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When she invited her to take Jill's place, Allie knew Dani would probably like her first time at the Club. It was obvious after they had her in bed just hours after they first met. Dani's just as promiscuous with her sex as they are. Seeing her all sprawled out on the bed after being screwed three or four times, Allie remembers the first time she had sex with multiple men.

She leaves Dani basking in her ecstasy while she goes out to talk to Tony, who's packing things up in the main room. "How'd Dani like her first time with the guys?" he asks.

"I think she loved it."

"The guys certainly loved her. You should have heard them raving about her. Dani can come back anytime she wants."

"I think when she sees how much she made in tips, I'm pretty sure she'll want to come back. I'm going to have a talk with her first, just to make sure she understands what's she's getting into."

"Tell her a girl like her can do quite well, if she wants to go in that direction."

"We just met her, but if she starts spending time with me and Jill, she'll see how well we've done doing this kind of work."

"She's certainly got everything it takes. Get her in the Jacuzzi and tell her about the possibilities. By the way, how's our sweetheart Jill doing? Will we see her at Ladies' Night?"

"Jill's been having bad reactions from the estrogen. They say it could last a month, so I doubt she'll be able to make it. I'm hoping Dani will take her place. She's never had much money, so when I tell her how much we make on Ladies' Night, it just might be enough to get her hooked into our lifestyle."

"The Club would love that. She'd be a very nice addition for us, and of course, she'll be well rewarded. Anyways, I'll leave you for the night. Thanks again for bringing us such a beautiful young lady. Good luck with Dani, and tell Jill we love her."

Dani hasn't even moved when Allie comes back, and she's very much in a daze when Allie sits her up.

"Hey, sister..." Allie softly says, "the guys absolutely loved you. How does it feel?"

"Fuuuuck... only in my dreams did I think I'd ever be fucked like that."

"And you liked it?"

"I loved it, Allie. It felt so good to be with men who actually wanted me."

"Oh, they wanted you alright, Dani, and they'll want you again. I'm going to turn on the Jacuzzi, then we need to talk about a few things."

After getting the Jacuzzi going, she sits close and puts her arm around her. "I'm so happy you had a good time," she says. "I'm glad you finally got the kind of sex you've always wanted, because you've always deserved to have it.

"Let's think about what we just did, you and I. What do you feel best about, in this moment?"

"God, Allie, I don't know. I feel so many things. I feel so warm inside after being treated like a lady by so many men, all at once. I got their cum inside me, and I can still taste their cum in my mouth. I don't know Allie, I feel so dreamy. I don't know how I could feel better."

"I know how you could feel better. See your skirt laying there? Every guy who fucked you tonight, every guy you sucked off, left something for you. Look in your skirt pocket."

Dani reaches into the pocket, and pulls out a handful of $50 and $100 bills.

"Oh my God, Allie...! All this is for me?"

"Yes, my sister, it's all yours. Go ahead, count it. See how much the guys loved what you did for them."

Dani about blows her mind when she counts up $1050 in cash. "Fuck! I've never seen this much money at one time in my life!"

"It's all yours, sweetie, and you earned every penny of it. How much would you have made at your job tonight, giving $20 massages?"

"Fuck, I usually make sixty bucks on Saturdays, eighty if it's a good night."

"Baby, you just made more than ten times that much, and you had the time of your life. But we need to talk about all that money you just made...

"Listen carefully to me, this is important. What we just did, what we both did, do you know what it's called?"

"Yeah," she laughs, "it's called getting banged by a bunch of guys!"

"Yeah... you could call it that, but it's also called something else. Do you know what prostitution is?"

"Of course, it's what whores do."

"That's right. That's exactly what they do. And that's exactly what you just did. You just did what a whore does."

"Wait a minute... I'm not a whore."

"Well, this morning you weren't a whore, but tonight, you are. You just took money for sex. By definition, that makes you whore, and you can't ever undo what you just did.

"Now, you've already told me how much you loved it, and you've got a thousand dollars in your purse you didn't have three hours ago. I hope you'll want to have fun like this again, but you'll have to understand something. Now that you've done it as a whore, you'll always be a whore when you come here to have sex."

"Oh, wow... I knew Gary gave me money, but I didn't see the money the other guys gave me. I never thought of it as prostitution. I would have done it for free, I just wanted to have fun."

