kiss.

Putting her arms around his neck, she allowed him to lift her legs and wrap them around his waist while he pushed her back against the stone tile.

“Hold on to me, baby,” he grunted while he guided his rigid manhood between her slick labia.

“Oh, God,” she moaned while he slid all the way in and reveled in his rhythmic thrusts.

“That’s right, baby, take my cock inside you.”

“Yes! Oh, fuck, you feel so good.”

“Mmm, you make me so hot for you.”

Mac’s initial movements were slow and controlled. But eventually, need took over, and his leisurely lovemaking turned to primal fucking.

Grace’s body shook in tremors as a series of orgasms hit her like a tidal wave.

“Oh, God, yes!” she cried as he pummeled into her like a jackhammer before exploding inside her.

Moments later, she stood naked in front of the sink with only a towel wrapped around her hair while she brushed her teeth.

As their eyes met in the mirror, Grace saw lust. She let her gaze fall and discovered he was sporting a woody.

“Jeez, you seriously get hard while I’m brushing my teeth?” Grace laughed, shaking her long, red hair loose from the towel.

Mac grinned, “Well, you are naked, darling.”

“And you’re going to be late for your first call this morning if you don’t get dressed and put him away. He already got shower sex; he’ll have to wait till later for round two.”

“You’re so strict, Mrs. Stewart.”

Grace laughed. “You can be the strict one later.”

“My hard-on is not going down if you keep talking like that.”

Grace rolled her eyes and chuckled. “Well, I need to get dressed, so tell him to behave until later.”

Mac watched as Grace selected her outfit carefully. He was impressed when she chose black slacks, a black tailored blazer, and a crisp white blouse. She slipped on her black pumps and fastened the hook on the strand of pearls. She was going for high-powered, badass boss-bitch, and she was rocking the look.

“What time is the meeting today?” he asked.

“Eleven o’clock. Michael will be here thirty minutes before then to ensure we have all our ducks in a row.”

“Having our lawyer in attendance should be all you need, but how would you feel about me joining you?” Mac asked cautiously.

Grace nearly said no, but then paused to consider the idea momentarily.

“If you want to be part of the meeting, that’s fine,” she said.

“I won’t say a word unless you want me to. Deep down, I want your aunt to see that you are calling your own shots and not doing anything behind my back.”

“You have a good point there. But unless I nudge you, you’ll keep your thoughts to yourself?”

“I promise.”

“Let’s use the dining room as a conference room.”

Mac smirked. “You want her to see that you more than landed on your feet.”

“If she hadn’t hated me so much, I probably wouldn’t have accepted a job overseas at such a young age. I wouldn’t have been attacked; I wouldn't have become a whore, then an escort, and eventually homeless. So, yeah, I want her to see that I ended up with the whole package, the gorgeous, supportive husband, the high-powered job, and the elegant home. Not to mention the perfect baby, best staff, and cutest cat in the world.”

“Atta girl. I love you, Grace. I still think she doesn’t deserve a penny from you, but I support you in the way you are handling her. I can’t say that I wouldn’t do the same thing in your shoes. If money would make my family go away for good, It would be worth the price.”

“Thank you. That means a lot to me. I know she doesn’t deserve it, but this will buy me peace of mind.”

“Then it’s worth it.”

They took the elevator to their second-floor offices and were met by Avery.

“I had Claudette make some tea for you, Grace,” Avery said nervously. “Is there anything else I can get you for your meeting? Anything you need?”

Grace sighed. “Avery, you can stop sucking up to me now. I’ve forgiven you for spilling the beans about my Aunt Katherine before I had the chance to tell Mac; you don’t have to keep walking on eggshells and waiting on me hand and foot.”

“I still feel terrible about that. I know you understand that my heart was in the right place, but I still feel like I was less than professional.”

“It’s water under the bridge,” Grace assured him. “So, please. Let’s move past this because I need to return to a sense of normalcy before Katherine gets here today.”

