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In a New York Minute - Part Five - Chapters 17-20

"Mac and Grace struggle to find time and energy for each other."

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Author's Notes

"As Grace struggles with finding a way to balance motherhood and a career, she and Mac find themselves at odds with each other."

Chapter Seventeen

With the help of Max Becker, who ran the Munich office, and Brendan O’Sullivan, their European consultant, Grace Remy Stewart devised a very effective plan to encourage a whole slew of German companies to switch from doing business with Adelburg Technologies to Stewart Enterprises. While it wouldn’t guarantee that every firm would jump ship, it was a good bet that many would do so.

Of course, it would also mean hiring additional people in Munich, but McKinley Stewart had no doubt that his clever trio would lure some of the employees from Adelburg.

It wasn’t typically how Mac liked to do business, but Kurtis Adelburg spoiled any chance of his tech company being acquired by Stewart Enterprises when he disrespected Grace. It was bad enough that he’d abused her years ago when he’d hired her as an escort but treated her like a slave. But his rude behavior in Grace’s office killed the deal altogether.

During a lunch break, Max and Mac were alone in his office. Grace was in her office, handling a supply chain issue, and they had time before the next video call with Brendan.

“She’s asked us to contact Wolfgang Barrett and set up an interview,” Max said.

“Isn’t he…”

“…Kurtis’s right-hand man? Yep, that woman of yours has…what’s the famous American phrase? Balls the size of church bells.”

“I guess she wasn’t kidding when she said she wanted to go full throttle.”

“She figures getting Adelburg’s clients will be easier if we lure his top man away. She’s not wrong, Mac. It’s rather ingenious if you ask me.”

“I want to support Grace, and you, in your recruitment plan. I’m just not used to openly courting another firm’s clients and their employees so brazenly,” Mac admitted.

Since they were alone, Max allowed his outrage to show. He didn’t give a fuck about how their plan affected Kurtis Adelburg.

“Do you suppose people know about Adelburg’s predilections to abusing women? Do they know and just look the other way? Or does he have people so completely fooled that they don’t know what a monster he is?”

The tone and volume of Max’s voice startled Mac. He’d never seen this side of his top man in Munich.

“I think sometimes people only see what they want to see. Adelburg has a solid reputation, so it’s easy to just look at what’s on the surface,” Mac replied.

“It pisses me off that Grace felt so trapped that she endured that abuse. I’ve not shared details with Virginie, by the way. Only that she had a bad experience with Adelburg in the past.”

“Thank you, Max. It’s hard enough on Grace that you know some of what happened,” Mac said, sighing heavily.

Max nodded. Best to let the topic rest as it caused his stomach turmoil. Grace was such a good, kind person that it galled him to think about her being treated so poorly.

“When the baby is bigger, we’d love to have the three of you come to Munich. The kids are dying to meet the little guy they call their cousin.”

“I love that,” Grace said as she entered Mac’s office. “And, yes, Mac and I already talked about coming to visit next year. But maybe you and the family could come to visit us sooner.”

“Virginie asked me to see if we could all visit; she’ll be thrilled.”

“I will call her soon and make plans as soon. However, your visit will probably have to be after we get a good handle on the expansion of the Munich office. For now, DJ is sleeping, so I’d like to get our recruitment plan finalized.”

“Let’s get it done, then!” Mac said, suddenly not caring if anyone thought their poaching of clients and employees was distasteful. People who really knew Kurtis Adelburg wouldn’t feel one bit sorry for him. Those that were clueless didn’t matter. Having Max’s full support made the whole process easier. And it made him realize what a good friend he was.

When they were back online with Brendan, who was still in Paris getting Andre Boivin back on track, Grace asked him if he’d be able to add the employee recruitment piece to his workload.

“Ya hired me to get things done here in Europe, didn’t ya, lass? I can babysit a high-maintenance Frenchman and lure a few employees away from a pompous German. Word on the street is that some of his workers were already looking to jump ship but were holding out for a possible merger. I’ll set up some interviews in the next few weeks. We’ll get ‘er done, Gracie.”

“You never disappoint, Brendan,” Grace replied. “Keep me posted on your progress.”

“Slán,” Brendan said, signing off.

“I feel good about our plan,” Grace said. “Max, thank you so much for sticking around to help develop our strategy.”

“It’s my pleasure. And it was kind of you to let me stay in your beautiful home instead of the hotel.”

