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Straight Male, 53
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The Flyover

Every purpose has its place.

The window buzzed like a hornet, thundering with the anger of traffic crossing the overpass that lurked close on the other side. That hotel, dreadful for almost everything, was perfect for us. All we needed was the light from the motorway. And the noise. I stepped over to my open bag. ‘Now, tell me once more why we’re here.’ Face down on the bed; your naked buttocks flinched at my words. They looked twenty years younger t...

Dawn After Dark

One night, Chris discovers Dawn’s dark secret.

That was the evening everything went wildly off track in my life. I took no relish in working over the weekend, but I’d become inured to such intrusions. Full of purpose, I’d returned to my flat with an Indian takeaway, which was eaten, as usual, straight out of the foil tins. The leftovers lurked on the edge of the desk in my bedroom; a thick red slick pooled in the bottom of the container, catching the light of my angle...

Just Beneath The Surface

Sometimes, another bite proves irresistible.

‘I can still feel your cum dripping into my panties, you bad boy!’ Smiling, I hit the screen to text back. ‘Bad, me? You’re under strict instructions: NO panties. I’m coming over to take them off you! Xxx’ ‘Ooo… Can you get here fast? I can grab a quick break. For once!’ ‘Meet you in fifteen, if I run. Out front? Xxx’ ‘No, silly. Back entrance. Xxx’ ‘Thought you said my cock was too big for that? Xxx’ ‘Not my back entranc...

Beyond Denial

May the flesh convince the mind?

Her eyes were like a tickle that teased me until I fell into their shadows. I was captivated by a desire to wallow in her gaze, stupefied by its seductive blur. Swimming into those eyes, I pondered the sweet softness of her pussy. Could it be as sultry as mesmerising? Her smile grew wider on her lips as we kissed, brushing me with calm strokes as it drew me in. My mouth followed the wavering of her flesh, too hungry for k...

The Making Of A Miss

Elena plots her journey from brat to goddess.

You’ll call me Miss. At school, Miss was a terrible student. It wasn’t that I was stupid or incapable; it was that I could never find the motivation to apply my effort, not to the subjects they teach in schools. There was just one branch of learning that Miss threw herself into with enthusiasm. At least it was learning for me. I tirelessly honed and perfected what I called my ‘brattitude’. Being a brat, to Miss, is more t...

Dee’s Morel Dilemma

Dee is misled into some alfresco attitude adjustment from a farmer protecting his precious fungi.

Rachel had a habit of getting Dee into trouble, but this really was a whole new level of peril. Dee could barely believe she was crouched behind a tree like an errant child, desperately hoping the farmer would not find her. ‘Just nip under the wire fence right after you cross the brook,’ she could hear Rachel’s voice in her head as though her trouble-making friend was right beside her. ‘Make towards the big chestnut tree...

Stinging Nettle

Sometimes, it’s irritation that’s the sincerest form of flattery.

‘I’d rather swim naked through an oil slick than have sex with you, Tommy. Although I’m not sure it’s possible to tell the difference, since you’re such a sloppy pool of shit.’ ‘Well, I wouldn’t waste that gigantic brain of yours worrying about such a prospect. I like sex to be at least a little sensual. I’d get more physical pleasure from humping a stick insect than shagging you. What’s more, I’ll bet going down on your...

Sweet Strawberry

Strawberry lip-gloss, mixed with silliness, makes for a powerful aphrodisiac.

Amanda had the most infectious smile I’d seen on a girl. Her smile thrust dimples into each cheek and tweaked the tip of her nose to one side. Her teeth seemed to be smiling, too, as the delightful curve of her bite pulled into view, one side teasing out slightly ahead of the other. When Amanda smiled, the sides of her chin drew up towards her ears. Now, in itself, that’s not unusual, but it had a magical effect because A...

Julia’s Cleaning

Julia fibs her way into another discipline session with Richard, which takes her to old lows and new highs.

‘No! I’m not some erotic fiction writer,’ Julia protested. ‘Well, I didn’t mean that in the pejorative!’ Richard sounded a little defensive, but Julia could hear from his tone that he was teasing her. ‘No, it’s a story of a lost soul who takes a much longer aimless train journey than our recent little jaunt. There are some sexual elements to the story, though they are very much secondary. I’m exploring the idea that when...


Exquisite tension as a third date draws to a close.

You’d sighed that you must go. The cab was wet with rain. Dejection took my skin. What made you so? Your lips rushed in for me. Our fingers ran from hunger. Choked raw by sore desire. It wouldn’t be? You let the cab drift by. The raindrops bit your face as tears. Your release exposed a captivation. If not now, why? Your shaking skin slipped free and clear. Tears of denial dripped from your cunt. I could never kiss them dr...

A Silhouette Returns

In early-fifties New Orleans, Cindy-Lou is haunted by a shadow from her past. But this is no ghost, it’s something altogether more fearsome.

Cindy-Lou was blonde and her age hung still in the air, like the sweet scent of cocktails on the New Orleans’ night. Her eyes were crystal-blue and they’d shoot right through men like a pair of whistling bullets. No one ever took Cindy-Lou for being dumb, well, at least not without coming to regret it. Her lips were hypnotic. They were full but not the fullest. Red but not the reddest. And they were always glossy, though...

Aurelia’s Moment

Aurelia ran through boyfriends faster than she got through biscuits. Until a casual encounter awoke something hidden within her.

It wasn’t the moment when Aurelia saw him looking at her on the dance floor. Nor when she walked up to Jonathan and whispered into his ear: ‘You like my tits?’ Aurelia loved to be cheeky and crude at times, especially when she first spoke to a man that she rather fancied. But it wasn’t the moment that Jonathan blushed endearingly in response, either. They left the party and headed for a club under the railway arches, wher...

Julia’s Training

When Julia took a trip on a steam train to avoid her work she got rather more than she expected. But will a spanking from a stranger be enough to remove her writer’s block?

Julia knew she should be getting back to the cottage that she was renting. The whole point had been to remove herself from distractions and finish the new book. To say that her agent was getting impatient was an understatement. Julia didn’t really need to be in the local town posting some letters; emails would have been fine. But here she was, wasting time gazing at a heritage railway station that sat opposite the shop th...