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In a New York Minute - Part Eighteen - Chapters 69-72

"Mac and Grace head back to Paris"

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Author's Notes

"As Mac and Grace head back to Paris, he wonders if it will still feel magical with the baby and nanny along."

Chapter Sixty-Nine

As people began to board the plane, Damian checked the passenger list to see if he had any regular customers on board today. He and his co-worker and friend, Marie, were flight attendants working in first class as typical, and it wasn’t unusual to see a few familiar faces.

“Well, hot damn! McKinley Stewart and his lovely wife, Grace, are flying with us this morning!”

Marie smiled. She knew that Damian had a bit of a crush on the very straight businessman, but who could blame him? McKinley Stewart was a gorgeous man with dark hair and brown eyes that could melt a woman’s panties off with little to no effort. And his wife, the red-haired Grace, was stunning with blue eyes that could make even a straight woman’s toes curl.

She nudged him and said, “And don’t look now, but they have a darling little boy with them.”

The manifest indicated a nine-month-old baby in arms named Dominic Jordan. They also appeared to be traveling with a young woman, Sylvie Montpellier.

“Well, hello, Mr. Stewart!” Damian greeted him warmly. “And Mrs. Stewart, how lovely to see you again. It’s been quite a while. But then again, I see you’ve been busy.”

Grace laughed. “Just a little. Meet our little man, DJ, and his nanny, Sylvie.”

Marie couldn’t help herself. “Here, let me hold that beautiful baby while you get situated in your seats.”

DJ looked at Marie with inquisitive eyes. They were blue like his mother’s, and she was smiling, so he smiled back and allowed her to hold him for a moment.

“Business or pleasure?” Damian asked.

“Both,” Mac and Grace answered together.

“Good for you!” Damian said. He took their beverage order while Marie returned the baby to his mother.

Sylvie was wide-eyed as Marie showed her how each of the buttons worked and how to make the seat lie flat.

“Everything is so fancy! I’ve never ridden in first class before.”

“Well, this is a little nicer than typical first class; it’s Delta One. And it makes international travel a lot more comfortable.”

“No doubt!”

Marie liked the fact that this nanny traveling with the Stewarts seemed like a genuinely lovely girl. But she enjoyed best that Mac only had eyes for Grace, despite how attractive the young girl looked. Not that she was surprised. She and Damien had been fortunate enough to witness the early days when the previously aloof McKinley Stewart became smitten with his exquisite companion, changing his manner completely. Seeing that the Stewarts seemed even more in love than the last time she’d seen them on one of her flights was wonderful.

Once they were ready for take-off, Mac secured DJ in his carrier for departure. Damien took note of what a doting father McKinley Stewart had turned out to be. Who would have thought?

Fortunately, DJ proved to be a good traveler. Grace had worried that he would get bored and fussy, but he seemed so fascinated by everything. Still, she was glad she had a bottle ready for take-off and landing to help prevent his ears from hurting.

“Sucking on the nipple will help his ears,” she explained to Mac.

“I’d like to be sucking on your nipples,” he whispered into her ear before taking a playful nibble of her neck.

Grace elbowed him gently. “Shhh! Later, you can do whatever you want,” she whispered back.

Mac grinned. “I’m going to hold you to that.”

The flight was smooth and uneventful, although Mac was a little sad that traveling with a baby and nanny in tow meant having to behave on the airplane. Once they landed at Charles de Gaulle Airport, Mac texted their driver, Henri, to be sure he would meet them near baggage claim.

Grace dozed a little in the limo but woke just as they pulled up in front of the hotel. When she laughed, Mac gave her a puzzled look.

“I was just recalling the night we had that doozy of an argument right here when I returned from seeing Arc de Triomphe with Julien.”

Mac scowled. He was grateful that the hotel’s bartender had won the lotto and bought his own bar since the last time he was here with Grace. The last thing he wanted was some Casanova/Don Juan type sniffing around his wife or their nanny.