"Yeah, we could have done it for free, and it would have been fun. But in the morning, what would we be?  We'd be a couple of cheap, fuckin' sluts, and we'd be no better off tomorrow than we are tonight.

"You just did the same thing, and had the same fun, just like I've done a hundred times, but you did it as a whore. Now you've got a thousand dollars in your purse, and you're way better off than you were before you came into this room. These guys love a t-girl with a hot ass, and you just used your ass to earn yourself a thousand dollars.

"Listen, Dani, the guys you try to meet in bars, they laugh at you for what you are. The guys here, they love you for what you are. And I'm sure there's plenty of guys in Chicago just like these guys here.

"You haven't been getting the sex you want because you're trying to hang out with the wrong kind of guys. Stop kidding yourself. Guys in bars are looking for real girls, and t-girls like us can never compete with a real girl in a bar.

"If you wanna start getting the kind of sex you want, you're gonna have to start hanging out with guys who like t-girls. You're just not gonna find it if you keep going to straight bars."

"Yeah, I guess you've got a point there."

"I'm not trying to fuck with your head. I'm just being straight with you. Think about it. Think about where you've been looking for sex, and think about all the times you've felt like shit when men laughed at you. Just think about it, is all I'm saying.

"Look... the Jacuzzi's almost ready. Nothing feels better after getting fucked like that than relaxing in a nice, warm Jacuzzi. Except for maybe having a pretty, naked girl with us. Carla will be that naked girl. She'll be here later."

"What...? Your wife is joining us?"

"Yeah, since we've got the room all night, our wives always come over after work to join us. Before we get in the Jacuzzi though, we have to douche all this cum out of our pussies."

"Yuck...! Do we have to?"

"Well, you don't have to, if you don't mind getting all kinds of bacterial infections."


"Yes, really. If you wanna have sex like a whore, you'll have to learn how to keep your ass clean and healthy. One guy's cum isn't a big deal, but a bunch of guys' cum, all mixing together in your puss? That's a whole different ball game. C'mon, I'll show you how to do it. It's not that bad."

As Allie's showing her how to douche herself, Dani's thinking about what she just told her. She came here to have fun, get laid, maybe find a boyfriend. Becoming a whore never even entered her mind. Her mind's been frolicking off in la-la land, so it's hard to comprehend it all.

La-la land is a lovely place to be, and she decides to stay awhile. Allie was right about douching her ass. She feels clean and refreshed down there as she gets into the Jacuzzi. It's about the most relaxing feeling she could have imagined. It's even better when Allie joins her.

"How-ya feeling, my sister?"

"God, Allie, my body's never felt so good, but I'm trying to make sense out of everything you just told me, about being a whore. That word just doesn't sit right with me."

"It didn't sit well with me either, at first. But the more I did it, I realized that whore is just a word society uses to put us down for what we do. It's no different than the word queer. Me and Jill call each other whores all the time, and we laugh about it. We love what we do, and it doesn't hurt anyone.

"If society has a problem with it, then fuck 'em. We're so happy living as girls, but society puts us down for that, too. Why should we give a shit what society thinks about us?

"Anyways, let's not think about it right now, honey. There's plenty of time to think about it later. Let's just hold on to this feeling, cuz it's too good to waste. This is why we fuck men, Dani, so we can feel like this. And if those men want to give us money in return? Well, I'm not going to turn it down, are you?"

Allie smiles with her tongue fluttering out her half-open mouth like a viper, tempting Dani to come close. She's been under Allie's influence all night as she lead her into this erotic world of t-girl prostitution. In her la-la land state of mind, Dani's easily drawn into Allie's temptation.

There's a certain eroticism, being naked with another t-girl like this. For the moment, Dani forgets about everything she's just been told. Right now, she just wants to play.

Allie takes her to the middle of the Jacuzzi, where they stand on their knees and kiss. Only a week after meeting Jill and Allie, she finds herself in a sexual wonderland, and Dani's thinking maybe this is all meant to be.

She loves playing with Allie's cock, so much bigger than her own. "Why don't you just suck it?" Allie knows her desire. "You and I both know you want to, you little whore."

She doesn't have to answer, Allie's already getting on her feet. Water drips off her half-hard shaft as Dani takes it in her mouth. She delights in cock sucking. She thought about it years before she ever had sex.