“Of course.”

“We’ll be using the dining room as a conference room today. Please bring the tea in there and ask Michael to meet us there when he arrives.”


When Grace went into her office, Avery turned to Mac. “I know she says she’s forgiven me, but do you think she’s still upset?”

Mac put a hand on Avery’s shoulder. “Grace isn’t a grudge holder. If she says you’re forgiven, then you are. She has the biggest heart of anyone I know. If Katherine had come here and expressed remorse, I believe Grace would have forgiven her as well. But people like her don’t change, unfortunately. Her sole purpose in contacting Grace was greed.”

“Still, I feel somewhat responsible for Grace’s unhappiness.”

“On the contrary, if anyone is responsible for causing Grace grief, it’s me. All that nonsense with Alice put Grace in the spotlight and has leeches crawling out of the woodwork.”

Grace poked her head out of her office. “Neither one of you is at fault for my unhappiness. So, stop worrying about me and get back to work, you two.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Mac and Avery said in tandem.

Grace grinned at them. “You’re both far too important to me to stay mad. But seriously, get some work done!”

Mac laughed and patted Avery on the shoulder. “My wife can be a real ball-buster, you know?”

“I heard that!” Grace shouted before closing her door again.

At ten o’clock, Mac knocked on Grace’s door. “Hey, I thought you might want a snack before the meeting.”

“Is this an offer of sex?” Grace asked, her eyes narrowing suspiciously.

“No, but it could be if that’s what you need. I just thought you’d like to prevent your stomach from making those growly noises during the meeting with your aunt.”

Grace chuckled. “Yeah, nothing worse than trying to be a badass with a noisy tummy.”

She took the string cheese he offered and peeled a piece off slowly.

Mac felt his loins stir. “Only you could make eating string cheese look sexy enough to make my cock ache.”

“Down, boy!” Grace teased. “Later, when you get to be the strict one, you can punish me for being so arousing.”

Mac tucked a curl behind her ear and traced a finger down the curve of her face. “You’re so beautiful. I’m so lucky.”

Grace smiled. “I’m the lucky one. Let’s go get settled before Katherine arrives.”

“Let’s go kick some ass.”

Chapter Sixty-Two

When the grandfather clock chimed eleven, Bentley escorted Katherine into the dining/conference room, where Mac, Grace, Avery, and Michael were already seated and ready. No one rose to greet her, but Bentley pulled out a chair for her before taking his leave. Michael shuffled some papers while Avery opened his leather-bound notebook as they waited for Grace to speak first.

Grace paused for an extra moment, allowing her aunt to study the portrait of her with Mac, DJ, and Merlin that hung on the wall. It pleased her to see Katherine look on with envy.

“Thank you for being prompt, Katherine. I’ve got a full day, so I appreciate being able to start this meeting on time.”

“It’s Aunt Katherine, dear. Or have you forgotten your manners now that you’re a wealthy woman?”

“I beg your pardon, Aunt Katherine,” Grace replied. “This is my attorney, Michael Stone, my administrative assistant, Avery, and my husband, McKinley. Everyone, this is Katherine Remy Abbott, my father’s sister.”

“My, aren’t we formal?” Katherine remarked. “Not a drop of warmth in this girl,” she said, turning to Mac.

Mac said nothing. Despite wishing to dress this woman down, he wanted it clear that Grace was in charge.

“You’ll get nothing if you continue disrespecting me,” Grace chided. “There is no legal reason to compel me to give you a dime of my money. You received the entire amount of my parent’s estate except for the money put into a trust for my college education. And yet, you came here asking for five thousand dollars.”

“I’ve changed my mind. I want ten thousand. You can more than afford that amount.”

Grace inhaled sharply and blew her breath out slowly. She nodded at Michael and continued.

“Ah, and what a pity you’ve chosen to be greedy instead of grateful. Since you have, I will turn this over to Michael at this point. He’s much better with the legal terms.”

