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In a New York Minute - Part Twenty-Six- Chapters 99-102

"Grace puts her plan into action."

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Author's Notes

"Mac realizes that things are much easier when he doesn't try to balance the weight of the world on his shoulders."

Chapter Ninety-Nine

Mac woke up around 7:30 am to an intense buzzing sound. It took him a moment to realize that it was his phone. Scrubbing the sleep from his face, he answered, “Hello?”

“Hello, Mr. Stewart? This is Marjorie Wallace from Hotel Bel-Air. I’m terribly sorry to bother you at this early hour. I’m calling to say that I’m incredibly sorry about yesterday's mix-up with your reservation. I wish I had been here myself, as I would have ensured you had an interim accommodation for last night. The lead manager on duty yesterday was a newer member of our staff, and she didn’t think to call me to check what we could do for you. Although, technically, she didn’t break protocol, we strive to provide our elite customers with a higher level of service, which didn’t happen in your case.

“After hearing from Mrs. Stewart this morning, I wanted to call you personally and assure you that your room will be ready at 9:00 am and that we will be comping your first two nights with us. It’s the least we can do for the inconvenience we caused you.”

Mac smiled. “So, because Mrs. Stewart called you, my room is suddenly available?”

Marjorie made a squeaky sound in the back of her throat, giving away her obvious discomfort at being told off by the formidable redhead.

“Well, she reminded us that you’ve been a loyal customer for many years, and she clarified that there are many other hotels you could choose from. We certainly don’t want to lose your business.”

“She said that, did she?”

“Well, I believe her exact words were, ‘a plethora of five-star accommodations,’ but, regardless, she made her point clear.”

Mac grinned. “I’ll just bet she did.”

Marjorie cleared her throat. “If you’d like, sir, we can transport your luggage and have it in your room waiting for you. We just need to know the name of your current hotel.”

“I see. Well, Marjorie, I appreciate your call, but I stayed at a friend's place last night, so I will bring my luggage with me when I come to check in.”

“Oh dear! I feel awful that you had to rely on a friend’s kindness when we should have been here for you, sir. Consider yourself checked in. Just pick up your keys at the front desk. There will be an envelope with your name on it. Of course, we will be waiving the fee for your made-to-order breakfast. For, um, for the entire length of your stay. My card will be in the envelope with my direct number. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need anything, Mr. Stewart.”

“Thank you, Marjorie; I’ll be sure to do so.”

Mac ended the call with a smile on his face. He sent a text to Grace.

Marjorie Wallace from Hotel Bel-Air just called and fell all over herself, trying to kiss my ass. My room will be ready this morning. Thanks. I should have asked for help yesterday.

Her response was quick.

I simply did my job, Mr. Stewart.

Your job?

Yes, one of the most essential parts of my role in this company is to make your life easier. I’m good at that when you let me help. It’s what got me promoted.

I love you, Grace. Thanks for being so good at what you do. I’m sure it didn’t even take much effort on your part.

I love you, too, Mac. Let’s just say I reminded her there are a plethora of other lovely hotels in Los Angeles that would be happy to have your business. She was mortified to know that McKinley Stewart had been turned away yesterday. How’s your head feeling today?

Better. But I’ll make sure to have the medication handy today. I imagine my stress level will climb trying to figure out what to do about computers for the staff. I need to figure out a temporary location first. It’s a lot, but I promise to reach out if I need help.

Rent laptops. I can send you a link for someone to call to set that up. Forward the list of properties you are looking at leasing, and Avery and I can find out which ones allow short-term leasing.

Rent laptops. You’re a fucking genius, Grace.

Thanks. Send the list. I love you!

Love you too.

Since he was awake, he showered and got ready for his day. When he emerged from Dani’s room, he found some bagels and cream cheese waiting on the dining room table.

“Good morning, boss man,” Dani said from the kitchen. “I wasn’t sure what kind of bagels you liked, so I got a variety. There’s a coffee there for you, too. I didn’t add anything to it, but there is sugar and cream if you want any.”

“Thanks. I drink it black. I appreciate the breakfast.”

“You’re welcome. I made a list of available office spaces. Should we go over these and figure out which ones to arrange to see?”

