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In a New York Minute - Part Fourteen - Chapters 53-56

"Mac and Grace still burn for each other, even as they balance work life and parenting."

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Author's Notes

"Grace moves one step closer to being able to close the door on her past. Meanwhile, Mac steps up his game by using hot sex as a delightful distraction."

Chapter Fifty-Three

Grace was busy pumping her breast milk on a sunny morning in late February. While she had decided to stop breastfeeding now that her baby had one tooth in and another on the way, she and Mac had agreed she would continue to pump for another few months.

Admittedly, as much as she missed the closeness of nursing DJ, she enjoyed having more freedom now that he was strictly on the bottle.

Sylvie, Claudette’s daughter, was doing a remarkable job assisting her mother with DJ's care. She was taking over as the sole nanny for a while so that Mac and Grace would feel comfortable bringing her on their European trip.

Mac had taken a day trip to check on a small office in Connecticut that he felt he’d been neglecting. At the same time, Grace worked with Avery to ensure that all the accommodations in the various locations overseas would give them plenty of space to have a baby and his nanny in tow. And, of course, the king-sized bed that Mac required in the main bedroom.

After she was finished, Grace was about to check monthly reports when Bentley, their house manager, sent her a message.

The FBI Agents are here. Were you expecting them?

She frowned.

No, I wasn’t. Mac didn’t say anything about them coming either.

Rather than sending them up to your office, why don’t you come down here and meet with them in the Breakfast Room? That way, I can keep a close eye on things.

Thanks, I’m on my way down.

I’ll bring some tea in once you’ve started talking, so you can give me a sign if you need me to intervene.

Grace sighed. Bentley had taken care of the house and managed things for Mac long before she was part of the picture. But he had taken a real shine to her and was fiercely protective. It felt good to have him in her corner.

“Hello,” Grace said, putting on a smile for show. Not that the FBI agents had ever been anything but kind and professional, but the whole situation gave her hives.

“Hello, we’re sorry to drop in unannounced,” SSA Sam Jenkins said. “However, we need to review your statement and have you sign the affidavit. It’s looking like the Department of Justice is moving forward, and we are trying to ensure that none of the targets have to face either Konan or Kouassi in person.”

Targets. It was the politically correct term for victims.

Grace felt her heart race and her skin turn cold and clammy.

SSA Zach Harris cleared his throat and said, “You don’t have to do anything besides read your statement over and sign it. You can read it silently, then let us know if any changes need to be made.”

Grace looked at him with grateful eyes. She knew he meant well. But even rereading her statement made her feel nauseous. Still, if this step were necessary to reach some sort of closure--she wouldn’t call it justice--so be it.

Nodding, she took the report from him and sat down. Bentley stayed in the kitchen, keeping an ear open in case Grace needed him. She’d breathed life into this house and made it a home when she’d arrived. He knew enough about her past to understand how upsetting this was for her and wished he could have sent the agents away. But he knew this meeting was a necessary evil.

Grace took a deep breath and blew it out slowly before she began reading.

I was employed by and in a relationship with Armel Kouassi in Cote d’Ivoire when he surprised me with a trip to a secluded island for my birthday. I remember getting on his private jet, but I do not recall anything after that until I woke naked and tied down with my arms and legs spread open. Several men were standing around me naked, but my head ached, and my vision was blurry, so I can’t recall if there were five or six of them. Armel was smiling when he saw that I’d opened my eyes and said, “Surprise! It’s time to show you what your real purpose is, you stupid, fucking slut.”

She read further, paying close attention to her detailed account describing the blackmail and intimidation and Bakary Konen’s part in that. When she finished reviewing her statement, tears streamed down Grace’s face. SSA Harris quietly handed her a pen and asked her to sign it. Pity swirled around in the room, making it hard for Grace to breathe.

“Thank you, Mrs. Stewart,” SSA Jenkins said softly. “There are countless women who won’t fall prey to these monsters because of your willingness to come forward and help make our case against them strong and sound. Unfortunately, we may only be able to make the extortion stick as we don’t have enough evidence to prosecute the assault charges after all this time, but with so many counts and the evidence you provided, jail time seems almost assured.”

Almost assured?