“You’re the closest thing to a brother I’ve ever had. I appreciate knowing I can count on your discretion,” Grace admitted.

Her words touched Max. “Grace, I will always have your back. You and Mac are like family to us.”

“We feel the same way about you and Virginie and the kids, too,” Mac chimed in. “We will make sure to have you all here sooner than later.”

When DJ started to fuss, it was Max who picked him up.

“Hello, Dominic Jordan. Be a good boy for your Oncle Max. I came all the way from Germany to see you. I can’t wait for you to meet your Tante Virginie and your cousins someday soon.”

DJ smiled and cooed as Max bounced him gently in his arms.

Grace let Max have a few minutes with DJ before she took him to change his diaper. After she left the room, Mac said, “Hey, Max, thanks for being such a good friend to us, especially to Grace. It helps her to know that you don’t judge her.”

Max frowned. “I hate that she thought for even a moment that I would. She’s wicked smart and has a knack for managing people. She understands this business better than anyone I know besides you. Plus, she’s a genuinely good person, McKinley. You won the lottery when she walked into your life.”

“And she’s hot,” Mac said, wiggling his eyebrows.

Max blushed. “I love my wife far too much to comment on yours. But, ja, a man would need to be blind not to notice that she’s easy on the eyes.”

When it was time for Max to leave for the airport, he made Grace promise to call Virginie soon.

After their goodbyes, Mac and Grace spent the rest of the afternoon working. Before they knew it, it was half past four.

“It’s been a busy day, and yet we’ve just begun to get our ducks in a row. With you working full days again, it might be time to consider the nanny discussion,” Mac suggested as he changed DJ so he could nurse.

“I’m just torn,” Grace replied.

“I know, baby, but you can’t do both jobs full time and not end up exhausted. What if we hired someone to help only in the afternoons? You were doing pretty well with just mornings, but the full days will be too much.”

“I could stay part-time,” Grace said quietly.

“If that’s what you want, sure,” Mac said. “It’s just that with the plan you and Max devised with Brendan, I don’t see how you will be able to handle all your responsibilities in half a day.”

“You’re right. But DJ sleeps a lot in the afternoons. How about we just see how things go? If it gets to be too much, I promise I will look for a nanny.”

Mac sighed and nodded. No sense in arguing with his wife. If she couldn’t handle things, she would say so, wouldn’t she?

“We could also consider an au pair if you’d rather go that route,” Mac suggested. “Live-in help might be the way to go.”

Grace raised an eyebrow. The last thing she wanted was some sexy little thing half her age parading around her house with a firm body and slim hips. That just seemed like an invitation to trouble. Not that she suspected Mac would act inappropriately, but she wasn’t sure she could trust an au pair after the female photographer blatantly flirted with him.

Sensing her displeasure with the idea, Mac shrugged. “Or whatever you want to do.”


Chapter Eighteen

As the next two weeks flew by, Grace was doing an admirable job of balancing taking care of DJ and working full time. But secretly, she was exhausted.

One night, after putting the baby down for what she hoped would be a few hours, all Grace wanted to do was sleep.

But Mac had other ideas. Time for sex had been relegated to the back burner, and he had a strong craving for his wife.

“Ooh, good. He’s sleeping. Time for mom and dad to get our freak on,” he said as he nibbled on her neck from behind.

He'd know she was tired if she asked for a raincheck again. If he thought she was tired this early in the evening, he’d start the nanny conversation again, and she wasn’t ready to go there. So, she put on her game face and moaned softly.

“Sounds like a plan,” she said, trying to muster some enthusiasm. After all, it was sex with her husband. She was sure once things got rolling, she’d perk up.

But her body was so tired that orgasm eluded her. Mac was persistent and unwilling to give up until she came. He fucked her, feasted on her, and fingered her, but fatigue held her climax at bay. She toyed with faking it so that they could go to sleep. But that seemed rude.

“Hey, baby, I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s wrong with me tonight. I just think it’s not gonna happen, and we should try again tomorrow,” she said finally.

“Oh, are you sure? I’m happy to keep going.”

“I’m just not feeling the greatest,” she admitted.

Mac studied her face. Something was undeniably up. “What’s wrong, baby?” he prodded.

“I’m just tired! Okay? It’s not a big deal; people get tired!” she snapped.

“Yes, they do. It’s just out of character for you to be so exhausted that you can’t even enjoy sex. I’m just concerned about you. Is that a crime?”

“No, it’s not a crime, and I appreciate your concern. But I really just want to get a little sleep, okay?”

