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After sleeping almost thirteen hours, Jill finally wakes up Monday morning and rolls over to give Rosy a morning kiss. Except it's Allie in bed with her, not Rosy. Not that she doesn't love kissing Allie, who's already been awake awhile, but she could've sworn she went to bed with Rosy.

"Mornin' babe," Allie kisses. "How ya feeling?"

"Pretty good after a decent night's sleep. You know what's weird? I thought I was sleeping with Rosy."

"Well, maybe that's because Rosy kissed you good night just before you went back to sleep. We were both pretty zonked out last night, but I remember them bringing us in and putting us in bed. They kissed us until we were asleep, except I wasn't quite asleep when they left.

"I heard them giggling in the living room like they were really getting into it. Too bad I couldn't listen longer. I probably fell back to sleep pretty fast. I bet they ate each other out all night."

"Girls will be girls," Jill chuckles. "Our wives are horny girls at times."

"Ain't that the truth."

"Fuck," Jill complains, "I gotta get up, I really have to pee."

"I just went to the bathroom a few minutes ago," Allie says, "Rosy's in there taking a shower."

"Where's Carla?"

"In the kitchen making breakfast. They're giving us maid service this morning."

Aside from her bladder feeling like it's about to explode, Jill feels pretty good as she gets out of bed. Delicious aromas of fresh coffee and fried bacon stimulate her senses as she makes her way to the bathroom.

"Can I come in here?" she yells.

"Yeah, Jill-baby, c'mon in," Rosy yells back.

As she's sitting on the pot relieving herself, Rosy pops out of the shower and rushes over to kiss her.

"Good morning, sweetheart! Did you get enough sleep?"

"I guess so. Allie said you put us in bed last night? How long did I sleep?"

"Basically, you've been asleep since yesterday afternoon, except for about an hour, when I woke you up to eat something. You couldn't stay awake even then, so me and Carla took you both to bed. That gang bang must have really wore you out."

"Yeah, sometimes they burn us out. They expect us to give them sex for hours and hours. And we have to give it to them, because, well, they're paying us. It's fuckin' worth it and all that, but it does wear our ass out sometimes."

"You two were definitely worn out, but don't worry, me and Carla will always take good care of you. Carla's got coffee ready in the kitchen. I'll be out as soon as I get dressed."

"Hey, bright eyes!" Carla greets her husbands as they come into the living room. "Have a seat on the couch while I set the table. I'll bring you your coffee."

"Do you like french toast?" she asks as she kisses both of her husbands.

"I love french toast," Jill answers, "but you didn't have to get up early just to make us breakfast."

"I know I didn't have to," Carla says, "but I wanted to. Start getting used to it, sweethearts. Your wives like to do sweet things for you. We're good for a lot more than just fucking.

"And it's not exactly early. It's after eight o'clock already. Me and Rosy took separate showers so I could cook breakfast. You said you wanted to get an early start this morning."

"I did...? When?"

"Last night when we were eating. You both were out of it, but you said you wanted to look at trucks again this morning. We've got a busy week ahead and we have to get moved out of our apartment."

"Oh yeah, now I remember. Shit, we both have dates every night this week before we have to go to Chicago on Thursday. Fuck, I hope we can get it all done."

It's almost ten by the time everyone's showered and ready to go. Over breakfast, they decided it would save time if Jill and Rosy look at trucks while Allie and Carla rent a storage locker. Jill's not thrilled about having to dress as Jerry, but she's writing the business check to pay for the truck.

She'll have to show her driver's license to buy the truck, and it wouldn't look good for her to pull Jerry's license out of her purse and dress as Jill. She'll be so glad to get her name changed so she can just be Jill Cox everywhere she goes. She's so ready to get rid of Jerry's name, once and for all.

"Are you sure you don't want to help pick out the truck?" Jill asks before they leave.