“Mrs. Abbott, I reviewed a copy of the will left behind by Jordan and Genevieve Remy and discovered that the entire amount of their estate was left not to you but to their daughter, Grace. You were merely supposed to be the executor until she turned eighteen. Keeping and spending the funds was embezzlement.”

Katherine’s face went pale. “You must be mistaken.”

Michael’s expression was priceless. “Madam, I’m an attorney with many years of experience in contract and document law. The bottom line is that the money was left to Grace, and you stole it.”

Katherine was speechless, as was Mac. Had Grace known this before the meeting? One look at her told him she had kept this little nugget up her sleeve.

“Aunt Katherine, had you been satisfied with the five thousand dollars, I’d be writing you a check, and you’d be signing an NDA. Then we’d be rid of each other. I bet Michael that you’d ask for more, and for once in my life, you didn’t disappoint me. That being said, I told Michael that if I lost the bet, I’d pay you the money as a one-time gift and be done. But we both agreed you'd get nothing if you asked for more.”

“What? You can’t do that!”

Grace remained silent, but her expression spoke volumes. Mac had seen that look before, the one that could cut a person down to size.

“Fine, I’ll take the five thousand dollars!”

“That offer is off the table; what I’m about to offer is worth far more. You walk away, and I don’t sue your ass for stealing my inheritance.”

Mac watched his wife with admiration. She wasn’t anyone’s victim or prey; she was a badass!

Katherine sputtered. “You’d deny me when you have so much?”

“You denied me when you had so much. Only the money you had then was mine. So, I think we’re square. What’s it going to be? As you can see, my lawyer is very shrewd; I will win if we go to court.”

“You’re just like my brother, not a thought for anyone else but yourself!” Katherine shouted, turning on the tears.

Grace said nothing. But if looks could kill, Katherine Abbott would be in bloody pieces on the floor.

Avery sat, holding his breath; he’d never seen Grace so ruthless. He handed Katherine a tissue and watched the woman dab her eyes dramatically.

“What do I need to do or say to go back to you giving me five thousand dollars?” she begged

Grace kept her voice calm and her face expressionless.

“That ship has sailed. You walk away empty-handed and leave me alone. Or I sue you for breach of contract and embezzlement of funds.”

“I don’t know what to say.”

“Say thank you, Aunt Katherine.”

Katherine opened her mouth to protest but thought better of it. Instead, she gritted her teeth. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Our business is now concluded. Thank you for coming; Avery will see you out.”

“You wait, little girl; Karma is a bitch!” Katherine said before Avery ushered her out the door.

“Yes, it is,” Grace said as she stood.

Once her aunt exited the room, Grace sat down and laid her head on the table. Mac put his hand on her back and felt the silent sobs.

“I’ll let you have your privacy,” Michael said, collecting his papers.

Grace sat up, took a deep breath, and wiped the tears from her cheeks. “No, I’m good. I’ve given her as much of my time as I’m going to, far more than she deserves. I can’t thank you enough for all the research you did. I feel foolish that I didn’t even bother to ask to see a copy of the will. I trusted what I thought was my parents’ decision. It feels good to know they did their best to ensure I had what I needed.”

“I’m glad I lost the bet,” Michael said with half a smile. “It would have galled me to watch you give that despicable woman one cent.”

“I’d have given her the money to be rid of her; this is better.”

“McKinley, don’t ever let go of your clever wife,” Michael mused. “She’s fierce.”

Mac nodded. “I’ve told Grace that if it didn’t work out between us romantically, I’d still have begged her to stay with my company.”

“You’re a lucky man.”

After Michael left, Mac pulled Grace into his arms. “If you need to let it out, it’s just the two of us now. You don’t have to keep a brave face on for me. I won’t think any less of you.”

With a heavy sigh, Grace said, “Thanks, but I’m not wasting any more tears on her.”

Mac smiled and kissed the top of her head. “Want to blow off the rest of the day with me?”