“Then you should have said so before you let me work so hard at making you cum,” Mac answered, annoyed.

“Gee, I’m sorry it’s such a chore for you, McKinley!”

“Oh, here we go. Now somehow, this is my fault!”

“Next time, I’ll just fake an orgasm if it’s going to be an issue for you.”

Their raised voices woke the baby. With tears streaming down her cheeks, Grace went to get him out of his crib.

Instead of helping her by changing his diaper or offering to feed him a bottle, Mac put on some stretch shorts and a T-shirt and headed downstairs to the office. He had a lot of things he’d left undone to make time for her that would be better handled sooner than later. Plus, he needed to work off his irritation.

When he finally went to bed, he could tell by the pile of tissues on her nightstand that she’d been crying. He felt a twinge of remorse, but damn it, he didn’t start the argument. No, he thought bitterly. He just walked away from it like a coward.

Still, he had a right to be angry, too, didn’t he?

They didn’t talk about it; instead, they let their disappointment fester until an entire week went by without sex or any real intimacy. They worked in their separate offices and made small talk during lunch, but that was the extent of their interaction.

Making matters worse, Grace caught him jacking off in the shower and stormed away, hurt and angry, but neither one addressed it afterward.

They fell into a routine that involved work, baby, eating, and sleeping. They cooperated on the surface, but it was as if they were both just going through the motions.

Soon, two weeks had gone by without making love. Both of them ached for each other; however, neither one had the energy to take the first step back toward the other.

They were careful not to snipe at each other around the staff, so it was some time before the rift became noticeable to Avery. But eventually, it was clear that something was wrong.

“Something’s off,” he said to Bentley. “I see them working and caring for the baby, but they don’t flirt or sneak kisses when they think I’m not looking anymore. They seem cordial enough, but there’s no spark.”

Bentley sighed heavily. “Becoming parents can change the tone of a marriage. But I think a big part of it is our Grace trying to do too much.”

“Maybe you can say something to one of them. You’ve been managing this house for a long time. A nudge might come more appreciated from you than from me,” Avery suggested.

Bentley nodded. It was certainly worth a try.

He found Mac sitting at his desk with his head in his hands.

“Are you okay?”

“No, I’m not okay! My head hurts like a son of a bitch, and the only one who knows how to help me is pissed and barely speaking to me.”

“Why is Grace upset?”

“Everything upsets her these days. And, of course, we haven’t had much time to be intimate lately, so I took matters into my own hand, so to speak. She caught me just as I finished and stormed out of the bathroom. I tried to follow her, but she picked up the baby and said to leave her alone so she could nurse him. I don’t know how we’ve managed to get so far off track in such a short time.”

Bentley sent a quick text to Jazmyn, the masseuse Mac kept on retainer, and asked her to come ASAP.

Jazmyn texted back immediately.

I’m actually on my way there. I was planning to talk to Grace about trying some baby massage for a certification I’m working toward. Tell Mr. Stewart to meet me in the massage room in fifteen minutes.

“I’ve arranged for a massage; Jazmyn said to meet her downstairs in fifteen minutes.”

“Thanks,” Mac said weakly. He realized he’d recently neglected any kind of exercise or physical activity that was crucial to keeping his headaches at bay. While he wanted to be annoyed at Bentley, at least someone gave a damn how he felt. And the massage would help some.


Chapter Nineteen

Bentley found Grace in the library nursing DJ. Not wanting to intrude, he took a step back.

“I’m covered, Bentley. Did you need something?”

Her voice was falsely cheery, and her lashes were wet. Bentley paused for a moment, wondering if he should acknowledge her unhappiness or not.

“Yes, I need to ask your advice,” he lied. “A family friend just had a baby recently, and the poor woman is exhausted. She is struggling to balance everything and is miserable. I thought I’d ask you what your secret is so I can share it with this poor girl.”

“There’s no way to balance everything,” Grace said sadly. “Something has to give.”

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“But I look at you and see a woman who has managed to do it all. Your baby is well tended, and, according to Avery, you’re killing this recruitment project in Germany.”

Silent tears streamed down her face. “I’m handling the COO and mom jobs pretty well, but I’m fucking up royally in the wife department,” she blurted out, surprising them both with her candor.

“Grace, there’s no harm in recognizing that you need help.”

“Oh, Bentley, the last thing I need is some slender-waisted girl with perky boobs in her twenties watching my baby and making me feel fat and frumpy while I’m shirking my responsibilities as a mother.”

