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Julia’s Training

"When Julia took a trip on a steam train to avoid her work she got rather more than she expected. But will a spanking from a stranger be enough to remove her writer’s block?"

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Julia knew she should be getting back to the cottage that she was renting. The whole point had been to remove herself from distractions and finish the new book. To say that her agent was getting impatient was an understatement.

Julia didn’t really need to be in the local town posting some letters; emails would have been fine. But here she was, wasting time gazing at a heritage railway station that sat opposite the shop that she’d dropped into for some stamps.

There was a train just in, huffing and hissing with steam. She couldn’t help herself, she crossed the road towards the train.

A little breathless, Julia slumped into a seat just as the train pulled away, flopping her bag beside her. She’d only just made it onboard.

It was a fine old compartment, wooden detailing, leather straps at the windows. But it was different from any she’d been in before. There was no corridor. Sensing her puzzlement, a gentleman opposite smiled and explained: ‘This is actually a very early London Underground carriage, it’s a little unusual isn’t it?’

‘Thank you,’ Julia replied, adding rather cheekily, ‘You don’t seem like a trainspotter.’

The gentleman laughed. ‘Actually, I know nothing about trains; it was the guard who told me. I’m Richard, by the way.’ He held out his hand.

‘I’m… Julia. Lovely to meet you.’

Richard was smartly dressed in a suit. He had a well-defined face, a confident but gentle handshake, and a pleasant manner. Julia thought there were much worse people to be alone with in a train compartment that offered no corridor for escape.

‘So, this is a spur-of-the-moment trip?’ Richard clearly wanted to know more about Julia.

‘Well, yes,’ Julia replied, ‘however did you know?’ 

Richard smiled again. ‘Not many people run to catch trains on heritage railways.’

‘Ah!’ It made sense to Julia now. ‘Yes, I really shouldn’t be here.’

‘Then, if you don’t mind my asking, where should you be?’

Julia didn’t mind. In fact, she was relieved by the opportunity to confess to a real person. ‘I’m writing a book. Well, I mean I’m not writing a book but I ought to be!’ Julia realised she sounded a little cross. She was cross only with herself.

‘I see.’ Richard looked at her but she could barely meet his gaze. ‘You’re avoiding writing? It must be a source of stress. What about it is worrying you?’

Julia took a deep breath. Richard was right, it seemed obvious now. ‘I guess, I guess, I’m scared it will be a flop. You see, not meaning to boast, but my first book was a huge success. Yet it was easy, there were no expectations. Now it just feels like everyone has more ideas about what my next book should be than me!’

‘Well then,’ said Richard, ‘that’s tough, a great deal of pressure. How will you work through it?’

‘No idea!’ Julia caught herself sounding a touch desperate. ‘I know I just need to be disciplined and push on. But I’ve never needed to be hugely disciplined in my work. It’s always just flowed. Nowadays a trickle would be nice.’

‘Yes,’ Richard sounded encouraging, ‘sooner or later, discipline is crucial because work is never easy all of the time.’

There was a pause. Julia reflected on her lack of discipline and Richard’s pertinent insights.

Richard broke the silence. ‘I could help you with that. The discipline, that is.’

Julia swallowed deeply. ‘How so?’ Julia had spoken rather curtly, feeling a little defensive at the thought of someone else helping her with discipline.

‘Well, I hope you won’t be offended, but I could spank you.’

‘Spank me!’ Julia was hoping to sound outraged but she was surprised to find that her tone betrayed more than an edge of curiosity. ‘I’m not a child!’

‘Well, I would never spank a child. I am offering to spank you as I think it could help you focus and finish your book. It is, of course, entirely your choice whether or not you take up my offer.’

Julia paused. ‘And this spanking you’d like to give me, where do you propose to administer such a thing?’

‘Well, right here. Assuming nobody gets on at the next station, which is unlikely. There’s quite a stretch to the stop after that. It’s an ideal opportunity. After all, right now is when you’re avoiding your writing. It’s a very apt moment to address your behaviour.’

Julia was shocked yet, though she hated to admit it to herself, she was also more than a little intrigued. 

They sat in silence at the next station. A distracted mother and her wide-eyed son stood on the platform. Strangely, Julia found herself willing them to choose another carriage. They did. Julia contemplated changing carriages herself. But as the train pulled away, there she remained.

‘Very well then, spank me if you must.’ Julia could barely believe what she was saying.