“Let me just get things squared away with Avery. I’ll meet you upstairs. Send Bentley the ‘we’re gonna fuck’ text that keeps everyone on the fourth floor or lower. I’m gonna need to be loud.”

“Let’s make it the third floor then,” Mac said, grinning.

Grace found Avery at his desk.

“Please come into my office,” Grace said.

Avery followed her and had a seat across from her desk.

“I know you think I was heartless. But I need to share a few things that might make you see things differently.”

“You don’t owe me any explanation. I know she stole your money and then had the audacity to ask for more. You needed to be firm with her so she would take you seriously.”

Grace continued anyway. “When I met Mac, I was homeless, living in a hotel room. I had nothing left in my bank account and wasn’t sure where my next meal would come from. I was out of next steps and desperate.”

Avery shifted uncomfortably in his seat. It was hard to imagine the lovely woman before him, poor and without a proper home.

“Thinking that I had no money back when I was a young girl set into play a series of events that nearly destroyed me,” Grace said, purposefully vague. “So, it’s hard not to blame her for her part in my misery.”

Avery nodded.

“But it also led me to Mac. So, despite despising her, I’d have given her the five thousand dollars if she hadn’t forced my hand with her greed. Does that make sense?”

“Yes, of course.”

“I’m going to take the rest of the day off with Mac. I’ll trust you to handle anything that comes up.”

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“Thank you, Grace. I appreciate your confidence in me.”

Grace smiled. “Hiring you was one of the best business decisions I ever made.”

Avery grinned. “Absolutely true.”

Laughing, Grace headed for the elevator and shot a text to Sylvie.

Mac and I are taking some personal time, but we will claim our munchkin no later than five.

Sylvie answered quickly.

He’s napping at the moment. Such an angel! See you at five.

Grace hit the express button to the sixth floor and was met by her husband, who was naked and hard.

“And what if Sophia was on that elevator bringing fresh towels to our bathroom?” Grace kidded.

“Not a chance of that happening; Bentley’s got it all under control.”

“Still, you’re wielding quite a weapon there, Mr. Stewart. I’m assuming you plan to have your way with me.”

Mac gazed into the bluest eyes he’d ever seen and saw mischief there.

“You’ve guessed it in one try. Undress for me, and let me do unspeakable things with you, my love.”

“Darling, what would your wife say?” Grace teased.

“She’d already be half undressed by now.”

Grace stripped off her clothes and flung them over a chair. Then she pressed her naked body against her man and said, “You always know how to soothe me.”

“I’ve learned over time,” he acknowledged. Picking her up and tossing her on the bed, he added, “And what you need now is some naughty, hot sex mixed with sensual lovemaking.”

“Oh? I get a two for one; how delicious!”

Mac gave her ass a playful smack and grabbed her hairbrush. Giving his wife a lustful grin, he had her wondering what his intentions were.

“Ready?” he asked.

“That depends. Are you planning to brush my hair, spank me, or fuck me with that brush?”

“D. All of the above. I promised you a mix, and I intend to keep my word.”

Grace felt the remaining tension in her shoulders melt away as Mac brushed her long, wavy, red locks. He was like a magician, making all her cares disappear.

After ten glorious minutes of brushing, she sighed when he moved her hair aside and kissed the back of her neck. Shivering with desire, she was practically purring when he whispered in her ear, “I want you over my knee.”

Grace obliged him eagerly and braced herself for a spanking. Mac teased her first, rubbing the smooth side of the brush along her soft, creamy ass cheeks. Just when she began to wonder if he planned to spank her after all, her answer came in the sting of the first swat. He followed with several additional terse smacks and had her whimpering.

Mac stopped for a moment to finger-check her wetness. He brought his fingers to his lips and tasted her sweet nectar.

“You get so aroused when I spank you, Gracie. You’re dripping wet!”

Grace simply moaned and rocked her hips a bit. Taking his cue that she needed more than a finger, Mac slid the handle of the brush into her wetness.