Grace recognized that look and sighed. Then she chased his annoyed thoughts away when she discreetly rubbed a hand on his leg near his groin and whispered, “Paris was the first place we made love. Care to relive that memory instead?”

He smiled and kissed her cheek, whispering in return, “You’re mine the moment we get DJ settled tonight.”

Sylvie retired to her room and marveled at the opulence around her. She knew that her employers were wealthy, but she hadn’t grasped just how well-off they were until she boarded the Delta One plane from JFK to Paris and discovered how rich people traveled. It made her even more determined to do an excellent job for the Stewarts. A glowing recommendation from them would help her get into the exclusive Nanny school in London that was her heart’s desire.

The way Mac and Grace were welcomed back like long-lost friends was impressive, as was the fact that a stuffed bear was presented to DJ upon arrival. But her tongue had nearly fallen out of her mouth when she’d stepped inside the suite at Le Bristol Hotel. She had a gigantic bedroom and bathroom all to herself.


Chapter Seventy

Shortly after they arrived, Grace insisted that Sylvie have the rest of the evening to herself. “I’ve got DJ for the night. Go enjoy that big bathtub or some quiet time with a good book.”

So, now she sat down on the bed, too excited to be in Paris to even think of sleeping yet. She didn’t feel like reading, so perhaps the tub was a good idea.

Then, she had an even better one. Opening the zippered pocket of her suitcase, she pulled out a small but powerful toy. She’d nearly left the vibrator at home but risked packing it, with the batteries out, of course, because she’d be gone far too long to go without touching herself. She double-checked that her bedroom door was locked and used her phone to put on some music; nothing too loud to disturb anyone else, but loud enough to drown out her soft moans and cries of pleasure.

She inserted the batteries into the cylinder and turned the switch to the on position to ensure she’d put them in correctly. Stripping down to her bra and panties, she sat on the bed for a moment before lying back and spreading her legs.

But who was she spreading them for? A fantasy lover? There was no one she had her eye on at the moment. Would it be wrong to admit that she found both of her employers very sexy? She’d known for some time now that she was attracted to both men and women.

She wasn’t stupid. She knew what Bentley’s texts meant; Mac and Grace liked to have sex during the day. And why not? It was no secret that they were both gorgeous sexual beings. And, if chatter was to be believed, very monogamous.

Still, would it hurt to fantasize that they brought her along as a plaything? She didn’t actually want them to touch her in real life, but the image of it in her head might be fun.

As she teased her clit with the vibrator, she tried to imagine Grace holding one leg open and Mac holding the other.

Nope. This isn’t working. They wouldn’t ever touch anyone besides each other. Sigh.

Sylvie closed her eyes again and pretended the cute couple who had checked in at the same time had followed her to her room and wanted her to join them for the night.

Mmm. Much better.

Sylvie felt her juices dripping as she imagined discovering that the wholesome blond couple was looking for a teenage girl to do dirty things with, like Kinky Ken and Bodacious Barbie. She let her imagination run wild as she envisioned hands running all over her body as her vibrator hummed.

Yep, this is working.

The pretty woman with the blonde, swingy ponytail and the lusciously full breasts suddenly became aggressive and demanding.

“Take my husband’s cock in your mouth and suck it while I lick your pussy.”

Sylvie envisioned Ken pressing the tip of his cock against her lips and telling her to open up like a good girl while Barbie pushed a finger inside her and licked her clit till her hips bucked, making her climax imminent.

Ignoring the ping of her phone, she panted and moaned as she sucked on her fingers (Ken’s dick) and rubbed her clit with the vibrator (Barbie’s tongue). Eventually, her body thrashed on the bed until she cried out as she drenched her hand.

Her orgasm was intense and left her feeling spent. Eventually, she got up to shower and get ready for bed, glad she’d found a suitable fantasy that didn’t involve her employers. That would make things weird. She’d keep Ken and Barbie as her imaginary lovers when she needed release. She smiled when she hoped they would have ample availability to use her on her free nights.