‘No,’ replied Richard, calm as ever but rather firmer in his tone now. ‘I shall only spank you if I believe you really accept that you need it. And if you ask me nicely.’

‘Okay,’ replied Julia, gathering herself, ‘please would you spank me?’ 

‘Sir!’ instructed Richard. ‘This won’t work if you don’t accept my authority and submit to it.’

Julia bristled a little and couldn’t believe how much she wanted the spanking now, even with these questionable theatrics. ‘Please would you spank me, Sir?’

Richard spoke softly, saying it would be a privilege to spank Julia. Then he asked for her surname. For a moment Julia contemplated refusing to divulge, but since Richard was about to spank her it felt like a ridiculous thing to conceal. From that point onwards, Richard referred to Julia as ‘Miss Jenkinson’. Ordinarily, she would have bristled at such an assumption and immediately established that she was to be addressed as ‘Ms’. But ‘Miss’ was somehow more fitting for this purpose.

Richard instructed ‘Miss Jenkinson’ to stand facing the wall with her hands above her head. Julia found herself, for once, doing as she was told while steadying herself on the luggage rack. She could hear Richard preparing himself. 

After a few moments, Richard stood behind Julia, took her arm a little above the elbow, and guided her across the carriage and down onto his knee. He smoothed Julia’s dress over her buttocks and complimented her on how exquisite her bottom felt through the material. ‘That will be the silk. Silk wrap dresses are an indulgence I’ve allowed myself since the success of my first book.’ 

‘Well,’ said Richard purposefully, ‘we’d better be sure you can continue with this indulgence by finishing your next book, and that starts with discipline. During this session you’ll speak only if I ask you to speak, is that clear?’

‘Yes. Sir.’ Julia, being a fiercely independent soul, was not sure she could keep this up for too long.

Richard ran his fingertips over Julia’s backside. ‘Are you ready, Miss Jenkinson?’ 

‘Yes.’ Crack! Julia yelped in indignation at the sharpness of the first spank. 

‘Yes, Sir,’ Richard instructed firmly. ‘Let’s try that again. Are you ready, Miss Jenkinson?’ 

‘Yes, Sir.’ 

Richard had been circling the area he’d just spanked with a lone finger. He now withdrew and Julia was burning with anticipation for the next spank. Crack! Richard brought his hand down on Julia’s other cheek, a little lighter than before. Crack! Crack! Crack! A volley of spanks sent Julia reeling and trying to cover her buttocks with her hands. Richard pulled them away. 

‘It hurts!’ Julia protested. 

‘It’s supposed to hurt. I expect you to show resilience, but if you really want me to back off say “orange”. If you say “red” I’ll stop altogether, understood?’ 

‘Yes, Sir.’ Julia was relieved to have a way out, yet she also knew that she needed this punishment and needed it badly.

Richard patted her bottom lightly. ‘Now stand up and remove this pretty dress.’ 

‘What!’ Once more, Julia’s protest didn’t quite carry the conviction she’d hoped. 

‘I spank properly, Miss Jenkinson. On the bare, ultimately, but I’ll continue over your panties for now.’ 

This was all very odd. Just minutes ago Julia and Richard had been introducing themselves as strangers, now Richard was asking Julia to strip to her underwear. Julia thought of using the safe word. But even as she contemplated such a move she found she was unwrapping herself from her much-prized dress. Julia threw her dress onto the seat opposite with a slight edge of indignation. 

‘You’ll fold that dress neatly!’ Richard’s admonishment was stern. Again, Julia did as she was told. Richard motioned her back over his knee. As she complied, the train went past a remote countryside house where an old lady was waving at the passengers. In a fleeting moment, Julia saw the old lady’s eyes widen as she was presented with the image of Julia in her underwear headed across Richard’s lap.

‘You’ve a very beautiful bottom,’ Richard was lightly stroking Julia’s cheeks through her panties. 

‘Thank you, s…’ before Julia could complete her appreciation, Richard launched a volley of spanks. Julia winced and wriggled on his lap. Richard straddled Julia over his knee, clamping her more firmly into position, and further volleys of spanks followed. Julia had been keenly aware of her arousal right from the start, but now she found herself intimately pressed into Richard’s knee, she was struggling to contain her excitement.

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‘I hope you’re not enjoying this, Miss Jenkinson, you do realise that is very much not the point?’ 

‘No, no Sir. I’m very much NOT enjoying this. Sir.’ Again, Julia’s denial lacked conviction, even though it was, in part, sincere.