“Do you like that, baby?” he murmured.

“Mmm, hmm.”

He moved the brush in and out of her with one hand and continued spanking her with the other. The combination of these sensations had his hot little redhead bucking on his lap until her orgasm ripped through her body.

“Oh, my God!” she cried out.

Feeling pretty pleased with himself, Mac removed the hairbrush from her pussy, pulled her cheeks apart, spat on her puckered star, and slid the handle in her tight little ass.

He reached under her and found her little nub all swollen and begging to be touched. With his fingers in her pussy, and his thumb strumming her clit like a violin, he fucked her ass with the brush handle. In no time at all, her entire body shook with pleasure.

Cumming so hard left her breathless and limp. Mac removed the brush and rolled Grace onto her back on the bed. He spread her legs open and began lapping up her sweet cream and setting off another wave of orgasms.

“I need…”

“What do you need, Grace?”

“I need you inside me!”

“What’s the rush?” he teased. “I think you should show me how much you want me. Use that talented mouth of yours on my cock, baby.”

He watched her expression carefully to make sure she was enjoying his playful demand. He needn’t have worried. She looked at him with lust-filled eyes and said, “Lie back and enjoy.”

Her tongue ran a wet trail from his balls to the tip of his dick before she took the head between her lips. She teased him briefly, then took him into her willing mouth inch by inch. Her fingers played deftly with his sac while her tongue swirled around, making him moan.

“My God, Gracie! The things you can do with that tongue!”

Little by little, she worked him into her throat, relaxing it so she could take him in all the way. With her nose nestled against his belly, she held him there and moaned, driving him crazy.

He had planned to use this as a little warm-up and then fuck her pussy, but her oral skills were too incredible to resist. He fucked her throat, making obscene noises, as she eagerly devoured him. Again and again, he lodged himself deep until there was no turning back. He grabbed two handfuls of red hair, plunged himself further than he’d ever been, and shot his hot seed down her throat.

“Holy fuck, Grace! I’m sorry. I hope I didn’t hurt you.”

She grinned, clearly proud of herself for making him lose his control, and said, “Don’t be silly. I love when I can make you cum that hard.”

“Give me a bit to recover, and I’ll fuck you properly.”

“Let’s use our Jacuzzi tub and relax until you’re ready,” Grace suggested.

“You’re always thinking.”

Chapter Sixty-Three

Moments later, he sat in the tub with his wife leaning back against him, her breasts in his hands. He loved moments like this that brought as much pleasure as their bedroom play. He pressed his lips against her ear and whispered, “I love you.” Then he nibbled at her earlobe and neck, making her squeal with delight.

She turned around to face him. “I love you too. Spending time in the tub was a great idea.”

He laughed, wondering if she’d forgotten it was her idea or if she was teasing. Either way, he agreed it was divine.

He took her favorite bath gel and washed every inch of her body. “Gotta get you clean, so I can make you dirty again.”

She returned the favor, and when she got to his lower extremities, she took his cock in her hands and said, “Ah, someone’s ready for me again.”

She leaned over the side of the tub, and he took that as his cue. “And someone is ready for entry, I presume.”

“Nailed it.”

“Oh, I’m going to.”

Her laughter turned to moans as he opened her up with his thick rod. He started slowly, with sensual, deliberate strokes that had Grace purring.

“Mmm, I love the way you fill me up. Your cock is amazing, baby; best I’ve ever had.”

Mac grinned. There was a time that a comment like that was a stark reminder that his wife had been used by many cocks in her past. But he no longer let things like that bother him. She’d had plenty to compare him to, so it was, after all, a huge compliment. One he knew she meant genuinely. So, he figured he’d respond with a truthful comment of his own.

“Mmm, tightest pussy I’ve ever fucked,” Mac growled as he picked up the pace. “So tight that I need to take it hard and fast.”

“God, yes!” Grace screamed, grateful that Mac had cleared several floors beneath their room. Knowing that she could let loose and enjoy the pounding without having to be quiet made it even more enjoyable.