“No punishment could ever be enough for what these men have done to you and the other women. But I hope that knowing you’ve helped stop them will bring you some semblance of peace,” SSA Harris added.

Grace worked hard to swallow the lump in her throat. That was all she could hope for, wasn’t it?

“I want to thank you both for being so patient and understanding. You’re right, SSA Harris; no punishment will ever be enough. But it’s more than I could have hoped for before your efforts.”

“We will keep you informed as to what happens next. In the meantime, please pardon our intrusion again. We’ll let you get on with your day.”

“I’ll see you out,” Bentley said, leaving Grace alone to shed her tears privately.

After the agents were gone, Bentley sent a message to Mac.

Your wife had a visit from the FBI today. She could use some flowers.

Mac’s response was quick.

Thanks for the heads up.

Then Mac sent a text to Grace.

Meetings are going better than planned, so I won’t need to stay as long as I originally thought. I’ll be home for dinner. Miss my beautiful wife!

Grace smiled a teary smile and wiped her face before responding.

Miss my gorgeous husband. Thanks for loving me as much as I love you.

She laughed when his reply popped up.

Nope. I love you more.

She went into the main floor lavatory and made sure her eye makeup was intact. Thank goodness for waterproof mascara.

Before heading upstairs to her office, she ducked into Bentley’s office and said, “Thank you for your support.”

Bentley smiled, “It’s always my pleasure. Is there anything you need?”

“You’ve already taken care of that,” she chuckled, holding up her phone.

“I’m sure I have no idea what you mean, dear,” Bentley said, winking.


Chapter Fifty-Four

Back at her desk, she found herself struggling to focus. She started at least three different tasks but completed nothing and felt very frustrated. She found herself staring off into space when the buzz of her phone startled her.

I have about a half hour before my next meeting. How’s your day going?

I can’t concentrate and have gotten very little accomplished.

Go upstairs to our bedroom and lock the door.

Mac! I can’t just blow off work and take a nap.

Who said anything about a nap? Once you’re settled upstairs with your vibrator, call me.

Grace felt her face go flush and her panties dampen. She stepped out of her office and said, “Avery, I’m going upstairs to pump and maybe lay down for a few minutes.”

“Of course! I’ve got things under control; take all the time you need.”

She took the elevator and hit the express button to level six. Sometimes it came in handy to be wealthy enough to afford a damned elevator in her home! She double-checked that no one was lurking about, tiptoed into her bedroom, and locked the door. Grabbing her favorite wand, she shimmied out of her skirt and thong and sat down on the bed to call Mac.

“Hello, my sexy gorgeous wife. Are you naked yet?”

Grace laughed. “Hello, my incorrigible husband. I’m nude from the waist down.”

“That will do. Lie back and spread your legs for me. Turn that vibe on your favorite setting, hold it wherever it feels best, and just listen to my voice.”

“Mmm, hmmm.”

“Good girl. Now, imagine me there, kissing your inner thighs while I play with your perfect pink pussy, my tongue flicking that little gold ball.”

Grace moaned and then felt a moment of panic. “I forgot to put the white noise machine on. What if someone hears me?”

“No one is coming above the third floor for the next hour, Grace. It’s just you, baby, and me in your ear.”

Grace relaxed even though she was mortified that he’d probably sent Bentley and Avery the booty call text. But it wasn’t exactly a secret that she and Mac still burned for each other.

“Now, with your other hand, reach up under your shirt and into your bra. Pinch a nipple for me.”

When Mac heard her moan, he said, “Good girl, now pinch the other one.”

She did as he commanded, pinching and twisting her nipples before sliding a finger between her slick labia.

“Take that wet finger and bring it to your lips; let me hear you suck it clean.”

Mac felt his dick harden when he heard the decadent moans and sucking sounds in his ear.

“Now, if I remember correctly, your hairbrush is on your nightstand. Pick it up and slide it into your hot, needy pussy.”

Impressed that the brush was, indeed, there, she grabbed it and inserted it slowly.

“Oh, fuck, Mac!”

“Mmmm, yes, that’s exactly what I want you to do with that brush. Use it to fuck yourself while you close your eyes and pretend it’s me.”

Mac wished he could duck into the lavatory and wank his cock while he talked to her. But then again, this was supposed to be about Grace. He could always ravish her later when he got home. But it wouldn’t hurt for her to hear about his raging hard-on while she masturbated.

