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Waking up before Allie this morning, Jill sees the door to the other bedroom is half-way open as she makes her way to the kitchen. Peeking in on her wives Carla and Rosy, she smiles at the way they're snuggled under the covers, locked in a lover's embrace. It's the first time they've slept same-sex since they got married, and Jill hopes they had as much fun last night as she and Allie did.

She makes a pot of coffee and enjoys some quiet time by herself, but knows she can't afford to sit around too long. She picked up a week's worth of new lube orders yesterday, and they need to be filled. She would like to have worked on them last night, but they had much more important things to do.

They finally got the dreaded 'coming out' letters to their parents out of the way, then went over to Steve's house to begin the process of legally changing their names. It was fun when she and Allie took Steve to bed afterwards; they'd both had a stressful time writing those letters. Getting fucked by a real man again reminded them both of the girls they've become and girls they still want to be. So she's feeling pretty good about things as the caffeine gets her brain alert.

She had to get up to pee again last night, and for the second night in a row, she couldn't get back to sleep. She's a little tired being up so early again, but it doesn't stop her from working on her lube orders. She starts opening envelopes and has quite a stack of dollar bills sitting next to the order forms when Rosy and Carla come out of the bedroom.

"Good morning, sweet husband," Rosy says.

"Good morning, my two sweet wives."

"Mornin' Jillie-love," Carla kisses and brushes a nipple across her lips. "I can't wait to sleep with you tonight."

"Mmmm yeah," Jill kisses her tit. "Tonight's our night to snuggle."

"We'll be doing a lot more than snuggling."

"Did you and Rosy have fun last night?"

"Oh yessss...! We needed to have just-girl sex again," Carla says.

"I know what you mean. Me and Allie needed male sex last night, and we got plenty of it. I'm a little tired, but I feel good today."

"Whatcha doing on the table?" Rosy asks.

"Just working on lube orders. I'm way behind since we were gone all last week."

"I can help. What can I do?"

"If you want, you can open envelopes. The dollar bills go on this stack and the order forms go here. If you do that, I can start addressing shipping envelopes."

"I'll make breakfast while you're doing that," Carla offers.

"I don't know what's in the fridge," Jill says, "we've been gone a week."

"Hmmm..." Carla looks in the refrigerator, "here's some eggs... and this milk isn't sour yet. I can whip us up some pancakes."

"Carla can make a meal out of nothing," Rosy praises.

Allie comes into the living room rubbing her eyes.

"Morning, sleepyhead," Carla laughs.

"Allie's always the last one to get up," Jill teases.

"Hey... I was tired last night."

"Yeah," Carla laughs, "we saw what you two were doing when we got home last night."

"You saw us?" Jill asks.

"We didn't just see you," Rosy giggles, "we had to watch a few minutes. You two were so cute making love like that."

"I was horny for cock," Allie says. "After we got back from Steve's last night, I had to have more."

"Steve the lawyer? The one who dates you?" Carla is quick to ask.

"Yeah, we went to his house to get the paperwork started to get our names changed."

"And you went to bed with him, I suppose?"

"Well, yeah, we had to thank him," Allie says rather nonchalantly.

"I guess so..." Carla gulps, a bit taken aback. "I guess I'm going to have to get used to this."

"It doesn't bother you, does it?"

"I don't know... maybe I'm just not used to it yet. I'll probably be fine."

"CAR-la...!" Rosy snaps, "we already knew this about them before we got married."

"I know," says Carla, "I'll be OK with it. Really... I will. I just have to get used to it."

"We told you yesterday," Jill reminds, "any time you have a problem or concern about it, just tell us. We're married now, and we have to know what everyone's thinking."

"Thanks Jill, but I think I'll be OK. I'm just letting my thoughts come out."

"Us girls do that," Rosy tells them. "We'll say what's on our mind, but just because we say it, it doesn't mean it's a big deal to us."

"That's exactly right!" Carla confirms. "So... these pancakes are ready, who's hungry?"

Once they start eating breakfast, they don't say any more about Jill and Allie being with Steve last night. They've got more immediate things to talk about.

"So what do we have to get done today?" Allie asks. "Besides getting all those lube orders out of here."

"Well, if we're going to be living here," Carla says, "me and Rosy need to go over to our apartment and get some of our clothes."

"Speaking of your apartment," Jill inquires, "when is your rent due?"

"The fifteenth."

"Today is January fourth, so we've got eleven days to get you moved out," Jill figures.

"Is all the furniture yours?"