"Naw," Allie says, "the ones we looked at last week were pretty much all the same, except for the color. It's not like we're buying a sports car. Since we're so pressed for time, it'll be better if me and Carla get the locker rented today so we can start moving them out tomorrow."

"OK, but if you don't like the color, you'll have to blame Rosy. I'm letting her pick it out."

"I'm not worried," says Carla, "Rosy has excellent taste."

It's all goes smoothly when they get on the car lot. A salesman rushes right out to show them the new Chevy C10 pick-ups and they take one out for a test drive. Jill drives it first, then lets Rosy get behind the wheel.

Her petite little body has trouble working the clutch and shifting gears with the floor shift, so they drive one with an automatic transmission, which she can easily handle. Since they'll be living in the country, Jill wants one with 4-WD so the girls will be safer driving home on late winter nights when the roads get icy during snowstorms.

They have two trucks equipped with 4WD and automatic transmissions, and Rosy chooses the light-blue one she just drove. As they go inside to work out a deal, Jill goes into bitch mode, ready to haggle with the dealer to negotiate the lowest price.


Meanwhile, Allie and Carla are just getting home after successfully renting a storage locker. Allie hears the phone ringing when she unlocks the door, but can't get to it fast enough before it stops ringing.

"Shit, I hope that wasn't Jill," she says to Carla.

"They'll call back if it was important."

"I hope so. By the way, thanks for taking care of me and Jill last night. We really appreciate having you girls around."

"We'll always take good care of you, baby. After all, you take such good care of us. When we got home from the mall yesterday, we really wanted fuck your brains loose after you bought us all those new clothes. It'll be so nice to not have to wear my old rags anymore. All that shopping made us horny for our husbands."

"One thing you'll have to get used to," Allie says, "me and Jill aren't gonna be worth a shit for sex right after a gang bang. After getting fucked like that, it takes a while to want it again.

"That's why we don't usually do dates on Mondays. We had to take dates every night this week because the estrogen might make us sick next week. I hope I can be a good fuck for my date tonight. I'd rather stay home and rest."

"I bet you'll be a great fuck, sweetheart, you always are for me. And don't worry about me and Rosy. Remember, we used to be lesbians, we can take care of each other just fine."

"You're not still lesbians?"

"Nope. Not anymore. True lesbians don't like cock, and we don't fit that mold anymore. We're both very much in love with your cocks, so that makes us bisexual girls now, and we love it."

Just then the phone rings again and Allie jumps up to answer.


"Hey, is this Allie?"

"Hi, Steve. I recognize your voice. I hope you're not wanting a date this week, we're all booked up."

"You're good at recognizing voices, and I'm not calling for a date. I've been trying to call you all morning, actually. Listen, I don't have much time to talk, but are you girls busy Thursday morning?"

"I don't think so, why?"

"How'd you like to meet me at the courthouse so we can get your names changed?"

"Really?" Allie starts jumping up and down.

"Yes, really. I have a private hearing all set up in Judge Bennett's chambers at eight-fifteen if you can be there."

"We'll be there! Thanks, Steve! I owe you a free date for this!" Allie shouts into the phone.

"You don't owe me anything, sweetheart. I'm happy to do it for the two prettiest girls I know. I gotta run. Call me if anything comes up. Otherwise, I'll see you Thursday morning."

"Carla...! We got our court date!" Allie screams.

"Oh, baby! This is good news!"

"I can't wait to be Allie Cox. Living this double-life as two sexes is finally gonna be over!"


Back at the auto dealership, Jill's finding out that buying a new vehicle with cash and no trade-in doesn't give her any bargaining power. The dealer knocked a couple hundred off the sticker price, but won't go any lower. Since she just doesn't have the time to fuck around checking out other dealers, she reluctantly agrees to pay the price.

When they're ready to drive it off the lot, Jill gives Rosy the key and tells her to drive the new truck home. She feels like a real queen of the road, smelling that new-car vinyl and sitting up so much higher in the cab than all the passenger cars around her. What makes her feel the best is that Jill told her she owns the truck equally with her three marriage partners. She loves being married.