“Mmm, that’s right, baby, cum on my cock! Such a good girl and a dirty slut all wrapped into one hot package!”

Grace hovered on the edge of orgasm for what felt like hours until he grabbed her breasts and pinched her nipples while he hammered into her.

“Oh, fuck, yeah! I’m cumming, Mac! Cum with me!”

They fell off the cliff together as he exploded inside her while her inner walls pulsed and milked him dry.

They stayed leaning over the edge of the Jacuzzi tub until they caught their breath.

“You were right about the tub,” he said, still panting. “Now I think we need a shower.”

“You planning on behaving in that shower?”

“Probably not.”

Grace laughed.

“Good, because I’m in the mood to be manhandled.”

Happy to oblige his wife, Mac used three fingers to fuck her to several more orgasms in the shower. Then he toweled her off, grabbed some cheese, crackers, and wine from their kitchenette, and enjoyed a late lunch with his wife in bed.

“This was a spectacular way to spend the afternoon,” Grace said, sipping her wine. She realized she would have to pump and dump her milk since she was imbibing, but she already had plenty of breast milk in the fridge and the freezer. And wasn’t she entitled to enjoy some Moscato? It had been quite a day.

“The afternoon isn’t over.”

“Your incorrigible.”

Mac grinned, “Yes, I am.”

“Well, let’s enjoy our lunch break a little longer before the next round.”

Mac refilled her wine glass and said, “Whatever you desire, my love.”

“You’re being awfully nice to me.”

“Just taking care of my wife. It’s rare that she needs taking care of, so I have to enjoy it when she could use a little TLC.”

“I like your version of TLC. It’s very much like dessert.”

“I love you, Grace. The way you handled yourself this morning was incredible. You were cool as a cucumber and stopped Katherine in her tracks.”

“I didn’t feel very cool. I was praying that I wasn’t visibly sweating. But there was no way she was going to best me. I’m no one’s victim anymore, Mac. You’ve shown me I have true strength, and I’m grateful. I also appreciate that you can take care of me afterward without making me feel like less.”

“You could never be less, Grace. You’re my badass wife in every aspect of life. I’d hate to be at odds with you, my love. I think you scared the piss out of Avery this morning.”

“I talked with him; we’re good.”

“Good. But I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that watching you squish your aunt like a bug didn’t make me hard.”

“Ah, is that why you wanted to blow off work for the rest of the day?”

“It might have been a contributing factor.”

Grace yawned. “Sorry, no offense to present company, but the combination of being a badass bitch this morning and a slutty little fuck doll this afternoon has taken a lot out of me. How would you feel about a nap?”

Mac kissed her lips gently. “Can I spoon you while you rest?”

“Absolutely. But set the alarm on your phone, so we don’t sleep past four.”

“Not four-thirty?”

“Nope. I wanna fuck you once more before we have to retrieve our son at five, and I don’t wanna feel rushed.”

“You’re the perfect wife.”

“You’re the best husband in the world, Mac.”

He held her close and could tell that she’d drifted off. He was happy that he could help her relax enough to rest.

Mac didn’t think he would fall asleep, but when the alarm sounded at four, he woke with an erection.

Grace slid her hand down between his legs. “Look who’s ready for me!”

She pushed him onto his back and straddled him.

“Mmm. I love it when you ride me, Gracie.”

And ride him, she did!

Chapter Sixty-Four

DJ was fussy in the evening, thanks to another little tooth about to poke through.

“I’m very glad we enjoyed each other this afternoon since it doesn’t seem like our baby boy will go down without a fight tonight.”

“Maybe we should try that mitten thing,” Mac suggested.

“The teething mitten? I guess it can’t hurt. I just hope putting it on him doesn’t make him unhappy.”

“We won’t know until we try it.”

“I suppose.”

“I’ll put it on him, so I can be the bad guy if he hates it,” Mac offered.

