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In A New York Minute - Part Nineteen - Chapters 73-76

"Mac and Grace find time for sex even while traveling with a baby."

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Author's Notes

"This part is best understood if you've been reading the series. However, the sex scenes can be enjoyed even if you haven't been following their story."

Chapter Seventy-Three

After breakfast on Monday morning, Henri drove Mac and Grace to the Paris office to meet with Andre Boivin and Brendan O’Sullivan. Brendan had spent the last several months guiding Andre in his efforts to get his act together and get the division of Stewart Enterprises that he was in charge of back on track.

Shortly before they arrived, Mac said, “Maybe one of us should have stayed back with Sylvie and DJ.”

Grace sighed and rolled her eyes. “Stop being a worrywart. After Henri drops us off, he’s headed back to pick them up and take them to Tuileries Garden. He’ll accompany them around the grounds, take them for lunch, and then return to the hotel. Sylvie and I have the whole week figured out, so let’s focus on work today, shall we?”

Mac nodded. “Okay. I’m oddly a little nervous about today’s meeting. I need for things to go well.”

“Why are you on edge? From all accounts, it appears that Brendan has done a fine job helping Andre. I think things will go very smoothly.”

“I wish I had your confidence.”

“I’m wondering what is causing you to be concerned. Was something said that I’m not aware of?”

“No, I suppose, if I’m being honest, I just don’t particularly like Andre.”

Grace tilted her head. “Since when?”

“Since I realized he was cheating on his wife. It makes me wonder if he cheats in other areas of his life and if he is trustworthy.”

“Well, let’s see how the next few days go. If you still feel you don’t trust Andre to run this office, we offer him a nice severance package and ask Brendan to fill in until we can find a replacement.”

“You make it sound easy.”

“It is easy, Mac. Ultimately, I’d prefer it if we didn’t have to go that route. But it’s not the end of the world if we do.”

Mac felt the headache that was brewing start to ease up a little. Grace was right. He wasn’t sure why he was so worked up about things.

Grace looked at Mac and said, “Check your left jacket pocket.”

Mac’s brow furrowed as he reached into the pocket. When he brought out its contents, he smiled. Some things were still the same. He opened the small vial and took out two Ibuprofen. He borrowed her water and swallowed the headache medicine.

“Still looking out for me,” he mused.


“You have a way of flipping the channel in my brain in a New York Minute. I don’t know how you do it, but please, don’t ever stop. Having you by my side makes everything better.”

Grace flashed a sly smile. “You can thank me later with sexual favors.”

“Oh, it will be my pleasure. If only the office were a little farther away,” Mac teased, putting a hand on her knee.

Grace playfully tapped his hand. “Do you want to show up at the office with a raging hard-on? Keep your hands to yourself for now. Later you can put them all over me.”

Andre seemed both focused and engaged during the meeting. Brendan let him handle most of the talking, only putting his two cents in as needed. Mac studied the reports and figures while Grace studied Andre’s face and body language.

“How are things at home?” Grace asked pointedly.

Andre’s demeanor changed. “I don’t think that is your business.”

Grace raised an eyebrow. “On the contrary, you told me you were having trouble keeping up with work because of problems at home. As I was impressed by what you presented this morning, I was asking how things are at home out of courtesy.”

Mac said nothing. He wasn’t sure what Grace was up to, but he was definitely interested in where this was going.

“How thoughtful of you,” Andre answered coldly. “Things are fine at home, I assure you.”

“I’m glad to hear it. Let’s take a break so Mac and I can tour the office and introduce ourselves to any new employees. Then we can reconvene for a one-hour strategy session before lunch.”

“Whatever you wish.”

Mac put his arm on Andre’s. “I hope you know it’s been Grace all along in your corner. It was her idea to get Brendan on board to guide you. I would have simply let you go. So, you’d be wise to be gracious.”

Andre nodded and headed out of the conference room.

“You struck a nerve with our boy, Grace. Apparently, his wife found out about the ex-mistress and has him sleeping on the couch. She’s not asked for a divorce as of yet, but she’s got him on notice. So, he’s a little testy, but I have to say, he’s been pulling his weight here at the office. Though I’d keep an eye on him for a bit longer, just to be on the safe side, if you want my opinion,” Brendan suggested.

“I do want your opinion. I know you’ll give it to me straight, with no bullshit,” Grace replied.