Just out of high school, she was quite naive when she moved in with a gay man fifteen years her senior. He had a big influence on the way she thinks about sex during the year they were together. She used to love sucking his cock and surrendering her ass to him almost every night. She was a much different person then than she is now.

Back then, she thought she was a gay femme, but now she knows she's a t-girl. Thinking about how barren her sex life has been since breaking up with her gay lover, sucking Allie's cock makes her never want to return to those sexless times. She's mesmerized as she sucks Allie's cock, until there's a knock on the door.

"That must be Carla."

Dani doesn't say anything as Allie gets out to let Carla in. She's a bit disappointed to have her cock pacifier taken away, and a little apprehensive about Carla joining them. She really liked being with Carla this afternoon, but she's never been with a naked female before.

"Hey, baby," Allie kisses her, "how was work?"

"We were busy all night. I'm so ready for the Jacuzzi."

"Hi Dani," Carla starts undressing. "How did you like it?"

"I liked it a lot."

"I thought you would. Jill and Allie always love it when they come here."

Already, she can tell Carla's not like other girls, so unashamed as she nonchalantly undresses in front of someone she met only a few hours ago. Her tits look so beautiful, the first set of female breasts she's ever seen. She finds them a bit intimidating when Carla gets in the Jacuzzi and she compares them to her small t-girl titties.

"I see you looking at my tits," Carla giggles as she slides close to her.

"I'm sorry," Dani's a little embarrassed, "I couldn't help it."

"You don't have to be sorry. Go ahead and touch 'em, I don't mind. I know you want to. Can I touch yours?"

Female hands on her breasts give Dani thrills she wasn't expecting. She's never been attracted to girls, but she's suddenly very attracted to Carla. Her tits seem massive, compared to her own. Once she gets her hands on them, she can't let go.

Playing with each other's tits, they naturally start kissing. "Mmmm... you're a good kisser," Carla tells her.

"I never expected to do this with a girl," Dani confides.

"You've never been with a girl?"

"No, never. I never even wanted to."

"Why not? We don't bite."

"I don't know. I guess I've always been afraid they'd laugh at me if they saw how small I am."

"Dani's got a pretty little cock," Allie says to Carla.

"Can I see it?" Carla asks. "Stand up for me. Let's see what you look like."

Dani's a little embarrassed exposing her tiny prick to Carla. It's the first time a girl has ever seen it.

"See...? I'm not laughing at you," Carla says. "Just because your cock isn't huge, it doesn't mean it's not pretty. I think it's cute, Dani, just like you. Don't be ashamed of it. It makes you cute, and unique."

Dani doesn't know what to think when Carla kisses the head of her cock. She's been a bottom all her life, and has only been sucked a couple times. The gay man she spent a year with sucked her a few times when he was trying to get her to move in with him, but never sucked her again after she moved in.

He made her think of her cock as a tiny piece of useless flesh. He always told her if he could figure out a way for her to pee, he'd have it cut off. He trained her to see her ass as her only way to orgasm. She loved to be fucked so much, she believed everything he said. He didn't like women, and kicked her out when she started wearing female clothes. It turned out to be a good thing in the long run, because that's when she discovered her true female self.

She feels things in her cock she's never felt before as Carla shows her what it's like to be sucked by female lips. She looks at Allie, wondering if it's okay for her to be doing these things with her wife. Carla's made her stiff as a board as she licks up and down her four-and-a-half-inch length. She flicks her tongue around the head like she does with Rosy's clit, and Dani can't help but moan with pleasure.

"You like the way my wife sucks?" Allie grins at her.

"Oh God..." she moans, "I've had so many new things happen to me today."

"It's all good, Dani, you've been going without far too long."

"I know I have," she laments, "it's so lonely going to bed alone."

"You don't have to be lonely with us," Carla stands up to kiss her. "Would you like a taste of pussy?"

"But your Allie's wife."

"Go ahead," Allie consents, "Carla and I are married, but we're both free to be with anyone we want, as long we're not alone with the opposite sex. You've never had a woman, here's your chance. I bet Carla will even let you fuck her."

"I would," Carla confirms. "I'd like you to, as a matter of fact. You need to know what a girl feels like. Allie told me how good you are in bed. I'd like to find out for myself."