Before heading to bed, she remembered the text she had ignored in the midst of her fantasy. She checked her phone and saw a message from her mother.

Hope you are all tucked in for the night. I love you. Be a good girl and help Mac and Grace with that darling baby.

She figured she’d better answer before Claudette sent out the cavalry.

All showered and ready for bed. I love you too, mama. Don’t worry. I’m always a good girl.

Sylvie snickered a little at the last part of her response. She was a good girl when it mattered anyway.

While Sylvie was climbing into her bed, Grace was getting DJ settled in his makeshift bedroom, the dressing room attached to their room. When she was convinced that he was down for the count, she slipped out of her clothes and into the emerald-green and black nightgown that was Mac’s favorite.

She found her husband in an overstuffed chair, looking at emails.

“I believe you promised to do things to me later. It’s later.”

Mac felt his arousal stir as he looked at his gorgeous wife. She was even more beautiful than the last time they’d stayed here. How was that possible?

“I thought you’d be too tired,” he teased, eliciting a pout from her.

“I don’t feel tired. I managed to get a good nap on the plane. But if you are too tired, I can always grab my vibrator.”

“Such a sassy little redhead! But now that you’ve mentioned it, I’d like you to entertain me.”

She wasted no time grabbing her new toy, a clit sucker with powerful vibrations. Lifting her nightgown around her waist, she lay on the bed and spread her legs.

Mac went instantly hard as he watched her slip two fingers into her wetness to lubricate her swollen nub. She placed the toy into position and turned it on, eliciting instant moans. Mac gazed intently at the gadget causing his wife’s hips to rock. It was a clever little tool that seemed to be doing its job well. He was tempted to slide some fingers into her while it buzzed away, making sucking motions, but he didn’t want to interrupt the show Grace was so clearly enjoying putting on for him. He’d have his turn with her, and it would be worth waiting for this silicone lover to finish its task of making her cum hard before she set it aside. After all, he’d managed to refrain from touching her on the airplane, so he could afford to be a patient voyeur.

He laughed internally when he realized she was edging herself and purposefully making him wait. God, he loved her sassiness! It took every ounce of energy for him not to grab the toy and take its place with his tongue. But he wanted to see how this played out. He took his cock in his hand and realized its current state was due to her erotic display. It felt like hot steel in his grip.

Grace watched him stroke himself gently while she played and knew that she wouldn’t be able to hold back much longer. She closed her eyes and arched her back, allowing her orgasm to take control of her body. As she shuddered from wave after wave, Mac pulled her to the edge of the bed and entered her. It was pure erotic heat as she met every thrust. She tried to get him to pick up the pace, but he was determined to fuck her slowly. Each stroke took him all the way out and brought him all the way back inside her.

Mac watched her face carefully for signs of impending climax and was ridiculously proud of himself for recognizing the exact moment she was teetering on the edge of release. He began to pump into her hard and fast, pushing her right over. His balls tightened as she fell, and they exploded together. The spasms of their orgasms were intense and extremely satisfying.

Panting heavily, hearts beating wildly, he stayed inside her but leaned forward. Bracing himself on his forearms, he moved in for a kiss. It was utterly sweet and sensual, and Mac felt himself fall in love with his wife all over again. He withdrew from her and lay beside her, pulling her into his arms.

Suddenly, he recalled something Grace had said earlier. “Hey, remember when you said earlier that we’d made love for the first time in Paris? That wasn’t our first time.”

Grace nuzzled her cheek against his chest. “Of course, it was, silly. That was definitely the first time we made love. That night in my hotel room in New York was just sex.”

Mac paused momentarily as it dawned on him that Paris had been the first time he’d made love with anyone. He tucked a curl behind her ear and spoke from the heart.

“Louise, Johanna, Rebecca, and the others were just sex. You’re the first woman I ever made love with,” Mac said, a bit overwhelmed by his feelings.