Carla's excited to see the new truck when they get home, but not as excited as Jill is when Allie tells her about their court date on Thursday. She cries when she hears the news. She's so ready to claim her place in society as Jill Cox, full-time girl.

It's been a busy day and they've gotten a lot done, but time has slipped away and they have just enough time to make a quick lunch before the girls have to get ready for work. Jill tells them to take the truck, and Carla gets to drive the new truck for the first time.

Carla really surprised herself earlier, when right out of the blue, she told Allie she no longer considers herself a pure lesbian. It was good they spent Saturday night together at the gang bang hotel. The trust she now has for her husbands makes her proud to think of herself as a married, bisexual woman. She loves being married as much as Rosy does.


After the girls leave, Jill runs to the post office to pick up lube orders, and when she gets back, she and Allie have to start getting ready for their dates. The lube orders will have to wait until tomorrow.

They take another shower together and cry on each other's shoulder for the longest time, so happy they'll legally be sharing the same last name in just a few days. They're still crying about it as they dry each other's hair.

Jill doesn't feel like much of a slut after everything she's done today. She does her face with only light makeup, just enough to cover up the male so she'll look female for Jim. She wears a loose-fitting, longer-length dress so she won't have to put on her pads. She'd rather not even go on a date tonight, but sometimes whores have to fuck when they don't feel like it. 

She's already tired when she gets to the hotel, mainly because she really doesn't want to be there. She feels a little better when Jim puts his arm around her and tells her how pretty she looks as they go into the dining room.

Instead of a mixed drink, she orders a coke when the waitress takes their cocktail orders. She's hoping the caffeine will help keep her awake when it's time to fuck.

"You seem a little tired tonight," Jim notices.

"Tell you the truth, I'm still a bit tired from Saturday night."

"I don't blame you. You two were really going for it. It's always such a turn-on watching you and Allie work as a team. We're lucky to have you."

"It tired us out, for sure, but everything else we have to do is wearing us out just as much. We just bought a truck today, we have to move our wives out of their apartment this week, and we have to go to court on Thursday to get our names changed. Then... we have to drive to Chicago. Fuck, I don't know how we're going to get it all done."

"Life gets busy sometimes," Jim tells her, "you're going through some very big changes. When it all seems like can't get any crazier, just remember why you're doing it and where you'll be when you get everything done. Lazy people have shitty lives. You're anything but lazy, and you have a wonderful life ahead of you."

"That's what I keep telling myself. You mentioned something about having to talk about escrow?"

"Yeah, a little problem came up. First let me ask you, this girl you married, would her name be Rosy, by chance?"

"Yes, why?"

"Excellent! I was hoping that was the case. That must be why you introduced Allie as Rosy when we looked at the house."

"I guess so. That was when I was just realizing how much in love I was with her."

"You remember the owner, Scott?"


"Well, he called last week. It seems his sister's pissed because he sold the property so cheap. He was thinking about pulling out of the deal and putting it on the market. I talked him out of it and told him what a sweet couple you and Rosy are and how much you're looking forward to fixing up his mom's place.

"We've got the documents ready to send down to St. Louis for him to sign, but I'm worried if he sees Jerry and Allen's name on the papers, he'll realize we lied about Allie's identity, and he might not sign.

"If he sees Jerry and Rosy's name, there shouldn't be a problem. Once everything's signed off, we can go back later and put all four of your names on the title; I want all four names on it."

"We can do that, and for sure we want our wives' names on the title."

Jim gets out his notepad, "Is Rosy a full name or nickname?"

"Rosy's her nickname. Her full name is Rosalie. Rosalie Chapman. She's keeping her last name."

"That'll work. We'll have her sign as Rosalie Chapman-Jansen."

After taking care of business, they enjoy dinner along with some very pleasant conversation. Jim's a great conversationalist, captivating her with interesting stories and an occasional good joke. She smiles and nods her head in agreement from time to time, but she lets him do most of the talking.