“She’s a smart lass; this one is, McKinley. She’s sharp as a tack; she knows how to poke at the bear to see his true colors. I’d wager Andre will be a tad annoyed for a few hours. But he’s smart; he’ll drop the coolness when he has time to consider that Grace saved his ass.”

The rest of the day went well, and Brendan was right. When it was time for Mac and Grace to leave, Andre took Grace aside.

“I apologize for being short with you earlier. I’m just a little frustrated that I am relegated to the sofa in my own home, even though I am being faithful. Please forgive my rudeness.”

“May I give you some advice?”

Andre nodded, so Grace continued. “You are faithful now, but only because your mistress left you. If you love your wife even a little bit, you must show her you are serious about repairing your relationship. And, unfortunately, Brendan can’t help you in that regard.”

Andre sighed. “I do love her, but a man is entitled to have his needs met in his marriage bed. If not, who can fault him for looking elsewhere? I find her a bit prim in the bedroom, so I strayed.”

“I see,” Grace replied, although she didn’t see. “And what about her needs?”

Andre pursed his lips as if realizing he’d not considered her needs.

“Any advice there?” he implored, surprising Grace.

She hadn’t expected him to be so candid. She thought about his question for a moment.

“Maybe you just need to take more time to get her warmed up.”

“Warmed up?”

“Try massaging her feet or her shoulders or brushing her hair.”

“What does any of that have to do with sex?” Andre snapped.

Grace raised an eyebrow. “Men are always in the mood. But many women need more than a kiss or a grab of an ass or a breast to get their motor running. Touch her in non-sexual ways and see if she isn’t inclined to be interested in more.”

Andre shrugged. “I suppose it can’t hurt.”

He turned to leave but stopped and faced Grace.


“Why what?”

“Why did you save my ass here at Stewart Enterprises when McKinley would have simply let me go?”

“Mac sees a man who thought cheating on his wife was no big deal, whereas I see a man with potential. Neither of us is wrong. But while I think the time and energy have been well spent on you, don’t push your luck.”

Andre thanked Grace and returned to his office to finish out his day.

On the way back to the hotel, Grace checked on DJ.

How is our little man?

He’s been an angel all day.

We are on our way back to the hotel. We’ll head to dinner shortly after that.

I’ll pack his diaper bag.

After dinner, Sylvie asked, “Would it be alright if I went for a swim?”

“Of course,” Grace answered. “The pool is on the sixth floor. It closes at 9:00 p.m.”

“Thanks so much!”

While DJ played with his soft blocks on the play mat, Mac and Grace spent a little time discussing their workday.

“What did you think of Helene?” Grace asked.

“Is she the woman overseeing data storage for the Paris market?”

“Yes, I thought she was pretty sharp. I think, if things go south with Andre, we could consider her as a replacement.”

Mac frowned. “I thought you had faith in Andre’s improved performance.”

“I do, but it doesn’t hurt to start thinking about how to cover things if I’m wrong.”

“Your track record of being right is pretty damned good. I doubt we will need to worry.”

“But it’s nice to be one step ahead just to be safe.”

“Spoken like a true businesswoman. Now, since it looks like someone’s eyelids are getting heavy, how about I get him ready for bed? Then, after Sylvie returns from her swim, we can retire to the bedroom where I intend to fulfill my promise of sexual favors I made earlier.”

While Mac took care of DJ’s bedtime routine, Grace showered and slipped on a new nightgown she had purchased just for the trip. She added her burgundy robe, made some tea, sat in the living room, and waited for Sylvie.


Chapter Seventy-Four

When it was approaching 9:30 p.m., and Sylvie hadn’t returned yet, Grace got a little worried.

“Text her,” Mac suggested.

“I did; she didn’t take her phone.”

“Want me to go looking for her?”

“Let’s give her a bit of time. Maybe she lost track of time, and no one came to remind her to leave the pool area.”

At 9:45 p.m., the door opened, and Sylvie entered, almost floating. Before Mac could yell, Grace spoke up.

“We were getting a little worried; the pool closes at 9:00. Is everything okay?”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I met some people at the pool, and we were chatting away until the pool attendant told us we had to go. It was just nice to hang out with people my age for a bit. I’m sorry I didn’t think about the fact that you might worry,” Sylvie explained.

It was a reasonable explanation.

“Next time, take your phone so we can communicate with you,” Mac said sternly.

“Yes, of course,” Sylvie replied stiffly.