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Grace propped herself up on her elbow and looked into his gorgeous brown eyes. “I say this not to hurt you but to make you understand. It’s no secret that I had a lot of sex before I met you. But you’re the first man I ever made love with and the only one who made me feel loved.”

“Aren’t we both so lucky to have found each other?”

“So very lucky.”


Chapter Seventy-One

When morning arrived, Grace was grateful that she’d arranged for room service to deliver breakfast. Although she’d slept well, she was still feeling a bit groggy and didn’t mind not having to rush off anywhere.

Sylvie took DJ into the living room of the spacious suite after breakfast to play while Mac and Grace sat and finished their tea.

She looked up from reading the news on her tablet and found her husband staring at her.


“I thought that maybe this time in Paris wouldn’t seem as magical because it wasn’t like when we first started having serious feelings for each other. But I couldn’t have been more wrong. Sitting here as a married couple with our son and his nanny feels even more special. We’re a family, a real one where love exists, and, honestly, I never dreamed I’d have this in my life.”

Grace placed her hand on his. “I sometimes forget that, even though I lost my parents early in life, I had a better home situation. My parents loved me and never failed to let me know it. My aunt used to try to poison my mind against them, saying they preferred their work over me. But I knew she was lying. They had a deep sense of loyalty to the security of our country and felt compelled to use their skills wisely. They probably shouldn’t have had a child with their line of work, but when my mother got pregnant, she said she couldn’t imagine not having a child with my father. They altered their way of life for me while doing their best to serve their country. And they never let me forget that I was loved.”

Mac was at a loss for words. Her capacity for love was limitless, even after all the hardships of her life. “You will always be loved, my darling. I will spend the rest of our lives together, making sure you feel it.”

Grace smiled sweetly. “You are the love of my life, Mac. And I’m so grateful that we found each other.”

“We’ve gotten so mushy,” Mac teased as he pulled Grace onto his lap. “And I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

When Sylvie entered the dining room with DJ in tow, she marveled at how lovely and casual her employers were. There was nothing awkward or uncomfortable, and it made her feel pleased.

“I hate to interrupt, but I wondered what our plans are for this afternoon so I can get this little guy dressed in the appropriate outfit.”

Grace shrugged. “What would you like to do, Sylvie?”

Sylvie thought for a moment. “Would it be cheesy to do the Hop On/Hop Off bus around the city?”

Mac laughed. “Not cheesy at all. Grace is the queen of Hop On/Hop Off bus sightseeing. She spent a lot of time doing so the last time we were in Europe.”

Grace nodded in agreement. “It’s a great way to see a lot of the city and determine what points of interest you’d like to explore more.”

“I hate to make you do something you’ve already done,” Sylvie remarked.

“Not at all. It will be fun!” Grace replied.

Grace was right; the afternoon was, indeed, fun. Sylvie made a list of places she’d like to return to during their Paris stay. DJ seemed to enjoy the ride and a nap in his mother’s arms.

When they returned to the hotel, Grace said, “Oh, you must meet the resident cat.”

“There’s a cat living in the hotel?”


Mac held DJ while Grace inquired with the female bartender, Amie, where they might find the fluffy kitty.

“Ah, Fa-Raon has retired. However, his son, Socrate, is now our official Le Bristol Hotel kitty. He’s adorable but a little shy. You might find him in the corner of the lobby where he likes to nap on a little chair.”

“Where did Fa-Raon go?”

“No worries, Madam, he lives with Jean-Phillipe, one of our receptionists. He’s very happy there, I assure you.”

Grace turned to Mac to suggest they look for Socrate in the lobby, but he shook his head.

“We’ll have to look another time. This little guy needs a diaper change.”

Grace laughed. “The look on your face is priceless.”

“Come a little closer, and you’ll smell why,” Mac chuckled.


They dined at Café Antonia and spent some time planning the next day’s excursions after dinner. Sylvie had requested to see the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower. While Grace suggested walking, Mac insisted on utilizing their driver.