As she listens to Jim talk, she's able to forget about everything she has to do this week. Sure, she'd rather be home working on lube orders, but right now she's working at her prostitute job. She's with a fun guy who just bought her dinner, and he's paying her to have sex with him.

With a full stomach after dinner and the caffeine from the cokes giving her energy, she decides she might as well have a little fun. She pretends to be horny when they get up from the dinner table, she knows how to put on a good act.

He's got his arm around her as they go to their room, and for some reason, she's feeling close to him. She doesn't know why, exactly, maybe it's because she appreciates how much he's helping her buy the house.

He must be feeling it too, because when they get in the room, he's not all that anxious to get his pants off and put his cock in her mouth right away. Instead, he puts his arms around her and gives her a very long kiss. Jill's kinda surprised by it, but goes ahead and parts her lips, letting his tongue explore inside her mouth.

Jill doesn't usually let her dates kiss her like this. She saves that kind of kissing for her marriage partners only. But before she knows it, she and Jim are getting into some very deep kissing, and somehow it just feels right.

She kisses him back with an intensity that only gets stronger as he slowly undresses her. She reciprocates by undressing him, and when he's naked and she's only wearing a bra, he leads her over to the bed.

"Could we get under the covers?" she asks.

"Anything you want," he says as he pulls back the sheets.

Once they're under covers and kissing again, she doesn't feel like a whore on a date. She feels like his lover, and starts kissing his body under the covers, heading for his cock.

Under the darkness of the covers, she finds his bare cock and makes love to it. As she gives it loving licks and little sucks, she realizes what the feelings she's been having are. They're feelings of love, for sure. Not just for him, but love for all the men she's been dating. They've become an important part of her life, much more important than the money they give her after she fucks them.

She thinks about all her men as she sucks Jim's cock. She's in love with all of them because of all the ways they've helped her. She doesn't realize she's giving such good head until Jim lets her know.

"Oh baby," he moans, "you're gonna make me cum any second."

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His words bring her back to the moment, and she realizes she's been taking Jim into her throat on every stroke. No wonder he's about to cum. Jill's the best cock sucker around.

"Would you like to fuck me, baby?" she asks.

"Oh, you know I would."

"That's good," she says, "cuz I'd like to be fucked. Nice and slow, if you don't mind."

She gets out of bed to get the lube from her purse, greasing her ass before she gets back in. Lying on her back, she tells Jim to get on top of her. She wraps her legs around him as he pushes his cock inside her, and moans as he fucks her. It's a very nice, slow fuck, just like she wanted.

She thinks about all her men as his cock slides in and out of her, ever so slowly. She closes her eyes and goes off into another realm, still thinking about all the men in her life. It doesn't take long for him to cum in her ass, but it was long enough for her. She probably enjoyed this fuck more than he did.

They grin at each as they get dressed. She thanks him for his money before they leave the room, arm-in-arm.

"Thanks, doll," he says as he walks her to her car. "This was the best time I've ever had with you."

"I'm glad you liked it."

"So how soon do you think we can sign the escrow papers," she asks.

He has to think for a moment, his head is still in her ass.

"Oh... um... I'll get Rosy's name on the documents tomorrow and send them off by courier. As soon as everything's signed and back to me, I'll give you a call. You and Rosy can come and sign that day if you want, and I'll give you the key."

"Mmmm... I can't wait! Thanks for a wonderful date, Jim. You're one of my favorites."

She kisses him goodbye and drives home in a dreamy, melancholic daze.


She gets home before Allie, still in her dreamy daze. She's really tired, but it's a relaxed sort of tired that feels good as she hangs up her dress. Allie gets home as she's getting into her nightgown, also tired out from her date and ready to unwind.

"How was your date?" Jill asks her.

"He fucked the shit out of me, but I survived it. How was yours?"

"It was nice. Jim was so tender with me. I got a really nice fuck out of him."