“No. Send the list to Avery and Grace,” he said, sipping his coffee. “They can pare down the list while we focus on making sure our current data is all secure in the cloud. I’m concerned that some information may have been lost depending on when the servers sync. After that, we can check out this link Grace sent me to inquire about renting laptops for the staff. If we can find an interim space, I’d like to get that set up quickly.”

“You’ve been busy this morning.”

“No, Grace has. She’s back in New York, running the office, chasing after our son, and dealing with nausea. Yet, she still came up with solutions for us without my even asking. I won the wife and business partner lottery with her.”

Daniella sighed. “Well, I’m sure she feels just as lucky to have you. What woman wouldn’t?”

Mac shrugged. “Let’s finish breakfast and get started on our day. I’ve got a few calls to make. I think you should call Ian and put him to work on quotes for furniture in case we can’t find a furnished office space. I’d like to have all our bases covered.”

“Oh, okay. You want him to come here to work today?”

“No, we are going to the Bel-Air. My room will be ready at 9:00. Tell him to meet us there.”

“Wow, how do they suddenly have a room for you?”

Mac just grinned. “Grace.”

Dani wondered if Grace ever got tired of being so damned perfect. Then she chided herself for feeling so bitchy. She liked Grace and was very impressed by the woman’s intellect. Still, she could be intimidating.

While Mac made his calls, Dani contacted Ian and relayed the message to meet at the Bel-Air. Then, she forwarded the list to Avery and Grace as directed.

When Grace saw the incoming email, she texted Avery.

Hey, will you take a look at the list Dani sent us and do a little research on which spaces would best fit our needs? Then shoot the list to me, and I’ll give it a once over before forwarding it to Mac. Thanks!

Sure thing!

Grace checked the time and saw that she was ahead of schedule. She finished the list she was making and headed downstairs to meet with Bentley and Claudette to go over some housekeeping items. As she descended the stairs, she heard the doorbell ring. She grinned and thought, right on time.


Chapter One Hundred

Mac, Dani, and Ian set up a very temporary office in the designated workspace in Mac’s suite.  There was no need to call out for lunch; Marjorie had stocked the refrigerator and cupboards with plenty of groceries since Grace had sent her a list of what to buy. Mac made sandwiches for the three of them, and they worked through lunch. By the end of the day, they had accomplished a great deal, and Mac felt better than he had since he’d arrived in L.A.

“Great team effort today,” Mac said as he leaned back in his chair and stretched. “Let’s call it a day. We can meet back here tomorrow and work for a couple of hours before we are due to see the first office space.”

“We can stick for a while longer if you’d like,” Ian offered.

“Nah, we put in enough time today. Time to recharge the batteries. Leave me your breakfast orders, and I’ll have the room chef prepare a meal to start our day.”

“Are you sure? Won’t it cost extra?” Dani asked, suddenly concerned about whose budget an extravagant breakfast would come from – her office’s or the general fund.

“Nope, Grace managed to get them to throw in the room chef for breakfast at no charge.”

Ian grinned. “Of course, she did. She’s got a way of making things happen, doesn’t she?”

Mac laughed. “Yes, she sure does, and so do both of you. Thanks again for all your hard work today. What seemed daunting yesterday seems within reach today.”

After Dani and Ian left, Mac sent a text to his wife.

Thanks for all you and Avery did today. Things felt much more manageable with the five of us working on solutions. You were right. I have great people working for and with me. I just need to remember to reach out. How was your day?

When she didn’t answer right away, he looked at his watch, then remembered the three-hour time difference. She was probably putting DJ down for the night. He’d grab dinner at the restaurant, then call her after.


Grace felt hands roaming over her body, making every part of her tingle with lust. How was it possible for this many hands to be pleasuring her at the same time? But the room was poorly lit, and she couldn’t tell who was with her. What she did know was that her nipples and her clit were being stimulated mercilessly, and it felt so fucking good!

Fingers and tongues were everywhere, erotically caressing every inch of her body. She was deliriously aroused, consumed by lust, and desperately in need of release. Suddenly, she felt something hard fucking her and driving her wild. She heard Mac’s voice. “That’s right, baby, cum for me. Cum hard and spray that delicious nectar all over me.”