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"But I was being a girl when I was in bed with Allie."

"Come be a girl with me, Dani," Carla kisses her, "you can use your cock and still be a girl. Allie and Jill do it all the time. C'mon, baby, let's go over to the bed. It's time for you to learn about pussy."

Dani's mind is spinning as Carla dries her off and sucks her cock a little more. Allie's watching as Carla takes her to bed, thinking this is the best thing that could be happening. Saturating Dani's mind with so much sex, she'll be addicted to their lifestyle in no time.

Allie's so turned on, seeing Carla spreading her legs for Dani. Carla's really turned on herself, having sex outside their marriage the first time, and doing it in front of Allie. Dani's not sure what to feel, staring at Carla's pussy without a clue.

"Go ahead, Dani," Carla helps her along, "have a taste."

"I don't know what to do."

"Just run your tongue along here," Carla shows her where to lick.

She pulls back the hood covering her clit. "This little nub right here," she shows her, "this is my clit. Suck it just like you would a cock. Once you get into it, you'll know what to do."

Carla and Allie grin at each other as Dani gets her first taste of pussy. Dani's a little clumsy at first, but after a minute or two, she figures out what to do. Her male instincts haven't completely gone away, and she forgets all about Carla being Allie's wife.

Carla's really liking what her little apprentice pussy eater is doing. She's not as good as Allie, but she's learning fast as she buries her tongue into her cunt. Carla's plenty wet enough to give Dani her first fuck, but she's in no hurry as she watches Dani enjoying herself.

"How's our little bitch doing over there?" Allie asks.

"She's picking it up faster than you did," Carla snickers.

"I told you she was good."

"Why don't you join us?" Carla invites.

"I think I will. I'd like to taste some Dani-cock."

It takes Allie a few minutes to get herself dried off, but Dani's still got her nose buried in Carla's pussy when she joins them. She spreads Dani's knees apart as she lies on her back between her legs. Dani's stiff little cock springs to her touch as it gets closer to her mouth.

"Spread your legs a little farther apart, Dani. Be a hot little bitch and fuck me between my lips."

Dani's cock has never been so hard as Allie flutters her tongue all over her short little shaft. What she lacks in size, she makes up for in cuteness. She pumps her little cock into Allie's mouth, warming herself up for Carla's pussy.

"Oooo, yeah, Dani," Carla yells. "Give it to us girl, show us what you can do, you hot little bitch."

"Oh God," Dani pants, "I think I'm gonna cum pretty soon."

"You better not cum in Allie's mouth," Carla warns, "I'll be disappointed if you do."

"Maybe I should fuck you now."

"Anytime you want, little lady. I've been ready for it a while, but I'll enjoy your hot t-girl tongue as long as you want to lick me."

"I better do it now," Dani says, "I might cum any second."

She gets her little cock close to Carla's pussy, ready to put it in when Allie tells her to hold up for a second.

"Here's a little tip," she tells Dani. "Your cock is so aroused, you might blow the moment you get inside her. Take a little break. Suck on her tits and let your cock settle down. You'll last longer, and Carla will enjoy it more."

Dani's in love with Carla's tits as she sucks on each nipple. Her female body offers lots of little erotic pleasures for a t-girl who's never had a girl before. After a few minutes of making love to Carla's voluptuous breasts, her cock has settled down enough she can slip it in without instantly cumming.

"How does it feel having pussy wrapped around your cute little cock?" Carla asks as she locks her legs around Dani.

"I think I love pussy," Dani starts to fuck.

"Go slow at first," Carla coaches, "you want to make it last as long as you can."

Dani fucks real slow, but her male-side has never had sex before, and she doesn't last more than a minute. Her orgasm feels different than any she's had before, cumming inside an actual female body. She's exhausted as she lays her head on Carla's tits.

"That was good for your first time," Carla pets her. She never came close to orgasm, but she faked it to give Dani confidence.

"What a day," Dani says, barely able to hold her head up. "I'm so tired. What time it is?"

"It's one-thirty," Allie checks the clock."

"Shit, I've been up a long time."

"What time did you wake up this morning?"

"Four o'clock. I was so excited about coming, I woke up before my alarm."

"No wonder you're tired. You've had a big day."

"Yeah, a really big day. I can't believe all the sex I've had. Thank you, Carla, for letting me do that."