“My cock is so fucking hard for you, Gracie. Tonight, I’m going to bend you over the couch and take you like a dirty little whore. But right now, you need to make yourself feel good. You need to bring yourself close to the edge and then stop.”

“No, baby, please. I need to cum.”

“Soon, baby. Picture me lying next to you with my fingertips racing all over your bare mound, tummy, and breasts. Then imagine my hand moving back down and thrusting that brush into you while I hold the wand on your clit.”

“Godddd, Mac! Please!”

Mac toyed with the idea of making her wait but realized that he might need that bathroom break before his next meeting after all.

“Cum, baby. Cum hard for me!”

“Oh, God, yesssss!”

Grace drenched her hand, and the hairbrush as her orgasm stole her breath.

“Mmmm, lick your juices off the handle, baby.”

He listened while she slurped at the brush and said, “Such a good girl. Now end this call, set your alarm for a half hour, and let yourself fall into a blissful sleep.”

Grace mumbled something unintelligible that made Mac laugh. Then he hightailed it into the men’s room, where he prayed the stall was unoccupied.

As luck would have it, the entire restroom was empty. So, while his darling wife slept off her intense orgasm back home, Mac locked the main door and went into the stall to replay the scene in his head while he stroked his cock.

He cradled his sac while he slid his hand over his stiff shaft, thinking all the while about sinking into his sexy redhead later tonight. Maybe he’d use that hairbrush in a number of ways during foreplay. Oh, fuck, just thinking about her made his balls ache.

It didn’t take long to climax, as he was so fucking turned on by the phone session with Grace. But he was mortified that he’d pleasured himself in a restroom. Still, it would make for an erotic tale to share later with his wife.

He cleaned up, unlocked the door before anyone was wiser, and headed into his next meeting.

When Grace woke from her nap, she pumped her breasts to make more bottles for DJ, cleaned herself up, and headed back to her office feeling refreshed. Merlin, who had joined her at some point during her slumber, lifted his head, blinked, and went back to sleep. Ah, the life of a cat.

“Sorry, that took me longer than I anticipated. Is there anything that needs my attention?” Grace asked as she passed Avery’s desk.

He looked up from his computer. “Nothing earth-shattering. There are a few messages on your desk, but I explained you might not be able to return their calls until tomorrow.”

“Why would you tell them that?” Grace asked, feeling a little defensive.

Avery shook off the comment. He knew she was feeling a little fragile at the moment.

“Because I thought you might want some time to look over the monthly reports that you weren’t able to get to earlier when unexpected visitors hijacked your morning. I made it clear to each caller that if they needed a response from you today, you’d make it happen. In all cases, nothing seemed urgent.”

Grace nodded and sighed, internally telling herself to lighten up.

“Thanks, Avery. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

“Well, if you feel that way, would it be okay if I took off a half hour early today? Nialls and I have dinner reservations at Le Bernardin this evening. I’m sure I’ll have plenty of time to prepare, but I’d never say no to an extra half hour.”

Grace raised an eyebrow. “Le Bernardin? What’s the occasion?”

“He landed a huge client, and we are celebrating!”

“Your man really knows how to celebrate,” Grace laughed. Sometimes it slipped her mind that Avery didn’t need to work. She was grateful that he found being a kept man unacceptable; otherwise, she wouldn’t have the best administrative assistant in Manhattan.

With her mind still not fully on her work, she suggested he take off an hour early instead. Then she wouldn’t feel guilty for spending that hour with DJ and Sylvie.


Chapter Fifty-Five

Sylvie was doing an excellent job and had genuinely bonded with DJ. When Grace wandered into the half of the media room that had been turned into the baby’s daytime area, she was surprised to find it empty. Instead, she found her little man and his nanny in the kitchen squishing Jello on his highchair tray.

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“Ooh, that looks like fun!” Grace said as she entered the kitchen.

“Join us!” Sylvie suggested. “It’s good for babies to experience different textures, of course. But mostly, it’s just fun.”

And it was fun! DJ was giggling, and the laughter was contagious. Soon, they were all laughing like loons.

Mac walked in on the giggle-fest and smiled. He’d been so worried about Grace all day. But he felt all that anxiety drain away as he watched DJ splash some green Jello into his mama’s hair, causing her to crack up.