Not wanting things to be awkward, Mac softened a bit and added, “It’s a place you’re unfamiliar with, and I’ve promised your mother I’d keep you safe.”

“I understand. And you’re right; my mother would expect me to communicate better. I’ll be sure to have my phone next time. I’m going to shower and then read in my room if that’s okay.”

Mac touched her arm and said, “You’re very important to us, Sylvie. I’ve watched you grow up, and I’d never forgive myself if something happened to you.”

Sylvie sighed and said, “Thank you. Good night.”

Mac looked at Grace and said, “Should we be concerned?”

“No. I believe she had a little fun and feels foolish that she forgot about the time. Let it go, Mac. She’s very mature, but she’s still a teenager. Finding a little unexpected socialization was probably good for her tonight.”

“Is this what parenting feels like?” he asked, running a hand through his thick dark hair. “It’s kind of a buzz kill.”

Grace laughed. “Come on; I’ll help fix your mood.”

“I’m the one who owes you sexual favors, remember?”

“You can have a raincheck. You’ve been tense all day; let me relax you.”

Grace took his hand, led him into the bedroom, and closed the door. Once inside their room, she untied the sash to her robe and let it fall to the floor. She stood before him in a nightgown of sapphire lace and satin, with her red curls spilling over her shoulders and the swell of her breasts. The frown on Mac’s face disappeared, replaced by lust and desire. Without a word, she unbuttoned his shirt and slid it over his muscular shoulders before unbuckling his belt and unzipping his pants. Once she had him naked, she motioned for him to sit in the chair. He didn’t argue.

Kneeling before him, she parted his legs so she could have access to his rigid pole. Gripping it with her right hand, she licked the tip and swirled her tongue around the head while her left hand cradled his balls. Mac’s eyes became glassy as he watched his shaft disappear inch by inch into her willing, eager mouth. He leaned back and gave in to Grace’s total control of his body.

As she licked and sucked him with her expert tongue and mouth, Mac felt all of the day's tension slip away. Her pace was slow and sensual as she looked at him with those seductive blue eyes. Occasionally her tongue would sneak a lick of his sac, driving him wild.

She continued tormenting him with her exquisite oral skills until he could hold back no longer. He gripped her hair and thrust into her wanton mouth until he exploded down her throat.

As Grace devoured every drop, she smiled like a Cheshire cat who’d enjoyed the finest cream.

“Headache’s gone. Whatever it is you want, it’s yours,” Mac laughed a little, still panting.

“Do you feel relaxed?” she asked coyly.

“If I were any more relaxed, I’d slide out of the chair onto the floor.”

“Then my work here is done.”

Grace rose from the floor, only to have Mac pull her onto his lap. “Oh, no, you don’t. You don’t get away without giving me the opportunity to return the favor.”

He wrapped his left arm around her waist, holding her tightly while his right hand pushed open her legs. Fingers teased her smooth mound before sliding along her wet slit and opening her treasure. He used her nectar and rubbed his thumb in slow, stimulating circles on her hard little nub.

“Mmm, you get so wet when you suck my cock, baby. I love it! And I love how your hot little body thrusts against my hand, demanding more. Such a needy little pussy, huh?”

Grace purred, hips rocking and pussy grinding. She was needy, and he knew just where and how to touch her. As her climax grew closer, she bucked and moaned.

Fingers invaded her relentlessly while a thumb stimulated her clit as she laid her head back against Mac’s shoulder.

“Do you need to cum, baby?” he whispered hoarsely into her ear before nibbling her earlobe.

“Yes! God, yes! Oh, fuck!”

She grabbed the decorative pillow from the chair and muffled her screams as she came hard, drenching Mac’s hand.

She lay on his lap, panting. Mac grinned and pulled her in closer to him.

“Do you feel relaxed?” he asked, parroting her earlier question.

“Mmm hmmm,” she murmured as she nuzzled his chest. “I could fall asleep right here; I’m so relaxed.”

Mac stood up with Grace in his arms and carried her to the bed.

“Do you want more? Or are you content to sleep now?”

“Sleep,” she mumbled.

“Okay, darling,” he said as he turned out the light and rolled over to spoon Grace while they drifted off to sleep.

But across the suite, Sylvie was unable to sleep, replaying the kiss she’d received at the pool from a dark-haired beauty over and over in her head. She’d kissed boys before, but this was the first girl with which she’d enjoyed that intimate act. The kiss was so soft, it made her insides tremble.