"It was my pleasure, you little cutie-pie. I'll let do it again next time you visit us. Lay your cute body between me and Allie and get some sleep. We'll talk in the morning."

Snuggled up between them, Dani crashes out in minutes. Allie looks at her as she sleeps, so happy she and Jill met her, and happy Carla's taken a liking to her. She's pretty confident Dani's well on her way to becoming a fine whore.


In the morning, Dani sleeps long after Carla and Allie wake up. Carla tells Allie to shower by herself so she can shower with Dani. While Allie's getting cleaned up, Carla calls home and Rosy says Jill's feeling well enough to join them for brunch.

She gives Dani little kisses to wake her from her sleep, then takes her into the shower. "Did you sleep well?" she asks.

"I did. I feel so wonderful this morning. I think I dreamed about sex all night."

"You had a smile on your face when I woke you up. You looked happy."

As Carla rubs a bar of soap over Dani's body, she thinks about Jill and Allie a year from now. Playing with Dani's tits gives her a glimpse into the kind of lovers her husbands will be as the estrogen develops their bodies. She spends extra time on her little tits, and especially enjoys fondling her cute little cock again.

When it's Dani's turn to wash Carla, she can't resist making love to her tits one more time. As she sucks on her nipples, she thinks about getting her implants. So far, the cost of breast augmentation has made it impossible to even consider, but if she decides to become a whore like Jill and Allie, it'll soon be within her reach.

They're giggling like little girls coming out of the shower. Dani feels Carla's affection as she caresses her with a dry towel and sits her down to make up her face.

"When I dropped Rosy off at the apartment last night," Carla says, "I went in and got your everyday clothes."

"Thanks, babe," Allie says, "I forgot to bring them with us."

"I felt so sexy being dressed up like that last night," Dani says. "I'm gonna hate putting my grubbies back on."

"Do you always dress like that?" Carla asks, "In your grubbies?"

"Pretty much. I don't have a lot of money to spend on clothes, and even if I did, I wouldn't know what to buy."

"If you come back to the Club, like we talked about last night," Allie mentions, "you'll have enough money to buy all the clothes you want."

"I'm thinking about it, Allie, believe me, I'm really thinking about it."

"Me and Rosy can show you how to shop for clothes," Carla says.

"Being with you and Rosy has really opened my eyes," Dani says. "My body is becoming female, but I really don't know much about being a girl. There's so much more I need to learn."

"Keep coming to see us. Me and Rosy would love to teach you everything you need to know."


As they ride down the elevator to meet Jill and Rosy for brunch, Dani's a different person than she was when she rode up the elevator with Allie yesterday. She has a new spring in her step, and an aura of happiness all around her.

Jill sees it as soon as they meet at the buffet. "How was it?"

"It was wonderful, Jill. I learned so much about myself last night."

"That's kinda how I felt after my first time. I didn't know what I was missing, until I got it."

"God, I always wanted to know what it's like to get gang banged, now I know."

"I can tell you really liked it, Dani, but last night wasn't a gang bang. Far from it."

"Then what was it?"

"It was just a little group sex. The real gang bang happens in two weeks. You haven't been gang banged until you've taken on fifteen or twenty guys in one night."

"Oh my God, I never imagined."

"It's open for you, if you want to try it. I probably won't be feeling well enough to do it in two weeks. If you take my place, you can make a lot of money. This kind of work can be a lot of fun."

"Allie talked to me about it last night. I'm thinking about it, but I'm not sure I want to go down that road."

"You mean about being a whore?"

"Yeah, what if people find out?"

"The only way people will find out is if you tell 'em. The guys certainly aren't going to tell anyone they paid to have sex with a t-girl. I felt a little guilty about it when I first started, but I was making so much money, the guilt went away fast."

"The money is nice, that's for sure. I can't believe I made a thousand dollars last night."

"If you come to the gang bang in two weeks, you'll make three thousand dollars."

"What...? Are you kidding? That much?"

"Yes, that much, I'm not kidding."

"Fuck, I could afford to get my implants. I'm gonna have to seriously think about this."

"This lifestyle's definitely not for everyone, but if you come into it, you'll be able to afford anything you want. It sure beats giving $20 massages. Take your time, Dani, let your intuition tell you what to do. Only you know what's right for you.