"No, just the vanity and the bed is ours. Me and Rosy brought those on credit when we started living together. We still owe $250."

"We'll pay that off," Allie says. "I'm wondering where we're gonna put an extra bed and vanity until we can move into our house?"

"We could rent a storage locker," Jill suggests.

"Yeah, we could do that, but how are we gonna move it?"

"I've been thinking," Jill says, "we should probably buy us a truck. We're gonna have to move our bed and vanity out of here, too. We'll need a truck to do it, so we might as well just buy one. And besides that, a truck will probably come in handy when we're living in the country."

"Trade in your car?"

"No, keep my car, it's paid off. Maybe we can find a good used truck in the want ads, and pay cash so it won't be recorded. The girls can drive my car back and forth to work."

"That would be good," Carla says. "Our old Ford has a hundred thirty thousand miles on it. It won't last much longer if we drive it back and forth from the country every day."

"You'd let us drive your car?" Rosy asks.

"Of course," Jill says, "we're family now, we share everything. What's mine and Allie's is also yours and Carla's. The Chevelle isn't my car anymore, it's our car."

"We still gotta unpack our suitcases," Carla says. "We'll have a bunch of smelly clothes to wash."

"Well, it looks like our day is planned. Vacation is officially over," Jill says, "welcome to our new reality."

"I'll unpack the suitcases," Allie says, "and get the wash going while the girls get their clothes."

"Oh that's right!" Carla realizes. "You have a washer and dryer. We won't have to spend hours at the fuckin' laundromat anymore. I'm gonna love being able to do laundry at home."

"I'm gonna keep working on these lube orders," Jill says, "I'm way behind, and I'll have to make a couple more batches today, too."

"I'm off today and tomorrow," Rosy offers. "I'll help you."

After breakfast they all get busy with the day-to-day chores of life. The girls go to their apartment to get their clothes while Allie starts the laundry and Jill works on lube orders.

Rosy knows Carla's still upset about Jill and Allie going to bed with Steve last night, so while they're at their apartment, she decides to have a little talk with her.

"I know you're still pissed about our husbands going to bed with Steve last night," she confronts her.

"Yeah, just a little, I have to admit. But I'll get over it."

"I think you're feeling jealous. You get possessive sometimes, you know. I've seen it in you sometimes when I talk with the lesbian girls at work. We've only been married a week, and if you're starting to feel jealous already, you better work on it. Jealousy can tear a marriage apart."

"I don't think I'm being jealous, but if you're seeing it in me, then maybe I am without realizing it. I will admit, it felt like they gave Steve something that belongs to us. And they were so god-damned fuckin' casual about it, like it's no big deal to them. Maybe that pissed me off a little, too."

"Well, we've always known they have sex with guys at the Club. We talked about it before we got married and we told them it was OK with us. You can't go back on your word and say it's not OK now, just because we're married."

"Yeah, I know you're right. Maybe I am feeling jealous. I love them so much, but I guess I'm gonna have to figure out how to get used to sharing them with other men."

"Maybe that's part of it," says Rosy. "You don't like men and you don't trust them. Maybe you're afraid they'll take them away from us."

"Maybe you're right about that. I'll try not to be so possessive. I don't trust men, that's for sure, but I want to trust our husbands. I love you, Rosy. You know me so well and I want you to show me my weaknesses."

"I love you too, big sister. We all have our weaknesses, but we can't afford to let our weaknesses hurt what we love the most, our marriage and each other."

Back with their husbands, Carla's feeling a little better about things. She can see her jealousy and possessive nature is something she needs to work on.

Before they got married, she would have denied it all and been stubborn about it. But now, as a married woman, she's willing to see her faults and how they can damage the very thing she values most, her marriage with her three lovers.

She has fun helping Allie with the laundry and cleaning the apartment while Jill and Rosy work on lube orders. When it's time for her to go to work, Jill walks her to the door.

"I'll miss you while you're at work, my sweet wife," Jill kisses her. "I'll be waiting for you when you come home."

"I'll be looking forward to it. I'm sorry I was a bitch this morning. I'll try to do better."

"You weren't being a bitch, you were just telling us how you felt. We're married now, and it's important for the four us to know what everyone else is thinking. You don't have to get better, you're perfect just the way you are."

Back in the kitchen, Allie joins in to help with the lube orders. They're only wearing panties as Rosy addresses shipping envelopes and Jill and Allie make new batches and fill bottles. Rosy likes running around topless and entices her husbands to play with her tits from time to time.

