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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 54
0 miles · Brighton


Quote by Megiss

Your dick is very soft and short

Not anymore. See what you did?

Ah, okay; thank you for all of the insights, which make perfect sense.

I’ll think twice about using texts in the story in question, as there doesn’t seem to be a way to reflect how people text in the real world, without causing such issues.

It’s helpful to know that emoticons are allowed, but they often can’t replace emojis, and purely using them might date an exchange misleadingly.

I agree writers should be judicious with such devices. But, as I say, their omission can also be a distraction.

It seems to be a Catch-22. 🤷🏼‍♂️ [Shrugs-shoulders emoji.]

Is it still the case that emojis are banned within stories, even where exchanges by text message are depicted? Generally, I think it’s a good rule. But emojis are so ubiquitous in text messages these days that it feels like a forced error to omit them. 😖 For many people, emojis are part of natural text speak. In a couple of cases recently, the lack of emojis in text messages, where it feels like a character would use them, has actually pulled me out of the story.

A smart girl once rubbed on her rug

In the midst of a sexual fug

Ensuing bright sparks

Left a host of burn marks

Thanks to static from her old butt-plug

Nobody would ask Agatha Christie (were she still alive) how many murders she’d committed, because they’d look stupid if they did. They’d BE stupid if they did.

Nobody would enquire of Stephen King when he first experienced his skills of telekinesis. That’s not to say there’s nothing of writers in their work (see Stephen King and Misery for a start).

But a writer who only wants to write about themselves is the worst kind of bore.

Yet the minute you pen erotica, everyone seems to think it’s all about you. 🤷‍♂️

I am a great fan of the fact/fiction lasagne. That’s what I aim to serve each time. The fiction part freaks me out, though. I find characters have minds of their own and consistently do things I don’t approve of.

Time and again I tell myself, I’ll stay clean tonight. But (sorry, David) I’ve realised that, in a way, I don’t work on my stories, they work on me.

That may sound pretentious, but it’s the most honest account I can give.

Sometimes, I won’t write for months. I think I took a whole year off Lush and wrote nothing, not even a Limerick. Then I’ll be driven to knock out several stories in a week. Perhaps some of them aren’t so good, possibly dreadful. But I do know that effort and attainment have a very fucking strange relationship. Like two floating lighthouses with no anchors involved.

I’m still trying to work it out. But I already know I’ll fail. If someone can turn that conundrum into science, hats off to them.

Quote by Wet_n_willing

(To the original poster of this thread.)

Also, most of the moderators here will tell you what you need to fix and how to work on it, but you have to listen to them! They're incredibly helpful and supportive, and each story you write you'll get better, with their help, I know I did! You getting better makes their job easier, and they will always appreciate you if you're making a real effort. ❤️

Pretty soon you'll be cranking out smut with the best of 'em! 😉🤣

Amen to this!

Quote by lynnwitt

Those Asian girls have quite a way

In activities erotic to play

No pleasure is spared

With everything bared

Something you'd like every day

Well, a girl fully bared is a joy

Even more so when sex is her ploy

Whether Asian or no

I delight in that so

As it brings out my inner play-boy

Time spent ’twixt her legs is pure leisure

When you drift your slick tongue through her treasure

Tease her nub with your nose

And while you’re in the throes

She’ll anoint you with juices of pleasure

Quote by Seeker4

I built a model kit of the USS Skipjack attack submarine when I was a kid. But, yeah, probably not what you had in mind either.🙄😊


Quote by KimmiBeGood

Just offering up ideas… 😈

Thanks, Kimmi. But when I said I was after a model sub, that’s not quite what I had in mind. 😌

Quote by JamesLlewellyn


BTW, you and Peaches certainly painted the, um, town red with your recent story, Leather's Kiss. Too bad it was a collaboration. It would have fit perfectly in this comp!

Do you know, I thought that too. But rules are rules. And if you break rules in a BDSM competition, there must be consequences. 😬

Quote by WannabeWordsmith

I think so. But the British School of Dentistry and Mouthguards might disagree. 🤣

British School of Dentistry… I know a few Americans that would be laughing before they got to the Mouthguards bit. 😬😏