"Anyways, you're probably starved after last night. Let's get something to eat. This buffet is the best around."

As she's filling her plate with delicious food, Dani's thinking about how many $20 massages she'd have to do to get the thousand dollars she earned last night. Becoming a whore is starting to look good to her, but she takes Jill's advice and tries not to think about it right now.

As she eats, she's surprised at how hungry she is. Having that much sex took it's toll on her energy. She doesn't say much as she gorges herself and listens to the others talking.

"Are you feeling better today?" Carla asks Jill.

"My arm feels a lot better, but I still really feel like shit. I only came for brunch because I was so tired of sitting around the apartment."

"I noticed you didn't put much on your plate. Is your stomach still upset?"

"Yeah, it is. If it wasn't for your chicken soup, I might have starved last week."

"That's how I was my first month on estrogen," Dani shares.

"I hope this shit doesn't last a month."

"All the girls I know who got sick stayed sick for a month."

"I talk with Josie sometimes," Jill says, "and she said her estrogen sickness lasted a month."

"Everyone's does."

"That means Jill won't be up for the next meeting in two weeks?" Allie asks.

"Probably not,"  Dani confirms.

"You know, Dani, if you'd like to take Jill's place again, the guys would love to have you. There's more money to be made at the next meeting. There'll be more guys there."

"Yeah, Jill just told me about it."

"Are you interested?"

"Of course I'm interested, but I'm going to have to think about if I really want to do this again. The thought of being a whore is so new to me right now."

"Take your time, Dani," Jill says, "Don't think you have to. It takes a certain kind of girl to do this kind of work. If it's not for you, we'll still always be close friends like we are now.

"If I still feel shitty like I do now, I know I won't be going in two weeks. And now that we're on full doses of estrogen, it might get worse before it gets better.

"I was wanting to go out to look at our new house today, but I feel too shitty to even do that."

"I would have liked to get a look inside the house before me and Allie talk to her sissy-master about it tomorrow," Carla says, "but it's okay if you don't feel well."

"Allie's sissy-master?" Dani chuckles.

"Carla's just being a smart-ass," Allie laughs. "This guy I date likes me to dress up like a sissy when we go out. He's a home builder and he's gonna do our remodeling."

"So you date him and he's going to remodel your house?"

"Yeah, the guys we date do a lot for us. One of the guys Jill dates is a big real estate guy. He found the house for us. We bought it before it even went on the market."

"Did it take a lot of money?"

"Well, actually," says Jill, "the Club is basically buying this house for us."

"Really...? Why?"

"Because they're addicted to us, that's why. Once you get a guy addicted to your ass, you can get him to do almost anything you want. Being a rich man's whore gives you lots of advantages, more than you'd think."


"Anyone want to smoke a joint?" Allie says when they get back to the apartment. 

"I better not," Dani says, "I've got a long drive ahead of me. It's been such a good weekend in so many ways, and I've had a wonderful time, but I better get on the road."

Dani gets her things and Carla has her arm around her as they walk to the door.

"It was great getting to know to you," she says. "Make sure you come back soon. Remember, I promised to give you something special again next time you come to visit."

"Thank you for last night, Carla, that was so sweet of you."

Carla gives her a kiss that lasts so long, they almost start making out. Rosy sees how they're kissing, and it's obvious to her that Carla let Dani fuck her last night. She figures it's probably only a matter of time before Dani's in bed with her and Jill, too.

It's a pleasant thing to think about. She and Carla have been talking lately about being open to exploring the sexual freedoms they have in this open marriage. They've even talked about a couple lesbian girls at work they both like.


Driving along the interstate on her way home, Dani's got a lot on her mind. She's always short on cash, so it's really nice having an extra thousand dollars in her purse. And after being sex-starved for so long, her body feels so good from all the sex she got last night.

At the same time, she's not sure she wants to get into prostitution. It's a decision she never thought she'd ever have to make. She'll have to do some serious soul-searching before she realizes she's already crossed that line. For now, she just enjoys how wonderful she feels as she remembers what Allie told her last night:

"Just hold on to this feeling, cuz it's too good to waste. This is why we fuck men, Dani, so we can feel like this. And if those men want to give us money in return? Well, I'm not going to turn it down, are you?"

Written by Jilluvscox
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