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Rosy often wonders how it would feel to be the only female in a room full of horny men, knowing they're about to sexually use her any way they pleased. She's always loved to be dominated in bed. Feeling helpless is one of her big turn-ons. It's only natural she has thoughts about being gang-banged, even though she'd probably never do such a thing.

For her husbands, Jill and Allie, it's something they do every month. They're very good at it, actually, and they've just finished doing another one tonight. When she and Carla got home from work an hour ago, they were surprised when Jill called and asked if they'd like to come over to spend the night in the hotel room with them.

Of course, they say they'll be right over. Relaxing with them in the in-room Jacuzzi sounded very appealing. Rosy just wants to be with her Jill again. Carla, with her inquisitive personality, wants to see where they do these monthly gang bangs, especially the bed they do it on.

"Do you think they'll look any different?" Carla wonders as they get off the elevator and walk down the hallway to their suite.

"I dunno, why would they?"

"Cuz... they just got screwed a whole bunch of times, that's why."

"I don't see how that would make them look any different than they did this morning. You won't have to wait long to find out, here's their door."

Jill and Allie are just getting out of the shower when Rosy knocks on the door. Jill puts a towel around herself, just in case it's a maid knocking and not their wives. She's thrilled to see Rosy's face through the crack in the door and unlatches the security chain to let them in.

"Hi girls!" she opens the door. "Welcome to our dressing room."

"Thanks for calling us up," Carla says. "I've always wondered where you have these things."

Allie's still drying herself when she comes out of the shower area. "Goodie, goodie! Our babes are here!"

"Hi, baby," Carla hugs her, "how do you feel?"

"Tired as hell, we let it go on way too long tonight. It's good we were able to get a shower before you got here."

"I wasn't sure how you were gonna look, after what you just did."

"Except for our wet hair, I hope we look the same. You wouldn't have wanted to see us an hour ago, though. We were a fuckin' mess."

"I bet. Is that the Jacuzzi over there?"

"Yeah, I just turned the water on before we got in the shower. It'll be a while before it's ready."

"So is this where all the hot action takes place?" Carla's getting very curious.

"No, there's a larger room attached to this one. When we're having our mid-month meetings, we do it in here."

"I wanna see your underwear," Carla giggles.

"I have no idea where our panties are, but the nylons and bras are in a plastic bag in the bathroom. Come, I'll show you."

"Geez-Louise!" Carla laughs when she sees the cum-soaked lingerie. "They're soaked!"

"Now you know why we buy new stuff every time we do one of these."

"No shit. Those are beyond ruined."

"You wanna see the other room?" Allie asks.

"You mean the... 'fuck' room?" she giggles.

"Yeah, I guess you could call it that. We call it the main room, and this is the side room."

"I don't care what you call it, I wanna see it."

The first thing that catches the girls' eyes when they step into the main room is the bed on the far wall, with the bedspread pulled back and mostly on the floor. As they walk towards it, Rosy can't help but notice all the wet spots concentrated in two separate areas of the carpet. She's surprised Carla hasn't already seen it and asked about it. She's assuming it's cum on the carpet, but she's content not to have to know.

There's no doubt what the wet spots on the bed are. Puddles of cum that were there earlier have soaked into the sheets, leaving two large, wet circles on each end of the bed where their asses were.

Curious Carla immediately starts asking questions like... "How many guys did you fuck...? And for how long? Was everyone standing around the bed watching you get fucked?"

It's good Carla's asking these questions now, next to the bed where it all happened. If she didn't, the part of her personality that doesn't trust men would eat at her and blow everything out of proportion if she held these questions inside... unasked and unanswered.

Jill and Allie have nothing to hide from their wives, and they're not embarrassed to answer every one of her questions honestly and candidly. Carla soon runs out of questions. She doesn't have as many as she thought. She walks away from the bed with no negative feelings about it, and the trust between her and her husbands has just been strengthened.

Rosy doesn't have any questions at all. This is a part of her husbands' lives she doesn't care to know too much about. She's not all that concerned about what they do with their men. She knows they'll always be in love with her, no matter what goes on at these parties.