When dinner time rolls around, they're tired of working on lube orders. They didn't finish, but got enough done they'll easily be able to get all the orders shipped out tomorrow.

Jill cooks dinner and after Allie and Rosy clean up the kitchen, they settle back on the couch to get stoned and watch TV in their nightgowns. Rosy loves sitting between them and after a while, she offers herself to them by taking off her nightgown and letting them fondle her like a little sex doll.

It's a nice way to spend the evening, being a plaything for her husbands. With her being naked and them wearing nightgowns, Rosy finds it very satisfying giving herself to them like this. She doesn't play with their cocks too much because she knows if she does, she'll end up sucking them both off, and she wants to save the sex until they go to bed.

She's content to just rest her head in their laps and let them play with her pussy and tits. In some ways, this is more satisfying than sex, giving them her body without having to go fuck. She knows she'll be with them the rest of her life, and after dating them all summer, she knows all about fucking. It's discovering the intimate little joys of marriage that excites Rosy the most now.

One of those joys is knowing she'll be sleeping with Allie tonight. She spends most of the night with her head in Jill's lap so she can flirt her pussy to Allie and lightly run her fingers along her cock every once in a while. She's nice and wet when it's time for bed and puts her arms around Allie.

"You ready to make love to me?"

"You know I am. I've been ready all day."

"Then what are we waiting for? You already got me wet."

"You want to come with us, Jill?" Allie invites.

"No, you two go have fun, I'm kinda tired and I'm Carla's lover tonight. I want to save everything I have for her. Me and Rosy will have our fun tomorrow night."

They go into the boy room so Jill and Carla can have the pink sheets tonight. As they get into their sex, there's a difference in the way they do it. Instead of the 'I want to fuck the shit out of you' mindset they were in last week in Tahoe, tonight it's an 'I just want to love you' frame of mind.

Allie tenderly licks her pussy and kisses up her body.

"Would you like me to suck your cock?" Rosy asks as Allie sucks on her nipples.

"You can if you want, but you don't have to. I think you'd rather just lie here and be loved, my sweet little wife."

Allie's perfectly in tune with her wife's feelings. Rosy doesn't really feel like giving a blow job; she only offered it to be a good wife. She just wants to be loved, and not having to suck cock, she immerses herself in the love Allie's giving her.

She feels every vein on Allie's cock as it slowly slides up into her wet vagina. Her arms and legs wrap around her husband as they kiss with a gentle passion. Being married is a different kind of love. Their kissing actually gives them more pleasure than their fucking.

Allie notices her cock is hard as a rock with Rosy. Remembering how she couldn't get a full erection last night with Steve, she's pretty sure it was because she isn't in love with Steve. She's having no problem staying hard for Rosy's pleasure.

The more they kiss, the hotter they get. Their passion builds and Rosy has an orgasm. She then works with Allie to get her to cum, rocking her hips and squeezing her pussy around Allie's pulsing prick. She's more interested in kissing than fucking, but she cums again when Allie explodes inside her.

The warmth of Allie's cum makes her think about how easy it would be to get pregnant with Allie's baby. She's using birth control, of course, but as she thinks about it, she thinks she feels how married women feel when they allow their husbands to get them pregnant. It makes her feel loved as she drifts off to sleep in Allie's arms.

In the living room, Jill's uses her time to meditate and thinks about what Carla said this morning when she found out they went to bed with Steve. She's not aware that Rosy already talked to her, and thinks it would be a good idea for her to tell Carla how she feels about it.

She goes to the door when she hears Carla come home from work. "Hi baby," she greets with a kiss and hug. "I missed you."

"I missed you too, Jillie-love, it feels good coming home to you."

"I rolled us a joint. Wanna unwind?"

"Yeah, I'm tired. I'd like to get stoned."

"How'd you like to soak in a tub of nice hot water with me?"

"This late at night?"

"Why not? We don't have to get up in the morning. We can do anything we want."

"Sure, OK then, maybe I'll like a late-night soak."

Jill turns on the hot water, pouring in lots of scented bath oils before joining Carla and lighting a joint in the living room.

"What did the girls at work say when you told them you got married over Christmas?"

"They couldn't believe it. They knew we've been dating, but they had no idea we were thinking about marriage, with us being lesbians and all."

"Well, a month ago, none of us were thinking about marriage."

"Yeah, it sure came up on us fast, didn't it?"

"Rosy saw it before the rest of us did, and I'm glad she did."