Sadly, the girl was leaving Paris in the morning. Sylvie didn’t bother to get her number. It wasn’t love; it was just a simple kiss. But she’d treasure the memory for a long time.

Grabbing her vibrator, Sylvie envisioned the sexy brunette between her legs and imagined her tongue licking her pussy. She came in seconds and was left feeling euphoric and drowsy. She’d work at learning to delay her orgasm more another time. A quick release had been exactly what she’d needed to help her sleep.

Things went smoothly for the remainder of the time in Paris, and, on the last night, Sylvie watched DJ so that Mac and Grace could have an adult night out.

The evening began by enjoying the cabaret show at Moulin Rouge. They’d chosen the earlier show so they could dine elsewhere but drank champagne while delighting in the entertainment. Afterward, they ended up at a bar called Aux Deux Amis, which the concierge at the hotel had recommended. It had a 1970s décor and an interesting menu, so Mac figured it would be a fun dining experience.

What he hadn’t counted on was that this was the bar recently purchased by Julian, the former bartender at Le Bristol Hotel who, much to Mac’s chagrin, had his eyes on Grace when they’d been to Paris as CEO and his escort two years prior. They had already ordered their food and were drinking some incredible wine when Julian recognized them and walked over to say hello.

“Allo, mes amis!” Julian greeted them warmly. “How lovely to have you in my establishment. It’s been some time since we last met, non?”

Grace smiled as he took her hand and kissed it. Mac was less than amused. However, Julian didn’t seem to notice. What he did observe was the rock on Grace’s ring finger.

“Ah, I see that congratulations are in order. I have never been happier to be wrong. I must say, I thought you’d be a fool and let the lovely Grace slip away.”

“I believe I mentioned back then that I wasn’t a fool,” Mac said dryly.

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“I believe you did. And I’m glad because it would be a shame to have Grace finally be available now that I’ve given my heart to someone else.”

Mac should have felt relieved, but this guy still annoyed him. The ever-observant Grace picked up on this and grabbed her phone.

Mac’s brow furrowed, but he relaxed when he realized what she was doing. His amazing wife was making sure Julian understood there was no interest on her part.

“I have to show you pictures of our son,” she cooed as she located a few recent photos for Julian to look at.

Julian seemed surprised but was gracious. “Ah, you really were serious. You not only married her, but you also have a child together. He’s a beautiful boy, a fine mix of both of his very attractive parents.”

Mac relaxed a bit. “Thank you.”

“I am considering asking my love to be my wife. It’s probably far too soon, but I can’t imagine life without her now.”

“Don’t let her slip away, Julian,” Mac said coyly.

“Sound advice,” Julian said, nodding. “Please, enjoy your meal on my tab this evening. I’d love to stay and chat more, but we are quite busy tonight.”

When they were alone again, Mac said, “You are a clever woman; you let him kiss your hand so he’d see the ring and pulled out pictures of our son so he’d know he doesn’t stand a chance in hell with you.”

Grace smiled sweetly at her husband. “I think he’s quite enamored with his new lady, but it didn’t hurt to make it obvious I’m all yours.”

“I think I can be done being annoyed by him now,” Mac admitted.

“Good, because I’m starving and don’t want to find somewhere else to eat.”

Julian watched from the corner of the bar and felt a twinge of regret that Grace wasn’t off pining for him somewhere. But he was happy for her. Who knew McKinley Stewart would marry his escort and have a baby with her? His cynical self couldn’t help but wonder which came first, the baby or the ring.

Picking up his phone, he did a Google search and discovered that Grace Remy Stewart was made COO of Stewart Enterprises when she married McKinley just several months after they’d been in his fair city. Apparently, he’d underestimated her, assuming she was just Stewart’s paramour. But as he read some of the business news articles in which she was featured, it appeared she wasn’t just eye candy. Business journalists hailed her as a brilliant addition to Stewart’s firm.

Well, her lot in life had certainly changed! But then again, so had his. Winning the lottery, purchasing Aux Deux Amis, and meeting a delicious little minx had made his world much grander. Julian allowed himself one last long look at the lovely redhead before turning his attention back to his bar.

Mac and Grace quickly finished their meal and returned to the hotel to pack. It was time to move on to the next part of their trip to spend time with friends.


Chapter Seventy-Five

They took a regional jet from Paris to Munich the following day and were met by the whole Becker crew at the airport.