‘So you won’t mind my checking that you aren’t aroused?’ Julia felt the cheeks on her face burning in embarrassment at the thought of her arousal being exposed. Richard lightly stroked her inner thigh sending waves of pleasure coursing through her. Julia was caught between desperately trying to hide her arousal and urgently wanting Richard’s fingers deep between her legs. Julia found herself opening her thighs a little further, it seemed her body had decided for her. Richard took this as permission. Teasingly, he ran his fingers over the crotch of Julia’s panties before slipping them inside. Julia bit her lip hard as the waves of pleasure intensified.

‘Miss Jenkinson! You are soaking wet! Get up and remove those panties!’ 

Julia got to her feet, her head swimming in an intoxicating mix of humiliation, pain and pleasure. She took off her panties and stood in front of Richard naked but for her bra. Richard got to his feet. He took Julia by the throat and pressed her against the carriage door. Crack! Julia winched. Richard had struck her with the loose end of the leather strap that held up the window. Crack! Another blow. Julia looked out of the window at the passing embankment and noticed how it was covered in late daffodils. Briefly, she saw a family in a field walking their dog. Richard drew himself close over her shoulder. Slowly, lightly, he ran his fingernails down her belly, sending her wild. ‘What’s this?’ he asked, working his fingers through her soft pubic hair, into her wetness and deep inside. 

‘It’s my wanton little cunt, Sir.’ Julia had always loved using the c-word, now she luxuriated in it, being sure to speak loudly and clearly. She’d wanted to shock Richard. Richard was unfazed.

‘No,’ Richard softly corrected her, whispering: ‘it’s MY wanton little cunt.’

‘Yes, Sir.’ Julia had never abandoned control like this, yet she’d never felt more centred.

Richard removed Julia’s bra teasing her cunt and spanking her with one hand as he tweaked her nipples with the other. ‘Would you like to thank Sir properly?’ Richard whispered as he guided her hand so she was holding his stiff cock through his trousers. ‘Just feel what you’ve done to Sir!’

Julia understood. She spun to her knees and unzipped Richard’s trousers. Richard’s cock sprang out, hard and full. Julia reached inside and set Richard’s balls free, circling them one by one with her mouth. Julia slowly teased the tip of her tongue up Richard’s shaft and around the base of his hood. She knew how to drive men wild this way and she loved to do just that. She looked up at Richard as he threw his head back, the pleasure pulsing through him. Then she became hesitant and took Richard’s cock into her mouth in an odd, meek fashion.

Julia sensed Richard’s disappointment at the lacklustre turn in her oral skills. That disappointment is exactly what Julia wanted. She was playing with him. Just as Julia sensed that Richard was becoming exasperated, she plunged his cock deep into her mouth and pleasured him with her throat. Julia liked it this way: the tease, the anticipation, the letdown, then the finest, filthiest deep-throat she could deliver. Julia loved having a man so deep in her mouth, so lost in the pleasure she was giving, and so utterly and literally captivated by her. Richard fell back and writhed along the seat in ecstasy. Julia could tell he was fighting off climax and she gripped him closely with her throat and her hands, determined not to let him go easily. Richard managed to grab a fistful of Julia’s hair and pulled her head away.

‘You are far too good at that, Miss Jenkinson!’ Richard laughed, ‘but my cock wants to take your wanton little cunt. That is… if you deserve Sir’s cock?’

‘I think I’ve taken my spanking very well. I believe I’ve given Sir a very sincere thank you. I think I absolutely deserve Sir’s cock!’ 

‘Really?’ Richard sounded like he was serious about denying Julia.

‘Yes, Sir, please give me your cock!’ Julia could hear she was starting to beg. ‘Please!’

Richard grabbed Julia firmly by the side of the throat and flipped her body so that her face pointed towards the back of the seat. He meant to take her from behind. ‘You stay right there, Miss Jenkinson.’

Julia could hear Richard reaching into his jacket. She detected the subtle but unmistakable sound of a condom packet being ripped open. Then she could feel Richard close behind her, teasing the wet lips of her cunt with the tip of his cock.

‘I’m really not sure you deserve this.’ Richard was inserting his cock very slightly, then pulling it away. Julia, wild with desire, started to thrust back at him urgently.

‘Please, Sir!’ 

‘But have you learned your lesson? Will you focus on your book now?’

‘Yes, Sir, I will! I promise!’