"Our little Rosy sees things sometimes that no one else does."

"She brings beauty into our lives."

"She sure does. She knows me better than anyone ever has."

"I think the tub's full, wanna get in?"

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"Yeah, I'm pretty stoned, I don't need any more pot."

Warm steam fogs the air when they get into the bathroom. Jill's wearing only her nightgown as she kisses and undresses Carla. Carla feels like she did the night she fell in love with Allie, when she stood there, letting Allie undress her before she sucked her dick.

Lifting Jill's nightgown over her head, she feels like kneeling to suck Jill's hard-on. She starts to go down on her, but Jill pulls her close.

"Let's get in the tub," Jill says.

Steam's rolling off the water and it's almost too hot to get in. But as they stand in it kissing the next few minutes, they're able ease themselves the rest of the way in.

"Mmmm... this feels soooo good," Carla says as the hot water warms her to the bone. "I would never thought to get in the tub like this so late at night."

Jill's sitting right behind her, tightly holding her arms around her just below her breasts and kissing her ears and neck, "Being married," she says, "we can do all sorts of things we wouldn't have thought about ourselves."

"I know. Like being married to three people?"

"Yeah... who else has a marriage like this? Society would tell us we can't do it like this. It just isn't natural."

"Well, society can just shove it up their ass," Carla says, "I love what we're doing. Having a different lover every night? What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing, sweet Carla, nothing at all. As long as we're always honest with each other and feel safe telling our secrets to each other."

"Do you have hidden secrets?" Carla asks.

"I can't think of any right now, but I'm sure I must have some. I am wondering, though, about how you feel about me and Allie having sex with other men. I know you said it was OK before we got married, but this morning, it felt like you might be having second thoughts?"

"I have to admit, I was a little pissed when you and Allie acted like it was nothing at all. Me and Rosy talked about it this morning at our apartment. She thinks maybe I'm feeling jealous, and I can't deny that maybe I am. It's just that I love you and Allie so much, I don't want anyone taking you away from us."

"You mean like those guys falling in love with us?"

"Maybe. I'm not really sure what I feel exactly, but it's something like that. When Allie said you two had sex with Steve, I felt like you gave him something that belongs to me and Rosy. I guess you could call it jealousy. I have to work on that, cuz it's not fair to you and Allie for me to feel that way."

"Maybe you feel that way because you don't understand why we do it. We don't love the guys we have sex with, and they don't love us. They just love our sex, and we just love their money. We wouldn't be fucking them at all if it wasn't for the money."

"But you love it when you're having sex with them, don't you?"

"Yes, we love it. We love cock, and we love getting screwed by men. But it's not love like our marriage. It's kinda like the way you love your cooking. You love to cook and you love cooking for us when we're home... right?

"Now... you love cooking for other people too, when you're at work. But you don't love those people, and they don't love you. They love your cooking, but they don't love you. The only reason you cook for them is because you get paid for it.

"When me and Allie are on a date, we're at our job. We love their cocks and they love our asses, but we don't love each other. The only reason we let them fuck us is because they pay us."

"Do you ever fuck the guys when you're on a date?"

"Nope. Never have, and I don't think I ever could. When I'm with a man, it's my place to be the girl and get fucked like a girl. That's all I've ever wanted it to be. Period. Even if they asked me, I don't think I could fuck any of my guys."

"I realize you're both girls inside," Carla says, "and it's only natural to want the girl experience when you're in bed with men. Me and Rosy can never give you that kind of sex, and I don't want to stand in your way when you want it.

"When you talk about why you do it all the time so much with so many guys, I'm starting to see what you mean about it being just a job. And it does makes me feel better, knowing that you're not actually fucking any of those guys."

"The only people me and Allie have ever fucked," Jill assures her, "is each other and you and Rosy... oh yeah... and I did screw Gary's wife Gina one time, but I was on a date and he wanted me to. I'd like you to meet her sometime, I think you and Rosy would like her."

"Hmmm... she's the one who has a girlfriend on the side?"

"Yeah, but it's not exactly 'on the side'. Her husband knows all about it and lets her do it. She knows all about him having sex with me. They're honest and open about it and they have a great marriage."

"Damn, Jill, the way you're explaining it, I'm understanding it a lot better. I don't think I'll feel jealous about it now, but if I do, I'll tell you so we can talk about it. I don't want feelings like this hurting our marriage, and I want you and Allie to have all the cock you need."

"We'll be getting a lot of cock Saturday night. How do you feel about us getting gang banged?"