“It will be easier than lugging things for the baby with us while walking.”

“I’m not going sightseeing in a limo.”

“Henri will bring the sedan.”

“Fine,” Grace conceded. It was hard to argue that having the car would make it easier to accomplish both things in one day.

The following morning, they started with the Louvre, which brought back fond memories for Grace. Only this time, Mac was with her, not as her employer, but as her husband. She slipped her hand into his and felt her heart flutter when he gave it a little squeeze and kissed the side of her head.

The simple, loving gesture was not lost on Sylvie as she pushed DJ in his umbrella stroller. She sighed inwardly, hoping to feel that way about someone someday. One of her friends had warned her that Mr. Stewart might take an interest in her and she should be careful not to appear flirty in any way. But there was no doubt that McKinley Stewart only had eyes for his wife. It made her feel relaxed to know she didn’t have to worry about saying or doing something that might be misconstrued.

Opting to mill about casually through the maze of galleries instead of doing a guided tour, they enjoyed the art displays and historical exhibitions unhurriedly. After a while, however, DJ wanted out of the stroller. Mac picked up his son and followed Grace and Sylvie for a bit longer, ensuring they saw the Mona Lisa before making their way to Café Marly for lunch.

Henri took them on a driving tour of the city to obscure sights not included on the bus route, allowing DJ to nap before their next stop, the Eiffel Tower. They explored the three levels, and, this time, it was Mac who got a little misty reminiscing about his time here with Grace. He disappeared for a few moments, then rejoined the others with a mischievous look.

“What did you do?” Grace asked.

“Let’s head down to have some ice cream while we wait to board the boat,” he said, grinning.

“What boat?”

“The boat I just bought tickets for since we couldn’t very well bring Sylvie to Paris and not take her on a river cruise on the Seine.”

Sylvie’s eyes lit up. “Really?”

Grace laughed. “He’s absolutely right.”

As they enjoyed their ice cream, Grace said, “You know, Sylvie, there was a time when Mac wouldn’t have been interested in sightseeing. Now, here he is, adding an extra outing to our day.”

Mac laughed. “She’s not wrong. I spent many years with blinders on until Grace opened my eyes to the world around me. I was far too involved with my work to ever want to go places and do things. I’d seen the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, the Seine, and so much more, but only as I passed them in a car. Somehow, I thought it was enough. Then I met Grace. Never let it be said that a man can’t change.”

Grace smiled wryly. “I prefer to think of it as you evolving. You always had this side of you buried deep inside. I just pestered that part of you to come out and play.”

“And I’ll always be grateful for that, darling.”


Chapter Seventy-Two

The cruise was lovely, but as the day wound down, they agreed that room service for dinner was for the best. After they ate, Sylvie offered to watch DJ, so Grace and Mac could go for a drink. Mac quickly declined.

“Thank you, but tomorrow is a workday, and I don’t want to be out too late. But thank you for offering. I’m sure there will be times when we take you up on that.”

“I am here to help you care for DJ. So far, I don’t feel like I’m doing much to earn my keep,” Sylvie commented.

“You’ll be doing plenty starting tomorrow. But I suppose a little walk with Grace might be nice. We won’t be long.”

Grabbing her sweater, Grace followed Mac out of the suite. “She wants to prove she can handle this without us,” she explained. “Although she’s been his nanny for a while now, she watches him in our home while we work on the other side of the house.”

“She’s taken him to the park.”

“Which is just down the street from our house. She wants to show us she is capable.”

Mac shrugged. “Well, if it means slipping out with my wife to take a walk in Paris, who am I to complain?”

“I promise not to keep you out too late,” Grace smirked.

“Good, because I want to make love to my wife again before we get back to business. It’s been such a nice weekend; it’s easy to forget we are here to work.”

“Ah, well, in that case, we’ll make it a short walk.”