When they get near the snack table, Jill asks, "Is anyone hungry?"

"I could eat something," says Rosy.

"I probably could too." Carla concurs.

"Help yourself to these expensive hors d'oeuvres," Allie offers.

"Mmmm... these are good," Rosy samples a few.

"Oh yeah, these are sooo good," Carla agrees, "do you have any idea how much this shit costs?"

"We don't care. It isn't costing us anything," Jill tells them. "The guys always leave the leftovers for the maids."

"Grab yourselves a plate full and let's go back to the side room where it's warmer," Allie says. "The Jacuzzi is probably ready."

The Jacuzzi is perfect when they get back. Jill and Allie jump right in since they're already naked. Carla and Rosy take off their coats, and when Rosy lays hers on the bed, she notices the big manilla envelope.

"What's in the envelope?" she asks.

"Our money," Jill tells her.

"Money for what you did tonight?"

"Yeah, we don't let 'em use us for free," she chuckles.

"How much is in there?"

"Six thousand dollars," Carla says.

"Bingo!" Allie laughs. "We told you we're not cheap whores."

"How did you know how much was in there?" Rosy asks Carla.

"Jill told me how much they make the other night when we talked about it."

"And you didn't you tell me?"

"I thought you knew. And you didn't ask."

"So now know that you know," Jill asks, "what do you think?"

"I think that's a shitload of money. I had no idea you make this much. I think I love being married to you two sweethearts way more than I did before if that's even possible. I already loved you both with all my heart and soul."

"We know you do. That money belongs to the four of us. It's yours and Carla's just as much as it's mine and Allie's. Now... how's about you two get naked and join us in the Jacuzzi? The water feels great."

As the girls undress, Jill and Allie feast their eyes again on the gorgeous bodies of the women they love. They'll never get tired of looking at them. The women they love show their love when they get in the water and press those gorgeous bodies against their skin.

They each straddle the husband they're married to and cover them with kisses. The girls are eager for sex, but Jill and Allie are way too burned out for any of that. "I hope you aren't real horny tonight," Allie warns, "I'm afraid me and Jill are all fucked out."

"We understand, sweetheart, we knew you'd be tired. Me and Rosy were kinda planning on doing our own thing tonight. That is until you called."

"Don't let us stop you, babe. Sex in the Jacuzzi can be a beautiful thing if you don't mind us watching."

"Do we mind them watching?" Carla asks Rosy.

"Isn't marriage about sharing everything?" she responds.

"Yup, it is. I've been thinking about you sharing your sweet little pussy with me all day."

"You want it? You know where it is, and you know can have it."

Without even thinking, they push off their husbands' laps and float to the center of the Jacuzzi. Allie flips the switch to turn on the jets as the two girls embrace and get into some heavy, passionate kissing. They stand up in the bubbling water and give their husbands an erotic show as they kiss and suck on each other's nipples.

Carla gets into a dominant mindset, forcing herself on Rosy and kissing her hard. Rosy loves it and lets herself fall under her spell by letting her head and arms fall back as her girl lover eases her back in the water. She floats face-up as the bubbles and Carla's lips caress her. With her arms over her head, Allie takes her hands and pulls her over to where she and Jill are sitting.

Jill gives her a kiss, and it can't stop there. It isn't long before Jill's holding her head above the water, kissing her as passionately as she and Carla were kissing before. Allie gets into the fun, lifting her back until her petite little titties are above water where she can make love to them. Rosy's getting really turned from what her husbands are doing, but the best is yet to come.

On her knees in the center of the Jacuzzi, Carla's caressing her inner thighs and getting real close to her pussy. With her husbands making love to the top half of her body, Rosy's more willing than ever to let Carla play between her legs.

The buoyancy of the water makes it easy for Carla to put her hands under Rosy's firm ass and hold her up as she licks her girlfriend's private places. Except, Rosy's private places are no longer private in this marriage, and she loves the way the three of them are making love to her all at once.