Her pussy gushed, and she woke with a start. Holy hell, what a dream! And a wet one at that. She was glad she hadn’t chosen to go without panties today. Otherwise, her seat would be drenched. Laying a hand across her abdomen, she whispered, “Little one, you’re killing me with the morning sickness. But I’m enjoying the heightened libido very much.”


Mac frowned when there was still no response from Grace. Hadn’t she said she would call at some point today? He tried not to be a worrywart. She probably was just having trouble getting DJ to go to sleep.

Another hour went by with no call or text. Now, he had moved past worry and was irritated. Was she punishing him for neglecting to stay in touch with her yesterday? He grabbed his phone and fired off a message.

Hey, why haven’t you called or texted?

Realizing he sounded bitchy, he added, Everything okay? Okay, maybe he was worried. Where was she?

Relief came in the form of a response.

Sorry, it’s been a hectic day. I sent something to you to make you smile. You should open the door and see what it is.

Mac’s brow furrowed as he moved to the door. He opened it and was treated to the most erotic kiss he’d ever experienced. The woman standing at the door not only had her tongue down his throat, but she also had his balls in her grasp.

When they came up for air, Mac grinned. “My wife sent me an escort?”

“And a pregnant one at that,” the voluptuous redhead answered.

“Mmm, even better.”

Ushering her into his suite, Mac felt his raging hard-on straining against his trousers, aching to be released. “Does the escort give blow jobs?” he asked as he tucked a red curl behind her ear.

“Blow jobs are her specialty,” she answered seductively.

Before she could sink to her knees, Mac took her into his arms. “Hi there. Didn’t trust me to handle things without you?”

“Hi there. Not at all. I just decided you might want to take advantage of the horny hormones that had me gushing while I napped on the plane ride here.”

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“Damn, woman! What were you dreaming about?” Mac asked as he kissed her neck.

“You, touching me everywhere, with what felt like ten hands,” she purred.

“Mmm. You smell good,” he said, inhaling the scent of her perfume. “I missed you.”

“I missed you, too.”

“Dare I disturb the vibe and ask where our son is?”

“Your dad and Addie were only too happy to stay at the house so I could fly out here to be with you. They were in Connecticut, so it was an easy drive.”

“What were they doing in Connecticut?”

“Looking at houses. It seems Dominic is considering retiring within the next year and wants one of their homes to be within driving distance of their grandchildren.”

Mac felt a lump in his throat. “Really?”

Grace felt all of her husband’s emotions rush to the surface. “Yes, really. They plan to spend winters in Florida and summers in Connecticut. Addie is super-excited and hopes we will visit them and leave the kids with them occasionally.”

It was silent for a moment as Mac gathered his thoughts. “You have to forgive me. I’m just… stunned… I…”

“Dominic turned out to be the father you always wished for. He’s so unlike Marcus. I’m sure it feels wonderfully strange to think of our kids having doting grandparents after having grown up with such a dysfunctional family. It makes me happy, too. My Aunt Katherine surely wasn’t ever nurturing. So, I’m thrilled that your dad and Addie are such warm and caring people. Our kids will be well-loved.”


Chapter One Hundred-One

“How long can you stay?” Mac asked.

Grace answered his question with another one. “How long do you want me to stay?”

“Forever wouldn’t be long enough. But if it can be open-ended, let’s see how quickly we can get things done with you here. Then maybe we can go home together.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

“So, my wife said I can do anything I want with you?” he asked, his lusty thoughts returning to the forefront.

“Mmm hmm.”

“She’s so good to me.”

“She truly is. Now, shall I get on my knees, sir?”

“Well, that’s what my last escort did. She sucked me like no other woman ever had. Think you can top that?”

Grace laughed. “Well, my nickname is Hoover.”

It took Mac a second to catch her joke. Before he could chuckle at it, Grace was on her knees, gripping his cock and teasing it with her tongue.

“Oh, fuck, baby! You make me feel so damned good!”

She looked up at him with blue eyes and said, “It’s my job to make you feel good, sir. But I think I’d do it better naked.”

Mac’s cock twitched. “Well, then, my sweet little slut, you should take off your clothes.”