“Well, I see how it is,” Mac teased. “I’m off working hard all day, and it’s complete chaos here at home.”

Sylvie paused for a moment until she realized that Mac was kidding. Grinning, she said, “You’re more than welcome to get squishy with us!”

How could he refuse such a fun offer?

Hours later, after Mac fed DJ and got him settled in for the night, he planned to follow through with his earlier plans of taking Grace from behind. Since she was in the shower, he joined her instead, coming from behind and folding her into his arms. She leaned her head back on his chest and let him nuzzle her neck.

He nibbled playfully on her earlobe and said, “My naughty wife made me do something highly inappropriate at work today.”

“Nice try, pal. I’m not the one who suggested phone sex in the middle of the day.”

“I’m not talking about that; I’m referring to what happened afterward.”

“Afterward? I took a nap like you told me to; it was divine.”

“You took a nap, but I went into the men’s room and jerked off into the toilet thinking about that erotic phone call.”

Grace turned around abruptly. “You did not!”

“I did. I replayed the entire call in my mind and pretended it was your hand on my cock.”

Grace’s eyes grew wide, then narrowed. “That’s really fuckin’ hot.”

“I probably shouldn’t make a habit of it, but I have zero regrets.”

He kissed his way down her neck as the hot water pelted him. He turned her around and kissed her fiercely.

“Will it ever stop? This intense need I have to be with you?” he panted as his mouth moved along her collarbone and captured a breast.

“God, I hope not!” Grace cried out as Mac took a nipple between his teeth. “Because I can’t imagine life without this, without you.”

“Put your arms around my neck, Gracie.”

As she did so, he lifted her up and pushed her back against the wall. His rock-hard cock impaled her as she took every inch inside her. They moved together in animalistic lust, panting and pawing while they mated.

Her back arched as her first climax took her by surprise.

“Again,” Mac insisted as his thumb found her hard little nub and sent her over the edge multiple times.

When he was satisfied that she could handle no more, he thrust into her hard and fast. He was delighted when she had one more in her and came with him while he let go, deep inside her.

“My legs are like noodles, and I haven’t washed my hair yet,” Grace murmured.

“I’ve got you,” Mac said, taking the shampoo and lathering it up in her long, red hair.

“Yes, you do,” Grace sighed.

Once they were snuggled into bed, Grace rested her head on Mac’s chest. “It should have been a shitty day,” she said quietly. “But it wasn’t because I’ve got you.”

He kissed the top of her damp head and held her close until they both drifted off.

The next morning, at breakfast, Mac looked up from the newspaper and said, “So, I never asked you how the meeting with Jenkins and Harris went.”

Grace sipped her tangerine juice as her eyes met his. “It went. I reviewed my statement, signed the affidavit, and was told that jail time was almost assured. Regardless, the blackmail will stop, and I shouldn’t have to worry about Bakary Konen or Armel Kouassi ever again. It’s enough.”

“You humble me, Grace. I don’t know how that could ever be enough.”

“In truth? Deep down, it’s not. But I asked myself what did I want most out of this situation? I want to be able to put the past behind me once and for all. This will accomplish that for me. If they get jail time, that will only make it sweeter. But I have to let go. I have a life now, one that’s full of love and laughter because of you. And I finally feel like I can live without looking over my shoulder. It’s exhausting holding onto anger and fear.”

Mac was left speechless; her strength overwhelmed his heart. Unable to find the right words, he simply put his hand over hers.

Although her eyes welled up with tears, she smiled. “I don’t need to look back anymore. You and DJ and whatever other children we are blessed with are my future.”

“Aren’t you forgetting someone?” Mac asked, smirking.


As if on cue, Merlin came strutting into the kitchen, demanding his breakfast.

Grace scooped him up and gave him unwanted kisses on his head. “How could I forget this little guy? Come on, Merlin, let’s get you fed.”

Mac watched the strongest woman he’d ever known get up from the table, pull her shit together, feed the cat, and get ready to start her work day.

After a busy morning filled with calls, Mac wandered over to Grace’s office. “Hey, gorgeous, got time for lunch today?”

“Oh, I’m sorry, baby. I have a lunch date already. But you’re welcome to join us.”