Carla's head bobs above and below the waterline, eagerly licking Rosy's puss as it floats up and down with the motion of the water. The moving currents gently caress the delicate folds of pussy pussy flesh, making the sensations of where Carla's tongue has been lingering, long after she moves on to lick other parts of her womanhood.

Rosy keeps her moans to herself, afraid of getting water up her nose if she breaths in too fast. Carla's already had to stop licking several times to blow the water out of her sinuses. When Carla senses she's about to peak, she puts her legs over her shoulders and lifts her ass as high as she can. She dives back in to get her off, burying her tongue into her half-submerged cunt.

Almost as if their minds are connected with Carla's, Allie sucks her nipples harder than ever and Jill plunges her tongue deep into her mouth in a way Rosy can't move. The feeling of complete domination by her three marriage partners sends her over the edge.

Jill presses her mouth hard against hers as orgasmic sensations ripple through her. She can hardly move as her three lovers hold her while her fantastic orgasm runs its course. Jill still kisses as the others let go, and helps Rosy get upright against the Jacuzzi wall.

"Oh my God, you guys," she can barely say, "I can't tell you how good that felt."

"We could tell how good it was by the way you were shaking," says Allie.

Allie flips the jets off so it can get quiet enough to talk.

"Just think," Jill says, "when we get into our new house, we're gonna have our own Jacuzzi, better than this one."

"That's gonna be so nice," Rosy says, "what did I ever do to deserve being married to you three?"

"You deserve to be married to us because you're always being your beautiful little self," Jill kisses her. "You've taught me so much about being in love. You bring your beauty into this marriage and sprinkle it all over us."

"Awe... Jill, what a nice thing to say."

"I'm getting really sleepy," Allie says, "I'm gonna have to get out and lie down."

"What time is it?" Carla wonders.

Allie checks the clock by the bed, "It's two-thirty."

"Oh wow, it's late, we better get some sleep."

They all get out of the Jacuzzi and get dried off. Just to make sure they don't sleep too late, Jill calls the hotel desk to get a wake-up call at nine o'clock."

The hotel bed is an extra king-size, and they all fit comfortably under the covers with plenty of room. Carla and Rosy face each other in the middle, with their husbands holding them on the sides. Jill and Allie crash out almost immediately, while Carla and Rosy stay awake another fifteen minutes, kissing and fingering each other until they too, fall into a deep sleep.


When the hotel desk calls their room at nine a.m. the next morning, Jill answers and has to fight herself to not rollover and go back to sleep. She shakes her three lovers a few times until she hears a few mumblings, but they all go back to sleep while she gets up to make a pot of in-room coffee.

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"Hey Rosy-love," she gives her a shake, "Time to get up, sweetheart. I got some coffee ready."

"Ok, baby, gimme a sec."

Rosy manages to get up after Jill gives her a few sips of coffee. Before she gets out of bed, she shakes Carla until she promises not to go back to sleep. She's sitting up when Jill and Rosy get in the shower, but Allie still isn't showing any intention of waking up anytime soon.

The shower does wonders to help wake them up, and Rosy hugs her husband as they stand under the warm water. "I'm so glad you had us come over last night," she tells Jill. "It was really good for Carla to see where you do it. I liked how you two answered her questions when you showed us the gang bang bed."

"We just told her what we did. It was easy."

"It's always easy to tell the truth," Rosy says. "Let me tell you something about Carla. It's part of her nature to suspect men of being dishonest with her. She's always looking for it. Even though you two are girls, there'll always be a male part of you she's always going to be testing, to see if you're lying to her.

"It's nothing personal, it's just how she is. The way you two were so honest with her last night, I think you really earned a lot of her trust."

"She doesn't trust us already?"

"She does. She really believes she does. I'm just telling you about a part of her she can't control. She doesn't even know when she's doing it. It's just something you should be aware of, so when she starts asking questions like that, you'll know what she's doing, even though she's probably not aware she's even doing it."

"How did you feel about it...? When we showed you the bed."

"I felt fine about it. To tell the truth, I don't really care what you do here. It's a part of your life where you should be able to do whatever you want, without me standing over you giving my opinion on what you should or shouldn't be doing.