Bentley frowned. “My dear, have you looked in the mirror lately? Because the woman I see is gorgeous, not fat and frumpy, and she wouldn’t know how to shirk responsibility if she tried.”

“I’m sure as hell not keeping my husband happy!”

Grace blushed. She hadn’t meant to say that out loud to their house manager.

“My dear, every situation is a two-way street. I’m guessing neither of you is happy at the moment,” he offered gently.

Her chin fell to her chest as she shook her head.

“If I may be so bold, I think you need to give yourself permission to ease up in other areas so you can focus on your needs.”

She nodded; she knew he was right. But how could she fix what was wrong without making a mess out of everything else?

“Where is Mac?”

“He’s on the lower level about to get a massage.”

She said nothing. But the idea of her husband having time for a massage, not to mention having someone else’s hands on his body, make her even more miserable.

“He’s been having headaches again,” Bentley explained, sensing her annoyance. “So, I set him up for a session with Jazmyn.”

Grace’s irritation was instantly replaced by alarm.

“His head hurts that bad?” She felt like a shitty wife for not knowing he’d been dealing with head pain again. “Bentley, is Claudette here today?”

“Yes, shall I send her up?” Bentley said with half a smile. There was a spark in Grace’s eyes that he hadn’t seen recently. He considered it a very good sign.

“Yes, please. And, Bentley, tell your friend that sometimes you have to take a step back and realize what’s important. Being willing to listen to someone wise is a good place to start.”

Bentley grinned. “Will do, my dear. I’ll go fetch Claudette.”

Grace thanked Claudette for keeping an eye on DJ so she could check on Mac. She didn’t bother with the elevator, taking the stairs all the way to the lower level.

Opening the door quietly, she made eye contact with Jazmyn.

“I’m going to grab some hot stones, sir; I’ll be right back.”

Jazmyn followed Grace out of the room. “His head is hurting something fierce,” she said. “Is there anything specific I should be doing to help alleviate the pain?”

“If it’s all the same to you, Jazmyn, I will take it from here,” Grace said.

“Oh? Okay.”

“I got pretty good at isolating the problem and relieving the pressure last year while we were in Europe. I appreciate you getting him as loose as you have. I’ve got him now. You’ll be paid for the full time.”

“Of course, thank you,” Jazmyn said as she handed Grace the hot stones. “But he will be expecting these.”

“Got it.”

Grace slipped back into the room and said nothing. She started placing the stones on Mac’s back and was startled when he let out a whimper.

Her heart squeezed, remembering how debilitating his head pain had been in the past, and she wondered if she should call Dr. Mackey, Mac’s physician.

In the meantime, she had another idea. Locking the door, she slid her clothes off silently. She knew another way to reduce his stress and figured it was worth a shot.

Still not saying a word, she took the stones and rubbed them along the muscles in his upper back, eliciting a soft moan.

“Shh, there now, I’ve got you,” she said as she moved the heels of her palms along each side of his neck.

Mac nearly cried with relief. “Grace? Thank God you’re here. My brain feels like it’s about to explode!”

“I know, baby. I’m so sorry. Bentley told me you were miserable. Let me help you, okay? I know we’ve been at odds, but…”

“Nothing matters except you’re here, baby. I’ve been lying on this table wishing for you, and you came,” he said, his gratitude evident in his voice.

“Did you take anything?”

“Ibuprofen, but it didn’t help. I couldn’t find the prescription drug anywhere; it’s been so long since I’ve needed it.”

“Why didn’t you ask me where it was?”

“I was too busy being a righteous dickwad.”

A giggle escaped Grace’s lips. “Ah, yes, there seems to be a lot of that going around here. I’ve come down with something similar, it would seem.”

She continued massaging his neck before moving up to the back of his head.

“God, that feels so good.”

“I can make it feel even better,” she said as she pressed her breasts against his back while she worked on his neck.

Mac’s eyes popped open. “Are you naked?”

“I am indeed,” she said slyly. “I didn’t want to get the massage oil on my blouse.”

“Or your bra or slacks or panties too?”

“Yep, those too.”

She got up on the massage table, straddled his back, and pressed the full force of her arms into the tight muscles in his upper back.

“Oh, God, baby. Keep doing what you’re doing!”

“With my arms?”

“Sure, that too. I was talking about how good it feels to have your sweet little pussy rubbing up against my body.”