“Sylvie, please meet our friends, Max and Virginie Becker, and their four children, Adele, Elias, Noah, and the newest addition, Madeline. Everyone, this is our nanny extraordinaire, Sylvie,” Grace said, making the introductions.

“Pleased to meet you, Sylvie. Oh, Grace, your darling baby boy has gotten so big!” Virginie exclaimed, stealing DJ from Grace for a hug.

A slight pout formed on DJ’s face. “Ah, no worries, little man, here you go, back to your mama!”

“And look at this beautiful girl of yours!” Grace exclaimed. “She already looks so different from the pictures you sent. I forgot how much babies change in the first couple of months.”

Once all the luggage had been loaded into the limousine Max had arranged, they all took their seats inside and headed toward the Becker house.

“Look, Sylvie,” Noah said. “The lights turn colors if you press this button.”

“Oh, goodness! That’s very cool, Noah!” she replied.

The children all chattered, amusing Sylvie. It occurred to her that once children were no longer babies, they would be more challenging to watch. The next few days would be a good exposure for her to older kids.

Lunch was a smorgasbord of German food that Virginie had prepared.

“There’s enough here for supper as well,” Grace commented.

“Well, I had thought we’d enjoy an American favorite for our evening meal.”

“Pizza?” Sylvie asked.

“Absolutely! My children love it.”

“So does their mother,” Max said, flashing a grin at his wife.

“I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who didn’t enjoy pizza,” Grace said, coming to her friend’s defense.

After a lovely day of enjoying great food and time with friends, all the children were tucked away in bed. Sylvie excused herself as well, as her mother was pining for a phone call from her daughter.

Mac and Max were sipping whiskey while Grace and Virginie settled for tea.

“So, are you still planning to try for baby number two?” Virginie asked bluntly.

Grace laughed. “If it happens, it happens. I certainly am not in a big hurry, but I’m ready, yes.”

“Well then, we won’t stay up late, so you and Mac have time to get started.”

But a short time later, when Grace slipped into bed next to Mac and pressed her body against his, he shook his head. “I’m not comfortable having sex in someone else’s home. What if the kids hear?”

Grace blew out an annoyed breath. “Really? How will I face Virginie tomorrow when she asks if we started working on making another baby?”

Mac tilted his head and raised an eyebrow. “You aren’t serious.”

“Oh, but I am. She got pregnant at our house and thought it would be great fun if I got pregnant while staying here at their house.”



“It just feels weird.”

Grace’s bottom lip jutted out in a sassy pout.

“Fine, but it’s gonna be a quickie, and you need to be quiet,” Mac hissed, giving in.


Grace crept under the covers and started licking and sucking on Mac’s cock, until it was fully erect. She continued pleasuring his shaft, making him moan softly.

“Oh, God, that feels good. But you’d better let me fuck you now so I don’t waste my sperm in your mouth.”

Grace rolled on her back and opened her legs for him.

“Let me get you a bit wetter first,” Mac grinned as he scooted down to taste her.

Grace’s eyes rolled back as Mac’s tongue did wicked things to her clit. Grabbing the pillow, she muffled a cry as he brought her close to the edge but left her hanging.

“I’m wet enough, McKinley! Fuck me!”

“Does my impatient redhead need this?” Mac asked as he entered her slowly.

“Oh, God, yes!” Grace moaned.

“Better bite that pillow again, darling. You promised to be quiet, remember?”

As Grace covered her mouth with the pillow, Mac picked up the pace, enjoying the feeling of her tight pussy gripping his cock. His strokes were faster and harder, and he knew they were both close to climaxing.

“I’m going to fill you with my seed and plant another baby inside you!” Mac hissed through gritted teeth, trying hard not to make too much noise.

“Oh, God, yes!”

Panting and pumping, Mac felt his balls tighten and let go just as Grace fell over the edge, her body convulsing.

Grace smiled dreamily at Mac, pleased she’d gotten what she wanted. “If that didn’t get me pregnant, it was at least extremely satisfying.”

“Indeed, it was. And, as usual, you were right. There’s nothing wrong with having sex in someone else’s home. Thanks for not taking no for an answer.”


Chapter Seventy-Six

The following day, they went to SEA LIFE Munich and toured all the different areas before heading to Restaurant 181 Business for a later lunch.