They strolled around the grounds, discussing their strategy for ascertaining whether or not Andre Boivin was as successful in person as he had been on paper the past few months. Brendan had been keeping an eye on him, but he had other duties as well, so it felt pertinent to be here in person, reminding Andre that he needed to keep focused on his job if he meant to keep it.

They avoided discussing how Grace had maneuvered getting Andre’s mistress out of his life. It involved talking about Julian, and he wasn’t worth arguing about. Not when lovemaking awaited them to top off a perfect day.

When they returned to the room, Sylvie was holding their sleeping baby. “I would have put him in his crib, but I was enjoying the snuggles so much. He took a full bottle after I got him ready for bed and conked out with a happy tummy.”

Mac gently took DJ from Sylvie and whispered, “And you thought you weren’t earning your keep.” He went to put the baby in his crib, pausing for a moment so Grace could give him a soft kiss on the top of his head.

While Mac got DJ settled in for the night, Grace reviewed the schedule for the following day with Sylvie. Then she said goodnight and slipped into their bedroom, closing the door quietly.

Mac wiggled his eyebrows at her and led her to the bed. They removed each other’s clothing in a hurried but stealthy fashion and climbed under the covers. Skin touching skin as their naked bodies embraced, they kissed passionately. Hands roamed everywhere, eliciting moans of lust and love.

Mac broke off the kiss and nibbled his way down her body until he found what he desired. He took a moment to peek up at Grace, holding the covers around his head and licked his lips. “Time for dessert.”

Grace laughed softly as he ducked back under the covers and planted soft, wet kisses on her silky smooth mound. Her breath hitched when his tongue found its target, lapping at her slowly and seductively.

Her hips rocked as he slid a single finger inside her wet heat and continued to tease her hard little nub with his tongue. Soon, he had her back arching and her hips bucking as he brought her to a wave of intense orgasms.

“You’re so easy to please, my love,” he murmured.

“Again,” she moaned.

“And so greedy.”

He repeated his performance with two fingers this time and had her muffle a scream with her pillow. His demanding redhead thwarted his attempt at another encore. “It’s my turn,” she insisted.

“Well, then, how can I refuse?”

Mac shifted onto his back and watched as his cock disappeared into Grace’s willing mouth. As her tongue swirled, his eyes rolled back in his head. Her manicured fingers played deftly with his sac as she licked and sucked him as if she were enjoying a delicacy. The vibration of her moans felt exquisite, and soon, his hips were moving and thrusting.

“Oh, God, Gracie. You’re driving me wild.”

Grace made indiscernible noises, making Mac laugh. “Hard to talk with my dick in your throat, huh, baby?”

“Mmm hmmm.”

He grabbed two handfuls of red hair and held her head down on him for a moment before letting her up for air. As much as he would have loved to let her drink his seed, he desperately needed to be inside her.

“You’ve got me so excited; let me have that amazing pussy now.”

Grace didn’t argue as she rolled on her side so Mac could take her from behind. With one hand on her shoulder and another on her hip, he thrust deeply into her. He teased her with slow, deliberate movements while his fingers toyed with her breasts. He flicked, twisted, and pinched one nipple until he made her cum, then repeated the erotic torment with the other one, producing the same result.

He reached between her legs and found her engorged clit begging for attention. He rubbed circles around it, flicked the little gold ball that adorned her most intimate part, and felt her body tense up and let go again as a decadent purring growl escaped her lips.

He continued to move inside her. Stroke after stroke into her silky wetness made his balls ache. He eased up a little, trying to hold off, but Grace protested.

“Don’t stop! Fuck me harder!”

His need was great, so, giving her what she asked for, he pumped into her and felt her pussy clamp down on his cock as she cried out! “Oh, fuck, yes!”

The intensity of her orgasm triggered his own as his balls let go, and he flooded her with his cum.

Panting loudly and heart beating wildly, he put his arm around her and pulled her close.

“God, I love you, Grace.”

“I love you too, Mac. You make me so happy.”

He held her close for a while, not wanting to let go. She was his world; how had he ever survived without her?

Written by techgoddess
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