“Like this?” she whispered, lying on him while her tongue teased his ear.

“Mmm, get up for a minute.”

Her brows furrowed, but she did as he asked. He turned over onto his back and helped her back onto his body.

“That’s quite an erection you’re sporting there, Mr. Stewart.”

“Caused by you, Mrs. Stewart. Gonna do something about it?”

“Oh? Is that the head I’m supposed to be massaging?” she teased. “You must be hot for me to get so hard while your other head is pounding.”

“No, baby, you’re the hot one.”

Suddenly overcome with love for her, Mac sat up, pulled Grace into his arms, and buried his face in her hair.

“God, I’ve missed you, Grace,” he said, overwhelmed by his emotions. “You’ve been right here but so far away. I hate feeling so disconnected. I’m so sorry for my part in all this space between us.”

“I’m sorry, too,” Grace said softly as she pressed her cheek against his chest. His heartbeat soothed her and made her feel like a thousand bricks came tumbling off her shoulders. Pride was foolish.

Mac took her face in his hands and kissed her passionately.

“Mac, if your head is hurting…”

“It’s so much better than it was. The massage helped some but having you in my arms has helped all the stress and tension I was holding in my back and neck ease up and melt away. You’re better than any doctor, baby. You’re my medicine; the one who makes everything better and brighter. I wish I could rewind the tape and go back to where I got all bent out of shape because you were tired. I was an idiot.”

“I’m pretty sure I had a hand in that argument. I shouldn’t have snapped at you, but I was exhausted. I just didn’t want you to…”

“Let’s go right to the part where we have erotic makeup sex. If DJ is sleeping, I don’t want…”

“Claudette has him. When I found out you were in pain, I asked Bentley to send her up so I could come and take care of you.”

It made him feel so much better to know she’d rushed down here to help him when she discovered he was in pain.

“How long do we have?”

“As much time as we need.”

“Still, let’s enjoy each other first and then talk if that’s okay?”

“It’s more than okay. I love you, Mac. I hate that I was so busy feeling so sorry for myself that I didn’t know you were in such intense physical pain.”

“Shhh, I’m busy trying to seduce my wife,” Mac shushed her while he nibbled at her earlobes.

“It’s working.”

“Good! Now let’s get that delicious pussy of yours all worked up and ready, shall we?”

“It’s your massage; you can choose what part of me is rubbing your body,” she said, raising an eyebrow.

“Grind on me, baby. Make yourself cum for me.”

Mac prayed he hadn’t just screwed things up by making her feel pressured to climax. But he needn’t have worried. She started rocking her hips, slowly moving her most intimate part against his belly.

“Feels so good,” she moaned, her eyes fluttering. “Bet it would feel even better if I scooted down a little.”

“Mmm, it all feels good, do what you want with me; I’m yours.” He moved his strong hands over her smooth skin and felt more pressure ease in his head.

Grace never lost eye contact as she repositioned herself so that her wetness was coating his shaft and balls.

“Fuck, that’s hot, baby!”

The friction between their bodies had Grace close to the edge. Mac lifted her and pulled her down on his throbbing manhood, impaling her in one deep thrust and sending her over.

“Oh, God!” she cried out as her entire body shook with pleasure.

“Again,” he demanded, holding her in place as their hips moved together.

Their erotic dance on the massage table had Grace cumming over and over. But Mac didn’t stop. Instead, he let go of her hips, grabbed onto her voluptuous breasts, and rolled each nipple between his finger and thumb. His reward was a flood of her juices that ran down and coated his balls.

She rode him hard, squeezing her slick walls around his rod, and felt his whole body tense up before he let go deep inside her.

She collapsed on him, panting as her heart was beating wildly. She smiled dreamily as she heard the rhythm in his chest matching hers beat for beat. And when his arms folded around her, she felt tears of relief rain down her face.

Mac simply held on, feeling his own eyes welling up.

“I’ve got to say, I wasn’t expecting a happy ending with this massage,” he teased, breaking the silence and lightening the mood.

“I should hope not, or I’d have to kick Jazmyn’s ass,” Grace laughed.

The sound of her laughter brought him so much joy. What a fool he’d been not to make more effort with her.

“Want to take a shower with me?” Mac asked.

“Only if you promise not to behave.”

He grinned. “I think that can be arranged.”

He wasted no time in the shower as he pressed her body against the cool tile.

“Spread your legs for me, slut,” he demanded.