“Wiener Schnitzel with a panoramic view of the area,” Max said, grinning. “What could be better?”

Virginie glanced at him sideways and raised an eyebrow. “It must be gold-plated schnitzel for these prices.”

“It’s my treat,” Mac said.

“No, you are in our city; your money is no good here,” Virginie countered. “And besides, it’s the ambiance one is paying for, ja? Look at that view!”

Sylvie took the three older children to look out the window. They were fascinated by the 360-degree view.

“Maybe we should order while Madeline is sleeping. Once she wakes up, she will be ravenous. I am looking forward to her being old enough to have solid food. Not that I don’t enjoy breastfeeding, but I’d forgotten how a new baby can make me feel like a 24/7 milk machine,” Virginie laughed.

“DJ seems to have decided on no nap this morning. I thought for sure he’d fall asleep at the aquarium, but he was too interested in all the sea critters. Maybe after he has some lunch and gets a full tummy, he’ll conk out.”

Sure enough, DJ fell asleep on the way home, as did Madeline. Since it was such a lovely afternoon, Sylvie offered to take Adele and the boys to the nearby park.

“She’s a lovely young woman,” Virginie commented as she brought a pot of tea and four cups into the living room. “You’re so fortunate that she’s young enough to view this trip as an adventure but mature enough to feel comfortable leaving DJ in her care.”

“It helps that her goal is to attend an exclusive nanny school in London. So, she is taking her duties very seriously.”

“Ah, and I am sure you and Mac will help her get accepted.”

“We will give her a glowing reference, if that’s what you mean.”

“I imagine a sizeable donation wouldn’t hurt either.”

Grace frowned. “I’m certain that won’t be necessary. She graduated from high school at the top of her class, so, with our recommendation, she shouldn’t have any trouble securing a spot on her own.”

Virginie’s face went flush. “I didn’t mean to offend you, Grace. It’s a well-known fact that money talks in situations like this.”

Grace shook it off. “You didn’t offend me. It just never occurred to me to make a donation. We will see; I’m certainly not opposed to helping her cause, if necessary.”

The remainder of the weekend was fun, with Max inviting his younger cousins, who were close in age to Sylvie, to come over on Sunday afternoon. Emma and Hannah were delighted to meet a girl from America, and Sylvie was thrilled to interact with people who weren’t children or their parents for an afternoon.

Since Grace planned to bring DJ to the Munich office on Monday to show him off, she suggested that Sylvie take some time for herself.

“Really? That would be awesome! Emma and Hannah invited me to hang out with them.”

“Just be sure you have your cell phone fully charged and turned on,” Grace instructed.

“Absolutely. Thank you so much, Grace. I’ll let the girls know that I can join them. I promise to text you and let you know where we are going.”

“Thank you, Sylvie. I appreciate that.”

Max, Mac, and Grace went into the office the following day. While Grace was mainly there to introduce the staff to Baby DJ, she did have a meeting scheduled with Wolfgang Barrett, who ran the auxiliary office in Germany. He’d been a tremendous asset to the company, bringing many key clients with him when he left Adelburg Technologies.

“I’m very excited to see our client list is still growing, Wolf. You’ve more than made good on your promise to increase business here in Germany, and we couldn’t be more pleased,” Grace remarked.

Max nodded in agreement. “You’ve proven your worth, indeed. And we’d like to show our appreciation with a raise. You’ll still be eligible for an annual increase in January; this is just to show you that we are impressed that you’ve done all and more than agreed upon when you came on board.”

“Danke! I’m very grateful for the recognition of my hard work. I’m delighted to report that Kurtis Adelburg has closed his doors. So, I believe we should continue to see an uptick in business,” Wolf replied.

Grace smiled. “It’s probably in poor taste to admit this, but I’m delighted that you’ve helped to put him out of business without the opportunity to sell his firm.

“He is a detestable man; it was my pleasure to help facilitate the demise of his career. Had I known then what I know now about his character, I’d never have worked for him in the first place.”

Grace felt a moment of discomfort, knowing that Wolf was aware of how Kurtis had treated her when she’d been an Escort. But it passed quickly; that had been a long time ago. She willed herself to focus on the present, not the past.

“On the other hand, having you leave his company to work for us and bring a hefty percentage of your clients has been a huge boon for Stewart Enterprises.”

Wolf grinned. “Things seemed to have worked out the way they were supposed to, I imagine.”