"Sweet. I would have liked that, but my date wanted hard fucking tonight. I just want to get out of this skirt and get stoned."

As they share a joint and unwind in the living room, Jill explains about her and Rosy having to sign the escrow papers.

"It won't bother you if just me and Rosy's name are on the title at first, will it? We'll get all our names on it as soon as we can."

"No, I trust you, it doesn't bother me at all. I can't believe how much we trust each other now. Marriage sure has changed the way I think and feel about things. I didn't think trust was that big of a deal before, but now that we're married, it's like the most important thing."

"Yeah, it really is. Especially with Carla."

"Yeah, when I first met Carla, she always had this 'don't fuck with me' kind of attitude, she was always on guard. Now, she's like my little kitten in bed sometimes, and other times, she's my dirty little bitch. She's so amazing, she's everything all rolled into one."

"That's cuz she trusts you."

"I guess she does. Did I tell you she wanted it in the ass the other night?"

"No... really...? She wanted to be ass-fucked? Did you?"

"Are you kidding? Of course I did. I spanked her ass real good, too. And she fuckin' loved it. Just like I love it when you spank my sissy ass. We both need it sometimes."

"You two are so good for each other. I think you should sleep with her tonight, cuz I wanna sleep with Rosy."

"That works for me. I'd rather sleep with her anyways. She's got way bigger tits than you do."

"Oh, you're such a little bitch!" Jill laughs and slaps Allie's arm. "I'm tired, I'm going to bed. I can't wait up for the girls."

"Yeah, I'm ready for bed. We've got a lot of moving to do tomorrow. The girls will know where they're supposed to sleep when they get home."


The girls did indeed know where they were expected to sleep when they got home. In the morning, Jill wakes with Rosy snuggled up next to her. They hear Allie banging away on Carla in the other bedroom, but neither one of them feel like having sex. They just spend a few minutes talking and kissing before they get up.

Focused on what they have to do today, they jump in the shower after a cup of coffee while Allie and Carla continue with their sex.

"Are you two about done fucking?" Rosy yells into the bedroom. "We're going out for breakfast before we start moving shit out of our apartment."

Carla takes her mouth off Allie's cock to say, "Yeah, we'll be right out, as soon as I get Allie to cum," she giggles.

"Geez, Carla," Rosy laughs, "you've really turned into a horny bitch."

"It's Allie's fault" Carla laughs back, "she made me this way."

They're finally all ready to go an hour later, with Jill and Allie wearing boy clothes, since they'll be doing a lot of lifting and loading. They don't mind dressing as boys today, knowing they'll be getting their official, legal girl names on Thursday.

It takes all morning for them to get the bed and vanity taken apart and put in the storage locker, and the girls are busy boxing everything else up while they do the heavy lifting. They have to quit early so Carla can get ready for work and the whores can get dressed for their dates. They got enough of it done though, it'll be easy to get everything else out in the morning.

As they eat a late lunch at a restaurant, they talk about how well they work together and how much they can accomplish when they're all focused and working as a team. Jill's not happy about putting her lube orders on hold another day, but it can't be helped.

After Carla goes to work, Jill and Allie take another shower and Rosy helps them with their makeup as they turn themselves into whores again. "I'll be here by myself tonight," Rosy says to Jill. "I can work on lube orders while you're gone."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure," she says, "I don't know how to make up new batches, but I can do everything else. How many filled bottles do we have?"

"A couple hundred I think. That might be enough to fill the orders I have."

"If you show me how to make batches, I can do that too. You're gonna need help next week if the estrogen makes you sick."

"Batches aren't that hard to make. I've got the recipe all written out. Thanks Rosy, I don't know what I'd do without you."

"I'd be blue without you," Rosy kisses her.


It seems like the day just flew by as Jill walks into the hotel lobby to meet Norm. He's standing there waiting for her like he always is. Her heart skips a beat every time she sees him, she likes him so much.