"The same way, I guess. How many guys usually come?"

"Thirty. It used to be more, but we made a deal. They limit it to thirty guys who pay $200 to get in."

"Shit...! Two hundred times thirty is like, what...?"

"Six thousand dollars. Where else can two transgender girls with no college education make $6000 in three or four hours and have a blast doing it? I still remember the first time I got paid after giving a blow job. I couldn't believe how easy it was to make money doing something I was having fun doing for free.

"And all that money isn't just for me and Allie... it's for you and Rosy too."

"Fuck... I had no idea you make that much."

"Well, we do. And then there's the money we make from dating, and the mid-month meeting. When you add it all up, we make around $10,000 a month being their prostitutes.

"They've always had a couple young guys come in and fuck for money, but they never stuck around long. Me and Allie are different than anything they've ever had. They pay us more because we're half male and half female and we give them better sex. They love it when we dress up for them and act like sluts.

"They love us so much, they even gave us the money to buy our house when I told them we might move to Chicago. And all we have to do is keep fucking them for big dollars the next five years."

"You were thinking about moving to Chicago?"

"Hell no, but I made them think we were, and they bought us a house so we'd stay and be their whores the next five years."

"Geeez Jill..." Carla chuckles, "you can be a tricky little bitch when you want to."

"Hey... whatever it takes to get what I want. But anyways... it's only smart for us to sell our unique transgender brand of sex to these guys while we're still young enough to do it. We won't be young forever, and when we're not young anymore, we'll probably retire as rich prostitutes. We'll have enough money to do anything we want."

The water in the tub is starting to get cold and they're a little chilly when they get out. Carla feels so warm and loved as Jill dries her off and wraps a dry towel around her. They go into the bedroom arm-in-arm, happy to have talked about Carla's concerns like two married people in love.

Carla appreciates Jill being concerned about her feelings, and as they get into bed, she's feeling a level of love she never knew about before. Being in love is one thing. Being in love with someone you've committed to spending the rest of your life with is a different feeling altogether.

She sees Jill's not just thinking about just the next date or the next fuck. Jill's thinking about their lives five, ten, and twenty years into the future. She always knew there was something special about Jill, and tonight she sees another facet of how special Jill really is.

She gives her love freely as she kisses Jill's cheeks, her ears, down her neck and all over her chest. She makes love to her nipples just like she does with Rosy. She feels Jill's feminine side as she makes her moan, sucking her tits and making them throb.

"Oh shit, Carla," Jill moans, "you make my tits feel so good. I can't wait to grow real girl tits."

"You already have real girl tits, baby. Little tits get excited just like big tits. They might not be big tits yet, but they're still real tits. Look at your nipples, sweetheart, popping out all nice and hard. Only girls' tits throb like your tits are throbbing right now."

"You made 'em throb, Carla. I love how you make me throb."

"I'm gonna make your girl-cock throb now, baby. I love you, Jill. I've never loved you as much as I do right now."

Jill can't think straight as Carla kisses her way to her cock. She licks her shaft before going lower to suck her balls. She takes each one into her mouth, gently massaging it with her tongue and relishing the thought of spending her life loving like this. She hasn't sucked their balls much before, but she will from now on; she feels such intimacy doing it for Jill.

Jill's cock is so hard as she rubs her thumb around the head, coating it with the pre-cum oozing from her slit. She savors the taste of her pre-cum coated head as she wraps her lips around it.

She felt submissive to Jill when she had her balls in her mouth. When she puts her mouth around her hard shaft, Jill lets her know she's an equal married partner. She returns her love, running her fingers through Carla's hair as she sucks. Jill's love makes her want to suck more, and Jill enjoys every second until she feels herself getting close to climax.

"Come kiss me, sweetheart, I don't wanna cum just yet."

"You make me feel so good, baby. I could suck your cock all night."

"If you sucked any longer, you woulda had a mouthful of cum."

"I wouldn't have minded."

"I woulda. I wanna fuck you. You got me so hard. Last night when we were with Steve, my cock didn't get hard at all, neither did Allie's."

"Really? You didn't enjoy it that much?"

"Oh, we enjoyed it alright, we just never got hard. I think it's cuz we're not in love with Steve. I'm in love with you, and you make my cock hard."

"Oh Jill-baby, you always know just what to say. I feel so good about everything now. I don't know why I felt the way I did about you having sex with other men, but I don't feel that way now."

"We're married, sweetheart, we can always talk like this whenever we need to."