“Well, we are pleased to have things going so well. Keep up the good work!”

The remainder of the week went smoothly, with Sylvie enjoying plenty of time shopping and hanging out with Emma and Hannah. On Saturday, the Beckers, the Stewarts, and Sylvie took a trip to the Hellabrunn Zoo. It was a delightful day seeing elephants, zebras, bears, lemurs, and many more interesting animals. That evening, after dinner, they enjoyed games and music until all the children were tuckered out. Everyone said their goodnights, including the adults, and headed for bed.

As soon as Madeline was asleep, Virginie slipped on a black satin nightgown. Looking in the mirror, she shrugged. Her body still had a way to go before she was satisfied, but she was pleased that the slinky nightwear fit again and made her feel sexy.

When Max saw her enter the room, he felt lust consume him. “You’re so beautiful, Ginnie! No one would guess you had a baby only two months ago! You look so alluring in that nightgown.”

Virginie smiled seductively. “And since that baby is sleeping, and everyone else in the house most likely is too, I think we should take advantage of the time.”

“Oh?” Max feigned ignorance. “What would you like to do?”

She wiggled her eyebrows. “I’d like to lie back and open my legs so you can enjoy some hot French pussy.”

“Why, you slutty little vixen! What an excellent plan!”

They wasted no time and scrambled to the bed. Max kissed his wife’s creamy inner thighs and had her writhing in anticipation.

“Stop teasing me, Maxwell.”

Max laughed. “You must be a needy little minx to call me by my full name. No worries, Liebling. I fully intend to bring you pleasure.”

And boy, did he ever! He licked, lapped, nibbled, and sucked, sending her over the edge as she cried out.

“Shh, if you want me to do that again, you’ll need to mind your volume, Liebling. Otherwise, you’ll wake the baby.”

His tongue teased and tormented her swollen labia and erect clit several more times before she demanded, “Fuck me, Max!”

“I thought you’d never ask.”

He lubed up his shaft using her nectar and slid into her slowly.

“Oh, God, yes!”

“Mmm, you feel so good on my cock.”

He made love to his wife with slow, deliberate thrusts, reveling in her moans and sighs. When he felt the tug of climax, he looked into her eyes and told her he loved her. “Ich liebe dich, Liebling.”

“Je t’aime!” she answered in her native tongue as they reached their peak and crashed over the edge, cumming hard together.

In the guest room, Mac was oblivious to anything besides the feeling of his wife’s magical tongue swirling around his cock while he disappeared into Grace’s mouth. Pulling out before he was too far gone, he entered her pussy in one firm thrust, making her gasp in delight. He was so aroused from the extended cock worship that he knew he wouldn’t last long in her tight, wet hole. So, he pumped into Grace vigorously and felt the spasms of her orgasm clamp down on his dick as he exploded inside her.

Moments later, holding her, he whispered, “Well, my love, I’ve made every effort to get you pregnant here at the Becker’s house. The rest is up to the Universe.”

Grace laughed. “You definitely did your part. And I enjoyed every second of it.”

Across the house, in the study that was serving as a makeshift room for Sylvie, busy fingers played along her pink folds. She’d opted to use her hands to masturbate since she was afraid the buzz of her vibrator might make too much noise. The vision in her head was of the dark-haired girl from Paris eating her pussy while her new friends Hannah and Emma encouraged her. It was a delicious image that pushed her over the edge in no time.

Everyone drifted off sated that night, and all were in delightful moods at breakfast the next morning.

“I hate that the week went by so quickly,” Virginie sighed as she sipped her tea. “You must tell me as soon as you know if your efforts were successful.”

“I promise, after Mac, you’ll be the first to know. But if not, I’m not worried; I’ll get pregnant when it’s meant to happen.”

Mac looked at Grace across the room with a smoldering glance. Virginie laughed. “If he could get you pregnant by looks alone, you’d have twins or triplets planted in your belly. You’re a lucky woman, Grace.”

“Your husband looks at you the same way,” Grace replied.

“I’m lucky too! I feel sorry for all the women in the world who don’t have husbands who worship their wives the way our husbands do. If they did, divorce wouldn’t exist.”

Grace nodded in agreement and couldn’t help but think how sad it was that Andre wasn’t one of those husbands. She hoped, for his sake, he’d learn how to keep his dick in his pants. But she supposed as long as he kept things running smoothly in Paris, his dick was none of her business.

Written by techgoddess
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