Richard eased his cock into Julia, gently at first, feeling his way before thrusting harder and faster. 

‘Ohhh, you’re in so deep!’ Crack!

‘You’re in so deep, Sir!’ Richard admonished. Julia wanted to feel miffed at this harsh correction, but the unexpected spank had brought her body close to a shuddering climax. 

‘Now, Miss Jenkinson, you’re not allowed to orgasm without my permission, do you understand?’

Richard’s firmness was intoxicating. Julia was right on the edge. ‘Yes, Sir, may, may I orgasm, Sir!’

‘No! Absolutely not’! Not yet.’ Julia bit her lip, unsure she could hold back.

‘Please, Sir, may I!’


Richard was thrusting deep and fast now. He felt harder than ever. Julia was almost in a trance trying to hold her orgasm back.

‘Sir, please! Please!’

‘Okay, now you may come Miss Je...’ Richard’s voice trailed into a grunt as he was lost in his own orgasm. 

As Julia let go, her orgasm flowed in waves over her body and she heard a deep wail. It took a moment for Julia to realise that it was she who was doing the wailing. 

Richard pulled Julia up and held her close. They fell around onto the seat in a heady post-orgasmic musk.

No sooner had Julia’s buttocks hit the seat than she was up and on her feet, the rough upholstery had agitated her tender cheeks.

‘Do you have any cream in your bag, Miss Jenkinson?’ Richard sounded concerned. Julia reached into her bag and held out a tube for Richard to take. Richard motioned for her to lie across his lap.

Julia started as the cool cream hit her fiery cheeks. But Richard had a beautifully delicate touch in massaging the cream across Julia’s backside. ‘The hands that strafe become the hands that soothe,’ Julia thought to herself, pondering whether she could use that in her book.

‘You’d better get dressed now, Miss Jenkinson, we’re nearly at the end of the line.’ Richard gave Julia’s bottom the gentlest of pats by way of encouragement.

Julia stood for a moment enjoying Richard’s obvious fixation with her naked body. A sudden breeze brought goosebumps to her pale skin. She turned and slipped herself back into her wrap dress. Julia felt it kinder to her behind to put her panties into her bag.

As they disembarked, Julia had the distinct impression the people in the neighbouring carriages were staring at them. After all, how could they not have heard at least something of their tryst? For once, Julia discovered that she didn’t care at all what others thought.

There was a half-hour stop-over before the train headed back.

Richard and Julia shared tea and cake in the old station buffet, Julia was relieved when Richard guided them to a standing table. They discussed normal things, their backgrounds, and Richard’s job.

As they walked back along the platform to board the train for the return trip, Julia was gripped by the anxiety they wouldn't have a carriage to themselves. Shortly before the train pulled away a lone old man made a beeline across the platform for their carriage. Swiftly and decisively, Richard stood with his back to the door, removing his jacket. The old man swerved and got into the next carriage.

As the train pulled away, Julia draped herself across Richard’s lap, rolling to the side to take the pressure off her cheeks. Richard stroked Julia’s hair and she relaxed like a child, becoming quite floppy in Richard’s embrace. Julia fell fast asleep.

Julia awoke to Richard gently stroking her face with the back of his hand. ‘It’s time to alight now,’ he whispered.

Alight? Julia mused to herself that she already felt lighter than ever. Even though she knew it were not nearly so simple, she felt for the first time as though all of her burdens were entirely lifted.

Richard helped Julia down onto the platform.

‘Here’s my card, maybe you’ll call me in a few days so that we can check on progress?’ Julia nodded, meeting Richard’s gaze directly.

They kissed. She sensed that both of them wanted to kiss more passionately, though it didn’t feel appropriate right there on the platform.

‘Goodbye, Julia.’ 

Richard walked away down the platform and Julia found herself electrified that he’d called her by her first name once again. She took it as Richard acknowledging her as an equal once more.

Julia walked slowly to her car. The leather seats were hot from the sun and she was all too aware of her tender cheeks and the slippery cream Richard had smothered over them.

When Julia arrived back at the cottage she threw her bag straight on the table and headed upstairs to where she’d set up her laptop for writing. 

Julia read what little of the draft of her new novel she’d completed. She could see more clearly than ever that it was abject and turgid. Suddenly, Julia was bursting with ideas. She deleted the draft without a second thought and started afresh. Julia began to type: ‘The aimless journey. A novel by Julia Jenkinson.’

Written by Safryzer
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