Jill gives Carla a kiss as she rolls over on top of her. Her cock's still throbbing from Carla's blow job, but she's not sure how long she'll be able to last. She knows Carla wants it right now, so with her cock already at Carla's entrance, she pushes in.

Carla's pussy feels so good around her cock as it slowly sinks into her depths. She wraps her legs around Jill, pressing her heels into her ass. Her fingernails dig into Jill's back, she loves the way Jill fucks. She feels so close to Jill right now, after they've had their intimate talk.

Her soul feels Jill's soul talking to her, telling her it's safe to share anything with her. She need not hold any unpleasant thoughts to herself, Jill will always understand. She loves the way Allie makes her feel, but Allie's never communicated with her soul the way Jill just did.

She moves her hips in perfect harmony with Jill's gentle strokes. Squeezing her muscles around Jill's hard shaft, she feels like she and Jill are the same person. She knows she's in the perfect marriage, loving and living with three people.

Her body controls her mind as they fuck faster, with Jill thrusting with more force. Her female brain tells her to let go, let herself become impregnated with her husband's sperm. She can't help wanting to become pregnant with Jill's child as she's being pounded mercilessly now. She moans with the thought. Writhing under the weight of Jill's body, she wants to feel the warmth of her cum.

Jill feels them both building towards climax. She's surprised she's lasted this long. With Carla's fingernails digging deeper into her back, her legs tightly wrapped around her waist, she loses control. She presses her mouth into Carla's, their tongues fluttering like butterfly wings.

"Fuck me, Jill... fuck me hard baby," Carla cries. Her fingernails rake across Jill's back, leaving streaks of red in their wake.

"Oh God.. I love you Carla," Jill moans as her balls explode inside her wife.

"Gimme your cum, baby," Carla pants, "I looooooove yoooouuuuu!"

Squeezing their arms around each other like they're the only two people in the world, they roll all over the bed as their mutual orgasms consume them. Carla rolls on top of Jill. Jill rolls on top of Carla. Jill's cock stays hard long after she's dumped her load. Coming down from their ecstasy, they kiss and coo, with Jill slowly giving her the last few strokes of love before her cock loses its hardness.

They smile at each other as their brains begin functioning again. Carla feels so safe in Jill's arms; she's given Jill her complete trust. She knows she can tell Jill anything now, and she tells her what she's thinking right now.

"Damn Jill, I don't think I've ever been so turned on."

"Me neither, it felt like we were the same person when we had our orgasm together."

"You know what I was thinking?" Carla whispers. "You'll probably think this is crazy."

"No I won't, you can tell me."

"Well, I've never, ever thought this before, but right before we came, I was feeling so much love for you, I was wanting you to get me pregnant. I wanted to have your baby."

"Really...? I thought you never wanted kids?"

"I don't. And I still don't, now that my brain is working again. But I was so worked up, I wanted to get pregnant with your baby. For a few minutes there, I absolutely lost control of my mind.

"I can see now why so many young girls get pregnant. They get so wound up in the moment they can't control their thoughts. That's where I was a bit ago, I couldn't control myself. Thank God for birth control."

"Yeah, thank God for that. I don't think I could get you pregnant, even if we wanted to. They told us before we started taking the testosterone blockers that we'll become sterile. They said it'll happen after we've been on 'em two or three months. We've been on 'em two months now, so I might already be sterile."

"That's good to know. When they're completely sure you can't get us pregnant, me and Rosy won't have to use birth control anymore. That'll be nice."

"You know what's nicer than that? What's nice is that we love each other enough that we could have a baby together if we really wanted to. It warms my heart knowing you trust me enough to let me get you pregnant. We won't have the baby, but we'll always have the trust."

"Oh yes, sweetheart. I trusted you before, but I didn't trust you completely, like I trust you now. It's funny how being married changes the way we think about things."

"I think it's wonderful. We don't have to think about the next fuck anymore, cuz we're living with the next fuck, and it'll always be here for us when we want it. Now we're free to think about the next year, and the next ten years. Thinking about the rest of my life with you and Rosy and Allie, all I see is good things happening for us.

"And I'm always gonna be wanting to get you pregnant, Carla, you can count on that. But you won't be getting pregnant with babies, you'll be getting pregnant with ideas. Ideas and desires we can't even imagine yet. With the four of us in love and thinking the same thoughts, all of us getting pregnant with the same ideas and desires? Sheeee-it... there isn't anything we can't do."

Written by Jilluvscox
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