She rose and undressed provocatively, allowing her blouse to slip slowly off her shoulders and onto the floor, followed by her skirt. Next came the bra and panties, which showed evidence of her naughty dream. She stood naked before him and grabbed the stretchy band from her wrist to put her hair up in a high ponytail. The swell of her abdomen, ripe with the baby he’d put there, made an erotic picture. The contrast between the looks of an innocent girl and a slutty vixen set his loins on fire.

“You make me want you just by standing there like that. Luckily, my wife sent a pregnant escort. I can fill you with my seed all I want; it’s not like I can get you more pregnant.”

Grace shivered with desire. She had never been one to enjoy role-play before Mac. But he made it so much fun.

“Your wife made it clear I should do whatever you want. So, if it pleases you to fill me with cum, I’m happy to spread my legs for you, sir.”

“You seem to have already spread those legs, haven’t you, slut? Your belly gives away your lack of innocence, darling.”

“Oh, I’m not an ingenue, sir. I’m a slutty little whore. All my holes are yours tonight; take whatever you wish.”

“Why isn’t my cock in your throat yet, slut?” he demanded.

Within seconds, it was.

She alternated easing back slowly, then taking him deep in her throat again, repeating this move again and again before Mac could wait no longer. He grabbed her ponytail and thrust rapidly, using her like a whore. She looked up at him seductively and moaned, encouraging him to be as ruthless as his testosterone demanded.

Soon his cock was pulsing as spurts of hot cum jetted down her eager throat.

“Ah, fuck yeah! God, you’re so fuckin’ amazing! That’s right, my sweet slut, swallow every drop like a good whore.”

Despite the intense, earth-shattering orgasm, Mac’s lust was anything but sated. He scooped up his wife and carried her to the bedroom. “Lie back on the bed and let those sexy legs fall open for me, baby. I’m hungry for your delicious pussy.”

Grace expected him to rush in to devour her but was delighted at his restraint as he nibbled his way up her inner thighs until she had to beg. “Oh, sweet mother of mercy, please stop teasing me and eat my needy cunt!”

Mac looked at her with feigned shock. “You kiss your husband with that dirty mouth?”

Grace was about to answer when she was rendered speechless by the sudden capture of her clit between his teeth and tongue. Completing his erotic assault with three fingers that pushed into her, demanding her submission, he had her bucking and writhing in no time. Those wicked fingers and his talented tongue had her back arching as she came hard, again and again.

“Oh, fuckkk!” she screamed. “Yes! Yes! Yes!”

He gave her a moment to catch her breath, then feasted on her again until she begged to be fucked.

“Please, Mac! I need your big, thick cock inside me. My pussy is aching to be filled. Please!”

Mac ignored her pleas and nibbled her clit to another gushing orgasm.


Chapter One Hundred-Two

Dani felt bad leaving Mac alone, so she grabbed some Chinese carry-out and headed back to the Bel-Air. When her knock on the door was unanswered, she used the key Mac had given her earlier to let herself in. Once inside, she heard noises emanating from the bedroom and felt instantly awkward. It sounded like Mac was watching porn and masturbating. Frozen for a moment, she debated leaving the food and a note. Then, she decided it would probably be better to get out of there.

Before she could turn to leave, she heard Mac say, “I’m hard as a rock again. Get on your hands and knees like a good, little escort so I can pump my cock into you. Which would you like, slut? Ass or pussy?”

Dani’s eyes grew as large as saucers when she heard a woman’s low growl, “Start in my cunt and finish by pounding into my tight asshole.”

Mac wasn’t alone! Holy shit! Oh, God. She needed to leave immediately. Mac must never know she was here, and she surely couldn’t tell Grace about this! Why would he… How could he... What the fuck was he thinking?

No, she wouldn’t leave. As much as she’d hoped Mac would enjoy her the night before, she’d come to her senses and realized you don’t poach another woman’s man, especially if that woman was your boss and a friend. She owed it to Grace to ensure Mac didn’t veer off course and make a huge mistake. As far as she knew, only oral sex had transpired. She could stop this before it became something Mac would regret and save his marriage and, with it, the company.

Dani took a deep breath and entered the bedroom. “Mac, what do you think you’re doing?” she asked accusingly.

Mac was startled, but Grace grinned. Daniella had her back after all.