"You're as beautiful as ever," he tells her as they hug.

"Oh, Norm," she giggles, "You're just saying that."

"I'm saying it because it's true, little lady. You're turning into quite the fox."

They always make each other feel so good when they're together. Romantic sparks are already flying as they go to the dining room. They warm up with little chit-chats over cocktails, but after the waitress takes their dinner orders, Norm wants to teach her another lesson.

"You and Allie were magnificent Saturday night. It's always a joy to see you two in action."

"We had fun," Jill says, "but we let it go too long. We were tired at the end."

"I noticed. You kind of lost it a few times on the blow jobs, but you got back in control on the bed."

"Yeah, we were so tired by then, we just wanted to milk them as fast as we could and get out of there. Except for you baby, did you notice how I let you fuck me as long as you wanted?"

"I did notice that, and I enjoyed it a lot. You know, while I was watching you giving head, Gary and I were talking about how far you and Allie have come this past year. We're very impressed with how you've taken on your female roles and become such good escorts."

"Escorts?" she laughs, "Don't you mean whores?"

"No, I mean escorts. Escorts do the same things as whores, but they do it better than the other whores. They have something about them that's unique, so unique the richest men will pay big money just to be with them."

"When your bodies become female, you and Allie will have something very unique that rich men will crave."

"I don't know about that. It's gonna take years for the estrogen to do all that, if it even does at all."

"Gary and I were talking about that, about how beautiful you'll be with female curves and female breasts. You're a fast learner, Jill, and you're very bright. I've taught you how to bullshit your way into getting what you want, and you've learned it well. I've never been so proud of you as when I watched you bullshit the Club into buying you that house."

Jill's mouth falls open and her heart goes into her throat when she realizes Norm was on to her scam from the very start. She's silent for a few seconds as Norm watches her, to see how she reacts.

"You knew?" she finally says.

"From the very start. As soon as Walt told me about it, I knew you were bullshitting."


"It was easy. You and Allie are small-town girls. You're already making more money with the Club than you've ever seen. And you're gonna leave all that and go off to a big city like Chicago where you don't have a job and don't know a soul? It doesn't make sense, and it didn't."

"OK, you're right. We never intended to move to Chicago. Are you mad at me?"

"Hell no, I'm not mad at you. I'm fuckin' proud of you, girl. The only ones who figured it out were Gary and myself. You successfully bullshitted everyone else. They don't have a clue, and they never will, because all they're thinking about is their dicks.

"It's their weakness, Jill, and you exploited it. You used your tight little ass to get yourself a free house. You've learned what I've taught you very well. Now, here's your next lesson... Why did you just admit what you did?"

"Because you told me you knew."

"How do you know I knew?"

"You told me you did, that's why."

"How do you know I wasn't bullshitting you? Maybe it was just a guess."

"Was it just a guess?"

"You tell me. Does anyone besides Allie know what you were doing?"

"No, of course not."

"Then there's your answer. How could I know for sure what you're thinking? If you know you and Allie were the only ones who knew, then you could have figured out I was bluffing. See how that works?"

"I think so. I should have put on a whiny-little-bitch act and denied it?"

"Exactly. You could have turned it around and made me feel guilty for even thinking you'd so such a thing. Act like I hurt your feelings. I'd have believed you, because you have the advantage. You have the tight ass, and you know all I really want is to get inside that tight ass. That's a weakness you can exploit."

"I see what you mean. I love you, Norm. I love how you teach me this stuff."

"You're a special little lady, Jill."

"I hope someday I can thank you for everything you've taught me."

"You can thank me by taking those hormones and turning yourself into the hottest little bitch you can be. Are you ready to go up to the room and be a hot little bitch for me?"

"I'll always be your little bitch, Norm. You know I can never resist you."

All the way up to their room, all Jill can think about is being Norm's little bitch. As soon as the door closes, she's all over him as he kisses up and down her neck. She's not yet fully aware of the plans he has for her, but he's become her mentor, and she'll do whatever he wants without giving it a second thought.