“Oh, no thanks, I don’t want to intrude if…”

“Mac, my plans are with DJ.”

“Ohhh, well then, count me in. What’s the plan?”

“Mashed peas, mashed carrots, and mashed pears.”

Mac raised an eyebrow.

“And a large, double pepperoni pie from Famous Original Ray’s Pizza.”

“I get pizza, right?”

Grace laughed, “Yes.”


 “Pizza now, dessert later.”

Mac ran a finger along the curve of her face. “Count on it.”


Chapter Fifty-Six

The afternoon was busy with meetings and reports, and Grace found herself craving a swim to clear her mind and ease her tense muscles. She poked her head in the door of Mac’s office and said, “Hey, I’m going down to the pool. Will you grab DJ at five?”

Though she was trying hard to sound upbeat, Mac saw a sadness in her eyes that worried him. “Sure, no problem.”

Grace swam laps like her life depended on it. She was entirely in the zone, so much so that it startled her when she saw Mac getting in the water.

“I didn’t expect to see you here,” she admitted.

“It’s later.”


“You promised me dessert later. We have forty-five minutes until Sylvie brings DJ to the pool for family swim time. In the meantime, what will it take to convince my wife that we should fuck like rabbits in the hot tub?”

“I’m assuming you’ve sent Bentley the do-not-disturb-our-fuck-fest text?”

“Of course,” Mac chuckled. “So, is that a yes?”

Grace laughed. “When have I ever said no to hot tub sex?”

Mac grinned like a horny frat boy. “Never. Thank goodness my wife is a nymphomaniac who can’t get enough of me.”

“Truer words were never spoken.”

“Swimsuits on or off?”

“On, just in case we lose track of time.”

“Smart thinking.”

They eased into the hot tub, giving themselves a moment or two to get used to the water temperature.

Once they were acclimated, Mac reached over and kissed his wife while sliding his hand into the top of her bathing suit to caress her luscious breast.

“Mmm, is this a new suit?”

“Sort of, I got this swimming costume last year in London, but this is the first time I’ve worn it. With the last of the baby weight gone, I figured I should wear it before I got pregnant and fat again. How does it look?”

“Sexy as fuck,” he said, mauling her like a hungry tiger.

His hands moved under the water, and clever fingers pushed the bottom of her bikini aside to access her slick, hot pussy.


“Oh, do you like that?”

“I think so,” she teased. “Maybe you should add another finger in there to make sure.”

“There’s already two inside you, my greedy wife.”

“Maybe I like a crowd.”

“A crowd?”

“Two’s company, three’s a crowd.”

“Ahhh. Well, what do you think about four?”

“Oh, God, yes!”

Mac brought her to several orgasms with his wicked hand before pulling his swim trunks down a bit to free his stiff member.

“Ride my cock, Gracie.”

“Facing you or backwards?”

“Facing me. I want to kiss you and manhandle your girls while you move up and down on me.”

Her initial movements were slow and deliberate, allowing for a long passionate kiss. Then her need became too great, and she bounced on Mac until he grabbed her hips and growled, “God, your pussy is amazing! Nothing feels better; nothing ever could.”

Splashing and panting, they came together and held on to the side rail so they wouldn’t slide under the water and drown in their euphoric state.

A quick look at the clock let them know they had ten minutes left, but rather than risk an awkward situation, they rinsed off in the shower and headed back into the pool.

Sylvie and DJ arrived at 5:00 on the dot. Grace appreciated her promptness and the fact that she was considerate enough not to show up early.

“Dominic Jordan looks adorable in his little swim trunks!” Sylvie said as she passed the baby to his daddy.

“You’re welcome to join us, Sylvie,” Mac said graciously as he hugged his little boy and dipped his toes in the water, eliciting a giggle from the sweet baby boy.

“Thank you, but I have a date tonight.”


“No worries, he’s just a friend, nothing romantic,” she assured her employers.

“Nothing romantic yet,” Mac mused.

“Not ever, Mr. Stewart. He’s got a boyfriend. We just enjoy hanging out.”

After Sylvie left, Mac said, “I’m not sure whether to feel like an idiot that I assumed she had a date with a potential suitor or relieved that she won’t be pining over a boy when we head to Europe.”