Without moving out of position, Grace called out, “It’s just me, Dani. I surprised Mac by showing up at his door. I appreciate you looking out for me, but all is well. We will see you in the morning.”

Dani wished she could roll herself up into a ball and disappear. She had never been so embarrassed in all her life.

“I’m…uh, well. I’m, um, so sorry I interrupted. I’ll just, um, see myself out. And, um. Well, we can talk in the morning.”

“Thanks, Dani,” Mac added.

Dani hurried out the door, leaving her bosses alone again.

Grace looked back at Mac and raised an eyebrow. “We’ll talk later about why she had a key. Right now, you need to fuck me with that monster cock.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Grateful that she didn’t let the interruption spoil the mood, he did exactly as he was told. Funny how neither one of them noticed the reversal of the roles as Grace demanded to be fucked hard, fast, and deep, with Mac more than happy to comply.

After pumping her pussy to a half dozen orgasms, Mac finished in her ass, filling it with his second load of the night. They collapsed on the bed together, then curled next to each other. It was pure bliss.

“You asked earlier how my head was. Though it felt better today than yesterday, there was still a nagging dull thud at the base of my neck. But it’s gone now. It’s no surprise that you’re just what the doctor ordered.”

Grace sighed and snuggled into the crook of Mac’s arm. “I’m glad. I hate when you’re in pain, darling.”

“I can’t believe you’re here—in my arms, right where I need you to be. I don’t even need to know how you pulled it off in such a short amount of time. I’m willing to just chalk it up to Grace's magic.”

“I’m glad you aren’t irritated that I flew out here without discussing it with you first. I just felt like I could do more here than there. If you end up having to stay longer, we will muddle through. But Dad and Addie cleared their schedule for the next week if we decide I should stay that long.”

“I never would have thought to reach out to them for help, yet I feel like I should know they would do anything for us.”

“It takes some getting used to the idea that family and friends rally around each other and support each other. When I first met you, I was used to doing everything on my own. So, this concept was new to me, too. But it’s so much better than taking the entire burden on your own shoulders. Look, if all you need me for is to keep you company and spread my legs for you while I’m here, I’m content to do that for you. But if you want me here in an official capacity, I’m willing to do whatever you need to get things done.”

“Today went a lot more smoothly with you and Avery involved. It also helped to be reminded that Dani is quite capable of making decisions, and Ian is a good right-hand man for her. They worked well together today, with no signs of any residual animosity. In fact, at one point, they almost seemed to be flirting with each other.”

“That’s helpful. I’m glad to hear that.”



“I gave keys to both Dani and Ian in case they needed to get in while I was gone.”

“Makes sense,” she murmured.

“You’re not mad? Or jealous?”

“Do I have a reason to be mad or jealous?”

“No, of course not.”

“Then there is nothing to worry about.”

He smiled and kissed the top of her head. “Especially since it appears her loyalty lies with you. I guess that’s kind of a reverse bros before hoes.”

Grace laughed, “You mean chicks before dicks?”

Mac chuckled, “I’ve never heard that phrase, but it fits.”

“I will make sure to text her in the morning before she gets here so it isn’t any more awkward than it needs to be.”

“Good idea.”

Both feeling exhausted, they decided to turn in early.

“Do we need to call my dad?” Mac asked as he climbed into bed.

“No, I did that on my way from the airport to the hotel. I said we would call and FaceTime with DJ in the morning.”


Once they were settled in, Grace turned off the light and backed up into Mac so he could spoon her.

“If you’re gonna wiggle your ass like that, you’re going to make me hard again, baby.”

“You say that like it’s a bad thing,” she teased.

“My darling pregnant wife, you need to get some sleep. If not for you, for the baby,” he said gently.

Pouting playfully, she said, “Fine, you’re right, you win; we’ll sleep instead of having more wild, animalistic sex.”

Mac laughed. “How about we compromise? If you go to bed like a good girl tonight, I’ll treat you to a hot, hard fuck in the shower tomorrow morning.”

He could almost feel her smiling in the darkness.

“Deal. But text Dani and Ian and tell them not to show up until 9:00.”


They cuddled close and fell asleep, both dreaming of hot, steamy shower sex.

Written by techgoddess
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