Chills of desire and need crept up her back as he rubbed his hardness against her ass cheeks.

“I should take your ass, but my cock can’t get enough of your sweet pussy,” he growled sensually as he slid inside her. “Mmm, fuck, you make me so fuckin’ hard, Gracie. I just want to pound into you.”

“Then what are you waiting for?” she cooed.

How could he resist what she offered? He held her against the wall and jackhammered into her needy, wet hole until her body shook, then exploded inside her.

After misbehaving, Mac washed Grace’s red locks for her and smoothed shower gel over her entire body.

“How can you possibly be hard again?” Grace laughed.

“Touching you makes him hard. Plus, he’s trying to make up for lost time,” Mac said as he wiggled his erection at her.

“Save some for later. I don’t want Claudette to think we ran away.”

“Spoilsport,” he teased. But he got out of the shower and grabbed a couple of towels. “At least let me dry off your body.”

“That sounds reasonable.”

Once they were dressed, Grace decided to forgo drying her hair, putting it up in a clip instead. She swiped on a bit of mascara and lip gloss and shrugged; it would have to do.


Chapter Twenty

When the elevator opened on the second floor, Avery noticed his bosses were holding hands, and he smiled.

“Claudette asked me to tell you that she is in the media room with DJ watching some television show geared for babies.”

“See, I told you we would have had time for round three,” Mac said.

Grace tilted her head and frowned at him playfully while Avery stifled a laugh.

“I heard nothing,” Avery joked. “But I will say it appears to be a lovely afternoon. Glad to see you are both feeling better.”

Mac smirked at Grace. “Let’s rescue Claudette so she can finish up in the kitchen for the day. We can hang out in the media room and have that nanny chat.”

Grace rolled her eyes but nodded. He was right; they needed to figure out how to get some help with the baby, so Grace could devote the necessary time to the Munich project.

Claudette was on the floor with DJ when they entered the room, tickling his cheek with a soft baby toy. The sound of their baby’s laughter was contagious, and they found themselves giggling as well.

“Oh, you can’t be ready to steal this little man from me yet!” Claudette complained.

“I figured you’d be itching to get back to the kitchen,” Mac said.

“Don’t get me wrong, I love to cook, but this little guy has stolen my heart.”

“Too bad we can’t clone you and make the clone our afternoon nanny,” Grace said, half-teasing and half-hoping Claudette might express interest in watching DJ.

Mac’s eyes lit up at his wife’s clever notion. Grace smiled and winked at him.

“You don’t need to clone me, ma cherie; I can be a chef in the morning and a nanny in the afternoon.”

“Do you mean that? It’s evident that you adore our son, and the feeling appears mutual. We wouldn’t have to worry about hiring a stranger if you agree to watch him for us.”

“No one is more pleased than I am! I can start right away, so shoo! Allez! He’s all mine until five o’clock.”

“That was too easy,” Mac said.

“No, it wasn’t. I will require a raise,” Claudette said, raising her eyebrows. “A hefty one.”

“Consider it done,” Grace interjected. “And thank you so much!”

As they scurried out of the room, Mac said, “Well, I guess we don’t have to have the nanny talk, and I already told Avery we were done working for the day, so what would you like to do?”

Looking at her watch, Grace said, “Well, we have an hour. Wanna go for that third round after all?”

“Name the location, my lady, and I am at your beck and call.”

“I was thinking of the utility room on the fifth floor; we’ve never done it in there. Sophia is gone for the day, so we won’t be in her way. Just do that magical thing you do to make the staff disappear,” Grace suggested.

“I don’t know what magical thing you mean, darling,” Mac said, feigning ignorance.

“Would you rather I text Bentley and tell him we need the fifth floor clear so we can rendezvous in the closet?” Grace asked.

Mac laughed. “No, I’ll take care of it.”

No one above the third floor, please, and thanks.

Excellent, sir. I take it you’re feeling better?

Dr. Grace to the rescue. Thank you for all you did today to fix things.

My pleasure, sir.

“I’ve got the fourth floor cleared as well,” Mac said as he unbuttoned Grace’s blouse while leading her into the fifth-floor utility room.


“Because I intend to make you scream.”

Grace felt herself go instantly wet. Things were definitely back on track.

“Now, get your sexy little ass in the closet, Mrs. Stewart,” Mac insisted, giving her bottom a playful swat. “We’ve got fifty-two minutes, and I intend to make good use of every one of them.”

Written by techgoddess
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