“Pining over a suitor? What century are you from, Mr. Stewart?” Grace teased.

Mac splashed her, drenching her hair. He froze, remembering how Louise had screamed at him for getting her hair wet and how Johanna had made it seem like he’d committed a cardinal sin.

Grace tilted her head, her eyes meeting his, questioning the intense discomfort she saw there. Then she grinned and splashed him back, making baby DJ scream like a banshee before falling into a fit of giggles that gave him hiccups.

Mac swung an arm around Grace’s waist and pulled her close to him and the baby.

“Why aren’t you like most women?” he asked, ridiculously pleased that her reaction had been so playful.

“Why on Earth would you want me to be?” she asked, giving him an incredulous look.

“I don’t; I wouldn’t. I’m just…”

“So damned lucky?”

“Yeah, that.”

“That must have been some tongue lashing you got from Louise when you got her hair wet. Or was it Johanna?”

Mac glared at Grace, annoyed that she’d brought up his exes. He didn’t bring up hers.

Instantly, he felt ashamed for feeling pissy, remembering that her exes were either abusive or paying customers. She wasn’t poking fun at him; she was making light of the situation. He very nearly ruined a playful moment by being an idiot.

“I’ll give you a tongue-lashing later.”


He grinned. There it was again; her ability to turn his mood around in a New York Minute was uncanny.

“Promise,” he said, kissing her on the nose before releasing her.

They enjoyed some family swim time, both acutely aware of the temporary tension that nearly derailed their evening and grateful that it didn’t.

At bedtime, Mac picked up Grace’s brush and offered to brush her hair.

“Not too many things would make me willing to hold off on that tongue-lashing you promised me, but I’d never say no to an offer to brush my hair.”

Mac was amused by how Grace’s moaning during the hair brushing sounded like naughty sex noises. Who knew such a simple act could be like foreplay? When he finished, he told her to lie back and spread her legs for him. With dreamy eyes and a relaxed body, she obeyed and offered herself to him.

Her pink folds glistened, inviting him to partake in a sensual feast. His tongue glided along the swollen labia before landing on her hard little nub. He flicked it a couple of times, causing her hips to move. He nibbled and sucked until her back arched, and he eased off, eliciting an impatient whimper.

“All in good time, my sweet Grace. No need to rush things.”

He alternated slow teasing circles with eager lapping, bringing her to the brink a half dozen times before he slid the hairbrush handle inside her and sent her right over the edge.

Lust took over, and he replaced the brush handle with his throbbing, stiff shaft. His thrust was met with an enthusiastic panting as he moved rhythmically with her.

The feeling of being inside her was like pure heaven. He knew she felt the same way based on the expression on her face and the way her eyes fluttered.

Suddenly, the sound of DJ crying pierced the sensual bliss.


He debated stopping but figured the cries didn’t sound urgent yet. Making the choice to continue, he pumped into Grace as if possessed by the devil and exploded inside her. This time, it was his orgasm that triggered hers. Her back arched, and she cried out, “Fuck yessss!”

Mac pulled out and grabbed his boxers before rushing in to see what the matter with the baby was. Grace joined him a moment later, carrying a chilled teething ring.

“Thanks for not stopping,” Grace said. “I figured our little guy was just out of sorts with another tooth about to pop through his gums.”

“I considered stopping but knew we were both close. I feel a little guilty for making him wait.”

“It wasn’t more than a minute; he’s fine. You made the right call.”

The interruptions of parenthood into sex life might be inconvenient at times, but the little sigh from their baby as he soothed his gums made Mac smile. It was worth it.

“Still on board with making another little rugrat soon?” Mac asked.

“It’ll mean two in diapers at the same time, but yeah, I am,” Grace replied, handing Mac a bottle. “Might as well get his little tummy full so we can get some sleep too.”

Mac gazed at his scantily clad wife and said, “I wasn’t planning on sleep yet; I was thinking I’d go another round with my hot little redhead.”

Grace laughed. “Well, I’m not opposed to another helping of dessert, but my eyelids are heavy, so be sure to wake your redhead up when you’re done feeding DJ.”

A half-hour later, he did just that.

Once she slept, he held his warrior in her slumber and thanked God for the day she’d walked through his door.

Written by techgoddess
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