She goes to unbuckle his belt, eager to suck his cock. He tells her, "Go slower, baby. You're not a whore, you're an escort. You do things regular whores can't do. Do me like an escort would. Use your imagination."

She thinks for a second, then runs her hands up and down his legs as she stares into his eyes. He watches her as she rubs her nose against his cock, running it up and down his zipper until she can feel him getting aroused. She gives him devilish grins as she bites on his pants where his cock is beginning to bulge.

"That's it, little bitch," Norm softly says, "make my cock beg to be set free."

She's getting the idea, she's a fast learner. She squeezes his hardening cock through his pants, running her fingers over it as it gets harder. She'd like to take him to the bed but remembers Norm told her to go slower, like an escort would.

She looks around the room, her eyes focusing on the big easy chair sitting in the corner. On her knees, she moves backward a couple of feet, he instinctively follows. She continues to caress and tease his cock as she walks backward on her knees and he follows her to the chair. Reaching her destination, she slowly unbuckles his belt and unsnaps the top button.

She doesn't pull his zipper down yet as she continues to tease and stimulate. She can feel his cock throbbing as she holds the zipper between her teeth and pulls it down. His cock begs to be released as his pants fall to the floor, but she keeps it confined beneath his underwear as she licks and kisses the bare skin around his crotch.

She love-bites his cock through the cloth of his shorts, poking her tongue along edges. His cock pulses each time it's touched by the tip of her tongue as she decides it's time to set him free. Her hands slip under the elastic waistband and he feels her palms against his ass as his shorts slide down his legs.

His cock springs out of its prison, begging to be sucked. But all she does is continue to tease it, licking around the head as it pulses and jerks to the tip of her tongue. "Oh God, baby, " Norm moans, "you're so much more than a whore."

She eases him into the chair and pulls his pants all the way off. His cock pulses out of control as she runs her lips up and down its length, not touching his skin, but just close enough he can feel her breath. She doesn't realize a half hour has already gone by, she's lost her sense of time.

She lets her intuition be her guide, the girl inside her is running the show. Norm sits at the edge of his seat in total amazement at what his whore can do. He knows he can't last much longer as she runs the tip of her tongue along his shaft. At this rate, he knows he'll never make it to the bed, but he doesn't care. His little bitch is perfecting the art of cock sucking, right before his eyes.

All she needs is little suggestions, she instinctively does the rest. As she finally takes his cock into her hot little mouth, he imagines the Jill of the future. She hasn't taken any of her clothes off, but he can see her naked girl body, with fully-developed feminine hips and ass swaying back and forth as she sucks. Beautiful tits hang from her chest, with succulent nipples offering themselves up to be touched and sucked.

Her lips are tightly wrapped around his cock now, taking him in a little bit deeper every time she goes down. He imagines what it's going to be like, fucking this little t-girl years from now. Once he feels his head pressing against her throat, it's all over for him. He can't hold it back as violent eruptions of cum race up his vein.

Jill holds him in her mouth, she knew he was going to cum before he did. Since she has a cock herself, she knows how sensitive the head can be after an orgasm. With her mouth full of cum, she runs her tongue up and down his spent member, but never touches his head as he slowly deflates.

She lets his cum seep down her throat, enjoying all the tingling sensations in her throat as it travels to her stomach. She doesn't let him loose until he's totally limp, then licks and kisses it as it lays against his skin. There isn't a trace of cum on it, she cleaned it all up inside her mouth.

She looks up at Norm and just grins. He grins back at her and is at a loss for words. She can't say anything either; she can only lay her head in his lap as he pets her like a kitten. She purrs to his touch, occasionally sticking her tongue out to lick his limp cock.

Norm checks his watch, she sucked him for an hour and a half. He looks down at his little beauty, dreaming of the day he'll be showing her off in front of his wealthy friends abroad.

Written by Jilluvscox
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