“Well, if you insist,” Grace shrugged, causing Mac to chuckle.

Ten minutes later, DJ was chewing and sucking on the teething mitten like a hungry man going to town on a burger.

“I don’t mean to say I told you so, but…”

“You totally rock,” Grace interrupted. “I don’t know why I opposed using this little contraption, but it seems to have soothed him.

“Ours is not to understand why but to try anything that might work,” Mac laughed.

“Looks like you’ve saved the day again.”

Mac studied Grace’s face. Another woman might have been annoyed. But somehow, he’d been lucky enough to marry someone who didn’t get defensive when he fell into the caretaker role. She simply smiled at him and rested her head on his shoulder.

Since DJ had stopped crying and fussing, Merlin resurfaced and wound himself around Grace’s legs.

“There you are, my furry little wizard,” Grace cooed. “I was wondering if you would hide all night with all the unhappy noises coming from DJ.” She patted the sofa cushion and invited the kitty to jump up for some pettings.

“There’s my wife, petting her pussy.”

Grace gave Mac a look. “You will want to start watching what you say. His babbling is starting to sound like words. The last thing you want is for him to start repeating things like petting her pussy.”

“I meant the cat, Grace.”

That weak argument earned him another look.

“Okay, you’re right.”

“Thank goodness the p sound isn’t something babies master right away. D is a lot easier, which is why he always says " Dada.”

“And here I thought it was because I’m the best Dada in the world.”

“You are, but most babies say Dada before Mama.”

Mac caught a rare glimpse of jealousy on her face.

“I’m betting he masters Mama pretty soon.”

Grace sighed. “It would be nice to hear; I won’t lie. But Virginie warned me that once a baby says Mama, they never stop calling for mom’s attention.”

“Speaking of Virginie, how’s she doing?”

“She’s been nauseous as hell and loving every minute of it.”

Mac laughed. “She really wanted that fourth baby, didn’t she?”

“So much!”

“Guess we’ll have to catch up, huh?” he asked, testing her.

“Nope, two would be plenty. Three tops.”

Mac grinned. “What, you don’t want to have enough to have our own baseball team?”

Grace tilted her head.

“I’m just teasing, babe. Two or three would be plenty for me, too.”

“I never thought I’d have one, so anything more will be icing on the cake.”

“Since he seems to have drifted off, what do you say we tuck him in and let me put some icing on your cake?”

“Didn’t get enough sex this afternoon?”

“I could never get enough of you. I suppose there may come a time when a few times per week will suffice, but right now, I burn for you.”

Grace felt a shiver of desire envelop her.

“You get him settled, and I will meet you in bed,” she said.

“You’ll have to be quiet this time,” he joked.

“I can do silent screams.”

Mac shook his head. “No, you can’t.”

They took the elevator to the sixth floor. When the door opened, Mac went left to put DJ in his crib while Grace turned right into their bedroom. She felt herself go damp seeing their sheets still tangled from this afternoon’s decadent romp.

When Mac entered the room, he found Grace lying on the bed with her legs splayed open for him.

“Do you see why I can’t get enough of you?” he asked.

“Come enjoy me.”

“Oh, I thoroughly intend to, my sexy little slut. I’d start in your mouth, but I don’t have two more in me, and your throat is too fucking tempting. So, I’ll treat you to some oral pleasures and then fuck you into tomorrow.”

“Do you see why I can’t get enough of you?” she asked, mimicking his words.

Later, when they’d worn each other out, Grace rested her head on Mac’s chest.

“Thank you for turning a shitty day into one for the record books,” she murmured drowsily.

“There’s not much I wouldn’t do for you,” he answered as he closed his eyes.

As they drifted off, they barely noticed the covers moved when Merlin decided to join them. Mac opened one eye to witness the cat kneading Grace’s butt, making invisible biscuits with his paws.

“Looks like the cat is an ass-man, too,” he mused.

Written by techgoddess
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