"What we do in bed is personal to me, and just between us. So when you're with a guy, or like last night, a lot of guys, it's probably personal to you, too. You can tell me about it if you want, but I have no desire, or need, to know all the little details of your sex life when you're being a girl with a man.

"I know you're in love with me, that's all I need to know. Except there's one thing I was wondering about last night," her face lightens up and she giggles a little before she says it. "Were those cum stains on the carpet last night?"

"Yeah," Jill admits, "that's where we sucked the guys off. They get in a circle around us, and we go around trying to make 'em cum before we get on the bed."

"I thought so. I bet you really liked it."

"I did. I always do. I love just letting myself go so the girl inside me can come out and play."

"That girl inside you is coming out more and more. I've been noticing a difference in you and Allie since you've been taking those pills."

"Really? We haven't noticed any difference at all."

"Me and Carla have. It's not like you're more girl than you were, it's more like you're less male. The boy part of you is disappearing, and it seems like it's letting your girl-side come out more."

"Wow, that's good to know."

Just then Carla yells into the bathroom, "Hey you two, how about getting your asses out of the shower so me and Allie can take one?"

They didn't realize they'd been in there so long. When they step out of the shower, Carla laughs as she says to Rosy, "We thought you'd never get out. How many times did Jill fuck you in there?"

"I'll never tell," Rosy giggles.

It's a little after eleven by the time everyone's cleaned up and all the whore clothes are packed up and loaded in the car. The brunch buffet is still going strong when they get in the short line. All four girls are dressed in jeans and blouses, with Jill and Allie wearing their slut boots.

They still have their fake fingernails glued on from last night, and the girls made up their faces without the false eye lashes so they look very feminine, but not a bit slutty. It makes them feel like they fit right into society as they mingle in close quarters going through the buffet line. They've been faithfully doing their voice exercises every day, so they're not a bit nervous about talking and giving away their birth gender when they speak.

The food tastes excellent, as it always does at this quality hotel. They don't say much while they're eating, but towards the end of the meal Allie wonders, "What do we wanna do today?"

"Nothing too strenuous," Jill says, "after last night, we're gonna be tired all day. You know what I think we should do? I think we should go to the mall and look for wedding rings."

"Good idea," Allie agrees, "I forgot all about getting rings."

"So did I," says Carla. "Ya know...? I'm not so sure we even need them. I mean, we know we're married. What's the big deal about wearing a ring? What do you think, Rosy?"

"I think it's a big deal to have a wedding ring. I want to have something I can always look at to remind myself who I love and what I'm living for. I wanna show the girls at work my ring. I want the whole world to know I'm a married woman. I think every girl, deep inside, wants to wear a wedding ring. Think about it, Carla, tell yourself the truth, I think you want one."

"I know I want to wear a ring," Jill speaks up, "for all the reasons Rosy just said."

"Me too," Allie agrees. "let's go to the mall."

"OK," Carla says, "looks like I'm outnumbered, let's go get our rings."


The stores at the mall are just opening up and they're able to find two parking spaces close to the entrance. There are three jewelry stores in the mall, and they spend time in each one, looking at every ring they have before they settle on the perfect one.

They choose a gold band with leaf-patterned engravings all around. What makes these rings so special is there will be four diamonds embedded in the gold, to represent each of the lovers in this very unique, and very special marriage.

They don't feel awkward at all, going in as four girls buying four wedding rings. The store owner, if he thinks it's a little strange, certainly isn't showing it. He's just elated to make such a nice sale so early in the day. The price tag says $500 each, but Jill uses her bullshitting skills to talk it down to $400, which is still not a cheap ring in 1975. They happily pay the $1600 out of the cash they got from the gang bang last night.

Rosy's the happiest of them all. After she read the book and learned how to make herself pregnant with a desire; she kept her desire for them to be married in her heart until it happened. Having a ring to wear around her finger for the rest of her life symbolizes her dream come true. She can't wait to pick them up after the jeweler gets them sized and embeds the diamonds.

Since they're already at the mall and don't have anything else to do, Jill and Allie take the girls on a clothes-buying spending spree. They have a ball going from store to store, picking up clothes they could never afford before. Jill remembers how thrilled she was after her first gang bang, coming to the mall with Allie and buying a new TV she could never have afforded before becoming a whore. It warms her heart to be able to give her wives that same thrill today.

They both want to get a pair of slut boots like their husband's, but Jill and Allie tell them to wait. There are way better boots at the Naughty Lady store, and it'll be something fun they can do on another day.

The girls are getting more comfortable spending money like this. Getting used to having money is coming easier after they've seen how much their gang-bang husbands/whores get paid for what they do. Carla trusts them like she's never trusted any man before. She hasn't asked a single question about the gang bang all morning.

They've got more sacks of new clothes than they can carry by the time they get back to their cars. As the girls drive home in their own car, they talk about how much fun they just had. This is more clothes than they've ever bought in one day their entire lives. They talk about how good it feels to not have to be poor anymore, and they're still giddy about it when they get home.

The sacks of clothes get thrown on the living room floor as they sit on the couch to rest. The first thing Allie does, of course, is to roll a joint. She and Jill, still recovering from last night, got really tired walking around the mall for three hours. They're fading fast as they pass the joint, and before they finish smoking it, they're both passed out.

Rosy puts on some soft music and she and Carla get busy cutting all the tags off their new clothes so they can get them in the washer. "Can you believe they bought us all these new clothes?" she says to Carla.

"I can believe it, but I never would have dreamed it. It seems like every day they give me more reasons to be in love with them."

"How did you feel about them getting banged like that last night?"

"I feel good. I'm not jealous about it at all. I thought it was funny seeing their ruined nylons. Oh my God... I've never seen so much cum in my life!"

"Yeah, that was something else. Did they look different to you like you were wondering before we got there?"

"No, not really, except they seemed more satisfied and content than they usually are. It was so easy for them to talk about it when I asked them about what they did."

"That's because they're so honest with us. They're not like men at all when it comes to honesty."

"Yeah, I really appreciated that. I don't think I'll be asking about it too much anymore."

"I think they'd appreciate that. This is a part of their life we should probably stay out of. Let them have their own private sex lives when they're with their men. They can tell us about it if they want, but we shouldn't be prying into it."

"I think you're right. I know it takes me a while, but after last night, I trust them completely."

Rosy leans over to give her girl lover a kiss. "You know what big sister? Every day you give me more reasons to love you, too."

"I can think of a million reasons to love you right now."

"Well, it looks like our husbands are going to be conked-out all day. That means we get to play!"

"You know I'm always game. Let's get this first load in the washer and have some fun!"

While they're waiting for the first washer cycle to complete, they go back to the living room and make out on the bean-bag chairs. Their blouses are unbuttoned and open when they go back to put the first load in the dryer.

They kiss in front of the washer and end up throwing each other's bras and blouses into the second load. They're really turned on when the second wash load is finished, and they throw their jeans into the third load, coming back to the living as two naked girls. By the time the third wash is done, they've eaten each other out and given each other a couple of orgasms as their husbands sleep on the couch, oblivious to everything they've been doing.

They have such a wonderful time running around the apartment nude, folding their new clothes, and claiming a space of their own in the boy closet to hang their clothes until their house is ready to move into.

They wake up their husbands later on when Carla makes a light dinner, but they can barely stay awake long enough to eat. They don't mind undressing them and putting them in bed for the night. They're still really horny for each other and know the rest of the evening is theirs to play.

They can't remember how many times they ate each other out in the living before finally going to bed. All they know is their pussies are well satisfied and they've just had one of the best days they can remember. There'll be many more days like this in the months and years ahead.

Once they get moved to the country, it's going to be a longer drive to get home. With the girls working on the same weekend nights their husbands do their gang bangs, coming to the hotel to spend the night afterward is something they'll be doing every other weekend from now on.

It'll just be one more special thing they'll have to look forward to as they get more into married life.

Written by Jilluvscox
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